Index: B

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1877.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529, ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Edited by Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: B". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 3 Part 2, 1527-1529. Ed. Pascual de Gayangos (London, 1877), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Babari (?) on the Adda, 1037.

Babri, Babari, v. Waury and Rupt, 249, 1037.

Baçan, v. Bazan.

Badajoz, bishop of, v. Mesa.

-, pension on the bishopric of, assigned to Wolsey; payment of, recommended by Praet, 8.

Badajoz, pension on the bishopric of, to be increased by others in Castille or Aragon, ii. 483.

Baeza, v. Sanchez de Baeza.

Baglione, Braccio, brother of Malatesta, at Perugia, ii. 960.

-, Malatesta, general of the papal infantry, 762, 831; ii. 45, 692.

-, -, attacks Cremona, 831.

-, -, peace between, and Pandolfo Malatesta, through the intervention of Francis, ii. 960.

-, -, Lodi surprised by, ii. 1002.

-, Orazio, Italian condottiere.

-, Clement sets free, and gives him the command of his infantry, ii. 6, 42, 67, 236.

-, -, appointed captain-general of the Florentines, ii. 663, 693, 696.

-, -, killed before Naples, ii. 693.

-, -, his body taken to Perugia, ii. 694.

Bagnorea (Rom. Stat.), bishop of, v. Solis.

Baia, Baja, Naples, ii. 427, 450.

Bailliage des Bois, in Hainault, vacant by Lannoy's death; applied for by Pierre de Veyre, ii. 411.

Balançon, sieur de, v. Rye.

Balcrique v. Valtkerke.

Ballon, Malatesta and Orazio, v. Baglione.

Baltolina, v. Val Tellina.

Bamberg, bishop of, v. Redwitz.

Bande Nere, or the Black Bands, so called from their wearing mourning after the death of their commander Griovannino de' Medici; defend Frosinone, ii. 40.

-, sent to the defence of Florence, ii. 157.

-, dismissed from the pope's service; quit Rome after sacking some houses, ibid.

Bannissis or Bannisio (Jacopo de), secretary to Maximilian, and archbishop of Bari, 150, 161, 249, 266, 461, note.

-, -, called also Bannismes, 150, note.

-, -, letter to the emperor, 261.

Bannismes? v. Bannisiis.

Baptista, Giovan, secretary to doge Adorno, 1053.

Barahona, Luis, imperial messenger, ii. 317, 530, 871, 873, 879, 898, 903.

Barba, Bernardino della, papal nuncio in Milan, 556, 584.

-, -, suspected of having encouraged the rebellion in that city, 683.

-, -, leaves suddenly for Rome, 695–6, 721.

-, -, Soria writes in favourable terms of, ii. 755.

-, -, in Piacenza as papal commissary, 875.

Barbadasi, Marchione, imperial advocate in Rome; death of, 456.

Barbanara, Dr. Mercurino, appointed by the city of Milan to go on a mission to the emperor, 596.

Barbarino (Barberino), in Tuscany, Bourbon's march to Sasso and, ii. 130.

Barbesieux, also written Barbigios and Barbesós, v. Rochefoucauld.

Barcelona, the bishopric of, given by the pope to cardinal Cortona, 262, 269, 274.

-, -, asked by Sessa for his brother Don Juan de Cordoba, or for the archbishop of Monreale (Cardona), 263.

-, letters dated from, ii. 516, 684.

-, fleet to be fitted out at, for the emperor's passage to Italy, ii. 757.

-, bishops of, v. Cardona (Luis), Silvio Passerino and Vich.

Barco, Dr., corregidor of Almansa, letter to the emperor (1528), ii. 358.


-, surrenders to the confederates, ii. 747, 800.

-, duke of, v. Sforza (Francesco).

-, archbishop of, v. Bannisis, Merino.


-, besieged and taken by the Venetians, ii. 657.

-, the imperialists try to recover Trani and, ii. 856.

-, relieved by Renzo da Ceri, ii. 857.

-, prior of, v. Martinengo (Gabriele).

Barnaby, Thomas, English merchant; safe-conduct refused to, 34.

Baron, Dr., letter to the emperor, ii. 507.

Barragan, Spanish captain, 164.


-, -, sent on various missions, 483.

-, -, Margaret's instructions to, ii. 373.

Barthelemi, Dr., ii. 830.

Bartholomeo, agent of the Colonnese in Spain, credentials to, 541.

Bartolini, Onofrio, archbishop of Pisa, to be one of the hostages for the pope, ii. 232, 237.

Barze ? close to Voghera. The Spanish infantry under Sarmiento arrive at, ii. 875.

Basil, V. (Vasilius), duke of Muscovy, ii. 579.

-, -, letter to, ii. 331.

Basset (or Baset) Giraldo, secretary to the ambassador Lope de Soria, ii. 209.

Bastard galleys of Venice to be fitted out, ii. 176.

Bastida, Mossen, governor of Castellamare, recommended by the prince of Orange, ii. 698.

Basto, v. Guasto.

Basurto, Alonso, Spanish captain at Naples, ii. 697.

Basyng, Roger, sent on a mission to Spain (1525), 172.

Bath, bishop of, v. Clerk.

Batoniense, v. Clerk, bishop of Bath and Wells.


-, sent on a mission to Spain, 237,250.

-, Waury, Bauri, &c., 740; ii. 625.

Baubery, Baury, and v. Waury, ii. 740.

Bavaria, Lewis, duke of, 888; ii. 796.

-, in command of the German cavalry, 952, 1053; ii. 796.

-, William, competitor for the crown of Hungary, 1053; ii. 796.

Baya, v. Baia.

Bayard, Gilbert, generally called L'Eslu Bayart, chamberlain and secretary of king Francis; his embassy to Charles, ii. 48, 50, 374.

-, signs the marriage contract between Francis and Eleonor, ii. 62, 283, 285.

-, takes leave of the emperor a Burgos, ii. 548.

Bayeux, bishop of, v. Canossa.

-, bailli of, on a mission from Francis to the pope, ii. 838.

Bayna, Bayno, v. Vayna.

Bayonne, in France, king Francis to be conveyed by Lannoy as far as, 562.

-, imperial courier arrested at, 763.

-, bishop of, v. Bellay (Jean).

Bazan, D. Alvaro de, Spanish admiral in the Mediterranean, ii. 447, 757.

Bearn, prince of, v. Albret.

Beatrice, daughter of Emanuel king of Portugal, infanta of Spain, and duchess of Savoy, 313–5, 585, 884.

-, why called infanta of Spain, 610, 655.

-, tries to maintain her husband's alliance with the emperor, 223–4, 790.

Beauce, province of France, to be invaded, 128 132.

Beaurain, v. Croy.

Bechon, a port in Sardinia, the imperial galleys touch at, 948.

Beccaria, also written Becharia, Marco di, ii. 421.

-, Matheo and Giovanni Georgio, citizens of Pavia, their petition, 277.

Becharia, v. Beccaria.

Begliarmati, Ippolito, a Siennese, ii. 998.

Behovie, a town of Guipuscoa, 619.

Bejar, duke of, v. Zuñiga.

Belchite, in Aragon; archdeaconry of, given by .Clement VII. to cardinal Rangone, 274.

-, to secretary Soria, ii. 66, 78.

Belgioioso, count Alberigo or Alberico di, in the emperor's service, ii. 307, 345, 421, note.

-, count Lodovico di, defends Pavia, against Lautrec, ii. 280, 307, 360.

Belgioioso, count Lodovico di, obliged to capitulate, ii. 419–20.

-, -, defeated between Pavia and Milan, ii. 426–7.

-, -, sent by Leyva to the relief of Genoa, ii. 678, 880, 906.

Belgrade, in Servia, taken by the Turks, 1013.

Beljoyosso, v. Belgioioso.

Belinçona (Belinzona in Switzerland), 855.

Bellai, Bellay, Guillaume du, sieur de Langeay, chamberlain to Francis, 1028; ii. 38, 93.

-, -, French ambassador in Rome, ii. 236, 259, 288, 1003.

-, -, Jean du, bishop of Bayonne, French ambassador in Venice, ii. 677.

-, -, Martin, 1003.

-, -, René du, ibid.

Bellona, La, ii. 631.

Belluno, Cividad di (Venice), ii. 357.

Beltran, Joan, 1004.

-, Geronimo?, 1052.

Belvedere, palace of the, at Rome, Fr. Francisco de Los Angeles, lodged at, 1020, 1021, 1033; ii. 42, 87, 93, 827.

Benafra, Benaffra, Benafro (Venafro?), Antonio di, a Neapolitan, letter to the emperor, 242.

-, -, sent on a mission to Rome, 403–4, 406.

-, -, count of (Pandone?), French partisan in Naples, arrested by his own vassals and delivered to the imperialists, ii. 783.

Benalcazar, Luis de, Spanish captain, ii. 697.

Benarea, v. Bagnorea.

Benedetto, Micer, sent to Italy by archduke Ferdinand, 938.

Benevento (Rom. Stat.), pawned by the pope to the Spaniards, ii. 251, 312, 612.

-, abandoned by the imperialists, ii. 664.

-, recovered, ii. 774.

Beni (Aubeni, Obeni, Dauberrin), Mons. de, see Aubigny.

Benisaló (Valencia), arrival of Francis at, 254.


-, -, English ambassador to the pope (1529), ii. 893.

Bentivogli, family of the, called the " Bentiurlas" by Lope de Soria, 760.

-, -, recalled by the Bolognese, 942.

-, -, released from prison by cardinal Cibo, ii. 296.

-, -, matters between the, and the Bolognese, settled through the intervention of the duke of Ferrara, ii. 382.

Bentivoglio, Alessandro, in the service of the duke of Milan, takes Casalmaggiore, 49.

-, -, appointed one of the "conservatori" of Milan, 430.

Bentivoglio, Alessandro, the rocca or castle of, taken from him by the castellan of Mus, ii. 281.

-, prothonotary, arrested on suspicion of his being in secret correspondence with the Bolognese, 1036.

Bentivolla and Bentivoille, Allessandro, v. Bentivoglio.

Bergamasco (Lombardy), 141, 831.

-, the confederates defeated by Leyva in the, ii. 621.

Bergamo, the Venetians fall back on, ii. 695.

Bergenroth, Gustav Adolph, notice of, Int. i. ii.

-, -, his collection of transcripts from Simancas, in the British Museum; quoted, 42, 560, 743; ii. 4, 797, 907.

Bergues (Berghes),town of Flanders; English merchants forbidden to send goods to the fair of, ii. 182, 189–90, 193, 206.

-, general discontent produced by that measure, ii. 207.

Berghes, Jean, marquis de, comte de Wallain, privy councillor in Flanders, 36, 212.

Berlanga, marquis of, v. Tovar, Fernandez de Velasco.

Bermeo, a seaport on the coast of Biscay, ii. 884.

Bermudez, Pero, a gentleman of Galicia, 642.

Bernaldino, count, ii. 176.

Bernardino, Fr., vice-admiral of the French fleet, v. Ormesan and St. Brancard.

Bersel, Bersil, v. Vercelli.

Berticello, a celebrated Neapolitan robber, v. Verticello.

Bertinberg, v. Wurtemberg.


-, appointed to superintend the works of the citadel at Aquila, ii. 927.

Berzer, Bartholomew, banker at Augsburg, v. Welzer.

Berzosa, collection at Simancas, ii. 698.

-, Clement's letter to the emperor in the, ii. 444.

Besançon, in Burgundy, archbishopric of, solicited by Lachaulx for one of his sons, ii. 818.

Bethencourt, Girart de, servant of the prince of Orange; sent on various messages to the emperor, ii. 625, 706.

Betrala (Vetralla), the camp of the confederates at, raised (1527), ii. 234–5.

Beurren, v. Buren and Egmont, frequently mistaken for Beaurain, ii. 668.

Bevers, lord, v. Bèvres and Bourgoigne.

Beyre, v. Veyre and Migliau.

Biada, la, office so called, at Milan, ii. 421, note.

Biagrassa, v. Abbiategrassa.

Bibiena, Antonio di, cardinal of Sta. Maria in Porticu, 658.

Bibiena, Micer Angelo di, nephew of cardinal Antonio Bibiena, abbot of Santa Maria of Ossera in Galicia, 658.

Bichi, Alessandro, called also Vic and Vichi, murdered at Sienna, 138, 147, 159, 247.

-, -, a son of, follows Severino at sea and tries to assassinate him, 264.

Biella, also written Viella and Viela (town of Piedmont), to lodge and feed a number of imperial men-at-arms, 320–1.

Billia, Chavalier Francesco di (Viglia or Villa), secretary to the duke of Milan, 304, 319, 323, 390, 551-2, 912, 999.

-, -, affidavit of, 318.

Binasco, castle of, 448.

-, taken by Leyva, ii. 989.

Birago, Cesare da, 465.

-, Galeazzo da, Milanese emigrant, 57.

-, asks to be employed under Leyva, 229; ii. 371.

-, Giovanni da, Italian condottiere in the service of the League, 57, 121, 803, 846.

-, -, occupies the Carmagnola, 777, 860, 864.

-, -, is to join the confederates before Alessandria, 851, 890.

-, cavalier, son of Galeazzo, ii. 371.

-, Pietro da, goes over to the imperialists, and defends Frusolone, ii. 307.

-, -, prisoner of the French at Alessandria, ii. 417, 419.

Bisbal, Fernando de, takes service under the French, ii. 869.

Bishops, the pope insists upon the bulls of imperial, being issued by supplication and not by presentation, ii. 928.

Bisignano, prince of, governor of Tarento; assists in the defence of Calabria attacked by the French, ii. 711, 769.

-, -, deserts the emperor's banners and goes over to the enemy, ii. 868–9.

-, -, letter to the emperor, ii. 492.

Bitelo, v. Vitelli.

Bitonto (Naples), bishop of, v. Alarcon (Lope).

Blancha Rosa, Rosa Biancha, &c, surname of Richard de la Pole.

Blieul or Dublioul, L., secretary to Margaret, 36, 179.

-, letter countersigned by, 8.

Blioul, Laurent de, seigneur de Sart, v. Du Blieul.

Blois in France, the court at, 563.

Bluemantle, English messenger, arrives in Spain, 7th April 1527 (1368), 146, note, 194, 206; ii. 227.

Bobadilla, Francisco de, bishop of Salamanca, 160, 323, 326, 333, 394, 974.

Bocadada (Bocca d'Adda) in the Cremonese, St. Pol crosses the Pò at, ii. 769.

Boczuto (?), Troiano, his petition to the emperor, ii. 530.

Boghera, v. Voghiera.

Bohemia, kings of, v. Ferdinand, Louis.

-, list of candidates for the crown of, after the death of king Louis, 640,644.

-, archduke Ferdinand elected king of, 996; ii. 44, 98.

-, a bishop from, sent by the pope to reduce the lansquenets under Fruntsperg, 1057.

Bohemian ambassador in London furnishes information to Mendoza, ii. 230.

Bohemians in league with the duke of Wurtemberg threaten Austria, 89.

-, gallant defence of Peterwardein by the, 895.

Boiano (Naples), the Germans pass muster at, ii. 868.

-, Duca di', v. Pandone.

Boil, Don Guillen, bishop of Gerona, 456; ii. 506–7, 635.

Boleyn, Anne, forms an alliance with the dukes of Norfolk and Suffolk to ruin Wolsey, 886.

-, -, sent back to her father previous to the arrival of Campeggio in London, ii. 784, 789, 886.

-, -, preparations for her wedding, ii. 789.

-, -, to delay which cardinal Wolsey will do his utmost, as he is afraid of her, ii. 790,846.

-, Thomas, viscount Rochfort, 211; ii. 886.

-, -, arrears of pension due to, by the emperor, 550.

Bollenguer, Boulengier, v. Richard.

Bologna, papal legate at, v. Cibo.

-, the cardinals to meet at, Verona, or Civittà, Castellana in the event of Clement's death, ii. 946.

-, letters dated from, ii. 610.

-, reported revolt at, 942.

-, the Bentivogli again admitted into, ibid.

-, the pope intends fixing his residence at, 943.

-, Bourbon's army within one mile of Bologna, ii. 120.

-, fresh revolution in, ii. 312.

-, Lautrec in the Bolognese, ii. 533, 536, 538, 540.

-, Gian Jacopo da', ii. 978.

-, Pietro da, ibid.

Bolognese, the passes in the, to be shut against the French army, 71.

Bolzano, in Tyrol, muster of the Germans under Fruntsperg at, 569, 655, 851.

Bonamenta (Buonamenta?), a servant of the datary Giberti, sent to Milan on a secret mission, 389.

Bonaventura, v. Buonaventura.

Bonifacio, straits of, between Corsica and Sardinia, 1006; ii. 346.

Bonnels, chamberlain to the king of France, ii. 636.

Bonnivet, v. Gouffier (Guillaume).

Bonizzi, Niccolo, merchant in London (1525), 209.

Bordeaux, the court of France at, 639.

Bordier, Henri, "Les Archives de la France, Paris, 1855, 8vo.," quoted, Int. vi.

Borghese, Petrucci, a citizen of Siena, 917, 1003; ii. 979.

Borghesino, son of Pandolfo Petrucci, tyrant of Sienna, 917.

-, called Burgherino by mistake, ii. 1003.

Borgho, di San Pietro, at Rome, fortified by order of the pope, ii. 169, 173.

-, -, taken by the imperialists, ii. 195–6.

-, -, the Spaniards occupy the, ii. 216, 219.

Borgius, Hieronymus, Latin distichs of, 833.

Borgo, baron del, a Sicilian in the papal service, sent by the pope on a mission to Zapolsky, the vayvod of Transylvania, 994, ii. 256.

-, -, accepts the command of the papal forces against the Colonnese, 994.

-, -, at Rome, in the service of the Medici, ii. 923.

-, -, spoken of as likely to go to Spain as nuncio, ibid.

-, Andrea del, v. Burgo.

Borgoforte, Lombardy, the confederates defeated by Fruntsperg at, 1037; ii. 40.

Borgoña, imperial herald, takes to France the answer to the challenge, ii. 738, 816; v. Bourgogne.

Borja, Dr., sent on a mission to Germany, 102.

Bornamisa, Hungarian noble, refuses to give up to Ferdinand the citadel of Possony or Presburg, ii. 279.

Boron, v. Brown.

Borrello, count of, v. Pignatello.

Borromeo, count Carlo, the defence of Lacco Maggiore entrusted by Leyva to, ii. 280.

-, count Federigo, a Milanese, deserts to the French, ii. 320.

-, count Giovanni, in command of the forces of Francesco Sforza, ii. 280.

Borsberg, Erasmus von, ii. 382.

-, -, letter of, containing news from Hungary, 193.

Boscho (Lombardy), 49.

-, taken by Lautrec, ii. 36, 368, 399, 426.

Bosnia, the Turks of, threaten to invade the estates of archduke Ferdinand, 89.

-, Sangiac of, 451.

Bossio, Antonio, knight of St. John, ii. 786.

Bossu, Mr. de, leaves Lyons for Spain, 561.

Botticella, also written Botigela, Pietro Francesco, a Milanese, ii. 399, 421.

Botton or Bouton, Claude de, sieur de Corbaron, v. Courtbaron.

Bouclans or Bouclains, sieur de, v. Lallemand.

Boullant, v. Boleyn.

Boullengier (Bollenguer), 182, 190, 198, 373, v. also Richart.

Boulogne-sur-Mer, the counties of Vermandois and, demanded from France, 62.

-, -, garrison of, to be strengthened, 209.

-, -, to be ceded to England, together with Abbeville and Montreuil in consideration of Mary's marriage, ii. 130, 154, 208, 228.

-, -, negociations for the cession of, ii. 208, 271, 273.

-, -, said to be the chief object of Wolsey's journey to France, ii. 275, 278.

Bourbon, Charles, duke of, lord high constable of France, at Lodi, 22.

-, -, his campaign in France unsuccessful, 31, 32.

-, -, alluded, 63, 90, 100, 104, 194.

-, -, notice of, Int. xxxiii; ii, xii, xvii.

-, -, obliged to pawn his own jewels to pay the Germans, 254, 266.

-, -, goes to Spain, and lands at Barcelona (13th Oct. 1525), 360, 369, 384, 423.

-, -, returns and lands at Genoa (28th June 1526), 770.

-, -, falls into discredit owing to his long absence, 774.

-, -, the castle of Milan surrenders to, 802, 805, 815–6.

-, -, small importance attached by the pope and the Venetians to his movements, as he is known to have brought no money or troops from Spain, 793.

-, -, a steward of, sent by him to Burgundy, 790, 798.

-, -, enters Milan (6th July) 795.

-, -, defeats the confederates, 797.

-, -, disliked by the Spaniards, and on bad terms with Leyva, 840.

-, -, the investiture of Milan to be given to, in compensation for his not marrying Eleonor, the emperor's sister, 563, 882.

-, -, deed of investiture in his favour (6th Feb. 1526), 331.

-, -, his wanton expenditure, and frequent quarrels with the imperial treasurers, 901.

-, -, sends one of his secretaries (La Mothe?) to the pope, 1021.

-, -, decides to attack Clement after the landing of Lannoy, 1014.

-, -, joins the lansquenets under Fruntsperg and Sittig, ii. 9. 38.

Bourbon, Charles, duke of, lord high constable of France, marches on Bologna and Florence, ii. 68.

-, -, sends a threatening message to the pope, and demands Modena, Lodi, and Cremona as security for the peace, ii. 11.

-, -, the Spaniards and Germans of his army rise in mutiny, 1011; ii. 90, 131.

-, -, -, plunder his tent and oblige him to take shelter in Fruntsperg's quarters, ii. 131–2.

-, -, receives orders from Spain to stop on his march, ii. 133.

-, -, the troops under his command oblige him to go on, ii. 134.

-, -, and march on the Bolognese, ibid 149.

-, -, intercepted letters from the viceroy imply a preconcerted plan to attack Rome, and not to abide by the truce, ii. 147, 149.

-, -, on bad terms with Lannoy, ibid.

-, -, advised by the duke of Ferrara to advance on Rome, and oblige the pope to come to terms, ii. 130.

-, -, attacks Rome, and is killed before its walls (6th May 1527), ii. 196, 201, 209, 230.

-, -, his servants recommended to the emperor's charity, ii. 218.

-, -, much regretted by the army on account of his bravery, ii. 240.

-, -, leaves many debts, ii. 307.

-, -, body of, to be taken to Milan, ii. 308.

-, -, a nephew of, attempts to deliver one of the gates of Naples to the French, ii. 722.

-, -, his differences with Lannoy and Ferramosca, Int. xxxiii, ii.

-, -, letters to Lope de Soria, 132, 133, (1527); ii. 26.

-, Charles, duke of Vendome, governor of Picardy, quarrels with Lautrec, 150.

-, -, leaves for the frontiers of Flanders, 483.

-, -, mentioned, ii. 643.

-, François de, comte de St. Pol, prisoner at Pavia, 50.

-, -, recovers his liberty, 143, 160, 202.

-, -, mentioned in the treaty of Madrid, 165.

-, -, leaves for Picardy, 483.

-, -, expected in London, ii. 36.

-, -, in Italy, ii. 346, 734.

-, -, to be appointed lieutenant-general in Italy, 569, 610, 658, 793, 801.

-, -, arrives at Asti, ii. 754, 759.

-, -, attacks and takes Pavia, ii. 793, 799.

-, -, at variance with the duke of Urbino, ii. 759.

Bourbon, François de, comte de St. Pol, supposed to have gone suddenly to France owing to the king's dangerous illness, ii. 768.

-, cardinal Louis de, ii. 362.

-, -, signs the petition of the cardinals assembled at Compiegne, ii. 386.

-, Margaret of, duchess of Savoy, ii. 998.

Bourdeaux, second president of, v. Calvimont.

-, archbishop of, v. Foix (Jean de).

Bourges, archbishop of, v. Tournon.

Bourgogne, the government of, given to M. de Guise, 145.

-, duchy of, v. Burgundy.

-, -, county of, claimed by the emperor as part of his father's inheritance.

-, (Borgoña) king-at-arms of Charles. Takes his answer to the challenge of Francis, ii. 737, 790, 816.

-, Isabella of, mother of Praët, the ambassador, Int. xii.

Bourgoigne, Adolf de, sieur de Bèvres, grand admiral of Flanders, ambassador in England, 36, 76, 85, 95–6, 102; Int. xvi.

-, -, instructions to, 28, 59.

-, -, letters to Margaret of Austria (1525), 33, 39, 40, 43, 46, 61, 62, 67, 72, 74, 75, 78, 79, 86, 97, 98.

-, -, to the emperor, 48, 111, 113, 114.

Bouton, Jean, called also Botton and Button, sieur de Courtbaron, imperial ambassador in England, 1041,1059.

-, -, letter to the emperor, 616.

-, -, Claude de, 1010.

Boyano, v. Boiano.

Bozano, Federigo da, v. Bozzolo andGonzaga.

Bozzolo, Federigo da, v. Gonzaga.

Brabant (Low Countries), 81.

Bracamonte, Alvaro de, sent on various missions to the emperor, 228, 231, 303, 319, 341.

-, captain Pedro de, 126, 225, 237; ii. 697.

Braça, Olo de (?), ii. 458.

Bracciano (Rom. Stat.), the abbot of Farfa at, ii. 426, 428.

Bradford, William; his correspondence of Charles V. and translation of the emperor's Intinerary by Vandenesse; quoted. Int. ii. xvii; 14, 106, 197, 483, 547, 785, 864, 990.

Bragadino, Lorenzo, Venetian ambassador in France, 822.

Braganza, Joâo duke of, ii. 617, 619.

-, Dom Theodosio, son of the above, 619.

Brandenbroc, v. Brandenburg.

Brandenburg, Albert of, archbishop, elector of Maintz (1514–31), and cardinal, ii. 682, 796, 815.

-, -, to be Wolsey's delegate in Germany, ii. 437.

Brandenburg, Casimir, marquis of, and his brothers, expelled from Franconia by the revolted German peasants (1525), i. 174.

-, -, commands an army against the vayvod of Transylvania, ii. 278–9, 291.

-, Frederic? margrave and duke of, 1053.

-, Joachim I., marquis of (1495–1535), ii. 680, 796.

-, John, marquis of, marries Germaine de Foix, widow of Ferdinand, the Catholic, of Spain, ii. 692, note.

-, William (Guillaume), competitor for the crown of Bohemia, 1053.

Brandon, Charles, duke of Suffolk, 31.

-, pension paid by the emperor to, 549.

-, present at a conference between Wolsey and the imperial ambassador Don Iñigo de Mendoza, ii. 107.

-, purchases armour, ii. 190.

Bravo, Sancho, sent on a mission to Portugal, ii. 148.

Breda, sieur de, v. Nassau.

Bredan, Mons. de, imperial messenger, 127.

Bregilles, Esq., Jean de?, a messenger of Margaret of Austria, 107.

Brego (Obregon?), a Spaniard, sent with a message from the pope to the emperor. 1049.

Bremen, archbishop of, v. Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel.

Bresburg, v. Pressburg.

Brescia (Lombardy), German reinforcements under Fruntsperg, marching into Lombardy by way of, 1018.

-, Venetian providitor sent to, ii. 665, 677.

-, Francesco Sforza at, in consequence of the plague having broken out at Cremona, 749.

Bressano (Bresciano), 141, 831.

Bresse (Burgundy, France), governor of, 660.

Bressello, Brescello, on the river Pò, the confederates arrive at, 1002, 1031.

Bretagne, the dauphin (François), duke of, son of king Francis, kept as hostage in Spain, 880.

-, admiral of, v. Saint Brancard.

-, duke of, v. Valois.

Breton, French secretary, ii. 407.

Brewer, Dr. J. S., quoted, 219, 750, 1010; ii. 3, 17,35, 66, 146, 184, 201, 206,207, 209, 424.

Briana, Brianza, mountains, ii. 280.

Briantuck, v. Tuke.

Bribes, the offer of, a common practice in the XVI cent., Int. ii. xxix.

-, made by Don Iñigo to Wolsey and others, 549; ii. 24, 483.

-, approved of by Granvelle, ii. 144.

-, to Lallemand and other members of the emperor's privy council in the name of the archduke, ii. 98.

Bribes to Pero Garcia by the duke of Milan, 552; Int. ii.

Briceño, Christoval, his death recorded, 1018.

Bridewell, king Henry receives Campeggio at, ii. 839.

Brief, papal, &c, of absolution to those concerned in the trial and execution of the bishop Acuña, 614.

-, -, much solicited at Rome, and obtained at last under certain restrictions, 691, 729, 1052.

-, -, of dispensation for the marriage of the emperor and of Isabella of Portugal, 262-3.

-, -, amendment to be made in the, at the emperor's request, 313, 370, 461.

-, of dispensation; two granted by Julius II. for the marriage of Katharine and Henry, ii. 789.

-, one, differing materially from the other, found in London, ibid, 805.

-, an attested copy of the original to be procured from Rome, ibid.

-, objections raised in England against the second dispensation by Julius, ii. 849.

-, Don Iñigo requested by Katharine to communicate the intelligence to the imperial ambassadors at Rome, ibid.

-, two said to have been granted. One of which attested copies could be found, in England and Spain; a second and fuller, the original of which was only in the emperor's hands, ii. 882.

-, Henry's treasurer to be sent to Spain to ascertain whether Charles has or has not in his possession the original dispensation by Julius, ii. 854–5, 877, 884.

-, Henry makes Katharine swear that she will do all she can to persuade her nephew to send the original brief to England, 877, 882.

-, Katharine's servant (Montoya) takes to Spain a letter to that effect, ii. 877, 884.

-, and a verbal message besides, telling the emperor not to attend to her wishes, as she has been compelled to write in that sense, ii. 884-5.

-, exhibited and read at Burgos in the presence of the English ambassadors (1529), ii. 967.

Brienne, count de, v. Luxembourg.

Brindisi (Naples), holds out against the Venetians, ii. 677, 698.

-, warder of, recommended by the prince of Orange, ii. 698.

Brinon, Jean, seigneur de Villaines .' Humières, president of the French regent's council, of Rouen in Normandy, chancellor of Alençon, Int. xiii; 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 26, 27, 139; ii. 424.

-, -, arrives in London (20th June 1525); is lodged at Wolsey's treasurer's, 23, 26, 42.

Brinon, Jean, Praët and his colleagues complain of the reception made to, 79.

-, -, instructions of the queen regent (Louise) to, ii. 211.

-, -, oration delivered by, in London, comparing the emperor to the antichrist, ii. 443.

Brion, Mons. de. See Chabot.

Bristol, the agent of the Fuggers in London leaves for, 50.

Brixen, Brixinon (Brixinium), in the Tyrol, ii. 806, 820, 832.

Broke, John, English messenger, ii. 17.

Brouage, a town of the province of Saintonge in France; salt to be delivered at, to English merchants, ii. 192.

Brown, sir Anthony, grand equerry, or master of the horse, to Henry, ii. 443.

Bruges, conferences at, between the emperor and Wolsey, 13.

-, merchants of, refuse to admit woollen stuffs from England, 754.


-, -, anxiously expected by the imperialists, ii. 570, 666-7.

-, -, arrives in Italy, ii. 675.

-, -, sends a declaration of war to Venice, ii. 675, 685.

-, -, -, the herald who took it arrested in the Veronese, ii. 678.

-, -, wastes his time in Lombardy, ii. 770, 774–5.

-, -, described in Soria's despatches as quite unfit for the command, ii. 760-2.

-, -, cannot manage his Germans, who threaten to go home unless paid every fortnight, ii. 675.

-, -, goes back to Germany with most of his men, ii. 774-5, 797.

-, -, letter to Andrea Gritti, ii. 419.

Brunswick-Wolfenbuttel, Christopher, archbishop of Bremen, ii. 576.

-, -, the emperor's letter to, and to other electors of Germany, 332.

Brussels, archives of Burgundy at, Int. i., ii., xxxii.

-, letters dated from, 54.

Bryneford (Brentford), 62.

Buccha, Manfredino, his petition to the emperor, ii. 530.

Bucklance, v. Bouclans.

Buda, ancient capital of Hungary, taken by the Turks, 899, 938, 944, 953, 960, 1013.

-, abandoned by Zapolsky, ii. 425.

-, recovered by Ferdinand, ii. 383, 596.

-, provost of, sent on a mission to Italy, 956.

Bugati, Gasparo, Italian historian, ii. 1000.

Buldristan (?), German captain; sent on a message from the duke of Brunswick to Lope de Soria, ii. 761-2.

Bultistan (?), German captain; his enmity towards Maximiano, another German captain, causes the loss of Boscho ii 368.

Buonaventura, secretary to the duke of Ferrara, ii. 455.

-, letter to Sanchez, ii. 237.

Buon Porto, in the Modenese, the imperialists under Bourbon quartered at, 131.

Buren (Bueren, Beurren), comte de, v. Egmont.

Burgia, v. Borgo.

Burgo, Micer Andrea del, count of Castel Leone, a Cremonese, the archduke's agent in Italy, 161.

-, -, detained by illness in Genoa. 279, 342.

-, -, sent on a mission to Venice, ii. 161, 283, 288, 299, 342, 552, 796.

-, -, to Ferrara, 155, 299, 310-1; ii. 387, 444, 533, note, 552, 557, 657, 775.

-, -, at La Mirandola with Soria, ii. 775.

-, -, leaves for Mantua, ii. 801.

-, -, at Rome, 866, 995.

-, -, in Naples, 924.

-, -, called also Borgo, ii. 923.

-, -, letters to the emperor, 161, 213, 215, 230, 231, 234, 246, 257, 299, 455.

-, -, to archbishop Centellas, ii. 362–3.

-, baron del, papal nuncio in Hungary, v. Borgo and Burgia.

-, Theobald de, ii. 993.

Burgos, a city of old Castille, the emperor receives at, the ambassadors of France and England, ii. 548–51.

-, letters dated from, 619–20, 222, 295–8, 308–9, 323–32.

-, bishopric of, conferred upon Don Iñigo de Mendoza, ii. 293.

-, pension upon, to Nicolas Schomberg, 661.

-, Pedro de, gentleman in Bourbon's service, sent on a mission to the archduke, 855.

Burgues, Mons. de, name given to Don Iñigo de Mendoza after his appointment to the see of Burgos, ii. 622–3.

Burgundian fashion, cavalry armed in the, ii. 561, 593, 664, 899.

Burgundy, duchy of, demanded by Charles, 62, 464, 740.

-, -, Francis will not consent to the cession of, 483.

-, -, conditions concerning the, very harsh and inadmissible, 562, 616.

-, -, Francis' refusal to ratify that part of the Madrid convention relating to, 658.

Burgus, Andreas, v. Burgo.

Burrello, count, v. Pignatello.

Burtino, v. Agaccio.

Bury, marquis de Quarata, taken prisoner close to Monopoli, ii. 658.

Busbaca, Busbaci, Busbaco, papal courier, takes to Charles the dispensation brief of his marriage with Isabella of Portugal, 283, 310,411.

-, detained at Lyons on his return, 430, 455, 459.

Bussy, Pierre de, murdered by the German revolted peasants, 296.

Bustamante, Spanish captain, on a mission to the emperor, 586.

-, slain at Cremona, 934.

Busto, Antonio di, appointed one of the "conservatori" of Milan, 430.

Butler, lord Thomas, ii. 993.

-, Peter, Henry's lieutenant-deputy in Ireland, ii. 993.

Bysbal, v. Bisbal