Index: B

Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 2, 1509-1525. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 2, 1509-1525, ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1866), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 2, 1509-1525. Edited by G A Bergenroth (London, 1866), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

"Index: B". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 2, 1509-1525. Ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1866), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.


Baca, town of, conquered by King Ferdinand, i. 26.

Badajoz, ii. 574, 603.

-, the Bishop of (see also Bernard de Mesa), i. 31,33, 114.

-, -, letter from the, to Cardinal Fray Francisco Ximenes de Cisneros, ii. 281.

-, -, Imperial ambassador in England, 529.

-, -, in Spain, 547.

-, -, death of, 649.

-, the see of, 309, 604.

-, -, preferment of, given to Wolsey, 311.

-, -, pensions paid to Wolsey out of see of, 680.

Bajazets, the Tyrant, i. 419.

Balle, John, license to, i. 40.

Balmisio, nuncio to Venice, ii. 506.

Balthasar, Castiglione, Datary, ii. 644.

Ban and Reban, to proclaim (old term), i. 272.

Bannisis, Micer Jacobus de (see Bari), ii. 239.

Barba, Bernardino de la, ii. 600.

-, -, sent on a mission to Lombardy, 613.

-, -, well received by, and confers with Charles V., 615, 627.

-, -, bearer of certain proposals to the Viceroy of Naples from Francis I., 702.

-, -, bearer of message from Francis concerning a truce, 703.

Barbadico, in name of Venice, joins the league, i. 55.

Barbarossa, reference to, ii. 324.

Barcelona, town of, i. 52.

-, ratification of Spanish and French treaty dated from, 43.

-, English ambassador at, 53.

-, Duchess Margaret wrote from, 61.

-, Spanish and Papal fleets on their way to, ii. 423.

-, advantages of a fleet at, 696.

-, mention of, 394, 437, 597.

-, letters dated from, i. 310-15-16.

Bari, Bannisis, Archbishop of, ii. 239.

-, -, safe-conduct granted by the French to, 414.

-, -, sent to conclude armistice with Francis I., 429.

-, -, mission of to Francis I., 452.

-, -, his audience with Francis, 454.

-, -, his advice to Charles V. concerning France, 456.

-, -, his bad reputation in Rome, 458.

-, -, Mendoza writes to, 465.

-, -, a messenger of peace, 483.

-, -, confirms news of intended French invasion of Italy, 507.

-, -, demands to be made of the King of France by, 508.

-, -, information respecting Francis I. sent by, 512.

-, -, letter to Charles V. from the, 514.

-, -, nuncio in France, 534.

-, -, must not quit his post, 536.

-, -, to return to Rome if Francis will not come to terms, 551.

-, -, the bishopric of Jaen presented to, 553.

-, -, mention of, 425, 457, 460, 463, 501, 513, 520, 521, 546, 558.

-, Francesco Maria Sforza, Duke of, ii. 350, 354.

Barletta, Prior of, despatches sent to the, ii. 408.

Barons, Dr. William, Master of the Rolls, i. 306.

Barosso, ii. 302, 303, 304.

Bartholosis, Bernardino, Bishop of Astorga, ii. 423.

Bassesavall, John de, license to, i. 26.

Bastard, the, of Burgundy, i. 18.

-, -, the place of M. de Bvres recommended for, 184.

-, -, poverty of, at Brussels, 201.

-, -, of Cardona, captain of Boulogne, 236.

-, -, of Savoy, his pretensions on Naples, ii. 278.

Bathoniensis, Jo., signature, ii. 599.

Battanar, Felipe, ii. 130.

Bavaria, Duke and House of, included in treaty, ii. 35.

Bawduyn, i. 18.

Bayard, Captain, at Geneva, ii. 387.

-, his death, 627.

-, his death causes woe to the King of France, 645.

Bayeux, Tricarico, Bishop of, ii. 324, 458.

-, -, arrival of in Venice, 560.

-, Trivulzio, Angelo, Bishop of Toulon, &c., see Trivulzio.

Baynard's Castle, Henry VII. at, i. 263.

Bayonne, proclamation of peace with England made in, i. 94.

-, to be given as security for restoration of Milan to Ferdinand, ii. 200.

-, Charles V.'s attempt on it a failure, 597.

-, mentioned at 555, 588, 613, 627.

Bazzea, Juan de, ii. 452.

Beamonte, Doa Aa, i. 202.

Bearn, proposed invasion of, ii. 131.

-, not included in treaty, so liable to attack, 145, 203.

Beatriz, Doa, lady of honour to Princess of Wales, i. 246.

Beaurain (Beoren), M. de, his opinion of lawyers, 576.

-, -, arrives at Genoa from the Duke of Bourbon, 600.

-, -, is to try to get money from Clement VII., 606.

-, -, entreats him to join the league, 607.

-, -, pawns a jewel of the Duke of Bourbon, 608.

-, -, to attempt a reconciliation between the Duke of Bourbon and the other captains, 609.

-, -, charged by Charles V. with congratulations to Clement VII., 619.

-, -, to communicate to Emperor the present state of affairs in Provence, 662.

-, -, mentioned at, 570, 582, 597, 598, 599, 640, 641, 642, 655, 689.

Bedia, John, i. 141.

Beja, former duke of, brother of the Queen of Spain, i. 76.

Belgium, France to be invaded by way of, ii. 560.

Belgrade, conquered by the Turks, ii. 593.

Beltram, John, Spanish subject, letter of safe-conduct for, i. 31.

-, -, of Rentery, in Biscay, letter of protection for, 40.

-, Nicholas, bearer of letters from De Puebla, 89.

-, -, news from Brussels by, 195.

Beltran de la Cueva, Duke of Albuquerque, ii. 396, 397.

Beltraneja, la, Doa Juana of Spain called, ii. 396.

Beltrian, ii. 87, 146.

Belzers, a money lender, ii. 380.

Bentivoglia, Micer Juan de, surrender of Bologna by, i. 217.

Beovia, Imperial victory over the French at, ii. 472.

Bergamo to bejnven to Maximilian, ii. 212.

-, mentioned at 419, 551.

Berghes, John de, i. 450.

-, -, (signature), ii. 371.

-, Johannes de, marriage ceremony, in the name of Prince Charles, to be performed by, i. 465.

-, -, proxy of the Archduke Charles, 469.

-, M de, in Zealand, 183.

Bergues, M. de, ii. 206.

Bermeo, Johan de, courier, i. 80.

-, -, delay of letters sent by, 89.

Bern, ii. 621.

Bernaldino, Fray, ii., 192.

Bernard (Carbajal), Cardinal of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem, i. 422.

Bernardino, Count, ii. 410.

-, de Bologna, 459.

-, Fray, 495.

-, a courier, 460, 582.

Bernard's Castle, St., treaty dated at, ii. 116.

Bernoy, Spanish merchant, penalty incurred by, i. 207.

Beruny, Fernando de, license to, i. 216.

Berwick, lieutenant of the castle and town of, i. 49.

Betrothal of the Princess of Wales, non-publication of contract of, i. 132.

-, -, three matters to be connected with, 280.

-, -, importance of, 282.

-, -, to Henry, Prince of Wales, probability of, 289.

-, -, wishes of Ferdinand of Spain respecting, 290.

-, -, no delay in, 298.

-, -, to the Prince of Wales, news reaches Spain of the performance of the act of, 316.

Bvres, M. de, death of, i. 164.

-, -, appointment in consequence of death of, 183.

-, -, suspicions of, 187.

-, -, application of money sent from Spain for, 201.

Bewdley, chapel in the manor of, i. 209.

-, -, marriage ceremonies performed in, 214.

-, -, ratification of act performed in, 248.

Biagrassa, fortified by the French, ii. 605, 608.

-, defeat of the French at, 621.

Bicocca, battle of the, ii. 417.

Bilbao, vessel of, i. 1.

-, money for Spanish troops ready at, 35.

-, Laredo, a port near, 137.

-, no letters should be sent by, 192.

-, a ship may be found at, 345.

-, Princess Mary to be sent to, ii. 438.

-, letter dated from, i. 348.

Billarado, John de, license to, i. 40.

Biscay, Rentery in, i. 31.

-, capture of French ships by vessels from, 153.

-, merchants of, 367, 371.

Biscayans, Perkin Warbeck brought to Cornwall by, i. 186.

-, excommunication pronounced against, ii. 64.

Biscayan, a, letter sent by, i. 70.

Bishoprics, revenues derived from vacant, i. 171.

Bitonto, Marquis of, ii. 120.

Bixi, Claudio de, Aposentador Mayor, ii. 527.

Bivaldi, Augustin de, merchant, i, 429.

Blanca, Doa, daughter of, i. 246.

-, -, Princess of Aragon referred to, ii. 396.

Blois, ii. 173, 398, 454, 465, 618, 645.

Bohemia, King of, included in treaty, ii. 35.

Bohier, Thomas, knight, ii. 230.

Boisleduc, letter dated from, i. 399.

Boleyn, Thomas, ii. 112.

Bologna, bishopric of, i, 313.

-, city of, 217.

-, invasion of, ii. 54.

-, must be protected by the Pope, 114.

-, mention of, at 471, 523, 652, 682.

-, Bernardino de, 459.

Bolzano, letter dated from, i. 454.

Bond of Henry VII. respecting marriage of Princess Mary, i. 446.

-, -, to forfeit certain monies, &c., 447.

- Henry, Prince of Wales, respecting marriage of Princess Mary, 447, 448.

- mayor and merchants of Calais, 447.

- the Earls of Arundel and Oxford, 449.

- the Earls of Arundel and Oxford, and the mayors and aldermen of London, York, Norwich, Worcester, Chester, &c., 449.

-, mayors and aldermen of London, York, Norwich, Worcester, Chester, Exeter, Coventry, Bristol, Southampton, Boston, Hull, and Newcastle, 449.

- Maximilian and Archduke Charles, 449.

- Maximilian, Emperor elect, and Archduke Charles, 450.

- Margaret, Archduchess of Austria, &c., 450.

-, -, -, 450.

- the noblemen and towns of Burgundy, Brabant, and Flanders, 451.

- Charles, King of Spain, for repayment of a loan from Henry VIII., ii. 288.

-, -, ditto, 289.

- Charles V., Emperor, to Henry VIII., 442.

- -, -, to pay 133, 305 gold crowns yearly to Henry VIII., 658.

Boniface VIII. referred to, ii. 588.

Bonnivet, Guillaume Goufner de, Admiral of France, favourite of Louise of Savoy, mother of the King of France, ii. 331.

-, -, his death at the battle of Pavia, 708.

Bontius, F., Imperial ambassador at Milan to Maximilian, i. 130.

Bordeaux, Johnde Scover, to export wine from, i. 15.

-, peace between France and England proclaimed in, 94.

-, vessels sent from, 1.

-, wine from, 1.

Borghese, ii. 409, 459, 540.

-, Caspar, 559.

Borne, Monsieur de, chamberlain to the Queen of France, and envoy extraordinary of King Ferdinand, ii. 164.

-, proposals for a treaty brought by, from France to Madrid, 172.

Borrel asks permission to take the King of the Fisherman to Pope Adrian, ii. 417, 453.

Boschetto, monastery of, letters dated from, ii. 651, 670.

Bosco, ii. 697.

Bosquet, Count Roberto, sent on mission of peace to Francis I., ii. 674.

Boston, bond of mayor and aldermen of, i. 449.

Bothier, Anthony, Abbot of St. Trinity, ii. 33.

Boulant, M. de, pension paid by Charles V. to, ii. 586.

Boulogne, i. 65, 235.

-, projected siege of, ii. 450, 555.

Bourbon, Charles, Duke and Constable de, i. 190.

-, -, daughter of, 83, 111.

-, -, the son of Henry VII. to marry the daughter of, 124.

-, -, to be made captain-general of the Imperial forces, ii. 514.

-, -, articles proposed by Henry VIII. to, 575.

-, -, is to recognize King Henry as his sovereign lord, 575.

-, -, ready to serve the Emperor and Henry VIII., 576.

-, -, marriages projected by, 576.

-, -, plans of, 586.

-, -, marches on Burgundy, 588.

-, -, seeks the protection of Charles V. and Henry VIII., 596.

-, -, his reputation as captain not great, 597.

-, -, letter to, from English ambassadors in Rome, 599.

-, -, Henry VIII. desires his presence in England, 600.

-, -, further information desired by, before proceeding to England, 604.

-, -, to invade Provence, 616.

-, -, clause in projected treaty respecting, 625.

-, -, Novara taken by, 627.

-, -, clause in peace project concerning, 633, 636, 637.

-, -, his proposed marriage with the sister of Henry D'Albret, 633.

-, -, no treaty to be concluded without consent of, 642.

-, -, Richard Pace sent to, 646.

-, -, at Draguignan with his army, 651.

-, -, contribution from Henry VIII. to, 652.

-, -, letters from, concerning non-arrival of the promised contribution, 653.

-, -, letter from Charles V. to, 655.

-, -, wishes to make further advance into France, 662.

-, -, his adherents not to be molested by Francis, 667.

-, -, three things required by, 668.

-, -, his life saved by M. de Pamperan, 672.

-, -, arrives at Lodi, 692.

-, -, tries in vain to procure money, 693.

-, -, projected invasion of Provence by, 616, 628, 641, 644.

-, -, see also 427, 577, 590, 598, 602, 603, 605, 608, 609, 618, 620, 628, 640, 641, 644, 645, 647, 650, 656, 657, 658, 659, 662, 667, 671, 677, 679, 687, 691, 695, 701, 703.

-, Louis, Cardinal of, ii. 390, 590, 644.

-, Madame de, i. 219.

Bourg, bishopric of, ii. 559.

Bourges, bishopric of, desired by Cardinal Gurk, ii. 220.

Bowmen, English, i. 438.

Boyl, Friar Bernard, Prior of Monserrat, i. lxi.

Bozzolo, the brothers, ii. 353.

-, Federigo da, 648, 650, 660.

Brabant, bond of the noblemen and towns, i. 451.

-, forces to be sent to join the English army in, ii. 556.

Bracamonte sent to Charles V., ii. 671.

-, arrives moneyless at the camp at Lodi, 693.

Brandenburg, Marquis of, ambassador to attend the Diet at Hamburg, ii. 574.

Brandenert, Dr., (Prantner?) envoy to Switzerland, ii. 510.

Brascha, Erasmus, ambassador of the Duke of Milan, i. 157.

Bray, Master, i. 163.

Brazil, ships sent from Bristol in search of the island of, i. 177.

Breda, Seigneur de, i. 387.

-, letter dated from, i. 467.

Brescia, stipulations concerning, ii. 85.

-, to be delivered to Maximilian by King Ferdinand, 89.

-, to be delivered up to France, 212.

-, Venetian troops sent to, 480.

Bresse, ii. 206, 559.

Brest, i. 71.

Breton, Dr., information given by, i. 165.

-, letter to Londofio, &c., from, 166.

Bretons, the, delay of transports by, i. 35.

-, Spanish couriers imprisoned by, 103.

-, De Puebla must call to the aid of the Church all, 109.

Brett, Stephen, see Stephen Butt, i. 261.

Brief from Alexander the VI. for Henry VII., i. 69.

-, -, for the King of Scotland, 70.

-, -, empowering De Puebla to treat, &c., in the Pope's name, 89.

-, of censure against the favourers of Luther, ii. 337.

Brion, Philippe de Chabot de, ii. 662.

Brisaghella, Dionisio, Venetian captain, ii. 47.

Brissonet, Guillaume de, Cardinal of St. Pudenda, a schismatic, ii. 63.

Bristol, Spanish vessel sailed from, i. 4.

-, despatch sent by De Puebla from, 57.

-, route by, safe, 112.

-, a trustworthy person to receive and forward Spanish letters to be found in, 136.

-, discoveries made by seafaring men from, 177.

-, the formal instrument of the wedding of the Prince and Princess of Wales sent to Spain vi, 250.

-, the Princess of Wales may land at, 255.

-, the bond of the mayor and aldermen of, 449.

-, merchants of, 4.

Brittany, the Sanctus Stephanus seized, and run into Gallare in, i. 4.

-, affairs of, 5, 6.

-, Count de Scalas gone to, 12.

-, Henry VII. and De Puebla have a conversation respecting, 16.

-, Henry VII. to aid, 18.

-, quarrels at the court of, 20.

-, the English to be turned out of, 25, 29.

-, a master should be given to, 27.

-, Ferdinand and Isabella urge Henry VII. for his own sake to aid, 27.

-, England to retain the fortresses she holds in, 28.

-, Spain supports English interests in, 29.

-, different parties at the court of, 30.

-, negotiations against French influence in, 30.

-, letter from Henry VII. respecting, 32.

-, Spanish troops recalled from, 34.

-, letter from Queen Isabella respecting the affairs of, 35.

-, marginal note in letter from Spain respecting, 71.

-, remonstrance from the Pope respecting, 100.

-, letters from the Spanish ambassadors in, 129.

-, capture by Spaniards of vessels from, 153.

-, Henry VII. would excite party quarrels on the death of the King of France, in, 156.

-, Henry VII.'s right respecting, 167.

-, intrigues in Catalonia, conducted by a person in, 169.

-, invitations to the festivities in England, on the marriage of the Prince of Wales, sent to, 254.

-, -, -, ii. 455.

-, invaded by English troops, 466.

-, Anne of, Henry VII. would wish the King of France to marry the Queen Dowager, i. 161.

-, the Duchess of, Spain expected to aid, 16.

-, -, England and Spain to aid, 18.

-, -, proposal of a marriage between the Duke of Buckingham and, 18, 20.

-, -, Henry VII. to decide respecting the marriage of, 19.

-, -, aid against France demanded by, 20.

-, -, in Spanish and English treaty exception made of, 22, 23.

-, -, who are to possess the places taken by the King of France from, i. 25.

-, -, Spanish alliance proposed for, 27,29.

-, -, French influence with, 29, 30.

-, -, negotiations respecting the marriage of, 31, 32.

-, -, the King of the Romans marries, 34.

-, -, Queen Isabella asks Henry VII. to aid, 36.

-, -, if attacked by France, what should be the conduct of, 38.

-, -, clause in Spanish and English treaty becomes obsolete referring to, 123.

-, the Duke of, value of the alliance with, 10.

-, -, Henry VII. to promise to make arrangements with, 14.

-, -, Ferdinand and Isabella speak of the marriage of, 15.

-, -, proposals for the marriage of the daughter of, 15.

-, -, Henry VII. offers aid to, 15.

-, Francis, Duke of, death of, 15.

-, Marshal of, favours D'Albret, 18.

Brixiensis, Petrus Carmelianus, Latin secretary to Henry VII., i. 107.

-, -, treaty signed by, 144.

Brizeo, Christoval, Knight Commander, Spanish ambassador in Rome, letter from King Ferdinand to, ii. 97.

-, -, letter from King Ferdinand to, 171.

-, -, instructions from King Ferdinand on various subjects to, 171.

-, -, letter from King Ferdinand to, 194.

-, -, secret communications from King Ferdinand to, 194.

-, -, letter from King Ferdinand to, 229.

-, -, messages to Cardinal Gurk to be delivered by, 229.

Bruges, town of Flanders, i. 25, 236, 451, 455.

-, conferences of, 189.

-, letter from Valdaura to Puebla dated from, 195.

-, Charles V. with Wolsey at, ii. 564.

-, letter from Charles V. dated from, 364.

-, see also 365, 367, 373.

Brujas (or Bourges), ii. 220.

Bruneck, letter dated from, i. 455.

Bruner, Brissac, captain, ii. 380.

Brussels, arrival of Londono and Sub-Prior at, i. 182.

-, the Bastard and Doa Martina staying at, 184.

-, Nicolas Beltram writes from, 195.

-, Doa Marina at, 200.

-, bond of the town of, 451.

-, letters dated from, i. 150, 183-85, 202
-, ii. 283, 419.

Buckingham, the Duke of, marriage proposed for, i. 15, 18.

-, -, a mortal enemy of France, ii. 43.

-, -, present at a council, 78.

-, -, imprisonment of, 350.

-, -, execution of, 361.

Buil, Friar, return from voyage of discovery of, i. 177.

Bull of Pope Alexander against the King of France, 66.

-, the, not to be published, 145.

-, the Pope displeased that copies had been sent to England of, 349.

- of Pope Julius II. excommunicating the French, ii. 64.

- depriving King and Queen of Navarra of their states, 143.

- of Pope Leo X. of the general league, 253.

- of St. Peter, 580, 588, 642, 700.

Bulleyn, Thomas, witness to treaty, ii. 442.

Bulls, Papal, Henry VII.'s intention respecting, i. 330.

Burbank, William, Clericus Carliolensis (public notary), ii. 441.

Buren, Count, captain-general in the Low Countries, ii. 450.

Burgo, Andreas de, pension granted by Ferdinand to, i. 402.

-, -, Maximilian writes respecting, 454.

-, -, named at, ii. 33.

Burgos, town of, i. 17.

-, letter to Ferdinand and Isabella, sent by way of, 57.

-, delay of letters by way of, 93.

-, power from the Princess Katharine, dated from, 131.

-, ratification of treaty of marriage dated from, 131.

-, letter from Ferdinand and Isabella dated from, 137.

-, arrival of Princess Katharine at, 218.

-, report respecting engaging for the Princess Katharine merchants of, 218.

-, license to export wools from England to a merchant of, 271.

-, Alonso de, license to, 40.

-, ceremonies at, creating knights, ii. 54.

-, merchant of, 144.

-, Bishop of, rules Pope Adrian, 413.

-, -, declines to accompany the Pope to Rome, 446.

-, -, disappointed of the purple, 466.

-, -, named at, 453, 460, 584, 618.

-, bishopric of, 511.

-, letters dated from, i. 80, 136, 143, 441
-, ii. 611-16-28-43-49.

Burgundy, the duchy of, Charles VIII. to act liberally respecting, i. 25.

-, non-restitution of, 183.

-, troops recalled from, 188.

-, the French enter, 193.

-, claim of the Archduke on, 195.

-, the King of France threatens, 426.

-, war declared by the King of France against, 430.

-, bond of the noblemen and towns of, 451.

-, France to be invaded by way of, ii. 88, 89, 581.

-, the bastard of, i. 18, 184, 201.

-, the Duchess of, sister of Edward IV., 50.

-, the Duke of, 86.

-, the Dukes of, "the tan of St. Andrew" worn by, 175.

-, the House of, included in treaty of peace, ii. 643.

Butt or Brett, Stephen, captain sent to convey the Princess of Wales, i. 261.

Buxer, Thomas, bearer of letters to Spain, i. 202.