Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 2, 1509-1525. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.
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'Spain: July 1520', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 2, 1509-1525, ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1866), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].
'Spain: July 1520', in Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 2, 1509-1525. Edited by G A Bergenroth (London, 1866), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,
"Spain: July 1520". Calendar of State Papers, Spain, Volume 2, 1509-1525. Ed. G A Bergenroth (London, 1866), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.
July 1520
5 July. M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar A. 19. f. 129. |
283. Juan Manuel, Imperial Ambassador in Rome, to
Guillaume De Croy, Seigneur De Chièvres. The Pope is so desirous to conclude the alliance (fn. 1) that, if he is asked to make the Cardinal (fn. 2) his legate in England, and if pressure be brought to bear upon him, he will nominate the Cardinal. Although there is no man on the face of the earth whom his Holiness detests so heartily as the Cardinal, he will be constituted legate if the Pope be given to understand that in no other way can he get out of the difficulties in which he is placed. Has proposed to the Pope to create the Cardinal his legate, but to send the nomination to him (Chièvres), who would deliver it only in case the Cardinal rendered substantial services to the Pope as well as to the Emperor. The Pope did not declare himself on what he intended to do, but there is much hope that he will make the Cardinal his legate. The Pope sends the cardinal's hat for the Bishop of Liege to Raphael de Medicis, with instructions to deliver it as soon as the alliance is concluded. Concerning the affairs of Siena, he thinks the Pope will give to him (Chièvres) a pot de vin of 20,000 ducats, and recognize the Emperor as his suzerain.—Rome, the 5th of July 1520. Postcriptum.—Delivered the hackney horse to the Pope on the day of St. Paul and St. Peter. Indorsed : "Don Juan Manuel to Chièvres." Spanish. Autograph. pp. 2. |
5 July. M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar, A. 19. ff. 123-130. |
284. Juan Manuel, Imperial Ambassador in Rome, to the
Emperor. After his letters of the 26th and 27th of June had left, a consistory of cardinals was held, in which the sees of Palencia and Badajoz were disposed of in the manner which he (the Emperor) had desired. It has been very hard work, as the Cardinal of England is much disliked in Rome, and the disposal of the see of Palencia involved pecuniary losses to the Pope. It would be tedious to tell all he did to bring this business to a satisfactory conclusion. Intends to send the bulls by the first messenger in whom he can confide. St. Michael in Antwerp, and the cardinal's hat for the Bishop of Liege. The Pope has been very angry with him, and has refused to sign the alliance (fn. 3) before he (the Emperor) has signed it. His Holiness reproached him with having done all in his power first to compromise him, and when that was done with having tried to make an instrument of him for the purposes of the Emperor. The Pope believed that he (Juan Manuel) was authorized to sign the treaty of alliance as soon as he (the Pope) had signed it. Cardinal's hat for the Bishop of Liege. Does not know whether he (the Emperor) has not secret reasons for his dilatory policy. If that, however, is not the case, he advises him to conclude the alliance without further delay. The Pope will always be dependent on him, and if it should be found advisable to defer the enterprise (on France) in order to humour the Princes Electors, a pretext could easily be found. The alliance can be best concluded at his court with Raphael de Medicis and the Prothonotary Caracciolo. Catalonia. Sends the draft of the treaty which was proposed to the Pope by Barosso. Begs him to send orders to Don Ugo (fn. 4) and the Viceroy of Naples to place the fleets and armies at his disposal. The fleets and armies must, however, be paid ; otherwise they would utterly ruin the Papal states, instead of defending them. The Pope recognizes in the draft of the treaty his (the Emperor's) rights on Milan and Genoa. Fray Nicolo and Johan Matheo must be satisfied, for they lead the Pope as they like. Johan Matheo has not asked for anything. Hieronymo Adorno. The King of France has written to the Pope, and promised to inform him of all his transactions with the King of England at his interview.—Rome the 5th of July 1520. Spanish. Autograph in cipher. Contemporary deciphering. pp. 6. |
5 July. M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar. A. 19. f. 132. |
285. Juan Manuel, Imperial Ambassador in Rome, to the
Emperor. The King of France has written to the Pope, and promised to inform him very soon of all that is passing between him and the King of England, and even what he is negotiating with him (the Emperor). The Cardinal of England does all in his power to persuade the Pope to send him a commission empowering him to reconcile the Holy Father with all the Christian princes. He pretends that all the other potentates of Christendom have already empowered him to arrange their political affairs as he likes. The Pope has not even returned a civil answer to the Cardinal, and is now afraid that the Cardinal is highly incensed against him. The Pope has renewed the office of legate of France for two years longer. There is danger that the French will become the masters of the whole of Italy if the alliance is not concluded. It is known that the French have promised the Cardinal of England that they will make him Pope after the death of the present Holy Father. The Pope is making difficulties respecting the abbacies. News concerning the Turkish fleet. The Pope has declared himself ready to absolve the Inquisitors of Toledo. Several persons on whom the Pope has conferred abbacies in Catalonia and in other parts are preparing to go and take possession of their preferments, to the prejudice of those on whom he (the Emperor) has conferred the same preferments. Rome, the 5th of July 1520. The hackney horse which it is the custom to give to the Pope on the day of St. Peter and St. Paul has been presented to him with great ceremony. Spanish. Deciphering in the hand of Covos. pp. 4. |
13 July. M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar. A. 19. f. 135. |
286. Juan Manuel, Imperial Ambassador in Rome, to the
Emperor. Sent couriers on the 27th of June and the 5th of July. Sends the bull concerning the preferment of the Cardinal of England to the see of Badajoz, and the pension of 2,000 ducats which is granted to the same Cardinal out of the revenues of the see of Palencia. Would have sent the bull many days ago had not the English ambassador, who is a very strange person, insisted with the Pope that the bull should be delivered to him, and that he should send it to the Cardinal. As the King of England is his (the Emperor's) kinsman and friend, he did not reprimand the English ambassador for his unbecoming conduct. The Pope has delivered him the bull, which is given gratis. The Cardinal gains a great many ducats by that favour, and, even if his pecuniary advantages were not great, he would still like it, as he can now say that the Pope and Kings do him honour. Sends the bull by a special courier, as he thinks that he would like to have it before he sees the King of England. The Pope has not yet ordered the bull respecting the see of Palencia to be despatched. He intends first to obtain some profits out of the revenues of the bishopric for his servants. [Other ecclesiastical preferments.] The Pope has not changed his mind with respect to the principal affair (the alliance between the Pope, the Emperor, and King Henry) and declares that he is ready to be ruled in all matters, ecclesiastical and political, by him (the Emperor) if the projected enterprise (against France) is carried into effect. Did not dare to tell the Pope that he (the Emperor) has decided to give the bishopric of Antwerp to the Provost. Many persons who are near the Pope will think themselves slighted when they hear it. As every one of them has it in his power to raise obstacles to the definitive conclusion of the alliance (fn. 5), he thinks it best not to speak of the bishoprie of Antwerp until the alliance is concluded. Abbacies in Artois. Has been informed that the King of France has given the Cardinal of England the sum of 50,000 ducats, and that the Cardinal has promised to take care of his interests. The Cardinal is also said to be a great enemy of the Swiss. He has asked the King of France never to employ Swiss auxiliaries, and has offered to furnish him with as many English auxiliary troops as he wants. It is, however, believed that the King of France does not highly value this offer of the Cardinal. Absolution of the Inquisitors of Toledo. Rome, the 13th of July 1520. Sends eight bulls, and letters of the Viceroy of Sicily, and of the Signory of Venice. He has ordered him to give the Cardinal of Ancona a pension of 2,000 ducats out of the see of Messina ; but all that remains to the Archbishop of Messina amounts to no more than 400 ducats. Begs that the Cardinal of Ancona may be otherwise provided for. Addressed : "To the most sacred Cœsar and King, &c." Indorsed : "To the King, from Don Juan Manuel, the 13th of July. Answered on the 29th of July." Spanish. Autograph, written in cipher. Contemporary deciphering. pp. 9. |
14 July. S. E. Pat. Re. T. c. I. L. 1. |
287. Treaty between the Emperor and King Henry VIII. The interview between the Emperor elect and the King of England which took place lately was so short that many important matters could not be attended to ; they, consequently, conclude the following treaty :— 1. Neither of the contracting princes will, within the space of two years, conclude any treaty with the King of France concerning marriage or other affairs, by which his alliance with the King of France will be rendered more intimate than is it now. 2. Within the space of two years a congress will be held in the town of Calais, to which each of the contracting parties will send two ambassadors or deputies, who will confer on their future line of policy, and decide what measures are most advantageous to them. 3. Each of the contracting princes will henceforth have a permanent and standing embassy at the court of the other contracting prince. 4. All former treaties between the contracting parties remain in full vigour, and each of them continues specially obliged and bound to succour the other if his dominions are invaded by an enemy. 5. Both contracting princes signed this treaty on the 14th of July 1520. Latin. Copy. pp. 3. Printed in Lanz-Briefe und Actenstuecke zur Geschichte Kaiser Karl V. |
22 July. M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar. A. 19. f. 145, sqq. |
288. Juan Manuel, Imperial Ambassador in Rome, to the
Emperor. The last letters which he received were dated the 15th of June. Begs that in future he may be often informed of what passes at the Imperial court. The enemies of Spain call the troubles that have broken out in Spain a rebellion. The Pope has had news from England up to the 8th of July. After the departure of the King of France, the Cardinal of England said to the Auditor de la Camera of the Pope : "The Pope did not trust me, but had confidence in other persons ; yet he will find that I have served him faithfully, whilst others have deceived him. My King cannot forsake the King of France, and if the Catholic King (fn. 6) wants to make war on France, he will lose the friendship of the King of England. However that may be, I hope the Catholic King will do what I bid him, and will give me the commission which I ask of him. I have told Monsieur de Chièvres what he was to do in his interest and in the interest of his master ; and the consequence has been that the Pope has sent me his power to reconcile him with all princes." These are the words the nuncio has written to the Pope. Was afraid they would make an impression on the mind of the Pope, but such has not been the case. The Pope, though very fickle in ecclesiastical matters, is very constant in political affairs. It is necessary that Hieronymo de Vich should be sent away from Rome ; he opposes in secret his (the Emperor's) policy. The French say that the King of England did not like to come to see the Emperor in Flanders, and that therefore the Emperor went to Calais to meet him. It is a subject of astonishment in Rome that the Emperor should hold the King of England in such high esteem ; for they say the King of England is not a powerful prince. The geographical position of his kingdom enables him to be troublesome only to the King of France. The Pope thinks that the Spanish rebellion ought to induce him (the Emperor) to carry out his plans in Italy without delay ; for he would thereby terrify his enemies not only in Spain, but in the whole world. Will soon send the papers respecting the Inquisition. [Several ecclesiastical preferments.]—Rome, the 22nd of July 1520. Spanish. Autograph in cipher. Contemporary deciphering. pp. 5. |
27 July. M. Re. Ac. d. Hist. Salazar A. 19. f. 154. |
289. Juan Manuel, Imperial Ambassador in Rome, to the
Emperor. Sent him a letter by the special courier who left Rome on the 22nd of July. A letter from the agent of the Pope in England, dated the 16th of July, has since arrived. This agent writes that he had a conversation with the Cardinal of England, who told him he knew very well that Raphael de Medicis was negotiating a treaty of alliance between him (the Emperor) and the Pope, and that the Pope was not confiding in him (the Cardinal), but in another person in England. The Cardinal did not give the name of that person. The nuncio, knowing nothing of what was going on, assured the Cardinal that he must be mistaken, and offered to send a special courier to Rome to inquire into the subject. The Cardinal, however, answered that the negotiations were already near their conclusion, and that he did not care whether a courier was sent or not. The agent further writes that a servant of his (the Emperor) has spoken to the King of England against the Cardinal, and said that he (the Emperor) has not concluded any special treaty with the King of England, but only the general one which had already been settled. In Rome they are sorry to hear that the contents of their treaty is divulged ; but they are glad that his servant has spoken against the Cardinal. It is necessary, they say, that a league be formed in England against the Cardinal. The Viceroy of Naples and other Imperial officers have been excommunicated, because they retained the revenues of the bishopric of Aversa, &c.—Rome, the 27th of July 1520. Indorsed : "To the King, from Don Juan Manuel, the 27th of July. Received the 17th of August, in Brussels." Spanish. Autograph in cipher. Contemporary deciphering. pp. 2. |