James VI, September 1593

Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 11, 1593-1595.

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'James VI, September 1593', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 11, 1593-1595, ed. Annie I. Cameron (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol11/pp166-184 [accessed 10 March 2025].

'James VI, September 1593', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 11, 1593-1595. Edited by Annie I. Cameron (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online, accessed March 10, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol11/pp166-184.

"James VI, September 1593". Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 11, 1593-1595. Ed. Annie I. Cameron (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online. Web. 10 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol11/pp166-184.

In this section

James VI, September 1593

126. Services from Scotland. [1593.] [Before Sept. 6.]

The King is to be in Stirling the 6th of this month, and the Convention to hold on the 7th. It is supposed that the following are to be at the Convention—the Duke, Lord Hamilton, Mar, Morton, Montrose, Crawford, Rothes, Glencairn, Sir Robert Melville, the Justice Clerk, the Secretary, the Clerk Register, Lord Livingstone, Lord Seton, with sundry other lords, barons and burgesses. What shall proceed thereof is uncertain, but it is thought that the King will have Maitland and Sir George Hume to have their former offices, and that a general reconciliation shall be made among the nobility.

The three ships which I certified to be in readiness at Leith to go into Spain "contynewe" and hold on their intended voyage. As concerning the departure of the Spaniards out of France and Brittany and whither they intend to bend their course (as formerly I signified unto your lordship, the same being now again confirmed by others), I think it were very expedient "that good foresight were had of there retire out of Fraunce."

It is given out that Lord Hume with his friends and Maitland had an intention to have taken the King; but by the counsel of Maitland (who thought it a point of treason to be exercised hereafter) it was stayed. The Queen of Scots is reported to be with child, whereby it is thought that the division between Lord Hamilton and the Duke will cease.

I am secretly advertised out of Scotland (fn. 1) by one who hath it from a Papist and a great enemy of England that "in the ryver of Burdeux" there will be found great preparations of the King of Spain's ships both by land and sea, and that they will cause the Scottish ships to fight against the English ships "by extremytie." The same party certified that the Governor of Bloy Castle hath sent to Spain for a new supply of powder, and eight hundredweight great ships are to come to him out of Spain before the last of October and to lie before the Castle of Bloye in the river of Burdeux, and some other ships are come there already.

1⅓ pp. Copy. Endorsed.

127. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [Sept. 6.]

I received your letter of 26th August on the 2nd instant. Your other letter, of 24th August (committed to the carriage of Henry Locke), was sent to me by Locke's servant on the 3rd instant, and Mr. Locke, retaining her Majesty's letter for safety, delivered it to me yesterday, together with her letter to the King of Scots. For the delivery of which letter to the King and to negotiate with him all the contents of her Majesty's letter to me and of your two letters, I am ready to journey to-morrow to Stirling, whither the King was on his way yesterday, accompanied with Lord Hamilton. At Inchmurrin the King was troubled with a "flix" from lying on the ground and in a waste and moist house not inhabited. He is well recovered, purposing, as I hear to "propone" to the Convention such matters as he will commit to their deliberation, wherein I find sundry commissioners disposed rather to hear the things to be propounded by the King than to offer their advice in any cause before they shall see his disposition. All men's eyes are bent to behold the issue of the Convention, which hitherto is uncertain.

The party employed to sound how Huntly (Chanus) and his co-partners stand affected to perform their offers made for her Majesty (America) has spoken with them, and they will go forwards agreeable to the motions offered; for which this party has promised to go forwards in his course with diligence, that all things may be effected with best expedition and secrecy. I understand that Huntly will impart to the King of Scots (Petrea) and also communicate to his partners whatsoever shall be "concredited" to his trust and secrecy. I believe that his partners, binding up with Bothwell (Argonartes), will acquaint Huntly therewith. Further, this cannot be kept from the ears of the Kirk here, who will greatly start and wonder thereat. May this be well considered and may I have timely directions how to proceed. In the meantime I will execute the directions already given. I have noted that the courses directed to be solicited with the state, and to be taken with the parties, do not very fully agree, especially in that I am commanded expressly to prosecute the papistical rebels, which thereby I may not leave undone, and which will be deemed either offensive or fraudulent. Huntly (Chanus) is desirous to put away his uncle by sea with safety, that he should not be troubled by England (Damascus). In this I have called for condition that there shall be no fraud in transporting any person or matter other than the thing desired. But by the following advertisements it seems that little trust can be given herein.

I am lately advertised that Angus, dealing to have band with Bothwell, will needs have an exception for Huntly, and has said that if Bothwell shall prosecute Huntly he must needs "party" Huntly against Bothwell; and that Angus, Huntly, Erroll and Hume will not break in sunder; further, that Mr. Robert Abercromby, Jesuit, is prepared to pass into Flanders to call hither Mr. William Crichton and to persuade him of the necessity of his presence in this realm. Bothwell has received by Captain Halkerston (Haggerston) the King's letter full of sweet words and promises of full performance of all things in the accord, and with further grace and favour if he will follow the King's advice. Captain Halkerston has therewith brought commission that the house of Spott may be taken with force from Sir George Hume, who (as I am credibly informed) has been lately and secretly with the King, notwithstanding the accord. I have heard that Angus and Erroll have kept their courts openly and provided great sums of money to be levied on their tenants; that it is openly published by an officer at arms in Aberdeen that such persons as were at Murray's slaughter shall not be restrained for that action from coming into the town, but be received with favour, and that all men within the lieutenancy of the north are commanded to attend on Huntly in the pursuit of the broken highlandmen. Lord Hume, the Master of Glamis and Sir George Hume were yesterday with Morton at Newhouse to resolve (as it is said) what they shall do for keeping possession of Coldingham and Spott and for like causes touching their own particularities. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

2⅓ pp. Addressed. Endorsed by Burghley's clerk.

128. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [Sept. 10. (fn. 2) ] Cott. Calig., D.ii. fol. 104.

. . . been approved, were chosen to be Lo[rds of] the Articles, and some . . . as drawn in by indirect means, as by . . . ote of such abbot . . . ad no interest in the benefit and sold his who . . . and title therein . . . that the King's Advocate has liberally offered to jus[tifi]e all his doings . . . Parliament, for the examination whereof four learned advocates were . . . amed and ready to have disputed the matters with him. But nothing . . . proceeded therein either against the King's Advocate or the rebels.

That himself and Council were curious to provide that the best affected and . . . called to this Parliament might be chosen for Lords of Articles, wherein no better . . . could be made, as it is evident by the consideration of the rest of the nobility who are more affected to these three Earls than the persons chosen for the Lords of the Articles were, and that the Advocate has given many reasons to maintain his doings and assertions, and is ready still to defend the same against the four advocates appointed and all others learned in the laws and customs of Scotland, like as he will further prove in print.

Why no order is taken (fn. 3) for the due chastisement or submission of the rebels, whereby they have rather cause of comfort to continue in their treasons than of any fear of punishment, as well appears in that at this present they offer no such liberal satisfaction to the King and Kirk as before they have done. He will shortly understand what they will do in these behalfs. Whether he will any further and directly prosecute the rebels and their partners by force or law, and what councillors he will choose to assist him in the execution of the same. These wants and changes in his proceedings may move her Majesty to doubt that he himself is notably seduced, or blinded by evil counsellors and courtiers [as in No. 120]. He said that to all these he had answered before.

. . . against the rebels, but also attempted to . . . erent and undutiful manner, and in dishonour of . . . the prosecution of the rebels, to root out the . . . and to remove bad instruments favouring the rebels . . . proceeding hitherto holden, the people are generally . . . likely to be divided. No resolution taken for the sta . . . order against traitors.

[In the margin: "The 8 article."] That therefore he would signify his mind, what he mislikes in his estate [as in No. 120]. . . . for her Majesty will give no credit to any [until he] have by his hand assured her of his disposition. [In the margin: The verbal report upon both.] His unprincely regard to the safety of his ow . . . another great error, [as in No. 120].

Albeit he may think her Majesty's desire, to know . . . particularities expressed in this article, to be . . . consideration and causes of the same are both decl . . . and also added in the last conclusions of all these a . . . [In the margin: "The King's answer to both."] That he does not remember that any such petition ... to him by Bothwell or any other noblemen . . . some of the lords coming about him with Bothwell . . . feuds with Huntly, and by his own letter he will ... in the residue of this article.

[In the margin: "The 9 article."] Thirdly, because the late approach of Bothwell . . . King's person appears to be done in such manner that no p . . . thereof without detestation. [Complains of the manner of the pardon of Bothwell as in No. 120.]

In this he said that he and this Convention had determined what course to take with Bothwell and his accomplices; wherein, upon Bothwell's determinate answer by commissioners sent for that purpose, he would perfectly acquaint her Majesty with his doings and mind therein; and therewith he promised to give her good satisfaction in these behalfs, as he has done to the ambassadors of Denmark.

Lastly, she wishes him to make good choice of his Council and cause justice to be ministered without partiality [as in No. 120: and concludes with expressions of her love and care for him.]

. . . [a]ssuring her that he shall . . . ages desired to be certified to her o . . . her good counsel to him. [Edinburgh.] (fn. 4) Signed: Rober[t Bowes.]

pp. Notes in the margin. Edges injured by fire.

129. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [Sept. 10.]

Albeit I delivered her Majesty's letter to the King yesterday at Stirling, and "opened" the full particulars in her letter to me, yet the time served so hardly and the King found the matters propounded so many and weighty that he prayed me to put them all into articles in writing, promising to write to her and also to set down his full mind and resolution. Therefore I have thought meet to defer my report to her Majesty till I receive the King's answers. On Friday (appointed for the first meeting of this Convention), the King took his pastime hunting, in regard that the assembly was then but little. It is now well increased, for the Duke, Lord Hamilton, Morton, Glencairn, Montrose and Mar, Livingston and Lindsay with sundry commissioners for the burghs and the Church are here. This Council was occupied on Saturday in taking order for the apprehension of some highlandmen and of John Muir (Mowre), Alan and George, his brethren, who on the 2nd instant killed Mr. David Blithe, minister of Kirkcudbright, and Mr. David Akeman, minister at Buttell, as they returned together from their sermons at Buttell. These three offenders pretended their quarrel to be against Mr. David Blithe in respect that he would not give them a tack or lease of a little tithe lately in their possession and appointed to Blithe's stipend. But it is suspected that this evil is done by the procurement of Papists in regard that these two persons slain most earnestly prosecuted them, and that they were known to have intelligence with me. Two of these [murderers] were of the King's guard under Sir John Carmichael.

This day the King and Council have taken order that Bothwell shall submit himself to the King's mercy, and thereon have full remission for himself and all such persons as he shall name. This remission shall be perfected by the next Parliament, upon the end whereof Bothwell shall within certain time depart out of this isle into foreign parts not to return without the King's licence; for the execution whereof the Master of Caithness is sent to Bothwell to draw him within five miles of Stirling, that Sir Robert Melvill, Blantyre and two ministers may deal with him and receive his resolute answer. It is doubtful what Bothwell will do herein in regard that this order abridges much the benefit of the late accord, and that he will not only be driven out of this isle but also either leave his partners to the danger of the law and at the King's will, or else name them plainly in the remission, which to many of them (chiefly such as be of good quality) will be dangerous and prejudicial.

It is looked that some order shall be taken by this Convention touching Angus, Huntly and Erroll; but I cannot think that anything shall pass against them, for I am informed that Mr. George Leslie, soliciting here Erroll's causes, has written to Erroll that he has promise that nothing shall be done against any of these Earls, and that the way shall be prepared shortly for their incoming. The Duke and Lord Hamilton agreed so well at the Duke's being with the King at Hamilton that since that time they have been very familiar. It is thought that Hamilton is no enemy to Bothwell, and now Hamilton keeps guard for the King and is in special favour.

Argyll has apprehended and warded Glenorchy (Glenurquhie) and two sons of the Laird of Lawers upon information given by Ardkinglas that one of these brethren by the means of Glenorchy and Huntly's commandment killed the Laird of Calder (Caldell), to which murder Ardkinglas has at length confessed himself privy. He affirms further that Glenorchy had practised to "bewray" and deliver Argyll to Huntly; all which Ardkinglas has offered to prove by witnesses.

I am told that this Convention shall break up very shortly if Bothwell shall accept the conditions offered, and, if not, the King will remain the longer and afterwards draw an assembly to Linlithgow and there call to him the Chancellor, Hume, the Master of Glamis and Sir George Hume. All things here are uncertain and in such confusion that the end of one trouble engenders another. I beg licence to see her Majesty to open to her the matters which I have gathered. Stirling. Signed: Robert Bowes.

2 pp. Addressed. Endorsed by Burghley's clerk.

130. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [Sept. 13.]

I have received your letters of the 4th and 6th instant. This forenoon I am to have audience of the King, who is ready "to put his foote in stirrup" to depart to Falkland. I intend to return to Linlithgow this day and to-morrow to Edinburgh. Yesternight Lord Hume, the Master of Glamis and Sir George Hume came to this Court and were joyfully received by the King, in whose presence Lord Hume entered into very boasting terms against Bothwell, saying that the Earl, all the Stewarts and their "pertakers" durst not take one silly bee out of the moss of his bounds against his will, giving to the Earl and to all the name of the Stewarts (as I am told) very proud defiance, wherewith the Stewarts are deeply offended. Upon the access of these three persons Hamilton and Glencairn departed very late in the night, and this day these persons are prepared to attend on the King to Falkland and to remain in Court, which will abide at Falkland until the 18th instant, when the King purposes to come to Linlithgow, forbearing to return to Edinburgh, in regard (as it is thought) of some offence that he conceived against Edinburgh.

Bothwell was appointed to meet at Tillicoultry (Tullicowtrie) the four commissioners to confer for the restitution of himself and his accomplices under the form expressed in the act of Convention, a copy of which I enclose. But, being warned by his servant, Patrick Orme, that Sir George Hume with sixty horsemen had stayed Orme against his will, carrying him six miles out of his way, and also lay in wait for Bothwell, he gave advertisement thereof to the King, offering to meet the commissioners this day at Linlithgow. The King has been grieved herewith, suspecting that Bothwell has alleged this only for an excuse. Nevertheless the commissioners are ready, and I am advertised that Bothwell will meet them this day, but will take some time for his resolute answer. It is enacted by the King and Convention that the houses of Coldingham and Spott shall be restored to Bothwell and James Douglas, and express order is given for the execution of the same. In this Convention nothing is done touching Angus, Huntly and Errol, who are thought to be in small danger of punishment. The King and Queen have (as I hear) sent for the Countess of Huntly, who, albeit she was once stayed in regard of the danger that might come to her being with child, is on her journey towards the Court. Stirling. Signed: Robert Bowes.

pp. Addressed. Endorsed by Burghley's clerk.

Enclosure with the same. [See also No. 254, p. 318.]

(Restitution of Bothwell.)

"Memorandum communicate to th'erle Bothwell."

For the satisfaction of our honour, in that the late form subscribed at Holyrood House, on 14th August last, was not to our contentation, but such that we may lawfully free ourself of, if we please,—yet, for the quietness of our realm and estate, and at the humble suit of our Estates presently assembled, we, now being at our full liberty and ripely advised, will, at the suit of the Earl Bothwell renouncing the benefit of all former condition, grant to him and his accomplices, whom he will specify by names and surnames, remission of their bygone offences at Holyroodhouse, Falkland, again at Holyroodhouse, and others abortive, also [grant them] restitution to their livings and goods; and we shall cause the same to be ratified in our next Parliament, before 20th November next to come, the said Earl finding surety that, within such space as we please after the said Parliament, he shall depart forth of our realm to the parts beyond sea, there to remain during our pleasure, and till his departure shall remain in such places as we shall appoint; his accomplices, specially named in his remission, shall remain at their dwelling houses and no wise resort to our presence without our licence. 11th September 1593.

2/3 p. In the hand of Bowes's clerk.

131. Robert Bowes to Elizabeth. [Sept. 15.]

After the receipt of your Majesty's letter of 24th August on the 5th instant, I delivered your letters to the King at Stirling on the 10th and, albeit he read them, yet speaking nothing of the contents, he declared that lately he had received evident testimonies of your Majesty's good disposition by the money delivered to Sir Robert Melvill (at the time when you were heavily burdened with "diffray" of other great sums, whereby your kindness was double towards him), and also by the favourable entertainment given to Sir Robert, and by many signs and pledges of your especial goodwill, the particularities of all which Sir Robert Melvill had well imparted to him, and that the greatness of the benefits bestowed on him should be a straight obligation binding him to be thankful and careful to requite the same as by his own letter he will make known to your Majesty. I showed myself very glad to find in him this thankful acceptance and consideration and such loving mind, chiefly at this time when a report had come to my ears that he had been tempted to think that Bothwell's late access was furthered by the favour received under your Majesty in England. To this he answered that his heart is utterly void of any suspicion that your Majesty was privy to Bothwell's action, yet that he could not acquit so clearly some of your councillors, and he concluded, saying that he would run his course faithfully and friendly in all things with you, and with your good advice.

When the King had thus cleared himself from all jealous apprehension touching your Majesty, I opened to him the matters specified in your letter to me, observing therein (as narrowly as my memory served) the substance, words and phrases of that letter; but because of the length of my report and the straitness of time the King deferred his answer, desiring me to put the sum of my discourse into articles in writing. I compounded and delivered the articles to the King, accompanying the same with a new verbal recount of such parts as were particularised in your Majesty's letter to me and not contained in the articles. Upon reading of the articles the King answered sundry parts thereof by words which I certify by the note enclosed. He promised further that with the first opportunity he would with his own hand write to your Majesty, whereof he commanded the Secretary to put him in due remembrance. I have framed this certificate or note addressed with these presents, (fn. 5) containing not only a true copy of the articles given to the King, with his verbal answers to parts thereof, but all such other circumstances as I recited by word to the King upon the perusing and reading of the articles,—and which circumstances, though comprehended in your letter to me, are not expressly set down in the articles.

The present condition of this variable and falling state, together with the occurrents therein, I have certified to the Lord Treasurer. I beg to be revoked or to have licence to have access to your Majesty. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

12/3 pp. Addressed. Red wax seal partly remaining, with pink silk cord. Endorsed by Burghley, "15 7ber, 1593. Robert Bowes to the Queen's Majesty from Edenburgh; answer to the lettres 24 Aug."

132. Report of Robert Bowes. [c. Sept. 15.] (fn. 6) Cott. Calig., D.ii. p. 106. Transcript in Harl. MSS., 4648, p. 141.

"Articles gathered out of the Report made at large to the King by Mr. Robert Bowes, ambassador of England, wherein the King's own mind and declaration are especially required, and that he will give due regard to the advices specifyed therein."

[In the margin: The copy of the articles in writing as they are expressed and delivered to the King.] First, that the King would let her Majesty understand by his letter and advertisement the true reasons defeating the accomplishment of the promises made to Lord Burgh and others for the prosecution of his traitors.

[In the margin: The verbal report of sundry circumstances besides the articles made to the King by me.]

The dangerous and variable proceedings of the King in his government, and the sight of certain articles pretending an accord with Bothwell have moved her Majesty to compassion of the King and to offence against the parties to these actions. She is not so fully satisfied in the truth of these things that she may make sure account of the King's full intentions. Therefore she requires to be satisfied now by him as further in the article is contained.

[In the margin: The King's answer to the articles in writing and to the verbal report before mentioned.]

To this he said that he had showed me before that the rebels were referred to the judgment of Parliament, which for the insufficiency of the probation of the summons could not proceed to forfeit them for the crimes not proved and which they constantly deny, offering not only to be tried by Parliament or assise, but also to give satisfaction to the King, the Church and England. He assures her Majesty that he will not conclude with them without her privity, advice and contentment, and with the satisfaction of the Kirk. He acknowledges that he is greatly solicited for favour to the three Earls, nevertheless he will not absolutely grant their peace without the privity of her Majesty and the Kirk. In all which he will give her more full satisfaction by letter.

[First Article.] (fn. 7) Why the rebels have been suffered to continue in the country and at liberty, contrary to promise ?

[The verbal report.] His actions tend quite contrary to the performance of his promises. Oversight is given to the three Earls and they are received openly with his allowance into the houses of noblemen who are open solicitors to himself for them. And it is given out that proclamation is made of remission to Huntly for the murder of Moray and warrant to concur with him against the broken and highland men, etc. [as in No. 118].

[The King's answer.] That the rebels were put to the horn, prosecuted etc., and afterwards relaxed that they might be lawfully tried and forfeited by Parliament according to the laws of this realm; that he has not granted any remission to Huntly for the slaughter of Murray.

[3d Article [sic].] How the party [Ker] proving the treason before the Parliament has by wilful escape gotten liberty, without means made for his escape ?

[Verbal Report.] That Angus and Ker were suffered "wilfully" to escape out of Edinburgh Castle to stay all further examinations for discovery of the conspiracy.

[The King's Answer.] This escape was not "wilfull" but against the will of the Captain of the Castle and his ministers; and because it has not hitherto been known where George Carr is, therefore little pursuit has been made for him.

[4 Article.] How it fell out that at the Parliament, pretended outwardly to be prepared for the forfeitures of the rebels, special friends of them were chosen to be Lords of the Articles; that the King's own learned Advocate was suffered to devise audaciously coloured cavillations to stay the process and that his fault passes without exemplary punishment; and that, albeit many particular causes were expedited, yet nothing proceeded against the rebels in this Parliament.

[The verbal report.] Some noblemen and others known to be Papists and inwardly affected to the parties summoned to this Parliament were chosen to be Lords of the Articles, and some of them were drawn in by indirect means as by the vote of such abbot as had no interest in the "benifitt" [benefice] and sold his whole right and title therein; and the King's Advocate liberally offered to justify all his doings in Parliament, for examination whereof four learned advocates were named and ready to dispute the matters with him. But nothing proceeded therein either against the King's Advocate or the rebels.

[The King's answer.] That himself and Council were curious to provide that the best affected might be chosen for Lords of the Articles, wherein no better could be made, as is evident by the consideration of the rest of the nobility who are more affected to these three Earls than were the persons chosen; and that the Advocate has given many reasons to maintain his doings and affections, and is ready still to defend the same against the four advocates appointed and all others learned in the laws and customs of Scotland, as he will by work to be put in print further prove.

[The 5 Article.] Why no order is taken for the due chastisement of the rebels, or for their enforcement to submit themselves to the King's mercy, and to give over their practices with Spaniards and Papists ? [Verbal report.] By this sufferance and oversight they have rather cause of comfort than fear of correction, as well appears since at this present they offer no such liberal satisfaction as before.

[The King's answer.] He will shortly understand what they will do in these behalfs.

[The 6 Article.] Whether he will any further and directly prosecute the rebels and their partners by force or law, and what counsellors of knowledge, authority and loyalty he will choose to assist him in the same ? Wherein it is required that he will well consider and prevent the dangerous effects grown by evil counsellors who are friends and practisers for the rebels.

[Verbal report.] That these wants and changes in his proceedings may move her Majesty to doubt that he himself is notably seduced by evil counsellors etc. [as in No. 120.]

[The King's answer.] He said that to all these he had answered before.

[The 7 Article.] Others of the nobility (perceiving the looseness in the government) have not only offered to make a party against the rebels, but also attempted to press him by their petitions, and in most irreverent and undutiful manner and in dishonour of his kingly estate, to assent to the prosecution of the rebels, to root out the Spanish faction and remove bad instruments. And by his variable proceedings, the people are generally amazed, the nobility likely to be divided, no resolution taken for the establishment of quietness nor any order against the traitors.

[The 8 Article.] That therefore he would signify his mind and course intended herein, what he mislikes in his estate, in whom he reposes his trust and whom he hath cause to doubt, so that her Majesty may remain neither uncertain whom she may favour on his behalf, nor ignorant whom he will use or trust or put from him.

[The verbal reports upon both.] That his unprincely regard to the safety of his own person has produced another great error, which her Majesty utterly mislikes both in the principal actors and the assisters. Albeit he may think her Majesty's desire to know his mind in the particularities expressed in this article to be familiar, yet the consideration and causes of the same are both declared in this article and also added in the last conclusions of all these articles.

[The King's answer to both.] That he remembers not that any such petition were made to him by Bothwell or any nobleman. Some of the lords coming about him with Bothwell offered to compound feuds with Huntly. By his own letter he will satisfy her Majesty in the residue of this article.

[The 9 Article.] The late approach of Bothwell with others to the King's person appears to be done in such manner that no prince can think thereof without detestation, and nevertheless he has received the Earl without acquainting her Majesty etc. Albeit he seemed not to do this with his good will, yet by the articles accorded he has yielded to forgive him, etc., so that without direct knowledge from him she cannot judge how he meaneth in his heart hereafter to proceed therein.

[10 Article.] That therefore he will not deny to let her understand perfectly his full resolution in these behalfs, in like manner as he granted to the ambassadors of Denmark for their satisfaction in particular etc., [as in No. 120].

[The verbal report to both.] That in the determination of his resolution to approve or "disprove" the accords betwixt him and Bothwell, he would have good regard to his own future safety and for the best means of quietness in this realm.

[The King's answer to both.] He said that he and this Convention had determined what course to take with Bothwell and his complices, wherein he would perfectly acquaint her Majesty with his doings and mind, and give her good satisfaction in these behalfs as he had done to the ambassadors of Denmark.

[11 Article.] She wishes him to make good choice of his Council, and to take and follow such resolutions as shall make him to be honoured and loved of his good subjects and feared of the evil.

[12 Article.] That he will cause justice to be administered to all persons of every degree without partiality etc. [as in No. 120].

[13 Article.] Therefore she wishes to understand him disposed and fully determined to take this course in hand, that she may be as well pleased with his prosperity as if he were her own natural son.

[The verbal report to these 3 Articles.] That her Majesty's kind affection and good advice for his welfare are with great love and plainness witnessed in her care for his good government and course; therefore it shall much advance his honour and happiness if he effectually follow her advices and seasonably prevent the storms appearing.

[The King's answer to the three.] He acknowledges himself greatly beholden to her Majesty for her favour and good-will, assuring her that he shall acquaint her with his course etc., and likewise embrace and follow her good counsel. Signed: Rober[t Bowes].

51/8 pp. In the hand of Bowes's clerk. In the Cott. volume the detached pages of the letter have been bound in wrong sequence. Read ff. in order, 106, 104, 105.

133. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [Sept. 15.]

I have received your letters of the 4th and 6th instant. I enclose a letter to the Queen, together with a copy of the articles drawn up by me from her Majesty's letter and delivered to the King, the verbal report that I made to the King, and his answer to the articles and verbal report. (fn. 8) I write thus to her Majesty because she has directed me to open to the King the matters contained in her letter, to observe well his answers, and to certify the same to her.

At the King's last passing over the water to Falkland, Bothwell had prepared a banquet for him in Leith of wines and "small meates," which the King received about 3 p.m.; but he did not sup at Leith with Bothwell. The Countess of Atholl having given my wife a roebuck, and desiring to eat some venison dressed after the manner of England, therefore my wife invited the Earl and Countess of Atholl to dinner, and Bothwell and his wife, lodging at the next house to mine, accompanied Atholl and his wife at the dinner, a matter noted by some Papists, and upon hearing of this I took occasion to break it to the King and readily satisfied him.

Upon your direction to further Bothwell's causes with the King so far as the same should advance the common causes, and after I had communicated to the King such parts as I thought meet of your letter concerning Bothwell, Bothwell has resorted sometimes to me, opening such things as he desires to be "preferred" for him and his partners by my solicitation to the King, which I have done, agreeable only to your direction.

The Chancellor and Hume have agreed by the means of the Master of Glamis, stirred by the King to draw Hume to that agreement, and the Chancellor and Glamis have (as I hear) entered into gentle terms, notwithstanding that they are contented to forbear the open show thereof. But now it is doubted whether the kindness shall be nourished, in regard that Hume, the Master of Glamis, and Sir George Hume only carry the sway in Court at present, and it is thought they will be without the Chancellor's company if they can win the King to the same. But the King is purposed to call the Chancellor to him soon after coming to Linlithgow, and for the preparation of his return to Court with the Queen's favour he has sent the Prior of Pluscardine to persuade the Queen to the same, whereto it is said that she now inclines, and that thereon some resolution may, peradventure, follow betwixt Bothwell and the Chancellor—a matter yet green and not to be openly seen lest it hurt both parties, and chiefly the Chancellor. All the noblemen of the surname of Stewart are friends to Bothwell. Montrose and Caithness love him. Hamilton does not hate him. The ministers (now blamed by the present courtiers for their favour towards Bothwell) wish and persuade reformation in his manners, that he may be a good servant to the King and a profitable member for the commonwealth.

The Chancellor, Bothwell, Hume and the Master of Glamis have not been commanded to keep their houses (as it has been reported to you) neither have Angus and Erroll been at the Court as yet. Angus presently soars about the Court at Falkland seeking to have access to the King's presence, which hitherto is denied. He and Erroll have been openly with Morton in the Newhouse, for which Morton has been "partlie" checked by the King and covertly rebuked in pulpits, chiefly in that he has accompanied excommunicates; and being told that no Christian can without error keep company with persons excommunicated, he answered "What saie you to the Frenche King "—(whose actions and example are here so marked and taken by many that the well affected greatly fear that very evil and dangerous effects shall follow thereon in this realm). Huntly has not been looked for to come to Stirling, but rather to Falkland at the King's return hither: his wife is presently at Falkland and ready to come hither to the Queen, and I am told that Huntly has been quietly with the King at Falkland; and that he has been seen at Mr. Walter Lindsay's house with three men only and left his forces. He is still suspected "to enter" into some enterprise for the possession of the Court and the King's person. I have this day received credible advertisement from the Court that his friends there have pressed the King to give him access, and that the King hitherto will not grant it. Huntly is now in that comfort (as I am informed) that he will not be entertained without pension or reward in gold as the King of Spain has given. None of the acts of the last Parliament are printed, neither is there any expectation that they shall be put in print.

I find sundry young noblemen here—as Cassillis, Menteith and Gowrie— disposed to repair into England to see her Majesty, the Court and the Universities there for their instruction. Whilst Sir Francis Walsingham lived I was advised to encourage young noblemen and gentlemen to bestow their "young yeares" rather in England than other foreign countries to the intent their good affections might the better be trained and devoted to our sovereign and realm; and understanding that Menteith was thus desirous to expend his money and some time in England, I wrote for his safe-conduct boldly and with great speed; wherein I will now at your direction make excuse until it may be found meet that he be licensed. The Parliament is appointed to begin on the 14th or at the farthest on 20th November next. At the meeting at Linlithgow on the 13th instant betwixt Bothwell and the King's four commissoners, Bothwell, after he had read the act of Convention and the King's instruction to his commissioners, prayed that his answer might be respited until the next day, which was granted, and on the next day he delivered to Mr. David Lindsay and Mr. Robert Bruce his answer in writing to be presented to the King. These two commissioners have departed with speed to the King at Falkland and have not as yet returned, so that it is not known how the King accepts Bothwell's answer, but it is generally expected that his adversaries ruling now in Court shall draw the King to reject it. I enclose copies of the note delivered by the King to the four commissioners and of the answer made by Bothwell.

As the King assured me at our last conference that he will not "rownde" anything with Angus, Huntly or Erroll without her Majesty's privity, so Sir Robert Melvill has told me that the King has given him his hand and promise to perform the same.

The Papists have lately conceived great hope to obtain their desires, and Errol did not forbear to tell Morton that "they had suche a head with them" that he would be glad to come to them, whereunto Morton answered that he lied, for he should never see that day.

It is intended that the Duke and Mar shall absent themselves at the time of the Chancellor's coming to Court, which is desired by the King speedily; but now it is looked that the other courtiers shall stay it for some time, so that the King may at leisure "agree" the Duke and Mar with the Chancellor. I am advertised that it is commonly reported in the north that her Majesty has commanded me to entreat the King to grant his peace to Angus, Huntly and Errol. This bruit troubles sundry well affected, who think that her Majesty will not intercede for such persons. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

Postscript.—The clerk procuring for me the copy of the act of this Convention touching Bothwell was so "straytned" to get the same before the departure of the Clerk of the Council, and I was then so occupied with the King, that he delivered to me the copy of the King's instructions for the commissioners to Bothwell instead of the act of Convention. I therefore enclose a copy of the act and also of the instructions to the commissioners.

3 pp. Addressed. Endorsed by Burghley's clerk. vol. XI.

First enclosure with the same.

(Restitution of Bothwell.)

Another copy of the enclosure with No. 130. Endorsed by Burghley: "16 7ber."

2/3 p. In a Scottish hand.

Second enclosure with the same.

"Act maid be the Kingis Majestie with avise of his estaitis at Striveling the xij day of September the yer of God jm vc lxxxxiij yeris."

It is declared by his Majesty, with advice of his Estates, that his Highness, as a free prince, may at his own pleasure call such of his nobility, council, officers and other good subjects to his service and presence as he shall best like of; that the Earl Bothwell and none of his company or accomplices shall repair to, or come within ten miles of, his Majesty's presence without special licence; that his Majesty will have the said Earl, his son and accomplices effectually and without delay restored to the place and living of Coldingham, and James Douglas of Spot to the house and living of Spot, and others to their livings whatsoever.

½ p. In a Scottish hand. Endorsed by Burghley: "17 7ber 1593."

Third enclosure with the same.

(Answer by Bothwell.)

"Th'answere given be th'erle Bothwell to the heades communicated with his Majestis Comissioners." I offer my most humble obedience to the ordinance enacted at Stirling on the 13th instant, and shall be ready at all times to do the duty of a loyal subject towards my sovereign prince, to whom I am so many ways "oblist."

I crave that the said ordinance (for avoiding of all obscurities) by command of his Majesty to the Clerk Register may be made clear in the second and last articles, to wit, that it be declared how long I and my accomplices shall be debarred from his Majesty's presence. Likewise I crave this only for my security, that his Majesty grant to me, my partakers and aiders the like remission, restitution and re-possession as was agreed at Holyrood House.

As to the particular articles contained in the memorandum not passed by act of Council, I answer as follows. First, for satisfying of his Majesty, I for myself and my accomplices am content to pass from the first security and to receive the same anew, of his Majesty's clemency, in substance as it was granted before, provided the first security stands effectual "in the awne strengthe" till the other security be renewed.

As to remissions, I for myself and my accomplices crave that the like security be granted by the late act of the Estates as was granted before by the act of Council; and it will seem better and more honourable for his Highness to proceed by way of oblivion and abolition than by particular remissions, "quhilkes ever importis the parties greived to be satisfied, and caution to be given therefore."

As to the expressing of particular names and surnames, it shall be sufficient to give in an inventory of certain persons in special, with the general clause "of all others my ayders assisters and partakers, etc.," as was done to Lord Maxwell.

Last, as to the finding of caution that I shall pass forth of the country, it is altogether impossible presently, before I be finally restored again to my living, seeing no man will be caution for me, I having neither lands nor goods for my cautioners' relief. When I be restored with my whole accomplices and fully re-possessed, I am content to find caution, reasonable time being given for making provision to depart forth of this realm, and the time of my absence prescribed.

It is likewise craved for the part of Mr. John Colville that he may be paid presently the sums of money justly owing to him, according to his account and allowance lately seen and perused by the President and Clerk Register, and present direction sent to the said Clerk of Register to inform his Majesty what way, in his opinion, he may be best satisfied, to the end he may pretend no excuse for his departure with me.

Item, I humbly crave licence for so many of my friends and assisters as are desirous to depart with me.

11/8 pp. In the hand of Bowes's clerk. Endorsed by Burghley: "xij 7ber. 1593. The answer of the Erle Bothwell to the commissioners sent to him from the King after the Convention held at Sterlyng."

134. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [Sept. 21.]

According to your lordship's direction of the 13th instant, I will give to Huntly (Chanus) and his partners no ground whereby they may inform the King of Scots (Petrea) of my dealings in that cause, and also entertain the instruments working for them with me, and always keep myself "free to them," that no advantage shall therein be got against me. If I shall find the King disposed to favour Angus, Huntly and Errol, I will forbear to hinder it, trusting that he will use her Majesty's advice, agreeable to his promise.

Albeit it has been constantly reported, and was confirmed to me by a person of good quality, that a proclamation was made in Aberdeen by Alexander Chamber, officer-at-arms (upon the apprehension of Norman Leslie, at Aberdeen, for the slaughter of the Earl of Murray, and whereat the Provost of Aberdeen knew Leslie to have been present and one of the first that put fire to the house at Donibristle), wherein it was declared that such persons as were at the slaughter of Murray shall not for that action be restrained from coming into the town, yet the King has directly denied to me that he has given any warrant to dispense with the act of caution made at Aberdeen in March last. [See No. 39.] The King pretended that this bruit has been raised by occasion of the publication of his warrant acknowledged. (fn. 9) I will travail to learn further herein.

I am credibly informed that the Jesuits have advised Mr. James Gordon and Mr Robert Abercromby not to depart out of this realm before the return hither of Mr. William Crichton, notwithstanding that the King shall direct Huntly to send them away. The Countess of Morton is the daughter of the late Earl of Rothes, father to the present Earl. The Earl of Errol married one of her daughters, and Lord Hume married another. She is deemed to have been so affectionate to these two noblemen and to the Earl of Angus and to have allured her husband to help them so far beyond his profession in religion that her husband and herself have covertly been noted and checked in pulpits for the same. I perceive this day by Mr. George Young, Clerk of the Council, that the Parliament is appointed to begin on 20th November. I received yesternight this enclosed letter addressed to her Majesty by the King. Sir Robert Melvill, Mr. David Lindsay and Mr. Robert Bruce returned to the King at Falkland with Bothwell's answer. The King misliking (as I am informed) this manner of dealing, stormed something at first against the ministers, and declared that if Bothwell would not accept the terms and conditions offered, then he would proceed against him without delay. But Mr. Bruce put him in mind that at his command they had laboured therein for his service and the quietness of his realm. The King continued resolute that Bothwell and all his accomplices should have remission by their especial names, to the intent that the head of Bothwell's faction might be broken thereby; and, albeit it was alleged that it was impossible to exhibit the names of all persons offending in these actions, yet he answered that every offender knew himself to be foul and might call for and have remission or otherwise stand to his peril. In some parts the King was pleased to qualify the former order, and declared that the place to be appointed for Bothwell's residence in foreign realms should be expressed in his licence for departure; that he should have liberty to remain in any place within this realm until he shall be restored by Parliament and the time fixed for his departure, provided that in this meantime he or his accomplices shall not come within ten miles of the King or his Court; that his cautioners shall not be charged before he be in actual possession of his lands; and that he and his accomplices shall not be charged to give satisfaction for the taking of any goods or gear at Holyroodhouse or Falkland, notwithstanding that they should be chargeable to pay very great sums for spoils made in those raids. The commissioners and Captain Halkerston (Haggerston) were dismissed with these and other like orders to be reported to Bothwell, whereupon the Earl sent the Captain again to the King with acceptance of the offers and to sue for restitution and delivery of the houses of Coldingham and Spott. But the King's resolution therein is deferred until his coming to Linlithgow, appointed to be this day. He seemed disposed in Lord Hume's favour to commit the possession of Coldingham to the determination of the laws of the realm; therefore Bothwell the more seeks delivery thereof, as others will advertise with better certainty.

Proclamation was made yesterday in Edinburgh commanding Bothwell and all his accomplices to forbear to come within ten miles of the King and Court; whereupon the Earl is purposed to repair to and remain at his house at Crichton with sufficient number to defend himself. The King has written for the Chancellor, and it is looked that he will attend on the King this day at the Queen's Ferry or Linlithgow with strong companies. The Queen (as I hear) is pleased that he shall return to the King's presence, yet she cannot hitherto well brook his wife. I am told that Mar has committed to the King the agreement betwixt the Chancellor and him, whereupon also it is looked that the King will reconcile the Duke and the Chancellor. Mar has returned to his country to hunt red deer: the Duke has gone with him, and with small contentment. Before his departure he sent advice to Bothwell to obey the King, for otherwise his adversaries should get advantage to entrap him.

Angus, Huntly and Erroll have soared a while near Falkland, seeking access to the King's presence, which is not openly granted, yet I am informed that Huntly, in the night of the 14th, came to the King in his chamber and there drank three "scoles" of the wine brought for the King's collation, and that he was kept by Sir George Hume in the Wardrobe two days. The King has renewed his promise and firmly assured Mr. Robert Bruce with hand in hand that he will not receive or deal with Angus, Huntly or Erroll before they shall first satisfy the Kirk and England.

For the King's guard fifty horsemen shall be levied and entertained under Sir John Carmichael, and fifty horsemen under Lord Hume; which horsemen shall be led for Hume by John of Cromston, servant to Lord Hume, who presently rules the Court.

The King has written to the Presbytery here to give longer time to Lord Hume in the process against him for his religion, and by which he stands now to be excommunicated. The Church has before given sundry days upon the King's messages, and at the request of Hume's friends, promising to deal with him for his conversion, wherein as yet they have little prevailed. He is advised by a rash minister of his name (as I hear) to subscribe to the religion as others have done. For this evil advice the minister is blamed and to be corrected, and the Presbytery here have appointed to meet for their resolution in this cause.

The Queen met the Countess of Huntly coming to her, and entertains her with great favour. She is lodged in the Court, and there are sundry opinions of the cause of her coming, for albeit the Queen wrote for her, yet it is said that she so did to please the King. It is said that the King lately showing his offence towards Edinburgh, Lord Hume undertook to revenge the King's quarrel against them, and offered with 200 horsemen to keep the inhabitants within their ports. This bruit works no good effects in this place. Archie Stewart with his two brethren, Michael and John, and John Barr, have killed Logan, the Laird of Rase; and two of the Stewarts and Barr, being taken in the bounds of Claud Hamilton and condemned, execution is done on them, wherewith some Stewarts are offended. Sir Robert Melvill has moved the King in favour of James Murray, and upon your lordship's letters in that behalf the King will consider the matter. Sir Robert is purposed therein and in other things to write shortly to you. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

pp. Addressed. Endorsed by Burghley's clerk.

135. Act of the Provincial Synod of Fife. [Sept. 25 and 27.] Printed in Calderwood, v. 263.

The Provincial Assembly of Fife, convened at St. Andrews, on 25 September 1593, consider that the very great dangers of the Kirk within their province crave timeous "remeid" in respect of the conventions of the enemies, of their boldness in blaspheming God's Word at noblemen's tables, and of the reports made by faithful brethren of the notorious behaviour of Errol, Angus and Hume in the Newhouse about the time of the Convention at Stirling, and of Angus "and his" at Balmannow, (fn. 10) and of Huntly's convening with them at Dunblane and at the Rocking Stone of Balvaird after the Convention. For "remeid" of which dangers the Synod has advised and determined as follows:

First, that a general fast be proclaimed for these special causes—

1. Impunity of idolatry and murder in the person of Huntly and his accomplices.

2. Impunity of the treason of the Spanish conspirators.

3. Boldness of the enemies and their brags to make us "cum to ther maist cursed idolatrie before thei bow to the trewth."

4. The land defiled in various places with the mass.

5. God's judgements in north and south, with threat to the mid parts of this land.

6. The King's slowness in repressing papistry, and planting the true religion.

7. The defection of many through Spanish baits, and the multitude of atheists and worldly outward "professoris."

8. Cruel slaughter of ministers.

9. Pitiful state of the Kirk and brethren in France.

10. The tyranny of Bishops in England.

Secondly, that a commission of gentlemen, burghs and ministers be directed from this assembly to inform his Majesty what all his true subjects think of his countenancing of traitors, and negligence in preserving the kingdom of Christ, and that they would give their lives rather than suffer the land again to be polluted with idolatry. The commissioners nominated are Mr. Andrew Melvill, Rector of the University of St. Andrews, David Ferguson, Mr. Thomas Buchanan, Mr. Andrew Lamb, Mr. Nicol Dalgleish, and Mr. James Melvill, minister at Kilrennie (Kyllannie), and commissioners of gentlemen and barons from the convention at Cupar, on 2nd October. To this effect this assembly sends to the Convention Mr. Andrew Melvill, Mr. Robert Wilkie, Mr. James Martin, Mr. Andrew Moncreif, Mr. William Scott, with the whole of the Presbytery of Cupar. To obtain the commissioners of the burghs the ministers shall have letters and commission from this assembly. That the gentlemen and barons may convene in large numbers, Mr. Andrew Moncreif and Mr. David Merins shall 'speik" the Lairds of Cambo (Cannow) and Balcomie, commissioners ordinary of the barons, and the ministers of parishes shall deal with their own gentlemen.

Thirdly, the brethren directed to the barons and burghs shall crave them to send their commissioners to the King in Edinburgh, on 17th (fn. 11) October, there to concur with the above commissioners from this assembly and others sent from other provinces. They shall exhort the barons and burghs to execute the acts against Papists and Jesuits, and to take order for their own defence.

Fourthly, David Ferguson, Mr. John Davidson and Mr. John Cowden shall rebuke the Earl of Morton and his lady for receiving the aforenamed enemies, and shall crave them to do their duty according to their profession. Mr. Andrew Melvill, Mr. James Melvill and Mr. Adam Mitchell (Michel) shall confer with the Earl of Rothes, and with Crawford if he be within this province. Mr. Andrew Moncreif and Mr. James Melvill shall confer with Lord Lindsay.

Lastly, the Synod, having considered what they ought to do to these enemies have concluded—

1. That the principal enemies, namely, Huntly, Angus, Errol, Hume, Auchendoun and Sir James Chisholm have shown themselves worthy of excommunication from Christ's Kirk.

2. It was found that Angus, Errol and Hume as students at the University of St. Andrews had communion with the Kirk, and, marrying within the province of Fife, professed with the kirks wherein they were married, and subscribed the articles of religion; Huntly and Auchendoun should be excommunicated by the ministers of Fife for the cruel murder [of Moray] committed within their province, and Sir James Chisholm as being one of the principal accomplices in their plots. Wherefore the Synod did cut the said persons from their communion and ordained due information to be made thereof with interdiction of all who should receive them.

Finally, to communicate the above proceedings and to take advice with the brethren, the Synod has directed Mr. Andrew Lamb to Lothian, Mr. Thomas Douglas to Angus, Mr. James Stewart to Stirling and Mr. William Paton to Duns.

"The just copie of the letter directed fra the Synod of Fyf be Mr. Andro Lamb to the Synod of Lowthian and Tueddaill." (fn. 12)

We have thought good to direct over unto you our brother, Mr. Andrew Lamb, to let you understand what sight God has given us of the danger wherein the Kirk stands and what we have thought meet to be done for preventing thereof. Wherein, if you consent and be resolute with us, we desire your commissioners of the ministry, barons and burghs to be in readiness in Edinburgh on 17th October next to come, or any other day and place that you advise us of, to meet with you for the discharging of this duty, as we have likewise required our brethren of Angus, Stratherne and Stirling. St. Andrews, 27th September 1593. Signed: Mr. James Melville, Moderator of the Synod.

"The copie of the answer of the Assemble of the provinces of Lowthian and Tueddaill."

Anent the desire of the assembly of the province of Fife, presented by Mr. Andrew Lamb to this assembly of the provinces of Lothian and Tweeddale convened in Edinburgh, 2nd October 1593, craving commissioners to meet with them [as above]; also approbation of the excommunication of Angus, Huntly, Erroll, Hume, Auchendoun and Sir James Chisholm, with intimation of the sentence in all the kirks of this province,—it is concluded that their commissioners be in readiness to meet at Edinburgh on 17th October, as desired, and that for a certain time silence shall be kept [anent the] excommunication of the said persons, "and that na intimatioun be made out of pulpettis of the sam to the xxviij of this instant, and then as thei salbe advertesit be the presbytere of Edinburgh to do."

6 pp. Copy in a Scottish hand. Endorsed.

136. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [Sept. 26.]

Albeit I was informed that Huntly had access to the King on Friday, 14th instant, by means of Lord Hume and Sir George Hume, yet I am advertised by an honest courtier that he was indeed at Falkland, and that the King denied him his presence and dismissed him with some malcontentment. I can give no perfect assurance of this. I am told that Huntly himself gave it out that he was with the King and that he went to the Duke and Mar.

The King continues in hard course against Bothwell, now at his house at Creichton, and shortly to remove to Jedburgh for his better safety until the beginning of Parliament. It is whispered that the courtiers intend some great enterprise before the last of the month, or else to be laid aside. Bothwell and this town think this a good warning to them.

The King daily calls on the ministers to suspend the excommunication against Lord Hume for Papistry until Bothwell shall have departed out of the country, for Hume being made Captain of the King's guard it is alleged that he cannot spare his service. The Kirk deferred their sentence from the 23rd till the 25th instant, and at that time the King again willed the Presbytery to stay the excommunication and to send to him four ministers with report of their resolution.

Therefore Mr. Robert Bruce, Mr. Robert Pont, Mr. Robert Rollock and Mr. Patrick Galloway are appointed this day to make petition to the King that Hume's submission may be plainly and openly made before the 30th instant; otherwise the excommunication shall be directly pronounced against him. Hume offers (as Huntly and others do) to give caution that he shall not hereafter practise the alteration or hurt of religion, but he will not promise to subscribe to the religion; which the ministers deem to tend only to a toleration.

The King writing to the Chancellor to come speedily to him looked to have met him on the way to Linlithgow at the Queen's Ferry, but he stayed his journey. He has been daily looked for at Linlithgow. It was reported here by courtiers returned from Court that they saw him in Linlithgow; wherein they were deceived. I am told that he would be at Court yesterday or this day. Some think that the Chancellor has purposely delayed his coming until he might see Hume delivered from the process of the Church. Others say that he doubts that the Queen will not well like his repair to Court.

Lord Hamilton (as I hear) by the King's two several letters has been written to come to Court, and still excuses himself. Some parts of the King's letter to her Majesty have come to the understanding of some who are much troubled therewith and deny plainly that Bothwell or any for him sought or offered to agree with Huntly. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

pp. Addressed. Endorsed by Burghley's clerk.

137. Act in respect to the Excommunication of Lord Hume. [Sept. 26.]

"Apud Lithgow xxvj die Septembris anno 1593." The King's majesty, after conference had with "some speciall" of the ministry anent Lord Hume's excommunication, with the advice of the Lords of his Secret Council "statute and ordeyned" that on the 28th of October next to come, if the said lord do not satisfy the Kirk by subscription to the articles of religion presently professed within this realm, His Majesty and they shall concur to his immediate excommunication. And likewise his Majesty promises that thereafter he shall be removed from his presence, and be compelled to depart the country. "Atour" his Majesty and Council promise that they shall never intercede for any further continuation of the said lord's excommunication, but "hold hand" that the laws and acts made anent excommunicated persons shall be prosecuted against him with all rigour and extremity. Copies of signatures of James VI, Alexander Lord Hume, J. Thirlstane Chancellor, Sir George Hume, Carmichael, Thomas Master of Glamis, Lincluden, J. Cockburn, Sir R. Cockburn.

1 p. Broadsheet. Endorsed by Burghley.


  • 1. sic, but ? France.
  • 2. The date, which is not now legible, is taken from the Calendar of Cotton MSS.
  • 3. He is reporting an interview with the King, see No. 132, of which these detached pages form part, but have been bound out of order.
  • 4. Taken from the Calendar of Cottonian MSS.
  • 5. The enclosure has become detached, and it is now preserved among the Cottonian MSS. See following document.
  • 6. Probably enclosed originally with the preceding, though now preserved in a different collection.
  • 7. This article is entirely destroyed by the burning of the top of the page. Supplied from the Harl. transcript.
  • 8. See Nos. 131 and 132.
  • 9. i.e. of 22nd August, see No. 118.
  • 10. Not in Calderwood.
  • 11. 19th, in Calderwood.
  • 12. Not in Calderwood.