Elizabeth: June 1570, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: June 1570, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp259-269 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1570, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp259-269.

"Elizabeth: June 1570, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp259-269.

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June 1570, 1-15

June 1. 970. The Earl of Morton to the Queen.
Gives her humble and hearty thanks for himself and the rest of the nobility for her aid and succour, which he hopes she will continue.—Edinburgh, 1 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
971. Copy of the above.
Endd. P. 2/3.
June 1. 972. Raids into Scotland.
A note of the most worthy and valiant raids made by the Lord Lieutenant of the north parts and the Lord Governor of Berwick since 17th April and ending 1st June 1570. Gives an account of the destruction done in the different raids made by Sussex, Drury, and the Wardens of the Marches. In that of Sussex [90] strong castles and houses, and 300 villages and towns were blown up or burnt. Taking of Home and Fast castles. Attempt to murder Drury before Dumbarton. List of the strongholds in Scotland, and of the Lords of the King's party and their adversaries.
Endd. Pp. 6.
June 3. 973. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
This day the Marshal returned hither with his forces. At his being at Edinburgh he dealt with the Lairds of Grange and Lethington to procure a surcease of arms, which taking no effect he with the noblemen of Scotland marched to Glasgow, and from thence wrote to the Bishop of St. Andrews and Lord Fleming, who were in Dumbarton, who answered that they would meet him at a certain village next day. He not finding them there went forward to Dumbarton, and sent them word; they answered that they would come out of the castle to speak with him and willed him to come on with one or two with him, and to put away his company, which he did. When he was within shot they sent word that they could not come, and willed him to look to himself for his time was out, and as he turned his horse divers harquebussiers laid for the purpose shot at him, and they discharged a falcon at him out of the castle, but he escaped without hurt. They have thrown down four principal houses of the Duke's and all the houses of the Hamiltons in those parts. The rebels being dispersed, has refused to continue the forces in Scotland lest he should give occasion of suspicion to intermeddle with the causes of the title. Commends the diligence of the Marshal and the captains and soldiers under his charge.—Berwick, 3 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
June 3. 974. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Refers him to his letter to the Queen for the Marshal's doings, and sends certain letters which he desires him to deliver. Gives the names of two or three noblemen who have joined the King's party.—Berwick, 3 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 3. 975. Intelligence from Italy.
Newsletter containing advices from different places in Italy of various dates during May 1570, the latest being from Venice of 3 June 1570.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 42/3.
June 3. 976. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
This late journey has augmented the good conceived opinion of the Queen with the noblemen who are her friends, and bred such fear in their adversaries that they no longer hope to bring their desires to pass. If there is any intent of making up of matters and no difference had of one party from the other, he fears they will be forced to run such a course as neither shall be safe for themselves or profitable for England.— Berwick, 3 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 3. 977. The Countess of Egmont to the Queen.
Solicits her favour in behalf of Pierre Jansi, who has suffered great losses by shipwreck and whose goods have been detained by her officers.—Cologne, 3 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
June 4. 978. Passport.
A passport for Patrick Home to go into Scotland.—Paris, 4 June 1570. Signed: Henry Norreys.
Endd. P. 1.
June 4. 979. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
1. Complains that the Queen thinks her charges great, and thinks that nothing can please that comes from him. Desires that in respect of his sickness he may have license to repair into the south.
2. P.S.—Desires to know the Queen's pleasure for Home and Fast Castles. There are in Home Castle certain pieces of ordnance which, as a memorial of his service, he means to leave to his posterity if the Queen be pleased that he shall bring them from thence.—Berwick, 4 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
June 4. 980. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Has imparted the contents of her letter of 29th May to Randolph, who will repair into Scotland to accomplish her commandment in as good sort as they can devise for the satisfying the Lords of her party and detaining them at her devotion. Has delivered them 300l. to pay 500 soldiers. Informs her of the measures he has taken to diminish her charges by the discharge of most of the soldiers under his command. As he will now remain an unprofitable and chargeable servant, he begs for license to repair to the south for the recovery of his health. — Berwick, 4 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
June 5. 981. John Fitzwilliam to the Earl of Leicester and Cecil.
1. Here is great desire to understand what answer may come from Her Majesty touching the suit of the merchants. The merchants of all nations are desirous to have the liberty of traffic again between England and the Low Countries, as if it should stand long in these terms they will be forced to change their trade and plant themselves in some other place. Order is taken by the Duke for the preparing of 30 hulks to be ready against the coming of the Emperor's daughter, who shall be Queen of Spain. Divers ships looked for out of Spain which shall return with the said Princess. The meeting of the Emperor and the Princes of Germany at Spires goes forward. Divers of the Princes are presently at the marriage of Casimir, the Palsgrave's son. The Count Ladron remains still in the hands of the soldiers in Valenciennes until they be satisfied of their demands. Money is hard to come by by reason of the late stay of the Spinolas, which has greatly hindered the credit of the Genoese.
2. The Estates are presently at Brussels to take order for 2,000,000l. of gold yearly, to be paid by the land for the defray of the charges of the castles and other garrisons. There shall shortly be an assembly of all the bishops and prelates of this country at Malines, to resolve upon all such things as they shall think necessary for the spirituality. From Rome it is written that the Pope has elected certain new Cardinals, and has put into his [curse] the Queen's Majesty and all that be of her religion, and has given pardon and remission of sins to all that rebel against her. The bulls are daily looked for. He has given the realm of England to any that will give the enterprise. There is a certain murmuring of a conspiracy to the persons of some princes of Germany practised by Italians.—Antwerp, 6 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¾.
June 5. 982. Passport.
Passport for six or seven merchants, subjects of the King of Spain, to come into England to view certain merchandize.— Hampton Court, 5 June 1570.
Draft. Endd. Fr. P. ¼.
June 5. 983. Requests of the English Merchants to the Duke of Alva.
Complain that since December, 28 1568, there have been arrests of their goods and ships both in Spain and the Low Countries, and desire that they may be restored. Consisting of 10 articles with notes on the margin by Alva and also by the Queen of England.—Hampton Court, 5 June 1570.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 6½.
June 6. 984. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
Whereas her answer lately sent by the Commendator of Dunfermline was such that the party favouring her might enter into some doubt of her maintenance of them, and so seek by indirect means to procure some end with the contrary party: she has since the said Commendator's departure found some new indirect course taken on the Scottish Queen's behalf to abuse her, wherefore she has thought good not to proceed in such sort or with such speed to her advantage as before she was inclined. He is therefore to admonish her party in Scotland not to conceive any misliking of any part of her answer to Dunfermline, or of any vaunt that the Queen of Scots or her party shall make of her dealing with them.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 6 June 1570. Pp. 1¾.
June 6. 985. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Refers him to his letter to the Queen for news. The Cardinal's policy has so brought it about that those whom he considers his most enemies seek one anothers' ruin, as the House of Montmorency and De Cosse, of whom he has no less mislike than of the Admiral. Whichever party wins he trusts to diminish his enemies on both sides, and the Princes by this encounter "affaiblished" he then intends to assail them with the forces under M. D'Anjou and the Duke of Montpensier. There has been with him one Simon Balthazar, who offered his services to Her Majesty for making gunpowder. Has not heard of Rogers whom he sent into Normandy to know some part of their attempts.—Paris, 6 June. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¾.
June 8. 986. The Magistrates of Hamburg to Queen Elizabeth.
Enclose a petition which they have received from certain of their citizens.—8 June 1570.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1¾.
June 6. 987. Abraham Greve and others to the Magistrates of Hamburg.
Beg their intercession with the Queen of England for the restitution of a ship and cargo which has been seized by pirates and carried into the Isle of Wight.—Hamburg, 6 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Lat. Pp. 2½. Enclosure.
June 8. 988. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
The French King, understanding that she has sent an army into Scotland, forthwith sent a packet by M. Lansac, his secretary, to the Queen of Scots' friends who were assembled at Edinburgh to know whether they would stand to the maintenance of the league which his predecessors had kept with them; and which of them would maintain the Queen their mistress' cause. At which motion the Earl of Argyle, Lethington, and certain others solicited the rest to know what answer should be given to the King's letter. Those of the Queen of Scots' party having already subscribed, the others for the young king to the number of six, whereof three were earls and three barons, said that touching the league with France they thought it very necessary to be maintained, but further they were not in any respect for the Queen, but for the young King, whose right they intended to maintain. Having thus accorded saving these six to contrive the league with France and stand for the Queen of Scots, they sent two of the Hamiltons (one being he who slew the Regent) and a kinsman of the Lord Fleming to give the French King to understand of their resolution, and to demand aid of 2,000 harquebusiers, saying that the Queen of England had sent an army into Scotland, to conquer the realm, and that those who had the protection of the infant [Prince] were minded to deliver him into her hands. Which causes seemed of such importance that they determined to send them such forces as they desired, and also certain sums of money to relieve their horsemen, and if peace were concluded here they agreed to send 5,000 [men], which should be transported to Dumbarton in ten ships. These messengers also declared that the Queen of Scots had twice sent letters to her friends in Scotland after what sort they should treat Her Majesty's rebels, and desired them not to send away John Norton, but to make much account of him. They were nearly taken by a ship of Montgomery's off the coast of Devon, whereby she may consider what hindrance her ships may be to them. The King has a great desire to conclude the peace in order to be able to send more forces into Scotland. Gives an account of the King's forces, and certain skirmishes with them of the religion. In Brittany great extremity is used to them of the religion, a tax of 60,000 francs monthly being put upon those who have borne no arms. It is thought that M. Rohan shall be executed.—Houdant, 8 June. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
June 8. 989. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Refers him for news to his letter to Her Majesty, and to the relation of the bearer, Mr. Rogers. Desires him to dispatch such of his servants as have long attended at the Court. —Houdant, 8 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
June 10. 990. Charles IX. to the French Ambassador.
Understands by his letter of the 27th ult. his negociations with the Queen of England and her Council in behalf of the Queen of Scots, and desires him to tell the Queen that he has countermanded those captains whom he had already directed towards Scotland. He is to say that he expects that the Queen of England will in like manner revoke her forces from that country.—Argenton, 10 June 1570.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 1⅓.
June 11. 991. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
1. Upon the arrival of the Commendator of Dunfermline, and report heard of the Queen's answer to him, he thought fit to dispatch Mr. Randolph with him into Scotland. At Dunfermline's departure he persuaded with him so as he left him better satisfied, and promised to use his good offices to make the best of all matters, and so persuade contentation to the rest. Yesterday he received the Queen's letters of the 6th, and sent a copy to Randolph, and also a private letter to Morton. Thinks this will do more good than all the rest to satisfy them. It will be hard, however, to bring men to depend on uncertainty when their lives and lands depend thereof, as they will find if some certain resolution come not presently. Is viewing the different marches. Sends the copy of a letter which he has received from Randolph.
2. P.S.—Solicits some relief for the Marshal, who otherwise will have to give up his charge for lack of ability to maintain his service.—Sir John Forster's house at Alnwick, 11 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
June 9. 992. Thomas Randolph to the Earl of Sussex.
The Commendator of Dunfermline and he arrived at Dalkeith the same day that they departed from Berwick, where they found the Earl of Morton. Dealt with him by as many means as he could to allow the Queen's resolution, but found him willinger to give place to her will than that he could approve that manner of proceeding. It was resolved that the rest of the Lords of that party should be written unto to appoint a day and place of meeting. Spoke this day with the Captain of the castle, whom he finds has been greatly abused. Cannot alter his opinion of the secretary, who is now at his wits' end, and ready to "cast about to fetch the wind and to sail upon a new board, which now he is like to have at his will even (as is said) between two sheets, to arrive at what port he list." The Earl of Huntley is at Strathlogie, with the Englishmen, and would have had the Queen's authority proclaimed at Aberdeen which was refused.—Edinburgh, 9 June 1570. Signed.
Copy. Pp. 1¼. Enclosure.
June 11. 993. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
Approves of his measures taken for the diminution of her charges, and the placing the remainder of her forces in garrison on the Borders. Thanks him for his wisdom and fidelity in her service. Has written also a special letter of thanks to Lord Hunsdon, and desires him to let the Marshal know her allowance of his services. Wishes to have a certain declaration of the charges from the beginning. He is to keep Home and Fast Castles. Has discovered such indirect practice to her danger by the Queen of Scots' ministers that she is justly moved to take some other course for her surety in the cause of the said Queen than lately she was disposed to do, whereof he shall shortly understand. Cannot in anywise in respect of her service assent that he should come from thence, but if removing from Berwick into any part within his lieutenancy might relieve his health she will gladly assent thereto.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 3½.
June 12. 994. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
This morning the Laird of Livingstone came hither and showed him her passport, dated 31 May, for him, and certain others to pass into Scotland and return. Considering the effect of her letter of the 6th inst. he has thought it his duty to stay him until he knows further of her pleasure.—Berwick, 12 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
June 12. 995. The Laird of Craigmillar to Cecil.
By reason of the stay in France of all Scottish ships wanting the Queen's safe conduct, he sends the bearer by land. Is in great want of money. Recommends the stay of certain Scottish gentlemen. On Wednesday week Mr. Thomas Fleming brought the King a writing subscribed by all the lords of Scotland of the Queen's party, asking for aid of men and money, which was granted. The men are to land at Dumbarton.—Paris, 12 June. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 12. 996. The Electors of the Empire to the French King.
Understand that he is in a way to make peace among his subjects, whereat they are very glad. Think that as he sufficiently knows by things passed that this matter of religion cannot be conquered or rooted out by the sword, and that nothing has been exploited in these wars, but the same has been greatly to the weakening of his kingdom, he will now see the necessity of a good and reasonable peace. Beseech him to grant free and general permission of safe exercise of the religion throughout all his realm.—Heidelburg, 12 June 1570. Signed by the Elector Palatine and seven other of the Protestant Princes of Germany.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1¼.
997. Translation of the above.
Endd. Pp. 1½.
998. Another translation.
Endd. Pp. 2.
June 13. 999. The Duke of Alva to Lord Morley.
His brother has told him that he has been forced for safety to leave his country, not for any offence committed against his sovereign, or the state, but to escape from the power of certain private persons who are now in authority about the Queen. Is willing to allow him to remain, and promises that no one shall molest him.—Brussels, 13 June 1570.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. P. ⅓.
June 13. 1000. Ordinance by the King of Spain.
The King being informed that notwithstanding his prohibition English goods are still imported into the Low Countries, orders the proper officers to take particular account of all the stock of English goods at present in the possession of any of the merchants of the Low Countries.—Brussels, 13 June 1570.
Pamphlet printed by Michiel de Hamont. Fr. Pp. 7.
June 13. 1001. Proclamation in the name of the Queen of Scots.
Whereas a rebellious faction, enemies to their country and manifest conspirators of her murder, and the subversion of her crown and authority, have unnaturally practised with strangers and traitorously drawn in a foreign power for wrecking, burning, spoiling, and destroying a great part of her realm; she commands all her subjects to hold themselves in readiness "well boden in feir of war" to join the Earl of Huntley to resist the attempts of the aforesaid rebellious faction.—Aberdeen, 13 June 1570.
June 13. 1002. The Earl of Lennox to —.
Thanks him for his gentle letter. Is here accompanied with forces of soldiers upon his own charge, and looks to receive some money from the Queen of England. Without her assistance cannot see how these matters can take good effect. —Glasgow, 13 June. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
June 14. 1003. Sir Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Has done what he could by devising with the Lord Lieutenant to diminish Her Majesty's charges, and explains the reasons why they are rather more than what he at first certified.—Berwick, 14 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
June 15. 1004. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Desires that he will procure the Queen's warrant for 400 or 500 trees out of Chopwell, which was Swinbourne's, and which is within four miles of Newcastle, where is 3,000 marks' worth of timber for the repairs in Berwick and other garrisons in the north. Desires that some money may be spent in the repair of Norham.—Berwick, 15 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
June 15. 1005. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
1. Had an audience with the French King on the 13th inst. to whom he made a declaration of such things as were contained in her letter of the 2nd of May concerning her sending an army into Scotland, the circumstances of the late rebellion in the North, and the maintaining of her rebels in Scotland, to the invasion divers times of her frontiers and the oppressing of her subjects. On the King's saying that the occasion of this invasion was the imprisoning of the Queen of Scots, Norris answered that it was not unknown to the King what earnest travail Her Majesty had bestowed to re-unite the Queen with her subjects, and declared that to bring these troubles to a quiet end the King might well consider that good usage towards Her Majesty must induce her thereto, and not these strange kind of attempts in making war upon her and maintaining her rebels.
2. This being the whole content of her letter of 2nd May he then entered to declare the effect of her other of the 23rd of the same month, to which the King again resolutely answered that the readiest means to have quietness was to set the Queen of Scots at liberty, who being restored to her government would see so good orders [taken] as no such outrages should be used by the borderers, and said that he thought it great extremity that the Queen being prisoner such spoil should be made of her country. Norris declared that the Queen had given no cause of grief to move the borderers to assist her rebels or invade her country, and further required the King to weigh her actions, which were in no sort prejudicial to the crown of Scotland or hurtful to his alliance therewith, so that there was no cause why he should be any party therein or send forces into Scotland. The King said that though he intended to send 2,000 harquebussiers; yet understanding of Her Majesty's withdrawing her forces, he meant not now to send any at all. Norris thinks that this interdealing of the French King betwixt Her Highness and the Queen of Scots not only makes his faction stronger in Scotland, but will cause the Queen to acknowledge her release to proceed by his means, besides it is to be feared lest he trifle off this matter until he has made some pacification, thinking by this attempt to satisfy the Pope's Nuncio, who presenting with great solemnity a sword and hat to M. D'Anjou from his master, solicits some invasion against England. Therefore seeing that she minds to grow to accord with the Queen of Scots it were better to do it of her own motion, and so cause her to be the more bound to her the less she has occasion to attribute this benefit to the French. Here is of late a conspiracy revealed of the delivery of Newhaven to the English, one Fairfax being the accuser and La Mola the defendant. There be lately two Irishmen repaired hither to practice to get aid into Ireland.—Argenton, 15 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3½.
June 15. 1006. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The French King's intermeddling between Her Majesty and the Queen of Scots not only makes his credit greater with the nobility of Scotland, but will cause the Queen to acknowledge her release to proceed by his means. It is here doubted that the Queen of Scots being released, she shall marry M. D'Anjou, and thereby possess him of the present estate of Scotland, and of the remainder to the crown of England. It is said that the late messenger from the Pope earnestly solicited this cause. Notwithstanding the King's promise of staying the 2,000 harquebussiers, it were very necessary that Her Highness's ships were stirring about Dumbarton coasts. The talk of peace is great in Court though the appearances are small, and charge has been sent to De Cosse to give battle however it fall out. At the King's being in Britanny, divers of the nobility and gentlemen weary of long travail in arms, solicited their pardons of the King, which he granted without denial, whereby sundry are retired to their homes.—Argenton, 15 June 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¾.