Elizabeth: May 1570, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: May 1570, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp235-249 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1570, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp235-249.

"Elizabeth: May 1570, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp235-249.

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May 1570, 1-15

May. 869. Petition to the Duke of Alva.
Summary of the petition presented to the Duke of Alva for the liberation of the persons and effects of English subjects stayed in Spain and the Low Countries.
Fr. Pp. 22/3.
May 1. 870. The Earl of Lennox to Cecil.
Having now escaped his hot and dangerous fever, there rests only in him now but strength to perform that which he has taken in hand. On Saturday last the Earls of Glencairn and Marr came with 1,500 men to Linlithgow, where the Duke Hamilton and the Earl of Huntley with about 1,000 men resisted them, and at night they were forced to depart to Edinburgh.—Berwick, 1 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
May 1. 871. Instructions for the Abbot of Dunfermline.
He is to desire the Queen of England that there may be plain publication of her protection hereafter of the maintenance of true religion and of the King's authority in Scotland, and to know her pleasure for the future government of that realm. For the repressing of the present troubles he is to ask her for some money for the waging of 500 horsemen and 1,000 harquebussiers. In return they promise to retain Scotland at the Queen's devotion, and if she have occasion, will come with the power of the realm for the advancement of her quarrel and service within England. He is to beseech Her Majesty not to think the late commotion in her realm as a matter ended, but as one that has been directly enterprised to bereave her of her crown, first without her realm and now within the same, persuading her subjects to unnatural insurrections, and now as she has it in her power to establish quietness in the whole island, if she neglect the occasion she may be justly burdened with the fact. As to the delivery of her rebels, he is to trust that she will so far respect their honour as to grant their lives. Signed by Glencairn, Mar, and Morton, and other Lords of the King's party.
Endd.: 1 May 1570. Copy. Pp. 3¼.
May 1. 872. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
At his first return from Home Castle, being troubled with an ill head by reason of a cold taken in the two voyages, he wrote briefly to her. Home Castle is one of the strongest places in Scotland, and if any foreign power should enter Scotland it lies aptly for them to annoy England, and will hardly be recovered from them. If she means to maintain the King's authority it is very like that with the redelivery of the castle to Lord Home she may win him, and if not, she may by delivering it into other men's hands or keeping it in her own, banish him the March and be assured of the rest. If she intends to compound with the Scottish Queen, this castle is so near and noisome a neighbour to England, that he wishes it might by direction from him, without Her Majesty's order, be utterly overthrown in such sort as it should hardly be refortified. If she has any doubt of the French entering Scotland she may have Eyemouth in her own possession or at her devotion, when it would be hard for them to settle near England. Lord Home since his coming, with the others, was never able to assemble 100 horsemen. Divers Scots on the West and Middle Marches have required security and seek to depend upon Her Majesty, and offer their lives and goods in the maintenance of the King's authority and the amity between the two realms and the resisting of any foreign power that should disturb either. On the 29th ult. the Duke of Chatelherault and the Earl of Huntly went to Linlithgow to stop the Earl of Mar's coming to Edinburgh; and the Earl of Morton has gone with 1,000 men to meet them. Lord Home and Lethington are in the castle with Grange, and the town of Edinburgh seems to be divided in this quarrel. Declares his distrust of all Scots. Finds most of the gentlemen and commons between the east seas and the west to affect the King's government, but the others show apparent dependence on the French and openly maintain her rebels. Scotland is now on the point of trying the authority by the sword, and therefore it is time for Her Majesty to discover on which side she will be; otherwise he sees not how she can be long assured of either party.—Berwick, 1 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3½.
May 1. 873. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Sends similar information concerning the present state of Scotland, the disposition of the different Borderers, and the likelihood of the settlement by the sword as to who shall hold the authority, as is contained in his letter to the Queen of this date. Has found Mr. Drury so able and necessary a servant here, and his charges such, that without relief he is not able to continue, that he begs that he may have some present comfort and relief.—Berwick, 1 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
May 1. 874. Sir Valentine Broune to Cecil.
1. Desires that he may have money for the satisfying of certain provisions which he took up in London for the more sure furnishing of the army.
2. P.S.—The charges for the allowances of the army in the field will far exceed all receipts appointed to him up to the last of April.—Berwick, 1 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
May 1. 875. Thomas Randolph to Kirkcaldy of Grange.
Is contented with the first part of his letter as touching his constant abiding at the King's authority, but what he means by "and whilst the same be tane away by order of law," is to him somewhat doubtful. Where he thinks their dealings somewhat hard against the Lord Maxwell he informs him that he has both received and maintained the Queen of England's rebels, and that his tenants have spoiled her subjects. As to the letting forth of his warders, he will some day wish that it had not been done. As to his becoming Prior of St. Andrews, that vocation agrees not with anything Randolph ever knew in him, saving his religious life led "under the cardinal's hat" when they were students both in Paris. The Earl of Sussex has made him privy to a very eloquent, fine-written letter of his, which passed his wit to understand. Either he has lately altered his hand, his stile, manner and meaning, "or used the pen of some fine secretary." —Berwick, 1 May 1570. Signed: "Your loving brother in perpetuity."
Copy. Endd. P. 1.
May 2. 876. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
The Earl of Morton has had some little skirmish with the prickers of Linlithgow, and is returned to Edinburgh. The Earls of Glencairn and Marr and others are at Stirling, and intend to pass to Edinburgh. The Lords of the contrary side hasten to Linlithgow all they may. Desires that Askolf Clefton may be set at liberty.—Berwick, 2 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
May 2. 877. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
Finds a great spot of dishonesty in Grange, whom he trusted. Took him to be next to the Regent the faithfulest friend to England. Cecil sees who it is who enchants all the "whole wits" in Scotland. Lethington is received into the castle again. Desires that he may have some money sent to him. —Berwick, 2 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 2. 878. The Queen to Sir Henry Norris.
He is to say to the King that where his ambassador lately imparted to her certain matters that she allows well that the King should communicate his mind to her in such things as he mislikes in her, and where the King has willed her to stay her army sent towards Scotland, she cannot mislike it much that at the entreaty of some special persons he has willed his ambassador to deal herein with her; but if the request be not reasonable nor meet for one prince to require of another, she trusts that he will forbear to persist therein. He is to inform the King how her rebels were maintained both during and after the rebellion by certain on the borders of Scotland, who aided them to invade her realm several times, killing her subjects, and taking prisoners, besides spoiling the whole Borders, and not being able to have restitution or recompense in any reasonable sort, that she sent the Earl of Sussex to use some like manner towards them, but only to such as had notoriously invaded her realm. Where the King seems to ground his request upon the respect he has for certain old alliances betwixt his crown and the crown of Scotland, he is to assure him that she has neither made nor intends to make any war against the realm of Scotland, and means not to offend any that will keep peace with her, so that the best he shall do for that realm is to give them good counsel to live in peace with her, and to accord amongst themselves. He is also to tell him that she has had a good disposition of long time to have brought the Queen of Scots' causes to some good end betwixt her and her subjects, the let thereof has been with herself and her ministers, for none in Scotland make war upon England but such as be notoriously known to be directed by her. If the Queen of Scots will observe not only all former treaties, but such as may be newly made for her liberty and restitution, she will be found as ready to come to some good end with her, having thereof sufficient assurances, as the said French King can desire.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 2 May 1570. Pp. 6.
May 4. 879. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
This day has had Fast Castle rendered to him. The Earls Morton, Mar, and other lords convened at Edinburgh have gathered all the force they can make to defend themselves from her rebels and their open partakers, and have required him to aid them. Has sent Nicholas Errington to confer with them upon certain articles. Sends letters between him and Grange. Understanding that the forces assembled on both sides in Scotland are such as it is likely to come to a fight, he has sent to procure that both sides may disarm bonâ fide and remit their causes to her determination. Begs her to send 10,000l., as otherwise although he may defend the Borders and make sudden incursions in places near hand, he will not be able to defend her party from the violence of their adversaries.—Berwick, 4 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¾.
May 1. 880. Instructions for the Laird of Dromwassel sent to the Earl of Sussex.
He is to inform him that they have assembled at Edinburgh upon no other respect than that justice should be set forward in the King's name, and that the rebels of England who have been occasions of great unquietness to both realms may be restrained. The enemies of quietness within Scotland perceiving this, have accompanied with the rebels of England assembled their forces. The long delay used in putting a remedy to this matter, partly through the want of the Queen of England's comfort has given the enemy such courage that they are now put in no small danger. He is to desire the Earl of Sussex to give them aid with some of his forces, when they are sure that their enemies will quit the field. He is to assure him of victuals and conveyances, and that they will be ready to accompany him. As the Laird of Cessford is presently with them, he is to desire that the assurance given to those of Tividale may be prorogued for some few days. Is to excuse the Abbot of Dunfermline's long tarry. Signed by the Lords convened at Edinburgh.
Copy. Pp. 2½. Enclosure.
May 3. 881. Instructions for Nicholas Errington sent to the Earl of Morton and others.
As they require aid for the pursuing of the rebels, he is to demand that those who are already taken may be delivered to the Queen of England's lieutenant; also he is to require hostages, and to know what force they will prepare to join him, and to say that the English army cannot be collected before Monday.—3 May 1570.
Copy. P. 1. Enclosure.
April 26. 882. The Earl of Sussex to Kirkcaldy of Grange.
Has by the reports of Randolph and greater persons had knowledge of the goodwill he has borne to the Queen of England in respect of the great benefits received from her in delivering Scotland from the yoke of the French. Hearing that he has declined from his old friends, he utters such occurrents has have by bruit come to him, to the end if they be untrue he may by writing reprove them.—Berwick, 26 April 1570.
Copy. Endd. P. ½. Enclosure.
April 29. 883. Kirkcaldy of Grange to the Earl of Sussex.
Has received his letter of the 26th inst. The whole matter rests on two heads, the one that he has declined from his old friends who have heretofore desired the amity of England, and the other that he has given countenance to those who have capitulated with the French, both which are general and difficult for him to answer particularly. As to the former, he is sure that all such with whom an honest man might maintain friendship are with him in the same degree of amity as they were wont to be. Has not given countenance to any that to his knowledge mean unhonestly to either Scotland or England. Knows not who have capitulated with the French, or after what sort. Has had indeed conference with the Frenchman who was lately sent into Scotland, but assures him that there was no language used prejudicial to the amity betwixt the two realms. Has always been well affected to the amity of England, and wishes that the Queen would take in hand the union of the nobility of Scotland.—Edinburgh, 29 April 1570.
Copy. Pp. 1¼. Enclosure.
May 1. 884. The Earl of Sussex to the Laird of Grange.
Considers the principal points of his letter of the 26th April to be utterly unanswered. Knows that it is lawful for him to use conference with the French or any other nation, but has known the time when he would not have dealt with them without the Queen of England's knowledge and consent. Where he earnestly desires that the Queen will take in hand the union of the nobility of Scotland, these words are very honourable but general, and yield no ground to conceive his meaning in particulars. His course hitherto held has consisted of two points; the one to be revenged of such as have maintained the rebels of England; and the other to continue by all means the good affection borne towards the Queen of England by many of the nobility of Scotland, of which number he has always accepted Grange to be a special person to be accounted of.—Berwick, 1 May 1570.
Copy. Pp. 1½. Enclosure.
May 3. 885. Kirkcaldy of Grange to Sussex.
As he perceives he is not fully satisfied with his last writing he minds to send a special friend to let him know his full intentions in all things.—Edinburgh Castle, 3 May.
Copy. P. ¼. Enclosure.
April 28. 886. The Laird of Lethington to the Earl of Sussex.
Excuses himself for not having dealt with him. Has written to divers of the Queen of England's council offering himself at her commandment if they see any ability in him to do good offices.—Edinburgh, 28 April 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1½. Enclosure.
May 1. 887. The Earl of Sussex to Lethington.
Where Lethington excuses himself for not writing, it is true that Sussex used some speeches of him to Mr. Gordon, but not to that end. He said that he marvelled greatly that he should put his hand to the letters and instructions sent by certain of the Lords at Linlithgow, warning him not to enter the Merse of Scotland, and that he should think to fear him with a piece of paper from executing the Queen's commandment. Will answer any letter and hear any person of credit that Lethington may send.—Berwick, 1 May 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1¾. Enclosure.
May 2. 888. Lethington to the Earl of Sussex.
Will send a special servant to him within two days, by whom he shall well understand his meaning to procure the quietness of the whole island.—The Castle, 2 May 1570.
Copy. Endd. P. ½. Enclosure.
May 4. 889. The Earl of Sussex to the Lairds of Grange and Lethington.
Warns them that this union which with fair words they seem to seek will by their devices grow to common dissensions and deadly war amongst themselves. Is sorry that they and others have openly joined in arms with the Queen's rebels. If they pursue this cause and quarrel he gives them plainly to understand that he will with all the force he has draw into the field to defend those noblemen from the oppressing of the Queen's rebels and all others. Protests that he has no intention to intermeddle in the deciding of causes of titles, but only has to deal with such persons as contemn the Queen's authority. Marvels at the great alteration come upon them, that after their courteous writing and committing their cause to the Queen they should capitulate with the French. Advises both sides to disarm "bonâ fide." If honourable and just dealing may not have place, he will not forget to take that revenge which shall be honourable for his mistress.—Berwick, 4 May 1570.
Copy. Pp. 3. Enclosure.
May 4. 890. The Earl of Sussex to the Earl of Morton and the others.
Thinking it likely that a battle would ensue between them and the other party, has written a plain letter to the Lairds of Grange and Lethington, a copy whereof the bearer, Richard Wrothe, his secretary, shall show them. Doubts not if the adverse party so accord that they will be content with a quiet abstinence from all forcible attempts.—Berwick, 4 May 1570.
Copy. P. 2/3. Enclosure.
May 4. 891. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Refers him to his letter to the Queen of this date for the taking of Fast Castle and other news.—Berwick, 4 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
May 4. 892. Petition to the Duke of Alva.
John Marsh and other English merchants request the Duke that he will cause the arrest to be taken off the persons of such English merchants as are detained in the Low Countries and in Spain, together with the restitution of their goods and ships, and recompense for such damage as they may have sustained by the sale or loss of any part of their goods. With marginal notes agreeing to most of these articles, provided that reciprocity is used in England.—Antwerp, 4 May 1570.
Fr. Pp. 4½.
May 5. 893. The Earl of Morton and others to Queen Elizabeth.
Letter of commendation for Robert Commendator of Dunfermline, whom they send in order to understand her advice for the government of Scotland during the King's minority.— Edinburgh, 5 May 1570. Signed by Morton and about twenty noblemen and others.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¼.
May 6. 894. The Muscovite Embassy.
Requests of the Muscovite Ambassador to Cecil, chiefly to the effect that the Queen's answer might be written in Russ, as his master understood no other language. Also that the Queen would send Anthony Jenkinson to the Emperor.
Endd. P. 1.
895. Another paper to the same effect as the above.
Endd. P. 1.
896. The Muscovite Embassy.
Another paper with suggestions by Sir William Garret, as to how the Muscovite Ambassador's requests should be answered.
Endd. P. 1.
May 7. 897. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
Teligny and Beauvoir have come to the Court there, where there was good expectations of peace upon certain articles, and therein offers made to them of the religion of towns to the number of eight, which were concluded at Duretal, the 19th March, and forthwith sent to other princes to judge of the King's favourable dealing with his subjects. The deputies have thought it their part to give the world to understand that all such articles as were said to be offered them they were never made privy thereto, nor could they at any time get any further grant than for three towns, with utter denial of all other their demands. The deputies humbly desire that she will give no credit to the French Ambassador if he shall attempt to persuade her that any such offer was ever made to them, and further that she will persuade the French King to grant them peace, with reasonable conditions for their safety and the exercise of their religion, and further to grant them her advice touching their demands, and to understand her pleasure if she would have any mention made of herself in their demands, wherein as in all things that may be for her service she will always find them most ready. The deputies also desire that she should be advertised to prevent the sending of aid into Scotland and Ireland, which now they attempt to do, Captain La Roche having 500 harquebusiers at this present in Bas Bretagne, who are to be sent to Dumbarton.— Angers, 7 May. Signed.
Part in cipher. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
May 7. 898. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Such articles with some reasonable conditions as were sent into divers parts of Christendom, have been only to persuade some evil opinion of them of the religion, but instead thereof such conditions were offered as tended wholly to their ruin, especially in taking both the exercise of religion from the commonalty, and again in not restoring them with the nobility to their estates, thereby to make division and hatred between them. There is less appearance of peace than there was at the beginning of the treaty. Though there is no great meaning hereof, yet has the same been specially hindered by the Ambassador of the Roman faction resident here. They intend to send men to Scotland. There are sundry ships rigged to the sea and men-of-war, whereof two are at Belle Isle, and five others in the river of Vannes. During this treaty of peace there has been no occasion omitted to gain the one upon the other. The Huguenots have taken Lunel.—Angers, 7 May. Signed.
Part in cipher. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
May 8. 899. The Earl of Lennox to Cecil.
As he perceives that his friends are very desirous to have him with them, he minds to be in Edinburgh next Friday, when he trusts to "pull the feathers of the other party's wings."—Berwick, 8 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
May 8. 900. Proclamation by the Lords at Edinburgh.
Accuses the Hamiltons and their faction of a design to usurp the crown of Scotland and bring Papists into the country. Annexed is a bond subscribed by the Earls of Huntly, Crauford, and Cassillis, and upwards of sixty other noblemen and gentlemen on different dates in 1569, promising obedience to the King's authority under pain of treason.— Edinburgh, 8 May 1570.
Large black letter broadside printed by Robert Lekpreuik.
May 8. 901. Advices from Rome.
Remonstrance of the Emperor with the Pope on his making the Duke of Florence, Grand Duke of Tuscany. Pasquinade on certain cardinals. Creation of cardinals. Naval movements against the Turks. Levy of troops. News from Venice 22nd and 29th April. Measures taken by the Seignory for the defence of Cyprus. List of cardinals.—Rome, 8 May 1570.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2½.
May 9. 902. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Understands from Grange that he will rest upon the King's authority and that he utterly detests the coming of the French. Has had the like from Lethington. Has entered into some particular dealing with them. The Lords at Linlithgow say that they will disarm when the others do. The Lords on the other side perceiving their deceitfulness call earnestly for aid from him. Intends to set forward her forces on Thursday next into Scotland unless he finds such conditions offered for taking up the cause as shall be honourable for her and noways hurtful for her party. Finds that the King's party is as strong as the other. Upon the first gathering of forces at Linlithgow, he caused Sir John Forster and Lord Scrope to enter upon the Borders opposite, which kept many of the Queen's faction from going to Linlithgow. Those on the east side having received comfort from him, are gone with their forces to Edinburgh. Desires to be furnished with money.— Berwick, 9 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 9. 903. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Since his coming hither their party in Scotland has taken heart. Will do what he can to keep them from suppression, but it is Cecil's resolution that is expected to finish this work. As far as he can see the Queen may direct Scotland at her pleasure. Grange has assured Morton to stand on the King's side. Lethington seeks the Queen's favour and seems unwilling that the French should enter. If he can be won from that side they will be nothing again when he is taken from them. Athole, Eglington, and many other of the nobility lie a loose.—Berwick, 9 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
May 9. 904. Thomas Randolph to Cecil.
Complains of the delay of the Scots in not sending to Her Majesty. Can give him better assurance of Grange than before. Thinks Lethington as unhonest in mind towards England as he is weak in body in the sight of the world. The Earl of Sussex's care is passing, his travail marvellous, and his skill such as Randolph thought little to have found in so weak a body. Praises the goodwill of the captains and soldiers.—Berwick, 9 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
May 9. 905. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
The extreme travail of body and mind with lying on the cold ground and hard rocks in Home and Tivydale has brought the Lord Lieutenant into an extreme cold and fever, but this day finds him much better. Being earnestly pressed by the Lords of the King's side to send some aid, he has resolved to send to Edinburgh on Thursday next 1,500 footmen and 500 horse under Hunsdon and the Marshal. Trusts that the Queen will not be offended herewith, as it touches her both in honour and surety to maintain those Lords who have run her course. All between this and Edinburgh are at the Queen of Scots' devotion either for love or fear.—Berwick, 9 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
May 9. 906. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
The Lord Lieutenant finding a less number sufficient, has stayed his going into Scotland, and sends the Marshal with 1,000 foot and 300 horse.—Berwick, 9 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
May 9. 907. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Being willed by the Earl of Morton to procure the Lords Herries and Maxwell to tarry at home, he caused his determination to invade Scotland to be openly noised abroad, so as they assembled all their forces and awaited his coming at Dumfries, and so were stayed from the rest of their faction at Linlithgow. On Saturday entered Scotland and spared the lands of Lord Maxwell at Morton's request, but destroyed those of the Lord Herries and the Laird of Johnstone and his friends. If the forces should be increased he prays that Mr. Knevett may have a charge of horsemen.—Carlisle, 9 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
May 10. 908. Writ of Summons to the Provost of Rutherglen.
Writ of summons in the name of the Queen of Scots commanding his attendance at a parliament to be held at Linlithgow on the 7th Aug. — Linlithgow, 10 May Anno regni 28.
Written in Latin on a strip of parchment.
May 10. 909. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
Directs him to let her party in Scotland understand in some secret manner that though she has of long time been solicited by the Kings of France and Spain not only with requests and entreaties, but also with menaces, to take some order for the Queen of Scots and to leave off favouring her contraries in Scotland, she has not hitherto entered into any conference or communication thereupon. He is to let them know that she means not to conclude anything without first having knowledge of their opinions or without full assurance for their sureties. If the bestowing of 1,000l. presently upon them may do them good and further her service, he shall cause the same to be delivered according to his discretion.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 10 May 1570. Pp. 2¼.
May 11. 910. The Earl of Lennox to the Queen.
Is presently entering this troublesome country where his fortune heretofore has been very hard. Recommends his wife and son to her goodness and protection, and begs that the reports of his enemies may take no place in her sight but as the just proof and truth of his doings may bear witness.— Berwick, 11 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
May 11. 911. The Earl of Lennox to Cecil.
Goes into Scotland with such power and aid as at the earnest request of the nobility of the King's party the Lord Lieutenant sends unto them.—Berwick, 11 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
May 12. 912. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Understanding that Lethington and the Lords at Linlithgow did but give fair words to win time, at the request of the Lords at Edinburgh he sent Sir William Drury with 1,200 footmen, 400 horsemen, and certain field pieces to Coldingham yesterday where the hostages were ready to be delivered according to promise. Has so dealt that the whole course of his doings tends only to the pursuit of her rebels and their fautors. Will omit no occasion to take up the cause from bloodshed if the same may be done with honourable conditions to Her Majesty.—Berwick, 12 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
913. List of Hostages.
Names of six persons sent as hostages to the Earl of Sussex by the Lords of the King of Scots' party. Enclosed in Sussex's letter to the Queen of 12th May.
P. ¼.
May 12. 914. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
The Laird of Lethington who is a malicious instrument against the Queen of England, has persuaded great numbers in Scotland that she and her council are resolved to deliver their Queen to them, and that she allows of all those who take her part, calling all the rest traitors. He also travailed to procure promise of French aid, and utters that the Queen of England is inconstant, unresolute, and fearful, which has brought Scotland into the state that it was at his coming. To meet these practices, Sussex has shown himself very earnest to pursue the rebels and all their partakers, and to favour and aid all such as will pursue them; by reason whereof "our" party is of late largely increased, and many that were on the other side before hang now off to see the end.—Berwick, 12 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May [12]. 915. Articles for Sir William Drury.
Copy of certain articles to be treated on with the Duke of Chatelherault and his party and the Earl of Morton and the others for a mutual disarmament, for putting the Queen's rebels from them, for the reference of their causes to the Queen, and the resisting of the entrance of all foreign powers into Scotland.
Endd.: May 1570. P. 1.
May 12. 916. Expedition into Scotland.
List of the captains and the numbers of their bands sent into Scotland under the leading of Sir William Drury, 12 May 1570, consisting of 180 lances, 230 light horsemen, and 1,200 footmen.
Endd. P. ¾.
May 13. 917. The Dean of Bremen to Cecil.
Desires his favour in behalf of two citizens of Bremen whose ship has been seized and carried into England. The King of Poland has endeavoured to make peace between the Kings of Denmark and Sweden. The Diet will be held at Spires on the 21st inst. Religious differences have broken out again in Saxony.—Bremen, 13 May 1570. Signed: Joachim Hinck.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
May 14. 918. The Earl of Lennox to Cecil.
On the 13th inst. he arrived here in company with the forces under the Marshal of Berwick much to the comfort of the nobility here, who are very thankful to the Queen for her supply and aid in this time of need. Their adversaries are at Glasgow busy with the castle thereof. They mind this night to set forward towards them, but he fears that they will not tarry their coming.—Edinburgh, 14 May. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
May 14. 919. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
After he had set forward the marshal with the forces into Scotland he sent Wrothe to the Lairds of Grange and Lethington, with letters and instructions, copies of which he encloses, and prays him to show them to the Queen.—Berwick, 14 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
May 14. 920. The Earl of Sussex to the Lairds of Grange and Lethington.
Letter of credit for the bearer, Richard Wrothe.—Berwick, 14 May 1570. Signed.
Instructions for Richard Wrothe.
He is to declare that Sussex noways intends to intermeddle with any matters of title, but only to pursue the Queen's rebels and their favourers. The rest of the instructions are to the same effect as those given to Drury on his entry into Scotland. Signed.
Copy. Pp. 3. Enclosure.
May 14. 921. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Encloses the copy of a letter which he has received from Lord Herries, whose request he has refused.—Carlisle, 14 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
[May 14.] 922. Lord Herries to Lord Scrope.
Has resolved to do him any lawful pleasure or service, and therefore begs that he will not invade his bounds, friends, or servants for twelve or fifteen days.—Terregles, Friday.
Copy. P. 2/3. Enclosure.
May [15.] 923. The Treason of Dumbarton.
Blackletter ballad commencing, In Mayis moneth mening na dispyte, and censuring Lord Fleming, the Governor of Dumbarton Castle, for firing on Sir William Drury, maintaining the Archbishop of St. Andrew's and other matters.
Printed at Edinburgh, by Robert Lekpreuik. Broadside.
924. Another copy.
May 15. 925. Frederic II. to Queen Elizabeth.
Hopes that she will not take it in bad part if he does not grant her request for the remission of certain bonds given for the return of a Dantzic vessel to his fleet.—Fredericsburg, 15 May 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3¼.