Elizabeth: December 1568

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: December 1568', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp580-592 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1568', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp580-592.

"Elizabeth: December 1568". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp580-592.

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December 1568

Dec. 2. 2655. Requests of the Spanish Ambassador.
Desires letters to the Mayor of Southampton, and the officers at other ports on the south coasts, commanding them to see that the King of Spain's subjects sustain no injury within their jurisdictions.
Endd. P. 1.
Dec. 2. 2656. The Spanish Ambassador to the Queen.
Desires that letters for the protection of the ships belonging to his master's subjects may be forthwith sent.—London, 2 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. ½.
Dec. 3. 2657. The Spanish Ambassador to Cecil.
Is surprised at Cecil's complaints, and assures him of his desire to do everything quietly and amicably.—London, 3 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. ¾.
Dec. 3. 2658. The Prince of Orange's answer to the French King's Ambassador.
Protests that he has not entered the King's territory with any evil intention, but rather with the desire to do him all the service that he can. The Prince perceives by the Edict published in September that it is endeavoured not merely to constrain the consciences of those of the religion, but also that it is determined to put down all exercise of the same. In all matters relating to conscience he cannot but afford the Protestants what council and succour he is able. If he knew that those of the religion had any other object than the establishment of true religion and liberty of conscience he would give them no assistance, but would do what he could to defeat and destroy them.—Sissone, 3 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Germ. Pp. 9.
2659. Copy of the above in French, dated Dec. 4.
Endd. Pp. 3.
Dec. 4. 2660. Mr. Herbert to Mr. Alford.
Embassy of the Cardinal of Guise to Spain about King Philip's marriage with Madame Margaret. Assembly of soldiers in different parts of France. Monsieur lies with his camp about Poitiers. The Prince of Orange has reinforced his camp with certain troops of reiters. The Duke of Alva approaches France and shortly enters. Men attend here but pillage, ruin, desolation, and extreme misery.—4 Dec. 1568.
Add. Endd.: From Paris. Pp. 2¼.
Dec. 4. 2661. Sir Henry Lee to Cecil.
It is reported that the King of Spain will marry the other sister of the French King. The Pope's army increased. Has been very courteously used by the Prince.—Florence, 4 Dec. Signed.
Add., with seal. P. 1.
Dec. 6. 2662. News from Naples.
Certain companies of Almains and Swiss are looked for to come in the spring. There is great murmuring amongst the Neapolitans for fear of the Inquisition. This day there is great solemnity in Naples, and the funeral kept for the Queen of Spain.
Endd. P. 1.
Dec. 6. 2663. Edward Lord Windsor to Cecil.
Arrived at Naples on the 29th November and has determined to depart to Sicily. The cause of his going is the great desire he has to see the noble fortifications of Malta. Has left a gentleman behind to let Cecil understand in case of any misfortune happening to him.—Naples, 6 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Dec. 7. 2664. Don Guerau Despes to the Earl of Leicester.
Complains of piracies committed by certain English and Frenchmen on the subjects of the King of Spain.—London, 7 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Ital. Pp. 3.
Dec. 7. 2665. M. La Mothe Fenelon to the Queen.
Has been commanded by the King to inform her of a victory gained on the 17th by Monsieur over the enemy, who were completely routed with the loss of 3,000 or 4,000 men. There was also news at the same time of the defeat by the Duke D'Aumale of 1,500 or 2,000 footmen on the borders of Lorraine.—London. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Dec. 8. 2666. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
The Cardinals of Lorraine and Guise incontinent upon the death of the Queen of Spain made overture of the marriage between Madame Margaret and the King Catholic. To this end the Cardinal of Guise is gone into Spain, where he meets the Archduke Charles, who has authority to confirm the leagues made against them of the religion, and renew again the triumvirate of Bayonne. He has also in charge to deal that M. D'Anjou may marry the Queen of Portugal, following therein the advice of the Duke of Alva and the Cardinal Granville; also he is to solicit the King to be a means with her for the Queen of Scots. The Queen Mother has determined to send the Cardinal of Bourbon to the Emperor to advance the marriage between the King her son and his eldest daughter; having likewise to negotiate the like charge that the Cardinal of Guise has in Spain. The Prince of Conde has drawn down again towards Chatelherault; the King's army not being far from him. The Duke of Alva sent word to the King to give the Prince of Conde battle, promising that he would follow the Prince of Orange if he entered France; whereupon the King has sent him a very large commission not only to take necessaries of his country but also to enter his walled towns. The Prince of Orange remained at that time upon the borders of Picardy, but his horsemen rode as far as Compeigne, which greatly amazed those of the Court. The King has gone towards Melun minding to raise a new army. The ban and arriere ban are appointed to assemble at Melun. The 3rd inst. the Prince of Orange presented his army before Rheims. He minds to join with the Duke of Deuxponts, who makes a levy of reiters for the Prince of Conde. A letter sent out of Almain by the Prince's agent has been intercepted, by which the Duke of Deuxponts has 8,000 reiters and forty ensigns of Lansquenets, which are appointed to be in France about the beginning of December. It is accorded by the said agent that the towns and castles appertaining to the House of Guise shall be seized upon and the revenues employed to discharge the pay of the reiters, but the towns belonging to the King shall be put into the hands of the Prince of Conde. Upon these considerations the Duke demands no pay for two months. Some think that the Prince of Orange will quit France, the King having lately promised him that he would use the Emperor's aid and procure his reconciliation with King Philip. The Duke of Alva has continually followed on the tail of the Prince.
2. The Queen Mother is here demanding 200,000 francs of the Parisians to furnish the first pay of the reiters.—Paris, 8 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4.
Dec. 8. 2667. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The Prince of Orange makes no haste out of France. A skirmish between Counts Montgomery and Brissac near Lusignan.—Paris, 8 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Dec. 8. 2668. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Sends similar news as that contained in his letter to the Queen of this date. Thanks him for the comfort which he has found in his letters, which to others will turn to great fear in these parts.—Paris, 8 Dec. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. The last sentence in cipher. Pp. 2.
Dec. 8. 2669. Sir Henry Norris to —
Rough draft of a letter concerning the Cardinal of Guise's mission into Spain.
Incomplete. Pp. 2.
Dec. 8. 2670. The Spanish Ambassador to the Queen.
Complains that certain Englishmen openly sail out of port, and having captured ships belonging to the subjects of the King of Spain, publicly sell the cargoes and detain the crews. Desires that they and their accomplices may be severely punished.—London, 8 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. ¾.
Dec. 11. 2671. Parliament of Paris.
Extract from the register of the Parliament of Paris, enjoining search to be made throughout the town twice a week in all hostelries and other places; and forbidding mechanics to leave their houses on certain days.—Paris, Dec. 11, 1568.
Printed. Fr. P. 1.
Dec. 14. 2672. The French Ambassador to Cecil.
Desires that justice may be executed on certain pirates who have been arrested at Plymouth for depredations done by them on a ship of Marseilles.—London, 14 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¼.
Dec. 14. 2673. Edict by Charles IX.
Depriving all those of the new pretended religion of all offices held by them under the State.—Melun, 11 Dec. 1568. Registered at Paris, on 14 Dec.
Printed pamphlet in Fr. Pp. 8.
Dec. [16]. 2674. Letters Patent of Charles IX.
Letter of Declaration of the King following the Edict of the 25th September suppressing all offices in the judicature, finance, and elsewhere held by those of the new pretended religion; with commission for the execution of its contents.—Melun, Dec. 1568. Published at Paris, 16 Dec. 1568.
Printed pamphlet. Fr. Pp. 8.
Dec. 16. 2675. The Spanish Ambassador to Cecil.
A certain Spanish ship having been taken by French pirates and brought into Southampton, he desires that it and its cargo may be restored to the owners.—London, 16 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. ¾.
Dec. 17. 2676. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Desires his favour for Nicholo De la Torre, who has been engaged all his life in searching for and transcribing unpublished Greek works.—Sheen, 17 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Dec. 18. 2677. The Spanish Ambassador to the Queen.
As it is of no use to treat with Cecil about the postmastership of the Merchant Strangers he appeals to her, knowing that she is unwilling to infringe the intercourse and treaties.—London, 18 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. ½.
Dec. 19. 2678. Lope De la Sierra to Edward Horsey.
Begs that he will take measures that his ship which is lying near Calshot Castle may be in safety from the attacks of certain Frenchmen.—19 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Endd. by Cecil. P. 1.
Dec. 21. 2679. The Spanish Ambassador to the Queen.
Desires that the money belonging to the King of Spain which was taken out of Lope De la Sierra's ship may be restored, and either sent by land to Dover or conveyed by her ships to Antwerp. Also that the goods belonging to certain Flemings which were taken out of the ship of Marseilles may be delivered up.—London, 21 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
[Dec. 21.] 2680. Petition of certain Spanish Mariners.
Desire redress of the Queen for ill treatment and robbery which they have suffered at Plymouth.
Endd. Span. P. ½.
Dec. 21. 2681. The Spanish Ambassador to Cecil.
Demands that the money belonging to the King of Spain which has been taken out of Lope De la Sierra's ship may be restored to him.—London, 21 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. ½.
Dec. 21. 2682. Second Answer of the Prince of Orange to the French King.
1. Has received his letter sent by Colonel Schomberg, and thanks him for having taken his offer in good part. Has no wish to intrude himself into the King's affairs, nor to demand an account of his treatment of his subjects, but as he has not been able to understand from his last letter what is his intention as to granting free exercise of religion, he begs that the King will enlighten him on this point. Where the King desires that he shall immediately withdraw his army from his realm, he waits for his declaration of his intention to permit the entire and free exercise of religion throughout his kingdom, as he cannot abandon those who are afflicted on account of the said religion.—Heillemorn, 21 Dec. 1568. Signed: Guillaume De Nassau.
2. P. S.—The said Colonel Schomberg wrote to the Prince by the King's commandment from Melun on the 27th inst. that he could not further declare his intentions than he had done by his letter of the 11th, and that the Prince need not expect any further reply.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Dec. 22. 2683. Certain Frenchmen to the French Ambassador.
Petition of certain French masters of ships, who having put into Dartmouth on account of contrary winds have been there arrested by Sir Arthur Champernown, that he will procure their release.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Dec. 23. 2684. Extract from the Registers of the Parliament of Paris.
Those of the soi-disant new religion who have been forbidden to leave their houses on certain days are to be allowed to appoint one of their servants to go about the town on their affairs. He is to have a certificate signed by the captain and commissaires of the quarter, and to be unarmed. The commissaires are to make a weekly search in the houses of those of the religion, to make proces verbal of the names of all the domestics signed by the master of the house, and to remove all arms found therein—23 Dec. 1568. Signed: Malon.
Printed in Fr. P. 1.
Dec. 24. 2685. Edward Horsey to Cecil.
1. Received his letter, and without delay made his repair to Southampton, where he sent for the Italian, Jacomo, and declared that by him he had been abused, for that he assured him that there was no more treasure aboard, and that he had received commandment and authority not only to make further search but also to examine him upon his oath, whether there had been any treasure conveyed to him out of the ship, whether he knew of any other conveyance, and whether there remained any on board. His answer was that willingly he would depose to these artices, and desired that the whole might be laid ashore and the ship thoroughly searched, and that in case he were "reproved" of what he had said he might not only be blamed but also punished.
2. This done Horsey sent for the captain of ship and in like case declared unto him that he must make further search, who seemed to yield very willingly, saying that if there were twenty ducats found he not only offered to lose the same but also be hanged. Whereupon Horsey sent two gentlemen of the Isle of Wight and two townsmen, who amongst divers secret and doubtful places found two barrels of "sucats" and two boxes of comfits, sent by the Duchess of Alva to her husband, and also two letters in one of the boxes to the Duke. Found the charter party, which made no mention of the treasure, also another writing, which he has sent, wherein was specified as well the particulars of the money as also divers marks. In order to make trial he granted the captain's request to have one of the coffers, which he examined, the contents whereof were 26,882 rials; has opened two others, which contain about 550l. The total amounts to 31,000l., or thereabouts.
2. It seems the treasure should appertain to merchants not only by the sundry marks, but also by certain tickets, whereof he sends two.
3. Desires to know his further pleasure, and if the Queen intends to have the money brought up.—Hampton, 24 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
Dec. [25]. 2686. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
Rough draft for a letter to the Queen. Skirmish betwixt the armies of M. D'Anjou and the Prince of Condé. Taking of Mirebeau.
Incomplete. Pp. 3.
Dec. 25. 2687. William Norris to Cecil.
Thanks him for making mention in his father's letter of his simple doings to his commendation.—Paris, 25 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Dec. 26. 2688. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
1. After the encounter of the 26th November the Prince of Condé was greatly desirous to pass the Loire, but the passages being stopped and the towns furnished with garrisons has been the cause of their hindrance. He has taken a castle of the Duke of Montpensier, called Champigny, by composition with a very rich spoil. Monsieur has taken Mirebeau, and put to the sword 400 soldiers. The next day being the 16th both camps advanced in sight of one another, but the place being watery and full of lakes and hedges neither horsemen nor footmen could attempt anything of great moment. There passed certain light skirmishes with equal loss, and the artillery of both parts shot into the camps. The next morning the Prince marched to Loudon, and Mons. D'Anjou went after him.
2. The soldiers die daily of famine. At this instant none seek to make any accord betwixt them. Gives the names of such of the nobility as have the conducting of both armies. Four thousand Swiss have arrived at Montereausur-Yonne, whither the King intended to have gone, and passed these holidays, but the Prince of Orange's doubtful hovering upon the frontiers has caused him to alter his purpose. Schomberg, one of the King's Almain colonels, has been sent to him. The Duke D'Aumale has the greatest part of the King's reiters, being in number 5,000. Two hundred thousand francs has come to his hands for the first pay.
3. In Paris the religion is very extremely dealt with, being expressly commanded during these holidays not to stir out of their houses.—Melun, 26 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3½.
Dec. 26. 2689. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Gives an account of the movements of the King's and Prince of Condés armies since the 14th inst. On the 16th inst. there chanced suddenly in the Court a great fire, burning the forefront of the Queen's lodgings, which struck the King with such sadness and melancholy, thinking it to be but malum omen, that the Queen gave order that all packets which came should first be overseen, minding to feed the King's melancholy humour with such news only as might best content the same. The long delays of the Prince of Orange will cause great inconvenience to the Prince of Condé Sends what has passed betwixt the French King and the Prince of Orange.—Melun, 26 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¼.
Dec. 27. 2690. Advertisements from the French Ambassador.
News sent from the French King on the 27th December 1568 to M. De la Mothe Fenelon to be communicated to the Queen of England. The Duke D'Anjou having forced the Prince of Condé to retire to Loudon, he looks from day to day for some good ending, his enemies having delayed in hopes of the Prince of Orange's army joining them, which can hardly be done as he has two large rivers to cross, and the Duke of Aumale is close to him with 8,000 cavalry. The King's army is twice as fine and strong as his enemy's.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Dec. 28. 2691. M. De la Mothe Fenelon to Cecil.
Has received yesterday a despatch from their most Christian Majesties, and communicates what they have written by this writing, which he desires Cecil to present to the Queen of England and to send her reply.—London, 28 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Dec. 28. 2692. M. De la Mothe Fenelon to the Queen.
Informs her of the return of the Prince of Orange towards Germany, and the good estate generally of the French King's affairs.—London, 28 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
2693. Civil War in France.
Extracts from a letter sent by one of the gentlemen about Monsieur to a friend, consisting of short notes of the movements of the two armies.
Fr. Pp. 1½.
Dec. 28. 2694. Petition of certain English Merchants to the Privy Council.
Whereas of late there have been some matters of doubt bruited between the Queen and the King of Spain whereupon such goods as they have in his dominions are in peril to be stayed; they beseech them to direct them as may be best for the safeguard of their said goods.
Draft. Endd.: 28 Dec. 1568. P. ½.
Dec. 29. 2695. Complaint to the Spanish Ambassador.
A ship of Marseilles laden in Flanders with merchandise for Italy was taken by certain French and English pirates and brought into Southampton; whereupon process was procured for the arrest thereof, which was executed; notwithstanding since the arrest the Mayor of Southampton has released the pirates and the ship is gone. Therefore they pray that the Mayor may be sent for to answer the matter.
Draft. Endd.: 29 Dec. 1568. P. ¾.
Dec. 30. 2696. The French Ambassador to the Queen.
The King and Queen Mother of France have written to him on the 17th inst. that the Prince of Conde has lost part of his infantry, and that Monsieur has been reinforced by 7,000 footmen and 1,500 horse under M. De Joyeuse. The Prince is retiring on Rochelle and Monsieur is following him with his whole army. The Prince of Orange is still in Champagne. —London, 30 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Dec. 30. 2697. Henry Prince of Navarre to Cecil.
Has heard by Mr. Stuart and M. De Renty the goodwill which he bears to the cause for which the Prince of Conde, he, and other great Lords have taken up arms, and also his good services with the Queen to induce her to favour and succour them as she has always done, for which he thanks him, and begs him to continue his good intentions, considering that this is a common cause to all those who have been withdrawn from the tyranny of the Pope. The Prince of Conde and himself are resolved to employ both their goods and their lives in the defence of this quarrel. Refers him for particular news to the report sent by the bearer.—Thouars, 30 Dec. 1568 Signed: Henry.
Orig. Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Dec. 30. 2698. The French Ambassador to Cecil.
Sends further news which he has received from France, which he desires Cecil to show to the Queen and let him know her answer.—London, 30 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Dec. 31. 2699. The Prince of Conde to Cecil.
To the same effect as the letter of the Prince of Navarre of the 30th thanking him for the good affection which he has always shown to their cause.—Thouars, 31 Dec. 1568. Signed: Loys De Bourbon.
Orig. Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Dec. 2700. Petition to Charles IX.
The petitioner, whose vessel has been seized by the ships of the Queen of England and of which he cannot obtain restitution, desires that he may have letters of marque and reprisal. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Dec. 31. 2701. The Spanish Ambassador to Cecil.
Requests a passport for a courier to go into Spain.—London, 31 Dec. 1568. Signed.
Hol. Add. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
Dec. 2702. Spoils of John Hawkins.
Johannes De Canes [John Hawkins] in January 1568 with seven ships went to Guinea and seized upon and destroyed several Portuguese vessels, and made a great spoil of ivory, wax, and negroes. Afterwards he went to Sierra Leone where he did the same. He compelled by torture the masters and owners of the ships to sign a document declaring that they had sold to him of their own free will those things which he had seized. Gives list of the names of the masters and owners of ten vessels who the said Hawkins had plundered to the extent of 70,000 ducats. In the two years 1567, 1568, he has taken more than 200,000 ducats. In 1567 another Englishmen, named John Cobol [Cobham], with four vessels, plundered on that coast to the amount of 20,000 ducats, which last sum has however been recovered.
With the Portuguese Ambassador's reply of this date. Lat. Pp.3.
Dec. 2703. Reply of the Portuguese Ambassador.
The King of Portugal has seen her answer to his former embassy, and is pleased that she should have considered his just proposals with so friendly a mind; nevertheless it would be gratifying to him if she would prohibit her subjects from all trade on the coasts of Guinea under pain of death and confiscation of goods. His subjects can never endure that foreigners should reap the advantage of that commerce which his ancestors acquired by a great expense of blood and treasure. The King is pricked to the heart that she refused immediate recompense to his subjects for piracies committed by the English, and again demands that she will do so. The King promises justice to two of her subjects. The King forbears to answer the other points contained in her reply, as they have nothing to do with the subject in question.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 2½.
2704. Advertisements from France.
Movements of troops in France; Conde at Niort; defeat of 600 reiters by D'Andelot. Ships sent towards Genoa to receive 4,000 Italians sent by the Pope.
Endd.: 1568. P. ½.
2705. Civil War in France.
Names of the leaders and numbers of their men in the Prince of Conde's army. French horsemen, 13,600; reiters, 8,500; footmen, 13,000; total 35,100.
Notes in Cecil's writing. Endd.: The Prince of Conde's army, 1568. P. 1.
2706. Civil War in France.
List of the names of the chief noblemen serving in the armies of the French King and his opponents.
Fr. Pp. 4.
2707. Proclamation by Charles IX.
Declaration of the King about the Edict of June concerning the resignation of purchasable estates and offices, or their preservation to the widows, children, and heirs of the possessors on payment of the "tiers denier."
Pamphlet printed in French. Imperfect. Pp. 7.
2708. Sir Henry Norris to Sir Francis Knollys.
Letter of condolence on the death of Lady Knollys.
Rough draft. Endd.: 68. P.1.
2709. Proceedings in the Court of Admiralty.
Note of piracies committed by Englishmen at different times for which no redress has been obtained.
Endd.: 1568. Fr. Pp. 2½.
2710. Civil War in France.
Apology of the Prince of Conde and his party denying that they were the occasion of the late civil wars in France.
Endd.: 1568. Fr. Pp. 8.
2711. Petition to Charles IX.
Petition of certain merchants of Paris begging that he will procure redress for goods of theirs seized at Plymouth by an English captain.
Notes in the margin by Cecil; also an order to the Judge of the Admiralty Court to consider and remedy the matter. Signed.
Endd.: To M. De la Mothe Fenelon. Fr. Broadside.
2712. Negotiations for Peace.
Negotiations for peace. Endorsed, "The Prince's deputies' negotiation at the Court's being at Chateaubriant."
Fr. Pp. 5½.
2713. Merchant Adventurers.
List of five articles agreed upon between the merchant adventurers and the Senate of Hamburg.
Lat. P. 1.
2714. Privileges granted to the English Merchants at Hamburg.
A list of privileges granted to English merchants by the town of Hamburg with reciprocal advantages enjoyed by those of Hamburg in England.
In parallel columns. Endd. Pp. 2.
2715. Offenders in Liddlesdale.
A list of names of the offenders in Liddlesdale, with the crimes with which they are severally charged.
Endd. Pp. 1¼.
2716. Rowland Johnson to the Privy Council.
Petitions for the payment of arrears due to him for serving in the offices of surveyor of the works and master mason at Berwick. Signed.
P. 1.
2717. The Queen to the Spanish Ambassador.
Relating to seizure of Spanish vessels by Englishmen during and since the year 1568.
Incomplete. P. 1.
2718. Persons appointed to search for the Goods of Spaniards.
List of names of persons appointed to make inquisition of all goods, merchandise, money, and debts belonging to the subjects of the King of Spain in London.
Endd.: 1568. P. 1.
2719. Goods belonging to Sir Thomas Gresham.
A list of goods and money coming out of Spain and Portugal belonging to Sir Thomas Gresham with the names of the ships on which they are laden. Signed by Gresham.
Endd. by Cecil. P. 1.
2720. Complaint of Piracies.
Complaint of piracies committed by the English on the subjects of the King of Spain.
Endd. Lat. P. ¾.