Elizabeth: July 1567, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: July 1567, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp291-306 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1567, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp291-306.

"Elizabeth: July 1567, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp291-306.

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July 1567, 21-31

July 21. 1482. The Duke of Cleves' Council to the Queen.
Asks her favour in behalf of Laurence Tucking, who is owed 100l. by the Marquis of Baden.—Cleves, 21 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1¼.
1483. Copy.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
July 21. 1484. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 19th Lethington delivered to him on the Lords' behalf the writing which he sends. He also told him that for access to the Queen and other things he must needs tarry until their associates were joined with them, wherewith he showed himself nothing contented. Lethington said he would talk frankly with him, and told him that he ran a course which would breed great peril and trouble, and said that it lay not in his power to save his mistress in estate, person, or honour, and reminded him how they both were publicly taxed in the preaching. The Queen of England should take heed lest she make Scotland by her dealing better French than either they would or should be. Their Queen may not be abiden amongst them.
2. Notwithstanding the smooth speech of the Lords they are resolved to put in execution forthwith the coronation of the young Prince with the Queen's consent, assuring her that they mean neither to touch her in honour or life, or proceed against her by way of process, otherwise they are determined to proceed against her publicly. They mean in the Princes' name so crowned to govern the realm by nine noblemen. They do not mean to suffer the Queen to pass forth of the realm. When he perused the writing he asked Lethington how far the words "necessity of their cause" in the end of the same did extend; he made no answer, but shaking his head said, Vous etes un renard. Earl Bothwell has assembled four or five small ships, and means to allure the pirates of all countries to him.
3. Knox daily prays for the continuation of amity betwixt England and Scotland, and admonishes his auditory to eschew their old alliance with France as they would fly from the pots of Egypt, which brought them nothing but sugared poison. He continues his seven exhortations as well against the Queen as against Bothwell, threatening the great plague of God to the whole country if she be spared from her condign punishment. The convention of all the churches still holds.—Edinburgh, 21 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4¼.
July 21. 1485. Answer of the Lords of Scotland to Throckmorton.
1. Cannot conveniently give him a resolute answer to the first part of his message, being but a small part of that number for the present assembled to whom he was directed. Have written out of hand for the remanent noblemen now absent to be here with all speed. Perceiving that the Queen of England finds strange their behaviour towards their Sovereign, they will declare some part of their proceedings. Recapitulate the want of justice for the King's murder and the captivity of the Queen by Bothwell. She was guarded by 200 harquebusiers, so that if any noblemen had to do with the Prince it behoved him to go through their ranks under the mercy of a notorious tyrant. Bothwell's desire was to send the son after the father, and as might be suspected seeing him keep another wife in store to make the Queen also to drink of the same cup, to the end he might invest himself with the Crown of the realm. No counsellors of the realm had liberty of free speech or surety of their own life if they should in council resist the inordinate affections of that bloody tyrant.
2. These respects and many others moved them to enterprise this quarrel, which was only intended against Bothwell's person, to dissolve the dishonourable and unlawful conjunction under the name of marriage; to remove the shameful slander spread of this poor realm by revenging that cruel murder and to preserve the most noble person of that innocent babe. These effects could not be brought to pass but by the punishment of Bothwell, who could not be apprehended unless they put themselves in arms.
3. When the Queen came in their company to Edinburgh they began to persuade her to be content to separate from that wicked man, with all good remonstrances that to good subjects did appertain to speak to their Prince in such a case; but all in vain, for "plat," contrary to their expectations, they found her passion so prevail in maintenance of him and his cause that she would not with patience hear speak anything to his reproof or suffer his doings to be called in question, but offered to give over the realm and all so she might be suffered to enjoy him, with many threatenings to be revenged on every man who had dealt in the matter. Thought that it behoved them to sequestrate her from having intelligence with him or his faction, not doubting but so soon as by a just trial they might make the truth appear, and he had received the recompense due to that most abominable fact, she would conform herself to their doings, tending more to her own honour than to any particular interest that any of them have in the matter.
Endd. Pp. 5½.
1486. Another copy, dated 11 July.
Endd. P. 5½.
Printed in Keith, Vol. II., p. 677. From a copy in the British Museum.
July 21. 1487. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Cecil.
Thinks when these Lords have accomplished their resolution one way or other as he has written, there rests here nothing more to be done unless the Queen be determined to enter into some treaty with them to have their Prince (and if their designments take place their King) brought into England. Desires to know her pleasure herein.—Edinburgh, 21 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 21. 1488. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
Refers him for news to the Earl of Murray, who has refused to be their pensioner. Gives movements of the Court of France. The Queen Mother has delivered to him a packet of letters out of Scotland and England unopened. Excuses his evil writing.—Dieppe, 21 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
July 22. 1489. The Earl of Leicester to Throckmorton.
Has delivered his letter to the Queen, and she has willed him to say that notwithstanding any matter contained in it she [sees no] cause to alter her former order and direction given to him.—22 July. Signed.
Add., with seal. Much mutilated. P. ½.
July 22. 1490. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Their unruly neighbours ride as fast as they did and cease not. Mr. Knox in his preachings thundereth out cannon shot against the alliance with France, using all persuasions to lean to the amity of England; he utters also very sharp words against that Queen.—Berwick, 22 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 22. 1491. Sir John Forster to the Earl of Bedford.
Yesterday the Scots ran a foray upon Tarset water in Tividale, where they seized a great number of cattle. The country being warned assembled, and on their return broke upon them and gave them the overthrow, and took thirty of them prisoners and won fifty of their horses.—Alnwick, 22 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
July 22. 1492. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
On the 20th, visited the Duke of Wurtemburg at Stutgard, where he was used very honourably. Intends to embark here, whence he will go to Vienna in seven days. Has had a painful journey from Antwerp by waggon and boat.—Ulm, 22 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
1493. Copy of above.
P. 1.
July 22. 1494. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
On the 19th saw the Duke of Wurtemburg and informed him of all things according to his instructions. Also spoke to him about her proposed marriage with the Archduke Charles.—Ulm, 22 July 1567.
Copy. Pp. 1¼.
July 22. 1495. The Earl of Sussex.
The Duke of Wurtemburg told him that all the Princes Protestant save the Palsgrave were agreed in the causes of religion, and that they trusted he would presently leave Calvin and return to the Augustine Confession. The Emperor has told the Duke that if the Queen held the Augustine Confession, the difficulties for her marriage were not so great. The bruits of the Pope's practices have knit the Princes faster together than before. The Duke is greatly affected to the Queen. Has required Sussex to return by him, and rest there. They are very inquisitive about matters of Scotland.
Schedule enclosed in his letter to Cecil of this date. Pp. 1¼.
1496. Copy.
Pp. 1¼.
July 23. 1497. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Is suitor for the pardon of a young man, who has advertised that Châtelherault has offered to be at the French devotion, and being supported by this King will take on him the delivery out of captivity of the Scottish Queen. His words have got him a rich cupboard of plate. Martigues has made request for 800 harquebusiers with which to seek her delivery. Châtelherault will be shortly despatched to Scotland. There has been great labour made to detain the Earl of Murray. He is much mistrusted here. It is said by the greatest and wisest that he has a right English heart. There is appointed sixteen captains in the town of Paris, every one having 100 soldiers. These all must be chosen catholics.—Paris, 23 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
July 23. 1498. Count Rocandolf to Cecil.
Has spoken with the French Ambassador touching his affairs, who has answered him very coldly. He has always done him harm, being related to the Chancellor of France.— London, 23 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Pp. 1½.
July 23. 1499. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Complains of the disorders on the Borders. Mr. Knox is desirous to come hither eight days hence; would know whether he shall license him so to do. He shall not preach here.—Berwick, 23 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
July 23. 1500. The Earl of Leicester to Throckmorton.
The Queen's pleasure was that he should read his letter, and no other creature is privy thereto. She is so resolved that he cannot imagine what is able to turn her. She is of opinion that these Lords may be persuaded (she taking upon her to answer for their surety) to set their Queen at liberty, and then prosecute their cause against Bothwell and the rest. It is shown her that even the thing which she would fainest should not come to pass of all other things for the example's sake to other Princes is by this her manner of dealing most like to bring it to pass the sooner against her. Her answer still is she [she will not comfort] subjects against their Prince. For Throckmorton to give any advice here that may sound anything against that Queen, will do nought but hinder himself. If he finds any resolution among them that is like to tend to the deprivation or destruction of the Queen in any case he must make his mean beforehand to come his way, for he knows how easily some will set forth his furtherance in such things. Murray is not come over yet.—22 July. Signed.
Mutilated. Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 23. 1501. The Earl of Leicester to Throckmorton.
His two last letters showing some words of commiseration on his part towards them has brought forth words and liking of his good disposition. Have word that the Lord of M. is arrived.—July 23. Signed.
Add., with seal. Pp. 1½.
July 23. 1502. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
On the 19th, the Duke of Châtelherault went to the Court, where the King declared to him that he would spare neither cost or anything else to set the Queen of Scots at liberty, so as the said Duke and others would also mind the matter and join together therein. The Duke answered that he would hazard his life with all the friends he could make to redress his Sovereign's cause. The King advised him to hasten home where his presence might do much good, adding that by the faith of a Prince he would aid them all to the uttermost of his power, adding that the Queen of England made fair semblance in this matter, but that he did not greatly trust her, for he had discovered that she secretly practised with the Lords to work her own commodity. The Duke would fain have gone further touching his dukedom, but the French King "cut it short" and offered other talk. Martigues said if he had 3,000 harquebusiers for three months he would set the Queen of Scots at liberty, but the Queen Mother said that they had irons enough in the fire. The Queen Mother loves not the Queen of Scots and would let her try it by the teeth for any great devotion she has to procure her liberty. The Duke of Châtelherault having promised to run the French course had a fair present of plate esteemed three times the value of that which was given to the Earl of Murray, which was worth but 1,000 francs.
2. The King of Spain's army has come to Luxembourg.— Paris, 23 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Printed in Wright's Queen Elizabeth, Vol. I., p. 256.
July 24. 1503. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Advertises him of certain letters which he sent on the 22nd. Found here Mr. John Smith of Essex, a neighbour and old acquaintance. Told him plainly that he heard ill of him for absenting himself so long out of the realm; who answered that he thought it better to employ his time in learning to serve, than to spend it idly at home, and that he was ready when the Queen should command to serve her either at home or any other place. Has found great courtesy of the merchants here.—Augsburg, 24 July 1567. Signed.
Hol. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
July 24. 1504. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to the Earl of Leicester.
The Queen is likely very shortly to be deprived of her royal estate and her son to be crowned. If the Queen will still persist in her former opinion towards the Queen of Scotland, (unto whom she shall be able to do no good) he plainly sees that these Lords and all their complices will become as good French as the French King could wish. The Hamiltons, the Earls of Argyll and Huntly, and that faction are already enchanted that way. Some talk has passed betwixt Lethington and himself about the bringing of the Prince of Scotland into the Queen of England's possession. The principal point that will make them comformable will rest upon the Queen and the realm "in hablynge" him to the succession of the crown of England for fault of issue of the Queen's body. Some other things will be required, as the charge of the Prince and his train to be at the charge of England. They will never be brought to deliver their Prince into England without the former condition.—Edinburgh, 24 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
July 24. 1505. Second Answer of the Lords of Scotland to Throckmorton.
Are about to give the Queen good advice, and some are already in hand with it. Albeit they are assured that he being admitted into her presence will do no office but that which is honourable to his mistress, yet they have good cause to doubt that if she should suddenly receive comfort at his hands or conceive of his speech anything tending to that end, by construing the least of his words to her advantage, he would do her harm, prejudice their cause, and bring no part of that to pass wherefore they understand him chiefly to be sent. Therefore they pray him not only himself to take in patience, but also desire the Queen to bear with them the delay of a short time.
Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Printed in Keith, Vol. II., p. 699, from a copy in the British Museum.
July 24. 1506. Henry Middlemore to Cecil.
Excuses himself for departing from the Court without duty doing unto him. Beseeches him that he will further the good success of his suit.—Edinburgh, 24 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 24. 1507. The Archbishop of St. Andrew's and the Abbot of Arbroath to Throckmorton.
Have received his writings. Have stayed this bearer [unpassed] to the Duke of Châtelherault [in order] to see what conclusion the nobility convened in Edinburgh take, and if they will be contented to put the Queen to liberty upon good and honest conditions. Wherefore they have directed the bearer to him to know so far as it shall please him to make them participant. Send a copy of their bond.— Hamilton, 24 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
1508. Another copy.
Endd. P. ½.
July 25. 1509. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 23rd the Earls of Glencairn and Marr, the Lords Sempil, Ochiltree, the Master of Graham, and many gentlemen of the West arrived in this town. The same day all the Lords and others of best quality had conference concerning their proceedings with the Queen. Learns that it was resolved that the Lord Lindsay should this day accompanied with Robert Melville repair to the Queen, and have in charge to declare to her that the Lords considering her former misbehaviours as well in the government of the realm as in her own person, could not think meet that she should any more stand charged with the government, and required her to give her consent that the Prince might be crowned King, and a Council be appointed to govern the realm in his name, and thus doing they would endeavour to save her life and honour, both which otherwise stood in great danger. And further it was resolved that in case she should not be conformable to this motion, then her liberty should be restrained to more straitness, and the ladies and gentlemen which be about her to be sequestered from her. In case of her refusal they mind to proceed with violence and force for the coronation of the Prince and her overthrow.
2. The Countess of Murray is with the Queen at Lochleven. Has again moved the Lords to have access to the Queen. Lord Lindsay departed this morning to Lochleven with Robert Melville. He carries three instruments to be signed by the Queen: The one containing her consent to have her son crowned and to relinquish the government. The other a Commission of Regency to be granted to the Earl of Murray during the King's minority. The third is a like commission to certain of the nobility in case Murray will not accept the Regency alone. The Hamiltons and others are quiet. In this convention of shires and churches it has been propounded to establish the religion by some effectual decree; to restore the ministers to the thirds; and to abolish Papistry and Mass saying throughout the realm without respect of persons. They also have made request that the murder of the King may be severely punished without respect of any person. If they cannot by fair means induce the Queen to their purpose, they mean to charge her with tyranny for breach of those statutes which were enacted in her absence. Secondly, they mean to charge her with incontinency with Bothwell and others. Thirdly, they mean to charge her with the murder of her husband, whereof they say they have proof by the testimony of her own handwriting.
3. On the afternoon of the 24th he was desired to repair to the Tolbooth, where he found the Lords, barons, and gentlemen to the number of forty, who at his coming all rose. He delivered to them all the points of her instructions, pressing earnestly the enlargement of the Queen, and their permission to let him have access to her. Was answered by Lethington, who after some secret conference with Morton at the board's end, said that he had to part of the matters been already answered; and that for the rest they prayed him to have patience that they might consult about them.
4. Betwixt ten and eleven in the night Lethington came to his lodging and declared summarily such matter as the writing herein enclosed contains.
Copy. Endd.: 25 July. Pp. 5½.
Printed by Keith, Vol. II., p. 694, from the original in the British Museum.
July 25. 1510. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Cecil.
Notwithstanding their fair language to the Queen of England, he will see by these men's answer which he sent (see July 24), that they mean to work more rigorously than gently. Thinks that when Cecil has considered the progress of their doings, that he will be of mind that no party is so to be sought as these Lords, who have the power and their party so well made. Desires to know the Queen's resolution. —Edinburgh, 25 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
July 25. 1511. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Has received the Queen's letter of the 20th, containing her pleasure for the redress of their disorders. Martin Elliott with his friends has power to restrain both Bothwell's favourers and the outlaws. He is able to make at his command 600 men. 200l. now bestowed on him and his would do the Queen great service and keep him from Bothwell. Desires to know whether he shall make any open musters or not. Hopes that the Queen will call him hence.—Berwick, 25 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3¼.
July 25. 1512. John Danvers to Cecil.
The garrison of Berwick is in very good order. Came from Berwick to Carlisle to see the order of both Marches. The common people of both Marches desire war very much. The east Borders are not so well able to defend themselves as the west, and trust to the help of the western men.— Carlisle, 25 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 25. 1513. The Earl of Bedford to the Queen.
The disorders are procured by the friends of Bothwell, being outlaws and thieves most of them, and therefore being a thing which the Lords could not remedy must be holpen as best it may. Complains of the cursings and bannings which he has from the people because he will not suffer them to run headlong to their revenge. Recommends that 200l. be given to the Elliotts. Prays that he may be discharged of this place.—Berwick, 25 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 25. 1514. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The Duke of Châtelherault is thought to be about to take his journey into Scotland. Desires him to remember him for a secretary.—Paris, 25 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
July 25. 1515. Edward Herbert to Cecil.
Understands his father's pleasure concerning his coming home, but wishes that there had been somewhat in these parts wherein he might have been used.—Paris, 25 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 26. 1516. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Understands that Lindsay has obtained the Queen's consent to all such matters as were proponed to her by him. On the 25th Lethington came to him from the Lords. According to his instructions he treated with him to know if they could devise any way that the Queen might be restored to her liberty and estate, and otherwise the Queen of England could not consent to their demands or show them any benefits. He said it would be deemed a very temerarious act for them to proceed with any rigour against their Sovereign. Also declared her pleasure touching the state of the Borders. Lethington said that he would inform the Lords of all he had said and require an answer. He also warned him as of himself that in case he pressed this company to enlarge the Queen or suffer him to go to her or used any threatening speech he would put her in great jeopardy of her life, and that there was no other way but to use mildness. Desires to know her pleasure in case they accord him access to the Queen. The Countess of Murray has departed from Lochleven; there was great sorrow betwixt her and the Queen. The Queen has had two fits of an ague. This day about noon these Lords come all into his lodging booted and spurred, to whom he proponed the same matters he had done to Lethington, by whose mouth they answered that the disorders on the Borders were done by the adherents of Bothwell which they commit on purpose to bring the realms into unquietness.
2. The Queen of Scots finding herself in health unmeet to govern this realm, and also unfortunate in the administration thereof, and being very desirous to see her son settled in her seat, has commanded them under her hand to proceed to his coronation as a thing she shall take most pleasure in, and therefore they intended presently go to Stirling to the inauguration of the said Prince, at which solemnity they desired him to assist, and also that it would please the Queen of England to take the Prince and themselves under her protection.
3. Throckmorton answered that forasmuch as these accidents were chanced and these matters concluded contrary to his Sovereign's expectation and advice, he could not assist at any such doings. Neither did she so prefer the Prince to his mother, as that she should be kept in captivity, and he a young babe take the administration of the realm upon him. It was answered that no Prince governed without council, though he were never so aged or wise, and the Queen had taken order that the wisest and fittest should take the charge upon them during her son's minority. Therewithal with a great loud charm they that stood behind said, "The realm could never be worse governed than it was; either the Queen was advised by the worst or no council." And therewith all said they would trouble him no further, that the day passed away and they had far to ride, and so took their leave. The assembly of the churches is dissolved until it be reassembled by the King's authority. The noblemen and gentlemen have all subscribed to the maintenance of the young King's regality. Desires his revocation forth of this country. Intends to send Middlemore to Stirling to see their proceedings at this solemnity.—Edinburgh, 26 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
July 26. 1517. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Cecil.
Desires his speedy revocation, for as the case stands with this miserable Queen it will be to little purpose for him to have access to her, and he sees no great likelihood of winning anything at these men's hands. It is to be feared that this tragedy will end in the Queen's person as it began in the persons of David and her husband. If he could go safely (as he much doubts) he would retire to Berwick.—Edinburgh, 26 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 26. 1518. Throckmorton to the Archbishop of St. Andrew's and the Abbot of Arbroath.
Has received their letter of the 24th inst. together with the bond, a copy of which he will send to the Queen. Can grow to no resolution with the Lords here.—Edinburgh, 26 July 1567. Signed.
Copy. Endd. P. ½.
July 26. 1519. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to the Earl of Leicester.
These men have obtained the Queen's resignation and her consent for the coronation of her son, and all the nobility and sundry of the burgesses repair to Stirling this day. They have required him to assist at the solemnity of the feast, which he has refused to do. They have also obtained under the Queen's hand two commissions of Regency. It is to be feared lest this tragedy end in the person of the Queen violently. As he can do nothing here he desires him to procure his revocation by the next despatch. Sends him a little ticket forth of an old book of the prophecies of this country.—Edinburgh, 26 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
July 26. 1520. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Prays that some good resolution may be had for the Elliott's. If they be not considered they will go peradventure to Bothwell's faction, by whom they have been laboured with promises.—Berwick, 26 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
July 26. 1521. Charles Utenhove to Cecil.
Laments the evils threatening the Low Countries and France, and mentions that there is a prophecy made in 1468, which is to be fulfilled in 1568.—[E'Urimurso]. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. ½.
July 27. 1522. Clough to Gresham.
There is daily bickering amongst the soldiers and the townsmen, and almost every day one or the other slain. Upon Wednesday was proclamation made that no man upon pain of life and goods should make or sell any powder in any part of this country save at Mechlin in the King's mills; so that those who were wont to live by making powder are now undone. Does not doubt but that they would go into England if there was a place appointed for them. There are several great ships well furnished with ordnance and men got ready to meet the King.—Antwerp, 27 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
July 27. 1523. Advices from Antwerp.
News from Antwerp chiefly about the Duke of Alva and the intended journey of the King of Spain into the Low Countries.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
July 27. 1524. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Desires his resolution for the Elliotts, who have offered to take Hermitage Castle. The state of the Borders is not otherwise than of late.—Berwick, 27 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
July 27. 1525. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
Encloses a letter to the Earl of Murray which he desires him to forward.—Paris, 27 July. Signed.
Add. Endd. Almost illegible. P. ½.
July 27. 1526. The Queen to Throckmorton.
1. By his letters of the 21st has perceived what answer he has at length received from the Lords. He shall continue in prosecution of his first charge, to procure the liberty of the Queen and to have licence to speak with her. Is moved to mislike the whole actions of the Lords, which he is to declare to them in manner following:—
2. First. Howsoever good words and thanks they give her in their writings, she does not think herself well used in that they have so long delayed to give him answer, being sent as her ambassador to be a mediator between their Sovereign and them, and to procure reasonable means for the punishment of the murder and the preservation of the Prince. Is to require them to be better advised how to proceed any further in this sort as they seem to continue. He shall plainly declare that if they determine anything to the deprivation of the Queen their Sovereign, she will make herself a plain party against them to the revenge of their Sovereign for example to all posterity. And yet generally she yields to them that for things already past she will be a means to appease all controversies, and doubts not if they will give him access to the Queen to induce her to accord hereto. He may assure them that she abhors the murder of her cousin their King, and mislikes as much as any of them the marriage of the Queen with Bothwell; but thinks it not tolerable for them being subjects to call their superior and Prince to answer to their accusations by way of force.
3. Whereas the Earl Morton amongst others notes her to have been somewhat cold towards them in their distress, first, the Earl of Morton had refuge in her realm when she might have delivered him to death, and was restored to his pardon upon instance made by her order with the Queen. And as to others who pretend to have no interest in her former favour for delivering the realm from the tyranny of the French, she thinks they find it to this day to concern them as much as others who then solicited her. And because a general course is taken in debating with him, that her seeking the Queen's liberty and not aiding them with money is likely to draw them to link themselves with France, she doubts not if they consider of things heretofore past, they for their country shall have as great cause to mislike hereof as she for hers. Yet if it were otherwise she cannot for respect of her particular profit be induced to consent to that which she cannot in conscience allow.
4. Lastly, for answer to his letter requiring her pleasure in case he shall be required to be present at the coronation of the Prince, knowing her mind in all this action as he does he will not by any such act affirm their doings, and for his better satisfaction she prohibits him to assent thereto by any means.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 6.
Printed in Keith, Vol. II., p. 702, from a copy in the British Museum.
July 28. 1527. Throckmorton to Mary Queen of Scots.
Cannot obtain permission to have access to her. The Queen of England has great [desire to do] her good and relieve her of her calamity and peril. It behoves somewhat to eschew the present danger towards her, which is much greater than she understands.
Draft. Endd.: 28 July. Imperfect. P. ½.
July 28. 1528. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Recommends to his favour the bearer, Cormack O'Connor. Has given him 10l. to bear his charges up to the Court.— Berwick, 28 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 28. 1529. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Encloses a list of letters sent to him. The Queen of Scots is sick of a fever. She is in great peril, and the same in pulpit much procured.—Berwick, 28 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
July. 1530. List of letters sent by Drury to Cecil.
Letters sent by Drury to Cecil from the 6th February 1567, to the 13th July.
Endd. Pp. 3. Enclosure.
July 28. 1531. Count Rocandolf.
Extract of a letter from the French King to M. De la Forest; and also of one from De l'Aubespine, to the effect that the ordinary course of justice cannot be altered in the Count's favour.
Endd. by Cecil. Fr. P. ¾.
July 29. 1532. Robert Melville to the Queen.
The greater number of the Lords convened at Edinburgh were so bent on rigour against his mistress that extremity had been used if her ambassador had not been present, who uttered both his wisdom and affection towards her, that he only put aside the present inconvenience, and so procured the matter as both life and honour have been preserved. Albeit he has not obtained license to speak with the Queen, yet he has found means to let her understand of her good inclination to her. The Prince is crowned by the Queen's own consent on the 29th, who was advised so to do rather than suffer the rigour take place which was meant of the greatest part not only to make her incapable to govern, but as well to pursue her of life and honour. Can give no better advice for his Sovereign's weal than by gentle dealing with these Lords, in whose hands doth lie both to save and to spill. Wishes she would prevent by some good means the Prince from passing into some other country.—Edinburgh, 29 July. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
July 29. 1533. Oath Ministered to the King and the Earl of Murray.
Promises to maintain the true and abolish all false religion, to rule the people according to the laws, keep inviolate the privileges of the crown of Scotland, to repress all wrong, and to root out all heretics.
Endd. P. ½.
July 29. 1534. The Earl of Murray to Cecil.
Desires that he may have his brother-in-law in Scotland with him under caution. Desires to put an end to the troubles both of the gentleman who is kept prisoner, and also of his who is always troubled for this cause.—London, 29 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
July 30. 1535. Maitland of Lethington to Throckmorton.
Sends copies of the commissions and proclamations made this day. Yesterday a man of the Bishop of St. Andrew's named Arthur Hamilton came here to make a protestation that the crowning of the Prince should not prejudice the Duke's house in their title to the succession. They have written to the Laird of Ormiston to make his convoy to Berwick. Saw a servant of the Earl of Huntly's from the north, at whose forthcoming there was no knowledge of the matters in hand here.—Stirling, penult of July 1567. Signed.
Add., with seal. P. ¾.
July 31. 1536. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to the Earl of Leicester.
Is sorry that the Queen fixes her opinion on so dangerous and discommodious a foundation. Has left nothing undone to bring the issue of this composition to such end as the Queen prescribed to him. Whether it be fear, fury, or zeal which has carried these men to this end he knows not. Affirms that he has saved the Scottish Queen's life, but to what continuation he is uncertain. Nothing will sooner hasten her death, as the doubt these Lords may conceive of her redemption to liberty and authority by the Queen's aid or any other foreign succour. Where Leicester advises him to retire himself, he is in a town guarded by men-of-war, and has no horses, so that he cannot depart but at the Lords' pleasure. He cannot safely return to Berwick without conduct, especially in this broken world. It is very unfit that he should now speak with this Queen, seeing he cannot say much to her comfort. Has made it known to her that the Queen of England sent him hither purposely to relieve her. Prays that his revocation may be sent by the next dispatch. Desires his favour for Middlemore.—Edinburgh, last of July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
July 31. 1537. Sir Henry Norris to the Earl of Leicester.
On the 27th July arrived here the Cardinals of Lorraine and Guise with the young Duke; there are also come of the contrary faction the Cardinal of Chatillon and D'Andelot, and the Duke of Nemours daily looked for. The Admiral at his last being at Court by secret means deciphered some practice that wholly tended to his confusion, wherefore he withdrew himself to his house, where he still remains.—Compeigne, the last of July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 31. 1538. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to the Queen.
On the 30th July Anthony Rokesby, younger brother to Christopher Rokesby (who has been long time prisoner in Spinie Castle, where Bothwell is), declared to him that his brother was earnestly pressed by different people and could not but consent to the killing or apprehension of Bothwell, and desired to know the Queen's pleasure therein. As he did not see any great facility for his apprehension, he being accompanied by twelve or fourteen desperate persons, and knowing that she could not give her consent to any murder, he refused to encourage the said Rokesby or any of his accomplices, but advised him to proceed to Lethington at Stirling, and declare unto him the matter, as he and the Lords had more interest in the cause than she had. Rokesby also said that they intended to kill the old Bishop jointly with the Earl, an act very cruel and abominable. Understands that the Earl of Huntly is a participator in this conspiracy, and yet he bears Bothwell a very fair countenance. On the 29th the young Prince was crowned in the great church of Stirling by the Bishop of Orkney, the Laird of Dun, and the Superintendent of Lothian. Mr. Knox preached. The oath was taken by the Earl of Morton and the Laird of Dun on the Prince's behalf. The Earls of Athol, Morton, Glencairn, and Mar be by proclamation authorised as Regents until the coming of the Earl of Murray. The people made great joy, dancing, and acclamation. The Hamiltons had nothing to say to the said matter, save only to protest that the said action of coronation should not be prejudicial to the Duke and his heirs if the King died. Sends herewith the Queen of Scotland's resignation and the two commissions of Regency. Understands that Bothwell has killed one of the sons of the bishop and put forth of the castle all his servants. This day was discovered a ship in which Bothwell is thought to be. Robert Melville being not willing to assist at the coronation tarried in this town. The Queen of Scotland keeps her bed and is straitly guarded. Humbly desires to have his revocation by the next dispatch.—Edinburgh, last of July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
1539. Copy of the latter portion of the above.
Pp. 4.
July. 1540. Tenants of Plympton Park.
Offer to provide for the keeping of Beancastle if the Queen will discharge the present captain. Signed: Ingram Musgrave.
Endd. P. 1.