Elizabeth: July 1567, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: July 1567, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp267-278 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1567, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp267-278.

"Elizabeth: July 1567, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp267-278.

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July 1567, 1-10

July. 1378. Instructions for Throckmorton.
1. The Queen of Scots to be at liberty with these provisions following:—
2. The truth of Bothwell's fact to be duly proved before her and a divorce to be made, and that she give commission to certain noblemen to proceed against Bothwell. Parliament to be assembled, a general peace to be proclaimed. The establishing of the succession of the crown to be renovated. The cause of religion to be established. The Queen of England may be moved to be a maintainer of the same Parliament.
Draft, in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 2.
Printed in Keith, Vol. II., 674, from a copy in the British Museum.
July 1. 1379. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Cecil.
The Lord Keeper's opinion concurs with Cecil's for the necessary having of the Prince of Scotland. Notes by Randolph's letters that the pursuit of the murderers will not stand with the Queen of Scots' liberty. She is not like to be enlarged until the principals and accessories be tried and convicted. Mislikes the Hamiltons having Dumbarton at their devotion, and Argyll's being among his "red shanks." The Queen should take heed that she cause not the divided factions to accord one way or the other and every way to her disadvantage. Has been with the Earl and Countess of Lennox, to whom he declared briefly the Queen's honourable intent; they were much troubled with want of money. Tomorrow he will set forward.—London, 1 July. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
July 1. 1380. Robert Melville to Cecil.
1. Has imparted the Queen's good disposition in the assisting these Lords to prosecute the murderers of the King and to preserve the Prince in the custody of the Earl of Mar. The most part of the noblemen are gone to their houses. The cause of their going is by some bragging of the Hamiltons with the Earl of Huntly minding to convene their forces for the delivery of the Queen. They fear the King's murder will be laid to the charge of the Bishop of St. Andrew. The noblemen have used France so discreetly that neither France may have just cause to be offended or the Queen of England ill pleased. The Lords presently need but money, for they have already enlisted divers men of war and take up more. The Hamiltons be maintained by the Queen's substance and countenanced by France.
2. Desires some may be sent with Throckmorton, for the necessity they will be pressed to will be within eight or ten days.—Edinburgh, 1 July. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 1. 1381. Maitland of Lethington to Cecil.
Understands by Melville of his allowance of this common quarrel enterprised by a good number of their noblemen to recover the honour of the country almost lost for that shameful murder, and that the Queen is inclined to allow and advance the same. The ministers of foreign Princes have made great and honest offers. It is convenient that they keep France in hand and do nothing whereby they may take just offence, or think they have altogether cast them off, yet he will always find this nobility addicted to like best the amity of England. They have levied some companies of harquebusiers and pray that they may have some comfort at the Queen's hands of money.—Edinburgh, 1 July. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¾.
July 1. 1382. The Queen to Gresham.
Warrant for him to take up 7,000l. and pay it over to the Lord High Treasurer.—Richmond, 1 July 1567.
Draft. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 1. 1383. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
1. It is held now for certain that the Duke is in the castle of Spynie. There is a proclamation to be proclaimed to day or tomorrow upon certain knowledge that the Duke was not only consenting to the murdering of the King, but laid hands himself upon him, and whosoever can bring his head shall have 1,000 crowns.
2. The Hamiltons have proclaimed all persons to be ready within nine hours' warning to seek the liberty of the Queen. Thinks that by Lord Seton's means both secret speeches and letters passed between M. De Croc and the Queen.
3. P.S.—The altar of the Queen's chapel is defaced. She better digests her being at Lochleven and uses some exercise. Though the Hamiltons pretend the liberty of the Queen, yet is the same not for her good, for neither likes she of them or they of her. Already it is, What is he, a Hamilton or a Stewart?—Berwick, 1 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
July 2. 1384. The Queen to Sir Henry Percy.
Sir Andrew Carr of Scotland being his prisoner and upon bonds at his liberty in Scotland gives many occasions of discord upon the Border. Requires him to charge Carr to come to him, and to detain him until the Borders be in more quietness. Licenses him for his health to absent himself from Tynemouth.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 1½.
July 2. 1385. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
Incontinent upon word brought of the Queen of Scots taking the Earl of Murray was sent for, and has been continually plied with fair words and great promises if he will stand at the devotion of the French, touching the helping hither of the Prince and his mother. They have offered him the Order and great gifts of land and living. D'Andelot has commission to reinforce the frontiers where the King of Spain's army pass. It is reported that the Pope shall give the countries of Venassin and Avignon to the King of Spain to spite the French King. The Duke of Savoy and the Swiss be agreed together. All things here are like to be very troublesome, having not only their brother-in-law suspect, but also in much fear of their own countrymen Protestants. The Emperor makes his claim for Metz, and the Duke of Savoy for the Duchy of Burgundy. They look that Her Majesty intends to be a third. Time never served better for it than now.—Poissy, 2 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
July 2. 1386. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
On the 2nd had audience touching Count Rocandolf's affairs, Sir Robert Stafford, the prisoners at Marseilles, and the redelivery of L'Estrille. Touching the Count, the King said he had four months at two sundry times appointed him to come and answer such things as were alleged to him. Touching the rest he is referred again to the Council. They are so vexed what for fear of King Philip and the Protestants here and for the report of the Queen of Scots' murder, that he never saw people more dismayed. There is marvellous working made to the Earl of Murray only to be of their faction and to put his helping hand to the getting hither the Prince. The time never better served to make any claim or take any enterprise in hand. Touching religion, the like proclamation that was made in Paris has been also this day at Poissy. Thinks they will be extirpated for ever in Court and country if they provide not to withstand the devilish attempts now in hand against them.—Poissy, 2 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¾.
July 2. 1387. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
De Croc has made to the Hamiltons great offers, which breeds them more courage. The Queen begins to like better of Lochleven than she did.—Berwick, 2 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
July 2. 1388. The Earl of Murray to Cecil.
Desires him to give credit to the bearer upon such cases as he will declare. Believes Cecil will put to his helping hand when occasion offers as he has done at other times.—Paris, 2 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 2. 1389. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Cecil.
Passed by the French Ambassador this day, whom he found at cards with M. De Villeroy, who moved him that it might please the Queen that her minister might concur with such as the French King should send into Scotland to procure the Queen's liberty, for that is the only mark they shoot at. As they desire that matter first without any conditions he thinks the Queen ought to qualify her affection to bring that to effect until justice be done of the offenders and surety provided for the Lords. Shewed them that he was sent to comfort the Queen in her calamity and to procure her liberty, and that in case they refused him access to her he minded to address himself to the Hamiltons.—Ware, 2 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Printed in Wright's Queen Elizabeth, Vol. I., p. 250.
July 3. 1390. The Queen to Charles IX.
Has received his letter and messages from the bearer, M. De Villeroy, to whom she refers him for news of Scotland.
Copy. Fr. P. 1.
July 3. 1391. The Queen to Catherine De Medicis.
Has done all she could to forward the journey of the bearer, M. De Villeroy, to whom she refers her for news.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
July 3. 1392. Sir Henry Norris to the Earl of Leicester.
Has moved the Queen Mother to understand the occasion of her mislike with Mr. Barnaby, who answered that the mislike was because he ever made sharp and used bitter words in all his negotiations, and made things worse than either were spoken or meant. They leave nothing unattempted to bring the Prince of Scotland hither. They are marvellously perplexed.—Poissy, 3 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
July 3. 1393. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Cecil.
Finds contrariety concerning certain Scotch noblemen and marvels that others change their tackle. It were well to order the three Wardens on the Borders to make general musters in their wardenries to be ready on a day's warning, not naming any enterprise. Hereby the Hamiltons would be afraid and become calm; the Lords would yield to better conditions; Bothwell's favourers fall from him; and the Queen of Scots become more conformable, and it is a matter of no charge.—Stilton, 3 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
July 3. 1394. Advertisements from Germany.
News from Vienna of the 3rd, and Posen of the 2nd July 1567. The Emperor is ill of the gout. The ambassadors left yesterday for Constantinople with presents for the Grand Turk, consisting of a silver table and 30,000 florins. News of the movements of the Turks and Hungarians.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
July 4. 1395. Money taken up by Gresham.
The total amounts to 4,630l., which seems to have been taken up chiefly at the rate of 162/3 per cent. interest.
Endd., by Cecil P. 1.
July 4. 1396. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Cecil.
Sends a packet which was given him to deliver to M. De la Forrest.—Grantham, 4 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 5. 1397. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Refers him to his letter to the Queen for intelligences. Will write him from Augsburg.—Antwerp, 5 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
July 5. 1398. Advices from Antwerp.
1. The Duke of Alva is on this side Mount Cenis.
2. Some think the building a castle in this city will decay it and put strangers from the traffic, but perceives by divers strangers and natives, that they will more boldly traffic, and will not mislike when they shall be in surety from popular tumults, if the Inquisition be not offered nor they oppressed with Spaniards. The Regent stays persecution except against ministers or notorious offenders in breaking of churches. In Velenciennes there suffered only five, and in Ghent ten or twelve, and a few here. There be here 3,000 soldiers, and many of the inhabitants with great riches be withdrawn. The bruits of the joining of certain Princes with the Pope for religion and of the besieging of Geneva do die here. The Duke of Savoy has committed the hearing of his claim to Geneva to three cantons of the Switzers.—5 July 1567.
Endd.: Advices from the Earl of Sussex at Antwerp. Pp. 1½.
July 5. 1399. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
On his arrival on the 3rd M. De Symary, Maitre d'Hostel to the Regent and Governor of Mechlin, came to him from her, and this day she sent the Count Mansfield to conduct him to the Court. After the Regent had expressed her goodwill and affection to the Queen, she said that she besought her to suspend crediting such bruits as may come to her ears of extremity and cruelty meant to be used, as she doubted not but that the King at his coming would use such clemency as (his surety once provided for) no person shall have cause to accuse him of cruelty, and in the meantime it was not meant there should be any execution done, but upon certain ministers and other principal attempters of breaking of churches and procuring of open rebellion under the pretence of religion. They also had long talk of matters of Scotland. She earnestly pressed him to show the Queen's picture, which he did.—Antwerp, 5 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.
July 5. 1400. N. Stopio to —.
Encloses advices from Madrid, 8 June 1567; Turin, 17 June; Messina, 10, Rome 28, and Vienna, 27 June.— Venice, 5 July 1567. Signed.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 5.
July 6. 1401. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Sends news from Rome, 28 June 1567; and from Posen, 25 June.—Venice, 6 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 3.
July 6. 1402. Henry Cobham to Cecil.
Of the French doings at Calais he supposes he is certified. King Philip has made a fort of earth but five paces from the turnpike which is the uttermost ground of the French. The citadel of Ghent is the strongest piece in these countries; about the town many have been miserably hanged of the Gueux as by the fruits of the trees on the highway side is seen, but none of quality or reputation. At Antwerp they found a ward armed upon the water in boats. The soldiers were everywhere intermingled among the merchants, and in four places certain companies watch and ward ever armed. Count Mansfeldt is chief governor of the town. The Count of Egmont is not so surely trusted, yet he has deeply taken his oath. The Prince of Orange is in Germany; his doings be not well construed by the Regent. At the Earl of Sussex's being at the Court there was small appearance of nobility. On the south side of the town it is decreed that a citadel shall be made. The new churches of the Martinists and Calvinists be given to certain soldiers, who make sale of them by piecemeal. As the Protestants had a device so the Regent's (party) wear a little medal, on the one side a face graven for Christ and written "fide," on the other side our Lady and Child and written "et caritate." These medals the lords and ladies of the Court wear. The coming of the Duke of Alva is not very pleasant to the Regent or to such as have served in these affairs.—Antwerp, 6 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
July 6. 1403. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Cecil.
Bothwell is in better case than he is glad of. Is assured that the Hamiltons, Huntly, Argyll, Fleming, Seton, Boyd, and the Castle of Dumbarton are at his devotion. Has more cause to be careful for his safe passage from Berwick to Edinburgh.—Ferrybridge, 6 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 6. 1404. The Earl of Morton to Sir John Forster.
Desires him to write to Lord Scrope to stop the Master of Maxwell from joining their adversaries, which may easily be done as he believes him not to be earnest in their contrary, nor yet the country willing to serve against them. They are provided for the worst. Has some merlins to send him, but by reason of the weakness of their feathers they cannot be carried at present. Desires to know the Master's answer.—Edinburgh, 6 July 1567. Signed. Enclosed in Bedford's letter to Leicester of July 13.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
July 6. 1405. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Desires that those who have matters of debt in hand of their own may not henceforth come hither about the Queen's affairs. Thought it not for the Queen's honour that this bearer [Percival] should be detained prisoner, wherefore he delivered him out, but his company is dearer than he desires. Has conferred with Mr. Stewart according to Cecil's letter of 11th June wishing them to awake in the defence of religion, advertising that no mercy is to be hoped at the Papists' hands. Stewart was joyful of that he said, and required to know if the Queen would assist them, but only with 100,000 crowns, which if she would, they having plenty of men mistrusted not but to do well. He desired Cecil only to be made privy to it. Wishes he would help them if possible. Prays to be advertised what to say if they come again. The Earl of Murray to-morrow takes his leave, and will shortly be with Cecil with whom he will confer at length. Barnaby is still very sick of the black jaundice, so makes suit for some one to assist him in Her Majesty's affairs.—Poissy, 6 July 1567. Signed: Stewart's name in cipher.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¾.
July 6. 1406. Sir Henry Norris to the Earl of Leicester.
Has had slack answer to the Queen's letters. Imprisonment of the bearer for debt. Mr. Barnaby is sick of the black jaundice and requests that he may return into England for his health. The nobility daily assemble at St. Germains where the Court is. Begs him to stand a good lord to Barnaby.—Poissy, 6 July. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
July 6. 1407. Advices from Antwerp.
News to the same effect as that dated July 5.
Endd. Ital. P. 1.
July 7. 1408. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Cecil.
Perceives that matters frame better for the Lords than appeared by his last. Prays him not to keep matters long in suspense. Lethington is not at Edinburgh and therefore it will be the longer ere he leaves Berwick, as he thinks it not good to confer with the Lords in his absence.—Newcastle, 7 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 7. 1409. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Cormac O'Connor has come hither. Sends the names of certain who were at the slaughter of the King who are sent unto to render themselves. The Lords mustered such persons as are sent from the burghs and from Edinburgh, which place only made 500 shot. Black John Spence has promise of his life because he has uttered his knowledge of the Duke and the rest, and delivered two of the Duke's coffers wherein is not the least part of his wealth. Balfour has delivered sundry arms out of the castle.—Berwick, 7 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
[July 7.] 1410. Murder of Darnley.
The names of those summoned for Darnley's murder.
P. 1.
July 8. 1411. Mr. Heneage to Cecil.
This afternoon came one out of France from the Earl of Murray, with whom after the Queen had talked an hour she commanded the writer to tell Cecil that the Earl had sent a messenger with letters to the Queen of Scots, straightly charging him to deliver them to her own hands and by no means that the Lords should see them, telling him that he did not a little mislike that they kept their mistress in durance, and that he would be her true servant in all fortunes. The Queen bade him tell Cecil with all haste to write a letter the effect whereof should be to deny the three charges against Murray contained in Leicester's letter of the 7th.—From the Court, 8 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¾.
July 8. 1412. Robert Melville to Cecil.
1. The bearer is directed to the Earl of Murray, who is earnestly wished to make speedy return by all the Lords here. The most part of the realm could agree that he should bear greatest charge under their Sovereign and the Prince. If the Queen will assist him the country will be at her devotion.
2. Has spoken to the Queen at Lochleven, where he delivered the Queen of England's letter.—Cairney, 8 July. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 8. 1413. James Melville to Sir William Drury.
The Lords who were at Hamilton have separated themselves, every man to his own house. Argyll has been with Lethington four days past, and they have agreed very well together. The confederacy in the West have subscribed to three heads, the punishment of the murder, the maintenance of the Prince in security, and the delivery of the Queen out of custody. Gives the names of those who subscribed. Upon Thursday a meeting is appointed betwixt some that are to be deputed from the Lords gathered in Hamilton and those in this town. Desires him to forward a packet.— Edinburgh, 8 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 8. 1414. The Earl of Leicester to Throckmorton.
Is advertised by the Earl of Murray that he is informed that the Queen of Scots is advertised that at his being here he treated with the Queen against his Sovereign in these three points: first, to practise maintenance against her by the Queen's aid; secondly, to burden her to the Queen, Leicester, and others with the death of her husband; thirdly, to offer to the Queen the delivery of the Prince out of her hands. Desires him to let the Queen of Scots understand that as he bears faith to God and his Prince he never directly or indirectly heard any such kind of irreverent word pass Murray's mouth.—Richmond, 8 July. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 8. 1415. The Earl of Leicester to Throckmorton.
The Queen remains doubtful and not satisfied touching the Queen of Scots' imprisonment. Her hope is that his travail shall do some good to have due regard to her safety. (Sic.) She is somewhat offended that he makes no more haste thitherwards, and last night made the reckoning of every day's journey. Hopes he may cause things to remain in good stay till Murray comes. The Queen marvels that she has never been advertised of the Lords' intents. Notwithstanding Throckmorton's being there it were not amiss to have some sufficient man here. There is no possibility of the Queen being won to do as she should except there were appearance of that Queen's surety. Wishes Lethington to deal at large when he writes next, and also that he had either been here or with Murray.—8 July. Signed.
Pp. 2.
July 8. 1416. Maitland of Lethington to Throckmorton.
Will meet him on Friday near Coldingham and lead him to Fast Castle, where he will be welcome. The next day he may easily be conveyed to Edinburgh.—Edinburgh, 8 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
1417. Copy of the above.
Endd. P. ¾.
July 8. 1418. Mundt to Cecil.
1. Since the 17th of June many foot soldiers have gone into the Duchy of Luxemburg, whither the Spaniards are about to come, and also the German soldiers which were in Flanders. These forces are collected either to go into France against the Huguenots (for the French King has raised 6,000 men in the Papist cantons of Switzerland) or against the Count Palatine. Afterwards they will act against all those who profess the Confession of Augsburg. The Pope and King of Spain with their associates have resolved to establish the decrees of the Council of Trent by force. It is to be feared that the young King of France will join the league at the instigation of his mother and the Cardinal. There is news of a five years' truce with the Turk. The Estates of the Empire assemble at Erfurt on the 1st of August.—Strasbourg, 8 July 1567.
2. P.S.—The action which Knollys and he treated with the Princes Protestant in '62, and did not obtain a resolute answer, would now take better success as he is informed. It was then hindered by Duke Augustus. The trust and hope of the other Princes is much diminished because of his obdurate mind in papisty and immoderate devotion towards foreign Princes and the Bishop of Rome, and suffering these cruel persecutions against the poor Christians in the Low Countries. Prays that this paper be burnt.
Written in Mundt's writing in English on a separate leaf.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
July 9. 1419. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
This day met Lord Herries, whom he finds fully minded to take part with the Hamiltons. Herries told him that there was a motion of agreement between the Lords of both parties; that if the Lords at Edinburgh will consent to set the Queen at liberty, and deliver the Prince to certain noblemen to be agreed upon, and that the realm may be governed by some of the greatest estates to be chosen indifferently, then the Lords of the other party will join them for the punishment of the murderers, and their own surety. There has been a raid of certain of the borderers in the Lord Herries' wardenry.—Carlisle, 9 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 9. 1420. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
The Lords convened at Dumbarton have separated after agreeing to the punishment of the murder, the maintenance of the Prince, and the delivery of the Queen. On the 10th is appointed a meeting at Stirling of some deputed from both parties. The Earl of Argyll came to Stirling and confirmed his speech to the Earl of Marr. The Queen has discharged the Laird of Skirling of his office of controller. Has arranged for the convoy of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton from Berwick to Edinburgh.—Berwick, 9 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
July 9. 1421. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Sir Nicholas Throckmorton arrived this day. Understands not a little to his comfort that the Queen and Cecil take his doings in good part.—Berwick, 9 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
July 9. 1422. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Cecil.
Sends him Lethington's letter to him. Refers him to other letters for news. Has had conference with Sir John Forster and finds by him the state of the Borders very "tickle."— Berwick, 9 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 9. 1423. Sir John Forster to the Earl of Bedford.
Desires that letters may be directed to the Queen's Ambassador in Scotland to deal and talk with the Lords for some good order for the continuance of Days of March upon the Borders.—Alnwick, 9 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
July 10. 1424. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Hoped to have had some perfect understanding of the Queen's inclination towards these Scottish matters, and instructions to deal therein accordingly. Earnestly prays him to continue his friend.—Durham, 10 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
July 10. 1425. The Earl of Bedford to the Privy Council.
Desires to be advertised of the Queen's pleasure for his further proceeding, as he does not know whether she takes the Lords of Scotland's doings in good part. He therefore desires to have some perfect instructions from the Queen and Council, in order to direct himself in a prescribed order.— Durham, 10 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 10. 1426. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The sending of Sir Nicholas Throckmorton into Scotland is nothing liked. There is nothing at present that they more fear than their proceedings in Scotland. The Prince of Conde went miscontented from the Court, so it is thought that they will shortly be in arms for their defence. Renews his suit for some one to assist him in the Queen's service.— Poissy, 10 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
July 10. 1427. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The Earl of Murray has been stayed here. The occasion has been to bring to pass that he might not come into England or confer with the Queen or Council.—Poissy, 10 July. Signed: partly in cipher.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
July 10. 1428. Guillaume Acquenan to Cecil.
Has received the packet for the Earl of Murray. Forwards letters from Captain Cockburn. The Earl of Murray tells him he will be at Dieppe some day soon to pass quickly into England. Intends to accompany him. — Dieppe, 10 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ½.
July 10. 1429. Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Cecil.
Is sorry to see the Queen's disposition alters not towards the Lords, for when all is done it is they who must stand her in more stead than the Queen her cousin. This day he takes his journey towards Fast Castle accompanied with Mr. Marshal and 200 horse to the Bound Rood. The Borders begin to grow far out of order, and spoils and thefts be committed by the Scots; the best way to remedy it is to procure the Lords at Edinburgh (at whose devotion these prickers be) to restrain the head men and their followers in good order.— Berwick, 11 July 1567. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.