Elizabeth: November 1566

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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'Elizabeth: November 1566', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp142-152 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1566', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1871), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp142-152.

"Elizabeth: November 1566". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 8, 1566-1568. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1871), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol8/pp142-152.

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November 1566

[Nov.] 780. Rowland Johnson to Cecil.
Is sorry that by the information of Sir Richard Lee, the treasurer and controller, order has been given to mitigate his wages. This is done by them of spite for showing his books of the works whereby their deceit was discovered. Signed.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Nov. 1. 781. Mary Queen of Scots to Queen Elizabeth.
Requests a passport for her servant, Stephen Wilson, to pass and repass into France.—Jedburgh, 1 Novr. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
Nov. 1. 782. Hugh Fitzwilliam to Cecil.
1. It is taken for certain that the Great Turk is dead.
2. If his army avoid Hungary the matters of Flanders will make a great division in these parts of Christendom.—Paris, 1 Novr. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 2. 783. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
The 1st instant the Ambassador of France came here, and the next day he conveyed him to the bound road, where Lord Hume received him, and this night he lies at Dunbar, and so to Edinburgh. The Queen is yet at Jedworth and well recovered, and minds to come to Home the 8th instant, and to see these frontiers as she passes to Edinburgh. There was upon Wednesday night last a fire in her lodging and she was driven to remove. The frontiers are in quietness, saving that Bothwell's men of Liddisdale are out, but they do no harm in England.—Berwick, 2 Novr. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 3. 784. Richard Clough to Gresham.
The two Dukes of Brunswick have many men taken up in the name of King Philip. The soldiers taken up in the towns here have a new oath, whereas before they swore to defend the town against all foreigners and to keep quietness between the Papists and Protestants; now they swear to go wheresoever their captain goes and to do as he commands. If the King comes with power the whole country will withstand him, not only the Protestants but the Papists, as he will not only expel God's word, but put in execution the Inquisition and the placards and take away all their privileges. The congregation will petition the King for leave to build churches and promise not to interfere with the spirituality. Deny that they are rebels, and offer 300,000l. of gold. Understands that they are put to work by the sixteen States of the Low Countries. The day after the Regent had been on a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Holl the people broke all in pieces within and without the church. There is news of a marvellous battle between the Emperor and the Turk wherein are slain 150,000 men. A preacher has been hanged at a town about eight miles from Antwerp.—Antwerp, 3 Novr. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Nov. 3. 785. Pietro Bizarri to Cecil.
Advertisements from Vienna and Rome, chiefly relating to the war with the Turks.—Venice, 3 November 1565. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 2½.
Nov. 5. 786. John Man to Cecil.
Has petitioned the King for Makepeace and his company who are in prison in Seville, who said that he would be informed of it. Has little hope for the restitution of the eight ships spoiled at Gibraltar, save Mr. Sackford's ship. The King will make a very great power for the enterprise of Flanders. He has in hand above 6,000,000 of ducats. The Portuguese have sent 4,000 men to recover Madeira from the French. A Camerero of the Pope has presented the King with a golden rose, and the Queen and the Infant with an Agnus Dei, and the Prince with a cross of crystal, which he seemed to set little store by, for he gave it away as soon as the ambassador was out of his chamber. Is very bare of money.—Madrid, 5 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
Nov. 5. 787. Hugh Fitzwilliam to Cecil.
The ambassadors who came from the five Princes of Germany had a secret audience last Sunday. It is said that their message was to remind the King by way of petition to see his edicts better kept. The Queen Mother gave great rebukes to the secretary of the Spanish Ambassador and his master, who were the cause that they were so evil entreated at first. The Admiral sent his man to the Court to take up a lodging, and there was appointed to him an old barn's end. To his complaints M. Rambouillet and the Queen Mother answered that it was too good for him. Mr. Edward Cook has arrived here. Both he and the writer have been very sick.—Paris, 5 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 7. 788. Hugh Fitzwilliam to Cecil.
Du Moy, who accused the Admiral's gentlemen, was broken on the wheel this day. The saying is that the Emperor has made a truce with the new Turk for four years, and it is suspected that he will come to Metz. It is reported that there have been fifty burnt at one fire for religion in Spain. —Paris, 7 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 9. 789. Marsilio Della Croce to Shers.
Sends intelligence from Rome of the 2nd November; Vienna, 31 October; and Brussels, 27 October.—Venice, 9 October 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 4¼.
Nov. 9. 790. Advices.
News from Rome of the 9th November; Ragusa, 1st November; Constantinople, 22nd October; Vienna, 7 November.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
Nov. 9. 791. John Fitzwilliam to Cecil.
1. There has been a new edict forbidding the preachers to preach or the people to resort to them, notwithstanding which in most places they continue to do so. On Sunday last at Bruges the soldiers slew two coming from the sermon.
2. The Regent has many men in readiness, footmen and horse.
3. The noblemen of the Gueux make themselves strong in their own towns, and have in readiness a great number of horsemen and footmen.
4. The townsmen keep watch every night about the gates. —Antwerp, 9 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 10. 792. Richard Clough to Gresham.
There has been no battle between the Turk and the Emperor. The Turk is dead. There has been some ado at Maestricht on Sunday, the Papists ringing the bells all day, and the Protestants not being able to hear their preachers, so that there were six or seven hurt. There are 4,000 or 5,000 horsemen and 10,000 footmen about Brussels besides other troops being levied for King Philip, so that it seems that the noblemen and gentlemen who brought the commons into this trouble will slip their necks out of the collar.—Antwerp, 10 November 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 10. 793. The Duke of Savoy to the Queen.
Sends the bearer, M. De Morette, into Scotland to act as his proxy at the baptism of the Prince.—Thermo, 10 November 1566. Signed: Philibert.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Nov. 10. 794. The Duke of Savoy to Cecil.
Letter of commendation for M. De Morette.—Thermo, 10 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ¼.
Nov. 11. 795. Maitland of Lethington to Cecil.
It appears by his letters that he has a busy matter in hand, which Lethington does not look to see at his time at any perfection. The experience he has of late had makes him the less to marvel that Cecil's doings are misconstrued by backbiters. Never doubted of the sincerity of his intentions. The Queen is restored perfectly to health.—Home, 11 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 12. 796. Hugh Fitzwilliam to Cecil.
1. Mr. Edward Cook has been extremely handled, but is now better. The King assembles his nobility and captains at Paris about the 21st, to debate whether to take King Philip's part in the enterprise of Flanders, and what to do for Metz. There is a new ambassador come from Venice.—Paris, 12 Nov. 1566. Signed.
2. P.S.—Mr. George Beaumont [Cockburn] has come to this town.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
Nov. 13. 797. Proclamation of Charles IX.
Orders his bailiffs and seneschals to give their pay to those of the men-at-arms and archers who were not able to appear at the musters of the gendarmery for the April quarter. —St. Maur des Fosses, 13 Nov. 1566.
Printed. Fr. Pp. 8.
Nov. 13. 798. The Queen to the Earl of Bedford.
A Scotchman named Patrick Adamson has printed a book in Paris, entitling it to be in praise of the birth of the Prince of Scotland, England, and Ireland. Directs him to require the Queen of Scots to have the author apprehended and punished, and the book prohibited.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2.
799. Fair copy of the above.
Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 14. 800. Sir Thomas Gresham to Cecil.
Sends certain letters to him. Desires to know whether the Queen will pay or prolong the 7,000l. due the 20th Dec. Begs that the rest of the money may be paid.—Gresham House, 14 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 15. 801. Cecil to Stopio.
Acknowledges the receipt of his letters and certain charts, together with a book for the Queen.
Hol. Draft. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 15. 802. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
The works have been discharged a month since, and by the money he received at York and Lincoln he has repaid some sums he borrowed for the pays thereof. Advertises the state of all the charges here for this year ending Michaelmas last, and the sums received, whereof the bearer, his clerk, shall make declaration unto him, and beseeches his help for the rest that is behind. Wrote to Bedford touching the victuals, fearing that the same, running on still as it has done these two years, to 3,000l. loss, it might be imputed to him.—Newcastle, 15 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Nov. 16. 803. John Fitzwilliam to Cecil.
1. By reason of certain bands that are placed in sundry towns it is doubted that some secret means is sought to draw away the preachers and overthrow the new churches. The preachers earnestly persuade their audience not to fear any power that the Prince shall make to subdue God's word. All throughout the country they are very earnest to maintain their preachers, so that the King will not be able to draw out this new religion without the destruction of his whole Low Countries.
2. The Duke of Cleves has refused passage for a number of men for King Philip. He was persuaded by divers of the Princes of Germany.—Antwerp, 16 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 16. 804. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
Murray yesterday sent him word that the Queen was to pass Coldingham, and in her way desired to pass through part of the bounds, whereupon he ordered the Master of the Ordnance to prepare the great ordnance, and left him in the town, and took with him forty horsemen and caused the gates to be locked after him, and ordered all the soldiers to be on the old walls with armour and weapon; and so rode to the Bound road and met her with Murray, Huntley, Bothwell, the Secretary, and Home, with 500 horse. She came to Halidown Hill, and at being there the great ordnance shot off in all that night, and so passed towards Coldingham. She said there had been much cumbers between these two realms, but she would never give occasion of any wars to England. She said he was a favourer of Morton and his company. He said until he had received directions from the Queen for their passing out of this realm he had used them friendly, but as soon as she commanded him to avoid them he had no dealings with them. He discoursed of their Border matters, and she called Bothwell, Cessford, and Home, and commanded them to cause rule to be kept. This night she means to be at Dunbar, and so to Edinburgh.—Berwick, 16 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
Nov. 16. 805. Marsilio Della Croce to John Shers.
Sends advices from Ragusa, Rome, and Vienna of the 1st, 8th, and 7th Nov., and Constantinople of the 12th Oct.— Venice, 16 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 4.
Nov. 17. 806. Sir Henry Percy to Cecil.
Yesterday he received a letter from Murray, copy whereof he sends him. And where Murray has nominated Leicester and Bedford to stand bound for the re-entry of his prisoner, he is loth to deal with such great personages, wherefore he has nominated Cecil as one with the rest, and when he hears from Murray he will send a bond drawn unto him.—Tynemouth, 17 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
Nov. 16. 807. Sir Henry Percy to the Earl of Murray.
Will be content to let the Master Marshall home upon the bonds of the Earls of Leicester and Bedford, and Mr. Secretary, for 4,000l. sterling.—Tynemouth Castle, 16 Nov. 1566. Signed: H. P.
Nov. 14. 808. The Earl of Murray to Sir Henry Percy.
The Earls of Leicester and Bedford, and Sir William Cecil, are content to give their bonds for the re-entry of his brotherin-law, the Master Marshall. Desires to understand the form of such bonds as he will be contented with.—Langton, 14 Nov. 1566.
Copies. P. 1.
Nov. 17. 809. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Will accomplish the effect of the Queen's letters touching the new book. Will make that haste that foul ways and chargeable carriage give him leave.—Garendon, 17 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Nov. 17. 810. Richard Clough to Gresham.
The new Turk has already taken his journey towards Hungary. In these parts the common people have been marvellous afraid for that it was given out that the King had great number of men-of-war in readiness in Germany. Notwithstanding when the news was worst, then they came most to the sermons, and many rich men gave themselves out to be of the religion who were not known before. Many do not go to the preaching of the priests, save to one grey friar who comes out of France. If the nobles hold with the commons let the King come with what power he likes it will be all lost labour. The nobles are in favour with the commons, and can lack no money nor number of men out of Germany, although the King is denied. He will have against him as well the Papists as the Protestants. He will have enough to do in Spain as the French have taken Madeira, and the Turk makes a large army to the sea.—Antwerp, 17 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 5½.
Nov. 17. 811. Advices from Antwerp.
News from Antwerp.
Much injured. Endd. Ital. P. 1.
Nov. 18. 812. The Queen of Scots to Cecil.
Accepts in very good part his diligence to have the offence repaired which was done against her in Lincoln's Inn. Never trusted the report that he had been a hinderer of her advancement. Thanks him for his courteous usage of her servant, Melville.—Dunbar, 18 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 18. 813. The Earl of Murray to Cecil.
1. Thanks him for the reparation of that which seemed prejudicial to his Sovereign in the late discourse in Lincoln's Inn.
2. The Queen is thereby confirmed in her good opinion of him which she ever had. Hopes that he will continue favourable to the end in all her affairs.—Dumbar, 18 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Nov. 18. 814. The Earls of Bothwell, Murray, and Huntly, and Lethington to the Privy Council of England.
Desire that the Queen will grant Archibald Graham some casualty or license, whereby he may be recompensed of a part of his great scaith and expense.—Dunbar, 18 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Nov. 19. 815. Maitland of Lethington to Cecil.
Thanks him for his courteous usage of Melville and for the reparation of the offence committed against his Sovereign at Lincoln's Inn. Prays him to continue his favour towards his servant Graham, who is altogether ruined by the charges which he has been at.—Whittingham, 19 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 19. 816. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Hears nothing of the Ambassador of Savoy's coming, and minds not to attend his coming at Berwick any longer. The enclosed letter he prays him cause to be delivered to Mr. Melvyn.—Garendon, 19 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Nov. 19. 817. Dr. Christopher Mundt to Cecil.
The Turk is said to have 260,000 armed men in the field, and the Emperor 80,000 foot and 26,000 horse. There is a report that the King of Spain will bring his forces against those of the Low Countries. He is engaging officers throughout Germany, and has written to certain Princes for their assistance and counsel against the rebels and for free passage for his troops.—Strasbourg, 19 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. Pp. 2½.
Nov. 20. 818. Proclamation of Charles IX.
1. Forbids any person to break the Edicts of Pacification, Majority, and others on pain of death.
2. Together with an injunction to purge Paris from vagabonds and idle persons.—St. Maur des Fosses, 20 Nov. 1566. Printed. Fr. Pp. 7.
Nov. 22. 819. John Bennett to Cecil.
Prays him to help that the 2s. per diem for Nicholas Harrington be not deducted from his pay.—Berwick, 22 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Nov. 23. 820. Advices.
News from Rome of the 23rd Nov., and from Vienna of the 22nd Nov.
Injured by damp. Endd. Pp. 2½.
Nov. 23. 821. John Fitzwilliam to Cecil.
The Regent seeks means to place men in the small towns. Certain of the principal of the new churches have been with the Prince of Orange to know whether they should cease their new temples, who told them to go forward with them. It is less thought that the King will come here. There is great talk of certain English at Louvain who keep watch and ward and earnestly stand to the maintenance of the Catholic faith.—Antwerp, 23 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 23. 822. George Gilpin to Cecil.
There are letters pretended to be sent to the Emperor to require him to be a means with the King of Spain to quiet these matters without using extremity. The Protestants have great confidence in the Duke of Cleves. Certain French have landed in Madeira, and it is thought that they will land in some part of England, Ireland, or Scotland.—Antwerp, 23 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Nov. 23. 823. Captain Cockburn to Cecil.
The Pope's Ambassador and those of Spain, Venice, and Scotland are daily at Council, the Cardinal of Lorraine sending daily to them. There is one waiting to go into Scotland with a great dispatch from the Pope and the Cardinal of Lorraine.—Paris, 23 Nov. Signed: George Beaumont.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Nov. 25. 824. Hugh Fitzwilliam to Cecil.
Thanks him for forgiving his errors. Mr. Edward Cook died on the 16th instant. Is himself very weak and sickly. The Duke of Ferrara has the praises of all for services in Hungary. The Duke of Guise, his nephew, is with him. The Ambassadors of the five princes of Germany were presented with chains of about 300 crowns apiece. M. Monluc's son has taken the Island of Madeira. The beginning of last month there was 8,000l. sent into Scotland from hence. The Admiral and all his adherents are at the Court or looked for shortly. The Duke of Brunswick has 14,000 foot and 4,000 horse in readiness against King Philip's coming. The Pope's Nuncios make continual motions to the King to receive the late Council of Trent.—Paris, 25 Nov. 1566.
Pp. 6.
Nov. 25. 825. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
The christening will not be till the 12th prox., so will now go easily. Has not heard from him since coming from London. Certain who had heard of the fount laid wait in a place not far from Doncaster, but missing it thought not to trouble themselves with baser things and did no harm.— Doncaster, 25 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1.
Nov. 27. 826. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Desires to know the Queen's pleasure as to what he shall do or say touching the name to be given to the Prince of Scotland. Begs him to procure his discharge from the lieutenancy of the frontiers.—Helaugh, 27 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1¼.
Nov. 29. 827. Hugh Fitzwilliam to Cecil.
1. The Court is wholly occupied to answer the King of Portugal's Ambassador. The King of Portugal, when he heard of the Frenchmen's arrival in Madeira, made out forty sail and 4,000 soldiers.
2. All the great Estates be this night arrived here.—Paris, 29 Nov. 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Nov. 30. 828. The Earl of Bedford to Cecil.
Hears that the Queen of Scots likes well the Queen's pleasure thus to send. The lewd and evil writing of Adamson, the Scot, he will set forth to such as it may be best to declare the same unto.—Newcastle, last of November, 1566. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Nov. 30. 829. Instructions for Sir Henry Norris.
1. Appoints him her ambassador at the French Court.
2. He is to complain to the King of injuries done to her subjects, more especially by certain pirates.
3. He is to desire that the author and printer of a certain book may be chastised.
4. He shall maintain his actions according to the contents of the treaties of Chateau Cambresis and Troyes.
5. He is to resort to the chief personages of the Court and give her commendations to them.
6. He is to complain to the Prince of Conde and the Admiral of the non-payment of the money lent to them; also to avoid the question of precedence with the Spanish Ambassador as much as possible.—Westminster, 30 Nov. 1566. Signed by the Queen and Cecil.
Endd. Pp. 6.
830. Draft of the above corrected by Cecil.
Endd. Pp. 7.
[Nov.] 831. R. Beales to [Cecil].
Praises Mr. Fitzwilliam's behaviour as agent with the French Court, and discourses on the great difficulties that beset an ambassador at the present time. Signed: R. B.
Endd. Pp. 3.