Elizabeth: January 1564, 16-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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'Elizabeth: January 1564, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp17-39 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1564, 16-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1870), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp17-39.

"Elizabeth: January 1564, 16-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 7, 1564-1565. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1870), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol7/pp17-39.

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January 1564, 16-30

Jan. 16. 52. Throckmorton to Smith.
Spoke indeed with the Queen on Friday at the Bonnes Hommes. They talked for an hour, most of that time was spent by her in accusations and by him in purgations. In conclusion, she began to think better of him. They fell into particularities of peace and the proceedings past of one and the other, and so fell into talk of Smith's last treaty, and of the voyage of M. Mauvissiere into England, and so of the hard terms they are in, and with good words they parted. This day she signified that he should make a despatch into England and give him [Smith] knowledge thereof, that he might write. Intends to send his servant on Tuesday, and asks him to prepare his letters against that time.—St. Germain, 16 Jan. 1563.
Jan. 16. 53. Smith to Throckmorton.
Does not understand by his whether it was by his [Throckmorton's] seeking or theirs that he spoke with the Queen. If he thinks it not meet for him to know, he is content. Yesterday De L'Aubespine told him a part thereof, and now Somer being come with his letters (which he shall receive herewith), he must return immediately upon the answer, which he shall have of this negociation.—16 Jan. 1563.
Jan. 16. 54. Smith to Throckmorton.
Wrote yesterday by Throckmorton's English boy that came hither for lard. They say that he had spoken with the Queen. He denied it, for indeed he stirred not out of his house since he was with the Admiral, with which despatch Barnaby went. Then some said it was Throckmorton, and so now it is the Palace news.—Paris, 16 Jan. 1563.
Jan. 16. 55. Gresham to Cecil.
1. In his last, of the 10th, wrote how he understood that the Regent had granted that such goods as were shipped before the proclamation should pass; this now proves contrary, as appears by their answer to the supplication. Sends also a note of such goods as are laden, whereby he may perceive there nothing is made in this country, but only iron and haberdashery; the rest come out of Eastland.
2. The 15th inst. received his written on New Year's Day, with a letter to Smith, which this day he sent away under a letter of his which will be delivered in Paris the 17th. Intends to depart this town the 18th, for he is through with the Queen's creditors for the new bonds. The Lords of this town are sorry that the Court has stayed the English cloths and other goods. This town suffers for it more than they will have known, for the poor people begin to cry out upon them. As yet D. Dale is not come over, who will have much ado at the Court for the complaints made there. This day an Englishman, who feigned his name to be Martin (his name is Welche), who committed a robbery in England ten months past, came behind an Englishman, named Wrytte, upon the English Bourse, and gave him three strokes with his dagger. Wrytte sent his servant Thomas Dowtton to warn him [the writer] to look to himself and his house. Martin has the friars for his safeguard. The exchange passes at 20s. 6d.—Antwerp, 16 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 16. 56. English Commerce with Flanders.
The Commissioners state that the Queen's subjects have been damaged to the extent of more than 38,000l. by the arrest of their ships and goods in Zealand and Spain.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
Jan. 16. 57. English Merchants in Flanders.
1. Certain English merchants complain to the Duchess of of Parma that having laden their vessels with goods forbidden to be imported by the late edict, of which they were not aware, they have been stayed. Delivered on 7 Jan.
2. The Regent replies that as the goods specified are all comprehended in the edict, it must be observed.—Brussels, 16 Jan. 1563.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 17. 58. Clough to Challoner.
1. Sent his last a month past, since which he has received letters out of England, which he encloses, and also a bill of exchange on Anthony Hickman and Edward Castelyn of 395l. 4s. 2d. due to the 28th inst., for his [Challoner's] account.
2. Mentions the prohibition made five weeks past by the Court here of English cloth into this country before Candlemas Day; and that their fleet of cloth being then ready to come, command was also given that if it came and refused to return, the ships and goods should be confiscated. Various other prohibitions have been made.—Antwerp, 17 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 5.
Jan. 17. 59. English Ships at Gibraltar.
Translation of the English mariners' depositions under twenty-four heads, setting out that they were not pirates but regular traders on the coast, that the French ship commenced the fighting, that they offered no resistance to the King's galleys, that the owners of the goods had nothing to do with the difference, that there are 30,000 ducats worth of raisins in the ships, which are spoiling, that the English and French ships rode more than a league from Gibraltar, that their confessions are otherwise perused than their declarations, and the interpreter is of small understanding of the Spanish tongue and very simple of wit.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 5.
Jan. 17. 60. Antonio Bruschetto to Cecil.
The last letters from Rome which he sent were of 12 Dec. with others of the 7th from Sor. Gurone and the writer's son. To-day others have arrived, which he forwards, from both these correspondents. Gurone can penetrate into the secrets of the Pope and other princes.—Hackney, 17 Jan. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Jan. 18. 61. Smith to the Queen.
1. On Sunday the 16th inst. came to his lodging M. D'Aubespine, who asked him if he knew of Throckmorton's conference with the Queen. He told him he heard nothing of it. He said it was her pleasure that he should tell him the whole matter. Throckmorton has long made means to speak with her by De la Salle, who is keeper of the castle. The Queen answered that on Friday the 14th she would hear Mass at the Bonnes Hommes, and would speak with him. When he came she walked up and down with him almost two hours. Almost all the time was spent in excusing himself that he was not author of these troubles in France, nor a motioner to send men to Newhaven, nor to take part with the Prince. Throckmorton is much deceived if he thinks they have not all his communications and doings; De la Salle says he has as much of that stuff as will lade a horse. And as they have no men worse French than those English that have been nourished in France, and kept in their troubles, so they have no men worse English than those Frenchmen whom they have holpen and kept in England in their dangers. Yet the Queen took it as he gave it her, and still looked whereto he would go. In the end he [Throckmorton] would know of her at what point he [Smith] was, at his last communication, when Somer and he were together. She told him that he [Smith] demanded the ratification of the treaty of Cambresis, which in no wise could be agreed unto; and that two articles were propounded unto him, one of perpetual peace, the other of reservation of all rights of each Prince, and that the hostages should be delivered. Sir Nicholas said that for those two points they are agreed.
2. Smith asked if he knew that the other two articles were agreed unto? If so, he knew more than he did, and assured D'Aubespine that he could not understand so much by any letter that he had received, but rather the contrary. For his part he would that it stood upon so little, but he has no commission from the Queen nor the Council, and therefore has no more to say. "And is this all?" quoth Smith. "Yea," 'said D'Aubespine, but that he is very earnest that he might write into England, and he does not doubt but to do great service to making of the peace.
3. He says, indeed (said D'Aubespine), that Smith is learned, but he has not the manners to handle Princes and bring them to his purpose. He has been long from the Court.
4. But the Queen, said D'Aubespine, for all Throckmorton's fair words, will only grant him to send his letters to the Court, and from thence to be brought to him [Smith.]—Paris, 18 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Jan. 18. 62. Throckmorton to Smith.
Knows not what imagination Smith has of himself to look so imperiously that the writer should make him more privy to his doings than Smith does him of his. Knows how he has in these matters handled him since he came on this side, for he has all his letters. Smith is at liberty and hears all, and he is in prison and hears little. If De L'Aubespine has told him what has passed betwixt the Queen and him he may be satisfied. Thinks he deals with him as though he had, or looked to have, sovereignty over him; but, set the Queen's service aside, and then he is in that bravery deceived.—St. Germain, 18 Jan. 1563.
Copy. (fn. 1)
Jan. 18. 63. Duke Otto of Brunswick to the Queen.
Sends Andreas Saur, of Memmelsdorf, to her. Wassorry to hear of her illness, and congratulates her on herreco very. Has long intended to come into England, and will do so next spring, if she approves of it. The daughter of the Landgrave is to be married to the King of Sweden. It is intended to collect a large army and suddenly invade Scotland, with the assistance of the King of Spain, the Duke of Guise, and the maritime States, who at present are not well disposed towards England. After they have conquered Scotland they will turn all their forces against England. He has refused to join the army, and esteems it his duty to warn her of the matter. The Pope and his faction are plotting the slaughter and ruin of all of the reformed faith. The King of Spain has written to certain of the German Princes that since they have assisted the rebels in France he will be obliged to assist the French King. From this it is evident that he, the Pope, and the others meditate something which will strike terror into the whole of Christendom. Expresses his good will towards her, and desire of serving her, and begs that his pension (which he has not yet received) may be paid at London or Antwerp.—Harburg, 18 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Endd. Lat. Pp. 10.
Jan. 19. 64. Philip II. to the Queen.
Appoints Didacus Guzman de Silva his Ambassador in England, in the room of the late Bishop of Aquila.—Montzon, 19 Jan. 1564. Signed: Philippus;—G. Perezius.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Broadside.
Jan. 20. 65. Queen Mary to the Queen.
Certain merchants of Dundee have complained to her how in November last their vessel was taken into Harwich, where the said ship and goods are detained, and the merchants kept prisoners. Prays her to take hasty order that they may be restored and the merchants set at liberty.—Holyrood House, 20 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with two seals. Add. Endd. Broadside.
Jan. 20. 66. Maitland to Cecil.
Certain merchants of Dundee have complained to the Queen touching the staying of a ship of theirs at Harwich in October last, and have desired him to write in their favour. —Edinburgh, 20 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 20. 67. Challoner to the Queen.
His servant Coldwell, whom he sent with letters of the 10th and 25th ult., is stayed at Bilboa; for along the coast of Spain all English ships, merchants, mariners, and goods are arrested by way of reprisal for depredations by their adventurers upon the sea. Has spent these three days past in negociating with this King and Council about this affair. A thousand mariners and others of their nation, with above thirty ships and goods, are arrested. He travails chiefly that their men may be in more courteous prison, the great number of whom will else die of cold and hunger. Has had no advice these five months from England.—Montzon, 20 Jan. 1563.
Draft in Challoner's hol. Passages underlined, to be ciphered. Endd. by him. Pp. 4.
Copy, with a note by Challoner to the effect that the Queen's letters of 20 March show that she had received this despatch, and endd. by him: Sent by three sundry means. Pp. 2.
Jan. 20. 68. [Challoner] to the Queen.
Recommends Don Diego de Guzman, appointed by the King Catholic as Ambassador resident in England.— Montzon, 30 Jan. 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: 20 Jan. 1564. Pp. 2.
Jan. 21. 69. Randolph to the Queen.
Never had better words than are at all times given him by this Queen and her Councillors. For testimony of the truth of what the Queen of Scots reported of her French news unto him, she let him have sight of the Cardinal of Guise's letter to her. In this letter there was somewhat more written in cipher, of which he got knowledge by other means. The French have got word what she intends towards this Queen by advertisement of M. de Foix to the Queen Mother; who, misliking her intent, persuades the Cardinal of Guise to hinder the same. To that end he has written to this Queen that she should take heed unto those dealings that she has with her; that she means no good faith, and that it proceeds of finesse to make her believe that she intends her good in seeking to have her advice in her marriage, nor shall her honour be advanced by marriage of any so base as either Lord Robert or the Earl of Warwick, of which two Elizabeth determined to take one and leave her [Mary] the other. Further, that his assurance thereof is good by the advertisement of M. de Foix by that token lately sent (no man named by him) unto Mary from Elizabeth with pearls and jewels, to move her that way. Though this whole matter be not true, the Cardinal has a shrewd guess at it. Believes she will take her whole counsel from thence, specially now the Cardinal has returned. Is moved to think it, for few here know her mind herein, and immediately after the first message sent from her, Mary's secretary, Raulet, was despatched from thence into France. She also showed him that the Queen Mother wrote unto her that she wished herself the third person of the three Queens that should be at the interview this next summer. Answered that she said that more for her pleasure than wished it should be. Sees now that the French begin to make fair weather to this Queen, which makes her think nothing less of herself than ever she did. What to judge of Spain he knows not, more than that her heart is there. And yet are there reasons that make him think that in the end she will be content with some party nearer home. She has offered to write to her [Elizabeth], containing some excuse, and somewhat also in favour of Bothwell. Is of opinion the more Bothwell is made of the worse he will be found.—Edinburgh, 21 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Jan. 21. 70. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. By his despatch to the Queen Cecil may perceive that lately he has had, after a secret manner, conference with the Queen Mother. The way to bring them together was by the workers so handled that he must seem to procure it. Wishes to be advertised whether the Queen can allow no conditions of peace but the ratification of the treaty of Cambresis; and also how the general article of having each Prince's right lustily handled by Smith and Somer is by her allowed. Thinks some other degree may be devised to qualify the causes of the matter. By entertaining this matter long in dispute, and by neither providing for war nor peace, he may look for such another issue of this peacemaking as followed of the talk whilst Newhaven was in their hands. The time favours Her Majesty to make her bargain; fears it will not long do so. Prays that Barnaby, Lord Robert's servant, may come hither with the next despatch, because he has not one about him that can write anything.—St. Germain, 18 Jan. 1563. Signed.
2. P. S.—This being ready to be closed, received Cecil's letter by Somer. Prays him not to reject anything that may favour his liberty. Hears that his wife cannot receive his diets; asks that he be relieved in this matter. Prays that Somer be present at his conference with Smith, for now the piques betwixt them are gone so far that there can be no more dissimulation, he having (Somer being here) uttered to De Mauvissiere the evil will he bears him, using these words that he [Throckmorton] was not only the cause of all the hard terms betwixt the Princes, but a hinderer of peace and a worker of displeasure at home, because he was well inclined to it. Cecil has no great cause to be so much Smith's friend. And whenever they shall be delivered of their charge, and he of his captivity, Smith shall feel it, if he be able; and therefore to keep him from danger he prays Cecil to let him never have to do with Smith in matters of charge alone.—Castle of St. Germain, 21 Jan. 1563.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
Jan. 21. 71. Adolphus Duke of Holstein to the Queen.
One of his subjects, Michael Festus, having bought 200 cloths in England, has been prevented from exporting them by her interdict. Some of them being for the Duke's own use, he begs that she will allow them to pass.—Gottorp, 21 Jan. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Jan. 21. 72. William Phayre to Challoner.
The last post went hence the beginning of this month, and the last came the 16th ult.—Montzon, 21 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Challoner at Balbastro, and endd. by him. Pp. 2.
Jan. 22. 73. Randolph to Cecil.
1. On the 16th inst. there arrived here out of France the young Laird of Scheldon with many letters unto the Queen, full of promises. They require that this nation and theirs may stand in the old amity, to nourish which the French offer the Queen new assurance for the payment of her dowry and pension, certain artillery promised long ago, and wine for her own household without impost or king's custom. For her subjects these are the offers; the band of men at arms to be restored (of which the Lord Robert of this Court to be captain); the old order of the guard to be renewed (but no Scottishman is yet appointed to have charge); merchants shall have their privileges as before; pensions renewed to those that before had them, and new bestowed on Lords Seton and Flemynge; and Lethington shall have 500 francs by year. The Queen thinks it too small a sum for one of his calling, and so near in credit with herself. Believes no pension will move him from those things that are more for his Sovereign's honour.
2. The knowledge of these things came to him by the Queen's report in this sort: Cammell brought him letters from Captains Waddell and Forbes, of which the Queen got knowledge by the messenger. Upon Sunday, he being at the Court, she bade him tell her his novels, and said he should know of hers. After she had made the report as above, he made his as he found in his letters, viz., that the Cardinal of Lorraine was come to Joinville and sought to bring the King to Lorraine, which the Constable withstood, and was gone from the Court. That the Admiral and his brother were about the King; Condé also at home. That the Bishop of Glasgow was admitted there to solicit all causes between that realm and this. It is there bruited that this Queen shall marry in Spain. He neither hears it spoken of in this Court nor sees likelihood that it shall be. Whether Charney's advancement tended to the marriage of this Queen with him, Cecil can best learn. It is so taken amongst them. If it so be, they have no cause to mislike some unto whom Charney was much inferior. Of all these matters (saving Spain and Charney) they talked somewhat. Their purposes were rather merry than to any great effect. To confirm her news she showed him a letter to her from the Cardinal of Guise, with a long discourse of his travail with the King and his Mother for the deliverance of Throckmorton. This Queen mislikes altogether his detaining, and is in mind again to write by Raulet, her secretary, who shortly will be with him towards France.
3. Bothwell will shortly be with him, in whose favour this Queen has written unto the Queen. Her mind is to have him out of England, and he judges him so little worth that it is no matter where he is; he has written in his behalf.— Edinburgh, 22 Jan. 1563. Signed.
4. P. S.—The Basque tarries only the wind; his company are to the number of 160 in both ships. They purpose to sail towards the west seas.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Jan. 22. 74. Gresham to Cecil.
1. On the 21st inst. arrived at Dunkirk, where he thought to have found the Queen's ships to waft him over, for on the 16th inst. he wrote Sir Thomas Cotton that he would be here the same day. Intends remaining here till he has good conduct from Cotton for wafting him over. News here that there are come to Calais, Ardres, Boulogne, etc. twenty ensigns of footmen, with scaling ladders, which puts this country in fear of losing some of their forts. The French have given out they go to Scotland, and look for twenty ships of war, and other ships from Dieppe, etc. to embark them at Boulogne and Calais. Likewise they say here that 2,000 horsemen have come, which he takes not to be true; for this day an Englishman, one Shacklocke, is come from Calais, who has been there these six weeks; he declares that though there be come to Calais six ensigns (300 in every ensign), and the like to Boulogne and Ardres, with scaling ladders, of horsemen he heard of none. He affirms they are come to land in England. It would be good to look to Sheppy, the ships at Chatham, Dover, and specially to Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight.
2. Letters have come out of Spain that the King will come into the Low Countries this spring. Therefore the Queen should be ready with her ships, whatsoever chance of this business, and train men to the hand gun and pistolets throughout her realm.
3. D. Dall, as the writer was upon the river coming over to Antwerp, was likewise upon the water going over. Reminds him of various sums due by the Queen.—Dunkirk, 22 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 22. 75. Guido Giannetti to the Queen.
Wrote to her on the 8th. The Count De Luna, Ambassador from Spain, died at Trent. A meeting between the King of Spain and the Queen of France is proposed to be held at Nizza, in Savoy. D'Oysel, formerly lieutenant of the King of France in Scotland, is appointed Ambassador resident with the Pope.—Venice, 22 Jan. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Ital. Pp. 3.
Jan. 22. 76. Antonio Bruschetto to Cecil.
The last letter which he received from Sor. Gurone is one of the 18th Dec., and to-day the enclosed of the 24th have come to hand. The writer will come to the Court when he can do so without suspicion.—Hackney, 22 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: 22 Jan. 1564. Ital. Pp. 2.
Jan. 22. 77. Gurone Bertano to Antonio Bruschetto.
The Pope has no inclination to do anything displeasing either to the Queen or the realm, provided he is not irritated. The chief subject under dispute here is the acceptance of the Council.—Rome, 22 Jan. 1564.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add.: To Bruschetto, in London. Endd.: 18 Feb. 1564, Dal S. Gurone. Ital. Pp. 2.
Jan. 22. 78. Sebastiano Bruschetto to Antonio Brusschetto.
Not having heard from him lately and having written frequently, has little to say. Praises his friend who has written to the Secretary. Hopes that his mother is well, and Sor. Benedetto, also his relative, Sor. Vincentio.—Rome, 22 Jan. 1564.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add.: To Antonio Bruschetto, in London Endd.: Da Sebastiano, 18 Feb. Ital. Pp. 3.
Jan. 22. 79. Marsilio Della Croce to Shers.
The Bishop of Feltre is dead, and Cardinal Farnese is ill of a fever. The Pope has demanded the return of the Spanish knight who was carried off secretly to Gaeta.—Venice, 22 Jan. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 3.
Jan. 22. 80. Challoner to the Queen.
Refers her to his of the 10th and 25th ult., sent by James Coldwell. On the 17th inst. received advice of a general arrest of ships, goods, merchants, and mariners of their nation along the coasts of Spain. The papers sent will show what has passed thereon. The matter of the ships must come to a parlance of commissioners on both sides. "Though they snarl and bear us that evil talent which most of my former letters make mention of, yet I ween that as yet their apple is not ripe." Don Diego De Guzman, the Ambassador elect for England, has attempted to mitigate this arrest. "He is a grave and a courteous man, much dissemblable to his predecessor." Cannot write more for pain.—Balbastro, 22 Jan. 1563. Signed.
In Challoner's hol. A few passages in cipher deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil: From Spain. Pp. 11.
Jan. 22. 81. Another copy of the above. Signed. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by the way of Flanders by two sundry ways. Pp. 4.
Jan. 22. 82. Another copy of the above. Deciphered passages in Challoner's hand. Endd. by him: Sent by two sundry ways, the one by the Ambassador of Venice. Pp. 4.
Jan. 22. 83. Another copy. Deciphered passages in Challoner's hand. Endd. by him partly in cipher: Dispatched by way of Antwerp in a cover of the Ambassador of Venice. Pp. 4.
Jan. 22. 84. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Would write unto him but is so sick that he cannot.— 22 Jan. 1563. Signed.
2. P. S.—They speak much of one Feteplace, sent out by the Lord Deputy of Ireland, and of another bark sent out by L. R. [Lord Robert].
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 22. 85. Challoner to Cuerton.
Would gladly have had a letter from him how their folks are handled at Bilboa, and whether Coldwell and Parker were under arrest. The King, on Monday the 24th inst., departs towards Barcelona. Will tarry here twelve days.— Balbastro, 22 Jan. 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: 22 Jan. 1564; sent by a footpost of S. Sebastian. Pp. 2.
Jan. 22. 86. Challoner to the Merchants of St. Sebastian.
Upon receipt at Balbastro on the 17th inst. of theirs of the 9th., procured access to the King, and on the 19th exhibited a petition in their behalf, and required the release of them and their goods upon sureties. The King answered that justice should be ministered, and that he was informed from all parts of the spoils committed upon them by the English on the sea during the wars with France, which moved him to proceed to this arrest by way of reprisal. Spent the most of that night and the next day with the chief of the Council, soliciting that till the matter were further examined, they might he treated with less rigour and their goods preserved, to be upon caution answered to law. But they must brook the trouble till the Queen takes order for the remedy. —Balbastro, 22 Jan. 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: 22 Jan. 1564; sent by their foot-post. Pp. 4.
Jan. 22. 87. Challoner to Phayre.
Desires him to ask Don Diego Guzman for the copy of the "provance" from Gibraltar, and to deliver to him a letter directed to the Queen in his favour. Also forwards a letter for Clough.—22 Jan. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 5.
Jan. 22. 88. Challoner to James Coldwell.
Considering this embargo of their merchants, marvels he never heard whether he [Coldwell] is stayed. The Council tells him this arrest extends only to the merchants and their ships, and that his servants may embark in any hulk or Flemish bottom. Bids him pass in some other bottom for Flanders or England.—Balbastro, 22 Jan. 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner.: 22 Jan. 1564; sent by the footpost of S. Sebastian. Pp. 2.
Jan. 23. 89. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. If other conditions of peace than the ratification of the treaty of Cambresis find acceptation with Her Majesty and her Council, prays he may understand her pleasure. Also to return hither Somer thoroughly instructed of all things, and that in his presence he may communicate with Smith.
2. Cecil must change all his severe talk and doings toward the French Ambassador, if he means end making, and show him courtesy. What passed betwixt the French and Smith, Somer, and himself on the 18th inst. at the Louvre, the bearer, Somer, can inform him. Indeed at his arrival at a house besides the Louvre he was made to dine at the King's cost, and was accompanied with M. De Rambouillet, and after dinner was brought to the next chamber to the King, where he found Smith.—Castle of St. Germain, 23 Jan. 1563. Signed.
3. P. S.—Her Majesty should write to the Queen Mother for his credence, if she will use his service in the matter. The King has given order that the statute of apparel shall be straitly observed. Reminds him that the French refused the ratification of the treaty of Cambresis at this King's coming to the crown, the same demanded by the Earl of Bedford and him.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Jan. 23 & 24. 90. Gresham to Cecil.
1. This day here arrived Secretary Torres, who, as soon as he came, departed for Brussels, so that they met not. The English ship that brought him over said that the Bollen and the Hare were coming for him but perceiving seven French ships of war, the bark Yonge, of Bristol, and the Hound (the former having 300 men and the other 200) returned back for succour. Here are twelve ships of war, called the King's guard, and thirty ships more are coming from Dieppe and those quarters with twenty ensigns of footmen, and come to Boulogne and Calais to take in the twenty ensigns he wrote of, which are numbered to be 10,000 footmen. The bringer is Shaclock, otherwise Rosse, who says they will land in the Downs, and that Conde and D'Andelot and M. Senarpont come with 1,000 horse to cross with the ships. Shaclock comes about his own business to London. It were good to see to ships at Chatham, for there are but five pieces of ordnance at the bulwarks to defend them.—Dunkirk, 23 Jan. 1563.
2. At 6 p.m. the master of the ship that brought Torres showed him that the wind being fair for the Foreland, he could pass without danger of the Frenchmen, so at 8 p.m. departed and arrived at Dover this day at 4 p.m. Not being well at ease, sends Shaclock (who came from Calais the same day he arrived at Dunkirk) with his man Alexander, that he might certify what he understands about the French. He is English born, and was brought up with Roger Deprate, a Frenchman, when he dwelt in England. Upon Wednesday intends to be at Court. Shaclock is a worthy man to be a spy in France.
3. At his arrival here received the Queen's letter of the 14th inst., which he will send to Clough.—Dover, 24 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal., stained by damp. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Jan. 23. 91. Advices from Italy.
1. Rome, 23 Jan. 1564. The Pope is much occupied with the confirmation of the Council.
2. Genoa, 16 Jan. Don Martino Della Nussa, Ambassador of the King of Spain in regard to the affairs of Final, has arrived here.
Ital. Pp. 2.
Jan. 23. 92. Challoner to the Queen.
Certain Italian gentlemen of Vicenza, having been here to see this Court, and desiring to repair to her Court, he commends them unto her.—Balbastro, 23 Jan. 1563.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: 22 Jan. 1563. Pp. 2.
[Jan. 23.] 93. Challoner to [Cecil]. (fn. 2)
Being sick, can scarcely write one line. The gentlemen bearers, whom he commends to the Queen, were commended to him by Sor. Jeronimo Soranzo, Venetian Ambassador at this Court, and brother to Sor. Jacomo Soranzo, who in King Edward's time was Ambassador in England.—Balbastro, 33 Jan. [sic] 1563.
Draft in Challoner's hol.
Jan. 23. 94. Challoner to Cuerton.
Has already spoken with the King and divers of his Council about the embargo at St. Sebastian. Erasso told him that it stretched not to his servants carrying his letters. Desires that the mule which Coldwell had may be returned. —Balbastro, 23 Jan. 1564.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: By a foot post of the town of Balbastro; price eight pist. Pp. 2.
Jan. 23. 95. Challoner to Phayre.
Has received his letters. Two of his silver plates have been stolen. Desires him to lay watch at the goldsmiths of Monzon.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Phayre. Pp. 2.
Jan. 24. 96. Charges at Berwick, &c.
The number of officers, captains, soldiers, and ministers, and the yearly charges for the same, showing that in Berwick there are 1,444 men, and the charges for same amount to 20,338l. 19s. 2d., which, with the allowances at Holy Island and Farne, Carlisle, Warke, and Tynmouth of 949l. 9s., amounts to 21,288l. 8s. 2d.
Orig. Endd. by Cecil: 24 Jan. 1563. Pp. 6.
Jan. 24. 97. Charges at Berwick.
A rate of the yearly charges of the governor, chiefs of fifties, soldiers, and other ministers at Berwick to the number of 800 men, 9,059l. 3s. 9d The allowances to the Warden of the East Marches and others there and at Holy and Farne islands, Carlisle, and Tynmouth, 977l. 5s.
Orig., with a few notes by Cecil, and endd. by him: For Berwick, a device to make the charge about 10,000l. per annum. Pp. 8.
Jan. 24. 98. Smith to Cecil.
1. On the 16th inst. he received letters by Somer. That afternoon he sent for audience, which was appointed him the next day. He found the King and Queen without any of the Council. Because Elizabeth charged him to speak in Latin (which neither of them could understand), the Queen Mother sent for the Chancellor, passing the meantime with familiar speech, as demanding of her health, the manner of the plague lately in London, &c.
2. When the Chancellor came, the chamber being voided of all saving the Council, he said she has now willed him to say she has considered those matters, and is confirmed to remain in her former opinion, for she is assured that no peace shall be honourable but that which the King offered last summer in full Council; wherefore, if the King minds to make such a peace, she requires him to protract no more time, and that he [Smith] has no authority to conclude any other form of peace.
3. In reply the Chancellor said (in French) that as touching the ratification of the treaty of Cambresis, it had been already debated, and the King's mind made known therein at the last negociation, from the which determination he would not depart.
4. Smith said that he had no power to conclude any other manner of peace than with the ratification.
5. Here the Bishop of Limoges made brief rehearsal of such matter as had been passed in their former negociation. For that manner of peace which they propounded, they did not invent now, but in other times their Princes and counsellors allowed the like, namely, at the treaty of Boulogne, where they were passed over with a clause of reservation. And the Constable added that they may not think to make a peace otherwise than so, except all quarrels were decided and all disputations of rights waived.
6. Then they pressed him and Somer to say some other thing, who assured them that they had no other charge.
7. They said, as for the matter of the ratification, the King would in nowise agree to it, and that if he had no other thing to propose, it were but labour and time lost to speak more or treat further, and so dismissed him.
8. As he was ending this despatch on Friday evening (minding to return the bearer the next day), M. De Foix's secretary came to him from the Queen to appoint him to be with her on Saturday, which he did, and with him Somer. As he stayed awhile in the outer chamber, Throckmorton (being brought that day from St. Germain to be also at this conference) came in, being all sent for by the King and Queen. She said she would declare her resolution before them three. In opening the causes they fell again into reasoning, which being but a repetition of those arguments and disputes which have been heretofore advertised, he refers the same to the report of the bearer. In the end again they had for resolution what was offered them by their commissioners; which if the Queen refused, the French had no other remedy but to prepare themselves for war.—Paris, 24 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil: By Mr. Somers. Received the last of January. Pp. 6.
Jan. 24. 99. Smith to Cecil.
1. His of the 11th shows him to be a loving and faithful friend to stick unto him against all his despiters and backbiters. He cannot learn what was the cause why Sir Nicholas should thus fall out with him. Sir Nicholas has the same allowance as he has. The writer has four or six men at the most, and never a horse. He has sixteen or seventeen horses, a waggon, a cart, and twenty-four or twentyfive men. Has not had more than one lean coney at his table, which cost him fifteen sous (twenty-two pence), and a woodcock or partridge as much. The carcase of a small sheep is a mark, or 15s. The hire of his house costs him an angel a day at the least, for he pays his men a crown in gold, and furnishes them a mess of meat, bread, and wine; besides that, the host himself sits at his table.
2. This morning M. De Plessey told him that to-morrow the King removes to Fontainebleau, and from thence into Lorraine, and that as the writer should lie at Merrette, he should send his fourrier thither. De Mauvissiere this morning came to take his leave of him. He told him they look now for no peace with them; that the Queen will arm forty ships of war to the sea, and that Brisac, Monluc, and all the captains of Normandy are here to have orders given them. Certain it is that they and almost all the captains of the frontiers by the sea are either here or at the Court, or sent for.
3. Will have 500 of Mr. Haddon's book printed for twentyfive crowns, and will have it turned into French. They will not be sold here openly. Prays Cecil to excuse him to Haddon for not answering his letter.—Paris, 24 Jan. 1563.
4. P. S.—Sends the arrest and decree made by the King betwixt the Guises and Châtillon; also the design of the Council of Trent, the message of the Cardinal of Lorraine, the design before 1561, and divers edicts. Sends also copies of the letters betwixt himself and Sir Nicholas Throckmorton, and prays him to judge whose the fault is. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 6.
Jan. 24. 100. Smith to Cecil.
Jaques De Puis is still importunate to recommend his case. It is declared to him that what wars soever have been here betwixt the Emperor or King Philip and France, the libraries and bookbinders and their wares were always out of danger. Prays Cecil to show him favour.—Paris, 24 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd.: In favour of Jaques Du Puis. Pp. 2.
Jan. 24. 101. [John Utenhove] to Cecil.
England being so obnoxious to the Pope on account of the religion, he will not omit anything to its hurt, therefore it is advisable to obtain as many allies as possible. Amongst others, he urges the claims of the Count John, of East Friesland, to be taken into the Queen's pay.—24 Jan. 64. (fn. 3) Signed: J. U.
Endd. by Cecil: 24 Jan. 1563. Lat. Pp. 3.
Jan. 24. 102. Alonzo De Truxillo to Challoner.
Explains why he has not been able to serve him more effectually at Court, especially in the matter of the English prisoners.—Madrid, 24 Jan. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: Received at Barcelona, 14 Feb. Span. Pp. 4.
Jan. 25. 103. Smith to Cecil.
1. On the 24th inst. Somer departed with a despatch. Has delivered to the bearer a passport to the Court with this letter. Prays him that they go to his wife, and see the Provost of Paris paid so much money as by his last he [Smith] signified he received of his maitre d'hotel, that is, so many crowns as amounts to 174l., and also one hundred and four score pounds for money at this time received, and to prepare for the rest 500 crowns more, which shortly he says he will pay him. The Ambassador of Spain sends him word that he has good advertisement that the French make ladders and other such equipages at Etaples and Boulogne. Whether they mean to surprise some town in England or attempt some place in the Low Country, the Ambassador cannot tell. He says that the King of Spain has entered into no such league with the Pope, or other Princes, as France bruits, nor ever will; and that he minds nothing against the Queen of Navarre, but to live in peace, and make himself rich.—Paris, 25 Jan. 1563. Signed.
2. P. S.—This night received his of the 1st inst.; so late do letters come to him by that way.
Orig., portions in cipher deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Jan. 26. 104. Smith to Throckmorton.
His of the 18th seems to him strange, and can perceive no reason why he should write on that sort; and at their last meeting, as he knows, he had neither place nor time to debate such matters, and either it boots not or it needs not. The 24th inst. Somers departed, and De Florence the next day. Is willed by the King to prepare his lodging at Melun or Moret, and to follow the Court, now going to Fontainebleau, wherefore he sends Martin, his lackey, to him that he should take such order as he thinks meet.—Paris, 26 Jan. 1563.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 26. 105. Valentine Dale to Cecil.
Has had advertisement by Gresham of his letters that he should not tarry long here, for that the Secretary of Flanders is satisfied. Is so well forward that he has heard the things proposed by D'Assonville and Hoper, Commissioners appointed thereunto. By means whereof, and by the return of the Secretary of Flanders, he trusts shortly to be despatched. Generally they seem very well satisfied with the execution of justice. The appointing of the Diet will satisfy them. —Brussels, 26 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 26. 106. Clough to Gresham.
In his last, by the Dutch post, wrote of the receipt of Cecil's letter. Encloses a packet from the Ambassador at Brussels.
Orig., with seal. Add. Discoloured by damp. Pp. 3.
Jan. 26. 107. Alonzo De Truxillo to Challoner.
Having lately written to him at length, has the less to say at this time. Asks credence for the bearer and professes desire to serve.—Madrid, 26 Jan. 1564.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received at Barcelona, 14 Feb. 1563. Span. Pp. 4.
Jan. 27. 108. Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Received his of 14th on the 22nd. Sends a memorial, wherein the augmentations of 2d. a day for armour and such like increases are declared. Albeit the numbers now here be thought able to do no more than answer any sudden attempt (by reason of the defacing of the old walls and rampiers, and the imperfection of the new), yet it were better to diminish the charges by the garrisons than suffer the works to lie. Nevertheless, for that the charges of 200 or 400 persons employed upon the fortifications in six months will make no convenient strength therein, wishes that for six months there were employed 1,500l. a month, which will not spend all the stuff, and so the piece towards Scotland not only be brought to be guardable, but a smaller yearly portion might serve therein, and fewer in the garrison. The number that shall be looked to come hither upon warning are not to be trusted; for they will not (being four, five, or six days' journey from hence,) be able to answer the sudden. Sends a rate for 800, in which he has rated no more wages to the soldiers than in the other, meaning to have them and their captains enjoy the like commodity of the grounds and commons of the town as others have.—Berwick, 27. Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
Jan. 27. 109. Occurrences in France.
1. 27 Jan. A gentleman arrived at the Court from the King of Denmark.
2. 29 Jan. M. D'Allegre is returned from Rome. Tomorrow he goes to the Court at Corbeil. Hennage (alias Molineux), who was with him at Rome, and has been long his servant, sent Smith word that Edward Stanley, Lord Derby's son, is in Rome, in great favour with the Pope, that Mr. Parrie is in Padua; and that Mr. Sackville (son and heir to Sir Richard Sackville,) and Mr. Travers, his servant, and two of their servants were at Christmas at Rome, (when he was there,) in close prison, so that no man might speak with them.
3. 29 Jan. The Cardinal of Lorraine after dinner came to St. Maure des Fosses to the King. He was received with no pomp. A little before his coming the King went forth a-hawking and the Queen a-walking; so they made him walk attendance awhile there; and the King had no long tarrying with him, nor the Queen. No man went to meet him but the Duke De Montpensier. There was with him the Duchess of Guise and the Cardinal and the Duke of Guise, and one or two bishops more.
4. 30 Jan. That night he came to Paris to bed, and the next day (Sunday) he dined at the blind Bishop of Senlis' house. No great bravery showed him in Paris by the Queen's command, but their wills would well have served them to do it. The Duke D'Aumale and Marquis D'Elbœuf came not with him; yet one who was there told him that they were with him at dinner. He that showed him most countenance at the Court (and that was not much) was Condé.
5. 31 Jan. Men complain at Paris daily of the great losses they sustain upon the sea by the ships of England.
6. 1 Feb. The Cardinal of Lorraine went to the palace, and sat there, as he has a place as a peer of the realm, because he is Archbishop of Rheims. Mareshal Montmerency was there, and shall be at command of the Queen so long as the Cardinal shall be at Paris, as also three or four more of the Privy Council, who do not much favour his doings. The Bishop of Limoges and D'Aubespine, who are commissioners to treat of peace, are gone to Bourges.
7. 2 Feb. Candlemas Day was kept here solemnly. The Cardinal of Lorraine was looked to have preached at Nôtre Dame, where there was a marvellous number to hear him; but he preached not. Some say he had word from the Queen not to play the fool, nor to be too busy in Paris. That day he dined with the Prior of St. Martin De Champs. Even the Italians and other Popish men neither liked his going to the palace, nor that he should have preached at Nôtre Dame, and said that he would show himself a glorious fool.
8. 2 Feb. This night at Paris a gentleman of Bretagne, belonging to the Duke of Nemours, called Caharon, met M. De Fontenay, younger brother to M. De Rohan, riding in the street, and with his rapier thrust him through the left shoulder, thinking that he had slain him. De Fontenay alighted, and, with another captain, followed him, and hard at the house of Guise overtook him and slew him. The captain who was with Fontenay hurt another that was with Caharon in the head, so that he is like to die. The quarrel was for words Caharon should speak of Fontenay.
9. 3 Feb. M. De Plessy came to him with a message that the King and Queen would that he should see the Court before they went to Lorraine, where shall be joosts, triumphs, and pastimes this Shrovetide; and that the King had given order to the Provost of Melun that he should lack nothing.
10. 5 Feb. Saturday he came to Melun, where the King's fourriers had ordered that he should be well entreated.
11. 9 Feb. About the 8th or 9th of February the Cardinal of Lorraine passed through this town to the Court.
12. 12 Feb. Shrove Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday all the Court attend upon nothing but pastimes and shroving.
13. 16 Feb. Great running at the tilt this Shrovetide at Fontainebleau. The Prince of Condé, the Duke De Nemours, and the Rhinegrave, challengers.
14. 18 Feb. The Cardinal has not ended his harangue. Divers of the Presidents of the Parliaments of France are sent for. They of Paris lodged yesternight in this town to the courtward. There will be a great assembly and consultation to make answer to the Cardinal. It is certain he requires the decrees of the last Council to be received by the King. News at the Court this night that twenty of their ships were newly taken by the English. Don Francisco D'Alava, who should succeed M. De Chantonay, is come to Paris.
15. 21 Feb. M. De Chantonay having presented Don Francisco D'Alava and taken his leave at the Court, coming through this town, took his leave of the Pope's Ambassador and Smith. He goes from hence in displeasure, and displeased with the French, which he does not dissemble. At departing he had no reward given him, according to the old custom. He goes to take the room which Don Pedro De Luna, who is dead, had.
16. 22 Feb. Great robberies and murders done about Paris and the Court; and many young gentlemen taken at Paris for counterfeiting the coin.
17. 23. Feb. The Cardinal of Lorraine has his full answer that the King cannot admit the decrees of the Council; and he goes now to Rheims.
Orig. Endd. Pp. 6.
Jan. 27. 110. The Duchess of Parma to the Burgesses of Antwerp.
By hers of the 28th of Nov. they understood what moved her to forbid the importation of cloths and wools of England before Candlemas next, viz., to conserve the people from the pestilence then in England. Seeing the cause of the prohibition is not altogether ceased, and being informed that there was in London great quantity of cloth and wool (which are most dangerous), for these causes she has (by the advice of her Councillors) continued the prohibition until after Easter next.—Brussels, 27 Jan. 1563.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.
Jan. 27. 111. Translation of the above into English.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Jan. 29. 112. Guido Gianetti to the Queen.
Wrote eight days since. The Pope is still displeased with the Ambassador of Spain. The Marquis of Ferrara and Giovanni Andria Doria have gone to Spain. The Queen of France is, as usual, timid and distrustful. News from France. Armed strangers from Flanders and elsewhere arrive daily in Lyons.—Venice, 29 Jan. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with armorial seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 29 Jan. 1564. Ital. Pp. 3.
Jan. 29. 113. Cecil to [Gurone Bertano].
1. There be so many things of commendation in him and thanks due to him as in no one letter can he fulfil his desire. The rarest thing Cecil commends in him is his plainness of advice, which being joined with such modesty and wisdom delights him more than others do with flattery. Perceives that he is acquainted with public affairs, and not ignorant altogether of the state of this Crown, although nothing is scantily well reported of them. Finding these gifts accompanied with so friendly a nature towards the Queen and State, Cecil thinks himself happy to be thus acquainted with him. The Queen is much delighted with his writings.
2. They are resolved to use no means of peace with France other than to have all things reduced plainly to those conditions wherein they were by the peace accorded with King Henry at Câteau Cambresis.
3. As for the publication of the decrees of the Council, he thinks there are many good canons therein decreed, which the realm would allow; but for that part cannot be accepted without the whole, Cecil thinks the realm will refuse the whole. Thinks that the Pope lacks good advice to recover the reverence to that See which in former times was shown. Holiness, mildness, learning, and humility did first purchase reverence and obedience, and now what contraries are entered he will not express.
4. Prays God to send His Church more abundance of charity, for lack whereof either part suspects and backbites the other. Desires to live only to see some concord, which must be wrought, not by extremities, but by tolerance; for whilst either part intends to maintain itself neither will yield. If instead of cursing some blessing, and instead of condemning some compassion were used, more good might be done.
5. Requests that he will for his sake inquire in that city whether it be true that a gentleman of England, named Thomas Sackville, be committed, in December last, to prison, whose father is his dear friend, Sir Richard Sackville. One Vaughan, an Englishman, who solicits certain causes of Mr. Carne, who was ambassador to Queen Mary there, and died there three years past, has by his letters of December so written, but has not mentioned any of the circumstances.
6. Beseeches him to use his wisdom to obtain his delivery. —From Windsor, 29 Jan. 1563.
Draft in Cecil's hol. Endd. by him: To an Italian in Rome. Pp. 2.
Jan. 29. 115. [Gurone Bertano?] to Antonio Brusciietto.
On the 26th the Pope in Consistory accepted the Council in its integrity. Advises that Cecil should say neither good nor ill of the Council at present, but wait to see how it is accepted by others. Thinks that the Emperor might have obtained the administration of the Eucharist Sub utraque. Regrets the delay in the interchange of letters with England. The King of France has effected a reconciliation between the Guises and the Admiral. A messenger from Spain has brought the Pope 12,000 scudi.—29 Jan. 1564.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 5.
Jan. 29. 116. Marsilio Della Croce to Shers.
1. Cracow, 5 Jan. Intelligence from Lithuania, Poland, Prussia, &c.
2. Rome, 22 Jan. The Pope is anxious to promote the reforms recommended by the Council. Intelligence respecting the Cardinals. The tumults still continue in Paris.—Venice, 29 Jan. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add.: To Shers, in London. Endd. Ital. Pp. 4.
Jan. 29. 117. Intelligences from Spain and Italy.
1. Spain, Jan. 8. The King will go to Barcelona at the end of the month.
2. Milan, Jan. 25. Intelligence upon the government of the State.
3. Rome, Jan. 29. The Pope has confirmed the decrees of the Council of Trent, and will speedily issue the Bull of the Reform. Also, respecting prohibited books and the residence of bishops.
Orig. Endd.: 8 Jan. 1564. Ital. Pp. 4.
Jan. 31. 118. Order for Berwick.
The charges for the old garrison, amounting to 287 men, 3,671l. 15s. 9d.; for the new, 15,650l. 14s. 2d. It is determined that there shall remain but 800 men. There shall be entertained 300 or 400 workmen. Different officers to be appointed.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him: The Queen's order for Berwick. Pp. 4.
Jan. 31. 119. Gresham to Cecil.
This morning sent him Candiller, and since received letters from Clough, with one from Doctor Dall, which he encloses Reminds him of the debt of Lazarus Tucker.—31 Jan. 1563. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Stained by damp. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 31. 120. Clough to Gresham.
1. The Secretary has come with a proclamation from Brussels to be published either this day or to-morrow. Since writing this has learned it shall not be proclaimed; whether the Lords of the town dare not or will not, they do well; for an insurrection is doubted within the town, such is the misery in it. Almost every night houses are broken and robbed, and last night, notwithstanding the watch, there came about sixteen or twenty in company to a corn seller's house and ran at his door, as they did at the lottery door, but could not break it.
2. Here was a talk that certain Scots had proferred unto the Court that if they would banish all English cloth out of this country they would set up 4,000 or 6,000 looms at Diest and other places. Palle Fourtown, an Italian who lately came out of England, brought with him three or four clothiers, whom he has in his house, and it is to be thought more will follow. Has written this at large to the Ambassador, who knows nothing thereof, for they had letters yesterday from George Gilpin (who attends upon him) that all went well, and that all would be set at liberty till May. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Gresham, at London. Endd. Pp. 9.
Jan. 31. 121. Cuerton to Challoner.
The English ships are embargoed still, men-of-war and merchants as well. There are above twenty-five sail of English ships on this coast, and divers French prizes brought hither by contrary winds. The ship of St. Sebastian from Flanders is esteemed at above 40,000 ducats. The Englishmen in prison die daily, and they will not let them be buried but abroad in the islands.—Bilboa, 31 Jan. 1564. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received at Balbastro, 6 Feb. 1564, by a foot-post, with whom I concerted for eight ducats. Pp. 4.
Jan. 31. 122. — to Shers.
Intends to go to the Court of "his Duke" at Easter, of which he gives notice to his correspondent. A conspiracy has been discovered at Venice, of which more hereafter.—Venice, Last Jan. 1564. Signature torn away.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.


  • 1. This is the last of the copies sent by Smith to Cecil in his letter of Jan. 24. The series commences with the letter dated 16 Oct. 1563.
  • 2. On same page as Challoner's letter to the Queen of the same date.
  • 3. "Exilii viro sui anno vigesimo."