Elizabeth: June 1562, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: June 1562, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp65-74 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1562, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp65-74.

"Elizabeth: June 1562, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp65-74.

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June 1562, 1-5

June. 128. Remembrances touching Lord Grey.
His ransom. Licence to come to London. Money disbursed in Scotland and the Borders. The 400l., etc. for victuals at Guisnes. Morgan's suit. The names of the bulwarks from the Queen. The amendment of the old garrison. The 100 men to Mr. Treasurer. The order of the new watch. The repair of the Scottish victuallers to Berwick. The lack of payment of 100 marks per annum in his Lordship's fee for these Marches. The Lord Gray of Scotland. Sir Arthur Grey's relief. Rowland Forster's misdemeanours.
Copy. Endd.: Remembrances to Mr. Secretary, ex parte Domini Grey de Wilton. Pp. 2.
June. 129. Complaint of John Blondeau.
Jehan Blondeau, a Frenchman and inhabitant of Rouen, on the 12th inst. was arrested by the servant of John Martin, Promoter, and searched for letters which he was suspected of carrying into France. He only found letters of recommendation and papers relating to his private affairs. He, however, took all his money, being twelve double ducats, twenty-three crowns of the sun, a half-angel, and about eighteen sous.
Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
June. 130. M. De Foix to [Cecil ?]
Jean Blondeau, a native of Guise, having been put in prison for religion, retired to Rouen, but left that town at the commencement of these troubles and came to London, leaving his wife behind with child. Hearing that there were armed forces in the neighbourhood of Rouen, he determined to go and fetch his wife. Accordingly, on the 12th inst., he left his brother Nicholas Walpin, who lived near "Lendguet," [Lambeth], taking with him his sister-in-law and his two young nephews, and two pistols, in a boat, in which he went to Blackfriars, to go to the Star Inn, near the bridge and the fish market, in order to get a horse to carry him to Rye, where he intended to leave all his money except sufficient for his journey. On getting out of the boat he was arrested by a servant of John Martin, who demanded whether he had not letters for France, and searched him in the open street, and took away some letters of recommendation and private papers, and then, following him to the Star, took away from him twelve double ducats and twenty-three crowns of the sun, and carried him before Martin, where he was further searched and despoiled. He begs that his property may be restored, in order that he may carry out his intention. De Foix, in a Latin postscript, also begs that this may be done.—Signed.
Orig. Fr. and Lat. Pp. 2.
[June.] 131. Council of Trent.
Headings of the requests made by the Emperor's Envoys desiring the reformation of the Church, chiefly relating to matters of discipline, twenty-four in number. Appended are two canons at that time under consideration.
Copy. Endd.: Capita extracta ex Imperatoris libello exhibito Concilii Legatis. Lat. Pp. 4.
[June.] 132. Borghese Venturini's Statement against the Spanish Ambassador.
"A note of the reproaches and slanders laid to the charge of Borghese Venturini, secretary to the Ambassador of Spain, since he discharged him his service."
1. A statement of various sums of money withheld by the Spanish Ambassador from Venturini, with the particulars respecting the same.
2. In answer to certain charges brought against him by the Ambassador, he states as follows:
3. He departed not without licence, for, returning to Durham Place, the Ambassador talked of his departing, and refusing to reckon with him, Venturini determined on the 23rd of May 1562 to go, and told him that he was resolved to be gone that night. The Ambassador answered that he was busy, but that after dinner he would despatch him, when he bade him do as he would. So he departed that evening. The next morning he said that he would not pay him anything which he owed him if he would not promise him first to go into Italy, and so they broke off without further proceeding.
4. He is no subject of the King of Spain, but born at Bersighella, in Romagna, and divers of his kinsmen are citizens of Faenza, now under Don Francisco D'Este, brother to the Duke of Ferrara.
5. When Venturini went to serve the Ambassador he was sent from Rome by Gio. Ludovico Di Carpi, in company of Girolamo Di Quadra, and his parents, dwelling and country are as he has above declared. Charles Del Gesso, himself, and Alexander Del Gesso, his brother, are friends; yet he says that it is not true that he said to Charles, "Look how the arrows fly in the air," but bade him draw his sword, as he would fight with him, to which end he went into the said fields alone, with no other weapon but his sword and dagger, as the other also had.
6. Besides all these persecutions, the Ambassador goes about "to do him displeasure by sending spies and persons armed with daggs and such like engines" about the place where he is.
Endd. Pp. 12.
June 1. 133. A statement of various sums of money withheld by the Spanish Ambassador from Venturini, forming the first article of the previous document.
Dated and endd. by Cecil. Ital. Pp. 2.
[June.] 134. Articles against the Bishop of Aquila.
1. That he answered haughtily and slanderously to the reply that was made to the Nuncio's demand.
2. That he directed the prisoners to reply to the Apologia, and sent them the principal heads to which they were to reply.
3. That [he said that] the Queen had granted a church to the Spanish heretics, and that as many as came were acceptable to her.
4. That Shan O'Neil and twelve or fourteen of his household heard Mass in his chapel.
5. That he wrote that when the Queen of Scots was on her journey to Scotland the Queen equipped vessels to intercept her.
6. That [he said that] the ships sent into Guinea belonged to the Queen, and were sent to annoy the Spaniards; that they took timber and other prohibited wares to the infidels; that she would make a treaty with France against Spain, and that she was the mortal enemy of the King of Spain. Further, that she said at Richmond, when the Spaniards were returning to Spain, "Let the negroes go and roast in the torrid zone, and when they are gone I shall have as many friends in Flanders as the King has."
7. That [he said that] the Queen always tried to stir up tumults against the King in Flanders, and to introduce heretics there, and divide his patrimony amongst them, and that the arch heretic Haddon was sent over for that purpose.
8. That [he said that] she allowed books to be printed containing insults against the King of Spain, from which it might be seen in what small estimation she held him.
9. That he often said that the Queen was married to Lord Robert before only two or three witnesses. Prefixed is a notice of the articles which are to be declared. (fn. 1)
Lat. Pp. 3.
June 1. 135. Venturini's Statements against the Spanish Ambas sador.
1. Has heard him say that the Queen was secretly married to Lord Robert, of which he had informed the King of Spain. The Ambassador made a sonnet upon the subject, full of dishonour to the Queen and Lord Robert.
2. The Ambassador has written to the King in the most abusive terms of Cecil, whom he designates as The Heretic. He informed Cardinal Granville that it was through Cecil's means that a pasquinade against the Cardinal was published at Brussels.
3. He has endeavoured to induce the King to declare war against England in favour of the Papists and the son of Lady Margaret, as the Bishop of Arras informed Venturini at Brussels.
4. The Ambassador told Venturini that when the King sent an army into the north to remedy the affairs of England one of the nobility there would assist them.
Hol. Endd. by Cecil, and dated by him: 1 June 1562. Ital. Pp. 4.
June 1.
Labanoff, i. 140.
136. Queen Mary to the Queen.
Desires a passport for Arthur Granger, a merchant of Edinburgh, and his factors, to go through England with their goods on their passage to and from France.—Holyrood, 1 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Broadside.
June 1. 137. The Earl of Rutland to Cecil.
1. This day the Council here have ended the controversy between the Earl of Northumberland and Lord Grey and others, so that these two noblemen are now friends.
2. Thomas Clavering shall appear before the Privy Council the morrow after Midsummer Day, which day he gave him upon the instant suit of Sir Henry Percy, for the despatch of his great business in Northumberland.
3. The writer's wife longs to hear some good news of the Prince of Condé. They thank him for the last he sent.— York, 1 June 1562. Signed.
4. P. S.—Whereas he moved the Lord Treasurer for the parsonage of Scarborough, who granted the same, he now asks that he will perform this grant, so that the writer may enjoy it at least during his service here. Things are exceeding dear in this country.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 1. 138. Challoner to Cecil.
Little matter has occurred since the despatch of Henry King with two letters addressed to Throckmorton, which he requested to be signified to Cecil. Has not heard from England by land since March. Two days since he received by sea a packet from his servant Farneham, wherein he mentions a packet with a letter of Cecil's enclosed, dated about the middle of April, which he sent by the ordinary of Flanders, which has not yet come to hand, and as he suspects has been intercepted, "for here they stand in jealousy of us for France." For dearth, manners, religion, and air Spain is least fitted for an Englishman. Understands that Sir Henry Sidney is sent to France, which is not liked here. Here is a bruit that the Queen has the dropsy. The Prince of Spain is well recovered, and now the former sorrow turns into feasts. Ere long he will send Cecil the pictures.—Madrid, 1 June 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: M. to Mr. Secretary, 1 Junii 1562, sent in Mr. Throckmorton's packet. Pp. 3.
June 1. 139. Challoner to Throckmorton.
1. The double of the letter enclosed to Middlemore he sent to Throckmorton by a secretary of the Conté De Mansfeld, lying at Brussels, who promised to deliver it for him to M. De Chantonet's secretary at Paris within six days after the date thereof.
2. It is accounted here for certain that the King Catholic has resolved to send aid to the Guisians to the number of 10,000 footmen and 3,000 horsemen, part from Spain, Piedmont, and the Low Countries. It will take some time before they are ready, for soldiers are not so soon levied in Spain, but it is intended; so the Protestants must prepare to resist. He understands divers Italian and Spanish captains are already despatched to levy soldiers in Biscay and Navarre, as well as those in Catalonia. The Spanish will enter France by Perpignan, and join the Duke of Savoy's band. It being tedious for him to repeat these premises to Cecil, he writes only a brief letter, referring him to the double of the two he sent to Throckmorton, requesting him to send the same to Cecil accordingly. He desires Throckmorton to inform him which faction the King and Queen Mother favour.—Madrid, 1 June. Signed.
3. P. S.—Perchance the premises in part may vary as the occasion may alter.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. A large portion in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 3.
June 1. 140. Hugh Tipton to Challoner.
1. On the 28th ult. received Challoner's letter by Humphrey White, dated the 20th ult., whereby he perceives his offers for assisting Englishmen here. The spices for which he wrote are cheaper at Madrid than here, but he has sent ten pounds of pepper, five pounds of "mases," five pounds of cinnamon, and five pounds of cloves. He will also send some butter, but he fears it will be lost through the heat.
2. On the 25th ult. he received letters from Canaria from Edward Kingmell (Antony Hickman's servant), who writes that one of the Queen's pinnaces that was in company with the Primrose and Minion is stopped there. One of these merchants, called Emery Lake, goes thither to see if he can redeem an English mariner condemned to the galleys, and requests Challoner to favour him therein.—Seville, 1 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
June 1. 141. Lawrence Turner to Challoner.
1. Some time since he wrote to Challoner from Cadiz. At the present time he had cause to come to Seville, where he met this bearer going to the Court to sue for an Englishman condemned to the galleys, for whom he intercedes with Challoner. His brother, Mr. Francis Challoner, is in the Court there with him [Challoner], from whom he wishes to hear.—Seville, 1 June 1562. Signed.
2. P. S.—Don Alvaro De Baecan has lost his two galliases, which were burnt through negligence in trimming them, and upon which he lately spent 8,000 ducats.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
[June 2.] 142. The Spanish Ambassador to Borghese Venturini.
Asks credence for Luis De Paz. Begs him to remember old friendship, to put away his animosity, and to return. Luis will explain.—Signed: Il vescovo.
Ital. P. 1.
June 2. 143. Borghese Venturini to Cecil.
The Ambassador has sent the enclosed this morning, asking Venturini to speak with him at "Durem plazza." Has declined, in consequence of hearing from Cecil that the Bishop had made some statements to the Queen to the disadvantage of the writer. Begs to know how he shall act.— 2 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Ital. Pp. 2.
June 2. 144. Borghese Venturini.
"Heads of certain matters respecting which Borghese Venturini needs comfort and information from Secretary Cecil," arising from the calumnies, persecution, and treachery of the Spanish Ambassador, from whose service he has recently withdrawn himself.
Ital. Pp. 4.
June 3. 145. Randolph to Cecil.
1. On Sunday last the Ambassador of Sweden took his leave, and received letters unto his master, with a safe-conduct for the King and his navy to the number of sixty ships to arrive in any coast of Scotland for the space of two years. He was presented with two fair basins and ewers, two "broode" cups, and two standing pieces of silver. To M. Varrame was given a chain worth 140 crowns, and to the Secretary one worth one hundred. They embarked on Tuesday. He had the honour to banquet six of the Queen's chief ladies, whom he treated very honourably. To one he gave the King's picture to be presented to the Queen. Is assured that it is placed in her secret cabinet among the rest of the things she esteems. This matter was committed to him in great assurance of his silence. Before their departure the Frenchman, who brought him letters from his countryman who is prisoner, came again to bid him farewell in his master's name. The writer questioned him as to the gentleman who is kept prisoner, who assured him it was true, and that advertisement would shortly come to the Queen otherwise. He thinks the Ambassador who was in England gave some advertisement from thence, for he was fourteen days in the court before any such crime was laid to his charge. As it was a matter expedient to be kept very secret, Randolph asked him whether he thought that the Ambassador or others have at any time since their being in this country talked of that matter in the hearing of such as might spread it abroad. He assured him that he had never spoken or heard of that matter since leaving Sweden, and that he thought his master would have spoken somewhat of it if occasion had served. Gave him a couple of angels, and advised him to comfort his countryman with the assurance that he knows himself innocent, and a nobleman unjustly suspected of a shameful crime.
2. On Monday last there was a proclamation against the sayers or hearers of Mass, to the great regret of the miserable Papists. The occasion arose upon certain in the west, as the Earl of Eglinton and the Bishop of St. Andrews, who have their daily Masses. The pain is death, reserving always the Queen's own liberty in her house.
3. On Monday next the Queen passes to Dumferline, and there abides Lethington's coming. Many are in doubt of the interview for this year. All men that shall go are warned. This afternoon the Earls of Mar and Morton, and other nobles went to the castle to visit the Earl of Arran. His wits serve him as well to any purpose that is demanded of him as ever they did. He desires greatly to be at liberty. With the Earl Bothwell and Mr. Gawain [Hamilton] they did not speak. —Edinburgh, 3 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary Pp. 4.
June 4. 146. Challoner to Cuerton.
Could not receive the 300 ducats on the last of May, being requested by Lectary to respite him four days longer, but received the same this afternoon. Will seek out some merchant to consign the same over to Burgos. For two months he has not received letters from England. Prays him to send his fardel of cloth by the first, and some English butter and cheese.—Madrid, 4 June 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner: Sent by the Bishop of Aquila's secretary. Pp. 2.
June 5. 147. Hugh Tipton to Challoner.
Answered Challoner's letter, and sent it by Robert King. Yesterday there came news out of Lagos that the Turks had taken three English ships, and three Frenchmen and hulks that were with them. Between the Cape and Cadiz are fifty galleys of the Turks and Moors. By this bearer Challoner will receive in four little packets some spices, he having sent some previously by Robert King, of which he encloses the amount. Cannot send the butter by this carrier, but will by the next.—Seville, 5 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 3.
June 5. 148. Pedro De Colchaga to Challoner.
Acknowledges the receipt of one hundred reals to be sent to Mr. Cuerton.—Madrid, 3 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Challoner. Span. Pp. 2.
June 5. 149. Lord Grey to Cecil.
This day received letters from Mr. Randolph, with a copy of the directions for the Wardens of the Middle Marches of Scotland, which are herewith enclosed. Amongst them is an order for the redress of slaughter and for fugitives. Randolph writing him that proclamation may be made within his charge for the receipt of fugitives of Scotland, believes that there is not one of them within. Has already made proclamation against the receipts of fugitives and their goods, and has caused wait to be laid for them. Asks for answer touching the ransoming of prisoners before the 18th instant, that being the day appointed for the Wardens of the Middle Marches of both realms to meet. Sends a packet of letters from Randolph.—Berwick, 5 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
[June 5]. 150. Throckmorton to the Constable.
The Constable having informed the writer that peace was so forward that they only waited for its conclusion, he did not defer sending such agreeable news to the Queen. Begs to be informed as to its conclusion by the present bearer.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 5. 151. The Constable to Throckmorton.
The Queen Mother has set out for Janville in the Beauce, to confer with the Prince of Condé. They expect the meeting to take place to-morrow, when he will inform him of the result.—Longjumeau, 5 June 1562. Signed.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Fr. Pp. 2.
June 5. 152. Throckmorton to Thomas Windebank.
Mr. Barnsby (Lord Robert Dudley's servant,) has just arrived at Paris with letters for Mr. Cecil and Windebank. By the letters he has received from Mr. Secretary, he has occasion to confer with them, and therefore desires them within two or three days to repair to him [Throckmorton]. At Mr. Cecil's lately being here, he said Windebank's month would expire in five or six days, so he may stop till the expiration of the same, providing he does not allow Mr. Cecil to go to any other place without his company, nor to abandon him. Upon Tuesday last, when departing, Mr. Cecil promised him that he would go straight to Dammartin that night, but he perceived he did not keep his promise. They have no certainty of peace. He understands two of his dear friends are dead, by news from England, namely, Mr. Goodriche and Mr. George Medley.—Paris, 5 June 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Pp. 2.
June 5. 153. John Cuerton to Challoner.
1. Received a letter from Challoner, brought by Gogher and Wynsola, who came in good time, as four days since they departed in a ship of London with James Connaul. Has the two coffers of Chamberlain's, and one coffer to send for a gentlewoman of the Countess De Feria; with it he will send Challoner's cloth, and that which came for him from London, before eight days are past, by a carrier. Has written for his butter, but there is no cheese to be sold. Four days since received another from him by the black man. Sent to Challoner a bill of 300 ducats. Is glad the Prince is better or else it had been ill with Spain. The Englishman he wrote of, who was a prisoner in Calahora, is sentenced to perpetual imprisonment. The Spanish Ambassador in England wrote to the Archbishop of Seville and to the King's Confessor in his behalf, which letters were delivered by Chamberlain's secretary. If Challoner would get one of his servants to demand an answer to the same, he would do a good deed.— Bilboa, 5 June 1562.
2. His wife sends her commendations to him and Mr. Cobham. He has his glasses ready. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner: Received 17th of the same. Pp. 4.


  • 1. A document amongst the Simancas MSS., given in a note by Mr. Froude in his History of Queen Elizabeth, vol. i., p. 402, corresponds in many particulars with the paper mentioned above. It is entitled, "Articles alleged against the Spanish Ambassador by Lord William Howard and Doctor Wotton, with the answers of the said Ambassador." In it articles 1, 2, and 5 are omitted.