Elizabeth: May 1562, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1867.

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'Elizabeth: May 1562, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp42-49 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1562, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1867), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp42-49.

"Elizabeth: May 1562, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 5, 1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1867), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol5/pp42-49.

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May 1562, 21-25

May 21. 80. Margaret, Countess of Lennox, to Cecil.
Has received his answer by her man Fowler, but nothing touching the petitions in her letter. He says that there is new matter against the Earl and herself, which she would be glad to understand, if their answers may be brought before them. Assures him she is weary of her life, and thinks they have had punishment enough for a great offence. Has not many friends to sue for her. Asks him to intercede for them with the Queen.—Sheen, 21 May. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
May 22. 81. Borghese Venturini to Cecil.
1. The Ambassador [Quadra] this morning called the writer into his chamber to settle some accounts, and then inquired whether he had decided upon going into Italy. When he answered in the negative, the Ambassador broke into a great fury and showed by his intemperate language that he was aware of all that the writer had been doing with Lord Robert and Cecil. The only answer which the writer made was that when he had left the Ambassador's house he would vindicate himself. Without finishing his accounts the Ambassador went to the apartment of the Portuguese Ambassador and had a long conversation. Thinking himself in bodily danger (for the house was full of Spaniards and Portuguese) the writer applied to Holton for advice, who recommended him to write to Cecil. Will leave the Ambassador this evening or to-morrow morning, and will be happy to enter the Queen's service.
2. The Ambassador is much concerned with the news brought from France by Sidney about religion, and also about the death of the Prince of Spain, which latter he does not credit. Advises that notice should be given in Dover to the courier who is coming, and whom the Ambassador expects daily. Hopes that the letters upon the affairs of Flanders, which were despatched last Sunday (as he learns from Dr. Wilson), will arrive before a man who set out upon a similar mission last Wednesday. If not, there will be some difficulty. —Duremplazza [Durham Place], 22 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Ital. Pp. 3.
May 23.
Labanoff, i. 135.
82. Queen Mary to the Queen.
Desires a passport for David Waus of Leith, and his factors, to pass and repass through England with their merchandise to France and other places, for the space of one year.—Holyrood, 23 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Broadside.
May 23. 83. Randolph to Cecil.
1. This morning there came to him very early and secretly a servant of the French gentleman who is in commission with the Ambassador of Sweden; he opened a matter at good length, which he said was contained in these letters to the Queen, Lord Robert, and Cecil. He who brought them to Randolph writes his name thus, Germain Truffleau, a very little young man, who was with his master the Frenchman in England. He assured the writer with many oaths that he was moved only with pity unto the poor man, and loath to have the honour of so noble a man stained with so false report. He says that he arrived in Sweden in Lent last. He had nothing found about him that might argue such intent; only he had the Queen of England's favourable passport. He is not laid in irons, but only held in safe custody. He has been divers times examined, but denies all things. The writer has not communicated this matter to any but Cecil. He who brought the letters has promised from time to time secretly to resort to him and keep this matter close. He desires that the poor man may receive comfort from the writer, wherein he can make no promise but as he is commanded. Knows how dangerous it is to convey letters to the Queen or any of the Council, unless he is sure of the contents of them; but has thought best to send them to Cecil than altogether to refuse them. If before this Ambassador's departure his pleasure might be known, all things shall be done according to his direction.
2. Thought to have omitted to write until Lethington's departure, who says that without fail he will leave on Tuesday next. This Queen told him three days ago that he should not marvel why it was so long before she took resolution to send away Lethington, as she thought it first expedient to take away all impediments at home, and especially for good order on the Borders. Also that the Queen of England should be advertised in all things touching the Ambassador of Sweden's legation by Lethington. "For her desire to see the Queen it daily so increaseth that without that she can have no contentment unto her mind. Seeing that she is fully bent and resolved thereupon, she trusteth now that there shall be no impediment in my Sovereign's behalf."—Edinburgh, 23 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 23. 84. Cecil to the Bishop of Aquila.
Hears that the Bishop has not so good an opinion of him as he could desire, and is not aware that he has done anything that he can find fault with, and does not see why he should be blamed more than others. Honours him as the Ambassador of the King Catholic, reverences him as a Bishop, and esteems him as Alvaro De Quadra, a nobleman. If in his capacity of Ambassador he blames him, he will so reply that he will seem not to have neglected his duty towards his own Sovereign or the King Catholic. If as a Bishop, he as a Christian will declare his faith and devotion. If as a nobleman, he may say without boasting, as an Englishman sprung from no ignoble race, that he will always by every lawful means uphold his own dignity. In conclusion, he begs that if he has an evil opinion of him he will act personally with him and not with others. (fn. 1) —Westminster, 23 May 1562. Signed.
Corrected hol. Draft. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
May 23. 85. Clough to Cecil.
1. Received Cecil's letter of 17th inst. on the 22nd inst., with other letters and writings enclosed. Touching Cecil's letter he well considers his pleasure therein, and the other (which must be translated into Flemish), also, how he would have the matter used in the delivery thereof. He thereupon writes his advice therein. First, for choosing one for delivery of the letter, he has many acquaintances here, both Italians and others, but none he dare trust in this matter, and he must not be known here. He can put none to work but such as he could make privy of his doings. Whosoever does it must avoid the town, and not return for a long time after, for when it is known there will be no small ado, and search will be made for the thing and doers thereof.
2. If Cecil appoint one out of England that is not known here, the writer can appoint one here for a "trousseman," to serve the turn, and not to be privy to the matter. For the letters to be translated into Flemish, they shall be in readiness at all times, attending his pleasure therein.
3. Brown is in Antwerp, and the Governor is out of town, having gone to Louvain, but is expected home this night.— Antwerp, 23 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
May 23. 86. William Saull to [Clough ?].
1. After his return from Paris the writer sends the intelligence following:—
2. About three weeks since Baron De Addressus entered Valence with a great number of Protestants, where M. De la Motte Gondrin, the Governor, was slain, and afterwards hanged for having had men and women murdered whilst singing Psalms. Afterwards he marched to Lyons with 8,000 men, whereunto M. De Saull had entered as Lieutenant to the Duke of Guise. Within the last six days M. De Grandmont was coming from Gascony with 6,000 men to aid the Prince, but is now stayed there for fear of the entry of the King of Spain. M. De Rochefocault has arrived at Orleans with 1,000 horse. M. De Rougham has come from Bretagne with 4,000 men. M. De Senarpoint (who has two sons with the Prince) was lately at Calais to get it for the Prince, but lost his purpose, "as I shall tell you at our next meeting." The inhabitants of Rouen lately took the King's two galleys which lay thereby. The Prince lately sent them 200 horse, and they of Dieppe 300 footmen. M. Malyne, heir to the Vidame of Chartres, has taken "Hable Neuf" (which is called Newhaven) for the Prince's use, and has left his son there, and returned to Rouen. The Vidame of Amiens is expected at Rouen with 200 horse.
3. M. De Clere besieged Caudebec for the Guisians, but the inhabitants of Rouen had placed men in previously, and so saved it. M. De Clere lies in a castle of his own, midway between Rouen and Dieppe, with 600 men. Angers is taken for the Guisians, and the captain thereof killed. Grenoble is taken for the Prince, with three more towns thereabouts; also Vienne, Toulouse, and Moulins, upon the Loire. M. De Rochefocault on Whit Sunday defeated M. Sansac's band, and M. Vassye's, being under the Guise, whom they met within nine leagues of Paris by accident. The Guisians, the Constable, with his sons Montmorency and Damville, Marshal St. André, the Duke D'Aumale and others make all haste to gather men. They have mounted at Paris forty-five pieces of artillery for their camp. The Prince of Condé has sent word to the King of Navarre, which he declared to Sir Henry Sidney at their departure, that he had one hundred ensigns of the bravest soldiers in France, and 8,000 horse, mostly gentlemen.
4. M. De Termes died within the last six days at Paris. The King and Queen Mother are now lodging about three leagues from Paris. The Council remains at Paris. The Cardinal of Lorraine preaches often, sometimes twice a day, at Notre Dame. Upon Monday last ("on which day we came from Paris") the Queen Mother sent M. Vielleville and the Conte De Villers to Orleans to talk with the Prince. It was reported on Monday last at the French Court that the Prince of Spain was dead. Mr. Clough, the "graver of Brussels," has written to the writer that he could not receive the sixty crowns according to promise. Desires him to send word to the armourer, that the writer may find all ready except the gilding. Sends a book enclosed, containing the causes of the troubles in France, which was printed last Whitsun Eve, which he desires may be given to Mr. Gylpyng. At their departure the Rhingrave was despatched from Paris to go for men.—London, 23 May 1562. Signed: Willm. Saull.
Copy. Add. at beginning, but the name partly torn away. Pp. 4.
May 24. 87. The Earl of Rutland to Cecil.
1. Has received his letter of the 18th, and accordingly has determined to be at Newcastle on the 29th of June, there to hear the causes of Northumberland and keep a gaol delivery, and to confer touching the enclosures according to the order taken therein last year by the Commissions. But the great matter is (as he has heard from Lord Grey) the lack of assured estates by lease or otherways to the farmers of the Queen's land, as well as of others; for some farmers had to make to their charges such enclosures as were appointed, and the owners of the lands refused to make any assured term to the farmers. Thinks, therefore, if order were first taken with the Queen's lands, and the Commissioners were authorized to make leases thereof in such sort as the farmers should be both able and bound by their lease to make the enclosures, and to keep horse, armour, shot, and other furniture, the same would be a good example for others having lands there.
2. Has not heard from Lord Westmoreland (who is come home), otherwise than that he sent his man hither yesterday for a matter in a suit between certain of his tenants and others. Thinks his Lordship has no friendship towards him.
3. If the Queen repair to these parts, begs that he will let him understand thereof. Upon writing hereof, received his letters of the 22nd, with a book of the proclamation and two papers of news.
4. The Lord of Westmoreland and Lord Grey will be here to-morrow. His wife desires to be commended.—York, 24 May 1562. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
May 24. 88. Challoner to Throckmorton.
1. Has written two or three letters hurriedly, and sent by his servant Henry King, who will be at Paris by the end of this month.
2. There has been much talk here of the tumults there, as of the revolt of Lyons, etc. Understands (though not by letters from England) of Sidney's arrival at that Court, and desires Throckmorton to inform him the cause thereof. "The Prince of Spain is well amended. This Trinity Sunday the King made a solemn procession, the Sacrament carried for thanksgiving, with many Ambassadors. I neither called, nor at it." The errand of M. De Rambouillet was to demand aid to repress the Protestants on the King's part, or else that this King should voluntarily offer aid. It is said that the vulgars of the Protestants' side fall to spoil. If the Protestants find themselves the strongest, it is a folly in them to drive off, considering their advantage consists in celerity, where the other party looks for aid to weary the commons. If any aid is being prepared by this King, it will be by way of Flanders, yet it is doubtful whether he will arm his Flemings at this ticklish time, or unfurnish his countries of his ordinary garrisons there.
3. From Lorraine it is judged the Guisians expect aid, and for a band of Swiss now preparing. The Duke of Savoy lately sent hither a gentleman, who had access to the King this day. His errand is to move the King concerning the Duke's offer to aid the Guisians by way of Savoy. Great suspicion is conceived here lest the Queen should set in a foot, for which purpose the King has written to the Bishop of Aquila to dishort her therefrom, which by sending of Sidney the writer takes as not meant. Requests him to send the double of this to Cecil. The King writing to his Ambassador without any participation of the matter to him [Challoner] causes him to think the more. M. De St. Sulplice [sic], the French Ambassador, arrived here three days since, and will have audience to-morrow, whereupon M. De Limoges shall depart home. He would write more if he thought this letter would be safely delivered. This den or desert of Spain is far from the trade of news from all parts, and almost all other Ambassadors find themselves in the same position as himself. He has not heard anything from England since Throckmorton's letter of the 14th ult.—Madrid, Trinity Sunday, late at night, 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Throckmorton's secretary, and by him dated: 25 May. Pp. 4.
May 24. 89. Advices.
1. Milan, May 22. Oran is in much danger. The twentyfive galleys of the Turk will join the army at the siege. Succours are sent by Philip slowly. Debts for services rendered in Milan during the late wars are not paid.
2. Rome, May 24. Giordano Orsino has arrived from Corsica, as also the Duke of Montalto. Cardinal Cæsar Gonzaga has come for his hat. M. De Terracina has gone to Spain as Papal Nuncio. Vargas (who is much disliked) is confirmed as Ambassador.
3. Ferrara, April 19. Selim Ottomano has sent to the Duke for 40,000 crowns which Geo. Micas, a renegade, lent to the late Duke. Ambassadors have arrived to condole on the death of the Duchess from Florence and Savoy. The Duke has sent Riccio Paganino into Spain to ask for the hand of Philip's sister, the Infanta of Portugal.
4. Constantinople, April 19. Forty galleys have left. Tarabotto and the Venetian prisoners have been sent to the galleys. The money and the cargo have been forfeited. No news from Persia. The Sofi delays to answer the Turkish Ambassador.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4.
May 25.
Labanoff, i. 139; Keith, ii. 145.
90. Queen Mary to Cecil. (fn. 2)
Desires him to procure favourable and hasty despatch for the Laird of Lethington, whom she sends to the Queen of England, he being a man of a long time known to Elizabeth, and one whom she [the writer] specially trusts.—Holyrood House, 25 May 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 25. 91. Notes for the Examination of the Countess of Lennox.
1. What communication she had of the bastardy of Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth, and what words she has uttered against the latter ?
2. When Paul's steeple was burnt, what report was made to her of a certain number of men struck with sudden death in St. James' Park ?
3. What moved her to say that touching the right to the crown she would give place to none of the rest ?
4. What message was brought to her from Lord Seton concerning his furtherance in setting forth Lord Darnley ?
5. Gaston, Lillyard, Hugh Allen, Lacy, a fool in the house, Scottish Queen, Lallement, Harry Allen.
Orig., in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him: 25 May 1562. Pp. 2.
May 25. 92. The Bishop of Aquila to Cecil.
What he said to the Queen about Cecil could not mean that he thought ill of him, and therefore his triple distinction is unnecessary. As an Ambassador it is not his business to find fault with the Queen's Councillors. He does not come here as a Bishop to censure the Christians in England, and as a nobleman he is accustomed to treat those of the same rank with respect, as the Queen can bear witness, to whom he has more than once praised Cecil's integrity and ability. Although he cannot approve of his advice in public matters, (which has very great weight with the Queen,) still that cannot interfere with the good opinion he has of him as a private person. He honours and esteems him in all the three capacities. The Queen herself can declare that he never spoke to her of him in his private capacity, but only regretted that he had always found him adverse and hostile to him in public matters, but that nevertheless he would prefer negociating with him than with another.—25 May 1562. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 3.
May 25. 93. Challoner to John Cuerton.
Acknowledges the receipt of Cuerton's letter of the 8th inst., with the bill of exchange enclosed for 300 ducats payable at Madrid by Simon Lectarie, which has been accepted, so he expects to receive the same to Cuerton's use by the last of this month, which he will make over by his friend Meliadus Spinola or Francisca Brabo to Burgos. By his next will send more certain news of other matters written in his last and sent by the negro.—Madrid, 25 May 1562.
Copy. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.


  • 1. A passage, subsequently cancelled, apologizes for the writer's Latinity. On the back the following lines: Scribimus indocti doctique poemata passim: Occupet extremum scabies, mihi turpe relinqui est.
  • 2. At the same time Mary wrote to Lord Robert Dudley, thanking him for having undertaken to nourish the good intelligence between his mistress and the writer, and asking him to credit Lethington. This letter occurs in Labanoff, i. 138; Keith, ii. 145.