Elizabeth: July 1561, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: July 1561, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp164-173 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1561, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp164-173.

"Elizabeth: July 1561, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp164-173.

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July 1561, 1-10

July 1.
Knox, ii. 175. Keith, ii. 35. Calderw. ii. 137.
283. The Queen to the Estates of Scotland.
1. Doubts not but as her meaning has always been straight and direct towards the advancement of religion and conse quently to procure peace and maintain concord between England and Scotland, so her outward acts have well declared the same, especially to them who have more tasted her friendship than any of their ancestors have ever received. and more than a great number of themselves could well hope for. This she has to rejoice of, and so may they be glad, that where in the beginning of the troubles in that country and of her succours meant for them, the jealousy (or rather the malice of divers, both in that realm and other countries,) was such as to deprave both her in yielding and them in requiring aid. She was noted to have meant the surprise of the realm by depriving of the Queen of her right, and the greater part of them to have intended the like, and either to prefer some other to the Crown, or to make of the monarchy a commonwealth. But the end and the whole course of the action has manifested that nothing more was meant than to establish the Queen in her crown, the possession whereof was in the hands of strangers. And though no words could satisfy the malicious, yet their deeds declare that no other thing was sought but the restitution of that realm to its ancient liberty. Of this purpose there remains good testimony by a solemn treaty and accord made last year at Edinburgh, by Commissioners sent with full authority under the Great Seals of both realms, by which either has fully accorded with other to keep good peace. In the same a good accord is made not only of certain quarrels betwixt them, but also of some differences betwixt the ministers of the late French King and the three Estates of Scotland for the alteration of the laws and customs of the country attempted by them; to which accord there has followed a better peace than ever was heard of. Nevertheless, their Sovereign (either not knowing in this part her own felicity, or else dangerously seduced by perverse counsel,) being of sundry times required according to her bond (signed and sealed with the Great Seal, and allowed by the Estates of the same,) to ratify the treaty in like manner as the writer has done, and is ready to deliver it, makes dilatory answers. For although she has always affirmed since the death of her husband, that she would first understand the minds of certain of the Estates before making answer, notwithstanding she has had conferences both by messages, and by some of them being with her, she now alleges that the treaty was not made by consent of all the Estates, and so would forbear until she return into her own country.
2. Considering that her answer depends, as it should seem by her words, upon the opinions of the Estates, the Queen plainly lets them all understand that this manner of answer cannot long content her. She has meant well to the Queen of Scots; and in time of offence given by her, and whilst strangers possessed her realm, she stayed it from danger; and now, having promised to keep good peace with her and her subjects, she has hitherto observed it, and will be sorry if either of them give contrary cause. In a matter so pro fitable to both realms she thinks it strange that the Queen of Scots has no better advice, and therefore requires the Estates to consider the matter deeply, and make answer wherein she can trust; and if they think meet that their Queen shall leave the peace imperfect by breaking her solemn promise, she will be content to accept their answer, and will be as careless to see it kept; and doubts not that whosoever of them inclines thereto shall soonest repent. On the other hand, if they continue all in mind to have the peace inviolably kept, and will by their advice procure the Queen to ratify it, she plainly promises them to continue her good disposition to keep the same in such good terms as it now is. In so doing the honour of God will be duly promoted on both sides, their Queen shall enjoy her state with surety, and they possess what they have with tranquillity, which by the frequent wars heretofore their ancestors never held long in one estate. Requires them to advertise her of what mind they are; and if they forbear any long time to do so, it will give her some occasion of doubt, whereof more hurt may grow than good.
Hol. Draft, in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 1561, primo Julii. Pp. 7.
July 1. 284. The Queen to Randolph.
1. Sends her letters to the three Estates of Scotland, whereof he will receive a copy, to the intent he may (before delivery) use the advice of such of her assured friends as he shall think meet for such a matter. The argument of the letter is founded upon an answer made by the Scottish Queen to the English Ambassador. Sends him a copy of such part of the Ambassador's letter as concerns the same, which also he may show to such as he thinks meet. (fn. 1) Thinks that Queen Mary's coming home will alter many things in Scotland, especially the progress of religion and the devotion of many towards herself; to meet with which must either be devised some letter to dissuade her coming, or, if she shall come, yet beforehand to further both these in sort, such as neither she nor hers shall easily or shortly alter. And because it may be that some being hollow friends animate her to come and to forbear the ratification of the treaty, the Queen writes so that they will be occasioned by one means or the other before Queen Mary's coming to show their intents, and if it be politicly used, the three Estates may take good occasion to press their Queen to ratify the treaty, and in their so doing the Council in France will take occasion, finding them in Scotland to have so great regard to her, rather to protract than hasten Queen Mary's departure.
2. And because they wish to be secret and sure both in religion and in friendship towards her, should they take any strange conceit of her writing in the common letter, Randolph is privately to ascertain them that she means not to tax or note them, but thereby to provoke the backward either to show themselves as they be, or else to amend and adjoin themselves to the better.
3. Though he cannot communicate this to the whole Estates, because there is no assembly of Parliament, yet he is to use the advice of the wise there how it may be imparted to the greater number, and some answer obtained before D'Oyzel's coming. He is to make some answer within four or five days, although it be but his own opinion and that of two or three others.
4. Sends also a letter to the Duke of Châtellerault, (fn. 2) with a copy thereof. Randolph is to assure him of her friendship to see that he and his house take no wrong for his right and title, failing the Scottish Queen without issue, whereof he is also to assure the Earl of Arran. This she promises conditionally, so as they adjoin themselves to the promoting of the cause of religion; otherwise she cannot, with her conscience, favour their estate. Writes also to Lord James, (fn. 3) of whom she has as good and sound opinion as of any man in Scotland, and would have him animated to proceed in the honourable course that he has begun; assuring him that he shall never lack her friendship to the maintenance of him and his party in the cause of religion. For the rest of his proceedings refers him to her secretary.
Hol. Draft, by Cecil. Endd. by Cecil: primo Julii 1561. Pp. 4.
July 3. 285. Yearly value of St. Bees.
Total yearly value of both spiritualities and temporalities 256l. 12s. 2d., whereof to the Bishop 143l. 16s. 2d., and to the curate 16l.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 3. 286. Another copy of the above.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 4. 287. [Marsilio della Croce to Shers.]
1. Letters from Venice of the 7th ult. mention the departure thence of seven galleys, in addition to the forty which had sailed to join the fleet, from which no intelligence has been received. The plague continues, but the famine has abated, in consequence of the arrival of several vessels laden with wheat and other provisions. There were there eighty-four great ships. Rostan Bassa has intimated to the Venetian Ambassador that the Signor will restore to liberty all the ships and men which he has taken, upon certain conditions. It is stated from Persia that the Sofi has excused himself to the Turk for not surrendering Bajazet, which he says would be a dishonourable act, but has solicited his restitution to favour, and that a portion of Turkey should be assigned to him. The Turk has sent some Belliarbei to the confines of Persia on their way to Capha, where they were attacked by the Sofi.
2. Letters from Milan of the 25th ult. mention the arrival of a gentleman of the Signor Don Emanuel, who left the Catholic Court on the 6th ult., when the King was intending to go to Madrid; but, in consequence of information respecting Milan, which was brought by the Count Brociardo, the Court was transferred to Toledo. The Duke of Sessa was expected at this Court, but he probably would not be there until September. The plague was severe in Perpignan, 8,000 persons having died of it; the post did not enter the town in consequence. The Duke of Nemours was expected in Milan, in consequence of which the Marquis had not set out for Casale. His brother, Don Cæsar, had gone to Spain to negociate for the Duke of Mont'Alto, who was banished from Naples for three years. The canton of Berne has offered to restore to the Duke of Savoy two-thirds of what he holds in that canton, but the Duke has refused this offer. Jeronimo Della Scala is sent by the Pope to the Swiss, and Gio. Angelo Ricerio is sent by the Commons [of Milan] to discuss matters, but ineffectually.
3. On the day of Corpus Domini, (fn. 4) at Lyons, during the procession, certain heretics threw the Sacrament to the ground and trod it under foot; some persons were taken and quartered. A disagreement has occurred between the inhabitants of Brescia and Cremona respecting the right of using the River Oglio. On the 23rd [ult.] a proclamation was made at Milan for the payment of a new subsidy, professedly for one year only; but it was feared that it would become an annual tax. On the 28th [ult.] the cross was given to the Cardinal of Ferrara, who was accompanied to his house by the Cardinals, who dined with him. He will set out on his mission within four days, accompanied by 400 horse. His connexion with the Guises makes him unacceptable. The King at his coronation is said to have ordered the liberation of all persons imprisoned for religion, but they have again begun to make tumults, and to hold conventicles under arms, whereat the Catholics are in despair.
4. In Seville the affairs of religion are in a wretched condition; the whole realm is infected, being filled with heretics from France and England, and other foreigners. In Rome four sisters of Cardinal Borromeo had arrived; one is the wife of Cæsar Gonzaga, the other of the Duke of Couza; there are two others, girls of nine and ten years old. The Pope goes out daily for recreation; he will return in two days to St. Mark's. Bands of robbers were about Urbino, where they committed numerous murders and pillaged the country; great preparations are being made against them. The Pope proposes, with the aid of the Romans, to cut a trench from the Tiber through the meadows to "La Magliana," whence it will return to the Tiber; this is to strengthen the Peninsula against the floods. It is reported from Naples that twenty-eight galleys have left for Spain to convey troops into Italy, and to check the disorders in Sicily; others think they will go to barbary. . . . . The writer has been unfortunate and in bad health.—Venice, 4 July 1561. Signed, but signature defaced.
Orig. Add. Endd.: Advertisements. The bottom half of the last leaf is torn off. Ital. Pp. 6.
July 5. 288. Gresham's Memoranda.
A remembrance to Cecil delivered by Gresham, 5th July 1561.
1. To get a warrant to take up, by exchange and reexchange, 5,000l. sterling.
2. Item, a like warrant, to whom the same shall be paid.
3. Also, an acquittance of the Lords for the receipt this day of two "bands," one of Philip Van Goteshen, the other of Balthazar Kennyng, and a warrant to pay the Count of Mansfeld his pension.
4. A letter of thanks from the Queen to Paulus Van Dall for service daily done to her, with a present of a fair ambling gelding.
5. To appoint a day when he and the Commissioners may meet for taking of his account.
6. For Cecil to help him with four warrants for books against the Mercers' feast.—5 July 1561.
Endd. Pp. 2.
July 5. 289. English Pirates.
Inquisitions made in the presence of Charles De Smet and Josse Van Hoorne, Echevins of Dunkirk, as to robberies committed upon the widow of the late Rowland De Dryvere, Burgess of the said town, on 21 June last, to the effect following:
1. Anthony Colin, master mariner, aged 49, deposes that as he was returning from the fisheries, south of a place called the "Ref," on the morning of the 14th of June, they perceived three ships, of which the largest was painted red and of about forty tons, the other, which was painted black, was twenty-eight or thirty tons; and both had their sails shaped like men-of-war. They asked them where they belonged to, and when they replied to Dunkirk, they cried out to them to strike and go below, with many railing expressions; and on their asking whether there was war they immediately fired a "bass" and two or three arrows at them, so that they were compelled to lower their sails and to go below. Hereupon ten or twelve of the English boarded them and took four nets, their clothes, a barrel of meat, their knives, and other utensils. In the meanwhile another boat came on board, the people in which also pillaged the ship, throwing overboard some 300 fish and two casks of liver. After they had thoroughly plundered the vessel they departed to their ships and bore away to the north-west. The third vessel remained near, but its crew did not come on board.
2. Anthony Leux, mariner and partner of the said Anthony Colin, aged 28, and Jehan Schoonoghe, servitor, aged 20, who was steering at the time, corroborate the above facts, and add, that the pirates, before going away, cut in pieces their halyards.
3. Sworn, in the presence of Charles De Smet and Josse Van Hoorne, at Dunkirk, 5 July 1561.
Orig. Endd. French. Pp. 5.
July 6. 290. The Queen to Count Mansfeldt.
Desires him to abstain from levying soldiers for her service. Gresham has orders to pay his pension up to the festival of St. John the Baptist last past. He will recollect that his contract with her has never at any time put him to any inconvenience whatever.—London, 6 July 1561.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
July 8. 291. The Queen to the Lord Treasurer.
Order is given that 5,000l. should be taken up by Gresham, and another 5,000l. by Alderman Lodge and Martin, which shall be paid to him. He shall send to her the sum of 3,000l. at her coming to Somerset House; and to deliver to the cofferer, as parcel of the money due to him for the last quarter, 3,000l. With the remainder he shall pay the pensioners and merchant adventurers, as far as the same will extend. Being privy to the manner of taking up the said sum, he is to repay it as soon as he can out of the revenue, with such interest as shall be due.
Draft, in Cecil's hol, and endd. by his secretary: 8 July 1561. P. 1.
July 8. 292. The Queen to Gresham. (fn. 5)
He shall take up the sum of 5,000l. as if for his own use, and pay it to the Lord Treasurer.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 8 July 1561.
293. The Queen to Gresham.
The Queen understands by Sir Richard Sackville his readiness to take up money on her behalf; therefore she requests him to take up by way of exchange the sum of 5,000l., using his own name, and to pay the same to the Lord Treasurer, upon whose bill, and this letter, repayment shall be made with interest before the end of November next.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 8 July 1561.
July 8. 294. Exportation of Arms into Russia.
It having been reported in foreign parts that a great part of the arms which the Queen had caused to be made in Germany had been transported into Russia, to the damage of Christendom, the Queen hereby causes proclamation to be made that the said rumour is false, vain, and malicious.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 8 July 1561.
July 9. 295. Thomas Snydall to Cecil.
Cecil having written to Sir Richard Lee for his [Snydall's] furtherance, Lee determined that he should have 2s. a day; but when the pay came he received only 20d., and for ten months he has only received 12d. His entertainment will not suffice his ordinary charges. The reputation of Cecil's letter may yet render him such allowance as he had last pay, 20d. a day. If that rate shall not be thought meet for him, he will be ready to take any pains further appointed to him to merit his wages, or being paid, will otherwise shift for himself. Has hitherto spent his time as overseer to the works, without once setting his pen to book. If after the next pay no entertainment is granted to him whereby he may reasonably live, he begs to be appointed to some other place, or that Cecil will take him into his own service.— Berwick, 9 July 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
July 10. 296. Windebank to Cecil.
1. As yet they continue in their first house, nigh the Ambassador. They have been sundry times to the Court, and on the 7th with Throckmorton, who (amongst other talk with the King of Navarre) said that there were certain gentlemen of England, naming Mr. Thomas, whom he would present to him; whereunto the King said that for the time and place and other circumstances he desired to be excused. So they have not delivered any of M. De Seurre's letters, nor does Throckmorton think that they will need to do so. Have sold their two geldings for twenty-five crowns and the hobby for forty, which money Mr. Thomas keeps, and wherein Windebank desires to know Cecil's meaning. Throckmorton advises them to remain here till the end of August, and then to travel to see the country for a month, and then to return to Paris and continue there till May.
2. Cannot send an estimate of their monthly charges; but hitherto the charges for their journey and other necessary things for Mr. Thomas come to one hundred crowns. Beseeches him in his letters to Mr. Thomas to remember him not to lose the commodity of the morning for his profiting in any kind of thing. Cannot perceive that he has any mind to the lute, but to "the cisterne" he has. The Court shortly removes from this town. It is thought that the King's entry shall not be until January or February. They are daily and hourly in council for orders to be taken in matters of religion. Paris, 10 July 1561. Signed.
3. P. S.—Mr. Sommer tells him that De la Haye makes great suit to the King and Council for young Mr. Cotton to be restored, and travails daily to have a letter from the Queen Mother or King of Navarre to Madame Cresaque, for some reasonable composition to be made between her and him, that thereupon Mr. Cotton's son might be delivered. De la Haye has written to the keeper of the Marshalsea, and he thinks that he has included a letter to Sir Thomas Cotton. On the 9th instant, they received a bill of credit for 300 Δ from Mr. Gresham's man at Antwerp. Yesterday Throckmorton went to the Court to speak with the Queen of Scotland, to whom he presented Mr. Thomas.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
July 10. 297. Windebank to Cecil.
1. Still continue in their first house near Throckmorton's and have been several times at Court, (fn. 6) where Mr. Thomas has seen the manner of the King and Queen at their dinner. Have sold their two geldings for twenty-five crowns and Mr. Thomas's hobby saddle for forty crowns, which he has got into his own hands and minds to employ according to his own fantasy. Desires Cecil to write his pleasure herein. Because Mr. Thomas must have a nag, they are constrained to buy one and keep him in the stable for five or six sous per day. They will buy one that will be able to endure travel wear if they go to Rome. Whereas Cecil's mind was that they should tarry in Paris until the King's entry, he informs him that that will not be for four or five months, therefore Throckmorton advises them, both for Mr. Thomas' advancement in the French tongue, by avoiding the company of Englishmen, and also to avoid the danger of the corrupt air in Paris, which is increased by the extreme heat, to go to Orleans and remain there until the end of August, and then see the country, wherein after a month spent to return to Paris again, and there remain until May.
2. Whereas Cecil wished for an estimate of their monthly charges, he cannot well send the same, as they are at no certainty for their stay here. Their journey to Paris has stood them in about forty crowns, and certain necessaries have cost them about sixty crowns. Begs him in his letters to Mr. Thomas to remind him not to lose the commodity of some part at least of the morning for his study, wherein his accustomed long lying in bed will much hinder him. Cannot perceive that he has any mind to learn the lute, but to the cithera he has. The Court removes very shortly from this town, and it is not thought that the entry will be till January or February.
3. Mr. Somer says that De la Haye makes great suit to the King and Council for young Mr. Cotton to be restored; and for that purpose sues to have a letter from the Queen Mother or the King of Navarre to Madame De Cresaque to enter into some composition with him. He has also written to the keeper of the Marshalsea, where he was prisoner in England. Have received on the 9th a bill of credit for 300 crowns from Mr. Gresham's man at Antwerp. Yesterday Throckmorton went to the Court to speak to the Queen of Scotland, to whom he presented Mr. Thomas.
Draft, in Windebank's hol. Endd.: 10 July 1561. Pp. 4.


  • 1. This extract from Throckmorton's letter of June 23 (No. 265) was shown to Knox, and by him is incorporated in his History, ii.. 169.
  • 2. The Queen to the Duke of Châtellerault.
    July 1.
    B. M. Lansd. v. 31.
    She has written in common to him and to the rest of the Estates of Scotland, as may appear by her letters which Thomas Randall will deliver. Yet she having another manner of judgment of the Duke than of the rest, has particularly willed Randall to confer with him upon the said letter, and also to declare unto the Duke her constant meaning to see his estate preserved against all events. She wishes also that, doing his duty to his Sovereign, he do not commit himself into the power of such as shall seek his ruin, neither by crediting such as shall dissemble with him nor by over negligent regard to the surety of his own person and his sons'. And if he shall directly and plainly adhere to the profession of his religion and join with such as sincerely profess the same, there is no doubt but his surety will be good, and otherwise his peril will be great, as she doubts not but he will understand.
    Copy. Endd. by Randolph.
  • 3. The Queen to the Lord James.
    July 1.
    B. M. Lansd. v. 21.
    Since his return out of France she has caused her Ambassador to require some answer of the Queen, his sister, touching the ratification of the treaty; and finding her answer so dilatory as she [the writer] cannot well allow, she has written at this time her letters in common to the Estates of that realm, as the Lord James, with others, will perceive. Yet, considering his goodwill towards peace, she bids him not to interpret anything in that letter to his discontentment, but rather she requires him to understand her meaning therein by her servant, Thomas Randall, and to direct him how to proceed with others there that are not so well given to the amity as he, the Lord James, is. She earnestly requires him to persevere in his honourable purpose for the cause of religion, and for the weal of his Sovereign and that realm, wherein he shall find her always ready.
    Copy. Endd. by Randolph.
  • 4. June 5th.
  • 5. This and the following entry are on the same leaf of paper.
  • 6. With Mr. Middlemore, whom my Lord did appoint to bring Mr. Thomas. Mr. Thomas has not yet been presented to any of the nobility, though he has seen them almost all; nor have we delivered as yet any of M. De Ceure's letters. Cancelled in the draft.