Elizabeth: May 1561, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1866.

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'Elizabeth: May 1561, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp109-117 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1561, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1866), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp109-117.

"Elizabeth: May 1561, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 4, 1561-1562. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1866), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol4/pp109-117.

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May 1561, 11-20

May 13. 194. Mundt to Cecil.
1. On the 29th of April the Papal Legate with the Emperor's Commissioner arrived at Strasburg. On the morrow the "wine of honour" was presented by the Council according to custom, first to the Commissioner and then to Zacharias Delphino, as a Venetian nobleman to whom they were prepared to do honour, no mention being made of his being the Pope's Legate. During the ten days that he remained, he was visited by many learned men; Vergerius often conferred with him. During the first visits he fought most strenuously for the Pope; but afterwards he became more mild, and abated somewhat of his papal pride, endeavouring to persuade all people to come to the Council at Trent, as the Pope desired this, and expected by these means that the wounds of the Church would be healed. In private he owned that the Cardinals of Mantua and Naples (who were Presidents of the said Council) "were not ignorant of our religion," which Mundt has been told by others. Sends the reply of the Senate to him. Hence the Legate has gone to Philip, Marquis of Baden, who left his house in order not to see him.
2. It is reported that the Pope has sent a certain Abbot into England to induce the Queen to consent to the Council at Trent. Mundt has been often asked by people of consequence what reply the Queen would give; as he did not know he could not answer. The King of Navarre lately sent an Envoy to the chief Protestant Princes to excuse himself from a certain speech which was said to have been made by his order at Rome, by Peter Moreto, in the Conclave of the Cardinals, which had been much altered from what he desired. He said that he would omit nothing for the spread of true religion, and offered to do all he could to strengthen the friendship which always existed between France and Germany. The more prudent amongst them, however, fear the craft and power of the Guises, and have sent a wise and learned man (who has already conferred with the Earl of Bedford and Throckmorton) to the King of Navarre with letters, exhorting him to defend the cause of religion in France. They also think it very requisite that the Queen should commend the cause of religion to the Queen Mother, against the efforts of the King of Spain, who threatens her; for they affirm that the Queen has great authority in France. The King of Spain has eight ensigns of foot and 600 cavalry in Luxemburg and Jenville, but for what purpose it is not known. These places are not far from Rheims, where, on the 15th, the commissioners of the Duke of Savoy and of the Swiss cantons will meet, to treat about the places seized in war by the Bernese and those of Friburg within the Duke's boundaries. Has received no letters from him since 25th January, consequently the writer's letters of 18 March and 15 April remain unanswered.—Strasburg, 13 May 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
May 14. 195. Throckmorton to the Cardinal of Lorraine.
Has written, on 16 April, to the Queen of Scotland, asking for ratification of the late treaty, who answered that she would delay the same until her arrival at Rheims. Being himself unable to travel, he forwards the Queen's letter of credit for the bearer to renew the said ratification.—Paris, 14 May 1561.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
May 15. 196. The Senate of Lubeck to the Queen. (fn. 1)
Their Deputies having returned and given an account of their mission to the Queen, the writers thank her for the favour shown to them, and pray for a continuance of their trading privileges.—Lubeck, Ides of May 1561. Signed by the Senate of Lubeck in the name of the Teutonic Hanse.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil; on parchment. Lat.
May 15. 197. Imanuel Tremellius to Throckmorton.
1. Was unable to obtain audience at Villers-Cotterets, or to follow the Court, from the want of lodgings, and therefore was obliged to precede the King to Rheims where he spoke with him, and (through means of the King of Navarre,) presented his letters. The Cardinal of Chatillon was also present. That they should not pretend ignorance, he repeated what he had said before through the commission of the Princes Protestant, adding what reasons he could for the advancement of the matter.
2. On the evening before the coronation, the King of Navarre told him that he had ordered his and the King's secretaries to make reply to the Princes' letters, which he himself would give to Tremellius and speak further with him. Both he and the Cardinal of Châtillon said that he and the Princes should see what great account they made of their friendly admonition. Tremellius also renewed the proposal for the confederation, but was unable to obtain any decision. He therefore advises that the Queen of England should secretly solicit the Princes separately, because the Emperor and the others would hinder its completion. He is willing to perform this service, if the Queen will give him letters of credence. Recommends that such as embrace the religion should be permitted to enter the league.
3. Has told Mr. Tremen [Tremaine] what news he had. At Tolosa they begin to burn and put to death in divers ways the members of Jesus Christ. Has learnt from those who come to make their complaints at Court, that at Angers they have discovered that the priests, monks, and the Governor of the castle have collected arms, pistols, artillery and soldiers, which they intend to employ against the faithful, whom they call "Hugenaults"; and that some of the wicked nobility have solicited the others to join them, appointing a certain day for falling upon the flock of Christ. This gives rise to the suspicion that there is a general conspiracy, like that of Haman against Mordecai and God's people. The King of Navarre told the person who was sent to warn him of this, that he would immediately send a gentleman to enquire into it and to seize the arms. A strong castle on the borders of La Marche and Lorraine, has been a long time besieged by a Flemish Lord named Bredrod, whose mother was the daughter of Robert De la Marche, and was carried off by the Emperor Charles, by whom she had the Duchess of Parma; and being married to another, had this Bredrod. He demands the dower of his mother. Notwithstanding that war is being waged on the frontiers of Lorraine, the Duke and his wife are here enjoying the pageants with the rest, without care.
4. On the 6th at Metz, there was seized by the Governor a faithful preacher, whom the Elector had sent at the earnest request of the godly there. He was taken during his sermon, together with the master of the house where he preached. Last Sunday at Metz, money having arrived, the Governor paid the soldiers for one month only, notwithstanding that the King owed them for a long time; and he required them to renew their engagement with the King. They objected, alleging the small sum they had received; whereupon the Governor in a rage spurred his horse against a troop and mortally wounded two men, whereupon one of the troop fired his harquebuss at his stomach, but missed him. This day there came to the Court some of the adverse party, and there is much disorder. The faithful have sent him the news by an express messenger. Prays Throckmorton to further his suit in England. Has decided not to depart without delivering the said preacher. Apologizes for his bad writing.— Rheims, Ascension Day. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: 15 May 1561. Fr. Pp. 9.
May 16. 198. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Received his letter of the 4th of May on the 14th by the Earl of Hertford, whom he advised to repair to Rheims to see the King's sacre, with whom he sent Mr. Somer. Thinks that the Queen of Scotland is sick, or will be so, to avoid the answer for the ratification. Has advised the Earl of Hertford to abide in France until September, and to see what is worthy to be seen, that he may the more commodiously travel into Italy.
2. Received Cecil's letter of the 8th on the 12th, whereby he perceives that he is in manner resolved to send his son Thomas into these parts, and seems to stay somewhat upon his advice. "Laudari gaudet, sed a probato viro." It will be to good purpose to send him soon, because the heat of the year approaches apace. Advises that for two or three months he should take a lodging in Paris near the writer. He well allows of Mr. Windebank to accompany him. Is sorry that his house is not of sufficient capacity to lodge him, now that his wife comes. Trusts to accommodate him and his near him, so that they may take such pittances as he and his have. Thinks that the charge of his lodgings and horses will stand him in ten crowns of the sun monthly. Though he brings three geldings, perhaps it will be as meet to sell as to keep them, as if he does so there will be no great loss in them. He should pass at Rye, so that he may see Dieppe, Rouen, and those quarters which he did not see at his last being here. As to placing him with the Admiral, though the writer thinks that Cecil has made the best choice of any man in France, yet for some respects he thinks the matter should be deferred. In the meantime he thinks Cecil's son should learn to ride, to play the lute, to dance, to play at tennis, and use such exercises as are noted ornaments to courtiers; and this notwithstanding, to entertain his learning. He may be as well apparelled here as in England. Thinks he should stay in France until next spring, and then pass into Italy. Cannot send a rate of what will suffice him, but will advise him to use frugality. Travelling and keeping horses are costly in France; therefore, besides the money that he brings over with him, it will not be amiss to give him a bill of credit for 200 or 300 crowns. Wishes he was here to accompany Lord Hertford in a voyage intended by him to visit Orleans, Blois, Amboise, Tours, Angers, and sundry fair castles and houses situate upon the Loire.
3. Is thankful that the Queen with good advice has so well "reculed" the Bishop of Rome's Nuncio, which he trusts will happily succeed. The world on all sides have their eyes fixed on him [Cecil] as one who manages chiefly, and in manner wholly, the affairs of England; so that men are affected towards him as they are to the religion; some well, some evil, some betwixt both. This rebuff of the Nuncio will be greatly stomached by the King of Spain and the Papists, and therefore he ought to be jealous of their doings, especially in the Low Countries, where it will be very necessary that the Queen's ministers be very diligent and curious. Sir Thomas Gresham has means to have certain intelligence in those parts, the rather by his familiarity with those that have to do with the finances. It is expedient that they should be as truly informed of the Spanish and Romish doings as of the French. If Gresham be not able, through the misfortune he lately had by his hurt, to remain in that charge, he thinks that amongst others Mr. Danett is very meet for it, the rather for his zeal in religion. As to the correction there done upon disobedient subjects, he allows it, because according to Plato and Aristotle there is always more peril to the state by the fault of disobeying, than by error of commanding.
4. Dr. Bullock, late of St. John's, Cambridge, (whose arrival the writer forgot to certify,) came hither in very poor estate, but within these few days he is cherished and relieved by a chaplain of the Queen of Scotland; wherefore it will be good that Cecil have an eye to his letters and sendings to his friends in England. He keeps himself very close.—Paris, 16 May 1561. Signed.
Orig. Add. Hol., with seal. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 5.
May 16. 199. Hugh Tipton to Thomas Bannister.
Perceives by his letter of the 5th of March that he has "fallen in the reckoning of our request concerning our matter of St. George's chapel." If he knew how they were used he would say that it was requisite to have a redress. Has not one maravedi profit by it, having business enough without it; but it grieves him to see how the English are handled by this people, besides how they handle one another in the law, spending their money, and the ill order they have in buying raisins and bastards, with other things This might be redressed and no man feel it. In the said letter Bannister says that he has received and seen the orders made with all other records, which he may see, and if anything is amiss, may redress it amongst them there, and advise them of it. Where he writes to send a copy of the privileges which the Duke of Medina Cœli gave, and also that given by the Emperor Charles, the Duke's is ample enough, and the Emperor's does no more than confirm it. If he thinks it good for them to have a consul here he may do as he sees cause. Their chief matter is to have their privilege newly ratified by the Queen.—Seville, 16 May 1561.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
May 16. 200. Sentence of the Admiralty Court.
William Ker, Archibald Greme, and other Scotch merchants of Edinburgh, brought suit against Thomas Clavering in the Court of Admiralty for the spoil of a ship and goods at Saterburnmouth in Northumberland, as chief ringleader thereof. Sentence definite was given against the said Clavering, with 2,000l. damages. Because execution of the whole sum could not be obtained, the same was by consent of the Laird of Lethington brought to 1,200l., and commission to levy it awarded to Sir John Foster and Valentine Brown.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 17. 201. The Cardinal of Lorraine to Throckmorton.
Is sorry to hear of his illness, and also that he is not able to send him the resolution of the Queen of Scots, who is at present sick. He hopes, however, that she will be able to do so when she goes to Villers-Cotterets.—Rheims, 17 May 1561.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
May 17. 202. Shers to Cecil.
1. Is on his way home, and has left orders with his friends at Venice to forward him weekly news from these parts. By letters from Rome of the 10th inst. the Pope stood still upon his reputation for the Council towards at Trent. He has taken order for sending a hundred more Bishops thither to continue the same, until he can set some of the Christian Princes by his holy devices at war. He prepares for the same, for he has taken in hand to fortify Rome, Ostia, and Civita Vecchia. Last Thursday morning he laid the foundation stone for a new bulwark and flankers about St. Angel's Castle, and laid under the stone divers antique metals, of gold, silver, and brass.
2. The gentleman sent by the French King touching the annates is returned home with fair words, but without any direct answer, excepting that the Pope promises to answer shortly by M. Della Croce, who will be his Nuncio there for the one that returns alleges he can no longer endure such persecution of the Papists as he sees in France, which daily increases. Don John D'Ayala is despatched for Spain, but not with a resolute answer, but that M. De Terracina shall bring the same and remain there as Nuncio, and that M. Di Bologna, who is there, is to go as Nuncio into Portugal.
3. The Pope has caused the process framed by Paulo IV. against Charles V. and King Philip, to be viewed, and it is found unjust, therefore he will have it burned. Of the Turk's army there is nothing certain. The marriage of the Queen of Scots is much discoursed upon. They mention the Emperor's son, the Kings of Denmark and Sweden, and two or three others. It is descanted upon here of a practice to make a King of the Romans. The French King labours to have a post of his own in this estate, as King Philip has. Some take it for a meaning that they will care less about Rome, and not want the knowledge of the practices in Italy.—Treviso, 17 May 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
May 17. 203. Intelligences from Italy.
1. From Trent, 15 May 1561. The Emperor (at the Pope's instance,) has assigned his Ambassadors for the Council; namely, for Hungary, the Bishops of Quinque-Ecclesiæ and Tauria; for Austria, the Bishop of Civita Nova; for Germany, the Bishop of Marburg; for Tyrol, the Count of Elvestein. The Pope presses the Emperor for this assignation, because France would make no appointment until they were certified that the Emperor's Commissioners had arrived. The Pope has sent to the Muscovite, exhorting him to send to the Council.
2. From Rome, 17 May 1561. On the previous Tuesday the Pope called a Consistory on behalf of the new Cardinals, namely, Vercelli, Navagero, Correggio, and Madruccio, where their hats were delivered to them.
3. The inhabitants of Piombino have rebelled against their Lord and the Duke of Florence, and slain their Governors; the said Lord escaped in a barque. The Lord had devised certain new impositions upon the people, who cried out in their stir, "Spagna, Spagna," which has engendered strange suspicion in the Pope and Duke; and Philip's soldiers, who were in Orbitello, have entered the forts of Piombino. There was a bruit of a like case committed at Elba, but it is not certain. There was heart burning between Marc Antonio Colonna and the Pope. The Pope begins to sniff at the behaviour of King Philip's Ambassador, who in dealing with him has not shown reverence.
4. Letters from Spain state that Oran stood in some danger, but by a tempest the Moor's army was scattered at sea and destroyed, and the sea was open for succours provided for the town. The Venetian Ambassador, Soranzo, was received at Rome with great pomp. Cardinal Mula and his family coming to meet him, was desired to depart again, alleging that he was commanded by the State to accept no such courtesy at his hands. Pisa is upon the point of examination, and Monte would do well enough if he had money. A gentlewoman of Perugia, who lately buried her husband, has revealed to King Philip that she had a daughter by the Emperor Charles, whom she had brought up, not daring to mention the same until after the death of her husband. In proof thereof she has sent to King Philip sundry tokens and letters subscribed by the Emperor, whereupon the King has promised to bestow the daughter honourably. The Duke of Florence makes some difficulty to lend his galleys to King Philip. The Genoese and the Duke of Savoy lent theirs willingly. Marc Antonio has gone in post to Naples, being sent for by letters from the Viceroy, by order of King Philip. Gio. De Nepe has paid his ten thousand crowns and is liberated from prison. The Pope says he will build a church with the money, but in the meantime he spends money in fortifying.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
May 20. 204. The Earl of Hertford to Cecil.
1. Has nothing wherewith to trouble the Queen. At his coming to Paris on the 13th May he understood from Throckmorton that the King should be sacred on Thursday the 15th, took post for Rheims, and came in time to see the coronation, known only as an English gentleman. The young King came accompanied to the church with the twelve Peers of France, and other Princes and noblemen. The Cardinal of Lorraine anointed him and sang Mass. The Prince of Condé, the Duke of Longueville, the Admiral Châtillon, with divers other gentlemen, were absent because of the Mass, and most part of those present gave little or no reverence at the elevation, "so far forth, thanks be to God, is true religion in this country." The young King is well to be beliked, but in his fancy the Duke of Orleans is better, who is rather higher than the King, and about the stature of the writer's little brother.
2. The anointing, and other ceremonies over, he took post again for Paris. Inglefield visited him in his lodging. Desires Cecil to procure leave for his cousin Smith to come over to him, and also that he will make his excuses to his mother for not writing to her.—Paris, 20 May 1561. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
May 20. 205. Chamberlain to Cecil.
1. On account of the small occurrences and the quietness here he speaks about his own case. As he has had too just cause in all his letters to write of his want of health, so has he no less cause to write of his lack of power to sustain this charge. His wife writes him that he burdens her with payment of such sums that he is forced to borrow faster than she is able to receive upon his allowance or poor living. These things have brought him to such discontentation of mind as to render him unmeet to serve this charge. If he remains here he looks for none other delivery but death.
2. As the common traffic of the two nations is as it were forbidden on this side, he trusts that the Queen will temper with the King about the same. If she would remember herself he would yet hope to see England and such ministers as are sent abroad had in more estimation than they presently are. (fn. 2)
3. The King has this year celebrated the Feast of St. George very solemnly in his palace; he invited the writer by the Count De Feria, and used him very honourably. After Whitsuntide it is said for certain that the Court removes to Madrid, and in September the King will go to Monza in Aragon. Desires to be remembered by the Lords of the Council or him, with three or four lines, so that he may be able to confirm or disprove the bruits that are spread about our country and of the governance of the same.—Toledo, 20 May 1561. Signed.
Orig., partly in Chamberlain's hand. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.


  • 1. The following chronological abstract of the proceedings between the Teutonic Hanse and the Queen shows the steps which were taken by either side from the accession of Elizabeth up to the date mentioned in the text. It is taken from the Cottonian MS. Claud, E. vii. f. 258.
    1559. Aug. 31. Commission from the free cities of the Hanse to treat with the Queen.
    1560. July 27. Treaty at London with the Ambassadors of the States by the Lord Keeper, Lord Treasurer, Sir William Peter, and Dr. Wotton; and then a second commission was by the Ambassadors delivered.
    July 31. The Ambassadors consented to pay 6s. 8d. upon a cloth, being allowed two cloths for wrappers of twenty, and they were contented to pay 9d. alone, 3d. upon the pound, and that no kersies should be carried into Italy. The same day they delivered the names of the towns being of their society.
    Aug. 5. Articles were delivered by the Queen's Commissioners to the Ambassadors of the States, which afterwards were concluded. [See Claud. E. vii. 250. and the preceding volume of this Calendar, No. 390.]
    Aug. 8. The Ambassadors of the States accepted the articles, with protestation not to try their superiority, requiring that they might have time, until July 1561, to deliver their full answer, and yet the traffic might continue so as for the things carried or brought into the realm before this treaty they may pay but their old customs.
    1561. May 15. Letters were sent to the Queen reciting their misliking of the articles accepted by the treaty in August 1560. [See Claud. E. vii. 250 b.]
    May 30. The Queen answered these letters.
  • 2. From this point to the end is in Chamberlain's writing.