Elizabeth: May 1560, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: May 1560, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp69-80 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1560, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp69-80.

"Elizabeth: May 1560, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp69-80.


May 1560, 21-25

May 21. 115. Richard Payne to Gresham.
Since his last a great Biscayen of 300 tons laden with wool (who had cast overboard "well nigh 3,000 dockets of goods") has arrived. They look for nine more ships laden with wool. All the "Yenges" [English] ships that departed are over, as they have not come in again; also the nine sail of Bretons who departed after them. This day the Portingale and three other ships of these parts departed towards Spain. As yet the eight hulks tarry here for an answer whether they shall go. There are come three of the others home again. Mr. Janson, their Admiral, tarries still at the Court, and will be home in three days with answer. Has heard that there are two Scotch ships come into Camfer; will be there betimes to know the news. Lewis, the notary for the English house, has arrested the young Black Peter that sank the hoy of Antwerp, in which was all the salt that he has brought from Spain. Lewis says he has full compensation for all the goods in the ship that was sunk.—Middleburgh, 21 May 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 22.
Forbes, 1. 473. (fn. 1)
116. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Has once again upon the Spanish Ambassador's motion required the Queen to send here speedily the true transcript of the treaty between France and Scotland, signed and sealed, with good and sufficient testimony, and that the same may be showed there also to M. de Glacion and the Bishop of Aquila. As these men will fall to compound with the English, and either Prince will depute commissioners for the accord, he reminds Cecil to appoint such as do not prefer ease and peace to war and surety; nor such as cannot willingly forbear their pleasures for six weeks, or such as prefer the present of a cupboard of plate or a fair chain to the honour of the realm. Wishes that Cecil could be where the treaty should be handled; for no charge nor expense is to be stuck at to bring this matter to a good end. Reminds him of the treaty at Cambresis and what it is to make a patched and unseasonable peace; "therefore make no harvest in May."
2. By the letters of Montague and Chamberlain, the copy whereof he sent lately by the Spanish courier, the writer perceives that the King of Spain and his Ministers proceed more amiably than they did to the Queen and her Ministers. Thinks the cause of this sudden kindness to be either the doubt Philip has of England's good composition with France without him, whereby his danger may ensue; or the suspicion of a revolt in his Low Countries; or the doubt of some other alliance Cecil has in hand with some Almaine Princes, which may be prejudicial to him. Though the French go about to give order for the Queen's satisfaction, yet Cecil should not cass the forces nor desist from his preparation until they put their promises in execution. The Cardinal of Lorraine told Jones and Somers that M. de Randan was sent into England with hands and seals enough to satisfy the Queen. This was a strange speech; as only the King's and his wife's hands and seals were needed to satisfy the Queen. Peradventure the often sending with words only somewhat molests the Queen, but he fears lest such means to get cupboards of plate and chains of gold from her more troubles her. Yet there is no remedy; it must of necessity be done. Why does he not send one for another hither with words as they do? The Spaniards have meetly well learnt that lesson. One of the chief instructions that Comines gives to a Prince who would manage well his estate is to send two Ambassadors for one, or twice for once.
3. Has presently sent to the Queen, the French Ambassador's protestation newly printed here at Tours. Advises him to have the Queen's answer printed in Latin and French, and to join the Ambassador's protestation and his in one volume. He must sort the articles otherwise than they be; viz., the infractions and doleances together as they chanced first, and the rest as it is sorted, and must add some fit short preface. If Cecil sends them in order to him he will try to have them printed in Paris. Thinks Cecil's is very well translated, both in French and Latin. He must frame that material point of the late apprehension of the writer's servant Davis, and the breaking up of the Queen's packets, into the same phrase in French as in Latin. Davis this time used great diligence, for the writer received Cecil's letters of the 13th on the 17th. Will do what he can to send the packets for Spain with speed thither. Marvels why the Spanish courier has not arrived there, for he was despatched hence on the 11th of May. Sent Cecil another packet by another express messenger named John Hyland, who dwells at Dunkirk, on the 13th of May.
4. As Cecil sends word that he did not understand by the writer's memorial what is meant by Beaumont and his wife, Cecil required the writer to send word how Cocborne's wife did here, which was his meaning in the memorial. As Cocborne is not here and he [Throckmorton] understands his doings, wishes the matter to be so handled that he [Cocborne] might return here again with credit and do Cecil there some pleasure. Let him be secretly despatched from thence, and let the Duke of Norfolk and Lord Grey have instructions to wink at his passage, and let him carry this letter of the Cardinal and the Duke of Guise into Leith, which Throckmorton sends him herewith; it is the transcript of the same which he [Cocborne] delivered to the writer. If Labrosse question about its mangled state, he may say he was so straitly searched that to hide the rest he cut away all superfluous paper. Cecil must so instruct him that he may be liked by them for his enterprise and trusted; he must say that he promised to return with answer, which he trusts to do as faithfully as he brought them their letter. Cecil must also instruct him what news he shall tell them, and he must speak what is true, or shall seem true, of the Bishop of Valence and divers other things. Great cunning is requisite to play Sinon's part well. By these means he shall return to Cecil with true information of the state of Leith. Mr. Killygrew must have the handling of him. The more instruments Cecil has to decipher the truth of that matter, the better for him. (fn. 2)
5. The Duke of Norfolk and Lord Grey should be warned not to suffer any soldiers within Leith to depart out, for if they have necessity of victual they will use that policy, and if any be sent forth they should be used so as to restrain them within, as the Marquis de Marignan used De Monluc, who being in Sienna and finding himself pressed with many unnecessary men, sent out all the unserviceable. The Marquis constrained them to return, and as he drove them in M. de Monluc drove them out. He thereupon mangled and disfigured divers of them, saying that he would use all that came out of the town in like sort, whereby they were forced to render up the town by famine.
6. De Favori passes presently to try and get into Leith and return with certain knowledge of the state of the town, the writer desires that he may have leave to pass quietly by, and that order be taken that neither he, or Beaumont, or any other of Cecil's ministers know of one another, so that, conferring their advertisements and Lord Grey's and the Congregation's intelligence together, he may have good light for his proceedings. By Beaumont he means Cockburn.
7. Points out in the enemy's letters last sent, and by Mr. Somers now returned, certain things worthy of consideration. First, the state and condition of the enemy on the 27 March as appeared by D'Oysel's letter; next the wonderful intelligence that the Queen Dowager has of the doings in England, as appears by her letters of the 1st May, who has got knowledge that her letter and the French have been deciphered, whereupon will follow an alteration of all their ciphers. She has also knowledge of all that is done and determined both in the councils of Lord Grey and the Scots, as appears by her warning given of the manner, hour, and place of the assault. As for the mine, which she says is to be enterprised by the English, great heed is to be taken as to the water that runs under the citadel; she speaks also of an attempt to be made at St. Anthony's bulwark. Cecil may also perceive their order given to be victualled by the west side, which he advertised him long ago, though he did not precisely name the place besides the Earl of Casselis house. Notes also the Queen Dowager having such intelligence, what a great impeachment it is to the English enterprises that she is suffered to be in the castle of Edinburgh so near her friends. "These manners of wars unseen, these toys and womanish tolerations, these impertinent and unwarlike proceedings, will hazard all most dangerously, and to no purpose." These deciphered letters are sent in English on account of speed. If this matter be given over without profitable, honourable, and apparent conditions, they are undone for ever.
8. Notes in the letters of the Bishop of Amiens of the 27th of March, the false and crafty practices of the French to put the Duke of Châtellerault in suspicion with the Queen, and their intent to have persecuted them all at length for their religion and doings, and the intelligence that they have out of England from time to time. Also notes in the Queen Dowager's letter of the 27th March her queenly mind in that she mislikes all such compositions but such as shall render the realm of Scotland subject absolutely to the Queen, her daughter, and also the subtle practices against the Duke of Châtellerault. Thinks M. de Sevre is not in best grace with her.
9. Encloses a letter to the Duke of Norfolk for Cecil to read, reseal, and forward. On the 20th received his of the 19th April by way of Flanders, with a letter of the Queen Dowager, which is the same that Francis brought and Davies took back in a minute of the Queen's cipher; both which he returns to be used in the affairs of Beaumont. As far as he can perceive tre arhee none of the three duplicates written of the same matter as yet in their hands, having been all intercepted. Asks him to consider the treason against the Duke of Châtellerault by the blank sealed, and to inform him thereof, and if he be not informed in time she will use further practices with another blank of his that she has got. On the 20th one, by whom he has had great and assured intelligence, of his own knowledge and the report of a valet of the King's garderobe, told him that there was a great man in England about the age of 24 years, who was trained up in France, and speaks good French, who discloses all the doings in England. Sends herewith a like proclamation to that which he sent lately against the house of Guise, printed in another letter, which was sold at the great fair lately at [blank] as openly as anything was, which shows on what good terms they are here, so that they will have more cause to look to themselves at home than annoy the English abroad.
10. As De Favori is not despatched from the Court he sends this by his servant Davies, and begs that Mr. Mason should be required to give him his ordinary allowance. Cecil will perceive by the advertisement of the audience of the Spanish Ambassador in England that the Guises will lie shamefully, if it be allowed to say so of a Cardinal and a Bishop; he had better therefore inform the Ambassadors of the truth, as they have sent a courier into Spain. Not having been informed of the proceedings of the Bishop of Valence he would not gainsay what the Cardinal said, or bring any grounds of authority to dissuade the said Ambassador. Prays Cecil to register Johnes and Somers amongst those he means to benefit, as their pains have been great and continual, especially in those last letters written in divers ciphers, and most so in that of the Queen Dowager's of the 4th May, written in French and cipher, which to discover was the crabbedest piece of work he ever saw.
11. Is very glad to hear that the vain sumptuousness of apparel is less in England, and especially amongst serving men; for since he was born it is one of the greatest benefits that has happened to the realm if the reformation continue. If the subjects of the Low Countries could be brought to mislike their government as the French do, it would greatly serve the purpose of the English, as he mistrusts the Spaniards as much as the French. Asks that his successor may be resolved on.—Amboise, 22 May 1560. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered, and others in Throckmorton's hand. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 7.
May 22. 117. Cecil's Memoranda.
Memoranda by Cecil, about letters to be sent to various persons, some of which relate to foreign affairs, as to Lord Montague, Duke of Holst, Earl of Lennox, Duke of Norfolk, &c.
In Cecil's hol. P. 1.
May 22. 118. Cecil's Memoranda. (fn. 3)
1. Concerning the place of meeting.
2. What shall be required of the French for using the arms and style of England? Calais. Defacing.
3. What shall be required for removing away the men of war in Scotland, and demolishing the fortifications at Leith, Dunbar, and Eyemouth, and for the conservation of the bond between the Queen and the Scots? With the Scots' consent.
4. In what sort shall the Scots be provided for their surety?
5. In what sort shall the realm of Scotland be governed, so as it come not into a new peril of the French?
6. Whether it be lawful for any Scot to come into England being no traitor?
7. What shall be required for the preservation of the advantage for the redemption of Calais? Touching manner of departure.
8. What manner of assurance shall be required for the observation of pacts?
Objections on the French Part.
1. It is not meet to permit any pact or league to remain betwixt a foreign Prince and any other Prince's people.
2. What surety may they have of Scotland if they return home, their garrisons there?
3. It is not meet to permit an alteration of religion without the Prince's consent.
In Cecil's hol. Endd.: 22 May 1560. Pp. 2.
May 23. 119. Mundt to Cecil.
Has been divers times required to ask the Queen to join and assist certain Princes in France who are grieved with the present administration, "and if all things shall come to a prosperous end they would aid her again to her desire," but has never seen any express or certain commission. One, however, lately came from the Prince of Condé, who desired that this might be written to the Queen, and to the Queen only. The Duke of Saxony, who served the French King two years past, is now at Heidelberg, and will marry the Elector Palatine's daughter, and so two brothers will have two sisters. They hear of no gathering of men of war. Reifenburg is in Hesse, but hears nothing assuredly of the doings of Gronbach, or of any of the other colonels. The French King goes about by his agents to persuade the Princes of Germany that this insurrection in his country is not for religion, but only a malicious sedition against himself and realm. They hear that certain Italians that are gathered in Italy for the French King will be used against England, but it is more likely that the French King will use them against his own subjects. The marriage between the Elector's eldest son and the Landgrave's daughter shall be about Trinity Sunday at Cassel.— Strasburg, 23 May 1560. Signed.
Orig. hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
May 23. 120. Intelligence from France.
1. Leaving Jersey the writer reached Brest on the 6th May, where the next morning he found M. de Sana who was busy equipping a vessel of the King's, called the Great Harry, of which Stephen and John le Turk were masters, and on which 400 or 500 men were working, expecting to complete it in a fortnight. She was laying alongside the quay of the haven of Brest, towards La Fontaine, where was another King's ship called La Maitresse. On the other side of the haven were two more King's ships, the Lion and the Leopard, which would also be ready in a fortnight. There were also forty more ships of war, all well equipped, lying before the town, waiting for these four. He also saw that there were some sixty vessels at Bain de Cradon, on the other side of Brest, which were being made ready for war. The Prince of Mantua was coming with a large body of Italians, and M. de Estampes, the Sieur de Penthievre, and M. de Brisac were also coming with a large force. It was also reported that the King of Spain was coming, and that the French King would give him three of his great ships, and also that he would make a descent into England or Scotland, and that he had sent forty or fifty galleys to the French King, which were reported to be at La Rochelle.
2. After staying there a day and a half he went to Conquet, where he found twenty ships, most of them ready, but their destination was not known. In passing through Morlaix he heard that four or five ships of Rochecocq, which is four leagues from Morlaix, had been stayed to carry victuals to Brest. He also found in the haven of St. Brieuc two great ships laden with provisions for Brest.
3. Coming to St. Malo on the 15th he found there 800 soldiers, and twenty-five ships waiting for a fair wind for Newfoundland. Six great ships were also stayed there to carry provisions to Brest. At Cancalle he found five ships ready to start for Newfoundland with those of St. Malo. On the 19th he came to Coutances, where M. de Bouillon, Governor of Normandy, was expected in four days time, to inspect the town and neighbourhood. Thence he returned to Jersey the 23rd May 1560.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 4.
May 23. 121. John Weddington to Gresham.
1. Wrote on the 16th inst. from Amsterdam. Has journeyed towards Friesland and found no preparation of war there or in Guelderland, or like to be, except that the town of Groningen and the common people round about are at variance on the question of privileges claimed by the town over villages. The Lord of Arensburgh, the Lieutenant of Friesland, has been here about eight days to hear their variance, and has now gone to the Court at Brussels and within fourteen days will be back again. Certain men of war are looked for to come down from Munster to a country called Byderland, and will be taken up by one George van Holl. The Duke of Cleves is Captain of Friesland, to take up men for the house of Burgundy, and is also Bishop of Munster. There is no saltpetre or gunpowder to be had but in small quantities. King Philip and the Council of Burgundy will not charge themselves with war, unless they be assured to do profit. They say that he has one fourth of the French King's revenues to be his protector against England and Scotland, and that their mind is to consume the men and stores in England and Scotland by making strong forts.
2. Those ships from Holland and Zealand are supposed to carry furniture and victuals to the French. No man may go out of the Lady of Emden's country to serve any strange Prince under pain of losing his freedom. The Lord of Arensburgh made proclamation in Friesland last Easter, that all men of religion should return to their cloisters by a certain day on pain of death. Friesland is kept subject to the house of Burgundy by castles and blockhouses. The disciples of Luther and the Zuinglians have great disputations at Emden for the right understanding of the Scriptures. The house of Burgundy strongly fortifies the town of Utrecht. The old Bishop, uncle to the Lord of Egmont, is dead; they say the next Bishop will not have any such domination. With the next easterly winds at Amsterdam they look for 300 or 400 sail of great ships out of Estland appertaining to Holland, laden with corn and other merchandise. Hartock Yerrick of Brunswick is Lord of Word [Woerden] near Schoonhove, in Holland. The Duke of Holstein is of no great power, nor is he well beloved in his country. The house of Burgundy has great regard to the common people of England.—Groningen in Friesland, 23 May 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
May 23. 122. Henry Garbrand to Gresham.
Has received his letter this evening with the passport for the four horses, and has hired a hoy to carry them to Dover for nine crowns; has also lent the men money for their charges to London. The French continue rigging their ships with no great diligence. There are commissioners at Calais, who let out the lands about the town to any for a small price.—Dunkirk, 23 May 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
May 23. 123. Richard Payne to Gresham.
1. There are two ships at Camffeer from Aberdeen laden with salt salmon, skins, hides, and cloths, kerseys. Touching the winning of Leith they could not tell, though they were but seven days from Aberdeen; they doubted not if it were not won it would be so full soon. They were coming to buy "pettawes" commodities and Anjou wines, and to lade them thitherward with this fair wind. The Spaniard who came last in has but two half slings of iron, four quarter slings and twenty basses of iron, with thirty mariners; and the other two Spaniards have but two half slings apiece and other small ordnance apiece, and twentysix men and boys, yet the one is the galliase that served King Philip in this last war. The other hulks have no more ordnance than at first. Some suppose they shall be discharged. Can hear of no more ships in readiness of war.
2. Has heard at Armue [Armuyden?] that the Queen had caused Esterlings and hulks to be stayed to serve her, which has caused salt to rise to 11l. 10s. per cent. All ships laden for England, Scotland, France, Spain, and Portingale are gone. There are four hoys and a ship lading with salt and wine for London and Berwick.—Middleburgh, 23 May 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with fragment of seal. Add. Endd.: Pay the post one stiver. Pp. 2.
May 24.
Forbes, 1. 488.
124. The Offers of the Bishop of Valence to the Scotch. (fn. 4)
1. M. de Valence on his arrival in Scotland, offered the Scotch three things from the French King. First, pardon for all offences against their Sovereigns, if they would return to their obedience. Second, that the King will preserve the statutes and privileges of the kingdom, provided they on their side, render their duty to the Crown. And, third, that the King will withdraw his forces from Scotland, except those which are necessary to guard the country, as they were before the last break.
2. Upon which, for the most part being content with this pardon, they further required that Leith should be demolished, without which they could come to no agreement, they having granted them the other places which they held before, as Dunbar and the "Isle aux Chevaulx." Whereupon the Queen Regent has agreed to the demolition of Leith and the return of the French soldiers, save those necessary to guard the fortresses; provided they agree to these five articles. First, that the Lords of the Congregation render obedience to their Sovereigns as true subjects; and that the league with the Queen of England be broken, and their hostages restored. Second, that they shall give the King as many hostages for as long a time as he may wish. Third, that within forty days the States shall meet and declare rebels all who shall assemble in arms without the Princes' consent, and shall pursue them as common enemies. Fourth, that they shall recognize as Regent the Queen Regent. Fifth, that the Duke of Châtellerault, as principal cause of this broil, shall deliver the castle of Dumbarton to a Scot, whom the Queen Regent shall name, until he has given proofs of his obedience. And the King adds a sixth about religion, that after pardoning them what is passed they shall live in the old religion, neither having churches according to their fashion, nor the Interim as they demand, in order to live according to their opinion.
Copy. Endd. by Throckmorton: For the Queen. Delivered by the Cardinal of Lorraine to the Spanish Ambassador, M. de Chantonnet, 24 May 1560, for the Bishop of Valence's journey and proceedings in Scotland. (fn. 5) Pp. 2.
May 25. 125. The Queen's Commission to treat with the King and Queen of France. (fn. 6)
Commission authorizing Cecil, Dr. Wotton, Sadler, Sir Henry Percy, and Sir Peter Carew, to treat upon all disputes which have arisen between them and herself.—26 May 1560.
Draft. Lat. Pp. 2.
May 25. 126. Another copy of the above.
Williamson's transcript.
May 25. 127. Maitland to Cecil.
The Queen's most comfortable message sent by Sir Peter Carew was of sufficient weight to recommend him to all the nobility here. He will be able to give ample information of the state of things. The Lords have taken such order for those who have not yet joined themselves, as he doubts not will serve for the union of the whole in one body. The matter is not so difficult as it is made to appear by the craft of some who cast in difficulties. Hopes that the Parliament will be assembled by the 10th of July, wherein an uniform order shall be taken, in which they will seek Cecil's advice. The Earl of Morton presently writes to Cecil that by his means the Queen may understand his affection to her service. The writer assures Cecil that there is none amongst them all more earnestly bent to endeavour himself to the uttermost than this Earl is. It would be some comfort for him if by some letter from Cecil he [the Earl] may understand that the Queen accepts his service in good part. The writer would be glad if Cecil would write somewhat to the Master of Maxwell whereby he might understand his good opinion of him, as his faithful dealing in the cause has deserved no less. The Lords will direct in post the Lord of St. John within these six or eight days to thank the Queen. Thanks him for his gentle letters, and desires to be commended to his wife, to whom and to Cecil he is more bound than he shall ever be able to discharge.—Camp before Leith, 25 May 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
May 25. 128. John Sheres to Cecil.
1. The revoking of the despatch of the Abbot of St. Salute is now again by the Pope's order consulted upon by the Cardinals of Trent, Carpi, and St. Clement, the Pope being persuaded by certain English at Rome that he is the most meet for the purpose, as one well known and favoured by divers in England for the sake of his late master, Cardinal Pole. Once again he prepares for that journey and supposes now to find no let. He will come accompanied as Sheres wrote before, if the King of Spain draw not back, as some think he will, but keep touch for the protest with wars and the temporal sword.
2. The Pope has determined war against Geneva and requires the Duke of Savoy to be General; many think that he will not be over hasty in the matter, but rather consider more deeply what a raw estate he has of his own, and how nigh neighbours the Switzers and other Protestants are to him. Others think that he is greedy to be Lord of Geneva. Some imagine another fetch, because the Pope requires the Duke of Florence to put men in readiness for that purpose. On the 10th the Count of Tentaglia from King Philip entered Rome with much pomp, to congratulate and confer with the Pope on sundry matters. The French Ambassador brings in a new proclamation made in France, together with the French King's answer to Queen Elizabeth, which will this week be set forth in print. There are more than three sheets of paper of handwriting. There also come news out of France of the English proceedings in Scotland, and the damage they received on St. George's night. There is a talk of the General Council, but not yet when or where it shall be.
3. The Turk's army that departed on the 4th inst. from Modona and Carona towards Africa with a prosperous wind, arrived at Malta on the 7th and at Gerbes on the 11th, where they found King Philip's army much unprovided to resist, saving only seventeen galleys that were somewhat in order and had their men upon them, who fled, eleven to Sicily and six to Naples. All the residue remained a goodly prey to the Turks; it is said they took at the first brunt thirtyfive ships without the loss of one man: for as soon as the Turks began to set upon them, they (perceiving themselves unable to match them) fled ashore and abandoned the ships, and so the Turks took also twenty-eight galleys. The Viceroy of Sicily, Medina Cœli, and a number of noblemen with almost 5,000 men, are besieged in the new fort at Gerbes, and like to fall into the Turk's hand, for men see not how Spain can succour them; and with them goes all the artillery and ammunition provided for Gerbes and Tripoli. Some mistrust if the galleys of Malta be there with the most part of the Knights of the Order of Rhodes, and then is Malta like to go. If the Turk was not so old and had not this contention between his sons, Italy might stand at ill terms at this time.—Venice, 25 May 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
May 25. 129. Cecil's Memoranda.
Notes of letters to be sent to different people, many of which relate to foreign affairs, as:—Commissions and instructions to Cecil, Sadler, Percy, and Carew; letters of credit for the same to the Duke of Norfolk, the Queen Regent, Lord Grey, and the Lords of Scotland; answer for the French Ambassador's demands for passports; the entertainment of the horsemen of the Duke of Holst; to send to my Lord of Norfolk to procure knowledge whether any accord did ever pass between King Henry of France and the nobility of Scotland for transferring of the crown of Scotland to the dauphinate of France; the Chancellor of Holst; Mr. Throckmorton's letter for Portinary, etc.
In Cecil's hol. Endd.: 25 May 1560. Pp. 2.


  • 1. The copy in Forbes is from the original draft among the Throckmorton Papers.
  • 2. Here ends the draft printed by Forbes.
  • 3. The portions in italics are marginal additions by Cecil.
  • 4. Printed by Forbes from the Throckmorton Papers.
  • 5. Throckmorton's draft was thus endorsed :—May, 1560. Of the Bishop of Valence's journey in Scotland with the Congregation; which was delivered by the Cardinal of Lorraine to the Spanish Ambassador, M. de Chantonnet.
  • 6. Another copy of the above occurs in B. M. Calig. B. ix. 148.