Elizabeth: January 1561, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: January 1561, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp480-495 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1561, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp480-495.

"Elizabeth: January 1561, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 3, 1560-1561. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol3/pp480-495.


January 1561, 1-10

1561. Jan. 1. 848. Revenue of Spain. (fn. 1)
An account of the revenue and expenditure of the King of Spain, specifying the sources whence it arises. The total income is 9,087,166 ducats, the expenditure 6,929,000 ducats.
Copy, signed by Valerio Sereno. Endd. Span. Pp. 4.
Jan. 1. 849. Revenue of Spain.
An account of the income and expenditure of the King of Spain, together with the conditions of a papal subsidy. (fn. 2)
Endd. Span. Pp. 13.
Jan. 1. 850. The French Fleet.
1. The conditions of a papal subsidy granted to France for the augmentation of the fleet, viz., an annual subsidy of 300,000 ducats, whereof 50,000 are to be spent in maintaining a fleet of galleys to serve against infidels and heretics, to commence from the calends of January 1561, and to continue for five years. Annual accounts are to be rendered to such Prelate as shall be appointed by the Pope. Two years are to be allowed for preparing the fleet, which is to carry the ensign of the Church.
2. An addition was afterwards made of 60,000 ducats per annum for providing ten more galleys.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
[Jan. 1.] 851. Watch and Ward at Berwick.
1. An order for watch within the town of Berwick, as well for the old walls as the new works, devised by the Lord Grey, which may be executed if the Queen and Council shall allow it, till the new fortifications be put in strength."
2. For watch of the old wall, viz., at the point of the W.N.W., at Windmill Hill and at St. Marygate, at each two men; at the Bell House, the Bell Tower, the Red Tower, Sands' Tower, the Little Tower, St. Nicolas Tower, Coniers' Bulwark, the Square Tower, Shoregate and Briggate, at each three men; in all, thirty-six men.
3. For stand-watch at the gates, viz., at the bulwark between St. Marygate, at the Cowgate, Briggate, Shoregate, on the pier and on the bridge; in all, eight men.
4. The round search-houses at Shoregate and Marygate, consisting of two parties of twelve men each, to be continually sending out patrols to see that the sentinels did their duty. The officers on duty are personally to visit the different posts. The stand-watch at the castle to continue as established. Sixteen footmen to scout nightly without the walls. Captain Pragle and fifty men with the old garrison are lodged in the old town, without the new works. At the alarm, the new piece is to be manned on the bulwarks and curtains by the different captains posting their men at intervals of nine feet all round the walls. The townsmen to assemble with their weapons in the market-place, under Captains Baker and Lambert, pensioners. The labourers also to repair to the market-place under Captains Ingleby and Aldey, pensioners, and have weapons delivered to them out of the Queen's store. Eighteen men shall watch nightly, one on every bulwark and curtain of the new piece, and twelve men to search them. Every captain shall watch the second day after his night watch with ninety-one men, viz., his lieutenant with thirty men at the Briggate, himself and serjeant at the Cowgate with fifty men, whereof twenty shall repair to St. Mary'sgate morning and evening to let cattle out and in the town; at the Shoregate ten men and a corporal or the ensign. Six horsemen shall daily ride out at the gates' opening to seek the suspect places.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 9.
[Jan. 1.] 852. John Brigantyne to Cecil.
1. Whereas the Queen has sent her letters to the Countess of Emden in behalf of such goods as may be saved of the two wrecks of Hamburg appertaining to her, the Countess has received them and given an honourable answer, that whatever is done by her subjects, there shall be no time lost for the recovery of the same. Wrote furthermore of the staple that the Dantzickers have procured here, for which the house of Burgundy (not contented, because it is a great incommodity to Amsterdam and all Holland,) has written to the Countess somewhat sharp threatenings, which are not the first.
2. The young Earl of Emden, who was in prison in Sweden, is arrived. Supposes by his great preparations that the young King intends in the beginning of the year to see England. At Helsingburg are in making ten new ships for the King. One of his brothers is of late dead. Three ships transported this Earl out of Sweden through the Sound, and because the Admiral would not acknowledge himself to be within the dominions of the King of Denmark, was twice shot through, and like to have grown to further inconvenience if he had not struck. There is a rumour of war between Duke Henry of Brunswick and the Archbishop of Mentz. The Duke of Grabenhagen has married the daughter of Duke Henry, who promised his son-in-law to be a means with the Archbishop of Mentz that the country of Exfeld (which the Duke impignorated to the Archbishop,) might be redeemed for that sum of money which he received of him, which the Bishop refuses, and demands a great interest for the time. The country is small, but fertile. There are mustered in Hesse 1,200 horse and ten ensigns of foot, but in whose behalf he knows not.—Emden. Signed.
3. P. S.—The Lady of Emden has given her third part to the Queen; of all wrecks, such as save it have one part, the lord of the soil another, the owner the third. The Chancellor has shown himself a furtherer in this matter. Sir Thomas Gresham has been very diligent in sending his servants, who no less diligently have caused to be recovered almost 700 more courriers and dags, so that there is on the point of 2,700 courriers and dags.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: Recd. 3 January 1560. Pp. 4.
Jan. 1. 853. The Earl of Morton to Cecil.
Cecil will remember that he travailed with him for transporting his cousin, Robert Douglas, pledge for the Lord James, either to the Court or to Cambridge. His cousin urgently requests him to desire Cecil to take order for him to be brought to the Court, and afterwards to have him placed as the Queen may think best.—Berwick, 1 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 1 Jan. 1560. Pp. 2.
Jan. 1. 854. Maitland to Cecil.
1. A letter was written from the Lords of the Council to Lord Wharton in favour of two Scottish merchants who were stayed by him at Berwick in Queen Mary's days, which Maitland caused to be delivered at his house on St. Stephen's Day, "as we passed that way." Perceives by his answer that the poor men will find no favour at his hands unless it come by commandment from above, for he is not contented that they have complained to the Council. Prays Cecil to show them favour, who he trusts are in London.
2. The pledges at Newcastle are very desirous to be changed to some other place; they have willed him to speak to their friends for discharging of their expenses, which he delays to do till he hears from Cecil. Would be glad to hear somewhat from France, and asks himto forward the enclosed packet to Throckmorton.—Berwick, New Year's Day. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 1 Jan. 1560. Pp. 2.
Jan. 1. 855. Maitland to Throckmorton.
Wrote to him lately out of London, desiring to know the present estate and government of France. Earnestly desires answer; and further, that he will cause certain writings to be delivered in Paris.—Berwick, 1 Jan. 1560.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 1. 856. Alexander Clark to Cecil.
Professions of desire to do the Queen service, and to maintain her realm in liberty. For long time by past has laboured for the same, as Cecil has doubtless been informed by Throckmorton. Has so used Lord Seaton with gentle persuasions, as well here at home as by the way, "that he has confessed of these enterprizes that your old friends had prepared for your country in the beginning of this instant year." Of the great preparations of their army Cecil doubtless has advertisement from Throckmorton, but of this particular enterprise he has heard nothing, which is, that before Lord Seaton's departing he was called to Privy Council, none being present but the Duke, the Cardinal, and two devisers of forts, where they made him swear the great oath of fidelity, that he would not divulge their enterprise to any creature, and asked his counsel in that matter. They showed him the platform and portrait of Holy Island, beside Berwick, and within the sea. They had drawn it upon paper, and had the same made in form and portrait in clay, and such like; with two fortresses made of clay that they were minded to have made in the said island, and in each fort 400 harquebussiers; and the King's galleys and ships were to have taken their ordnance, munitions, and victuals, as well at Calais as other places, and to have made such provision that the galleys should have always remained at the island, together with some ships to have troubled those coasts and seas. There should have been as many as 300 ships to have made their descent there forth of France, the east seas, Hamburg, and other parts, and they minded to have taken Berwick by siege. And this they thought most assuredly to have put to execution ere the end of May next following, and made account in their hearts and minds as a thing already done; which, if it should have come to pass, would have been a great trouble to England and the whole ruin of Scotland. It will be well to give order herein, albeit the devices of this enterprise shall not be in so great credit, because of the death of the King, yet it is not [well] to trust to any of their friendship, whosoever shall govern, whether it be the King of Navarre or the Constable.—Edinburgh, 1 Jan. Signed: Alexander Clark. (fn. 3)
Orig. Add.: To Sir W. Cecil . . . Be this delivered with speed to his own hands. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 1 Jan. 1560. Alexander . . . . (fn. 4) to my master. Pp. 3.
Jan. 1. 857. Francis Edwards to Cecil.
1. Wrote last on the 11th and 15th Dec., signifying the storms well pacified and shipping all ceased. Since, the clouds [the French King] lost his light. Has perused the coasts and found all merchants discharged. May be sure their outward marts are ended, and other marts are none toward but such as are used in peace. The Congregations of Rouen and Dieppe have sent to the King for licence to preach the Word of God openly. In the mean time (specially in Dieppe) the congregation once a day meet in a great house, where they preach, marry, and baptise; and use like service after the order of Geneva. This day he has seen together in the said house, of men, women, and children above 2,000 in a company. The like they use in Rouen, but not such numbers. They hope to have the Word of God preached in place of liberty, otherwise they fear the people will not live quietly. It is bruited that the young French King is sick. M. De Fosse governs the town and castle again.—Dieppe, 1 Jan. 1560. Signed.
2. P. S.—Cecil shall receive his apricot trees to plant in the next ship; intends to send other strange fruits.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 2. 858. Lord Grey to Cecil.
On Tuesday, the last of December, the Ambassadors of Scotland arrived here, and after he had received and accompanied them to their lodgings, because he could not entreat them to sup with him that night he spared them until the morrow, being New Year's Day; and in the morning at the church heard the order of the Berwick service together, which they liked very well. And afterwards the Earl Morton, seeming to crave the sight of part of the new works, Lord Grey caused him to be brought through such places as he thought convenient, and made them a soldier's dinner with his most courteous and gentle manner of entertainment. In the afternoon he intercommuned with them of the articles mentioned in the Council's last letter, and found them very agreeable and well disposed to advance all kinds of reformations. So after some discourse of the article touching marriages between the two nations, (their opinion wherein shall be severally touched in his report upon consultation,) they departed accompanied with a good number of gentlemen unto the bounds, very well contented with their good entertainment. Tomorrow he sets forward to meet with the Wardens at Hexham. —Berwick, 2 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig., stained by damp. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 3. 859. Throckmorton to the Privy Council.
Despatched Mr. Nicolas Tremaine to the Queen and them with his proceedings at his last audience on the last Dec. Understands that the King is minded to send M. De Rouquerolle, chief of the late King's chamber, (and now, by the death of his brother, called M. De Humieres,) into Scotland, to request the Estates to continue their ancient league with France; that he will forget all unkindness, and will accord to all their demands and travail to assuage their doleances. They can better consider how necessary it is for the Scots to return to their own home, and accept these good offers, and also that the Queen bears them now in her hands, and may dispose of them at her pleasure, but that they will not be long carried so unless they see some speedy likelihood of assured hope, their Queen being a widow and desirous to return home. This will soon alter their devotion, whatsoever the Queen has done for them, unless they see other fruit than driving off. It is not likely they will leave a certain for an uncertain. If Scotland falls away from them again, then the Queen is in as evil or worse terms than any of her predecessors, considering she wants Calais, which she will never have again except it be recovered as it was lost.—Orleans, 3 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Jan. 3 860. The Earl of Arran to Throckmorton.
Thanks for his writing received from Alexander Clerk. Is glad that Lord St. John has handled his commission so honestly. As for the French preparations, the Scotch believe that they have ceased. If Throckmorton hears of any preparation against Scotland the writer prays for advertisement. Sends this bearer, Captain Forbes, to the King of Navarre, to gratify him of the goodness he was towards the writer when he was in France, and to know of all proceedings there.— Edinburgh, 3 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 3. 861. Randolph to Cecil.
1. This morning the Earl of Arran gave him knowledge that he was minded within a day or two to send his servant, Captain Forbes, into France; his message should be to return thanks to the King of Navarre for his old friendship, and to retain him always in good opinion. Has great presumption that some more secret matter is meant than is openly signified. Since the King's death divers conceits have troubled his [Arran's] mind, and many tales have been whispered into his ears, both of the small favour of the Queen towards him, and how patent a way God has made to match him, being heir apparent, with her who is already in the right of succession. He thinks in time to prevent anything that might be wrought to his disadvantage. He has also written to the Constable. "Of all these matters there is no man privy except Knox, and he whom he trusteth with the whole." The Earl has himself written his commendations to Throckmorton by the same messenger, and also required Randolph to write, which he has done. Will advertise further particulars.
2. It is said that the Ambassadors are this night at Tantallon. They have so wisely governed their affairs that they have themselves prevented the tidings of the fruit which shall ensue of their legation. Though divers suppose that it is not such as is desired, yet are they not without hope of a perpetual amity between the two nations. Lucinet of the Inch and the Comptroller have presented their services to the Earl of Arran. They were much better said unto, than trusted. The Lords are all absent, but intend shortly to be here. Lord Seaton has not yet been in this town, nor seen of any of the Lords. Some wish him better than he deserves, others would be glad of some assurance for his good meaning for time to come. Alexander Clark has requested the writer to see his letters conveyed to Cecil and Throckmorton. Trusts that the Laird of Lethington will bring some word of his return. Desires Cecil to remember that he has been out of his country for six years before the Queen's coming to the crown, and now the space he has been in Scotland, so little to his contentation.— Edinburgh, 3 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Jan. 3. 862. Bull of the Cruzada.
Abstract of the Bull of the Cruzada, lately published by Pope Pius IV. against the Turks, containing a notice of the privileges thereby granted and the terms upon which they may be obtained. A blank in the document is filled in with the name of Guillermo Fayr, P. Appended are a form of absolution and a summary of the Indulgences.—Toledo, 3 Jan. 1561. Signed (with stamp): J. Episcopus Lucensis.
Span. Printed broadside.
Jan. 4. 863. Pope Pius IV. to the King of Navarre.
Thanks for the reception given to the bearer in matters respecting the Catholic religion and the Papal state.—Rome, 4 Jan. 1561.
Copy. Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2.
Jan. 4. 864. John Shers to Cecil.
1. They write from Rome that the Holy Father on St. Stephen's Day (it being also the day of his creation) feasted the Cardinals, Dukes, and Duchesses that were at Rome. He invited all the Ambassadors, and those of France and Spain fell out for the higher place. The former said that if he did not have his place, he would return to the King, which very much displeased the Pope; who having consulted the Cardinals, resolved that Vargas and the Conté of Tendiglia should return to their lodgings, and that the French Ambassador should be retained, preserving yet (as the Spaniards say) the judgment to more leisure and a wiser consultation.
2. The old Conté of Petigliano, (whose estate the son enjoys,) has resigned this week the same to the Pope, who has given it to the Duke of Florence, so this spring they expect this Duke will seek it by arms. On Saturday last (which was the Innocents' Day,) the Duke of Florence left Rome and returned towards Florence again, not a King, but a Duke as before. The King of Spain was half persuaded, but the Emperor would not assent, yet praising the Pope's desire to advance his house. The Pope's Legate has said to the Emperor before that the Duke did not seek it, but the Pope was desirous of his advancement. The Pope has promised to the Duke of Savoy a number of horsemen and footmen to set upon Geneva, and the Duke begins to prepare for that purpose. The Emperor has concluded a marriage for one of his daughters with the Duke of Mantua. The Duke of Florence offers his son and heir for one of his daughters, hoping by that means to win in the end the crown of a King of Tuscany. Another of the Emperor's daughters will be given to the Duke of Parma's son, who is at present in Spain. They still talk of the Council at Trent, but none of any discourse can be persuaded it will take any effect.—Venice, 4 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Jan. 4. 865 Copy of the first part of the above.
Williamson's transcript. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 6. 866. The Earl of Arran to Cecil.
Thanks for the good will contained in his letter from Westminster, 16th Dec.; and desires a safe conduct for the bearer, whom he is sending into France to the King of Navarre.—Edinburgh, 6 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: By Mr. Forbes. Pp. 2.
Jan. 7. 867. Chamberlain to the Queen. (fn. 5)
By the last ordinary which departed hence he wrote to her a whole discourse of what he had past with the King and his Council. Has not presently other matter of advertisement, except that the King sends Don John Menriques to the new French King, whose message is both to condole with him and to confirm the treaties; wherefore, if it be so that this King makes offer before they claim the same of him, she may think some mystery in the matter that the like dealing with her has been deferred hitherto.—Toledo, 7 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. A small portion in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 7. 868. Chamberlain to the Council.
Desires them to consider what he has advertised by his letters to the Queen, touching the ratification of the treaties betwixt England and the King of Spain, which, together with the friendship here made to him, gives great satisfaction. If he could obtain licence to make a step home he would be much bound to them.—Toledo, 7 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. A small portion in cipher, deciphered. Add, Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 7. 869. Chamberlain to Cecil.
Has little matter to advertise, but that is of some moment; wherein Cecil may consider what is necessary, for notwithstanding all the friendship towards the Queen that he has found in this King, the delaying of that matter [brings] him no satisfaction. Longs for the arrival of his successor here. Desires for his better furniture homewards to have a commission to take such English ships as he can find meet to transport him and his train.—Toledo, 7 Jan. 1561. Signed.
Orig. A small portion in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 10. 870. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. Since his letter of the 3d, the old Duchess of Ferrara sent, desiring him to come to her lodgings, which he did on the 6th, and was received with great courtesy by the Duchess, who made him sit by her in a chair, and said that she owed the Queen of England great love because she was a Christian and virtuous Queen, and had in her realm set forth the true service, glory, and honour of God, by whose good example therein she trusts that other Princes will do the like. She also said that God blemished the fame of the great men of the world through the doings of a weak woman; that the greatest Princes of Christendom desired her in marriage; that she had done what neither her sister or ancestors could do, for by the occasion of her religion she obtained the amity of Scotland. She said also that many who were not of her religion were persuaded that the Lord prospered her, and that the Queen's mother was a virtuous and sage lady. She also mentioned the great towardness that was in the young King, and said that the Queen of England might advance the religion of God in France, and consequently over all Europe. Throckmorton answered that the Queen would most thankfully accept her good affections, the more so because it was grounded upon occasion of religion.
2. The Duchess then advised Throckmorton that when he had conference with the Queen Mother, he should offer her some persuasions, there being no means so certain for a perfect amity between France and England as a unity in religion. She said that unity in the contrary religion did not always occasion amity, but that discord was not amongst those who professed the truth. Throckmorton answered that the case of religion was esteemed to touch policy, whereof it behoved an Ambassador to speak warily, and that he took himself not to be a fit instrument for that matter, but that she, being a near relative to all the great personages of the realm, might do so, that her words must be taken to proceed only of zeal of religion and tranquillity of the realm, whereas an Ambassador's words might have another interpretation.
3. She said that whatever the Queen and he might say or do in this matter could not but take good effect. There was another cause which worked in her a goodwill towards the Queen; there was an old acquaintance between the Queen's mother and her, when the former was one of the maids-ofhonour of the Duchess's sister, Queen Claude. Throckmorton said that he would not forget to advertise the Queen of all that the Duchess had said, and after a few obsequious words took his leave. Whilst talking with her, her daughter, the Duchess of Guise, came into the chamber. Desires that the Queen will at her next despatch gratify the Duchess of Ferrara either with her letters or some other visitation.
4. On the 7th inst., the Prince of Rochesurion's son, aged twelve years, riding with divers other young Princes, was shocked off by one of them, and so bruised that he died within eight hours. His death is greatly lamented for his towardness, and for that his father has no more children. Sends copies of a letter lately sent to him by Lord James Stewart, with his answer, together with the French King's commandment to all Prelates to be ready to depart towards the General Council the 20th of February at Trent, or wherever it shall be kept. The King of Spain minds to send to this Prince Don John Manryques, Great Master of the Artillery in Spain, a man in great credit with his master and of his Council. Thinks his coming is for some other matter than to do the office of condolence and congratulation, and that some personage of honour should be now sent hither from her, whose coming would increase the Queen Mother's good opinion of the Queen's desire to continue amity, and move the King of Navarre and the Constable to be always well affected to her, because the Spanish doings offer great occasion of jealousy, for the unaceustomed kindness shown to the Queen of Scots and the house of Guise, whose authority the King of Spain now seeks to uphold. It imports her to countenance the King of Navarre, the Constable, and the Admiral. The sending now of a great man will perhaps stay other men from some things that they intend, and serve her turn more ways than one.
5. Whereas he lately advertised her that the Queen of Scotland should repair to Joinville; now he understands that she does not depart from the Court. Guido Cavalcanti is lately commanded to retire himself from this Court; supposes it is by the persuasion of the house of Guise, for that they have of long time noted him to be too well affected towards the Queen of England. The house of Guise use all means to bring to pass the marriage between the Prince of Spain and the Queen of Scotland. The King of Navarre and the Constable work as much on their parts for the marriage of her to the Earl of Arran.—Orleans, 10 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 6.
Jan. 10. 871. Throckmorton to the Privy Council.
1. Recapitulates the information contained in his letter of the same date to the Queen. He then informs them of the arrival of Don Juan Manriques, and his opinion as to his errand, which he founds on the frequent visits of the Spanish Ambassador and his wife to the Queen of Scotland and the Cardinal of Lorraine. Recommends that the Queen should also send some great personage, and that the successor of the writer should come with him. Advertises them of the postponement of the Queen of Scotland's journey to Joinville. The Bishop of Fermo is looked for shortly from the Pope to condole. (fn. 6) The Duke of Florence has also despatched a great personage, who will shortly arrive. Mentions the death of the Prince of Rechesurion's son. Sends them the French King's commandment to the Prelates to be ready to depart for the General Council by the 25 February. Understands that the Guises continue in their purpose for the Queen of Scotland's marriage with the Prince of Spain, and that the King of Navarre and the Constable are as earnest for the Earl of Arran. For that purpose he has both written into Scotland and given instructions to the bearer to labour the matter with the Estates, as what shall best stand France in stead for the continuing of the ancient amity with Scotland. —Orleans, 10 Jan. 1560. Signed.
2. P. S.—There is talk of a cross marriage between the King of Portugal and the Infanta, and the Duke of Florence's son and daughter.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Jan. 10. 872. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Touched to him the sending of some greater personage in his despatch sent by Mr. Tremain, and is thereto more moved by the sending of Don John Manriques. Cecil may perceive his conjectures thereupon by the letter to the Lords. The Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, and the Constable will consider themselves honoured thereby. The matter proposed by the King of Navarre requires some thankful acceptation and good answer. If they shall move the ratifying of the treaty of Cambray, for the interest in Calais, a personage of credit will be therein of some moment, as he will be if the Queen shall stuff on religion in France. And since Spain has given occasions of jealousy, the Queen might in like manner be even with them, and nevertheless good countenance to be made to the Spanish Ambassador; not forgetting that the French Ambassador and the hostages have a little new holy water cast upon them by the Queen. She should also bestow kind letters on the Queen Mother, the King of Navarre, the Constable, and the Admiral; and the Queen of Scots should be with writing and words kindly handled. In the Queen's letters to the Cardinal of Lorraine and Duke of Guise, she should remember some words to move them to establish a good amity, not only between the French King and her, but also with the Queen of Scotland, being her uncles, and those who may do much with her. Desires that the Queen will show some kindness to the old Duchess of Ferrara, who has shown her great affection unto the Queen, which is chiefly grounded in respect of her religion. Thinks the Earl of Bedford a meet man to be employed in this journey, as he has the Italian tongue very well, and the Queen Mother takes pleasure in her own tongue; and the King of Navarre, the Constable, the Duke of Guise, the Cardinals of Lorraine and Tournon, and all who are of the affairs, either speak or understand it. The Earl is honest, wise, religious, of no faction, and honourable; the journey will not be so costly to him, because of the mourning, as at another time. He and his must be clothed in black. He must come in post; twenty horses will be the largest train. The time will not be long. The spending of 1,000 or 2,000 crowns on extraordinary occasions when it imports is a great frugality. Prefers the Queen's service before his own profit. If this journey should be thought meet, he wishes that the Earl might have his order about his neck when he comes, and that he might bring the writer's successor with him.
2. This bearer's coming was well accepted of the Queen of Scotland, the King of Navarre, and the Constable ; hereby they are brought into some good hope to reduce Scotland to their devotion. He has letters from the Queen of Scotland, the King of Navarre, and the Constable to Lord James. The King of Navarre has given him charge to solicit the sending hither of some legation, and to procure the Queen's return shortly, that she may marry the Earl of Arran. Desires him to let the bearer have favourable and speedy despatch ; he is an honest young man, and has delivered Cecil's letter of 30th December, wherein there was something that has well revived his heavy spirits.—Orleans, 10 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 5.
[Jan. 10.] 873. Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis.
A list of papers relating to the treaty of Cateau-Cambresis. Endd. by Cecil: A note of treaties in this box. Pp. 2.
Jan. 10. 874. Throckmorton to the Earl of Bedford.
Has at the despatch hereof written to the Queen and the Council how necessary it is at this time to send hither a man of some authority and appearance with legation, and has named him [the Earl] to Mr. Secretary. If the Earl is appointed to this charge, the writer will tell him what is to be done for the voyage. As the writer hopes that his successor, the Ambassador resident, will accompany him [the Earl] hither, he will need to have few or none of the Queen's servants. These men are necessary, Mr. H. Killegrew, Mr. Jones, and Francisco, the Queen's courier, who will stand him in great stead for the furnishing of post horses. Either he or Davis should be sent over to Calais or Boulogne with the French Ambassador's letters to the Governors there, to advertise them of his [the Earl's] coming, and require that he and his train may be furnished of post horses. He who is sent may bring on letters or despatches to him [Throckmorton]. Advises him not to exceed twenty or twenty-four in his train, for he will be hardly furnished of post horses, and with that number will be driven to run in two troops. He will not be able to make above five or six posts a-day. He and his train must be all apparelled in black, if he comes before the office of condolence be done. Wishes he would take order that five or six fine ambling geldings or horses might be brought after him, that he may make such presents of them as shall be well bestowed for the Queen's service and honour ; peradventure Throckmorton will rob him of one himself. Wishes that the Viscount Hereford could accompany him, but as he has just married a young fair lady from home, it is forbidden that he should depart in one year, by ancient laws. Wishes that "Lord Harbord," his younger brother, and Mr. Compton should accompany him, if it might stand with his and their father's pleasure. Desires him to send him word what day he will be in Paris. The Court is like to be at Fontainebleau towards the end of the month.—Orleans.
Corrected draft. Endd.: 10 Jan. Pp. 4.
Jan. 10. 875. Maitland to Cecil.
1. They arrived at Edinburgh on the 3rd inst. where, besides the Duke and Earl of Arran, they found no number of the nobility. The whole Estates will be assembled on the 15th to hear the report of their answer and to consult upon what they owe of duty to their Sovereign, and what Ambassadors shall be directed towards her. This sudden alteration by reason of the King's death concurring with the Queen's doubtful answer to their motion, (which they take to be no other but a plain refusal in good terms,) makes many to enter in new discourses. Have done what they can to keep them still and to persuade them that the matter is not yet so impossible. It will be hard to keep them in.
2. The Earl of Arran has sent Forbes into France to the King of Navarre, and to learn the state of things there. If Maitland had been present when he was despatched he would have written by him. Sees that men here will begin to make court to the Scottish Queen more than they were wont. Fears not but that the most part will keep touch with Cecil, whereunto he offers himself not only as a means to do what he can, but also in recognizance of the great friendship that he has found at his hands to employ him in whatsoever he will command him. Knows how far he [Cecil] has hazarded in their cause, and therefore it is their duty, and his most of all, to serve his turn. Will advertise him how things fall out. M. De Sevres at parting willed him to advertise him what the Estates meant to do towards the Queen, their Sovereign, and that some were sent to her with diligence. Maitland promised to do so, and encloses a letter for him, which he desires Cecil to read and seal up and deliver.— Edinburgh, 10 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Jan. 10. 876. Randolph to Cecil.
Thinks that Cecil may perceive sufficiently by his last letter by Forbes, and his others, what may be conjectured of his hasty despatch. Knows not what he may be content to open of his secrets, but he is a very patent man and easy to be dealt with. Such things worth the writing he trusts the Laird of Lethington has informed him of ; whose goodwill towards the English was never more apparent. Is informed by him of the Queen's pleasure for his abode here.— Edinburgh, 10 Jan. 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.


  • 1. A duplicate of this document is in the B. M. Vesp. c. vi. 209.
  • 2. A duplicate of the latter portion of this paper occurs in the next number.
  • 3. This signature has been intentionally defaced, and another one apparently cut out.
  • 4. Here also the name is defaced.
  • 5. Chamberlain to the Queen.
    1560. Nov. 3.
    B.M. Vesp. C. vii., 133.
    1. Has been informed by the Count De Feria that the King has sent to the Inquisition to understand what matter they had against the writer's cook, who answered that they meant to examine him upon certain matters, and no further. This, (with other matters, not here to be inserted,) breeds in him greater suspicion than heretofore how to seek his own surety. Thinks the matter is protruded towards himself; it therefore means a plain quarrel. Will apply to the King, who probably (as the writer hears from Feria) will answer that the authority and jurisdiction of the Inquisition is supreme, and that against the same he cannot warrant him. If so, from this time the writer will be reputed no more an Ambassador, but a private person.
    2. Has been asked what Ambassador she lately sent into Germany; fears there are some great matters a brewing, and longs for one hour's talk with her.
    3. Cannot think the Inquisition can have any jurisdiction over him. "I am the more afraid in this case of the Inquisition, doubting least they would charge me that in my own person I had not at Easter last followed their order."
    4. Has again talked with Feria, who said that the writer's cook should be examined, but the writer did not obey the Inquisitor's message willing the cook to be sent to them, he and his being exempt from their jurisdiction and all other. Feria said that though Challoner were a public minister, his servants were not so reputed; the writer sustained the contrary. Told Feria he found a great change in a small time, and said he would seek access to the King himself in the matter. To this the Count was unwilling, he being six leagues hence, but the writer will to-morrow repair thither.
    5. Hopes she will provide for the worst. It is universally reckoned that England is now at the worst, and of least force.—Toledo, 3 Nov. 1560. Signed.
    Orig. A few portions in cipher, deciphered. Pp. 6.
    1560. Dec. 13.
    B.M. Vesp. C. vii. 139.
    The Queen to Chamberlain.
    1. Received his letters of the 3 Nov. on 30th. In reply, informs him of the state of affairs between herself and France in consequence of the refusal of the latter to confirm the treaty. The French King having informed her that he was about to send two Ambassadors to state the causes of delay, and then to proceed to Scotland, she has replied, through Throckmorton, that if they had no further instructions than these they might stay at home. The Lords of Scotland at that time coming to Court, she called them and, in the presence of the French Ambassador, charged them (upon his authority) with lack of duty to their Sovereign; to which they answered that since the treaty of Edinburgh they had given no offence to the King or Queen, and required the Ambassador to state wherein they had offended. He answered that he had no particular matter wherewith to burden them. She then charged the Scottish Ambassadors to continue in their duties, otherwise they should have no token of her good will.
    2. Desiring that the Spanish Ambassador should know her proceedings, she sent to him Sir Ambrose Cave and Sir John Mason, with declaration of the apprehension of Chamberlain's man. The Ambassador answered that he knew not of it, but if the offence was public, then his master could not stay the punishment, having in such cases submitted himself to the authority of the Inquisitors, without any dispensation; but if the offence were within the house, then the King would probably provide for Chamberlain's indemity. "Surely we must needs require you to take good heed and circumspection to the order of your servants, who for lack of consideration, may by their demeanour abroad in churches, or otherwise, give occasion to deserve such punishment there as shall not be meet for us to seek the remission thereof. Nevertheless, at this present we wish that you should by all good means recover the stay of this matter, and hereafter to cause more regard to be given for avoiding of the like."
    3. Chamberlain's revocation is decided on, and suspended only until she knows Philip's resolution touching his repair unto his Low Countries.
    4. After her letters were thus far written came intelligence of the French King's death, which may occasion many changes. In the meantime, therefore, she will provide for her own affairs. The Lords of Scotland depart homeward within one or two days, who are fully bent to continue constantly in good devotion to her and her realm. She has never required more of them than tended to the liberty of Scotland from conquest, and of England from invasion. She never refused to accept Philip as umpire between her and France, but last year, when her army was before Leith, it was motioned that it should retire, and the controversy betwixt her and the French be committed to Philip; to which she answered that she would not agree to revoke her army. If it had not been sent before the arrival of M. De Glajon, she would have stayed it upon assurance by Philip that all things should stay upon the French part, and would then have committed the whole to his arbitrament.
    5. Having been moved to show favour to the Lady Dormer, who is in Flanders, and Clarentius, who is in Spain, she has partly answered by the Spanish Ambassador and partly by the enclosed letter to the King. It is without precedent to grant a subject to be always absent from the country, yet if they will return and live quietly they shall have her favour. She cannot revoke him for the present.
    6. P. S.—Marvels that Sir Richard Shelly and [blank] Harvey remain in Spain, not having her licence; he shall, before witnesses, admonish them to return home.
    Copy, headed: 13 Dec. 1560. M. from the Queen to Sir Thomas Chamberlain. Pp. 2.
  • 6. Pope Pius IV. to Queen Mary of Scotland.
    1560. Dec. 18.
    Raynaldi, A.D. 1560, No. 83.
    We expect you particularly to submit to the judgments of God, as becomes a pious Queen; placing your hope in Him, who is near those who are broken in heart, He being the Father of mercy and God of all consolation, etc.—18 Dec. 1560.