Elizabeth: January 1589, 26-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Elizabeth: January 1589, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp69-84 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1589, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp69-84.

"Elizabeth: January 1589, 26-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp69-84.

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January 1589, 26–31

Jan. 27. Walsingham to Stafford.
“Dom Pedro de Valdez, who is prisoner with your brother, Mr. Richard Drake, hath been permitted to write to his friends in Spain about the release of himself and some other prisoners here, and likewise for means to defray their charges.” At Drake's request, sends the letters to Stafford to peruse and then deliver to Don Bernardino to be sent to Spain. Answer to be sent in the same manner. Mr. Drake, who is interested herein because of his charges in keeping the prisoners, also writes to Stafford.— The court at Richmond, 27 January, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. by Stafford “From Mr. Secretary, at Vendosme, the 11th February, 1588, by John Wells.” ½ p. [France XIX. f. 31.]
Jan. 27./Feb. 6. William Lyly to Stafford.
Revol promised this morning to remind the King of Lyly's business but he has not yet seen him. Fears Stafford may be in danger where he is, though here it is underestimated for “they make an account that the ambassadors shall return thither and with them the Grand Council.” They think that this would assure the town. It would hardly be security enough for Stafford, for the common enemy so hates him.
“The parture of de Mayne and Chevalier d'Omal towards Paris is assured: [and] that M. de Nemours came to Paris in the evening, (fn. 1) but all the streets were full of torches to see his entry.”
Mme. de Nemours was released yesterday, (fn. 2) doubtless well instructed. She has gone towards Orléans. “The common speech is she shall be, if she bring things to pass, accounted the Queen Mother, and so the King will make account of her.”
M. de Mayne told d'Abbyné that the killing of the Guises was the work of evil counsellors, not of the King. “This manner of speech is either to deceive or reconcile. The parture of Nemours lieth somewhat on the Grand Prior and his folks, and translated from the other, although his commandments do accuse him.” Hauteford released: it is said Poigné will be delivered at his request.
Defeat of M. Maintenon's company on Friday: kept secret. Sigonia has broken his promise not to serve against the King, who has ordered the destruction of his house, not five leagues from hence.
Forty commissions given to levy gens d'armes speedily.
Nyvers is here, little spoken of, and is, or feigns to be, sick.
[É]pernon has been satisfied about the abolition of Tagen's rights in his governments of Angolesme and Santonge. His other demands, viz. for 3000 shot, half mounted, for six months without pay, are rejected because his enemies here “would cry out should they see him naked no more.” He is needed here, “for here is scarce one able and brave counsellor about the King.”
The financiers offer to lend the King 700,000 crowns within ten days: doubtful if they can effect it.
The Bishop of Paris is recalled to his charge, or else it will be given to Pigionat, who is already nominated.
Visited the Venice ambassador yesterday. “He wonderfully overweighed me (being advocate for the King) with apparent reasons upon past accidents, and the greatest his wants and slackness.” The meeting was interrupted. The ambassador will return thither if the King command it. Thinks it would be safest for Stafford to lodge here outside the town, as the Spanish ambassador does. Suggests Hautlieu's house on Touers' side.
M. de Bourges' funeral oration on the Queen Mother. (fn. 3) " Traced her descent from Eneas' companion, Medan, founder of Florence and the Medici, as her arms show—5 pilles en champe de merde. Also named her rightful Queen of Portugal, and called her more chaste than Susanna, more magnanimous than Judith—the St. Bartholomew shows how true the one is, and the Cardinal of Lorraine and Marshal de Retz will oppose the other. He mentioned also her getting Cambray for France. So the Spanish ambassador and Sceardo for Portugal will have cause to be angry.
—5 February, 1589.
Postscript. Revol has not yet seen the King, who keeps his chamber and is ill at ease “because la Chatre playeth his part.”
Mme. de Nemours gone towards Orléans, charged to tell her children that the King will declare all her house rebels if they do not submit within six days. The declaration is being printed now. (fn. 4) "
Alfonso de Corse's truce in Dauphiné: others in Angolesme. Corse has 1500 men: will probably join Tavannes so as to drive de Mayne from Burgundy.
Saw the Venetian ambassador this morning. He will demand audience.—6 February, 1589.
Count de Briennes and his forces arrived. 7000 men now here. Briennes brought thirty gentlemen.
Mene's departure from Orléans uncertain. Chevalier d'Omal has certainly gone. The Bishop of Mans is said to have gone to Rome.
Signed. Endd. 3 pp. [France XIX. f. 54.]
[Jan. 27.] The Queen to Lord Wyllughby.
Has received his letters and understood of the States' agreement that the 2000 foot and 600 horse should be employed under Sir J. N[orris] and Sir F. D[rake] provided 2000 footmen and 200 horse are left in Berghen, and 1000 footmen in Ostend. This may well be performed, if the companies in the cautionary towns which are not parcel of the established garrisons be sent to make up the 500 needed to fill up the numbers in Berghen to 2000, as appears by the list enclosed. This answer should satisfy the States. Haste being necessary, he shall send the men over for this service, “without any further delay or other excuses.” He shall remind the States of their promise to Sir John Norrys to supply the place of the numbers withdrawn, if need arises.
Minute. Endd. with date and note of contents. 1 ¼ pp. [Holland XXX. f. 173.]
With the above:
Note of the forces in the Low Countries.
Berghen: The Lord General, 250; Sir Thomas Morgan, 200; Lord Awdley, Sir Francis Vere, Sir John Scott, Sir Thomas Baskervile, Sir Edmund Udall, Captains Buck and Barker, each 150: total, 1500.
Horsemen: The Lord General, 200; Captain Parker, Sir William Russell, the two Baxes, each 100: total, 600.
To be sent into Spain: Captains Banyster, Salisbery, Powell, each 150: total, 450.
Ostend: The Governor, Sir Charles Blunt, Sir Thomas Knolles, Captains Lambert, Huddy, Prother, Suderman, each 150: total, 1050.
To be brought away: Sir Edward Norrys, Captain Anthony Wingfeld, each 150: [total, 300].
So there are to be sent to Spain only 1500: viz. from Flusshing: Captains Richard Wingfeld, Hynder, Fullford, each 150. Briell: Captain Brett, 150. Utrecht: Captain Champernon, 150. Berghen: 450. Ostend: 300.
State of Flusshing garrison. The Governor, 200; Sir Thomas Sherley, Captains Littleton, Hart, Darcy, Randolph, Thomas Maria Wingfeld, Dennys, Brown, each 150. At Ramekins. Captain Erington, 150. Total, 1550.
Briel. The Governor, 200; Sir Henry Norrys, Captains Price and Vavassor, each 150. At the forts. Sir John Borrough, 150. Total, 800.
Total in Flusshing and Briel, 2350, i.e. 950 above the numbers allowed in the Contract. 300 may be taken from Flusshing and 200 from Briell, to make the 500 required for Berghen.
Endd. 28 January, 1588. 3 pp. [Holland XXX. f. 177.]
Another copy of the above list, the last sentence in Burghley's hand.
Undated. Endd. 3 pp. [Holland XXX. f. 179.]
Minute of the above letter to Willoughby, in Walsingham's hand, corrected.—Richmond, 27 January, 1588. Endd. with note of contents. 2 pp. [Holland XXX. f. 175.]
Jan. 28. Walsingham to Stafford.
“It is true that Phillyps was made acquainted with that billet that brought the first news of the death of the D[uke] of Guise. I willed him to acquaint some one that resorted to the French ambassador with the news, and to observe his countenance. That which was done by him in that behalf was done by my order.”
“Her Majesty resteth marvellously well satisfied with your service, and is most graciously inclined to do for you. You shall do well to take occasion, upon knowledge received from me of her well accepting of your service, to write a letter of thanks, containing also some other matter that you think may be grateful unto her….”—At the Court, 28 January, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. as received Feb. 11, by John Welles. ¾ p. [France XIX. f. 33.]
Jan. 28./Feb. 7. William Lyly to Stafford.
“We that walk but in the base court cannot but be amused when secretaries, and of the priviest of the cabinet, are amazed at the monstruous accidents of this court: this action and parture of Logniac being here so strange.” A report made about noon “that de Gau had sent his brother to the King to assure him that, although Logniac was appointed to command him there and was arrived, that he should alter nothing, and that which he had in his charge he would give good account of to his Majesty. But this is thought but a tale and false, amongst your touchstones.”
“It was told me, by him to whom you willed me to repair, that he knew that the other was in disgrace and that he sought his congé”: that he offered to serve Na[varre] and hated Belegard. “I told him the opinion was that all the prisoners were at League's commandment, and that he was best there [fore] to make his benefit of them. He assured me the contrary.” He denied that they were barricaded in Amboyse, for the Cardinal of Vendome heard this afternoon from his uncle that his liberty was increased, with no further news. D'O has gone after him with 30 horse, to recall him, not to fight with him. “The King of Navarre's man taketh all this for his master, and so do the rest and ply their legs and wits to look after it.” Has sounded “all yours, and the multitude,” this afternoon. The bruit is that the King would by subtlety deliver the prisoners to the King of Navarre, “and therefore caused this escape to be made to give better colour for the same to use a second, and so not mistrusted himself. But thereupon fall out so many ill conclusions as I never believed it. Another told me that divers of the ‘Quarante-Cinq’ of the cabinet were licensed and that Lognac, feeling the cause and himself to have a share, made a party and sought to make his benefit. And other, that he demanded the castle of Angiers, which was refused him with many ill words, … whereupon he went away. All these have appearance, and in France feasible because many smaller ‘singeries’ than these are done. The man told me that indeed the King had the night before given a confirmation of Angiers to the governor, and, he seeking to impeach it and demanding it as a parcel of his gift and the castle of Amboyse to be confirmed to him, upon refuse took his leave: and it is said that the King of Navarre's forces are about Saumur and Loches, not far off if he have any need, being friend to [E]pernon.”
Nevers sick, or at the least will be so. Y holdeth no good opinion of him and by his own speeches, used to him, that all was ruined. He told me that Mme. Nemours told his wife that if the deed merited death, he did more, for he was the cause. So he concludeth thereupon a fear in conscience of a fault committed on both sides, which is not yet pardoned, having offended the other party also.”
Retz gone to the baths in Italy. Promised to ‘practise’ the princes there for the King. He was taken prisoner by Nemours' lieutenant near Mollins. His actions are much suspected here. Nevers is very sorry for him, “they running all one course.”
“The Grand Almoner of the King stole hence with 20,000 crowns in gold, which is taken from him and he no harm.”
“Madame de Nemours may do no great matter, for de Mayne is in fury and protesteth that he will never put off the cuirass until such time as he hath revenged his brothers' deaths. He is gone to Paris to reconcile quarrels amongst them, being two or three but the principal is between Obrey and le Clark whereupon there is much hoped here.” Orléans discontented about the garrison he leaves there. Mme. de Nemours may do something with Nemours, for she may rule him: also the Duke of Savoy is said to hate him, “which is contradictory to the opinion your lordship holdeth of his ‘enlargishement.’”Talked to someone about this to-night: he said that those hearing Gray's cause got a friend to urge the King to examine those of the Grand Prior's chamber. It was refused, so he suspects “that the King was witting to his parture and that Belegarde had practised it four days before and every day had visited him thereabout…. The King commanded that no man should enter into the cabinet but the Grand Prior and Bellegard, upon which Logniac desired his leave, and the King answered him he should do him favour if he did never see him more: whereupon he parted. It may be some apprehension of his faithful executing servants maketh him discontent them, the occasion being past, and so to be rid of them and so withal satisfy de Mayne who demandeth in bloody words but his revenge of the counsellors and executors of his brethren….”
To-day 2000 men, mostly horse, came from Espernon. “Many speak against him but your lordship shall see him return again in credit, for here are no counsellors now but la Guiche and Cardinal Lenancourt. One of these days Mavasiere must needs come in.”
The Bishop of Mans gone to Rome.
To-day the King sent for Rilly, the deprived governor of Amboyse.
Revol still makes excuses: neither the Spaniard nor the Venetian have had audience. The former very annoyed, and speaks of returning to where Stafford is.
“Your lordship will do well to write one word to W earnestly to aid the little priest and your host….”—7 February, 1589.
Postscript. Chatres still quiet, though Sagone annoys its ' faux-bourgs.' Sends Bylly's almanack, which costs but half a crown.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. Words in italics in cipher: Lilly's cipher symbols, except in a few cases, crossed out and replaced by Stafford's cipher with Walsingham. 2 ¼ pp. [France XIX. f. 56.]
Jan. 28. Thomas, Lord Burgh, to Walsingham.
Desiring his honour, at the officers' instance, to give warrant for the sending over to this town of 40 or 50 men to fill up the companies, decayed by reason of the late visitation of the plague. Men are not suddenly to be had here, and the garrison is further weakened by the absence of Captain Bret's company. Besides himself and the lieutenant-governor, there are no captains here: one more, at least, is needed.—Brille, 28 January.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. ¾ p. [Holland XXX. f. 181.]
[Jan. 28, last date.] Extract from a certificate by Robert Petre, esquire, of money imprested out of the Receipt of the Exchequer to Sir Thomas Sherley, Treasurer at Wars in Holland, etc., Michaelmas term, 30–31 Eliz., by the hands of Richard Stoneley, Henry Killigrew, Robert Freake; for the weekly lendings of the forces for two months, 4 December, 1588 to 28 January, for a store of victuals, and for the horse bands; by virtue of a writ dated 19 November, 31 Eliz. Sum 21,100l. Examined by John Conyere.
Add. to Mr. Henry Maynard. ½ p. [Holland XXX. f. 183.]
Jan. 28,/Feb. 7. Answer of the States General to Bodley's reply.
In answer to his reply, exhibited on the 4th [N.S.], the States General declare as follows:—
Their deeds will correspond to their promises to satisfy her Majesty in all points not contrary to the weal of the countries.
Considering the evil dealings of the Leyden exiles and the prisoners at Utrecht, most of whom are foreigners, some accused and some convicted of attempts to overthrow the government of the said towns and of the whole country, the States trust that her Majesty will not demand their restoration when she is duly informed of their offences. Adhere to their reply about their assembly, etc.
The instructions to the Council of State do not infringe the Treaty. The Governor of her Majesty's assistance, her representatives in the Council, and the native Councillors, have no more right to quarrel with their instructions from the States, than councillors of kingdoms have to dispute those of their kings. (fn. 5) " The good reasons for the redress of the former instructions are sufficiently notorious, but the public interest requires that the reasons be not debated.
Have again written to urge Utrecht and Overyssel to send their Councillors of State.
When Bodley is better informed of the rights and liberties of these countries and of the States General and particular, as well as of the authority of the Admiral General, of the provincial Governors, and other colleges of the country, he will find no difficulty in the fifth article of their former reply. Nor will he find it contrary to the Treaty. It seems strange that he should complain of the use of the vulgar tongue in the Council of State, or of the resolutions of the States General (from whence the Council derives its authority), or that the States hear the report of those sent on missions during their recess. It is also strange that he should find fault with the conclusion of the fourth article of their reply.
The reference to gold and silver mines was for the information of those who might wish to govern these countries in a way contrary to their natural course. The States after the experience of this long war are better informed than those who advise upon their affairs from afar off. Bodley is ill-informed as to what was done at the beginning of the war, for the trade with the enemy was then, after God, the chief means of their preservation. However, they will conform to her Majesty's pleasure touching the traffic to Spain, so far as is compatible with the countries' interest, and provided that all be treated alike and in lawful and orderly fashion.—7 February, 1589.
Original signed Heermale, and countersigned C. Aerssens. Marginal notes of contents in English, with one or two notes by Burghley. Endd. French. ¾ pp. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 35.]
Another copy of the above without the marginal notes, etc. Endd. French. 3 pp. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 37.]
Jan. 28./Feb. 7. Answer of the States General to Bodley's reply.
In answer to Bodley's reply, exhibited on the 4th [N.S.], the States General declare as follows:— They well understand that her Majesty's preoccupation with the defence of her own realms last year delayed the performance of her Council's apostilles to their letter of April 13 last. However, they have been assailed by the enemy, not for one year, but for seventeen. The delay in performing these promises breeds daily greater confusion. Thank him for the offer of his good offices.
As regards the governors of the places of assurance and the admiralties there, tbe States are content with Bodley's answer, if it be performed.
The States declared roundly (according to the custom of the country), and still declare, that the overcharging of the Brielle and Flushing with extraordinary garrisons is a wrong upon the country. They impute it, not to her Majesty, but to those who seek to alienate her from them. They confess that her Majesty has greatly benefited them, yet, nevertheless, what she does is done ex contractu et obligatione, and her expenses are to be repaid. The Treaty does not allow the 1000 horse and 5000 foot to be employed in the places of assurance, for which other garrisons are provided: they are to serve elsewhere under those who govern these countries, and they are not at her Majesty's direction. As they are in the places of assurance contrary to the Treaty and to the desire of those who govern these countries, her Majesty ought to bear their charges. Several of their maritime towns are frequented six times as much as Flushing, yet are securely held with smaller garrisons than that ordinarily there. If her Majesty thinks that the Briele and Flushing are not sufficiently assured by their present garrisons, she should deal with the countries about it. The States will urge her to rid herself of evil and factious instruments and to keep her forces in good order, assuring her of the loyalty of the countries and of the places of assurance.
The States desire the performance of the promises, made in the apostilles, for the repayment of money imprested to those in her Majesty's pay before the date of the apostilles.
That imprests and victuals advanced since then, be repaid in cash, as is promised.
They desire that the Briele imprests be paid from her Majesty's treasure, as is promised by the apostilles. If not, it must be expressly stated. Otherwise the States will be forced to blame upon this cause a large part of the evils and disturbances that will ensue. A flat refusal better than a vain hope. Cannot be responsible for forces sent over, without their consent and without any provision for their payment, under pretext that the Governor-General levied them. Governors of these countries have not this power, and even the Princes were not allowed to introduce troops—even at their own charges—without the States' consent. No officers of the States mustered these troops, though some of the Earl of Leicester's may have done. Some of these levies may have died in this service, but a large number also joined the enemy.
The States are ignorant of any promise in the Treaty to acquaint the Governor of her Majesty's assistance with the date of musters. Such information, when given, has greatly increased abuses.
As regards the notorious weakness of her Majesty's assistance of 1000 horse, the States General cannot see that her Majesty need be offended that their only answer to her proposal has been that they must refer it back to their principals. In any case they ask only that the wants may be supplied by money; the amount would be the same either way, and if money were supplied there would be no quarrelling over apportioning any blame.
Experience has shown that good musters are impossible if warning is given beforehand. The States' commissaries are to assist at no musters of which warning has been given. When no warning has been given, they shall be present. This is the practice of these countries, and also, they believe, of England.
They adhere to their declaration about excises and imposts. Desire him to take in good part their plain dealing.—7 February, 1589.
Original signed Heermale, and countersigned C. Aerssens. Marginal notes of contents, in English. Endd. French. 5⅓ pp. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 39.]
Another copy of the above.
Endd. French. 7 ⅓ pp. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 44.]
Jan. 29./Feb. 8. William Lyly to Stafford.
Gave W his lordship's letter this evening. “He assured me that the cause was without cunning or ‘dissimuling’ and that the night he parted the King said unto Loignak that now he might go to Angers and possess himself thereof … and that when the other had given him that to bite on, he, before the King, wished death and that his estate had never been altered to have so great a fall, but upon it presently resolved to that which is now.” Since being at Ambois, he wrote very contentedly to W. He sent letters thither by Robert. Saw copies of them made by the King of Navarre's man. The messenger not yet back.
Logniac is said to have expelled la Ferté's company from Amboyse, whereupon they and the town “barricaded against the castle.” Troops sent thither to-day.
W has sent Loignak instructions which he is willing for Stafford to see. He and the King of Navarre's man may do the King of Navarre good service, and the French King also.
Paris offers du Gau 400,000 crowns for his prisoners. He sent the letters to the King, with assurance that he would keep the prisoners safely.
“Retz hath lost 12,000 crowns at his taking. It is thought that Montigny hath a share in the money.”
The King sent d'O to Mer, because they would not admit Brienne's company.
Marshal d'Omond is said to have written to the King that those about him betray him.
Nevers and the King fear one another.
The League is said to offer Poigny for the Bishop of Lyons.
Sagonie is the name blotted out in Lyly's penultimate letter. He took near Chartres Montescot, one of the King's treasurers, “and before Nau he playeth the devil.”
La Chatinerai and his troops have joined the League.
“…I conclude that to Loignak, the King of Navarre, and Epernon, as there is assurance, this accident cannot but bring forth somewhat to great good….”
This evening, saw letters from Rome. The French ambassador denied audience "until one of the church come from his master." The Bishop of Mans will soon be there and “it is thought a little praying will procure a pardon.”
Talk of trouble at Genua about Doria's request for aid for the King of Spain. Lucca in arms, fearing some treachery from the Grand Duke of Tuscany.
The Duke of Ferrara protects the Papal States' bandits, to the annoyance of the Pope. The Venetian and Ferrarese ambassadors, who go to Stafford to-night, can inform him more fully. The Venetian has had no audience.—8 February, 1589.
Postscript. The Declaration of Rebellion sealed at noon yesterday and will probably soon be published.
W says that Loignak “would not his company” and that the King would have sent him to Loignak but he would not go. The King, he said, offered Loignak Angiers, “which was doubtful to be possessed, [and] redemanded Amboise and the prisoners, ‘et hinc ilia miseria.’ W telleth me that he serveth Loignak to good purpose.”
The King of Navarre it is said has taken Partyné. His forces to rendezvous at Doué, four leagues from Saumur. This uncertain.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1¾ pp. [France XIX. f. 58.]
Jan. 29./Feb. 8. Lord Wyllughby to Walsingham.
Refers his execution of her Majesty and the Council's commands touching the Portingale voyage to the report of this bearer. Denies the rumour of slackness on the part of himself or of those chosen for the journey, of which Sir John Norrys writes. Refers all other matters till his own return. Thanks him for his “honourable courtesy in procuring me these last good turns….” —The Haghe, 8 February, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. "8 February, 1589,
stilo novo." ¾ p. [Holland XXXI. f. 11.]
Jan. 30. Lord Wyllughby to Henry Killigrew.
“I can write you hence no other news but that the States grow continually more and more out of taste with me, and the fairer I speak them, the more unkindly they entreat me. I need not dilate much, because their humours are well known to yourself, and to none better. They are now further out of liking with me than with Sir William Russell, but I expect daily some news to be called home….”—The Hagh, 30 January, 1588.
Holograph postscript. Could not let this bearer pass without writing.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Holland XXX. f. 185.]
Jan. 30. Thomas Bodley to Walsingham.
Encloses copy of what he delivered to the States General upon his instructions, also of their answer and his reply. (fn. 6) " By Mr. Gilpin and Mr. Killigrewe's advice altered and added to his instructions a little. They are very stiff, especially Barnevelt, who has no confidence in English promises and seems quite alienated from any good conceit of her Majesty's proceedings, though Bodley has dealt with him both in private and in public. He penned the answer, which “savoureth altogether of his ordinary phrase, which is somewhat violent, imperious, and bitter.”
“I am urged by the Council, and somewhat angrily sometimes, about the reducing of the cautionary towns to the number by contract. Whereto I make no other answer but that it was her Highness' resolution, and so doth continue, unless their backwardness in granting her petitions shall occasion the contrary.”
Urges them to release Deventer and to restore those of Leiden, President Aisma. etc.; but their very names are odious, especially Deventer's, who, they fear, would use his freedom to practice in England or elsewhere against these Provinces. Moreover, has been told that, since his coming over, Deventer has braved the magistrates of Utrecht with insufferable insolence. “They have lately charged him again with new articles, and restrained him of his former liberty in prison. I do partly see by the humour of his letters that his own vainglory doth hurt him very much and doth make him advise his friends to such courses in his behalf as would turn in the end to their discredit and no good to himself. Nevertheless, for that I know it is her Majesty's pleasure, I do not give over to practice his enlargement. He writeth very often unto me, and this day he requested me by letter to write once again to the Count de Meurs, which I have done to such purpose as himself hath requested. Likewise for Saravia, and the rest of Leiden, Prise, etc., I can get no other answer than that which is in writing.”
Cannot yet write of their means to continue their contributions or defend any places; nor of which principals here are best affected to her Majesty, nor of other questions requiring answer in his private memorial from his honour.
Mr. Gilpin thinks money might be taken up for her Majesty in sundry places in Germany upon the Merchants Adventurers' bonds.
Received his honour's last of December 27 and, as directed, sent on her Majesty's letter to Scheincke by an express messenger, who has now been gone fourteen days.
Leaves Mr. Gilpin to advertise “the particular proceedings of divers provinces,” for their consultations are usually in Flemish, “and likewise the book of their records, which is always in his handling.” The States General and the States of Holland and Zeeland proceed without the privity of the Council of State. Desires, therefore, to be informed, whenever necessary, of any articles, etc., presented by Ortell or any others.
For the matters of the Portugal voyage, refers to the Lord General's letters, and to Sir Edward Norris' relation, whose diligence and discretion are to be commended.—The Hage, 30 January, '88.
Holograph. Marginal notes of contents. Add. Endd. with note of contents. 2 2/3 pp. [Holland XXX. f. 187.]
Jan. 31. Stafford to the Privy Council.
Upon receipt of their letters touching the stay of certain French ships laden with corn for Spain, he wrote to the King (who has given no audiences to ambassadors since his mother's death, although greatly pressed by some that assisted at her funerals; also he is sick with the emoroides).
He writes in answer that he is content the corn should be sold in England to the best benefit of his subjects, as will more amply appear by the copies of his letters sent to Mr. Secretary.—Vendosme, last of January, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd.p. [France XIX. f. 35.]
Jan.31/Feb.10 William Lyly to Stafford.
Revol said yesterday that an answer to his lordship had been written two days ago: delay due to the King's indisposition.
“For your lodging he bid me assure you from the King that the town where you were was more assured and that the Grand Council was sent thither for that purpose.” Complained about Don Diego. He said that the King had considered all and that Don Diego must go there. Lyly said Diego had less to fear in the town than Stafford. Revol answered that the Grand Council would ensure Stafford's safety. Pressed for Stafford's audience. Revol excused it on the ground of the King's indisposition: the other ambassadors had been refused. The Abbot de Stroz[zi] made a similar reply, adding that the other ambassadors are to treat with Revol. Lyly pressed for the audience.
Revolt of Roan reported, and that M. Carouges, the premier president, and two more are in prison.
La Chatre gone to Orleans. De Mayne attends him on the way to Paris.
At Paris they now use the King's name and coin with his stamp, after much dispute about it. They proclaim that none shall speak ill of the King. Fears this will work on the King's inclination and breed some ill effect.
Tinteville said to have routed St. Paul, slaying 800. Tavannes said to have taken Digion and agreed with Fervaques: Scorsi said to be nearby.
Nevers is still sick and I think hath cause to suspect the King of Navarre's man or la Chatre, (fn. 7) " his promises are so well performed.” Fickleness of these men here.
Partene not taken. The Bordeaux ordinary says that the Vicomte de Turine, Chastillion, and Charboniere's companies are near Poictiers ready for some enterprise.
“Tours is now also in great despair, President Vergier having played his part. The King yesternight sent M. So very thither.”
De Mayne at Etampes for three days: left Chastineray with 150 horse and a regiment there. Reported overtures by de Mayne to Navarre.
M. de Pluviers has gone to Logniac to offer him 200 horse, if he need them. Briennes is here, malcontent, for only Bellegard and the Grand Prior come into the cabinet. “W desireth you that it [sic] may be deferred until Sunday or Monday, for that Robert is not returned from Loignak in his last voyage, wherewith he standeth extremely pensive not knowing what is happened to him….”—10 February, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1¾ pp. [France XIX. f. 60.]
[Jan.] Abuses of the Flushing captains.
They often change the soldiers of their bands, without settling up their accounts with them. Hence many soldiers return and go a-begging, while the captains grow rich. Moreover by these frequent changes the troops are always “raw and green” instead of “old trained men.”
They do not keep their men properly armed. When a poor soldier is ‘put away’ his armour, for which he paid, is taken from him and sold to a new recruit. The captain may make 2l. or 3l. a year in this way.
They do not keep their bands full, though her Majesty pays for them as full.
They “enroll … divers freebooters, which are the wickedest people that may be and exclaimed on by all the preachers,” not keeping the watches but cruelly spoiling the country, bringing in prisoners not to further the cause but to enrich the captain. They are of Low Country birth, and her Majesty's order forbids strangers in her bands, especially in the cautionary towns.
To avoid these evils good and incorruptible commissaries of musters are necessary.
Endd. with date. 1 2/3 pp. [Holland XXX. f. 189.]
[Jan.] Humble Petition of Richard Huddilston, esquire, late Treasurer at Wars in the Low Countries.
Payments made by him, but disallowed for want of warrants.
Sir Philip Butler, captain of 50 lances, 11 Jan., 1585, to 11 Oct., 1586. [Margin: Butler had commission from his excellency for 100 lances and demanded pay after that rate allowed to a captain of 100. The muster master refused, the commission not being enrolled with him: hence never issued any warrants at all for him, though the muster of 4 May, 1585 [sic], showed him to have 59 lances then.] 102l. 125. This being allowed, 188l. 15s. remains due to Butler.
Avery Randolphe, 35l., Charles Hunninges, 8l., and Peter Cryspe, 40l., by imprests. [Margin: Were in Queen's pay on 11 April, 1586, and then were taken into States' pay, four months before the Treasurer was informed: he continued to pay their imprests, as above, during that time, and has charged them in his accounts to the States.] 83l.
Lord Audley; Dr. William Clarke, judge marshal; Henry Swynerton, muster-master; Henry Swanne, a corporal of the field. [Margin: Were in States' pay, but relieved when necessary, as the States relieved those in her Majesty's pay: charged in account to States.] 44l.
Sir John Peyton (besides 110l. defalked from Capt. Cromwell) out of 180l. delivered to him for the English in the States' pay at Berghes-op-Zompe. [Margin: Under-treasurer took the money for troops in Queen's pay: those in the States' pay mutinied because not also relieved: so 180l. imprested to them, and charged in account to States.] 70l.
Total [in another hand: warrant to be procured from Queen.] 299l. 12s.
Allowances demanded of the captains and refused for want of acquittances.
Colonel Morgan, 27l. 16s. 4d.; Capt. Cromwell, 27l. 10s. 6d.; Sir Philip Butler, 35l. 4s. 8d.; Capt. Ferfax, 32l. 4s. 8d. for his dead pays, 100th penny, clerk, etc. [Margin: These never made up their accounts, or he would have obtained their acquittances. In another hand: Cannot be allowed by any order of account.] 122l. 16s. [sic]
for his entertainment of 36s. 8d. daily, with 20s. allowed him by Sir John Norreis; for 122 days, 12 August, 1585, to 11 Dec, 1586 [sic]. 223l. 13s. 4d.
For his entertainment of 56s. 8d. daily, for 122 days, 12 Oct., 1586, to 31 Jan., 1586. 317l. 6s. 8d.
For his and his officers' charges in following this account. [Margin, in a different hand: Allowance shall be made when the account finished.]
For loss on money taken up and delivered by exchange.
115l. on 2000l. taken up 15 Oct., 1585, at 31s. 5d. Flemish the pound, of John Wevile and James Boyle; 99l. on 1500l. taken up of the Merchants Adventurers at 31s. 3d. and 31s. Flemish, by Mr. Davison's order; 107l. 17s. 6d. on 4415l. taken up of the same by his excellency's order, at 32s. 6d. Flemish. 68l. 10d. on 2268l. 10d. delivered to the States' agent in England.
[Margin, in a different hand: Warrants necessary.] 390l. 4s. 4d.
Rent of two houses; in Middleburgh (Jaques Wyndryke), 90l., at the Haughe (Peter Perssyn) 30l. [Margin, in a different hand: To be allowed if he shows the parties' acquittances, “though the rents be very great.”] 120l.
“For paper, ink, parchment, paper books; and sundry large chests with double locks, coffers, and trunks” for transporting and keeping the treasure. [Margin, in a different hand: 100 marks will suffice.] 150l.
For reward to the Debute Tellers and their clerks in the Receipt, as a fee due to them, at the rate of 20s. on 1000l. for 146,000l. [Crossed out. Margin, in a different hand: Not to be allowed.] 146l.
For three waggons following the camp for two months, above the 105. each a day allowed. [Margin: Warrant necessary.] 90l.
Endd. with date, and by Burghley “to be perused by Mr. Chancellor. W. Burghley.” 4 large pp. [Holland XXX. f. 191.]


  • 1. On February 1, N.S.—L'Estoile, Registre Journal de Henri III (Coll. Michaud et Poujoulat), p. 283.
  • 2. She entered Paris on February 11, N.S.—Ibid., p. 284: thus Lilly must be dating N.S.
  • 3. On February 4, N.S.: printed in B. de Puchesse, Lettres de Catherine de Médicis IX. 498–510.
  • 4. It was dated February 6, N.S.—Mémoires de la Ligue, III. 216.
  • 5. There is a line drawn in the margin against this sentence, with a hand pointing to it.
  • 6. Above, pp. 38–9, 42–3, 66–9.
  • 7. Cipher symbol omitted by Lyly and these words written in by Stafford in his cipher with Walsingham. 6—(12)