Index: U

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Index: U', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: U', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: U". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Udall, Udalle, Uvedall, Uvedalle, Viudall, Vuedall, Sir Edmund:
-, letter from, 112.
-, money paid to, 176.
-, opinion of, on troops' pay and clothing, 352–3.
-, company of, at Bergen, 71, 138; sent to Flushing, 349, 372.

Umbilicum Reip, 385.

Umbria [Italy], 20.

Underwalde. See Unterwalden.

Underwood, Undrewood, —, 380.

United Provinces, the, 187, 268, 278:
-, Willoughby's discourse on, referred to, 8; his complaints of government of, 37; he thinks changes imminent in, 58, 59.
-, Willoughby to return from, 21, 22; he desires recall from, 37, 57.
-, liberties, etc., of, referred to, 42, 119, 121, 217, 313.
-, English troops not allowed in towns of, 54.
-, will not hear of peace, 65.
-, Willoughby leaving, 79, 98, 154; he has left, 110, 111, 113; his departure, referred to, 132, 157, 164, 189, 322.
-, very quiet, 113.
-, rejoice at French troubles, 114; which relieve pressure on, 322.
-, Leicester's departure from, referred to, 119.
-, States accuse English of misguiding, 121; Queen only defence of, 132.
-, Fremin disgraced for supporting English party in, 132.
-, Treaty allows Queen to garrison town outside Holland and Zeeland, 143; and to hear disputes in, 144–5.
-, Queen's disavowal of seditions in, needless, 146; she has not stirred dissensions in, 147; she should urge them to unity, 255.
-, money paid to creditors of English forces, 175, 176.
-, Parma ordered to besiege towns in, 189.
-, memorial on disorders in, 191, 369; imperfect government of, 195; disorders in government of, 328.
-, Bodley deplores weakness of, 195; Gilpin's views on, 200, 323.
-, Willoughby should return to, 195, 200; he will not return to, 288.
-, Caron going to, 214.
-, should be bound jointly and severally for debts to Queen, 239, 306; her large expenses for, 266.
-, can hardly live without trade and fishery, 256, 296; depend on sea-borne trade, 283.
-, Queen sending envoy to reform government of, 265.
-, German merchants will not lend till see result of Parma's war with, 269.
-, Buckhurst's questions on, 286.
-, people would be more amenable if cautionary towns held firmly, 291.
-, a little powder made in, 295.
-, notes for amending Treaty about,308, 325.
-, enemy makes great efforts against, 310; and threatens heart of, 385, 390, 406.
-, Oldenbarvelt's courses will harm, 404.
-, trade and shipping of. See merchants; piracy; ships; trade; trade with the enemy.

-, admiralties of:
-, cautionary town governors not to meddle with, 39, 68, 76.
-, Gilpin criticises, 65.
-, C. of S. should control, 120.
-, denied Colston justice, 147.
-, States' ships belong to, 296.
-, superintending college established, 323.

-, army of:
-, contingent for Portugal, 16, 108; delayed, 103.
-, paid by 48 day month, 21; checks made for defect of numbers, 110; placart about musters in, 129–30; bands weaker than English, 352.
-, should reinforce Ostend and Bergen, 22, 40, 64, 71, 110, 199, 273; no forces available, 46, 53; Ostend needs company of, 158; cannot aid Ostend, 327.
-, troops sent to Gelderland, 65; Maurice sending forces to Tholen, 157, 196.
-, Huddleston's payments to English in, 82–3; English discharged from, should be paid, 238; Leicesters' followers discharged from, 277, 329; English and Scots discharged from, 281.
-, Willoughby's authority over, 111; Queen's general should advise on, 284.
-, few men available, 114; cannot provide field army, 144, 238, 268; weakness of, 271, 272, 276; lacks leaders, 271, 276, 400.
-, C. of S. urges States to send more forces to Zeeland, 114.
-, C. of S. should control, 120; and pay, 230.
-, ten new bands to be raised but few will serve, 280, 286; the levy failed, 329.
-, Buckhurst's questions about, 287; States' envoys' answers on, 294–5; notes for amending treaty, 305–7; points for envoys to discuss, 325.
-, état de guerre, referred to, 294, 370.
-, all forces in Gelderland, 327; no more available for Heusden, 385, 390, 392; drawn out of garrisons, 393; weak, 400, 406.
-, mutinies in, referred to, 352.
-, commissaries of, 205, 206, 238; sent to Ostend, 30, 267, 283, 284. See also army, English, in Netherlands; Matruyt, Joris; Rijswijk, Jan van; Wael, A. de.
-, council of wars of, 306; names of, 237.
-, operations of. See Blienbeck; Geertruidenberg; Heusden; Nassau-Dillenburg, William Louis of; Rheinberg; Schenk, Martin.

-, Council of State of, 64, 330:
-, letters from, 264, 312, 390, 406.
-, letters from, referred to, 100, 155, 194, 278, 311, 381, 385, 391, 406.
-, letters to, referred to, 114, 116, 155, 157, 309.
-, warrants of, referred to, 120.
-, dealings with Friesland (1586–8), 4–5; Frisians ignore requests of, for Aysma, 183; they send deputy to, 294.
-, Digges' requests to, on musters, 8–9, 61; has not replied, 32, 60.
-, Bodley presented to, 10; admitted, 11; delayed, 23, 31, 32; finally admitted, 34; his oath, 40.
-, lothe to admit Gilpin as interpreter, 11; he keeps records of, 80.
-, sends deputies to Utrecht, 19; they return, 65.
-, Villiers asks, for leave to retire, 19.
-, States disregard, 23; States, Holland, Zeeland ignore, 80; not told of States' proceedings, 113.
-, vainly sent to muster Bergen and Ostend, 30; did not tell Willoughby, 69.
-, protests at States' instructions, 31; they infringe treaty, 237, 284, 310, 323.
-, Bodley's requests about instructions to, 38; States' reply, 42; his answer, 67; their reply, 75; dislikes States' replies to Bodley, 116–7.
-, Utrecht and Overijsel do not send to, 38, 67; they are sending deputies to, 42, 75; Utrecht sends deputy to, 294.548
-, denies promise to replace Portugal withdrawals, 53; orders cautionary towns to reinforce Bergen and Ostend, 65; urges reduction of cautionary garrisons, 79; Bergen will send no men without consent of, 98; Bodley to inform, about horse-bands, 128.
-, should hear T. M. Wingfield's case, 55.
-, Voocht reports to States instead of to, 66, 67, 75.
-, debates provincial affairs in Flemish, 67, 75, 80; should not, 121, 308.
-, Queen should refer complaints against States to, 109, 255.
-, urges Schenk to send agent, 114; appoints deputies to deal with him, 141.
-, urges new levies for Zeeland, 114.
-, sends deputies to Utrecht, 114; hears Utrecht Lutherans' petition, 148.
-, Bodley again protests at instructions to, 115–6; his declaration, 119–21; referred to, 230; Willoughby's objections, referred to, 115–6, 119, 288.
-, presents griefs to States, 116; who infringe treaty authority of, 122.
-, discharged on Leicester's resignation, 119; new instructions to, referred to, 191.
-, States' placart on musters made by advice of, 129; orders on musters by, referred to, 310.
-, Maurice and States ignore, over Geertruidenberg, 140, 141, 167, 174; Maurice asks, to send deputies, 155; sends them, 157; Bodley offered to aid, 155; Willoughby offered to aid, 169; asks Bodley to go thither, 194; revokes this, 195; account of dealings with the town, 206; Bodley to deal with, about it, 213.
-, to hear cases of treason, etc., 142.
-, answers to Ortel about, 144–7; answer about requests of, 255.
-, disallows English army's new establishment, 170; should approve aliens in bands, 250; and special allowances, 251.
-, Queen should maintain authority of, 191; she has required its restoration, 229–30; authority
-, of, diminishes, 280; should be restored, 310; notes for amending treaty on, 305–8; does not control army, finances, or admiralties, 323.
-, K. Salisbury to answer before, 196; warned Morgan against him, 204.
-, wishes Queen to write for Morgan, 204; Bergen disobeys, 262; writes to Queen about Bergen, 278.
-, was to hear Sonoy's petition, 215.
-, appointed Lovell sergeant-major of Bergen, 225; Crooke to be sworn before, as provost-marshal, 299; ordinance on his powers, 309.
-, Flanders and Brabant not represented in, 239.
-, English forces should obey, 255; States' envoys ask it, 395.
-, credence for Egmont, etc., from, 264.
-, has provided for Ostend, 273; Matruyt praised Conway to, 385.
-, deals about Yasseur, 286; discusses case with States, 310; is to try him, 311; writes to Privy Council thereon, 312–3; should mediate, 322; act of, about Vasseur, 338; dealt with Bodley thereon, 380.
-, dislikes Oldenbamevelt's speech against English, 311.
-, Deventer's relations with, 316.
-, sends two deputies to Culemborg, 323.
-, asks Schenk for men for Heusden, etc., 381; asks for English, 385, 391; requests to Queen and Borlas, 390; Borlas refuses, 393; again asks Conway, 406.
-, list of Schenk's losses sent to, 391.
-, musters commissaries sworn before, 398; rolls to be sent weekly to, 399.
-, English members of, 144, 256, 296, 308, 395; governed by treaty, 120, 121; their pay not approved, 192; should cooperate with States, 255; should know of admiralty matters, 323. See also Beale, Robert; Bodley, Thomas; Clarke, Dr. Bartholomew; Killigrew, Henry; Wilkes, Thomas.
-, greffier of. See Huygens, Christopher.
-, members of. See Donia, Kemp van; Egmond, Jacob van; Leoninus, Elbertus; Loosen, Sebastian van; Mathenesse, Jan van; Meynarts, Simon; Teelinck, Joos Eewoutsz.; Valcke, Jacob.
-, registers of, referred to, 308, 338.
-, secretary of. See Gilpin, George; Zuylen, Gijsbrecht van.
-, usher of, 317.

-, finances of:
-, Dordrecht to pay Vijgh, 1.
-, value of Frisian revenues, 5—6, 295.
-, Wingfield's plan for paying Geertruidenberg, referred to, 21; garrison's demands, 142, 174; siege will strain resources, 155, 174; money paid to garrison, 159, 173, 205–7, 330; ten months' pay due, 186.
-, Bodley cannot yet write of, 80.
-, States lothe to increase charges, 114.
-, loan to Navarre, 114.
-, C. of S. should control, 120, 230, 284, 307; Leicester controlled, 145–6.
-, debt to Fremin, 132; disputed debts to Sonoy, 214–5.
-, garrisons increase cautionary town revenues, 143.
-, money sent to Schenk, 156.
-, poverty of frontier provinces, 200.
-, inadequate revenues, 238, 272.
-, grant for Ostend, 266, 273, 284; delayed, 323.
-, Arnhem troops unpaid, 271.
-, Buckhurst's questions about, 287; States' envoys' answers to questions on, 294–6; notes for amending treaty on, 305–7; points to discuss with States, 325.
-, ordinary contributions, 80, 256, 287, 294, 307, 309, 323; Vijgh not to touch, 1; Frisian, 4, 5, 294; enemy forbids Brabant to pay, 114; not enough to pay garrisons, 144, 238; of frontier provinces small, 200; Geertruidenberg seized Brabant, 206; Ortel asks Queen to urge payment of, 255.
-, extraordinary contributions, 6, 238, 325.
-, convoys and licences. See under passports; master of the convoys, 308.
-, customs and excises, 143, 192, 256; Frisian, 5, 6; Bodley asks English troops' exemption from, 39, 69; States refuse, 77, 123, 190, 239.
-, provincial moyens reservés, 5, 294, 295.
-, salt tax, 294.
-, état de guerre, referred to, 294, 370.
-, disputes over accounts with English. See under army, English,
-, in Netherlands.

-, navy, fleet, vloot, of:
-, Friesland has many ships, 6.
-, lying off Lillo, 9; before Antwerp, 102, 272, 299.
-, Dunkirkers take ship, 10; nine or ten before Dunkirk, 356.
-, report that 30 warships go on Portugal voyage, 16; six promised are unlikely to go, 168.
-, transports for Engl is] i unready, 101.
-, English guns bought for, 106, 253, 356.
-, C. of S. should control, 120; is under admiralty, 296.
-, boats gathered against Geertruidenberg, 141, 148; attack town, 154, 156, 159, 160.
-, licences and customs maintain, 192, 296.
-, Flushing fits out pinnaces, 253, 356.
-, Dordrecht ships desert, 272.
-, about eighty warships in, 295–6.
-, treaty vague on aid to Queen, 308.
-, Borlas asks ships to lie off Ostend, 327.
-, four ships blockade Elbe, 331.
-, Schenk's boats on Rhine, 339, 400.

-, provinces of:
-, estates of, 42; their rights, referred to, 43, 75; guardians of sovereignty, 86; disorders of, 229; financial powers of, 294–5; should give deputies to States General more power, 307.
-, powers of governors of, referred to, 42, 43, 75; C. of S. should control them, 120; oath to them, referred to, 146.
-, councils of, 170, 120.
-, Scots envoys referred to estates of, 114.
-, estates of, should forbid trade with enemy, 164.
-, Queen should disavow enemies of estates of, 352.
-, Bodley's requests referred to estates of, 373.
-, See also Friesland; Gelderland; Holland; Overijsel; Utrecht; Zeeland.

-, States General of, 104, 219:
-, letters from, 8, 33, 45, 106, 110, 128, 216, 257, 278, 369, 372.
-, letters from, referred to, 43, 76, 103, 108, 113, 132, 136, 149, 150, 205, 217, 223, 229, 283, 290, 297, 317, 329, 372.
-, letters to, 22, 64, 111, 199, 265, 273, 329, 333, 369, 372.
-, letters to, referred to, 40, 113, 114, 121, 173, 216, 266, 309, 338, 372, 373.
-, patents of, referred to, 237.
-, Vijgh agrees with, 1, 65; he signs terms, 114; deputies sent to carry them out, 271.
-, may congratulate Henry III, 1; offers to him (1585), referred to, 3; encouraged by French news, 58, 59, 114; hope for some rest thereby, 322.
-, ambassadors to Germany report to, 1; recall Hohenlohe, 400.
-, Leicester's appointment bv, referred to, 4, 121, 145, 277.
-, Groningen will never yield to, 6. send deputies to Utrecht, 19.
-, Wingfield's proposals on Geertruidenberg's payment by, 21; continued complaints about garrison, 65.
-, send ‘committees’ to Bodley, 23; send deputies to Willoughby, 30.
-, Schenk agrees to serve, three months more, 34; his cause to be settled, 65; his demands large, 114, 276; deputies to consider them, 141; not yet settled, 156; do little for him, 196; still dealing with him, 271; send deputies to Bergen for men for him, 279; agreement made, 280.
-, Bodley's oath to, 40; terms of Willoughby's oath to, 64.
-, angry with Morgan, 51.
-, Oldenbarnevelt rules, 51.
-, relations with Denmark, 59.
-, on as good terms as Queen with Scots, 59; Voocht reports to, 66, 67, 75; Ashley to aid them with Scottish negotiations, 103; send Voocht and van den Warck, 113–4.
-, Gilpin's report of proceedings of, 65, 113; proceed slowly if Holland absent, 140.
-, princes could not bring in troops without consent of, 77.
-, refer matters to principals, 77, 114, 235, 265, 373.
-, Deventer denies sovereignty of, 86; his relations with, 316–8.
-, Ostend treasurer's mission to, 99.
-, renunciation of Philip II by, referred to, 107, 181.
-, lothe to levy men for Zeeland, 114.
-, send deputies to Utrecht, 114, 140; they do little, 148, 156; they refer Lutherans' petition to, 156.
-, Navarre asks, to extend time of loan, 114.
-, may order spoiling of Brabant, 115.
-, Bodley admits, are absolute governors, 119.
-, placart of, on musters, 129.
-, discharged Fremin, 132; dismissed Junius, 177.
-, reply of, to Coimt William on Frisian affairs, 141; he urges offensive, 156; Frisian States disobeyed, 184; Kammingha sent to, 344.
-, Geertruidenberg refuses to obey, 142; it may prefer enemy to, 154, 156, 159, 166; Maurice did not inform, of attack on town, 155; violence of. against it, 156, 182; 0. of S. consults, 157; many dislike siege, 167; deputies of, there, 194; blamed for its loss, 200, 218, 226, 284.
-, resolution of, about treason trials, etc., 142; resolutions of, referred to, 173.
-, Houfnin was secretary to, 180, 181.
-, spies of, in Brabant, 196, 223; should appoint master of spies, 306.
-, placart of, against Geertruidenberg, 205–8. See also under Geertruidenberg.
-, may adopt extraordinary courses, 210; have lost their wits, 226; disorders in government of, 229; delays of, 235, 265; grow unpopular, 272, 280; at an end of their counsels, 276.
-, warned Morgan against Salisbury, 223; would dismiss him, 224.
-, appointed Maurice governor of Brabant, 237.
-, Flanders and Brabant not represented in, 239, 307.
-, Rheinberg asks aid of, 271.
-, Dordrecht sailors refuse oath to, 272.
-, Buckhurst's questions about authority of, 287; envoys' answers to questions about, 294–6.
-, mean to besiege Hemert, 287.
-, forbid contraband trade, 296.
-, commission of, appointing Crooke provost-marshal of Bergen, 299; referred to, 309, 320.
-, notes for amending treaty about, 306–7.
-, college of States at the Hague, 307.
-, decision of, on Vasseur's trial, 310–1; he was taken to be tried by, 327; urge severity against him, 338, 370.
-, Oldenbarnevelt's violent speech to, 311.
-, make grant to Truchsess, 324.
-, drawing up état de guerre, 370.
-, adjourned before 7 p.m., 372.
-, greffier of. See Aerssens, Cornells.
-, registers of, referred to, 58, 64.
-, solicitor of. See Ramet, William.
-, relations of C. of S. and. See under United Provinces, Council of State of.
-, relations between England and. See army, English, in Netherlands; Elizabeth, relations with United Provinces.

-, admiral-general of. See Nassau, Maurice of.

-, governors-general of, 86; their powers limited, 77; Willoughby should have their powers, 120.

-, receiver-general of. See Doubleth, Philip.

-,secretaries of, 146.

-, treasurer-general of. See Bye, Joris de.

Unterwalden, Underwalde, canton of [Switzerland], 326.

Urbano, captain, 90.

Urbino, duchy of [Italy], Pope to tax clergy of, 49; Spanish levies in, 302, 326.

-, duke of. See Francesco Maria II.

Uri, canton of [Switzerland], 326.

Usbecke, the Great Tartar, 88, 164.

Usiinbardi, Piero, secretary to duke of Tuscany, appointed bishop of Arezzo, 16; this uncertain, 20.

Utrecht, Utreght, Utricht, Utrickt, Utright, Utrycht, Utryct, Utryght, Uytrecht, Vytrecht, province of [Netherlands], 287:
-, not represented in C. of S., 38, 67; sending deputies, 42, 75; sends them, 294.
-, Mass said privately in, 148.
-, revenues, etc., of, 294–5.
-, enemy raid in, 373.
-, council of, 130.
-, court of, 316.
-, governors of. See Soete, Joos de; Solms, Adolf von.
-, English troops in. See Blunt, Sir Christopher; Champernon, Arthur.
-, States of:
-,-, letters from, referred to, 86; letters to, referred to, 137.
-,-, resolution on Cleerhagen by, referred to, 11.
-,-, release of Deventer, etc., depends on, 13; Allen's declaration to, 112; his dealings with, 137; Mors consults, about Deventer, etc., 141.
-,-, Deventer's former dealings with, 86, 316–8.
-,-, to meet, 114.
-,-, to enforce musters placart, 130.
-,-, refuse Lutheran petition, 156.
-,-, Ortel asks Queen to write again to, 255.
-,-, deputies of, 142.
-,-, first member of, 317.
-,-, registers of, referred to, 86.

-, town of, 237:
-, letters and papers dated at, 12, 13, 87, 130, 276, 315, 381.
-, deputies sent to appease disputes at, 18–9; very unstable, 65; deputies again sent, 114; they can do little, 140; very divided, 148.
-, Bodley wants Willoughby to go to, 31.
-, Bodley's requests about prisoners
-, at, 38; States General promise
-, speedy justice, 42; his answer,
-, 67; their reply, 75.
-, consultation about prisoners at, 66.
-, Allen sent to, 102, 130; returns from, 114.
-, Aysma was at, 107, 183.
-, fears Parma may attack, 114; troops should be sent to assure, 141; said to parley, 221.
-, Caron back from, 271, 314.
-, canons restored at, 271; Deventer excluded them from States, 317.
-, Cleerhagen's account of his actions at, 277; Deventer's defence, 315–9.
-, enemy threatens, 385, 397.
-, keys of, 316.
-, burgomasters of. See Cant her, Dirck; Goyer, Dirck de; Prounincq, Gerard de.
-, captains of, 66, 315, 316, 318.
-, court of, sentence on Deventer by, 380–1.
-, magistrates and council of, 66:
-,-, letters from, 13; referred to, 31.
-,-, letters to, referred to, 13, 102, 137.
-,-, Bodley sends reply on Deventer, etc., from, 13.
-,-, Deventer insolent to, 80; his former dealings with, 86, 316–8.
-,-, Allen sent about Deventer to, 102–3, 116; his declaration to, 112; his proceedings with, 137.
-,-, Lutherans' petition to, 148–9; referred to, 140, 156.
-,-, answer Caron evasively about Deventer, 275.
-,-, co-operate with Mörs, 294.
-,-, registers of, referred to, 317.
-, places in:
-,-, arsenal, 318.
-,-, churches at, 317; the Oude Munster, 317.
-,-, prison at, 87, 119, 277, 381.
-,-, town hall at. 316, 318, 319.
-, schout, scout, of. See Zuylen, Nicolaas van.
-, secretary of. See van der Voort, Gijsbert Antonisz.
-, sheriffs of, 148.

-, the Sticht of, 254.

Uvedall, Uvedalle. See Udall.