Index: Q, R

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: Q, R". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Queen Mother, of France. See Catherine de Medici.

questers, 34.

Quilleboeuf, Killbife [Eure, France], 388.

quom, the duke, 196, 212.


Radzevill, Radville, George, cardinal, bishop of Cracow, Polish ambassador to the Emperor, 379.

Ragusa, republic of, the Raguses, Ragusians:
-, Turks claim arrears of tribute of, 13.
-, Barton complains to Turks against, 88; Sultan warns, not to aid Spain, 133.
-, signoria of, 13, 133.
-, ships of, 63; in Armada, 88.

Rainsforde. See Raynsford.

Raleigh, Ralye, Rawlei, Rawley, Sir Walter, ships seized by, 130, 149, 160, 369; ship of. See Roebuck.

Rambolyt, Rambouillet, Rambouliet. See Angennes, Claude d'.

Ramet, William, solicitor of the States General, 58.

Rammekens, Ramekins, Rammeken, Rammekins, Ramykens [Zeeland, Netherlands], 174, 249, 250:
-, T. Knollys desires governorship of, 46; Morgan recommends him, 51.
-, Junius' services at, 177.
-, governor, keeper, of. See Errington, Nicholas.

Randolph, Randolf, Randolphe, Avery, Alfraye, Allphrey, Alphrey, captain:
-, debts of, at Flushing, 169, 257.
-, money paid to, 82, 175.
-, company of, at Flushing, 72, 138; muster of, 216; checks of, 174.

ransoms. See under prisoners of war.

Ranuccio, prince. See Farnese, Ranuccio.

Rapamet [near Constantinople], letters dated at, 89, 165, 402.

Rascuro de Mercado, Francisco, letter from, 130.

Rasse des Neux, François,, letter from, 265.

Ratcliffe, Ratlieff [co. London], 260.

Rawlei, Rawley. See Raleigh.

Raynes. See Rennes.

Raynsford, Rainsforde, Giles, late gentleman-porter at Brielle, 117, 175.

Raze. See Gondi, Albert de.

Read, Sir William, late lieut.-colonel of army in Netherlands, 411; discharged, 352; money paid to, 175.

Recalde, Juan Martinez de, admiral of Biscay squadron of Armada, return and death of, 151; flagship of. See San Juan.

Redhead, Readhead, Reddhead, Robert, 125, 332.

Rees, Rhees, Risse, Rysse [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], Schenk's actions near, 339, 373, 391; letters dated at his camp near, 339, 395.

Reid. See Reyde.

Reims, Remes, Rems [Marne, France], would not admit Mme. de Montpensier, 28; king makes Lenon-court archbishop of, 64; said to join king, 389.

Reive Athewe, 203.

reiters. See Germans.

relics, in Tours church, 245; at Rome, 366; reliquary, 25.

religion, 222, 335:
-, Utrecht disputes over, 19.
-, a new, in Barbarv, 24; and in Egypt, 62.
-, Netherland merchants prefer gain to, 232.
-, Mahommedanism, 347.
-, See also Catholics, Roman; clergy; Protestants.

Remes, Rems. See Reims.

Rennenberg. See Lalaing, George van.

Rennes, Raynes, Renes, Rhenes [Ile-et-Vilaine, France]:
-, letter dated at, 182.
-, for king, 182; expels Leaguers, 355.
-, Lavardin escapes to, 285; Soissons escapes to, 357.
-, governor of. See de la Charronnière; Marec, René de.
-, parlement of, 355.

Rente, Renti, marquis of. See Lalain, Emmanuel Philibert de.

reprisals. See under piracy.

Rerdelly. See Verdet.

Reschia, —, Polish ambassador to Pope, 16, 19.

Retz. See Gondi, Albert de.

Reubempre. See Rubempré.

Revol, Revoll, Louis, French secretary of State:
-, letter signed by, 95.
-, Lilly deals with, for Stafford's audience, 69, 70, 74, 81.
-, asks Lilly to get king powder, 376.
-, clerks of, 66.

Reyde, Reid, fort of [Groningen, Netherlands], Count William takes, 344, 392, 401; apparition at, 345.

Reynerson, Albert, owner of Waterhound of the Brielle, master of Angel Gabriel of Holland, 149, 160.

Reynte, marquis of. See Lalain, Emmanuel Philibert de.

Rhees. See Rees.

Rheinberg, Barck, Berck, Berk, Berke [Rhenish Prussia, Germany]:
-, Mörs goes to victual, 1; he victuals, 64; two bands put into, 2.
-, Blunt's troop comes to England from, 142; English were sent to, contrary to treaty, 237.
-, almost blockaded, 271; loss of, expected, 276.
-, English go with Schenk to victual, 280; they await Mörs, 323.
-, Schenk marches towards, 338, 373; unlikely to succeed, 339; account of his victualling of, 391; Vere's account, 400–1.
-, fears for, 397.

Rhenen [Utrecht, Netherlands], 9, 142.

Rhenes. See Rennes.

Rhine, river, 2, 286:
-, Menninck's plot to buy all ships on, 253.
-, 7 or 8 enemy warships on upper, 296.
-, Schenk builds fort on, 323; his ships attack enemy on, 339; his campaign on, 391, 401.

-, elector palatine of. See Frederick III.

Rhodes, Rodus, island of, galleys of, 348.

Ribera, Ruy Perez de, 346.

Richards, Jane, 355–6.

Richmond [co. Surrey], 34; letters dated at, 69, 72.

Rieul. See de la Jugie, François.

Rijswijk, Rysewyck, Jan van, Zeeland commissary, at Ostend, 198.

Rilly, —. 74.

Rion Terra, 63.

Risse. See Rees.

Roan, Roane, Roanne. See Rouen.

Roben, or Ruby, of Flushing, seized by Flicke, 52–3, 149–50, 160.

Robert, 78, 81.

Robles, Gaspar de, heer van Billy, late governor of Friesland and Groningen, 2, 253.

Rochefoucault, count of, 236.

Rochelle, la, Rochel, Rochell [Charente Inf., France]:
-, letters dated at, 89, 153, 171, 248, 380.
-, Huguenot assembly at, 7.
-, ships prepare at, 17.
-, Stafford returning through, 177.
-, book published at, 235.
-, many English trade to, 247.
-, Portugal expedition deserters at, 247–8; some go to Navarre, 336; some still at, 380.
-, Henry IV sending Bourbon, etc., to, 409.

Rodus. See Rhodes.

Roebeerk, 391.

Roebuck, Raleigh's ship, 149; captain of. See Wittins, Jacob.

Roelland, —, 161.

Roels, Christoffel, pensionary of, and greffier of States of, Zeeland, letter signed by, 262.

Roerda, Roorda, Karel, deputy of Friesland, 4, 338.

Roerom, Adrian Cornelius, Adrian Cornelison, of Dordrecht, 23.

Rogers, Daniel, clerk of Council, 4–5.

-, John, Bergen commissary of musters, Morgan commends, 108; money paid to, 175.

-, —, 362, 379.

Rokelaure. SeeRoquelaure.

Rolffe, Arnold, Fleming, J. E. Malins' servant, 398, 408.

Rome [Italy], 124, 188, 201:
-, letters dated at, 334; referred to, 78.
-, news from, 16, 19, 25, 49.
-, city officials sworn in, 19; new offices of clerks of camera, 20; Mantuan gifts to master of camera, 25.
-, proposals about cardinals' and priests' residence at, 25; French cardinals may be summoned to, 49.
-, Orimberg going to, 47.
-, Pope will tax, 49.
-, bishop of le Mans gone to, 71, 74.
-, Stanley gone to, 224.
-, Griffithe was at, 290, 302.
-, English exiles at, would return, 325.
-, Pope holds secret council at, 337.
-, Bellamy taking letters to, 365, 366; the letters, 367–8.
-, monte of San Bonaventura at, 20.
-, places in:
-,-, castle of S. Angelo, 20, 25.
-,-, mount Quirinal, 334.
-,-, English college at, 242, 367.
-, churches in:
-,-, San Marcello monastery, 19.
-,-, Sta. Maria del Popolo, cappella del Popolo, 20.
-,-, Sta. Maria Maggiore, 25.

-, see of. See papacy.

Ron, Rone. See Rouen.

Rond, Jorrian van, steward of Krempe, 240.

Rone Neufvy, —, 245.

Rooke, Arian, son of parson of Byfleet, 241.

-, —, traitor, at Antwerp, 397.

Roorda. SeeRoerda.

Roosendaal, Rosendael, Rosendale, Rossendale [N.Brabant,Netherlands], enemy at, relieved, 108; reinforced, 156; annoy Bergen, 324.

Roquelaure, Rokelaure, Antoine de, Navarre's maître de garderobe, 94.

[Rosario, N. S. del], Armada galleass, P. de Valdes' ship, 345.

Roscoff, Rosco [Finistère, France], ship of, 162.

Rose, of Amsterdam, 161.

Rosemberg, —, 379.

Rosendael, Rosendale, Rossendale. See Roosendaal.

Rosenkranz, George, a governor of Denmark, letter signed by, 325.

Ross, Rosse, bishop of. See Leslie, John.

Rotigoti. See Artigotti, Chrétien d'.

Rotterdam, Roterdam, Roterodame, Rotherdam [S. Holland, Netherlands], 287:
-, letters dated at, 101, 111.
-, troops for Portugal at, 19, 100–1; embark, 142; reasons for their delay at, 143.
-, Maurice gathers boats at, 148.
-, trades with enemy, 296.
-, ships of, 162, 280. See also Eagle.
-, burgomasters of, 100–1.
-, inhabitants and merchants of. See Belleman, Anthony Williamson; Johnson, Goesen; Jonson, William.

Roubempre. See Rubempré.

Rouen, Roan, Roane, Roanne, Ron, Rone, Rouan [Seine Inf., France], 363:
-, letters dated at, 44, 228, 232, 343, 352, 388, 389, 406; referred to, 203, 204.
-, Protestants disarmed at, 44; and imprisoned, 86; one burned at, 342.
-, uproar in, 62; Guise's lieutenant fails to raise, 63; reported revolt of, 81, 91; revolt suppressed, 84, 90.
-, king will go to, 63.
-, thought lost to king, 95; joins League, 97, 126.
-, Moffat's reasons for leaving, 126; he left goods in, 127.
-, Mayenne leaves, disordered, 151; admitted Mayenne but will not obey him, 233.
-, captains quarrel at, 153.
-, merchants attacked at, 153; none left at, 228.
-, forces of, take Harcarte castle, 203; and Chateau Gaillard, 220; will attack Dieppe, 221, 228, 230, 231.
-, Welles imprisoned at, 203. See also Welles, John.
-, Montpensier will attack, 203.
-, Dieppe ship takes boats of, 221.
-, is turning to king, 228; obeys neither king nor Mayenne, 233.
-, plots to betray, to king, 342.
-, refuses Aumâle and Brissac money, 342; Aumâle returns to, 351, 357, 379; he lacks men and money, 387; he is not admitted into castles, 388.
-, gets powder from Dunkirk and England, 342; powder scarce at, 387.
-, Dieppe forces raid to gates of, 342; and defeat troops of, 351, 360–1; Dieppe and Montpensier threaten, 388.
-, confiscations at, 343, 388.
-, king's excommunication published at, 351, 362.
-, divided but will resist king, 388; royalist plots fail at, 389.
-, Mme. de Longueville and Mme. de Neubourg imprisoned at, 388.
-, Caen parlement hangs 27 of, in effigy, 388.
-, high prices at, 388.
-, Brissac comes to, 389.
-, Villars will send to, for Welles' release, 403.
-, rejoicings at, for Henry Ill's death, 405; ‘Charles X’ proclaimed at, 406; sermons at, about Henry III's death, 406.
-, attacks Pont Audemer, 409.
-, town captains of, 126, 153. See also Vymonde.
-, council of, 228, 342, 352, 388, 405, 406.
-, governor of. See Veneur, Tanneguy le.
-, parlement of, 126, 405; sergeant of, 126; premier président of. See Groulart, Claude.
-, the 2 castles of, 388.
-, church at, 405.
-, palace at, 406.
-, prison at, 231; master of prison at. See Croue, le.
-, town house of, 351.

Roussel. See Russell.

Roussy, count of. See de la Rochefoucault, Josias.

Rouxel, Jacques, sgr. de Médavy, Medavid, 386.

Roxas, Luis de, daughter of, 346.

Roy, Roye, John le, the post, betrayed Welles, 228, 232; is a spy, 229; brother of, 228, 229.

Rubempré, Reubempre, Roubempre, sr. de, 28, 244.

Ruby. See Roben.

Rudolf II, the Holy Roman Emperor: letters from, referred to, 241. letters to, referred to, 241, 331, 374.
-, raises large forces, 12.
-, Aldobrandini has audience with, 14; sends envoys to Poland, 47; to ratify treaty with Sigismund, 193; ratines it, 379–80.
-, Tuscan duke would buy title of king from, 25.
-, mandate of, on Cologne duties, referred to, 26.
-, rescript of, to Bremen against Merchants Adventurers, 51–2; orders Stade to expel Adventurers, 197; Bremen asks, to suspend decree, 241; suspends it, 331.
-, can keep no galleys in Adriatic, 87.
-, Turkish complaints against, 87; fears not Turks, 88; Turks threaten war against, 347–8, 374, 375; their demands to, 401; they detain envoy of, 402.
-, allows Parma to occupy heretical Imperial towns, 189.
-, mediates Emden—Oldenburg accord, 234.
-, Cleves asks aid of, 324.

Ruffino, monsignor, 20.

Ruisingem, 21.

Russell, Roussel, Russel, Sir William, governor of Flushing, 51, 275:
-, letters from, 12, 55, 99.
-, letters from, referred to, 42, 169, 205, 286.
-, letters to, 169, 286.
-, letters to, referred to, 286, 293, 333.
-, passport of, referred to, 333.
-, desires recall, 12, 55.
-, States hate, 12, 55, 79, 225.
-, interceded vainly for Suderman, 14; promised to help him, 264.
-, A. Vasseur with, 34.
-, Errington given charge of Flushing in absence of, 98; gone to England, 118, 157; promised to pay Errington's charges, 337.
-, warns Morgan of plan against Bergen, 99.
-, a congregation promised intelligences to, 117; he paid only for two months, 118.
-, was at Bergen siege [1588], 125, 332.
-, Flushing requests to, 169–70.
-, continued old course of lendings, 190; frequently relieved captains, 190.
-, should be replaced, 210; R. Sidney should replace, 225; Borlas desires return of, 284; Flushing burghers desire it, 287; Vasseur's practice, 313–4; States would prevent return of, 327.
-, States accuse, of dealing with Geertruidenberg, 329.
-, R. Sidney replaces, 343, 371.
-, forbade Borlas to send bands from Flushing, 393.
-, money paid to, 175.
-, company of, at Flushing, 72, 100, 138, 312; checks of, 174; muster of, 215; is 120 strong, 300.
-, troop of, at Bergen, 71; goes with Schenk, 279, 289; muster books of, not sent to Digges, 249.
-, secretary of. See Vasseur, Adrian.
-, house of, at Flushing, 286–7.

Russia, the Muscovites:
-, attack Sweden, 47.
-, raid into Lithuania, 63.
-, attack Turks, 88.
-, Maximilian not to aid, against Poles, 193.
-, tsar, emperor, of, the Muscovite. See Feodor I Ivanovitch; Ivan IV Vasilewich.
-, secretary of. See Shalkan, Andrea.
-, treasurer of. See Trasanetova, Ivan Vasilewich.
-, English merchants in. See Muscovy company.

Ruthenes, the, 356.

rutters. See Germans.

Rybot, —, Mauvissiore's secretary, letter from, 17.

Ryche, Pieter, president of Zeeland, letters signed by, 262, 313; goes to compose Holland—Middelburg dispute, 286.

-, —, Heath's brother-in-law, 368.

Rye, Marc de, marquis of Varembon, Waremborne, 188.

Rye [co. Sussex]:
-, difficulties in getting powder for Dieppe at, 221; Boulogne seeks supplies at, 359.
-, Huguenot refugees at, 231.
-, Danish ship spoiled near, 325.
-, Hardi arrested at, 352.
-, mayor of, 153, 165.

Rypiris, 228.

Rysewyck. See Rijswijk.

Rysse. See Rees.

Rytchardot, president. See Grussot, Jean de.