Index: D

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Index: D', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: D', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: D". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Dackombe, Deccomb, Deckham, Robert, captain, letter from, 226–7; money paid to, 176; company of, mustered at Ost-end, 339, 382.

Dale, Dr. Valentine, master of requests, 150.

Dam [Groningen, Netherlands], 373.

Damascus, Damasco [Syria], 88.

Damville. See Montmorency, Henri de.

Dane, Balten Adriaen, merchant, of Flushing, 170.

Danube, Danubium. river, 401, 402.

Darbishire, Fr. Thomas, S.J., 225.

Darcy, Darci, Darcye, Darse, Dercy, Francis, captain:
-, neglects company, 262. money paid to, 176. company of, at Flushing, 72, 138; checks on, 174; muster of, 216; 120 strong, 300; to go to Bergen, 349.

Dartmouth [co. Devon], letter dated at, 209; Flushing ships detained at,198.

Dauphiné [France]: Leaguers of, will march to Mayenne, 47; towns of, for League, 63.
-, Huguenot towns in, weak, 48; but king too weak to attack them, 50; royalists and Huguenots make truce in, 71, 84, 124, 179, 233.
-, French attack Savoy from, 286, 379. discourse on, referred to, 292. governor of. See Maugiron, Laurent and Timoléon.

David. See Andrada, Manuel de.

Davison, William, principal secretary, 83.

Deccomb, Deckham. See Dackombe.

Decker, John Jacobson, dead, 149, 160.

Deepe, Deipe. See Dieppe.

Deguires. See Bonne, François de.

Dekema, Sixtus, letter signed by, 108.

de la Chapelle-Marteau, Michel, prévot des marchands, provost, of Paris, 15.

de la Charromière, la Charonère, sgr., League governor of Rennes, 182.

de la Châtre, Chastre, la Chartre, la Chatre, Claude, marshal of France:
-, deserts Henry III, 24, 28, 70. at Bourges, 48, 84; wins Amiens for League, 63; gone to Orleans, 81.
-, Nevers hostile to, 81.
-, Navarre attacks, 244. said to be for king, 282. needed at Paris, 375.

de la Chatte. See Chatte, de.

de la Faille, Fall, John, 271.

de la Ferté, la Ferté, François, 78.

de la Grange, François, sgr. de Montigny, 78.

de la Guiche, the (Use, la Guiche, Philibert, sgr. de Chaumont, grand master of the artillery, 74, 231.

de la Jugie, François, sr. de Rieux, Rieul, 135.

de la Marck, Charlotte, duchess of Bouillon, 48, 135.

de la Moricière, Dominique, sr. de Vieques, the Vigis, the Vikis, Montpensier besieges, 227; Montpensier defeats, 231; captures Soissons, 285.

de la Mote, Motte. See Pardieu, Valentin.

de la Noue, la Noue, Lanowe, la Nuo, le Nowe, François de, 364:
-, letters from, referred to, 199, 210, sent forces to Champagne, 196.
-, routs Aumâle at Senlis, 275, 286, 342; before Paris, 351, 355.
-, at Cambrai, 328, 339; failed there, 359.
-, joins king's Swiss, 335, 376, 379; brings them to king, 386, 387; forces of, 388.
-, hears Jametz' fall likely, 386.
-, saying of, quoted, 409.

-, Odet, sgr. de Teligny, Telygny, prisoner, 199.

de la Parma, Salvator, of Middelburg, 161.

de la Rochefoucault, Josias, count of Roucy, Roussy, 236.

de la Torre, Alexandro, alias B [? Thomas Barnes], letter from, 104.

de la Tour d'Auvergne, Henri, vicomte de Turenne, Turine, at Huguenot churches' assembly, 7; near Poitiers, 81; coming to Navarre, 233, 234.

de la Tremouille, Tremule, Claude, 28.

de la Tuilerie, Tuillerye, Coignet, Navarre's envoy to England, etc., 395.

de l'Aubespine, Claude, baron of Châteauneuf, Chasteauneuf, Shitivenife, French ambassador to England, 228:
-, letters from, 33, 55, 89, 97, 113, 125; referred to, 126, 389, 393, 406.
-, writes for da Vega, 33.
-, given congé: asks for passport, 55, 125; Wootton to go with, 97; stayed, 97–8; Stafford asks staying of, 177, 178.
-, Walsingham tells, of Guise's death, 72.
-, Lilly warns Stafford against, 84.
-, deals about sea matters, 113.
-, League seizes property of, 126.
-, wrote against Welles, 389, 406.
-, contents of letter of, 393.
-, house of, 393.
-, secretary of. See Cordaillot.
-, sister of. See Villeroy.
-, wife of, 17.

de la Valette. See Nogaret, Bernard de.

de la Vergne, —, 394.
-, delegates, appeals from admiralty court to, 113.

Delft, Delf [S. Holland, Netherlands], 148.

Delftshaven, Delpheshaven [S. Holland, Netherlands], 101, 111.

Delfzijl, Delffsiel, Delftsyle [Groningen, Netherlands], 373; ships at, 296; enemy garrison of, 392.

del Monte, Monti, Camillo Bourbon, to command Tuscan foot, 25, 49, 50.

-, Françesco Maria Bourbon, cardinal of Sta. Maria in Dominica, 16, 20.

Demall. See Lorraine, Charles de, duke of Aumâle.

Denam, —, 368.

Denmark, 252:
-, States' envoys back from, 1.
-, D. Rogers' mission to, referred to, 4.
-, States' trade to, 59.
-, Estates of, to meet, 285.
-, governors of, letter from, 325.
-, king of. See Christian IV; Frederick II.
-, queen-dowager of. See Sophia.

Denmours. See Savoy, Charles Emmanuel of.

Dennis, Dennyce, Dennys, Denys, Maurice, captain, sergeant-major and gentleman porter of Flushing:
-, extra dead pays allowed to, 32, 61; money paid to, 175, 249.
-, company of, at Flushing, 61, 72, 138, 243, 262; checks on, 174; muster of, 215–6; is 120 strong, 300.

Depe. See Dieppe.

deputies. See ambassadors.

Derby, earl of. See Stanley, Henry.

Dercy. See Darcy.

Dereme, John, 397.

Der Vere. See Veere

Deuesberge. See Doesborgh.

Deutecum. See Doetinchem.

Deux-Ponts. See Zweibröcken.

Deventer [Overijsel, Netherlands], 6:
-, lacks supplies, 65; Mors to hinder supplying of, 271.
-, enemy forces at, 156; raid into Utrecht, 373.
-, capture of, referred to, 277.

Deventer. See Prounincq, Gerard de.

Devereux, d'Evreux, Robert, 2nd earl of Essex, 282.

-, Walter, 89, 152–3.

Devon, vice-admiral of. See Gilbert, Sir John.

Dewburgh. See Doesborgh.

Diego, Don, 81.

Dieppe, Deepe, Deipe, Depe, Diep, Diepe, Dipe, Dyepe [Seine Inf., France], 197:
-, letters dated at, 103, 127, 151, 153, 165, 204, 221, 231, 362, 379, 389, 393, 403.
-, Buzanval sends news from, 6; asks Walsingham for news from, 210.
-, no chasae-marées at, 85.
-, communications of, insecure, 97, 203; siege of, likely, 103; League does little against, 151.
-, Moffat imprisoned at, 127.
-, notes on map of, 127.
-, ships of, trading to Spain, 153, 204, 282.
-, bruit that English forces at, 166.
-, troops of, take all castles but one towards Rouen, 203.
-, Queen should send pinnaces to, 203; only three good ships at, 204; barque of, takes Rouen boats, 221.
-, Rouen will besiege, 221; siege broken off, 228; lacks foot and money, 230–1; Queen must save, 231.
-, Portugal news by ships of, 282, 361. troops of, raid to Rouen gates, 342; defeat Amnale, 351, 361; take an abbey, 360; brave Rouen daily, 388.
-, English soldiers at, 361. See also Norris, —. sets out five ships, 361; three ships of, seek Sta. Ana, 402.
-, Hautefort went to, 363.
-, de Civille at, 373.
-, Aldred at, 403.
-, Aumâle summons, 405; Buzanval urges Queen to send to, 405; declares for Henry IV, 409.
-, Welles writes to, 406. governor of. See Chatte, Aymar de.

Diest, Dist [Brabant, Belgium], 372.

Digges, James, overseer of musters, commissary-general, chief commissary, officer of, musters; muster-master-general, of army in Netherlands:
-, letters from, 8, 31, 59, 100, 215. papers signed by, 62, 294, 298. requests of, to C. of S., 8–9; not yet answered, 32; difficulties therein, 60; further petition of, 61–2.
-, sends abbreviate of musters, 8, 9, 60.
-, to help States in next musters, 29; asks instructions, 31–2; cannot get States to appoint commissaries, 60.
-, paper on accounts by, referred to, 32; asks for instructions there-on, 60; passed cannoneers' books, 261.
-, says some horsebands weak, 53.
-, observations on musters by, referred to, 60; proposals of, on musters, 274–5; referred to, 282.
-, musters Portugal bands, 100–1; horsebands' musters sent to, 143; and accounts corrected by, 159; saved on them, 210–1, 246.
-, wrote Flushing captains' petition, 191.
-, requests for imprest for, 210–1, 215; granted, 246.
-, book of the checks by, 249–51; asks for instructions on them, 282.
-, to make list of Boulogne volunteers, 260.
-, criticises Borlas' musters, 281;
-, complains of Ostend commissary (?), 339.
-, has Leicester's order on dead pays, 378.
-, discusses musters with States' envoys, 395.
-, detained in England, 398.
-, money paid to, 175.

-, Thomas, late muster-master- general of army in Netherlands, late commissary at Flushing, 39, 82, 175.

Dijon, Digeon, Digion, Digon, Dygion [Côte d'Or, France]:
-, Mayenne at, 24, 28, 32.
-, Tavannes takes, 81.
-, for League, 233.
-, councillor of. See Bernard, Étienne.
-, governor of. See Hautemer, Guillaume de.
-, parlement of, two presidents of, flee, 28, 33, 96.

Dimine. See Lorraine, Charles de, duke of Mayenne.

Dinteville, Tintaville, Tinteville, Joachim de, lieut.-general of Champagne, routs St. Paul, 81; Sedan Huguenots aid, 179; Mayenne asks Spain to aid against, 196; Longueville joins, 379.

Dipe. See Dieppe, diseases, etc.:
-, in Portugal expedition, 354, 383, 410.
-, ague, 276, 302, 326.
-, consuming sickness, consumption, 243, 288.
-, dropsy, 265.
-, dropsy, 265.
-, emeroides, 80.
-, fistula, 265.
-, fluxes and fluxions, 47, 265.
-, gout, 57.
-, the Greek disease, 279.
-, paralysis, 20.
-, plague, 24, 74, 134.
-, spleen, 243.
-, stone, 322.

Dist. See Diest.

Dixmude [W. Flanders, Belgium], 257.

Dixon, cornet, ransom of, 176.

Doccum. See Dokkum.

Doesborgh, Deuesberge, Dewburgh, Dosburg [Gelderland, Netherlands], 65, 338; governor of, 142; English troops at. See Sidney, Sir Robert.

Doetinchem, Deutecum [Gelderland, Netherlands], 65.

Dokkum, Doccum [Friesland, Netherlands], 6.

Dolphin, Dolfyn, –, 377.

Dombes, prince of. See Bourbon-Vendôme, Henri de.

Don, Donne [Russia], 247.

Don, Tanay, river [Russia], 88.

Donckerk, Donckerke, Donkerk, Donquelque. See Dunkirk.

Donia, Kemp van, Frisian member of C. of S., letters signed by, 264, 313.

Doornich [Gelderland, Netherlands, 253.

Dorchester, Richard, of Exeter, 172.

Dordan. See Dourdan.

Dordrecht, Dordrect, Dort, Dorthe, Dortrighte [S. Holland, Netherlands], 11, 34, 287:
-, seeks corn from England, 23.
-, P. Wingfield arrested at, 171, 284; released, 311.
-, Parma may attack, 200.
-, Geertruidenberg keeps guns of, 206.
-, loss of Geertruidenberg endangers, 211; said to parley with Parma, 221; Queen writes to, 235; letter not delivered, 270; Maurice goes to, 271; sailors of, refuse oath, 272.
-, Menninck denies plan against, 253.
-, enemy will stop trade of. 270; trade of, almost stopped, 272. inhabitants of, See Janson, Antonis; Roerom, Adriaan Cornelis.
-, magistrates of, letters from, referred to, 23, 207.
-, receiver of, 1.
-, prison at, 251. ships of, 272.

Doria, Juan Andrea, prince of Melita, commander of Spanish galleys, asks Genoa for ships, 78; at sea, 374–5.

Dorlane. See Doullens.

Dormer, Michael, captain, 396.

Dorp, Dorpe, Willem van, colonel, 271.

Dorsten [bishopric of Liège, now Westphalia, Germany], 141.

Dort, Dorthe, Dortrighte. See Dordrecht.

Dortsweert [S. Holland, Netherlands], 270.

Dosburg. See Doesborgh.

Douai, Dowau, Dowaye [Nord, France], 34; college at, 45, 367.

Doubleth, Philip, receiver-general of United Provinces, 21, 120, 230; deputies of, 146.

Doué [Maine-et-Loire, France], 79.

Doullens, Dorlane [Somme, France], 389.

Dourdan, Dordan [Seine-et-Oise, France], 336.

Douveren, Doures, Doveren, fort [N. Brabant, Netherlands], enemy takes, 271, 276, 295.

Dovara, Dovaro, the cavalier, mission to Naples, 16, 19; requests made to Pope by, 26.

Dover [co. Kent], 36:
-, letters dated at, 97, 98.
-, Proby wrote from, 34.
-, passage boat of, 35.
-, French ships taken to, 95; Hautefort's boat taken to, 303.
-, Dunkirkers active near, 211.
-, Catholic arrested at, 242.
-, Buhy at, 297.
-, Maupin complains of officers at, 359.
-, Malin's agent at, 408.
-, mayor of, 398.
-, searcher of, 398.

Dowau, Dowaye. See Douai.

Downkerk. See Dunkirk.

Dowson, John, 160.

Dowtche. See Dutch.

Drake, Dracq, Draque, Sir Francis:
-, prepares fleet for Antonio, 16.
-, Spanish preparations against, 45, 66, 97, 152; mere name kills Spaniards, 84.
-, Queen commissions, 63.
-, expedition of, referred to, 71, 119, 128, 137, 145.
-, brought a Moor to England, 90.
-, not to wait for horsebands, 97.
-, Antonio's reply to articles of, 138– 40.
-, puts to sea, 241; reported delay of, 269.
-, reported defeat of, 298.
-, Antonio asks Queen to thank, 300.
-, at Coruña, 331; before Lisbon, 361; burns Vigo, 383.
-, seized States' ships, 369; seized Hanse, etc., ships, 384.

-, Richard, Valdes prisoner with, 69, 115, 157; asks about ransoms, 345.

-, Thomas, 161.

Dresden [Saxony, Germany], 394; letter dated at, 45.

Drewry. See Drury.

Drin, Lodrin, gulf of [Albania], 24.

Drogheda, Tradath [co. Louth, Ireland], 383.

Drow. See Chamborant, Pierre de. drums, 245, 258, 294; imprests for, 192, 293; provided in Holland for Norris, 246. See also soldiers.

Drury, Drewry, Druery, Drurie, Sir William, 382:
-, suggested as Ostend governor, 111, 158.
-, strong party in Bergen for, 204. money paid to, 176.
-, company of, at Flushing: checks on, 174; muster of, 215; weak, 300, 314; T. M. Wingfield claims, 314.

Druses, Drusi, 88.

Drylst. See Ijlst.

Dublin [Ireland], mayor of. See Sedgrave, William.

Duch, Duche. See Dutch.

Dudley, Ambrose, earl of Warwick, 315.

-, Robert, earl of Leicester, late lord general of army in Netherlands, etc., his excellency, 115, 143, 169, 217, 250, 271:
-, letters from, referred to, 131, 132. dealings of, with Friesland, 4–5, 107, 131, 183–4.
-, States disallow payments by, 8, 32; made up accounts without States, 32, 60, 61, 251; States disallow extra forces brought by 68, 77, 192.
-, Leyden exiles obeyed, 18.
-, orders by, on musters, referred to, 31, 250, 310, 395; order on dead pays by, 378, 400; referred to, 399.
-, death of, referred to, 53, 87, 119, 177.
-, relations of Deventer and, 86–7, 315–9; relations of Cleerhagen and, 277.
-, resignation of, referred to, 119, 191, 251, 277; appointment of, referred to, 4, 121, 145, 277.
-, misfortunes of, 132.
-, complained of breaches of treaty, 137.
-, oaths allowed by, 146.
-, sent Junius to Germany, 177.
-, and Geertruidenberg, 225.
-, special grants by, 250; created new offices in army, 274.
-, money paid to, 54 175; money taken up by, 83.
-, commissions from, referred to, 82, 319.
-, warrants of, referred to, 146, 411.
-, council, privy council, of, 66, 317.

du Faur, le Fort, A., sr. de Pujols, Pujoles, Navarre's ambassador to England, 89; letter from, 57.

-, Jean, sr. de Jalange, governor of Jargeau for Navarre, 357.

du Fay. See Hurault de l'Hôpital, Michel.

Duigens, Jaspar, 286, 299.

duke, the. See Farnese, Alexander.

du Mayne. See Lorraine, Charles de, duke of Mayenne.

Duncumbe, William, report by, 240–1.

Dunkirk, Donckerk, Donckerke, Donkerk, Donquelque, Downkerk, Duncarke, Dunkerk, Dunkyrk [county of Flanders, now Nord, France], 253, 312:
-, Stanley leaves, 10; his troops go to, 166.
-, ships at, 296, 342; take Veere warship, 10; ships prepare at, 26; Vasseur's note of ships at, referred to, 34; galleys go to, 36; Parma urges Artois to victual ships of, 45; active near Dover, 211; two blockaded in Elbe, 331.
-, guns, etc., sent to, 10, 158.
-, Vasseur goes to, 34.
-, contraband trade to, 36, 240.
-, Burchgrave suggests attack on, 104.
-, sailor imprisoned at, 260.
-, Hautefort got powder from, 303, 363; Rouen got powder from, 342.
-, Portugal news from, 336.
-, ten States' ships off, 356.

du Pin. See Lallier, Jacques.

Duret, the avocat, 393.

Durtes, —, 161.

Dutch, Dowtche, Duch, Duche:
-, meaning North Netherlander, 158, 165, 175, 192, 272, 306, 399.
-, meaning Germans, 339, 347, 351.

Dvina, Dwyna, river [Russia], 247.

Dydsberye, —, 221.

Dyepe. See Dieppe.

Dyer, Alexander, 176.

Dygion. See Dijon.

Dyvellen, flyboat of, 152.