Elizabeth: January 1589, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Elizabeth: January 1589, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp43-51 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1589, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp43-51.

"Elizabeth: January 1589, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp43-51.

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January 1589, 16–20

Jan. 16. Andrea de Loo to the Queen.
Asking her, of her more than regal generosity, to reward him for his services in bringing her envoys and those of the King of Spain to a conference. Although this did not have the desired result, yet de Loo spent his time and means upon it and neglected his own business, to his great loss, obeying her Majesty and the Lord Treasurer's commands to the best of his ability.-London, 16 January, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. by Burghley. Italian. 1¼ pp. [Flanders V. f.3.]
Jan. 16. Andrea de Loo to Walsingham.
Thanks him for his good offices with her Majesty and the Lord Treasurer to get him (de Loo) some reward for his infinite labours and great loss and expense about the treaty during the last year and a half. Urges his honour to press his good offices to a satisfactory conclusion. Has ruined himself and lost his business and credit.
M. de Champagny charged him to speak to the Lord Treasurer about his nephew, the signor di Therese. The Lord Treasurer says that Walsingham has the care of him so Champagny wishes to know his honour's resolution.—London, 16 January, 1588.
Postscript. Is confined to his house by a troublesome eye.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Italian. 1¼ pp. [Flanders V. f. 5.]
Jan. 16/26. Ottywell Smyth to Walsingham.
Wrote in his last [not found] that the galleass was ready to go for Spain, but foul weather has prevented her departure. She is ready to go at the next spring tide. Hears from a burgess of Newhaven here that the King of France has sent to stay her but that the governor will probably let her go. That governor has not yet taken sides, but keeps all in quietness. He put forth some of the Religion but says he does it “for quietness' sake, as they have done in this town.” They have disarmed the ‘prodystans’ because the Papists feared that they would seize this town. So M. Carouges disarmed the ‘prodystans’ to quiet the others. Paris still in arms against the King: 4000 men whom they sent to help Orlyans were beaten back. The Duke of Mayen gathers forces at Troys, but is said to have only three or four thousand men. Pykerdy begins to rise, Amyans and Abvyell being against the King. More towns will revolt unless he gets greater forces and quickly takes Orlyans. “If God do not help, this country is utterly undonn.” No news from Spain. Nearly fourscore ships from Spain, laden with all sorts of goods, wrecked in the last storm. It is the greatest loss the French merchants have had for forty years. The King of France has licensed all ships to go whither they will, save for salt into Spain. Encloses two letters from the Scottish gentleman.—Roanne, 26 January, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. 1 p. [France XIX. f. 21.]
Jan. 16. Lord Wyllughby to Walsingham.
For news refers him to letters to the lords. Desires that John Lawrens and others may have licence to purchase through their agent Jesper Corn 60 pieces of iron artillery, minions and sakers, for the three ships which they are furnishing for the voyage of Portugal.—The Hagh, 16 January, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. 2/3 p. [Holland XXX. f. 115.]
[? About
Jan. 16.]
Declaration and specification of works necessary to resist the sea and preserve the town of Oostende. Total estimated cost, 1,248l. 165. sterling.
Copy. Endd. as “set down by the burgomaster and others of the town. Original in French and was delivered by the said burgomaster, accompanied with some others of the town.” Undated. French. 10 pp. [Holland XXX. f. 117.]
Jan. 16/26. Estimate for Ostend.
Declaration of the estimated cost of certain works necessary for the defence of Ostend against both the sea and the enemy. These include pillotaiges, besognes, and the restoration (in places the alteration) of the walls, ramparts, bulwarks, drawbridges, etc., of the old town. Measurements specified. Accompanied by a map. (fn. 1) Total cost, excluding certain harbour works, 31,450 florins, or 3,145l. sterling.
Drawn up by command of Sir John Conway, the Governor, upon the motion of Captain Carlell, sent from her Majesty.—26 January, 1589, N.S.
Copy. Original signed, Matthias Tassen, engineer. Endd. French. 10 pp. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 21.]
Jan. 17. Peter Proby to Walsingham.
Wrote on the 14th. Now has further news from the party he sent towards Brusills. The D[uke] P[arma] by La Mote and some of the Jesuits' colleges in St. Omers and Do wave seeks to induce those of Artois to accept garrisons. He tells them that the armado preparing in Spain is only for defence against Drake, who, as the D[uke] and others are advertised from France, Holland, Zeeland, and even England (‘Hingland’), prepares for Spain. The Duke urges Artois, therefore, to accept garrisons and to contribute towards the revictualling of the ships at Dunkirk so that they may spoil the English coast while Drake is away. Also if France attack, they may then defeat her. Artois is half won to accept these garrisons and to allow the building of citadels in the towns. The citadels would assure the towns far better than garrisons would, and with only a third of the cost. Moreover, the Duke would be able to bridle the towns as never before, and so to obtain a rich country for himself and his soldiers. For all the rest are “at an end for poverty, and dispeopled more by far than that is….”—Calis, 17 January, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal with Proby arms. 1 p. [France XIX. f. 23.]
Jan. 17. Christian, Elector of Saxony, to the Queen.
On behalf of the lord Philip, Count in Hohenloh, lord in Langenberg, who has informed him of the late mutiny of the Gerdrutenberg garrison. Hohenloh will inform her more fully.— Dresden, 16 cal. February, 1589.
Signed. Add. Endd. with trefoil and note of contents. Latin. ¾ p. [Germany, States V. f. 202c]
Jan. 17/27. The States General to the Queen. (fn. 2)
Instructed Ortel to inform her that their assistance to her Majesty's enterprise was granted upon condition that 2000 foot, in 13 companies, and 200 horse were left in Bergen-op-Zoom, and 1000 foot in seven companies, in Ostend, with 200 horse on the frontiers: the rest, i.e., 2000 foot and 600 horse, might go upon this journey, until June 1. Yesterday Willughby and Bodley informed them of the Privy Council's letters for the immediate despatch of the 2000 foot and 600 horse, to be made up of companies therein named. Thereby Bergen and Ostend would not merely have less forces than were promised, but even too few to assure their safety. This chiefly due to the refusal of the governors of the cautionary towns to send thither the auxiliary companies from their garrisons. Willughby desires the States to send forces to Bergen and Ostend. They commanded him, and Morgan and Conway, upon their oaths, to send no forces from Bergen and Ostend unless the stipulated number remained. Cannot supply their own troops for those places. Desire her Majesty to order the governors of the cautionary towns to send their auxiliary companies.—The Hague, 27 January, 1589.
Signed Egmont: countersigned C. Aerssens. Add. Endd. with note of contents. French. 2¼ pp. [Holland XXX. f. 123.]
Jan. 17. Thomas Bodley to Walsingham.
The States are marvellously nettled at her Majesty's charge to the Lord General for the drawing of certain bands out of Bergh and Ostend. They consider the towns untenable with the men remaining. “They stand in opinion that her Majesty's forces are sent hither more for her own safety than for theirs. Which conceit of theirs is rather confirmed than otherwise by reason of her often protestations to forsake them if they shall not yield to some petitions, and yet in the end nothing put in execution. That they might find a difference between her Majesty pleased and displeased, under humble correction I could wish they were never put in fear but when somewhat should follow, lest they fall to contempt.”
Mr. Killigrewe's great kindness to him.—Hage, 17 January, '88.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXX. f. 125.]
Jan. 17. Captain E. Bannaster to Walsingham.
Sends him two pasties of wild boar. Sent with his of the 10th, by Mr. Asfellde, two letters in Italian [not found] of some importance. Could send more like them, but neither he nor any other can send without their letters being looked into, “and if they be not as they would have them, they never pass their hands….”—Bargan-op-Some, 17 January, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXX. f. 127.]
Jan. 18. Thomas Knollys to Walsingham.
Hears that there is to be an alteration in the government of Vlisshinge, and therefore probably of Rammekins also. Asks his honour's favour to obtain for him the government of Rammeskins. Is now “well minded to serve in these countries, having undertaken so late a charge as I have done….”—Berges, 18 January, 1588.
Holograph postscript. for their affairs here refers to Mr. Killigrew's report.
Signed. Add. Endd. as “from Sir Tho. Morgan” [sic]. Seal of arms. 2/3 p. [Holland XXX. f. 129.]
Jan. 18/28,
last date.
News from Divers Places.
Venice, 28 January, 1589 [N.S.]. Letters from Prague of the 3rd. The ambassador Orimberg had left for Venice and Rome, and the Imperial commissioners had gone to deal in Maximilian's business of which there are good hopes. Talk of a diet in Poland next month. Polish reports of Muscovite attacks on Sweden and Tartar raids in Podolia.
The Lyons ordinary brings news that the Duke of Guise was slain in the hall between the cabinet and the council chamber, whence he was called to his Majesty and attacked on his way by 8 of the royal guard who killed him with their daggers. As he cried ‘oh, what injustice’ the King looked out of the cabinet and bade them dispatch him. Marshal d'Aumont, M. de ‘Griglion,’ and Alfonso Corso were with the King. The others were arrested at the same time and the King sent to take Mme. de Nemours in her house. This happened on December 23. Next day while the King was at Mass he had the Cardinal of Guise killed in his chamber. Vendôme got him to spare the Cardinal of Bourbon, who would probably have been imprisoned for life at Loches had he not died of a bloody flux. It is said that the Legate gave the sacrament to the King and Guise on the 22nd. M. de Larchant, they say, prevented the Cardinal of Guise leaving the council chamber on the 23rd. The Prince of Joinville was induced by his friends to remain quiet. He will probably be confined for life in Amboise castle. Some suspect Cardinal Gondi and the Archbishop of Lyons of a hand in all this. The Duke of Mayenne learned of the tragedy on the 26th at Lyons. He left at once with about 30 horse and went by Maçon to Châlons. There the citadel was held for the King but they did not know of Guise's death. Mayenne got in on the pretext of inspecting the works, which might be attacked by Savoy. Some of his followers went in with him, others came afterwards pretending that they would speak with him, and while the garrison was busy and disordered, they made themselves masters of city and citadel. His supporters in Dauphiné will join Mayenne there. Orléans, like Paris, revolted. At Paris they have imprisoned over 800 who were for the King. The governor was in danger and they have seized the munitions in the arsenal, and trampled on the royal arms. They want the Duke of Aumâle to be their governor and they sent 2 envoys to Mayenne to offer to maintain 30,000 men for a year. Mayenne will probably remain loyal until he learns the Pope's will and that of the King of Spain and the Italian princes. The King would be in great danger if Mayenne declared against him and were granted 100,000 crowns. They say that the King refused to listen to a warning that these deaths would turn his realm upside down. At Troyes and Amiens the heretics have been massacred. Corso was sent by the King with a letter to Mayenne, but came too late. He has now returned to Lyons, where he has held a parliament of the townsmen and assured them of the justice and necessity of the executions. He said that a treaty made against the King's crown and person had been discovered and that the States could do no good because Guise sought to direct all their decisions. Guise, he said, was secretly treating to marry his eldest son to the heretic Mme. de Bouillon, and was also treating of marriage alliances with Damville and Épernon. Corso has great authority from the King to rule Lyons, where he is suspected. At Paris they coin their own money and issue proclamations in the name of M. d'Aumâle as Mayenne's lieutenant, all of whose people are to wear red. His Majesty has summoned all his forces to him, but some have gone away. M. de la Chatre has retired to Bourges. Some say the States will disperse, some say not. The Savoy and Marseilles passes are open, but the tolls are very heavy. M. de Lorraine has reduced Jametz to great distress. The Huguenot towns in Dauphiné lack provisions.
The Novellara affair said to be amicably settled by the governor of Milan's mediation.
News from Milan that they are there making the vestments— 60 for footmen (worth 100 crowns apiece),—for the Golden Fleece ceremonies. The governor goes to give the Duke of Mantua the Fleece on the 27th.
The Lucca Signoria answered the King of Spain that they would accept a garrison of 1000 Italians, but not Spaniards. They should be placed in the Dominican convent of San Romano.
Letters from Prague of the 10th. Hopes of an agreement between the German and Polish commissioners, who should have met by then. They write that the Chancellor of Poland had answered all expectations. An envoy had arrived at Prague from the Duke of Savoy, about Zuccarolo.
News brought by one who came from France to M. de Vigni who made his relation to the Signoria on Tuesday morning. Paris is quiet and treats with the King, who has published a general pardon. Orléans has submitted to him, and Paris and the rest will probably do likewise.
Report of a renewal of the old civil dissensions at Genoa.
A report came Wednesday morning that a plot with the Duke of Savoy had been discovered at Lausanne. The leaders executed, others imprisoned, and the Bernese have sent forces against Savoy.
Filippo Pasqualigo, captain of the Gulf came to lay down his arms.
Girolamo Zorzi, aged about 50, murdered by masked men on Sunday evening.
News from Spain that the nun with the alleged stigmata was handed over to the Inquisition and has been burned.
News from Savoy that the Duke has had 4 boats made for the Lake of Geneva and has sent hither for mariners. Geneva has thereupon made two boats.
Rome, 28 January, 1589 [N.S.]. It is said that the Congregation for French affairs has decided on the excommunication of the King of France unless he release the Cardinal of Bourbon, the Archbishop of Lyons, and other ecclesiastics. Morosini to treat no more with him. The King's ministers say that he cannot be excommunicated except by the Pope himself, but the bull In Cena Domini and the powers granted by Pius V to Cardinal Borromeo do not support this argument.
Gondi took leave of the Pope on Sunday. He is said to be returning by Florence, Ferrara, and Venice. The French cardinals may be summoned to Rome. The Congregation for French affairs is discussing whether or not to deprive Morosini for not protesting about the Cardinal of Guise's death. The General of the Jesuits has ordered every Jesuit to celebrate 3 masses, under penalty of three crowns' fine. They were great beneficiaries by the Guises.
The Pope means to demand 400,000 crowns from the Roman people and 600,000 from this state to meet emergencies which may arise.
They write from Milan that they expect the Infanta of Savoy there. The Senate there has been asked to grant 200,000 crowns to his Majesty.
In Monday's convocation the Pope said that the Papal galleys required 102,000 crowns a year. The provinces of this state pay 75,000 thereof, 15,000 is found without troubling anyone, the other 12,000 should be raised by a tax on the clergy of this state, Parma, Urbino, and Ferrara.
The Duke of Mantua has sold the marquisate of Ancisa to Don Michele for 100,000 crowns.
News from Naples. 3 colonels raising troops there, viz. the Prior of Hungary, Pirro Malvezzi, and a Milanese.
Camillo del Monte at Florence to take up his command of the Tuscan infantry. Francesco de Monteauto and others will not obey him. The Grand Duke sends 100 knights of St. Stephen to fetch his bride. He feasted the knights of St. John who came with the galleys of Malta. The Florentine merchants think of leaving their house in Lyons for fear of the troubles in France. Mendoza's departure from Genoa on the 19th with the Sicihan galleys is not confirmed.
The Pope will bring the Cardinal of Verona to court by appointing him a suffragan.
A plan to make bread, only partly of wheat, yet as good as wheaten.
The Pope may commute the death sentences on Bellocchio and Gualteruccio to a life sentence to the galleys, since their deed was not followed by death.
The Grand Duke has given Camillo 16,000 gold crowns.
Reported mortal wounding of the Muscovite.
The Pope has announced that he will give no bishoprics or archbishoprics at princes' requests unless the beneficiary has been in the habit and tonsure for at least one year.
Antwerp, 14 January [N.S.]. Ten thousand footmen enlisted in Paris to defend that city. The chapter of Notre Dame there excommunicated the King, who sent 5000 men to Orléans. The King is too weak to do much against Savoy or the Dauphiné Huguenots. He is said to have put to death the Guisard prisoners. He imprisoned the wife of the Guisard governor of Cambrai. An envoy from M. de Mayenne said to be in Brussels. He will probably get little more from the Duke of Parma, who has re-enlisted the 4 German regiments.
Several great guns, with munitions, brought hither this week. They are said to be for Valenciennes, 8 [sic] miles from Cambrai.
Holland and Zeeland news that 6 ships were wrecked on their way to England with munitions, 2 others escaping. These ships suggest that Don Antonio prepares an armada against Spain.
Cologne, 19 January [N.S.]. Colonel Ongembergh's dismissed companies are going quietly away. No news from Count Mansfelt since he took Wachtendonk.
Italian. 72/3 pp. [Newsletters XCV. f. 112.]
Jan. 19. Lord Wyllughby to the Privy Council.
Encloses further copies of the acts, etc., sent with his letters of the 13th [recte 12th]. Wrote again on the 15th [contents of both letters noted].
Encloses letter from Sir John Burgh. He received his troop very weak and reinforced it at his own charges. Wyllughby and others in like case, although her Majesty spent much in the original levy, and those who formerly had the companies received full pay for them without defalkation. They turned over the companies to those who now have them, without any of her Majesty's horses, but only a few men “whose horses and arms were their own.” Have had to reinforce them at their own charges, and as they receive only bare weekly lendings, are brought into debt. “Their companies, consisting partly of strangers (allowed of by your lordships' order), and partly of voluntary men serving with their own horses and arms, cannot be constrained to any other service, beginning upon the bruit of this voyage already to fall away.” Fears the companies will be broken.—Hagh, 19 January, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1¼ p. [Holland XXX. f. 131.]
Jan. 19. Sir Thomas Morgan to Walsingham.br/> “… I begin now to undertake the course of an honest man, and for that purpose I have gotten the fair daughter of the lady of Merode, a gentlewoman nobly born; but forasmuch as it hath been done without the knowledge and liking of the mother, therefore are the States greatly incensed against me.” Desires his honour, considering he has done “nothing but honourable and with the free consent of the young lady,” to obtain letters to the States on his behalf.
Desires him also to deliver 200l. to this bearer, Mr. Wrey, for him. Has great need of it. Promises to repay his honour within six or seven months. At present his credit “hangeth in dispence.”—Berges, 19 January, 1588.
Postscript. Commends the bearer, his lieutenant. Refers his honour to Mr. Killigrewe for news. Desires his honour to move the Governor of Flushing on behalf of Sir Thomas Knolles for the castle of Rammekins.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1 p. [Holland XXX. f. 133.]
Jan. 20. Thomas Bodley to Walsingham.
Will send a copy of the States' latest answer to his instructions as soon as possible. “I did not think that they would have passed their bounds so far as to answer her Majesty with undecent and malapert terms, wherein they offend in sundry places, besides that they yield to nothing requested. In effect, I am fully persuaded that either they determine to break off with her Majesty upon some new design that the chiefest of them have made to themselves, or they think her Highness so much interested in the cause as nothing will persuade her to leave them unassisted. Of Barnevelt, by whom they are strangely ruled and overruled, I will show your honour my opinion upon further trial, lest I should seem, by reason of my small abode and experience in this place, to come on too fast with my verdict.”—The Hage, 20 January, '88.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. 2/3 p. [Holland XXX. f. 135.]


  • 1. Not found.
  • 2. Cf. Japikse, Resolution der Stolen Generaal, VI. 379–80, 383.