Elizabeth: June 1589, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Elizabeth: June 1589, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp328-333 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1589, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp328-333.

"Elizabeth: June 1589, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp328-333.

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June 1589, 16–20

[June 16.] The Privy Council to Bodley. (fn. 1)
Her Majesty finds that the Commissioners lately sent over by the States General have, contrary to her expectation, no authority to deal in any matters of weight, such as the disorders of their government, or the reforming of the Contract. They are charged only to deal of certain pretended depredations and of the decayed bands in her pay. Her Majesty has caused the Council to draw up such general heads (which they enclose [above, p. 325]) as should be consulted upon. Bodley shall acquaint the States therewith and get them to give their Commissioners ampler charge or send someone with ampler charge to join them. The said general heads are not to be regarded as exhausting the points upon which they should be authorised to deal. The Council have accordingly drawn up the enclosed list of particular points [probably the paper calendared above at p. 304] which Bodley shall communicate, as of himself, to whom he thinks fit.
Sundry captains of Low Country birth have come into England and complained of dismissal and hard usage by the States. Her Majesty's mediation for them has been ignored. The Commissioners have been presented with their grievances. Bodley shall inform the States that her Majesty expects them to pay greater attention to her mediation. Their treatment of these captains makes others lothe to serve them, as their inability to raise a levy recently proved.
Renew their former direction that he shall obtain in writing such proofs as the States can produce of their slanderous charges against Lord Wyllowby, made in their placard against Gertrudenberghe.
Minute, heavily corrected at the beginning by Walsingham. Endd. with date and note that it was “delivered to the Lord Treasurer to be perused.” 5½ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 67.]
June 17/27. M. de Villars, governor of Hâvre de Grace, to the Queen.
Asks for the restitution of his galliot and the arms and powder which she was bringing from Flanders, which were seized by the English about the Pas de Calais. Has always received English merchants, etc., with all favour.—Hâvre de Grace, 27 June, 1589.
Signed. Add. Endd. “for the restitution of his frigate.” French. ½ p. [France XIX. f. 152.]
June 17. Bodley to the States General. (fn. 2)
Received on the 17th., N.S., their answers to the proposals touching Lord Willughby's cause, which he made upon instructions from her Majesty's Council. Desires proof of the following points alleged in general terms in their placart:—
That Willughby and Russell sent messengers or letters to those of Geertrudenbergh at the beginning of the alteration. Desires to see copies or abstracts of the letters, and to know the times of their despatch and arrival and the names of the messengers.
That Willughby, before he first negotiated with Geertrudenbergh, promised to satisfy the States' requests.
That the States gave him any instructions concerning this first negotiation; or that he did not obey them.
That his apostilles to the garrison's articles were contrary to the meaning of the States, or of his excellency without whose knowledge he did nothing.
When was Willughby's promise given, and was it given voluntarily or upon being demanded of him?
That he placed Sir [John] Winckfield without the knowledge or desire of the States or his excellency.
That upon his said promise being made, money was furnished.
That he entered the town otherwise than at the request of the States General and his excellency.
That he promised that only one horse and one foot company should remain in the town, and that they should not be reinforced. That he caused them to take the oath that other soldiers take. That their payments were to be made out of the contributions, upon order from the Council of State. That he had all the money with him when he entered the town. That he had undertaken to have a certain order followed in the payment. That it was his fault that the articles were not carried out.
This placart against her Majesty's Lieutenant-General has been published without her Majesty's knowledge. This shows a great want of respect on their part towards a Princess who has deserved so well of them. Moreover, the 27th article of the Treaty lays down that difficulties arising between the provinces or towns, and which cannot be settled by the ordinary course of law, shall be referred to her Majesty and the Council of State. How much the more, then, should disputes between the States, or any commander, and her Majesty's Lieutenant be referred, or at the least reported, to her?
Finally requires them to justify their blackening of a nobleman who has deserved so well of them, as they have themselves admitted.—The Hague, 17 June, 1589, stylo veteri.
Copy. Endd. French. 3 pp. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 164.]
June 18/28 Buhy to Burghley.
Is grieved to hear from M. Staffort that her Majesty and her Council think ill of him. Before leaving her Majesty's realm, he has written [letter not found] to assure her that he refused her credit, not because he doubted it, but because of his knowledge of affairs in Germany where he sees nothing solid. Burghley's wise judgment will find nothing in Buhy's actions which does not make for his master's service and the quiet and good of this state, whereof his lordship is esteemed, after her Majesty, to be the father.—London, 28 June, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. 2/3 p. [France XIX. f. 154.]
[June 18.] Petition that Sir John Burgh may be paid the 800l. due upon his entertainment before 12 October, 1587, whereof her Majesty promised to speak favourably to his lordship. With a copy of Sherley's constat [see Calendar, XXII. 258].
Endd. with date. ½ p. each. [Holland XXVII. f. 68.]
June 19. William Milward to Walsingham.
Replied to his honour's of May 15 on the 31st. [letter not found]. Sought “by apt instrumenters” to find what might be done in the higher parts of Germany, where it would be unwise to appear before he knows that it would be to some purpose. Agrees that in the inland towns, where there is less trade than at Hamburg, the commodity sought for might be had at a more reasonable rate. Hears from Augsburg (fn. 3) that nothing is yet to be had there, though there is hope for the future. Men wait to see the result of the great enterprise southwards. Means to go two months hence to Frankford.
“About Twelfth tide, at a place called the Kiele in the land of Hoist, there is yearly a meeting of the chiefest gentlemen of those parts” to call in, continue, or newly put out their moneys, and he hope's to work somewhat there at a reasonable price.
About the 3rd. Count van der Bergh, the governor of Carpen, Dr. Westendorp, and three or four more came to Hamb[urg] and were well entertained, as they were also at Breame. It is said that they asked both cities to forbid their citizens to buy English cloth, as a small forbearance would “make mutiny in England”: also that they asked Hamb[urg] to send shipping and corn to Spain, and that the town refused to send any more so long as Sir Francis Drake was abroad, since her Majesty had forbidden them upon pain of confiscation of ships and goods. This is probable, for some ships were stayed and unloaded when they heard that Sir Francis had been at the Groyne.
There are 2 Dunkirk warships in the river and 4 Holland men-of-war lie in wait for them. Two of the Hollanders came up the river to seek them out, but they sheltered under the town walls and the boom was shut. The Dunkirkers have since left their ships, which are small, and the ships and cargoes are ‘praised’ to pay their debts. The Hollanders would not let a ship laden with powder pass, and it returned and unladed. So “the Holland ships are some bridle to them who would relieve the enemies.”
Van der Bergh, etc., have gone to Lubecke, and so to the King of Denmark as ambassador. It is said he will go also to the Eastward towns for corn and shipping.
The Emperor forbade the Archbishop and chapter of Breame to allow Stade to trade with the Adventurers. They sent an orator to him (fn. 3) to show how greatly this would injure Stade. Thereupon he consulted the Prince Electors, and it was resolved to postpone the execution of the decree against the English until a general assembly (fn. 4) of the States of the Empire, “which will not be in haste.” The Archbishop's orator, who is also feed by this Senate, reported this to this Senate on the 14th. in the presence of the Deputy of the Adventurers and Milward. It will be “marvellous agreeable with her Majesty's most gracious letters on the behalf of the Adventurers to the Imperial Majesty and secular Prince Electors, the Landgrave, and the Archbishop.”
News from Venice that the Pope has excommunicated the French King: it may benefit the Church.—Stade, 19 June, 1589.
Postscript. Hopes his honour will hear soon from Embden about coach horses.
Holograph. Marginal notes of contents. Add. Endd. with brief note of contents. Seal. 1½ pp. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns III. f. 93.]
[June 19.] Causes of Lord Willoughby's displeasure against Captain Thomas Maria Wingfeild.
Wingfeild, serving under the Governor of Vlishinge at the enterprise of the north sconce at Bargen-up-Zonne, took prisoner Don John de Mendoza, minor, and Don Lewys de Godoya. Knew of no order against taking prisoners; indeed, the Lord General had promised to give away the four best. The prisoners were given into Captain Buck's keeping.
Next morning as they marched to the town, Wingfeild asked to have the keeping of one of them, as a means to secure his brother's release. His lordship said he could have none, for they were promised already, but gave him leave to compound with Grymstone and Reddhead. This he did and Grymstone yielded him his claim to Don John. Then his lordship found that Don John was a marquis and he was reluctant to let Wingfeild have him. He promised, if he could not give Wingfeild Don John, to give him 300l. to buy Terrayze to exchange for his brother. Wingfeild, however, agreed with Grymeston to take a Spaniard named Orteyse instead of Don John.
Next morning a court decided that prisoners were at the Lord General's disposition, as he had forbidden the taking of any,— a point which Wingfeild denied. Wilsford interrupted him and suggested that Marshal Villers should judge. Wingfeild protested that the “privy council at wars” was quite competent to do so. After some speeches hereon, the Lord General bade Grymstone and Reddhead each choose two prisoners. Grymstone took Don John and Ortesse, and Reddhead took Godoya and another. Thereupon Willoughby and his attendants rose and left, without any of the captains except Sir Nicholas Parker giving their opinions on the first question.
Grymstone now refused to deliver Ortesse to Wingfeild, who returned that evening with the Governor to Vlishinge. He wrote to Mr. Secretary Walsingham and Sir Walter Mildmay (fn. 5) to crave their favour. Six weeks or two months afterwards, went with others to wait on the Lord General at Middleborough. Had audience next morning and was upbraided for his writing to Walsingham and Mildmay, as it was alleged to be a mutinous act derogatory of his lordship's authority. His lordship also alleged that he had despised the authority of a council at wars. Wingfeild replied reverently, excusing his writing and denying that this council of wars was a properly constituted court, since no captain spoke or gave his opinion. Captains Richard Wyngfeild and Lambert confirmed this. Wingfeild in some measure satisfied his lordship. He thereupon sent him two written apologies, but neither satisfied him and he demanded an apology in terms inconsistent with Wingfeild's honour and reputation. Thereupon his lordship wrote to the Governor of Vlishinge to remove Wingfeild and his company to Bargon-up-Zonne. Four days later he wrote bidding Mr. Meredithe, treasurer there, pay him no weekly lendings as his band was given to another. Next day his lordship wrote to the Governor to send Wingfeild to the Hage, there to be tried by Marshal Villers and Sir John Wingfeild. Chose rather to answer before his honour, so, having long before obtained the Governor's passport, he repaired into England.
Endd. with date, and by Burghley, Th. Mar. Wyngfeld. 6¼ pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 71.]
[June 20] The Queen to the States General.
Finds by her own and her Council's conference with their Commissioners, that they have charge only to present certain comparatively unimportant grievances. Has had a note made of important subjects which should be discussed. Has communicated this to the Commissioners, and Bodley is to communicate it to the States. Desires them to send ampler commission for the discussion of these matters.
Copy, corrected. Endd. with date and note of contents. French. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 75.]


  • 1. Printed in Acts of the Privy Council, XVII. 287–90, under date June 19.
  • 2. Dutch text in Bor, XXVI. f. 35. See, too, H.M.C., Ancaster MSS., p. 286.
  • 3. Cipher.
  • 4. Underlined.
  • 5. See Calendar, XXII. 307.