Elizabeth: June 1589, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Elizabeth: June 1589, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp300-312 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1589, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp300-312.

"Elizabeth: June 1589, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp300-312.

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June 1589, 6–10

June 6. Lord Buckhurst to the King of France.
The favour shown to him when on embassies from her Majesty to his Majesty and the late King, his brother, makes him desire to send his son, William Sacqueville, to serve his Majesty as a soldier against the rebels, though he is inexperienced and has only just left the schools, as it were.—London, 6 June 1589.
Copy. Endd. French. 2/3 p. [France XIX. f. 142.]
June 6. William Borlas to Walsingham.
Received his letter of May 23. The States of Zeeland, without Borlas' consent, have arrested Vasseur, the Governor's man. The Contract requires the consent of the Governor or his deputy for the arrest of anyone in this garrison. Desires to have Vasseur handed over to him, that he may be judged by the Privy Council who will doubtless punish him severely. He has attempted to set her Majesty and the States one against the other. Will send copies of certain letters which the States have. There are too many such people here.—Flusschyng, 6 June, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 2 pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 22.]
June 6. Arthur Heigham to Burghley.
Thanks him for his letter. Needs instructions, and has been hardly dealt with for lack thereof. Desires his lordship not to condemn him unheard. Since Mr. Burlas came hither, the companies of the Governor, the sergeant-major, and Captain Darci, march every night to the watch, each 120 men or more in numbers. The others come less strong, but are mostly 100 or nearly 100 men. Mr. Treasurer's and Sir William Drurie's are the weakest, the one claiming to have licence from the Council to keep 30 men in England and the other having the Lord General's passport for 18. The States have apprehended Vassiars, a secretary of the Governor: does not know the reason.— Vlishinge, 6 June, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 24.]
[June 6.] "A memorial touching Osteeand."
Cost of repairs to sea defences, 1,248l. 16s.; to fortifications, 3,145l.
Annoyance to the enemy if it is in the States' hands:—(1) he must keep 4,000 men before it, (2) he loses much of the province's contribution, (3) useful as a place of descent to divert enemy forces from other places.
Annoyance to her Majesty if it is in the enemy's hands:— impair trade. To the States:—4,000 men freed to attack them: the province will yield great contributions.
In Walsingham's hand. Endd. with date. 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 26.]
[June 6.] Note of the charge of furnishing the three companies (450 men) appointed for Ostend. 54 muskets at 1l. 3s., 168 corslets and headpieces at 1l., 132 harquebuses at 14s., 354 swords and girdles at 5s. 6d., 186 morions at 4s., 150 pikes at 2s. 6d., 18 halberds at 6s. 8d., 168 pike armings at 1s., 186 flask leathers at 4d.: total 493l. 6s.
24 officers, 9 corporals, 18 gentlemen,= 51: to furnish themselves, in respect of their increase of pay. 45 dead pays.
Total furnished, 354: besides 50 ‘disbanded’ sent to reinforce weakened bands: so, in all, 404.
Total 500.
Figures for one band of 150 given also. Endd. with date. 12/3 pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 28.]
Copy of the above. The 18 halberds replaced by pikes at 2s. 6d., so the total 489l. 11s.
Endd. June 7, '89. 12/3 pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 30.]
Copy of the above; but with 60 muskets, 126 calivers instead of 132 harquebuses, no pike armings, 18 halberds as well as 168 pikes, and 30l. worth of powder: the total being 516l. 15s., whereof 341l. 2s. received of Mr. Alderman Billingesley, and 175l. 13s. remains unpaid.
Endd. Dated June 7. ¾ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 33.]
June 6. Certificate by Captain J. Pretherch, given and signed at the request of Captain William Suderman, that 7 or 8 Irish deserters from Sir William Stanle's regiment came into this town about March 18, o.s., last. Four or five days later one of them was examined by Sir John Conway, the Governor, in the presence of the captains. Suderman absent. The man reported a rumour that was abroad among the enemy, that a Flemish captain has promised to betray this town for a certain sum of money. Suderman is the only Flemish captain in the town. The captains protested his innocence; but Conway sought to destroy their good opinion, alleging (1) that Suderman was discontented at not being in her Majesty's pay, (2) that he had wilfully lost himself during a foray on the outskirts of Nieuport, (3) that he was often out of the town, (4) that his soldiers often brought letters from the enemy.—Ostend, 6 June, 1589.
Signed. Endd. French. ¾ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 32.]
June 6/16. Don Antonio to Walsingham.
Refers him to the reports of those who daily return to England. Deplorable state of his affairs, the result solely of his misfortune and his sins. Desires Walsingham to continue his goodwill.— The Port of Cascayz, 16 June, 1589.
Signed ‘Rey.’ Add. Endd. Seal of arms. French. ¼ p. [Portugal II. f. 59.]
June 6/16. John Wroth to Walsingham.
“One of the enclosed (fn. 1) is from Mr. Griffed, a Welsh gentleman and the eldest of his house, who, as he saith, not many years past did leave his country only for religion's sake. What his behaviour hath been since his being on this side the sea, I do not know; only that he hath been a follower of Cardinal Alline in Rome. He protesteth never to have been any meddler in any practice against her Majesty's person or estate, and promiseth all faithfulness hereafter in her service.” Advised him to write to Walsingham, “knowing that you, being already informed of the person, doth best know how to use him in his kind.”
The Pope is still furious against the French King, though Cardinal Altemps and others of the College lately reprehended him to his face for it and “told him that his inconsiderate handling of matters will be an occasion to draw the Huguenots over the mountains.” Yet he is said to have put divers French gentlemen in the Inquisition since the French ambassador left Rome. It is also said that he has asked these Signors to send away the French King's ambassador. On the other hand, he has called home all his subjects in the service of any other princes and has refused to help the Duke of Savoy, saying that he must keep all his forces to defend his own estate lest the Huguenots come over the Alps. Yet he talks of levying ten thousand soldiers under the Duke of Urbino, either for the siege of Geneva or for France. Those who need his present assistance suspect his designs. They say that, if he wished to advance the Romish faith, he would not refuse to levy men for them in his estates at their expense, they being “the doorkeepers of all Italy.” Many think that these enterprises are far from the Pope's intention “and that by giving out the same he seeketh only to content presently the world: for he, being of a most near and hard nature, will not easily be brought to make such huge expenses about such enterprises as can bring no particular profit unto his own house and kindred. And it is likewise thought that the Duke of Urbino, having no successor, will not lightly leave his estate and country for the Pope's service, having herebefore denied the like favour unto the King of Spain unto whom he is pensionary.” The Pope is reported to be sick of an ague.
The King of Spain has sent the order of the Golden Fleece to the Duke of Florence.
The Swiss have retired from Savoy and gone into France, leaving 3,000 men to garrison the places which they took. The King of Spain levies 3,000 footmen in Naples and 3,000 in Florence, Urbino, and Milan: Don Pedro de Medici, the Duke's brother, to be general of them. Some say they are for Savoy; others (more probably) for Spain, to furnish the galleys. Probably the news that sixty galleys have left Constantinople will keep these forces in Italy. (fn. 2) The levy for Spain in the Archduke Ferdinand's land goes slowly for lack of money. “Those of that country have already learned … that the King of Spain's fair promises do not pass for current payment.”
Pointed out this week to certain gentlemen of the Pregadi “into what evident peril this state and the other princes of Italy would fall if that either her Majesty's army should have had bad success or those of the League should have the upper hand in France; and therefore how necessary it were for her M[ajesty], the King of France, this Signorie, and the Duke of Florence … to join themselves together in withstanding the Spaniards' practices, seeing that the overthrow of all other princes' estates in Christendom could not satisfy the excessive ambition of the Spaniard and that the preservation or ruin of their dominions seemed to be so hard linked together that the one could not fall without the evident peril of the others' subversion.” The gentlemen agreed that the Spaniards' ambition was now evident and thought that, if her M[ajesty] wrote urging this Senate to aid the King of France, her letters would be gratefully received and would encourage those who desire such a union to speak out boldly. Cannot see that any harm could come of such writing, and the opportunity should not be lost through an undue care for reputation. These gentlemen always put off their caps when they mentioned her Majesty and they called her la benedetta Regina, conservatrice delta liberta Christiana.
Cardinal Joyeuse arrived here last week. The Spanish ambassador was conducted yesterday with extraordinary ceremonies into the Senate, the King of Spain having given their new ‘lieger’ extraordinary entertainment. A frigate, arrived this morning from Constantinople, is said to bring news of 60 galleys leaving for the Archipelago and that the Christians of Pera are in danger of being sacked.—Venis, 16 June, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Venice I. f. 68.]
June 7/17. Bernet, governor of Boulogne, to Walsingham.
His Majesty ordered Bernet to arrest a Captain Hautefort, who went from Hâvre de Grace to Dunkirk on behalf of the governor of Hâvre and other disturbers of the peace of this state. Sent out barks for this purpose, but some of her Majesty's ships met Hautefort's galliot (carrying arms and munitions) off this town and carried it to Dover or to some other English port. Asks that the galliot, arms, and munitions be delivered to himself, since they belong to the revolted subjects of his master.— Boulogne, 17 June, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents. French. 1 p. [France XIX. f. 143.]
June 7/17. P. P[ellegrini] to Jacopo Mannutio, at London.
The troubles in France seem to hinder the passage of letters, for he has written thrice and received no answer. “The knight hath had some advice out of Spain and besides hath had conference with an ambassador of the King's that hath been in this place to use compliments with the Duke of Florence about his late marriage; the effect whereof is that if her Majesty will come to appointment, they are contented to enter into communication, yea, and conclusion, so that these three points be not mentioned, … that is to say:—removing of strangers, and demanding of forteresses, and, above all other, consent to any other religion then the King professeth. And thus much the knight willeth me to write unto you to be the resolution. Besides all this, that he is determined this next year to make a more puissant navy, and resolute, cost what it may, to make an end.”
The King of Spain has ready 9,000 Swisses, 4,000 Grisons, 4,000 Almanes of Tyroll. 10,000 Italians are also preparing under Don Pietro de Medices, to whom the King has written: the money for their levy is at Milan. Some think they are for France, some for Spain, some for both. Last week 200 brass pieces, mostly from Carmagnola citadel, went from Oneglia for Spain.—17 June, 1589.
Not signed. Endd. “from P. P.” Add. Words in italics in cipher, deciphered. [Tuscany I. f. 236.]
June 7. Notes for the amendment and explaining of the Contract of 10 August, 1585, between her Majesty and the United Provinces.
Articles especially touching her Majesty and her subjects serving in the United Provinces.
1. That the continuance of her Majesty's forces there be limited to some certain time: is now bound for the duration of the wars. [Margin, by Burghley: “This may best be treated of at the meeting”: if published beforehand, it may cause doubts “that her Majesty mindeth to break off her assistance.”]
2. That her Majesty's soldiers in the cautionary and other garrisons receive the services of fire, candle, salt, vinegar, etc. [Margin, by Burghley: “This also at the time of the treaty.”]
3. That the reinforcement of her Majesty's auxiliary companies, when decayed by death, be done at the United Provinces' charge. [Margin, by Burghley: “a hard demand.”]
4. That the United Provinces allow, for time past and time to come, the 3l. 5s. sterling monthly upon the pay of every company of 150, in excess of the rate set down in the Contract. [Margin, by Burghley: It is to be seen whether the Contract binds her Majesty to any such rate.]
5. That checks and defalcations, made “upon the companies in her Majesty's pay not complete, be cleared and allowed for the time past and agreed and covenanted in certainty for the time to come.” The money to be used in the public service with the Council of State's privity.
6. That any of her Majesty's subjects hereafter entertained by the United Provinces be paid according to her Majesty's rate. [Margin, E; and by Burghley: “Very reasonable to be notified.”]
7. That when any army is in the field, victuals sent to it by the States or Council of State shall be sold to the soldier at no higher price (“in respect of the impositions otherwise laid upon the said victual”) than that charged in the ordinary garrisons. [Margin, F; and by Burghley: “A reasonable demand.”]
8. That her Majesty's subjects serving there, whether in her pay or the States', be lodged in houses during their marches from place to place, “and not thrust into churches or other such like places to the danger of their health and loss of their lives.” [Margin, G; and by Burghley: “A very reasonable demand.”]
9. That special places of garrison be appointed for her Majesty's auxiliary forces when not employed in the field. [Margin. H; and by Burghley, “Reasonable.”]
10. That the United Provinces pay the marshal of the field, the general of the horse, the colonel-general of the footmen, the master of the ordnance, the sergeant-major of the field, the provost-marshal, the quarter-master, the corporals, and other officers of the field in the English forces [“when they shall serve in the field,” added by Burghley. Margin, I].
11. That English soldiers in her Majesty's or the States' pay, serving under a stranger, be tried for any offences by an English marshal only (fn. 3) [Margin, J; and by Burghley: “the difference is great: if the soldier be by the Queen paid, it is reasonable; otherwise it seemeth hard, for so one shall pay and another shall rule.”]
12. That commissaries of musters, both for her Majesty and for the States, be appointed to reside in the garrison towns to take frequent musters and check the frauds practised by captains and officers. [Added by Walsingham: commissaries not to reside in the same place for more than one year. Margin, K; and by Burghley: “Very necessary, but yet to be yearly changed.”]
13. That her Majesty's Lieutenant-General command both her auxiliary troops and the forces of the Provinces. That alterations of garrisons or calling of forces into the field be done by his patent ‘paraphred’ by a Councillor of State. [Margin, L; and by Burghley: “Reasonable when the Q[ueen's] General shall lead the army.”]
14. That her Majesty treat not with Spain or any other enemy of the United Provinces without their privity, nor conclude without their consent.
15. That the States General, Governor-General, Council of State, and council of war, establish a military discipline equally and the same for ‘Dutch’ as for English, both in garrison and in the field (“saving in the matter of their pay), which may be exercised in the General, the Governors, and commanders respectively.” [Margin, M; and by Burghley: “Necessary.”]
16. That the States establish “an office of master of espials” to receive secretly all intelligences of the enemy: to have money to give rewards. [Added by Walsingham: “That some convenient allowance be yielded unto the L[ord] General to be employed for intelligences,” and in margin against this, N, and by Burghley, “Reasonable.”]
17. That special provision be made for commissioners to be appointed by the States “at the end of every 6 months at the farthest,” to join with those of her Majesty for the clearing of the accounts touching the issues of her treasure. The debt due, to be acknowledged thereupon by a special act under the public seal of the United Provinces. The like order to be taken for the accounts of the issues from the contributions of the United Provinces. [Margin, 0; and by Burghley: “Necessary: one of the principal articles to be notified for reviewing of the Treaty.”]
18. That, in addition to their general obligation and the surety of the cautionary towns, each Province bind itself for the answering of the said debt, every one in particular pro toto et in solido. [Margin, P; and by Burghley: “Requisite: by the words of the Treaty, there are words importing this.”]
19. That her Majesty be permitted to choose two or three, and not more, towns as caution for her expenses, in place of those she now holds, if she think good to relinquish them. [Margin, A, a trefoil, and by Burghley, “Reasonable.”]
20. That her Majesty may, when an enemy attack, or a mutiny, or the ill disposition of the burghers, seems threatening, reinforce the cautionary garrisons, “with regard nevertheless to the state and condition of the said towns and inhabitants.” [Margin, B; and by Burghley, “Very reasonable.”]
21. That the States General bear the charge of all necessary fortifications and reparations in the cautionary towns. [Margin, C; and by Burghley, “Necessary.”]
22. That the United Provinces supply the cautionary towns with great ordnance, artillery, powder, munition, bullet etc. [Margin, D; and by Burghley, “Requisite.”]
23. That burghers and inhabitants of cautionary towns meddle not with martial services, as watching and warding, without the commandment and assent of the Governor. [Margin, a trefoil, and by Burghley, “By the Treaty they may not.”]
Articles concerning the United Provinces and their government.
1. That the Provinces be bound to maintain ordinary garrisons of at least 20,000 footmen and 1,400 horsemen, and to put 2,000 horsemen and 7,000 footmen and 1,000 pioneers into the field for four months every summer, so long as her Majesty continue her succours of 5,000 foot and 1,000 horse. [Margin, Q; and by Burghley, “A necessary article.”]
2. That each Province give full power to its deputies in the General States or in “the college of States established at the Haag (limited nevertheless to 3, 4, 5, or 6 months), to negotiate, treat, and conclude with her Majesty or with her Governor-General and Council of State (the matter of their impositions and contributions only excepted) upon all matters and causes that may be propounded by her Majesty's Governor or Council of State for the weal and good of the Provinces.” [Margin, R; and by Burghley, “Requisite.”]
3. That the civil and military authority of her Majesty's General and the Council of State be as ample as that ever given to the Governors in Charles V's time. That, to avoid “multiplicity of commandments,” the States General in no way impeach the government of the said General and Council except in the case of their default and slackness endangering the public state of the Provinces. [Margin, S; and by Burghley, “Requisite.”]
4. That the instructions for the Council of State be set down by the States General, Governor, and Council of State, and ratified by her Majesty. [Margin, a trefoil; by Burghley, “This may be forborne until the treating.”]
5. That sufficient civil and military authority be given to the Governor and Council of State, according to the intent of the Contract. [Margin, T.]
6. That the States General establish in convenient places accessible to the frontier towns, magazines of victual, great ordnance, powder, bullet, and all kinds of munition, to be always ready to supply any town threatened by the enemy or to provide for sudden attacks upon the enemy. [Margin, V; and by Burghley, “Necessary.”]
7. “That the Provinces United be likewise bound not to embase or enhance their monies but with her Majesty's privity and consent; and that her H[ighness'] coins of gold and silver brought into those countries be not molten and converted into foreign coins.” [Margin, X; and by Burghley, “Necessary, as by Treaty is provided.”]
8. That, as Brabant and Flanders were also parties to the Contract, they be admitted and allowed a voice in the States General and Council of State. [Margin, Y; and by Burghley, “Very requisite.”]
9. That the Governor and Council of State be given “the entire and absolute managing of all their contributions, moyens, convoys, and licences,” and also authority “to farm out, collect, and employ them as they shall see most expedient for the public commodity.” [Margin, Z; and by Burghley, “Requisite; comprehended in the meaning of the Treaty.”]
10. That her Majesty's General may always have “a voice negative” in the Council of State in matters concerning her Majesty or her subjects. [Margin, A.A.; and by Burghley, “Requisite.”]
11. That all deliberations in the Council of State, as well as the registers of its acts and resolutions, be in French or Latin, for the General and two English councillors are members. [Margin, B.B.; and by Burghley, “Very necessary.”]
Articles concerning shipping, convoys, etc.
1. “That the transportation of all sorts of victual, munition of war, powder, great ordnance, arms, tackle, cables, sails, anchors, masts, cordage, pitch, tar, and all other apparel and furniture for shipping be prohibited, upon pain of confiscation, as well for Spain, Portugal, and the Islands, as also for all other ports and places confining upon the same and likewise for all other countries and dominions of the K[ing] of Spain.” [Margin, by Burghley, “Necessary.”]
2. That no ship of above [blank in MS.] tons be licensed to trade to Spain, Portugal, etc. [Margin, by Burghley: “Necessary.”]
3. That no more than [blank in MS.] ships be licensed at any one time to go for Spain, etc.; and that no more be licensed until these have returned. [Margin, by Burghley, “Necessary.”]
4. That, to avoid fraud, the master, etc., of every ship so licensed take his corporal oath not to carry any of the prohibited goods. The like oath to be taken by the master of the convoys and the searcher or customer not to suffer any such wares to be laden or entered. [Margin, by Burghley, “Necessary.”]
5. That any ship or wares prohibited, licensed or passing for Spain and found delinquent by her Majesty's searchers at any port it may stop at, shall be confiscate to her Majesty's use. [Margin, by Burghley, “Reasonable.”]
6. That the unspecified number of ships which the United Provinces are bound by the Contract to furnish for her Majesty's assistance, “may be put down certain.”
Rough draft. Dated at head. Endd. with trefoil, and by Burghley “9 June, 1589.” 22 pp. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 140.]
June 8. Estimate of victuals presently in certain garrisons.
Flushinge. Wheat, 1800 quarters; rye, 460; barley, 300; beer, 42 tuns.
Briell. 172 quarters of wheat were sent, but the Governor converted it into powder, contrary to order, so no more is to be sent yet.
Bargen-up-Zome. Wheat, 330 quarters; rye, 160: barley, 100; beer, 30 tuns.
Ostende. Wheat, 410 quarters; rye, 40; beer 73 tuns. Besides 150 quarters of wheat, 180 firkins of butter, and 22 tuns of beer sent with the 500 men, and 12 thousandweight of Hollands cheese to be sent from Middleburgh “because our new cheese is not yet portable.” Dated by Burghley. Endd. “9 June, 1589. Report of G. Leicester touching the victuals in Holland.” 1 p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 35.]
June 9. George Zolcher to Walsingham.
Commends himself to his honour, her ladyship, Lady Sidney, and especially “to madam and mistress my Lady Elizabeth Sidney.” On his return hither, was well received by his lordship, her ladyship, the young prince and princesses. Sends by this bearer a present to “my said lady and mistress,” which he desires his honour to give to her. Sent this bearer hither to his lordship, and he is now going home with his lordship's letters to his honour: he is poor, so desires that he may have a warrant for his pains. Assurances of faithful service.—Haidelberg, 9 June, '89.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 9 June. Seal. 1⅓ pp. [Germany, States V. f. 221.]
June 9/19. Ordinance of the Council of State that John Crooke, appointed provost-marshal of Bergen-up-Zome, shall not meddle with such prisoners as are “brought into the said town or which are there stayed and arrested for their contributions and brought into his prison there to be kept.” He shall allow them to be kept in the town prison. In consideration hereof, he shall be allowed to take 1 guldern of 20 stivers of each prisoner brought in from the enemy and judged to be good prize. This shall not prejudice the previous placard.—The Hague, 19 June, 1589.
Underwritten, “A true copy translated by me, John van Beuer, notarius publicus.” Original signed, John Suylen, sec. Endd. with note of contents. ½ p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 37.]
[June 9.] Remonstrance of the States' deputies.
The weakness of her Majesty's succours, of which their lordships desire proof, has often appeared when forces were needed for service against the enemy. When Bergen-op-Zoom was besieged Willoughby wrote to the Council of State that he could furnish only 1,500 or 1,600 men for the town, in which, as he had previously informed them, there were only 6 or 700 English. He told the States General before his departure that there would be only 1,000 footmen and 400 horse left for Bergen and Ostend after the 2,000 foot and 600 horse granted to Norreis were withdrawn, though by the agreement with Norreis 2,000 footmen were to be left in Bergen and 1,000 in Ostend. Noreis took the best companies, yet they were far below their full strength, especially the horse, as was discovered at their embarking. The companies remaining would be found to be still weaker were they properly mustered according to the orders, etc., made by Leicester and the Council of State. These disorders should be reformed and her Majesty should pay her troops tête pour tête instead of through the captains. The States' commissaries should witness the payments, according to the Treaty. This would remedy the frauds and keep the bands complete.
The five months for which the States granted Norritz the 2,000 foot and 600 horse have expired. Desire the companies' return, as this is the season when the enemy makes great efforts against the United Provinces.
Unsigned. Endd. with date. French. 12/3 pp. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 156.]
Another copy of the above, with a marginal note by Burghley of Willoughby's statements about Bergen.
Endd. as exhibited 14 July, 1589, and by Burghley as “avouched by the Lord Willoghbye's writing.” French. 2⅓ pp. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 158.]
[June 9.] “Memorial of sundry things to be required of the States.”
By a clause in the States' ratification of the Treaty, 2 October, 1586 [sic], “her Majesty may choose one town or place strong in any other provinces to furnish the same with English garrisons out of the number of the 5,000.”
The States' earnest request at the end of the confirmation of the Treaty (1 September, 1585), that her Majesty would send a nobleman to command in military matters and to counsel in matters of government and defence.
Requests needful.”
Restoration of the former authority of the Queen's Governor and of the Council of State, infringed by the instructions of 12 April, 1588 [N.S.]. “Concerning these, there are a great number of articles ready to be showed.”
To consult how the traffic may be continued “without evident relieving of the enemy of things tending to make him strong.”
In Burghley's hand and endd. by him with date. 1 p. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 160.]
June 10. Thomas Bodley to Burghley.
Sends the General States' answer to his request for Lord Willughbie. (fn. 4) Fears they will delay and avoid its performance.
Vasseur, Sir William Russel's secretary, arrested at Flushing. Quarrel between the garrison and Middlebourgh thereupon. A full joint assembly of the General States and the Council of State resolved that, as he was taken [outside?] Flushing and is a natural born subject of the country, he should be dealt with here. Yet, to avoid all suspicion of partiality, they resolved to remove him from Zeeland and bring him before the Council of State, where Bodley should always be present at his examinations. They asked Bodley to write urging the garrison to cease from violence or threatenings against those of Middlebourgh. Cannot see that the Contract gives the garrison any claim to decide the cause. Has accordingly written to Mr. Borlas and Mr. Errington to accept such order as the States shall set down.
Barnevelt's speech before the General States, demanding that the Council of State should write to her Majesty threatening to publish to the world the whole course of the English here, unless she will take order for the governing of her people. The Council of State entirely condemned this speech and thought it sufficient to write to her Majesty's Council—“and to write with more good manner and regard of their duty.“ Bodley could write of many such indignities, but if her Majesty took notice of them it would only make the offenders more perverse.
On his return from Berghen, came through Dordrecht. After much trouble obtained the release by public sentence of Sir John Wingfilde's child. Sir John had made a grant, which Bodley saw, by which they were given the custody of the child until the debt was answered.
The enemy forces bend against Blienbeecke and Hoesden. The recent heavy rains forced him to withdraw from Hoesden. Men sent to the town, where there are now 1,000 at least, victualled for all this summer. Outrages among those in the town appeased. The enemy carried much cattle from Bommels-weert: 100 men, sent out by Colonel Balfoure from Bommel, were slain. Sir Martin Schincke has done nothing as yet at Blienbeecke because the Count of Neuwenar and the Count of Overstein have not brought their forces to him. Jealousy between them. Certain gentlemen of Frise have raised 1,600 footmen at their own charge, under one Clandt. He promised to join Schincke in the relief of Blienbeecke, where there are already 2,000 foot and 700 horse. The enemy is far stronger.
Count Maurice says that Parma sends 3,000 footmen and 800 horse to the Leaguers.—The Hage, 10 June, '89.
Postscript. Letters from Collen state that Parma failed in an enterprise upon Metz. 800 Italians employed in it. He had intelligence in the town, but his friends were arrested and executed.
Holograph. Add. Endd. by Walsingham's clerk. Margin torn. 22/3 pp. [Holland XXXIII. f. 39.]
[June 10.] Charges for apparel for the army.
Winter:—4,265 ordinary suits, cost 10,484l. 15s. 10d., and 425 gentlemen's suits, cost [1,487l. 10s.]: in all, 11,972l. 5s. 10d. Cost of an ordinary suit, 2l. 9s. 2d. (doublet 8s. 6d., cassock 14s. 11d., 1 pair Venetians 8s. hat cap 1s. 4d., 3 pairs cloth stockings 3s. 9d., 4 pairs shoes 6s. 8d., 2 shirts and bands 6s.). Cost of a gentleman's suit, 3l. 10s. (fustian doublet 1l., laced cassock 1l. 7s. 6d., 1 pair Venetians 14s. 6d., 1 pair worsted stockings 8s.).
Summer:—4,265 ordinary suits, cost 7,108l. 6s. 8d., and 425 gentlemen's suits, cost 903l. 2s. 6d.: in all, 8,01l. 9s. 2d. Cost of an ordinary suit, 1l. 13s. 4d. (doublet 8s. 6d., 1 pair Venetians 8s., felt hat 3s. 4d., 2 pairs cloth stockings 2s. 6d., 3 pairs shoes 5s., 2 shirts and bands 6s.). Cost of a gentleman's suit, 2l. 2s. 6d. (fustian doublet 1l., 1 pair Venetians 14s. 6d., 1 pair worsted stockings 8s.).
Every company of 150 is allowed 100 ordinary and 10 gentlemen's suits: so its winter apparel costs 280l. 16s. 8d., its summer 187l. 18s. 4d.; total 468l. 15s. 166 ordinary and 16 gentlemen's suits allowed for the Lord General's band of 250, and 133 and 13 each for the 200 of the Governors of Flushinge, Brill, and Berghen.
Endd. by Burghley with date. 1 large p. [Holland XXXIII. f. 41.]


  • 1. Calendared above, p. 290.
  • 2. Underlined.
  • 3. Underlined.
  • 4. See H.M.C., Ancaster MSS., pp. 285–6.