Elizabeth: May 1589, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Elizabeth: May 1589, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp278-292 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1589, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp278-292.

"Elizabeth: May 1589, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp278-292.

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May 1589, 21–31

May 21. Count William Louis of Nassau to Noel de Caron.
Hears that he means to visit him here to deliver credentials and a message from her Majesty. The Count leaves for Holland in a few days, so advises Caron to await him there.—Lewarden, 21 May, 1589.
Signed. Add. Endd. French. ¼ p. [Holland XXXII. f. 213.]
May 21. Sir Thomas Morgan to Walsingham.
Has not replied to his two or three former letters because he had no news. Is dealing with M. Mondragon to release the [Englishman in endt.] prisoner at Gravelinge in exchange for one of the Spaniards here taken at the sconce. The Prince of Parma reported dead. Some say he was poisoned, others that he has the Greek disease and was never well since he came from Gerterden Bergen. Encloses the name of the Prince's probable successor who comes from Spain by sea to Flanders. Great secret preparations for his landing. “Another great man of war” likely to come with him. [On separate slip of paper, annexed: “the Prince Cardinal, Governor of Portugal; the Earl of Cinqfontus.”] Mr. Bodle, Mr. Gillpin, the Chancellor, and four of the States are here to get men to go with Sir Martin Skincke to relieve Bliembeck. They want the Lord General's, the Governor of Flushinge's, and Marcellis Backs' troops of horse, and Sir Francis Vere with 150 foot. Has agreed, as their companies have been strengthened by men from England. Hosden likely to be lost within two months, for they have “most cowardly” lost the castle of Hemor which should have maintained it. The enemy now braves them here in Brabant “and say they will be with us again.” Hopes they will have as great a disgrace as before. Hopes to see great alteration among them if the Prince be dead or replaced by another. Hopes at this time of the year to keep the town from surprise by means of the sconces. Desires his honour and the Council to favour his suits and grant him justice.—Bergen, 21 May, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with full note of contents. 1 p. [Holland XXXII. f. 236.]
May 22. William Milward to Walsingham.
Left “two letters of one tenor” to the Lord Treasurer and Walsingham with a friend in Hamborgh on the 12th. No ship has sailed for London since he left, so he encloses a copy of these [verbatim copy follows].
News from Spain and Andwarp that the King of Spain has refused Parma's bills for 300,000 crowns. Parma is sick and has gone to the Spawe: if he lacks money, he will lack men.
A friend whom Milward caused to write to Augsburg has within these two days given him hope that some good store of money may be had at Augsburg at reasonable rate. This is not yet certain.
At Franckford mart some hope to do some good, but … it will not only be dangerous to bring money so far by land but also there will be great loss therein.” Will avoid both as far as he can. Means if possible “to contract so as such money as I take shall be paid in Hamborgh or Stoad. It would grieve me much that I should put her Majesty to charges and do no service … I will spend half as much of mine own as I have had of her Majesty but somewhat shall be done …”
Received his honour's of April 26 on May 17 by Mr. Sheriff Saltonstall. The two ciphers 26 and 43, like 79, 77, 76, and 75, are blanks: but as they stand just under 20, he took them to mean the same as 20. Does not use special messengers, unless something important shall be effected. Once he has made one party, he will neglect no means of letting Walsingham know. “One party made, [the] rest will follow … for all the difficulty lieth in the first match.” Does not now write to the Lord Treasurer.
—Stade, 22 May, 1589.
Postscript. With the Adventurers' fleet there came hither from London two English ships, partly laden with wool for the Staplers, but mostly with cloths and kerseys which interlopers sell at vile prices in Hamborgh, “taking the benefit of the general liberty granted now two years past.” This assures the strangers that the Adventurers' corporation is broken and greatly inconveniences the Adventurers. Speaks this from duty, not as an Adventurer.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. Passages in italics in cipher. 3 pp. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns III. f. 87.]
Decipher of the ciphered passages in the above letter and in that of May 12.
pp. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns III. f. 89.]
May 22. G. Gilpin to H. Killigrew.
His journey to this town has prevented him from replying earlier to Killigrew's letters of April 27, May 4 and 10. Lord Buckhurst is eagerly awaited. This town is “in reasonable terms.” Sir Francis Vere, “who showeth himself wise, discreet, and honest, had temperated all things so as the Governor was more and better respected than afore, yet our coming hither doth confirm all the more.” Hope to set all in good order. The old Chancellor and the two deputies of Zeeland whom they brought with them have greatly helped herein. Hopes Lord Willughby will not condemn Morgan unheard, for he has borne very much. About 150 horse and as many foot to go hence with Schenck to rescue Blyenbeeck and victual Berck. The enemy is likely to mutiny for lack of pay and necessaries. The States' deputies are probably by now in England and Lord Buckhurst on his way hither, before whose arrival little can be expected. News to-day from the Haeghe that the enemy in Hemert Weerdt have mutinied. Some alteration certain if the report of Parma's death is true. “I have told Menyn of his book and Colston his promise. The tidings liked him, and wisheth the effects to follow.” An agreement made between Schenck and the States. Does not know details. The Council of State's authority still diminishes daily. M. Valk has been one of the chief complainers about it. High time some order were taken. Ten new companies being raised, but few will join, “so do they, as it were, abhor the name of States.”
No more Schevelinge boats come over till after harvest. If Killigrew means to send beer over before then, he must send it by the Roterdam ships to William Jonson there, who will deliver it to Gilpin. Is likely to be here 8 or 10 days longer.—Bergues-op-Zoom, 22 May, 1589.
Postscript. Mr. Bodly desires to be excused for not writing. Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 239.]
[May 23.] Chief faults discovered by the muster-master in William Burlacy's certificates of the late musters.
Not stated whether general on one day or on several days, nor if taken in the presence of the States' commissaries.
Scots not counted among the strangers. The Queen is probably much abused hereby, for there are “many broken needy companies in the Low Countries very easy to be hired for such a purpose, the rather for that the nearness of their language is such as they can hardly be discerned.” The Scots are the captains' chief means for this abuse, now that the English bands in the States' pay are withdrawn. The muster-master once discovered 20 men borrowed from one company to make a false muster in another.
The ‘absent’ are allowed in numbers large enough to cover the defect, and most of them are certified as ‘by passport.’ In some bands they are not put down, in some put down and then erased.
In one there are 20 absent who are counted among those present, as is quoted in the book's margin.
21 in one band are allowed as absent by passport, whereas the captain himself admits a defect of 15. An exact general muster, taken on one day, is necessary.
The number in list is sometimes wrongly stated.
Others used to pass more than their number in list, until this was stopped.
No distinction is made in the horse bands between lances and carbines, mounted and dismounted.
The Vlisshing bands are passed without defect, though they are known to be very weak.
Former musters were more favourable to her Majesty as regards defects and want of arms, e.g. a muster taken at Berghen-up-Some ten days before this showed nearly 150 more in defect there. Even the most disorderly musters have always shown defects.
Details are noted in apostilles and ‘quotations’ in the margin of the original certificate: the muster-master's opinion set down at large as an addition thereto.
Imperfection and confusion of the form of the certificate. The accounts so cast up that particulars and totals disagree.
This may all be turned to her Majesty's benefit if a general muster be immediately taken, at one time in all places, with the privity and consent of the States; good orders being first set down for the manner of the officers' proceeding. The sooner it is done the better, for this alarm will drive captains to reinforce their bands, as some already have done. Frauds would thus be covered up.
Confusion of instructions about musters given by the States and those given by her Majesty. Desires that some uniform good order be set down by the Council, with the States' consent. Has prepared certain points and set them down for the reformation of these matters. Desires that such doubts and difficulties as he shall also present may be also resolved, so that he may proceed in censuring the checks respited by the Lord General upon signing the last warrants.
Endd. with date. 3½ pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 241.]
May 24. Richard Scofeld to Walsingham.
Received his of May 13 and 15 and one from Mr. Projam. Mychell is surprised not to hear, but believes his honour has not received his letters. He is determined to proceed in his attempt and daily expects some provision from Mr. Ager, his wife's uncle. He meanwhile plays his part with letters to Sir William Standley, Hoult, etc., and “here applyeth the church, with other usages most like a notable rebel.” All think him a very traitor. His heart was always loyal, though his honour “hath had advice of him.” After his refusal the traitors sought his death, but he now hopes to have more credit with them than ever. He assures Scofeld that there is a spy near his honour: he hopes to discover this and greater matters. He hopes his honour will befriend him in his cause with his wife. Meanwhile, the charge will not be great. Will not give him above 15 or 20 crowns.
Parma unlikely to recover: “his belly and legs are greatly swollen.” Poison suspected. [A trefoil in the margin.]
The King of Navarre is lodged in the St. Jarmyn des Pres suburb of Paris. The Duke of Longeville is with his forces at Auburges. The French King with all his forces is also before Paris. The Duke de Mall and M. Ballynyn gather their forces at St. Denys.
The Duke of Memorancey has beaten those of Tholowse, taken 4 cannon, and besieged the town. Bourges and its governor have yielded to the King. Skirmishes elsewhere, all in the King's favour. A Depe ship come from Lisbon reports that there they attend in fear the English army's coming. 3 English ships blockade the Borllinges [Margin: The Earl of Essex may be in one of these ships] and the 12 galleys in Lisbon dare not go out to them. The Depe men say that all the Portingalls will rise on Don Antony's coming: they rejoice at the army's spoiling about the Groine.
A Boullenoise gentleman riding hunting with M. de Gorden on Thursday last was taken by four Gascons of Bollen who carried him to M. Barney, despite M. Gorden's men.—Calles, 24 May, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. 2¼ pp. [France XIX. f. 133.]
May 24/June 3. Jacques d'Egmont, S. van Loozen, and Jacques Valcke, to Walsingham.
Their desire to wait upon him. He deferred it until after their audience with her Majesty, which took place yesterday. Send him a copy of their remonstrance, upon which her Majesty has directed them to confer to-morrow with the Council. Enclose a letter from the States General, and await some better opportunity to visit him.—London, 3 June, 1589, stilo novo.
Signed by all three. Add. Endd. 23 [sic.] May, 1589. French. 1½ p. [Holland XXXII. f. 250.]
Probably enclosing:
The States' Commissioners to the Queen.
They have been sent by the States General of the United Provinces to request the continuance of her royal favour towards their country.
Also, since their merchants complain that her subjects have for several years past seized all their ships that they could find in the westward parts and elsewhere (both at sea and in her Majesty's harbours), the Commissioners are humbly to beseech her to command the restoration and release of all their ships, sailors, and goods, which have been so arrested. Also desire that the merchants may receive compensation for their losses and injuries, which amount to a large sum, as they are prepared to prove. Request that order be taken to avoid such seizures in the future, for their country is dependent upon the freedom of sea-borne commerce.
Are further to petition her to take order that her succours may be brought to the strength laid down by the Treaty, especially at this season when the enemy will pursue his purposes more earnestly.
Copy. Endd. with date and a trefoil. French. 12/3 pp. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 123.]
May 24. Sir John Conway to Walsingham.
Has asked M. Matryte, sent hither with other commissaries by the States, to inform his honour of the state of this place.
The enemy, he hears, will make another attempt to surprise the town, and, if that fails, will sit down before it.
Has asked the Lord Treasurer to procure the sending over of reinforcements, and he seems ready to do so. Desires Walsingham likewise to urge it.
Value of the place to her Majesty, who should not object to a small charge for its preservation. It is too weak and the garrison is too small to withstand a siege. The troops are burdened by watching all night and should not be pressed too far. If a reasonable supply be sent in time to ease the common soldiers and keep them contented, doubts not that he can hold the place. Meanwhile, fears no surprise.
Desires his honour to continue his favour and not to believe evil reports against him. Thanks him for his last letter and news.—Ostend, 24 May, 1589.
Postscript. An assured report that the Duke of Parma is dead by poison. It will breed great piques between the Spaniards and Italians.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with full note of contents. Seal of arms. 1½ pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 244.]
May 24. William Borlas to Walsingham.
An intercepted cipher letter, sent to the States of Zeeland and deciphered by M. Sante Hallagonde, shows that the Prince means shortly to try to surprise Hostend: if that fails, he will besiege it. Brydges and Flanders contribute largely for the enterprise. Reinforcements should be sent, for there are too few men there to defend both the old and the new towns. The captains and burghers are very discontented against the Governor.
The States have sent a commissary thither to view the works. They mean to bestow some 15,000 gulderns upon them.
Anwarpt burghers come away daily, “for the time doth draw near of the contract.” News from Bergen that the Prince of Parma is dead.
Two or three hundred men should be sent to supply the companies here, which are very weak. Wishes the Governor's [endt. Sir William Russell's] return hither might be hastened.— Flusschyng, 24 May, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with full note of contents. Seal. 1¾ pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 248.]
[May 24.] “Memorial of matters wherewith to charge the States of the Low Countries.”
Abridgement of the Lord General's authority, contrary to the Contract.
Also of that of the Council of State: instructions changed without the Queen's Governor's knowledge: not allowed to order disbursements of money.
Have victualled the enemy when he was besieging towns in her protection, e.g. Sluce and Berghes.
Their promises to send men and shipping with Sir John Norrice to Portyngall “changed with appointing of parcels of her own forces to be sent out of the Low Countries.”
“Misusage of Sir John Wyngfelde's young child, twice arrested at Dort.”
Alteration in matters agreed upon by the Treaty.
The Queen's General should be acquainted with and should advise upon matters of finance, the countries' military forces, and levies of strangers.
The attempt of Gertrudenberg infamous and unwise. They have, in seeking to cover their fault, slandered the Queen's General and the English nation.
In Burghley's hand, and endd. by him with date. 2 pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 246.]
May 25./June 4. French Advices.
The King of Navarre and his army at Chasteaudun on May 23. He garrisoned Bonneval and then returned to Chasteaudun to await the King, whom he expects in four days. They will then march against the Duke de Mayenne. This is the end of Mme. d'Anjou's new enterprise.
News from Renes and St. Malo, 2 June, 1589. The Count de Soissons brought the Queen and the Dowager Princess of Condé to Angers. He goes into Brittany. All Anjou is for the King. Navarre defeated nine ensigns of Mayenne's, taking six cannon.
From Avril and St. Malo, June 4:—Soissons taken prisoner on Thursday at Chasteaugiron, three leagues from Renes, whither Lavardin escaped with 200 horse. Soissons holds himself prisoner by Vieques. Vitré still besieged. Mannaie expects to be relieved.
Endd. French. 2/3 p. [France XIX. f. 139.]
May 25. Dr. Paul Knibbe to Walsingham.
Arrived here on the 9th. Has been so long silent because he had nothing important to write, being busy the whole winter in Holland about private affairs. Sustained great harm by the loss of Gertrudembergue. His brother-in-law, Captain de Meetkerke, doubtless informed his honour of the state of those countries when he went to join Norreys' troops. Finds here a letter of October 30 from his honour, forwarded to Staden, Hamburg, Harbourg, Bremen, Amsterdam, and back hither.
Duke Julius of Brunswick's death will postpone his eldest son's marriage to the eldest daughter of Denmark. It may be good for the Religion, which the son does not hate as his father did: he is even gentle to those in exile for it. They only await the ambassadors before sending the youngest daughter of Denmark to the King of Scots: much money spent thereupon. The general Estates of Denmark are soon to meet to establish more firmly the government during the King's minority and to invest him as Duke of Holstein. At the last assembly in February in Holsace the nobles would not grant the investiture to his cousin Duke Philip, son of Adolph, because he would not confirm all their privileges, especially touching the impunity of homicides. For this he may be altogether rejected, since he lacks forces to subdue them. The King apparently (who should take part in the investiture) is counselled to grant the privileges so as to avoid his cousin's fate.
The eldest son of Duke Otto of Luneburg (whose house is at Harburg), debauched by Jesuits, has forsaken the Religion and was to lead 2,000 reiters into France for the League. The Landgrave and others forbade any to aid the League, so he is left with only a small force near Padelborne in Westphalia. No levies made here for the King, except across the Rhine: he asks for money rather than men, and has sent an ambassador to Germany. 36 ensigns of Swiss serve the [French] King for six months, to be repaid after the war. Swiss successes against the Duke of Savoy, whom the French attack from Bresse and Dauphiné. The Duchess has gone to Milan for safety. News here from France is uncertain. Masières taken by the League; Thoul, Marsan, and, it is said, the castle of Talan les Dijon commanding all Burgundy, for the King. Since the four months' truce expired, the Duke of Lorraine has vainly battered Jamets castle. Reported defeat of the Leaguers before Senlis, M. de la Noue having raised the siege with 1,200 horse and 2,000 foot.— Bremen, 25 May, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. 2¾ pp. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns III. f. 84.]
Knibbe's recommendation of a gentleman of Holland, for several years in Duke Casimir's service, and now going to England. Has known him for eight or nine years.
French. 11 ll. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns III. f. 86.]
May 25./June 4. Adrian Vasseur to Sir William Russell.
Has received his lordship's letter of May 17, acknowledging his own former letters. Continued reports of the Duke of Parma's death by poisoning. Heusden blockaded. Count Maurice's escape from death. Those who sought to betray Gorcum punished. A practice to betray Worcum, Tiel, and Bommel discovered. Pieter de Ryche and others of Zeeland gone to Holland to compose the differences between Holland and Middel-burg. Holland seeks to levy men but none will serve. M. de Villiers' place of Marshal apparently given to Martin Schenck. The sieur Hernithen [Errington] has written to Count Maurice and Boydel [Bodley] about the principal of the prisoners, Jaspar Duigens. His man who took the letters spoke with the Council who told him that the said Count had no power to give such passports. Believes Count Maurice said the same. Hopes his lordship will make such answer as he thinks fit to those of Duigen's friends who will come to him. He will spare no money to get friends. He has offered 4,000 florins. Vasseur has paid Captain Erinthen 504 florins.
Captain Ambrosie went over 14 days ago. His company is at Eggelstain in Gelderland. His wife was with Vasseur to-day. He is badly treated, as no doubt he will inform his lordship.
Despite his requests, the wall behind his lordship's house not begun. They promise to build it this summer. Having given commission to the burgomaster of Sluys, Jacob Selst, those of Middelburg have made a new town beyond Arnemuiden. The burghers, etc., of the country hope for his lordship's early return. Colonel Piron here to-day, and commends himself to his lordship.
Admiral Justinus told Borlas of an intercepted letter, deciphered by d'Aldegonde, showing that the enemy means to surprise Ostend, or, failing in that, to besiege it. They wish to draw certain companies from this town. Something is brewing, but he does not yet know what it is.
Some of the States threatened recently to have Vasseur well beaten. Captains Asseliers, Hage, Broche, and Stosh being at their command.—Flushing, 4 June, stilo novo.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. 1¾ pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 251.]
[May 26.] Lord Buckhurst's propositions, to be answered by the States' deputies.
1.Whether the union and confederacy of the Provinces is generally held as in 1586, or whether Dordrect, Roterodame, Gorcum, Worcum, Bomell, Utrickt, Zeeland, etc., separate themselves from the union “and seek to stand upon their own particular guard, renouncing all manner of conjuncture or common proceeding with the States General.”
2.What are the minimum ordinary and extraordinary forces which the United Provinces require for their defence?
3.What would be the annual charge of such forces?
4.Can the United Provinces find means to meet such a charge? What are their contributions, and how made? How far does each Province answer its ‘quote’ towards this charge?
Holograph. Endd. with date as above. 1⅓ pp. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 125.]
Copy of the above.
Endd. as “27 May, 1589….” ½ p. [Treaty Papers XXXIV. f. 127.]
May 27. Captain E. Bannaster to Walsingham.
Desiring his favour for this bearer, Mr. Awdeley, lieutenant to his (Awdeley's) brother now deceased, that he may be given that company. He has served over three years in the company, all of whom desire him as their captain.
Complains of being put out of his office of sergeant-major. Knows not how to maintain himself, his wife and his child.
Uncertain news of the Prince of Parma's death by poison. His forces reported to be mostly going to France: thinks Spain more likely. The enemy took Heaymart castle, near Husedon. The States mean to besiege it shortly, for Sir Francis Veaer goes hence to-morrow with 300 horse and 200 foot.—Bergan-op-Som, 27 May, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 253.]
May 28. Wyllughby to Burghley. (fn. 1)
Remembering his promise to send his lordship his exceptions to the States' instructions, and thanking him for his favours. His lordship moved him to return to the Low Countries, “setting down a forcible reason of my reputation unto me.” His position therein is like that of a man with the consuming sickness, who cannot live if he takes physick, and must die if he does not. Would under no circumstances return until “those of the States that have blamed me in print should clear me in print.” Nor will he have his lieutenant forced upon him, especially such a person as he now has, who has published his malice towards him. The chief offices of the field must be given to such as will co-operate well with him. Finally, his commission and forces must be worthy of his rank and place. “For the present numbers that are to be drawn to the field there is Sir Francis Vere, sergeant-major, able to take charge of twice so many. For them in the towns the Governors are most sufficient; for the Council, Mr. Bodley and Mr. Gilpin; to win and retain the States wholly to be ours, no so fit a person as my lord of Buckhurst.” So desires that “I may be, as the manner is, called to resign my office and receive my discounts … for me and mine own soldiers.” If he must go, desires to have the premises considered and advanced.—“From my house,” 28 May.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents. 1¾ pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 255.]
May 28. Bodley to the Privy Council.
Received their letter of the 13th (fn. 2) at Berghen-up-Zome on the 22nd. Goes in two days' time to the Hage, where he will, as directed, press the States General to give proofs in writing of the accusations against Lord Willughby made in their placard. Their deputies in England are probably charged to deal therein, for they were careful to gather all the information they could thereof before their departure. Thinks all the proofs very slender. Everyone here knows, and it has been openly and usually said, that Gertrudenbergh was lost by the passion and wilfulness of some few, who sought afterwards to cover up their folly by this placard.—Berghen, 28 May, '89.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1 p. [Holland XXXII. f. 257.]
May 28. Sir Thomas Morgan to Walsingham.
His gratitude to her Majesty, the lords of the Council, and his honour, for her Majesty's letters to Mr. Bodle, who is now here, giving him (Morgan) full authority to command this garrison. Bodle has sworn all the captains and officers to obey Morgan. The Prince is still said to be dead or past recovery, and another is expected to come in his place. Two Spanish regiments and others march for Spain: new regiments to replace them. Sir Francis Vere has marched into Holland. Blyenbekk lost: Stanle there. Captain Audley dead, through an accident whilst riding. On his death-bed he asked Morgan and the captains to get his company given to his brother, his lieutenant, “a very proper soldier” well liked by all. Everyone is glad to hear of Lord Buckhurst's coming over, hoping that he will bring some relief.— Bergesse, 28 May, 1589.
Postscript. Bodle and the other commissioners leave to-day. Has, according to her Highness' command, written to the Lord General acknowledging his duty to him, as he has always done. Desires his honour to assure her Highness that he has always done his duty herein.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. 1 p. [Holland XXXII. f. 259.]
May [29]. Thomas Bodley to Burghley.
That Mr. Audley, this bearer, may have the company which was lately his brother's, now deceased, whose lieutenant he was. The whole council of war moved Bodley to recommend this, and it was the dead man's last petition. Audley is reputed an honest and valiant soldier, and has passed all the offices in a company.—Berghes, — May, '89.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents, and 29 May, 1589. ½ p. [Holland XXXII. f. 260.]
May 29. Sir Francis Vere to Walsingham.
At Mr. Bodlye's instance, he goes hence to-day into Holland, with the Lord General's and Sir William Russell's companies and some foot, probably to the relief of Blinbeake. Follows Bodlye's directions in the Lord General's absence. Will not forget his duty, in her Majesty's service, towards these countries, although the States have wronged him. For news refers his honour to Bodlye's letters. Hopes for his favour towards his last request about his pay.—Berghes, 29 May, '89.
Postscript. Desires that this bearer, Mr. Audley, may have the company lately his brother's, now deceased. He has been three years in the company, first as ensign and then as lieutenant, and is discreet, sufficient, and experienced.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1½ pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 262.]
May 31. Thomas Bodley to Walsingham.
Has written at large to the Lord Treasurer of his proceedings at Berghen with the governor and garrison [letter not found]. The States' complaints are as greatly exaggerated as usual. There were divisions and disorders, but the town was in no danger. They wrote, no doubt, “upon the spleen,” because Captain Hunninges and others from Gertrudenbergh had come hither. Has succeeded in pacifying matters to the satisfaction of all parties. No garrison is now more obedient or united. Sir Thomas Morgan is very tractable and very vigilant. He needs an honest and discreet secretary, for both French and English. He wants Walsingham to recommend someone to him. He offers 100l. a year. “And if my Lord Willughby come not again, your honour may further procure him the office of muster-master,” another 6s. 8d. daily. “The burghers of this town are grown in short time to be very wealthy, and whereas within these three years there were found here by tale but 1,000 souls, there are now by common estimation 5,000 at the least.” The Duke of Parma's death still reported, as it has been for the last month.
Leaves to-day for the Hage.—Berghen, May ultimo, '89.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1¼ pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 264.]
May 31./June 10. William Griffithe to Walsingham. (fn. 3)
Could not write before since fair promises of relief for his needs enticed him to that place whence he dared not write. Has escaped, upon pretence of going to the Low Countries. His abode abroad may hurt his credit at home, but it will perhaps be useful. Knows the ground of some men's undutiful proceedings. Could tell his honour things which, if the Catholics at home knew, they would content themselves with their present estate rather than bring themselves, after some small ease during violent innovations, into perpetual and hard servitude. Protests his loyalty: was never suspected whilst in England and has never since by word or deed forgotten his duty to her Majesty, his country, or his countrymen. Promises, if his services be accepted, to give regular information of all practices that he can discover against her Majesty or her realm. Has good means to do this, “being sure to know whatsoever is known in the Cardinal's house or to Parsons himself,” who has been 8 months in Spain and is in great credit with the King. No matters of importance now in hand, the Spaniards being too busy saving their own heads and maintaining the war of France and Geneva. Efforts to obtain the Cardinal's long promised increase of living. A new seminary of 10 English and 10 Irish set up at Valladolid. 10,000 soldiers mustered in Naples: some sent in two new galleasses and other ships to Spain last month. Some 20 days ago, when Griffithe was at Florence, the Duke sent to Rome in the Duchess' name to have her brother made a Cardinal.—Venice, 10 June, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1½ pp. [Venice I. f. 66.]
[After May 7.] M. de Chatte, governor of Dieppe, to Walsingham.
M. de Longueville's defeat of the Duke d'Omale before Sanlis [on May 1/17]. D'Omale and Balagny escaped to Paris. Encloses copy [not found] of Longueville's letter to the nobility. Desires his honour to send back all their Frenchmen. Hopes that the King will soon be in Paris.
Holograph. Add. Endd. May, 1589. French. 2/3 p. [France XIX. f. 135.]
[Early in May.] Thomas, lord Burgh, to Burghley.
The courses held in these parts cause him to write of this
garrison's weakness. The sudden passions have discovered the people's discontentment. Desires his lordship to further the supply of an adequate provision. Writes first to him, “as on whom dependeth the greatest respect of services profitable to your country”: will then write to the Council, “from whom in general for the most part do descend these despatches.”
A town so important to her Majesty should be securely kept. The general management of affairs will benefit by the relief of its wants, as the people would be far more amenable if they felt that they could not take these cautionary towns from her Majesty. Delay in provisioning these towns makes the lot of all who live here hard. If securely held, they would keep these people from turning to others for aid, which few would give, or from compounding with the enemy, who would not agree to terms which did not include the principal havens of the countries.
Hopes that the great offences of Sanallegonde and Barnivell will not turn her Majesty's favour away from these countries, for “Holland and Zeeland may make satisfaction” and she may use them well or ill, as they may deserve. “The deputies, I think, shall shortly be dispatched (fn. 4); whose instructions, I am sure, Mr. Bodley hath sent your lordship over. They presume that they be able to charge much, but their own hands, I hear, will be showed for an excuse….”
Postscript. Encloses a note of the wants of Brill—not “such as if I looked for a present siege, but sufficient to yield her Majesty an account of the place.”
Holograph. Add. Endd. May, 1589. 1¾ pp. [Holland XXXII. f. 142.]
Note that Brill requires for a store, besides four companies “more than are now,” 2 cannons, 4 long culverins; 2,000 pikes and hand weapons; 150 muskets; 350 calivers; 500 spades and shovels; 1,000 iron cannon bullets, 2,000 for culverins, 1,000 each for sakers, minions, and falcons; 20 lasts of match; 20 lasts of lead; 25 lasts of powder; 4 hogsheads of vinegar; 20 carriages for great ordnance; 6 months' victual for 1,500 men at the rate allowed in her Majesty's ships.
In Lord Burgh's hand. Endd. May, 1589. ¾ p. [Holland XXXII. f. 143.]
[May.] The cost of repairing the ruins about Ostend, by estimate of the burgomasters and others: 2,081l. 6s. 8d. Flemish (1,248l. 16s. sterling).
For the fortifying of the town, set down by the engineer, 31,450 florins (3,145l. sterling).
Endd. with date and note of contents. ¼ p. [Holland XXXII. f. 266.]
[May.] Flemish Advertisements.
Madrid letters of April 2 say that the King of Spain goes with all his council towards Vallidolid and thence into Biscay to set in order his sea causes. 12 great warships are building at Bilbao, etc., to guard the coast. Great forces sent into Portugal to meet the English army's attack.
The King refused to pay the Duke of Parma's letters of exchange until he had seen the accounts of how the Italians had provided the money and of how the Duke had spent it. The Italians will advance no more money to the Duke, so there is a great lack of money to pay the soldiery in the Low Countries.
The States General of the reconciled provinces met at Brussels from April 20 to May 10, but, as the Duke of Parma is unwell, they have gone home without doing anything. Parma is at the Spa, very ill: processions to pray for him at Liège.
Count Charles of Mansfelt is near Heusden. The Prince of Ascoli and the Duke of Pastrana are at Antwerp: they attend Parma only in the field.
Reiters are mustering near Frankfurt both for the King of France and the League.
Endd. with date. French. ¾ p. [Newsletters I. f. 162.]


  • 1. There is a copy of this letter in H.M.C., Ancaster MSS. p. 282.
  • 2. Printed in Acts of the Privy Council, N.S., XVII. 174–5.
  • 3. Enclosed in Wrothe's of June 6/16, below, p. 302.
  • 4. They left the Hague on May 8/18 —Bor, XXVI. f. 21.