Elizabeth: January 1589, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1950.

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'Elizabeth: January 1589, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp18-23 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1589, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1950), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp18-23.

"Elizabeth: January 1589, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 23, January-July 1589. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1950), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol23/pp18-23.

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January 1589, 6–10

Jan. 6. J. Ortell to Burghley.
Urging the suit of those of the Briell, Middleboroughe, and Flushinge, who have been here petitioning her Majesty and Burghley for 14 weeks for repayment of their expenses on behalf of her Majesty's garrisons. Encloses letters from those of Zeeland on their behalf.
Their return unsatisfied would breed a general discontentment.—London, 6 January, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. ¾ p. [Holland XXX. f. 45.]
[Jan. 7.] The Queen to the States of Holland.
Recommending Noël Caron, sieur de Schoonwalle, who is returning to Holland, where her Majesty has authorised him to treat about the annulling of the extraordinary processes brought last year against certain persons banished by sentence of the magistrates of Leyden. All they did was by express order of the late Earl of Leicester, and they could have made a sufficient defence of their conduct, had they been given a trial before impartial judges. Credence for Caron.
Draft. Endd. with date. French. ¾ p. [Holland XXX. f. 47.]
[? Jan. 7.] The Queen to [The States of Friesland?].
Credentials for the sieur Caron, sieur de Schoonwal, appointed by her to deal with them to appease the discords which threaten to ruin Friesland. Her servant, Bodley, to assist him. Is especially to deal for President Aysma and his fellow-sufferers.
Undated. Not add. or endd. French. ½ p. [Holland XXX. f. 49.]
Jan. 7. Thomas Bodley to Walsingham.
Sent letters, and copies of his dealings with the States, by Sir Edward Norreis. Utrecht disquieted by factions, partly about religion, partly about matters of government. Deputies from the States General and the Council of State sent thither to appease and settle matters. Has “right now” received a letter from Deventer, and the enclosed ‘ticket’ [not found]. Marshal Villiers asked leave of the Council to retire, alleging indisposition: it is probably only a practice to secure him better rewards than they have hitherto given. “Sir Christopher Blount can inform your honour of the troops of horse and foot that are at Roterodame ready to be embarked, in what plight they were a fortnight since and how they are at this present.” Marshal Villiers reported at the Council-table that, at his being at Arnham, though they were not complete companies. “he never see braver nor fairer come to any service….”—The Hage, 7 January, 88.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. 1 p. [Holland XXX. f. 53.]
Jan. 7/17,
last date.
Rome, 17 January, 1589 [N.S.].—The Cardinal of Arezzo died at 8 o'clock on Sunday evening. The Pope's great grief for the loss of so learned and pious a person. The Cardinal in his will left Cremona and Giustiniani as his executors and his 4 nephews as his heirs, but it is not known what they inherit for he was always very poor. During his lifetime he received yearly 9000 crowns from his bishopric, 1200 from the Grand Duke, and 1000 which the Pope gave to him, being a poor Cardinal. He left debts of 1930 crowns. At his obsequies last night in the monastery of San Marcello where he died and is buried, 35 Cardinals were present.
On Wednesday a courier brought news from Blois to Cardinal Joyeuse of the deaths of the Duke and Cardinal of Guise, and that thereupon the King had visited the Queen Mother, who was in bed ill, and informed her, saying ‘now I know that I am King and no longer a lackey.’ The Pope was very angry on hearing of the Cardinal's death and told the French ambassador, who came to seek absolution for the King, that the congregation of Cardinals must first be consulted.
On Monday the Pope, at the Spaniard's request, wrote to the Cardinal of Austria, legate in Portugal, licensing him to leave that office and to go to the King who is said to desire his presence.
On St. Stephen's day the Grand Duke donned the habit of Grand Master of that order, in Pisa, where on January 11 a general congregation of these knights was summoned. His Highness fortifies Monte Carlo near Lucca and remains in Tuscany, fearing the Spaniards. Dovaro has gone to Naples: the reason unknown. 10,000 crowns have arrived from Genoa.
M. Reschia, the King of Poland's ambassador, has arrived here. Cardinal Aldobrandini said to be ill.
On Saturday, after Papal vespers, the new officials of the Roman people took the oath at the Pope's hands. Yesterday the Altoviti merchants gave the usual banquet to the clerks of the Camera upon the annual change of their offices, which took place as follows:—to Vitelli the Solfa, to Corgna Cesis, to Todi Torrevolfa, to Malvagia the Strade, to Centurione the Grascia, to Gloriero Civita Vecchia, to Serlupi Colli scepoli, to Buonvisi Ripa et Ripetta, to Lanti the Zecca, and to Savello the Carceri.
On Sunday the Pope by his mere blessing miraculously healed a Genoese Jesuit who had been paralysed for 7 years. His Holiness then heard Mass, sung by Cardinal Scipione, in the Cappella del Popolo. On his return he miraculously healed another poor cripple brought to him by the Patriarch Biondo.
The bishopric of Arezzo not yet filled. The Cardinal del Monte, Canobio, vice-legate of Bologna, and Usimbardi. are said to be competitors for it, and the Grand Duke is said to have nominated Cardinal Aldobrandini.
A number of Spanish galleys reported to be near Spezia. The Grand Duke suspicious: he has sent provisions into Siena, and fortifies Caprigliola above Serezana. The Lucchese also are repairing their walls and have levied a special tax.
This evening 100,000 crowns have been put into the Castle from the monte of San Bonaventura, and 50,000 from the dataria.
Monsignor Ruffino leaves for Umbria to settle certain boundary disputes.
From Antwerp, 27 December, 1588 [N.S.]. The Duke of Parma remains still at Brussels: no sign of warlike preparations for next year.
The garrison of Berghes again plunders the countryside. A few evenings ago they nearly took the boat which sails regularly between Brussels and this town. The passengers were warned in time and found refuge in a place near at hand. The garrison, with forces from Sangertrudembergh, completely routed an Italian cornet of horse near Tissem.
The last advices from London, of the 13th instant, say that ships are to be set forth, upon Don Antonio's instance. Great rejoicings throughout the island, in which the Queen took part: superbly dressed and wearing the crown, she went to the great church of St. Paul to return thanks to God for the realm's deliverance from the enemy armada.
From Cologne, 29 December, [N.S.]. The Duke of Cleves will probably cease the fortification of Millen now that the Imperial Chamber at Speyer has delivered sentence against him. Don Fernando Lopes, Governor of Kerpen has today come to Brussels to complain to the Duke of Parma against those of Neuss, who have killed some of his men, and against the disorders of those of the Count of Schwarzemburg, governor of Bonn. The Governor of Neus and the sieur de Blanchemaire will probably be deprived of their governments. News from Wachtendonck that the soldiers there went out with swords, daggers, and enough baggage to fill 14 carts. Count Mansfelt seized this. The German soldiers returned to their homes, the rest went into Holland.
Italian. 3 ¼ pp. [Newsletters XCV. f. 106.]
Jan. 8/18 Gourdan to Walsingham.
Has received his letters by Peter de Probie. Thanks him for the horse. Would gladly do him service.—Calais, 18 January.
Holograph. Add. Endd. French. ¾ p. [France XIX. f. 8.]
Jan. 8. The Queen to Lord Willoughby.
Since her former letters about the assurance of Gertrudranberghen, she hears from Sir Francis Vere that Sir John Wingefeild, the Governor, has proposed to the States “that they should appoint a treasurer to receive the contributions; who, paying the Governor and soldiers their due, should deliver the rest that should remain unto the general receiver of the United Provinces, to be employed with the rest of the contributions in the public service.” This is most reasonable, provided that the garrison are paid at the rate of 48 days to the month, like the States' other troops. To pay them (like her Majesty's forces) a month's pay for 30 days would breed discontent and mutiny among the other forces, who would desire the like treatment. The States can hardly pay their forces at the 48 day rate. Willoughby shall seek to convince the garrison by such arguments: cannot set down any precise course, but leaves it to his lordship's discretion, how best the States and Count Maurice may be satisfied of her Majesty's desire to reduce that garrison to conformity.
[Crossed out: Grants him leave to return to England for a short time.]
Minute, corrected by Walsingham. Endd. with date and note of contents. 3 ½ pp. [Holland XXX. f. 57.]
Jan. 8. The [EX-] Elector of Cologne to Walsingham.
Takes no part in public affairs, so has for long had nothing to write about. Killigrey visited him before he left: desired Killigrey to communicate his opinions to Walsingham, and to obtain his assistance in a private matter.—Honslerdyck, 8 January, 1589, stylo veteri.
Signed. Add. Endd. French. 1 ½ pp. [Holland XXX. f. 55.]
Jan. 9. Capt. Frederick Schwartz of Ruisingem, to Walsingham.
Sends this by M. de Kilgre, now returning to England. Is himself soon going back to Germany with the Elector of Cologne. Would willingly send his honour advertisements from time to time. Suggests using the cipher they used some years ago.— Hunslardich, 9 January, 1589.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. French. 2 pp. [Holland XXX. f. 60.]
Jan. [10?] The Queen to the States General.
Has given Willoughby leave to return to England for a time about his private business. He has long been asking for this. He is to provide for the quietness, etc., of her forces during his absence, and shall at once return if his presence is required in the Low Countries.
Minute, corrected. Endd. with note of contents, and January, 1589. French. 1 p. [Holland XXX. f. 62.]
[Jan. 10.] The Queen to Willoughby. (fn. 1)
Granting him leave to return for a short time. He is to provide for the army's quietness, etc., during his absence. Her Majesty has written to inform the States of the causes of his return, to prevent them from becoming ‘jealous’ thereupon.
Upon hearing from the Governor of Ostend that since the last storms that town was guardable only if the breaches were at once mended, her Majesty in her letters (fn. 2) to Willoughby appointed a larger number to be taken thence, to go with Sir John Norrys and Sir Francis Drake, than she would have done had she not expected the abandonment of the town. Now hears that the garrison have sufficiently mended the breaches to assure its defence awhile. As it would greatly hinder the intended service to alter any arrangements at this time, and as the States have promised in case of need to supply the absence of any of the companies Norrys takes, Willoughby shall urge them to send to Ostend “a like number of men of that country birth as hath been taken from thence of our subjects,” or more if necessary. The soldiers come out of Wachtendonck upon its surrender would serve for this purpose. If the States refuse this, then the bands appointed to be taken from Ostend shall be stayed.
Copy. Endd. with date and vote of contents. 2 pp. [Holland XXX. f. 63.]
Draft of the above; corrected by Walsingham. The instructions about Ostend at first written as a separate letter and endd. 9 Jan., 1588.
Endd. with date. 2 ½ pp. [Holland XXX. f. 65.]
Jan. 10. Capt. E. Bannaster to Walsingham.
“I have sent unto your honour two letters [not found] here-inclosed. I cannot well understand them. I did write unto your honour by my lieutenant, but I have no answer. I humbly desire your honour to remember my poverty and to be a mean to her Majesty for me. Within these two days there is come one from Stanley, who doth report that they bend all their forces towards France….”—Bergan-op-Some, 10 January, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Holland XXX. f. 69.]


  • 1. Printed in Bertie, p. 237.
  • 2. Cf. Calendar, XXII. 389–90.