Elizabeth: August 1588, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Elizabeth: August 1588, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp97-110 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1588, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp97-110.

"Elizabeth: August 1588, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp97-110.

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August 1588, 1-5

Aug. 1. The Earl of Derby to Walsingham.
Requesting him to return a few lines by this bearer as to the good success of her Majesty's navy, for they hear but little in these parts.—Calais, 1 August, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. ¼ p. [Flanders IV. f. 285.]
Aug. 1. Lord Cobham to Walsingham.
Arrived here at Calais on August 1; they desire him to send her Majesty's ships as soon as possible to secure their safe passage. It would be well if her Majesty "would bestow a few lines" upon M. Gordayn for his courteous usage.
The captain of Bullyn should be used courteously, or he may prove a bad neighbour. The captain of the galleass that was spoiled by the English navy is named Don Hugo de Moncada, son of the viceroy of Valencia: "the ship was of the best account of all the galleasses in the fleet. She was at La Panta."
Sir William Stayndely was embarked on Tuesday, and divers other companies of Spaniards and Italians; but as 'the spring' is passed, it is thought they are 'desbarchyd' again, or will be, until the next 'spring.' The D[uke] is there. Hears that a nobleman of Spain, who landed there to hasten their coming but found them unready, told M. la Mothe openly that he and the D[uke] would 'leasce' their heads if they had been in Spain.— Callis, 1 August.
Postscript.—The Flushingers are reported to have taken a galleon called St. Philippo.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Flanders IV. f. 287.]
Aug. 1. The Queen to M. de Gourdan.
Is informed that the vessels sent in by her "Admiral of England" to board a galleass, which had been driven by him into Calais road, were fired upon from the town. She considers this very strange, in view of the amity between the King his master and herself, and the small cause the French have to be indebted to the Spaniards. She therefore desires him, as a faithful servant of her well-beloved brother, to carry himself in these affairs as befits the good neighbourhood and understanding between the two realms.—The court at St. James, 1 August, 1588.
Postscript. Credence for the bearer.
Copy. French. ¾ p. [France XVIII. 140.]
Aug. 1. Stafford to Walsingham.
"Afore I received your honour's letters of the battery against the ambassador's men, I had heard an inkling of it, and that [from] le Seur, and the next day Madame Chateauneuf herself, though she kept it very secret. And they two [MS. 'to'] went to the court to exclaim marvellously. And therefore [I] sent presently in post to Lillye to hearken after it." His letter [not found] shows how they proceeded. Wrote to him again upon receiving Walsingham's letter and the examination, and also wrote to Villeroy (whereof Stafford previously sent a copy (fn. 1) ), sending him copies of the examinations, "because within this fortnight I have bound him with an example upon a certain hot message and hard speeches that Madame Chateauneuf sent me about the posts going away and not taking her letters." Stafford complained of this, not to the King, but to Villeroy, who "carried himself marvellous wisely in it, and first sent for her and rattled her up extremely, and made her send presently unto me to excuse herself with all humility, and sent Pasquier (his own commis) with them... to see whether they did it in such sort as they should." As one of her kinsmen, belonging to M. la Chatre, had brought the message, he made la Chatre himself apologise for it.
Thereupon sent a despatch to Lilly, which he first sent open "to Pinart and to another friend of mine about the King who will inform him in the best sort, and so did so that the King, for fashion sake to please [sic] the first importunity, bid I should be dealt withal in it. I hope no great ado will be made more of it." It has mollified things already. However, told Lillye that, if he finds matters not satisfied, he shall, when next he speaks to Villeroy, tell him plainly that they will teach Stafford a new lesson, and that he will be a good scholar. Hopes to make the matter well enough with the King, if he has to speak to him of it. Meanwhile, "though I do not greatly fear that their 'brainsakt' exclamations" can harm him, desires that the ambassador be kept in awe and that no mention be made of his writing in this matter of Madame Chateauneuf, "because, Villeroy having dealt in it as he did, I would not have him think I had written of it after."
Encloses Lilly's letter [not found]. "Assure yourself that the King hath some marvellous design and that the Duke of Guise' good usage, that he showeth [him] and his, tendeth to a most great enterprise. I am perfectly advertised of it. Espernon's answer to Miron is certainly a pact between the King and him; and the King wrote of purpose to the 'maire' of Angouleme and sent Espernon word of it, and how to surprise the letter, that he 'mought' have a colour to mislike, and thereupon to refuse the signing of the articles. Andrieux is sent to him to appease him, to prolong time. And that matter for Bolen is but pro forma, but yet it would be looked to."
These armies may at first do harm to the King of Navarre, so defence should be looked to, but probably in the end they will turn to the confusion of the inventors.
"Lilie's friend that he writeth of is a very friend of mine, and near the King, but Lilly knoweth not that I know him, and is of purpose entered into friendship with him that he 'mought' tell him things which he knoweth he will send me, when he cannot himself. And that which he telleth him of that which will fall out in the state, it may be not the same, but I hope some great matter (fn. 2) to the same effect. For these great men's discontentment and that they will go away, I dare assure you it is a thing done of very purpose, and that if they go, they will return ere long. For the Duke of Guise being in evil predicament in this town, I know the best sort be not in perfect love and charity with him, and some of them that were most affectionate to him; and daily are used to win men and to loose them from him. But yet the matter is but a-doing, and not yet done. If it please God to send us a victory over this fleet, I dare not doubt of all good things to follow."—Paris, 1 August, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. The portions in italics in cipher. 3½ pp. [France XVIII. 138.]
Fly-leaf with decipher by Beale, with slight errors, of the above cipher passages. 1 p.
Aug. 1. Stafford to Walsingham.
The enclosed [not found] contains the news given out and printed to-day by the Spanish ambassador. Desires to have, "presently and often, news how those things pass, because it is greatly looked for at my hands, and importeth both her Majesty's service and the state of things here to be truly advised, and to have means with truth to break off his 'artificious' bruits... And that which cometh from me will be believed, for I have not used them to tell lies, and in very truth I have not the face to do it."
"The ambassador was once determined to have made bonfires afore his house yesternight, but he did after bethink himself, and hath let them alone. This day he is gone to the court upon an audience he hath pressed a great while; where not doubting but that he will set out this matter with the largest size, I have sent one that shall be there a good while afore him and have written both to Lilly and to some other near friends there the news as I have it from Deepe; which is that our army keepeth the wind of them between France and them, and since Thursday [July 25] hath continually beat them with their artillery and keepeth them up to the coast of England, and will not fight with them till they have them at a great vantage, but continually spoil them with their ordnance; and that some fishermen of Deepe have seen divers of theirs spoiled and sunk. And withal, that all the news the Spanish ambassador hath is from a captain Britton [i.e. Breton] that saw things afar off and ran away for fear, and thinking to get some reward at the Spanish ambassador's hand, as he hath, came and made this fair tale. Hereupon, the Spanish ambassador, like a wise man, hath sent away four couriers one after another, by divers ways, into Spain yesternight. But one news I can send you most certain, that four of their principalest galleys are gone upon the coast of France by Bayon, whereof three of them are broken and the country have come in and spoiled them, and the governor of Bayon taken all their artillery and such things, as fees for shipwreck; and all the slaves that were in them are run away into France. The fourth, they cannot tell what it is become [sic]; but it is thought it is gone to feed mackerels."
"I beseech your honour that I may have as often and as true news from you as I can..."—Paris, 1 August, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1½ pp. [France XVIII. 139.]
Aug. 1. Edward Burnham to Walsingham.
"Since my being here I have continually been very sick, which is the cause I could not myself go into Holland, as well to perform that which your honour had committed to me, as also for the hastening of your armours; in the which there cannot be more done than is, for that there was none ready made for to be bought. But Adrien hath been fain to put them to making at Utrecht, and will not be finished this month, by reason the great store that hath of late gone from these parts into England there is none made but are bespoken beforehand at the least two months. This bearer can certify your honour what hath been done for that which he came for. By my last I 'wryt' to your honour what small store there was here in this island; but at Amsterdam, there it is to be had. Such as can be gotten here my lord Governor sendeth, which is little."
"Out of this garrison goeth now a 120 musketeers and others, and some from Bergen; and from hence have been sent as many to Ostend, so that this place groweth weaker. And from Ostend daily the soldiers run away to the en[emy]. Of late there went from thence in one night a whole 'cors de gard' of 20 soldiers. From hence there runs away daily some one or two." These withdrawals are dangerous in this time and place, and it would be well to send 200 new soldiers here, for this place is more important to her Majesty than Bergen or Ostend. The desertions at Ostend should be looked to.—Flussing, 1 August, 1588.
Postscript. The lord General has lately overthrown a cornet of horse of Breda. All are eager to hear of the success of the Queen's navy.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. 1¾ pp. [Holland XXVI. f. 1.]
Aug. 1. [William Harborne] to [Walsingham ?]
His last was of June 19 and 28. Since then has urged the effect of his honour's letters of July 31, November 30, and January 20, not only to the Vicerey, Beglerbie and Hogie, but by sundry petitions (the enclosed being the last) " laid them down" to the Grand Signor. Outwardly they seemed to credit his advices, and they promise that "next spring at the uttermost . . . all things shall be secretly intended, fully furnished, and faithfully accomplished after my request. And the rather, for that Hassan Bassa, now elect-Admiral in lieu of Ebrahim, deposed, more able for that enterprise than any other, at his last here being, not only consented to the same . . . but further liberally offered to hazard therein himself and his whole wealth, if the Grand Signor pleased to commend it to his charge. And thereupon now, as the Beglerbie affirmeth, he is made Admiral and shall accordingly be therein employed." Long experience makes Harborne doubt these painted promises. The Grand Signor's treasure is much exhausted in these Persian proceedings, which are not yet likely to end, and during them he will undertake no further expense, even though Harborne assures him that upon the restoration of Don Antonio it shall be repaid with condign interest and that otherwise the malice and power of the King of Spain will grow over-dangerous, whereas now it may be checked at small cost. Moreover "the Vicerey, my firm and mortal enemy, a devilish deep dissembler in these affairs, not to crack his credit with the King of Spain (whose well-paid pensioner he is and hath been ever since my coming) will so secretly impugn . . . these proceedings that I am utterly out of hope of all good success. And as for the Beglerbie and Hogha, such and so little is the faithful affection of the one to his master and the fervent zeal of the other to his irreligious profession, . . . [that] the shot of the Grand Signor his pistolets, which in such case will be hot and thick, shall cause them readily and easily [to] forget either, and forthwith yield to him. And as for Hassan Bassa, presently courting nothing more than to be employed herein, [he] shall be (as Ebrahim Bassa) so bridled as perforce he must also, contrary to his mind and not a little to his grief, yield to the Vicerey, . . . for that, not being a Bassa of the Bench, he cannot have any personal access to his master's presence, nor otherwise than by petition only preferred by the said Vicerey, who will have an especial regard that no harm grow to his friend thereof. And sith these three personages now rule their master shut up between four walls, . . . small credit can be given to this politic promise, serving to no other end than their private commodity and more surety in persecuting their ancient enemy the Persian. . . ." The above is a copy of his last letter. News that these have defeated Sultan Topsacke and entered Ardevell: few credit this. The French King's expulsion from Paris gave good occasion, by demonstrating the treachery of the King of Spain, to renew the former suit, "too, too, common a song to the Vicerey and Bassaes their deaf ears, whose present over-great security through most fortunate success is such that, . . . neither honouring the Grand Signor, regarding the commonwealth, fearing enemies, caring for friends, or dreading peril, [they] give themselves over wholly to bribery, extortion, avarice, and sensuality, and as lords of the universal world, make no account of any or all whatsoever. . . ."
Will depart presently, together with the discontented Polish ambassador, if the passport (already 15 days delayed) comes to-morrow. —Rapamet, 1 August, 1588.
Copy. Endd. 2¼ pp. [Turkey I. 49.]
Petition of William Harborne to the Grand Signor.
Her Majesty in her last letters to his Majesty omitted certain points for fear the letters should be intercepted. Harborne has imparted these points to the Hogha, Vicerey, and Beglerby, but thinks it needful to notify his Majesty himself.
Four years ago, at his Majesty's request, her Majesty broke off her former league with Spain and entered into war against that power, aiming to restore Don Antonio to his kingdom of Portugal and the East Indies. Herein she expected the promised naval assistance of his Majesty. Now, the King of Spain, "fearing by these her invincible forces greater loss, and the utter overthrow of his intercourse to and from the East and West Indies, from whence yearly he reaped in jewels, gold, silver, spices, cochineal, drugs, and other rich merchandises, about thirty millions of gold, hath of late propounded to her Majesty so great and honourable conditions for peace as she herself could anyways desire, which hitherto she hath denied, so well for that she foreseeth that he, permitted quietly as heretofore four or five years to enjoy that traffic, should become so rich as [to be] able to effectuate his intended desire," as also because she expects his Majesty to send forth his navy the next spring to join hers in attacking this common enemy, who would be unable to resist their combined forces, especially as the Portingals, and the Moors called Muttigers in Andalusia, Granado, Murcia, Allecant, Barcelona, and Aragon, forced Christians long oppressed, would rise to assist them. Such an opportunity will not recur.
Her Majesty has grown impatient with this four years' delay, and has called Harborne home to certify her fully of his Majesty's intention that she may frame her own policy accordingly. So he, as a true servant of his mistress and well-affectioned to his Highness (as his many years' service prove, both in private and public estate at this court, both in building up the league between her Majesty and the Sultan and in breaking the former accord with Spain) desires him to accomplish his aforesaid promise of present aid and to imitate the ancient glory of the most famous Ottomans who not only maintained their promises but also protected and restored distressed princes such as Don Antonio.
Don Antonio assuredly, were he restored by his Majesty's assistance would not only repay the expense of his Majesty's navy but also "yield such further royal recompence as greater might not be required." Thus the greatness of the proud Spaniard would be bridled and his Majesty would gain far greater power and honour than from this Persian war, which may safely be deferred as the Persians are "in manner destitute of forces offensive, and enclosed in your hand" and never likely to become so menacing as the Spaniards.
Leaves the rest (fearing already to have been over-tedious) to the report of the aforesaid councillors.
Copy. Endd. 3 pp. close writing. [Turkey I 49 a.]
Aug. 2/12. The Princess of Bouillon to the Queen.
Refers to her Majesty's friendship towards her late mother and MM. de Bouillon her brothers. The League, since their agreement with the King, enter this country, spoil the corn, and keep her constantly besieged. Fearing to fall into the hands of such enemies to the religion wherein she was born and brought up, she prays her Majesty to substitute her name for her brother's in the passport which she granted to him to the States of Holland.—Sedan, 12 August, 1588.
Signed, Charlotte de la Marck. Add. Endd. French. 1¼ pp. [France XVIII. 141.]
Aug. 2. Edward Burnham to Walsingham.
Has received 200l. sterling from the Merchants Adventurers in virtue of his honour's letter to Mr. Sallkinston: has made first and second bill of exchange for it, payable September 3 next. Prays that order may be given for the payment. The money, according to his honour's direction, is "to be employed in armour."—Midellborow, 2 August, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXVI. f. 3.]
Aug. 3. Lord Wyllughby to Walsingham. (fn. 3)
Arrived here this morning: delayed by winds. The troops here three days ago but still no shipping to take them to England. Need of them here if not required there. Parma means to attack these countries, now the fleet has failed: he has disarmed the burghers in many of his towns: his sailors mutinous, though 10 or 12 have been executed. Spanish prisoners consider he betrayed them.—Middleburg, 3 August, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXVI. f. 13.]
Aug. 3. H. Kyllygrew to Walsingham. (fn. 4)
President Vandermile's oration in the combined assembly of all the colleges (the Council of Estate, the States General, the States of Holland, the Council of the High Court and of the provincial), urging an extraordinary levy of 200,000 florins to equip 40 ships more to assist her Majesty in the common defence against the Armada and Parma. (fn. 5) The motion allowed, and the Councillors of State waive their right of exemption therefrom. Encloses news of the Spanish fleet. Admiral Justinus writes that 14 English vessels have joined him off Dunkerke, 30 of the 100 vessels of North Holland, now lying in the Flie, are to go to join him. Her Majesty's letter to Getruidenbergh was most welcome, but, as all is now appeased, it will not be delivered. The councillors go into the provinces about the extraordinary levy. Killigrew goes with the chancellor of Gueldres to Utrecht.—The Haghe, 3 August, '88.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 2½ pp. [Holland XXVI. f. 15.]
The substance of certain mariners' report touching the Spanish fleet, 1 August, 1588. (fn. 6)
These 14 men were with the Spanish fleet the whole time; they deserted at Calais in a cock boat, using their shirts for sails. Left Lisbon, May 30, but were driven back by contrary winds. They were 150 sail, 25,000 men, 10,000 of them good soldiers, and victualled for three months. No great sickness. Sighted Land's End, July 28 o.s. [sic]: met 40 English ships off Plymouth, where they lost a galleass and had another blown up by the gunner after a quarrel with the captain. Fighting off Portland and Isle of Wight and between Calais and Blackness, where a galleass was taken and at least three great ships sunk. Fireships at Calais. A ship went aground on the Wielings and was taken by those of Flushing. They blame Parma for not aiding them more, but he could not embark. The English greatly damaged them by gunfire, but dared not board them as they were too lofty. The Armada will probably go around Scotland. Lacks mariners and, more still, pilots. The vessel which grounded on the Wielings shot through 350 times: captured by five ships of these countries: Don Diego de Pimentel, etc., in her. Another was taken by seven of these countries between Calais and Dunkirk. In one ship were 34 pieces of brass, in the other 63.
August 3. Learns this morning that Parma attempted to break out but was driven back with the loss of two ships by the fleet off Dunkirk. 17 sail of the Spaniard said to be taken into England; the rest still pursued by her Majesty's navy.
In the hand of Killigrew's clerk. Endd. 3¼ pp. [Holland XXVI. f. 17.]
Aug. 3. Sir Francis Vere to Walsingham.
Excuses his seldom writing by his "small understanding of weighty matters." Thanks his honour for Mr. Bagnall's preferment and recommends the bearer, Walsingham's servant. If any be called home, Vere wishes to be one, for "it grieveth us that have spent her Majesty's money to be in Flanders when our country is like to be invaded."—Bergh, 3 August.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1½ p. [Holland XXVI. f. 19.]
Aug. 3. William Borlas to Walsingham. (fn. 7)
Capture, on July 31, of Don Alonso [sic] de Pyemonttell's ship by three men-of-war sent out by the Governor of Flushing: a two-hours' fight: prisoners. A brother of lord Montygewes and another Englishman slain on the Spanish ship. On the same morning another great ship went ashore near Nieuport, all her commanders getting ashore to that town.—Flusschyng, 3 August, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 2 pp. [Holland XXVI. f. 21.]
Aug. 3/13. Fremin to Walsingham.
Hears that evil reports of him have been made to Walsingham, who, he knows, will not condemn him unheard. His ill-treatment since the Earl of Leicester's coming over, owing to his support of the English party; for which he has been dismissed by the States, after 15 years' service, without a stiver for himself or his men, without even a commissary being sent to thank and to licence them, with nothing, in fact, but a letter of thanks. Such treatment of one of the oldest companies is neither just nor wise, as the States should have learnt from Gertruydenbergh and elsewhere. Over six score thousand florins are now due to him. Bears all patiently, regretting only the dispersal, unrewarded, of this veteran troop. Being released from his oath to these countries, offers his and his company's services to her Majesty. Desires a speedy answer.—Bergen-op-Zoom, 13 August, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. French. 1 p. [Holland XXVI. f. 23.]
(1) The Council of State to Sir William Drury, governor of Bergen-op-Zoom.
Having considered Colonel Fremin's representations, they have, by order of the States General, decided to discharge his company. Willing Drury to thank Fremin and his men for their good service, and to take order for their prompt discharge.—The Hague, 4 August, 1588.
(2) The Council of State to Col. Fremin.
Discharging him and his company from their oath and service, and thanking him for his past good service.—The Hague, 4 August, 1588.
Copies, in Fremin's hand. French. 1 p. [Holland XXVI. f. 24.]
Aug. 4. Wyllughby to the Privy Council.
"So soon as I had taken order to furnish so many 'shott' as might be spared from Berghes and Utreght, I presently with Colonel Morgan repaired hither, where I arrived (after two days and nights lying upon the water) this morning. I found the soldiers ready (which I sent for), most part having remained these two or three days for want of shipping. But as I hear the enemy is passed by, and know not to what certain place their service may be available, so your lordships may please to remember in what danger the places remain from whence they were drawn (being now utterly unfurnished of 'shott'), if the Prince, failing his former pretended journey, should divert his forces thither. . . ."— Midelbroughe, 4 August, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. ½ p. [Holland XXVI. f. 26.]
Aug. 4. Wyllughby to Leicester.
"I have written unto your lordship divers letters, and received some few, which, though they might seem less delightful, yet, being the conceits of so honourable a father and patron, I could not but content me with them till the proof. Amongst your great actions I am sorry I am not mustered amongst those 'mought' have followed your lordship: but destitute of forces to offend or defend where I live, and left less than an unprofitable cipher amongst numbers, I wish not only those 'musqueiters' are already sent unto you, but the remain of them and myself with you. For besides mine own disposition to follow you, I am not able with reputation to keep walls or fields with pikes and 'browne billes' without shot. And therefore I wish if it were possible some better soldier than I had the charge thereof. I dare offer unto your lordship to follow you with 500 horse whereof my own troop shall be only of those numbers of horse her Majesty sent. I will leave all the rest to serve the country if it be thought fit; and to these 500 horse bring a 1,000 'musqueyters' of this nation. For the horse I will find means to levy and transport them. Let it be considered after as shall please her Majesty. For the foot I require but such imprest and transportation money as is ordinarily allowed . . . This is the second time I have offered this unto your lordship, but at the first not so largely as now. If I may know your pleasure within these 14 days I doubt not but to accomplish my word within as many days, well-nigh, after that known: otherwise I shall be forced to make that hard which now is easy. . . . Even in our weakness we have drawn some blood of the enemy by good adventure. . . ."—Myddleburgh, 4 August.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1¼ p. [Holland XXVI. f. 28.]
[c. Aug. 4] (fn. 8) "A relation of such matters as are found notable out of the inventory of certain writings and papers left in Spain, appertaining to Don Pedro de Valdes, viz.:—
Item, he saith: a memory of the things of England.
Item, a relation made by Richard Burley, Englishman, for his Majesty.
Item, a note of such things as was written unto his Majesty concerning England.
Item, a copy of the letter written unto Don Bernardino de Mendoça (Governor of England).
Item, a handful of bills of confession and licence, whereby to possess and enjoy of goods.
Item, a packet of papers saying thus: to Don Pedro de Valdes, his Majesty's commissary of footmen, sent him by the king.
Item, a licence how and whereby the said Don Pedro may make his entrance into the court.
I find also by the notes of the abovesaid inventory that the said Don Pedro have had the dignities, before this enterprise, both of admiralship and generalship, and to have had much doings touching building of galleons and commissions for provision of armies, etc.—Wm. Garton."
Undated. ¾ p. [Spain III. f. 17.]
Aug. 5. Stafford to Walsingham.
Enclosing three letters from Lillye, one just received, two received within these two days [not found]; also the King's patent appointing the Duke of Guise Lieutenant-General of the army; and the union between M. de la Valette and those of Provence [not found], "which, and a more strict one, they say also is made in Dolphine, where they of the Religion and the Catholics are united together for the common defence of themselves and their country against anybody that will attempt to make war" there. "Ediguieres hath allied himself with the greatest man, one of them, in Provence, having married his son [to] the Count Grinian's daughter, and by that means great particular friendship contracted between them."
"There is news come hither that the Princess of Condé hath lost her head at St. Jean d'Angeli, and that both her men and women that were partakers in it [the murder] have been executed with the cruel torments that they have [deserved ? MS. torn]; and that M. de la Trimouille, her brother, would needs be present at her execution."
"For this Lieutenantship-General of the Duke of Guise, it is assured me that it is a thing done for the nonce by the King to make him odious, and to provoke them that have interest to stir against it, which is thought will be very shortly done, and that it will be the ruin of the Duke of Guise. And so do I both hope it and think it . . ."
"The Duke of Guise was much offended at Lilly's being at the court, no other ambassador having any man there. The King sent to me the accustomed man yesterday to tell me that; and moreover, that if the King were pressed about it and sent to me thereupon," Stafford should desire him either that he might have a man there or else come himself. "The King liketh his manner of behaviour and readiness to answer all these things marvellous well. And withal that I should see ere long wherewithal to content me."
Chevalier d' Omale arrived here yesterday and left last night with twenty post horses. He is gone to the Prince of Parma. Everyone here and at court laughs at his foolish speeches, as "the only hoyden of all the race." He pressed the King for the reversion of the Grand Priory of Champagne, "wherein he showed his wit as in all other things. For he that hath it, meaneth to live as long as he; and like a goose hath forgotten [him] that had the grant of that of France, to which, when it fell, the King laughed at him, and granted it another."
Has letters from Dieppe of ships arming there, perhaps against England. Despises no advertisement, but this is not to be feared —unless it be from Newhaven. The generality are now rather for than against England, and see the dangers of a Spanish victory.
"Even in this town their minds be marvellously changed in that point within these six days. . . . I take it that arming (if it be) in the havens is by the King's commandment . . . to fortify them."
"For the honour of God, sir, spare not letters nor charge" to send news of the armies, for it is looked for and upon it depends the success of things here.
The King will not alter the day or place for the States of Blois. Wrote that he was contented to wait till October, but he will not alter September 15 and at Blois.
A letter from L' Ile in Flanders says that the English commissioners embarked at Donkyrke last Tuesday, the Prince of Parma being there to see them safely off: "whereat the ambassador here chafeth marvellously against the Prince of Parma, for the cause that I writ to you of by Romano. And yet there is but that letter come of it, which is no certainty; but that showeth that true which I writ to you of, and their good meaning."
The name "blurred out" in Lilly's letters, is Pinart.
Cannot understand what "Villeroy's asking leave to go home should mean." Is trying to find out. "I hope we shall see strange things ere long. . . ."—Paris, 5 August, 1588.
Postscript. Hears that M. de la Chatre came here to-day to give order that the Spanish army may buy victual from Picardy: scarce believes it. M. Gourdan sent to assure the King that neither English nor Spaniards shall approach Calais: the English did so, and he shot at them, and will treat the Spaniards likewise.
"The Master of Gray sent yesterday to me, which he did not since he came into France. Assureth all duty to her Majesty and affection to the amity of the two realms," desiring to be excused for not coming, being narrowly watched, and asking that this be sent to Walsingham.
"The ambassador here is [in] a great chafe against the Prince of Parma upon a letter that has come that things are not ready at Donkerk; and saith that he now threateneth to hang the governor of it, but that is but a colour."
Holograph. Add. Endd. The portions in italics in cipher. 3 pp. [France XVIII. 142.]
Flyleaf with deciphers. [France XVIII. 142a.]
Patent of the French king appointing the Duke of Guise Lieutenant-General of the royal armies.—Chartres, 4 August, 1588.
Signed by the King, and, on the fold, by the Queen Mother. Countersigned, Neufville. Copy. Endd. French. 3½ pp. [France XVIII. 134.]
Aug. 5. Adolf, Count of Neuwenar, to the Queen. (fn. 9)
Has done all that he could to accomplish her desire for the settlement of the differences amongst certain of the United Provinces. This province of Utrecht is now almost perfectly agreed with its neighbours, and insists only on the strict observance of the treaty with her Majesty and of its own ancient rights and liberties. He himself has recently come to an agreement with them, and hopes all will now go forward to the service of God and the country and the satisfaction of her Majesty. As good mutual understanding is essential, he begs that no decision be made upon any proposals from anyone in this or any other of his governments, until he and the Estates of the provinces under his control have been heard. Hopes her Majesty may continue, as she has begun, to triumph over her enemies.—Utrecht, 5 August, 1588, stilo vetere.
Signed. Add. Endd. French. 1½ p. [Holland XXVI. f. 34.]
Copy of the same, probably sent to Walsingham.
Endd. French. 2 pp. [Ibid. f. 36.]
Aug. 5. Adolf, Count of Neuwenar, to Walsingham.
Killigry has informed him of what Walsingham wrote by Bornhem about remedying the dissensions of certain of the Provinces. Has done his best herein, as Killigry will testify. Good mutual understanding is necessary. Encloses a copy of his letter to the Queen and desires Walsingham's good offices. Certain people, with letters of recommendation from England [pardela], have attempted alterations here, and have tried to stir up the captains against the magistrates, to the prejudice of the resolutions of these Estates and these magistrates. Encloses copy of his letter to his Excellency about this.—Utrecht, 5 August, 1588, stilo consueto.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. French. 1½ p. [Holland XXVI. f. 38.]
Aug. 5. Patent by Peregryne Willoughby, lord Willoughby, baron of Berk and Ersby, Lieutenant-General of her Majesty's forces in the Low Countries, confirming, by direction of the Privy Council, James Digges, gentleman, in the office of "clerk controller of the checks and overseer of the musters"; from Lady Day last, when, "by an establishment lately sent over," the office of muster-master-general was abolished. Daily wages 13s. 4d., with 6s. 8d. for his substitutes or clerks, who shall always be "resident in the said office or otherwise employed in the service": the allowances for travelling from one garrison to another, and rewards for the discovery of frauds, to be decided upon by the Privy Council, and to be allowed to him out of the checks, without increasing the Queen's ordinary charges. The earl of Leicester had formerly appointed James Digges "to execute the office of musters, confer the muster rolls, and collect the checks of all bands in her Majesty's pay during the absence of his brother Thomas Digges, esquire, muster-master-general," and such an office is found very necessary for the prevention of fraud and the examination of the commissaries' proceedings.—Midleburgh, 5 August, 1588.
The following note, signed by Willoughby, is appended:
"A true copy of the commission by me granted to James Digges for the office of musters upon your lordships' letters sent by him. But for that no exceptions might be taken unto me hereafter, or that the small allowance set down for so great and troublesome a charge might any way prejudice her Majesty or hinder the service as he allegeth, I have thought good to acquaint your honours withal, and stay the sealing thereof until your pleasures known, the rather for that since the signing thereof there is another that claimeth the office of clerk of the checks by a commission from the Lord Steward, granted in his government as he saith. Wherewithal I was not acquainted before this patent was signed. . ."
Possibly enclosed in Willoughby's letter to Burghley, August 28. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXVI. f. 41.]


  • 1. Above, p. 86.
  • 2. The cipher has "mate": the decipher "matter."
  • 3. Printed in Laughton, Armada Papers, ii. 31–32.
  • 4. Printed in Laughton, Armada Papers, ii. 32–5.
  • 5. See Japikse, Resolution der Staten-Generaal, vi. 33–4.
  • 6. Printed in Laughton, Armada Papers, ii. 78–82.
  • 7. Printed in Laughton, Armada Papers, ii. 29–30.
  • 8. Cf. the examination of Valdes, on this date, Laughton, Armada Papers, ii. 27–9.
  • 9. This letter and that to Walsingham, as well as one to Leicester, are calendared briefly, from copies, in H.M.C., Ancaster MSS., p. 175.