Index: Q, R

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: Q, R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: Q, R". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Queen Mother, of Denmark. See Sophia.

-, of France. See Catherine de Medici.

Queen's Arms tavern, Southwark [co. Surrey], 22.

Quernbeck [Denmark], 80.

Quincampoix, François de, seigneur de Muy, envoy of Navarre to England, gentlemen of, assault Châteauneuf's servants, 17, 22; examinations of them, 23–4; evidence sent to Stafford, 86; Buzanval and le Brumen will try to satisfy, 24.

-, gentlemen of. See Captot; Torcy; Villiers, Job de.


rabbis. See under priests.

Ragusa, merchant of. See Gondalo.

Raitenau, Wolfgang Dietrich von, archbishop of Salzburg, 160.

Raleigh, de Rallay, Raweley, Sir Walter, French complaint of, 88; goes to Ireland to intercept Armada, 230.

Rammekens, Ramekins, Ramikines, Ramikins, Rammekins, Ramykins, Ramykyns [Zeeland, Netherlands], 134, 378:
-, letter dated at, 318.
-, captured Armada ship sinks off, 112.
-, Errington's kinsman can command, 365.
-, money imprested to troops at, 277; by Merchants Adventurers, 314; Russel's expenses at, 412.
-, Errington's company at, 137, 263.
-, governor of. See Errington, Nicholas.

Rammell, Henry, governor of king of Denmark, 80; replies for king at Rogers' audience, 75; great wisdom, and influence of, 76, 78.

Randolph, Randall, Randolf, Randoll, Randolphe, Avery, Alphre, captain, 224, 410, 412:
-, Flushing creditors of, ask payment, 243.
-, money paid to, 260, 262; due to, 411; due by, 353, 354, 355; due by, to Merchants Adventurers, 318.
-, company of, at Flushing, 30, 137, 263, 273; men from, sent to England, 132.

-, Thomas, letters from, 17, 22.

ransoms, 129, 214, 239, 277, 307, 321.

Rantzouholm, Rantzouisholm [Fyen, Denmark], 80.

Ranzau, Rantzouw, Rantzow, Ranzow, Breida, of Rantzouholm, 80.

-, Christopher, of Quernbeck, 80.

-, Daniel, of Segarden, 80.

-, Gerard, Gert, Gerte, Gherardt, constable of Kronberg castle, captain of Danish royal guard, son of Henry, 80; welcomes D. Rogers, 75; travels of, 78; reported imprisoned, 310.

-, Henry, Danish royal lieutenant in Holstein, prefect of Segeberg, lord of Bredenborg, 80.

-, John, of Haselberg, prefect of Rensburg, 80.

- Peter, of Troiburg, prefect of Flensburg, 80.

Rapamet [near Constantinople], letters dated at, 102, 139, 166, 175, 201, 281, 282, 335.

Raphael, —, English traitor, 113.

Ratcliffe, Henry, earl of Sussex, 136.

Raweley. See Raleigh.

Raynsford, Giles, provost marshal of the Brielle, 410.

, island of [France], 363.

-, merchant of. See Foran, Job.

Reade, Read, Reed, Sir William, lately Willoughby's lieutenant and governor of Bergen-op-Zoom, 21, 195, 410:
-, letter from, referred to, 30.
-, resigned government of Bergen, 11.
-, money paid to, 129, 261, 262, 276.
-, company of, discharged, 263.

Recalde, Ricalde, Ricaldes, Juan Martinez de, Martin, commands in Armada, 75; galleon of, at Havre; not yet returned, 232.

Recep Pasha, Bassa, 201.

Recourt, Philippe de, seigneur de Liques, baron de Leekes, sergeant-major of, 320.

Redhead, Readhead, Robert:
-, Parma's reward to, for mediating with Grimston, 258.
-, Queen will reward, 292, 311.
-, T. M. Wingfield's prisoner given to, 307.

Reed. See Reade.

Rees, Rhees [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], 330.

reisters, reiters. See Germans.

-, question of, in peace treaty, 26; English demand for liberty of conscience, 29; but not free exercise, 58; require toleration, 71, 74, 96; Spain will never grant, 330.
-, war is about, 37, 38.
-, causes no lack of unity against Armada, 52.
-, king of Sweden inconstant in, 79.
-, Emden disputes about, 156.
-, James VI constant in, 175.
-, See also Catholics, Roman; England, church of; priests; Protestants.

Remond, George, 364.

Rensburg, Rendesburg [Schleswig, Denmark, now Germany], prefect of. See Ranzau, John.

Renti, Renty, Rentti, marquis of. See Lalain, Emmanuel Philibert de.

Renton, captain, 286.

Renvber, Oliver de, buys corn for Flushing, 378, 383.

Requesens, Don Luis de, Louis de, grand commander of Castille, 405.

requests, master of. See Dale, Dr. Valentine.

resin, 81; sent to Bergen, 297.

Rethi [Antwerp, Belgium], 6.

Retz, Resso, duke of. See Gondi, Albert de.

Revan. See Rezan.

Revol, Rivolle, Ryvoll, Ryvolle, Louis, French secretary of state, Epernon's factotum, 178; depends on Epernon, 208, 209.

Reyde, Reyden, fort of [Groningen, Netherlands], 157.

Reyne. See Rhenen.

Reyngout. See Rijngaut.

Rezan, Revan [Kurdistan, Turkey], 165.

Rhees. See Rees.

Rheims [Marne, France], 298.

Rheinberg, Barke, Berch, Berck, Bercq, Berge, Bergh, Berk, Berke [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], 187, 370:
-, supplies being sent to, 43.
-, nearest base to Bonn, 44.
-, blockaded, 57; cannot hold out long, 87, 93.
-, States discuss relief of, 65, 175; relief of, delayed, 68, 87.
-, T. Morgan may go to, 92.
-, Schenck to relieve, 119; English horsemen to go with him, 150, 162, 193, 197; Willoughby requires States to pay them, 207; Schenck relieves, 215.
-, valueless to defence of United Provinces, 162.
-, 'kind of mutiny' at, 303; Schenck requires States to pay, 321.
-, Schenck to help victual, 371; Mörs to victual, 387; has not victuals for a month, 388.
-, English horse bands at. See Blunt, Christopher; Sherley, Anthony.

Rhenen, Reyne [Utrecht, Netherlands], Brakel tries to take, 303.

-, English horse at. See Morgan, Matthew.

Rhine, Ryne, river, 157, 361, 395; Schenck stops trade on, 268; still closed, 361.

Rhynevelt, captain, 332.

Ricalde, Ricaldes. See Recalde.

Richard II, king of England, 386.

Richardot. See Grussot, Jean de.

Richmond [co. Surrey], 64; letters dated at, 18, 42, 50, 70.

Rieux, baron de. See du Puy du Val de la Jugie, François.

Rijngaut, Reyngout, Ringout, Jacques de, sieur de Cauwenbourgh, Parma's favour to, 171; practices of, against States, 328.

Ringbell, John, 293.

Rivolle. See Revol.

Roan. See Rohan.

Robert, English traitor, 113.

Robles, Caspar de, heer van Billy, late governor of Friesland and Groningen, 331.

Rochelle, la, Rochel, Rochell, Rochelle [Charente Inf., France], 13, 54, 363:
-, letters dated at, 6, 368.
-, -, referred to, 62.
-, Navarre's strong forces at, 110.
-, 2 Armada galleys lost at, 127.
-, States promise 4 guns to, 216.
-, vessel seized by Waddon off, 367.

Rochepot. See Silly, Antoine de.

Roels, Roells, Christoffel, pensionary of, and greffier of States of, Zeeland:
-, letters from, 45, 83, 212.
-, -, referred to, 2, 60.
-, letters signed by, 8, 112, 142, 309.
-, searches for Allen's book, 2; presses for payment of costs, 46, 60, 84.
-, fears Queen will be abused by peace treaty, 83–4.

Roelsius, Willem, pensionary of Middelburg, letters signed by, 111.

Roerda, Roda, Charles, deputy of Friesland, 287.

-, Dr., 330.

Roerom, Adrian Cornelius, captain of Dordrecht burgher company, 394.

Rogero, Rogurs, Don Juan, Jehan de, an Italian, Menninck denies knowing, 330, 331; Menninck's spy, 362.

Rogers, Daniel, clerk of Council, ambassador to Denmark, 113:
-, letters from, 75, 77, 143.
-, audiences and negotiations of, 75–6.
-, account of Denmark by, 77–80.
-, sends Varrhael to king of Sweden, 79, 143.

-, Dr. John, English peace commissioner, 10; not informed about Dale's mission, 26; visit of, to duke, referred to, 72, 95.

-, John, commissary of musters at Bergen-op-Zoom, 207; papers signed by, 293; appointed instead of Webbes, 119; money due to, 411.

Rohan, Roan, Louis de, duke of Montbazon, 126.

Romadan Pasha, Bassa, 173.

Romano, 108.

Romans [Drôme, France], 110.

Rome [Italy], 359; church of St. James at, 157.

Romnitz, Michael von, councillor of Copenhagen, 6.

Roncherolles, François de, seigneur de Maineville, Menevilla, 392.

Rone. See Rouen.

Roosendaal, Rosendael, Rosendall Rossendale, Rossendall [N. Brabant, Netherlands]:
-, States forbid trade to, 234.
-, Parma will make fort at, 281.
-, enemy forces at, 308, 313, 323.
-, enemy will build town at, 366.

Roosois, bishop of [? John Leslie, bishop of Ross], 17.

Root, Frederic, captain, 149.

Roover, Arnold, captain, 149.

[Rosario, N. S. del], Armada galleass, P. de Valdes' ship, captured, 104, 112, 116; English attack concentrated on, 115.

Rosenholm [Scania, now Malmohus, Sweden], 80.

Rosenkrantz, Rosenckrantz, George, a governor of Denmark, and master of the palace, 80:
-, letters signed by, 6, 10, 87, 158.
-, Rogers deals with, 75–6.

Rostock, Rostacke, Rostocke [Mecklenburg, Germany], 388:
-, letters dated at 143.
-, value of Sound dues on beer of, 87.
-, Harborne at, 404.

Rothermaker, Arnold, 409.

Rottell, captain, 293.

Rotterdam, Roterdam [S. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, letter dated at, 225.
-, merchants of, spoiled by pirate Lee, 148.
-, cavils at special contribution, 155.
-, ships preparing at, 161.
-, 16 Spaniards hanged at, 215.
-, merchant of. See Belleman, Anthonis Willem.
-, pensionary of. See Oldenbarnevelt, Dr. Elias van.

Rouen, Rone [Seine Inf., France], 225:
-, paper dated at, 16.
-, peace between Henry III and League published at, 53.
-, news from, 69.
-, 2 English from seminary of, arrested, 88.
-, ship going to, 143.
-, exchange on London, 386.
-, holds for Roman church, 399.
-, governor of. See Veneur, Tannoguy le.

Roussel. See Russel.

Rowss, Thomas, 410.

Roy, —, le, treasurer of epergne, dismissed, 178.

rubies, 138, 174.

Rudolf II, the Holy Roman Emperor, 97:
-, letter to, 336.
-, Hanse complained against English to, 38.
-, embassy from, to Denmark, 79.
-, summons Bonn to yield to Ernest of Bavaria, 157.
-, submissive relations with Turks, 172.
-, privileges, etc., granted to Hamburg by, 228.
-, brother of, leads troops to Parma, 345.
-, kinsman of, to be governor of Netherlands, 349.
-, cousin of. See Charles, archduke.
-, stipendiary of. See Francis II, duke of Lawenburch.

Ruis, Sebastian, 264.

Rumania, 404.

Russel, Russell, Roussel, Edward, cousin of Sir William:
-, signs horse captains' petition, 163.
-, bill signed by, referred to, 354.
-, agreement with Easely, referred to, 364.

-, Sir William, governor of Flushing, 113:
-, letters from, 11, 12, 48, 58, 81, 82, 122, 133, 137, 140, 151, 163, 180, 187, 188, 192, 194, 199, 214, 217, 246, 249, 252, 266, 268, 269, 271, 273, 308, 314, 317, 364, 368, 383.
-, -, referred to, 42, 65.
-, letters to, 180, 311, 320, 391.
-, -, referred to, 90, 151, 364, 390, 398.
-, Zeeland hopes, will send forces to aid theirs, 7.
-, dispute between Willoughby and, 9, 272; Buck's declaration on it, 30; Colman and Savage's declarations, 31; reconciled to Willoughby, 134.
-, Burnham finds ready to be reconciled to Maurice, 11; Villiers sets Maurice against, 49; Villiers unable to reconcile them, 65, 175; Maurice suspects, of stirring mutinies, 69; Walsingham would reconcile Maurice and, 177; Maurice would be reconciled to, 299.
-, fears treachery at Flushing, 12; suspects States of spreading false peace terms, 48; Zeeland thinks, stirred mutinies, 69; complains of Zeeland States, 152, 187, 379; dispute of States and, over galleons' guns, 164; suspects new bailiff, 188.
-, asks leave to return, 48, 58, 152, 188, 214, 246.
-, asks for more men, 48.
-, sent men to Ostend, 49.
-, writes for garrisons' creditors, 58.
-, sent peace articles to Killigrew, 69, 90; published Walsingham's letter thereon, 152.
-, gets Flushing to send 30 sail to Seymour, 81, 176; to ask Zeeland for ships, 90.
-, to appoint troops from Flushing for England, 89; desires their return, 176.
-, sends over powder, 100; asked States for powder, 176.
-, sent ships to take Piementel's ship, 105, 114.
-, thinks merchants should advance garrison's lendings, 122; asks for garrison's lendings, 137; sends Kirton to hasten them, 140.
-, refused to send men to Bergen, 142; doubted if would be attacked, 152; ordered to send men, 180; has sent men, 265.
-, Willoughby consults, on sending horsemen to Bonn, 150.
-, allows retinue to be mustered, 161.
-, desires recall if garrison weakened, 163.
-, to send men to Ostend if needed, 167.
-, to hear Ostend mutineers' grievances, 168.
-, Walsingham's answers to letters of, 176.
-, asks for payment of Browne, 180, 192.
-, asks for garrison's full pay, 180, 187, 194, 274, 308.
-, sends over man with promising plan, 192.
-, protests at reduced lendings, 199.
-, recommends Fulford for a company, 217.
-, hears of Armada wrecks off Ireland, 230.
-, fortifications authorised by, 243.
-, fears general alteration if Bergen lost, 249.
-, going to Bergen, 252; at Bergen, 266; served valiantly, 272; returns, 268; to meet Norris, 273; T. M. Wingfield went with, 307.
-, sends Eaton to England, 268.
-, recalled to England, 316, 362; enemy pleased, 281; Mondragon pleased, 306; would return speedily, 368.
-, Errington wishes not to act as governor in absence of, 344.
-, has set forth no ships, 364.
-, will not send troops to Wachtendonk, 381.
-, to send troops to Norris, 391.
-, pay of, 410.
-, weekly lendings of, 129, 291.
-, money paid to, 260, 262, 276, 277, 412; due to, 411; due by, 195, 353, 354, 355, 412.
-, company of, at Flushing, 30, 137, 224, 263, 273; at Bergen, 389; men from, sent to England, 132; expenses on, 412. See also Davison, Thomas; Holney.
-, troop of, at Flushing, 137, 264; expenses on, 412. See also Moorton, Redman.
-, lieutenant of. See Kirton.
-, servant of. See Margittes, George.
-, secretary of. See Vasseur, Adrian.

-, —, 408.

Russia, the Muscovites:
-, truce with Sweden ends in 1589, 79.
-, withhold Turkish supplies of fish, 335.
-, emperor, tsar, of. See Feodor I Ivanovitch.
-, merchants trading. See Muscovy company.

Ryall, —, in Bannister's company, 194.

Ryche, Pieter, president of Zeeland, letters signed by, 8, 112, 142, 309.

Rye, Marc de, marquis de Varembon, Barrabon, 236.

Rye [co. Sussex], 23.

-, inhabitant of. See Geimor.

rye, 297; Dansq, 399. See also corn.

Ryne. See Rhine.

Ryvoll, Ryvolle. See Revol.