Index: G

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: G". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Gac, François le, merchant, of Morlaix, 364.

Galicia [Spain], Armada in, 36; Armada driven back to, 62; court to visit, 395.

Galle, Hance van, 293.

galleasses, galleons, galleys. See under ships.

Gallega, in Armada, lost, 305.

Gallipoli, Gallippolye, 119.

Galway, Galloway, co. [Irish Free State], 230.

Gandt, Gant. See Ghent.

Ganjah, Gengien [Kara Dagh, Persia], Turks build fort in, 165; Persian defeat in, 335.

Gans, Adam, baron of Podelitz, John Casimir's ambassador to Denmark, has audience with Rogers, 75; Danes give good answer to, 79, 80.

Garetson, Garret, 408.

Garnache, la, Garnashe [Vendée, France], 363.

Garnier, Granier, Grenier, Flaminco, sieur de Niele, Parma's secretary:
-, letter from, referred to, 396.
-, report of Parma's forces by, referred to, 37.
-, was sent to welcome English commissioners, 71, 94.
-, brought Parma's refusal of armistice, 95.
-, clerk of. See Bassets, Anthony.

Garton, William, paper signed by, 107.

Gascony [France], 124.

Gates, Lawrence, master gunner of Bergen-op-Zoom, 195.

Gaunt, Gawnt. See Ghent.

Gavere, Gaveres, prince of. See Egmont, Philippe, prince of Gavre.

Geertruidenberg, Geertrudeberg, Geertrudebergh, Geertrudenberg, Geertrudenbergh, Geertrudenberghe, Geertruydenberch, Geertruydenberge, Geertruydenbergh, Geertruydenberghe, Gentrubergen, Gertrenbergen, Gertrudenberg, Gertrudenbergh, Gertrudenberghe, Gertruidenberge, Gertruidenbergh, Gertruinbergh, Gertruinborghe, Gettenbergen, Gettornberke, Gettrudenberg, Gettryngberg, Gheertrudenberghe, Gheertruydenberghe, Ghertrembergh, Ghertruydenberch, Gitrudenbergen, Grettrudenbergh [N. Brabant, Netherlands], 105, 148, 177, 346:
-, letters and papers dated at, 51, 55, 57, 60, 64, 67, 88, 320.
-, garrison mutiny, 15, 24; Willoughby has pacified, 27.
-, States have paid large sums to, 25.
-, stands in ill terms because unpaid, 31; threatens to admit enemy if not paid, 49.
-, Maurice taking money to, 44, 59, 60.
-, Willoughby has stormy meeting with envoys of, 44; Menin taken into town, ibid.
-, Willoughby and Maurice at, 51; conclude agreement with, 55–7; terms, 63–4; Gilpin's account of the settlement, 66–7.
-, probable officers of garrison of, 67; Wingfield governor, 82, 83.
-, mutiny cost States 20,000l., 65; cost some 26,000l., 87; cost 215,000 florins, 90; this greatly pinches States, 68.
-, Russel sent one to, 65; he is suspected of stirring mutiny at, 69.
-, would not accept Schenck as governor, 55, 65, 300; he complains of this, 246.
-, Willoughby and, defeat Breda cavalry, 89.
-, Queen's letter to, not delivered, 90, 104.
-, Gilpin going to, 118; soldiers still disordered, 140; Gilpin can get no settlement, but brings back demands of, 154.
-, attacks enemy but irreconcilable to States, 160; would not send powder, 183; sent powder to fleet, 184.
-, Willoughby and Hohenlohe may quarrel over, 185.
-, Parma means to recover, 188; his forces gone towards, 191.
-, States complain of, 234; Ortel complains to Queen against, 241; Holland ships trading with enemy seized by, 254.
-, Norris and Willoughby to make secure, 248, 257; disorders continue, 303; Norris can do little about, 312.
-, 100 men sent from, to Bergen, 251, 265, 290.
-, States request Queen to reduce to their obedience, 284.
-, Willoughby rebukes for disarming burghers; reply, 319.
-, enemy may blockade, 322.
-, new alteration at, 322.
-, mutiny of, referred to, 328.
-, Holland desires Queen to settle, 329; Ortel's request about, with answer, 338.
-, Council of State refers matter of, to States General, 340; Norris confers with States about, 361.
-, refuses to help Wachtendonk, 371.
-, letters intercepted by, 397.
-, Willoughby to satisfy States about, 397; his and Wingfield's answers to Norris about, 414.
-, governor of. See HohenloheLangenberg, Philip; Wingfield, Sir John.
-, sergeant-major of. See Doeres, Floris.

Geimor, —, of Rye, 146.

Geins. See Genoa.

Gelderland, Gelderlande, Gelderlandt, Gelders, Geldres, Guelderland, Guelders, Gueldres, duchy of, one of the United Provinces, 379, 407:
-, Chimay's forces going towards, 43.
-, most in, desire peace, 43.
-, want and disagreement in, 88; partially agreed, 160.
-, Utrecht plan to defend, 134–5.
-, no English left in, 141; Ortel complains, 241.
-, Willoughby refuses to send English horse from, to Bonn, 150; reluctantly agrees to send them to Rheinberg, 193, 197.
-, only Holland, Zeeland, and, represented in Council of State, 155.
-, Walsingham fears attack on, 175, 177.
-, would not advance Maurice, 184; Norris to reconcile Holland and, 247; fears ascendancy of Holland, 289.
-, was much harassed by enemy, 187.
-, Schenck in, 215.
-, writes for men, etc., for Arnhem, 216.
-, enemy forces enter, 247; enemy intends a campaign in, 253.
-, uses up States' forces, 247.
-, Mörs sends intercepted letters to, 257; deputies of, at Utrecht, 269.
-, letter from consuls of, about Wachtendonk, 306.
-, deputies coming later to States General, 321.
-, States send men to frontiers of: trouble over pay, 322; Willoughby going to, 372; Mörs to provision frontiers of, 387; forces in, weak, 388.
-, persuade Schenck to continue service, 371.
-, Schenck paid by Holland for service in, 402.
-, chancellor of. See Leoninus, Elbertus.
-, governor of. See Solms, Adolf von.
-, See also Arnhem; Doesborgh; Doetinchem; Nijmegen; Tiel; Wachtendonk.

Geldern, Gelder, Gelders [Rhenish Prussia, Germany]:
-, letters dated at, 237.
-, town and garrison in some want, 237.
-, Patton betrayed, 286.

Geltinge [Denmark], 80.

General, the lord. See Bertie, Peregrine; Dudley, Robert.

Geneva [Switzerland], 54; letter dated at, referred to, 13.

Genevill, prince. See Lorraine, Charles of.

Gengien. See Ganjah.

Gennep [Limburg, Netherlands], 306.

Genoa, Geins, republic of [Italy], the Genoese, arms against Turk, 5; ship of, taken for new Armada, 401.

Gentrubergen. See Geertruidenberg.

George, Stafford's servant, 85.

George Frederick of Brandenburg Anspach, duke of Prussia, 208, 309.

Georgians, the, 165.

Geritsen, Francis, brewer, of Utrecht, captain of town band, imprisoned, 225.

Germain, Jermin, Jermyn, Edward, clerk of munition at Flushing, 129, 291, 411.

Germans, Allemans, Allmans, Allmayns, Almains, Almans, Almayns, Dutchmen, lansknechts, lanzknechts, reiters, reisters, 310:
-, Guise raising, 4.
-, many join Parma, 8; came under archduke Charles, and were mustered, 15, 17, 35, 36.
-, rumour will invade Lorraine, 13; Epernon will keep Metz by aid of, 14.
-, Navarre seeking to raise, 53.
-, Casimir sending to Sedan, 58.
-, two Danish councillors are, 77.
-, Châteauneuf says Queen levies, against Armada, 146; Lilly denies, 147.
-, Parma's at Dixmude, 162; archduke Charles' mutiny, 253.
-, Parma levied, 345.
-, Parma puts, on French frontier, 391.
-, Lorraine would raise, 392.
-, See also Charles, archduke of Austria.

Germany, Duchland, Dutchland, 242, 352:
-, States' envoys gone to, 2; went also on Navarre's behalf, 53; little hope of success, 65; got only words from, 388.
-, Queen thinks English merchants should not be excluded from, 39.
-, Navarre will raise reiters in, 53.
-, Buzanval urges Queen to send envoy to, 53–4.
-, Knibbe seeks service in, 58.
-, Danes say princes of, rule by inheritance not by election, 77.
-, Danes promise to urge princes of, to unite against papists, 79– 80; princes of, should be stirred up, 119.
-, no good expected from, 176.
-, Parma drew supplies from, 345; raises men in, 370.
-, gunpowder bought for English in, sent to Spain, 360.
-, Epernon raises men in, 399.
-, See also Bonn; Cologne; Empire, Holy Roman; Danzig; Hamburg; Hanse Towns.

Gernsey. See Guernsey.

Gerrard, Daniel, of Hendar's company, 195.

Gersey. See Jersey.

Gertrenbergen, Gertrudenberg, Gertrudenbergh, Gertrudenberghe, Gertruidenberge, Gertruidenbergh, Gertruinbergh, Gertruinberghe, Gettenbergen, Gettornberke, Gettrudenberg, Gettryngberg, Gheertrudenberghe, Gheertruydenberghe, See Geertruidenberg.

Ghent, Gandt, Gant, Gaunt, Gawnt, Ghendt [E. Flanders, Belgium], 251, 387:
-, ladders sent to Nieuport from, 3.
-, Spaniards suggested, for peace negotiations, 73, 94.
-, Mondragon leaves, 85.
-, artillery sent to Dunkirk from, 364, 365, 403.
-, Pacification of, mentioned, 71, 96, 97, 285, 331.

Ghent, Ghendt, William van, Menninck's relations with, 332, 345.

Ghertrembergh, Ghertruydenberch.
-, See Geertruidenberg.

Ghorchum. See Gorcum.

Gibraltar, straits of, 395.

Gifford, Gilbert, process of, referred to, 359.

Gijsbertsen, Cornelis, called de Pijper, 225.

Gilbert, Adrian, English merchant, 88, 314.

Giles, Gylles, John:
-, letters from, 281, 305, 349.
-, asks Walsingham's aid for de la Faille and against de Loo, 281, 349.
-, has news from friend at Antwerp, 305, 306.
-, wife and children in Antwerp, 349.

Gilliam, —, of Flushing, 409.

Gilnegate, Francisco, 264.

Gilpin, Guilpin, Guylpin, Guylpyn, Gylpin, Gylpyn, George, secretary of the Council of State, 21, 213, 319, 348, 373:
-, letters from, 42, 63, 66, 69, 87, 118, 154, 244, 274, 301, 309, 321, 341, 360, 370, 387.
-, -, referred to, 70, 267, 268.
-, letters signed by, 198.
-, Killigrew asks for warrants for pay of, 20; thanks Walsingham for getting him an allowance, 42, 87; Killigrew also thanks Walsingham, 91.
-, asks for imprest, 64.
-, Buck tells, his business has passed Queen, 67.
-, helps Willoughby at Geertruidenberg, 63; his account of the settlement, 66–7.
-, sent by States again to Geertruidenberg, 118; can get no better agreement, 154.
-, notes of Walsingham's answer to letter of, 177.
-, Killigrew desires leave as Gilpin is settled there, 183, 184; knows the language, 185; would fill his place well, 233.
-, desires Queen to appoint him to Council of State, 244; desires to be taken wholly into Queen's service, 303.
-, sends news of plot against Queen, 274.
-, gets Council of State to stop sale of Mary Stuart's portraits, 309.
-, to assist Bodley in Council, as knows Flemish, 315, 318, 324, 356.
-, complains Walsingham answers no letters, 321.
-, desires answer to questions touching himself, 322.
-, gets Council of State to write for H. Aysma, 343.
-, States dislike, 400.
-, entertainment, 291, 343, 409.

Ginnot, captain, 293.

Gistelles, —, 270.

Gitrudenbergen. See Geertruidenberg.

G. L., 326.

Glasgow, archbishop, bishop, of. See Beaton, James.

Glorup [Fyen, Denmark], 80.

Godley, Alexander, 408.

Godoya, Don Luis de, captain, 264.

Godron, Don Gomes de, 264.

Goie, Absolom, of Nielsturp, 80.

gold, means to keep in England, 386.

Golden Fleece, inn, St. Katherine's, London, landlord of. See Voicht, Claes de.

Gondalo, Gondolo, Ragusan merchant, Lancôme quarrels with, 139; case to be judged by vizier, 201.

Gondi, Albert de, duke of Retz, Resso, marshal of France, 209:
-, may command army for Gascony, 125.
-, to share command with Nevers, 145.
-, joining Nevers, 363.

-, Charles de, marquis of Belleisle, Bell Ill, 363.

Gontaut, Armand de, baron de Biron, Berone, Byron, marshal of France, 209; joining Nevers, 363.

Gonzaga, Louis, duke of Nevers, Nivers, Nyvers:
-, and Epernon irreconcileable, 5.
-, reluctant to command against Navarre, 124; accepts the command, 145.
-, operations of, in Poitou, 363.
-, son-in-law of. See Henry I, duke of Longueville.

Good, William, 235.

Goodwyn, —, 410.

Gorcum, Ghorchum [S. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, cavils at special contribution, 155.
-, English cavalry at. See Sherley, Anthony.
-, pensionary of. See Werensteyn, Adriaan van.

Gordayn. See Mauléon, Girault de.

Gordon, Alexander, captain, 286.

-, George, earl of Huntley, Hwntlei, 401.

-, captain, 286.

Gorges, —, 410.

goshawk, 390.

Gouda, burgomaster of. See Lonck, Dirk Jansz.

-, pensionary of. See Vranck, François.

Gourdain, Gourdan. See Mauléon, Girault de.

Goyer, Devuyer, Dirk de, chosen burgomaster of Utrecht, 225.

Goyland, Goylande [Holland, Netherlands], 43.

Goyon, Jacques, sieur de Matignon, marshal of France, 147.

Graeff. See Grave.

Graie. See Gray.

grain. See corn.

Granada, Granado [Spain], 102.

Granier. See Garnier.

Grateley, Edmund, Catholic priest, process of, referred to, 359.

Grave, Graeff [N. Brabant, Netherlands], 330, 331.

Gravelines, Gravalin, Graveling, Gravelinge [county of Flanders, now Nord, France]:
-, Parma's flat bottoms being concentrated at, 15, 35, 36.
-, Domis' account of battle off, 91.
-, Placin was imprisoned at, 128.
-, governor of. See Pardieu, Valentin.
-, deputy governor of. See Guerneval, —.

Gravesand [S. Holland, Netherlands], 297.

Gray, Graie, Patrick, master of:
-, assures Stafford of devotion to Elizabeth, 108.
-, sends news to Stafford, 120.
-, bent to pleasure England, but unreliable, 401.

-, —, Spain hoped for aid of, 360.

Greeks, Grecians, 36, 282.

Greenwich, Greenewich, Gronewitz [co. Kent], 290; letters dated at, 7, 315, 383.

Gremston. See Grimston.

Grenier. See Garnier.

Grenville, Grindfeld, Sir Richard, 230.

Grettrudenbergh. See Geertruidenberg.

Greville, Grevelle, Grevyle, Grivell, Gryvell, Gryvelle, Fulke, Foulke, Fowlke, Conway's nephew:
-, request of, to be satisfied, 218.
-, brought Ostend garrison's petition, 238.
-, at Ostend, 279, 325, 326.

Griffoensz, Griffoenson, Grieftousen, Jehan, 225.

Grillian. See Crillon.

Grimonville, Nicolas de, siegneur de Larchant, 209.

Grimston, Gremston, Grimestone, Grinson, Grymson, Grymston, William, Baskerville's ensign, 393:
-, good service of, at Bergen, 220.
-, articles accorded by Parma to, 258.
-, success of practice of, 265, 266, 271.
-, Queen means to reward, 292, 311.
-, T. M. Wingfield's prisoner given to, 307.
-, letter to, referred to, 372.

Grindfeld. See Grenville.

Grinian, count, 107.

Gris Nez, Black Nease, Ness [Pas de Calais, France], 104, 160.

Grisons [Switzerland], 147.

Grivell. See Greville.

Groenevelt, Grenevelt, Groenvel, Groenvelt, Gromvelt, Gronavelt, Grunevelt, Arent van, colonel:
-, at Utrecht: Maurice promises to favour, 20.
-, to serve in suggested Flemish offensive, 217.
-, regiment of, should be maintained, 290.
-, proceedings against, stayed, 300.
-, lieutenant-colonel of. See Meetkerke, Nicholas de.

-, Floris, colonel, captain:
-, slain, 187.
-, company of, to go to Wachtendonk, 374.

Groine, the. See Coruña.

Gronewitz. See Greenwich.

Groningerland, Groeninghenlandt, Groeningherlandt, land of Groningen:
-, enemy in, victualled from Emden, 19; build 'bank' near Otterdum, 45.
-, talk of Parma attacking from, 172.
-, offer made to recover, 215; Oostergonians suggest campaign in, 288.
-, flooded, 236.
-, towns of, distressed, 342.

Groningen, Groeninghen:
-, Verdugo desires Parma to satisfy those of, 237.
-, Menninck stayed at, 331.
-, governor of. See Verdugo, Francis.

Grootebrouch [N. Holland, Netherlands], letter dated at, 208.

-, minister of. See Michel, Jehan le.

Groyn, Groyne. See Coruña.

Grunevelt. See Groenevelt.

Grussot, Jean de, sieur de Richardot, president of Artois, peace commissioner:
-, told of Dale's going to Parma, 10.
-, speaks of negotiations being published, 46.
-, negotiation with, at Ostend, referred to, 72, 95.
-, written answers of Spaniards clean contrary to offers of, to Croft, 73, 95.
-, denied promising cessation, 74; project of, thereon unacceptable, 95, 96.
-, threats of, referred to, 72, 94, 95.
-, assures de Loo of desire for peace, 196, 197.
-, said that King would never yield religious toleration, 330.

Gryffyth, Henry, 409.

Grymson, Grymston. See Grimston.

Gryvell, Gryvelle. See Greville.

Guelderland, Guelders, Gueldres. See Gelderland.

Guerneval, — de, deputy governor of Gravelines, 228.

Guernsey, Gernsey, island of, Armada reported off, 69; Spain will attack, 351.

Guevarre, Pedro Lopes de, 264.

Guighelmo, Don, English traitor, 112.

Guilpin. See Gilpin.

Guise, Guyse, cardinal of. See Lorraine, Louis de.

-, duke of. See Lorraine, Henri de.

-, house of, 53, 84.

Guldenstern. See Gyldenstjerne.

gunners, cannoneers, master-, corporation of, 226. See also Gates, Lawrence; Payne, Richard; Thomas, William; Wright, Thomas.

-, See Hall, William; Scale, William; Williams, Thomas.

gunpowder, powder:
-, pirates seize ship laden with, 7.
-, Burnham buying in Holland, 49.
-, corn powder sent to Ostend, 81.
-, prices of, in Holland, etc., 82.
-, plenty at Amsterdam, little in Zeeland, 100.
-, Geertruidenberg sent little to Zeeland, 118.
-, Gilpin sending to England, 119; Killigrew's bond for, 158; none yet arrived in England, 177.
-, Ortel presses States to send to Queen, 133; Zeeland reluctant to send, 152; difficult to get in Holland, 155; shortage of, in Provinces, 183.
-, Russel moves States to send over, 176; they do their best to send, 185.
-, can now be had from Hamburg, 177.
-, 20 lasts sent to Ostend and Flushing, 188.
-, Willoughby needs at Bergen, 205, 207, 237; quantity sent, 210, 297.
-, Brielle needs, 258.
-, Engelstedt would bring from Friesland, 290.
-, Ortel seeks payment for, obtained from Netherlands, 306.
-, Norris' provision of, 313, 340.
-, Wachtendonk needs, 321.
-, Bergen would borrow from England, 337.
-, issued to Flushing and the Brielle, 344.
-, sold at Hamburg for Spain, 360.
-, amount needed for Ostend, 406.
-, Russel's expenses on, 412.

guns, artillery, cannon, culverins, demi-culverins, falcons, ordnance, port pieces, saconnets:
-, being made in England for Middelburg, 1, 57, 309.
-, delivered to Ostend, 81.
-, number of, in Armada, 92.
-, of wrecked Armada galleys seized at Bayonne, 100.
-, Russel sends 4 to Bergen, 187, 188.
-, States promise 4 for la Rochelle, 216.
-, Engelstedt asks licence to transport to Friesland, 290.
-, Bergen seeks loan of, from England, 337, 346.
-, sent from England to Spain via Hamburg, 360.
-, Navarre lacks, 363.
-, of San Lorenzo, salvaged, 368.
-, going from Flanders to Spain, 403.

Gurnew, captain, 291.

Gutzlaudius, Dr. Jonathan, chancellor of Schleswig and Holstein, 80.

Guylpin, Guylpyn. See Gilpin.

Guyselin, sieur de, 63.

Gwenes, L., 293.

Gwynne, Richard, provost-marshal of Flushing, 410.

Gyldenstjerne, Guldenstern, Axel, of Lyngbygaard, viceroy of Norway, 80.

-, Peter, of Timgaard, marshal of Denmark, 80.

Gylles. See Giles.

Gylpin, Gylpyn. See Gilpin.