Index: C

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

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Cæsar, Dr. Julius, judge of the Admiralty:
-, Ortel asks that Leynkins' case be heard before, and others, 21.
-, to issue warrant against Gilbert, 88; Gilbert fails to appear before, 314.
-, protracted suit against Flicke before, 378.

Cahors, bishop of. See Ebrard, Anton.

Calais, Cales, Calis, Calles, Calleys, Callice, Callies, Callis, Calliss, Callys, Calys, Calysse [Pas de Calais, France], 157, 214:
-, letters dated at, 7, 97, 98, 117, 151, 196, 197, 198, 368.
-, news from, 158, 398, 399; referred to, 171, 281, 306.
-, Campagnol at, 4.
-, Derby sends to Don Carlo at, 12, 14.
-, English peace commissioners to return by, 81; arrive there, 97.
-, action with Armada off, 91, 104, 140, 184.
-, Gourdain will hold against English and Spaniards, 108.
-, Barney at, 203, 350.
-, Armada anchors dropped at, recovered, 228.
-, Eaton comes from, 268.
-, shipping at, 399.
-, Dunkirk ships 'coloured' by, 399.
-, Spain blamed for English loss of, 415.
-, governor of. See Mauléon, Girault de.
-, Armada galleass lost at. See San Lorenzo.

Calis, Cornelis Harmonson, viceadmiral of Veere, with Justinus, 148.

calivers. See under muskets.

Calmphout, Caliphout, Callingtolt, Callingtroute, Collemphout [Antwerp, Belgium]:
-, Parma's army at, 180.
-, Parma puts forces at, after siege of Bergen, 308, 323.
-, Morgan might have practised in, 389.

Cambrai, Cambray [Nord, France], 91:
-, Parma likely to attack, 323.
-, held for Henry III, 398.
-, congress of, referred to, 415.

Campagnol, Campagnolle, Campanniol, sieur de:
-, enters Boulogne, 4, 13; defeats Leaguers there, 90.
-, Epernon sends to court, 145.

Campedoglia. See Donia, Kemp van.

Camphere, Camphire, Canphire. See Veere.

camphor, 81.

Campion, —, 277.

Campo, Giovanni de, letter from, 359.

Candish. See Cavendish.

-, Ostend garrison needs, for winter, 152, 166, 235.
-, cautionary towns' garrisons supplied with, by towns, 282, 333.

cannon. See guns.

cannoneers. See gunners.

Canther, Dirck, elected burgomaster of Utrecht, 225.

Cappes, Tyaerck, letter signed by, 287.

Captot, Guerin de, evidence about assault on Placin, 23–4.

carabines. See under muskets.

Caravag. See Kara Dagh.

Carcale, William, 409.

Cardevas, Don Garcio de, 116.

cardinals, 393.

-, names of, Albert, archduke of Austria; Aldobrandini; Allen, William; Bourbon, Charles de, cardinal of Vendôme; BourbonVendôme, Charles de, cardinal of Bourbon; Lorraine, Louis de, cardinal of Guise; Morosini, Giovanni Francesco.

Carey, Carie, Carry, Cary, Carye, Sir Edmund, 224, 410:
-, absent since Dec., 175.
-, pay of, 131; money paid to, 262; due to, 411.
-, company of, at Ostend, 132, 137, 141; mutinies, 203; one of most unruly, 371; discharged, 263; is now Barker's, 290.

-, Henry, baron Hunsdon, privy councillor, letters signed by, 7, 142, 380.

Carlisle, Christopher, captain, sent to Ostend, 380.

Carlo, Don, Amadeo of Savoy's tutor, 12, 14.

Caro, Augustin, 264.

Caron, Noel de, sieur de Schoonewal:
-, letter from, 259.
-, letters to, 323, 390.
-, knows of plan for offensive in Flanders, 183, 185; should be employed in it, 217; urges its adoption, 259.
-, returning to Holland, 259.
-, has annuity on London customs, 259.
-, visit of, to Denmark, referred to, 390.

carracks. See ships.

Carroughes, de. See Veneur, Tanneguy le.

Carry, Cary, Carye. See Carey.

Carsey, Francis, captain, 261, 410.

Cartwright, Cartewright, Thomas, victualler, of Flushing condemned for debt at Flushing, 355; money due to, 408, 409.

Casbin. See Kasbin.

Casembroot, Leonard, 382.

Casimir, Cassemier. See John Casimir.

Cassackes. See Cossacks.

Cassand. See Kadzand.

Cassel [Hesse-Cassel, Germany], 186.

cassia, 126.

castabres. See ships.

Castilian, Don John de, 347.

Castre. See Kaster.

Castre, Francisco de, 264.

Cataline, Catelyn, 67.

Catalonia [Spain], viceroy of, 116.

Catherine de Medici, queen-mother of France:
-, letter from, 132.
-, letters to, referred to, 126, 127.
-, papers signed by, 16, 109.
-, alleged practice of, with duke of Lorraine, 13.
-, gentleman of, in London, 23.
-, cannot get King to Paris: gets captains' oath to him, 61.
-, asks Lilly for news of Armada, 125, 127.
-, wishes Elizabeth were a Catholic, 133.
-, receives lady Sheffield warmly, 145, 147.
-, Pinart and Villequier depend on, 209.
-, death of, 395, 398.
-, secretary of. See de l'Aubespine, Claude.
-, servant of. See Vento, Christopher.

Catholics, Roman, Papists, 23, 24, 407:
-, general uniting of forces of, 2; all bishops and princes contribute to Armada, 7.
-, plot of, against Queen reported, 41.
-, many English, ready to repel invasion, 52; their loyalty during Armada, 360.
-, Danes promise to urge German union against, 79.
-, Low Countries dangerous to England if possessed by, 71.
-, James VI accused of betraying, 120; clergy hope to buy his aid, 231.
-, of Holland and Zeeland would stir if Parma attacked, 135.
-, rejoice at Utrecht alteration, 249; most of new magistrates are, 253, 258, 289; may yield town to Parma, 313.
-, Campo urges toleration of English, 359.
-, See also English, exiled.

cautionary towns, 91, 328:
-, rumours of English offer to yield to Spain, 29; causes suspicion in Zeeland, 48; published at Ostend, 58.
-, Parma forbore to attack during peace treaty, 32; discussions on terms of restoration of, to Spain, 72–4, 96; English failure to define terms prevented peace, 116.
-, garrisons twice as large as Treaty allows, 68; Ortel complains, 241, 282; answer to his former complaint, 283; not 3,000 English outside, 288; garrisons to be reduced, 338; Council of State presses for this, 340; Norris discusses reduction with States, 361.
-, Digges' queries about musters at, 161, 293–4.
-, Walsingham will urge reinforcement of, 177.
-, Willoughby would withdraw all but garrisons of, 182, 379.
-, men should be sent to Tholen from, 205.
-, governors of, not to meddle with States' troops, 242; Ortel complains they meddle in civil and admiralty causes, 283; Queen forbids them to do so, 311, 334; or to fit out ships, 415.
-, Norris' instructions touching, too vague, 312.
-, Holland's requests about, 329.
-, Bodley to answer States about, 333.
-, endangered by withdrawals for Portugal, 373, 383; should be strongly held, 379.
-, Ostend garrison might reinforce, 407.
-, See also Brielle, the; Flushing.

Cavendish, Candish, Thomas, returns from voyage round world, 230.

caviare, 335.

Cecil, lady Mildred [née Cooke], Burghley's wife, 144.

-, Robert, Burghley's second son, 36, 94.

-, Sir Thomas, Burghley's eldest son, late governor of the Brielle, 410; money paid to, 261.

-, William, baron Burghley, lord treasurer, lord high treasurer, privy councillor, 130, 285:
-, letters signed by, 7, 142, 214, 380.
-, letters from, referred to, 26, 37, 47, 140, 144, 203, 206, 266, 351, 372.
-, letters to, 1, 2, 6, 8, 21, 26, 34, 35, 37, 47, 53, 57, 60, 63, 68, 71, 116, 131, 134, 137, 140, 143, 144, 148, 159, 163, 164, 182, 183, 187, 194, 196, 197, 198, 202, 204, 206, 209, 214, 221, 224, 226, 237, 238, 243, 251, 258, 266, 271, 273, 277, 278, 279, 280, 286, 289, 290, 300, 303, 304, 306, 308, 314, 318, 325, 332, 337, 340, 344, 346, 351, 355, 360, 362, 364, 372, 376, 378, 379, 383, 393, 394.
-, -, referred to, 38.
-, warrant of, referred to, 277.
-, directs inquiry into attack on Châteauneuf's men, 17; thinks Stafford should inform Henry III, 22.
-, indisposed, 53.
-, speech of, in Star Chamber, referred to, 69.
-, D. Rogers wishes Walsingham to show letters to, 76.
-, would reconcile Willoughby and Russel, 134.
-, would send forces to Ostend, etc., to divert Parma, 140.
-, memorial by, on Ostend mutiny, 170.
-, notes by, of change of French ministers, 208, 209.
-, and others answer S. à Bergen, 226.
-, asked Willoughby of state of Bergen, 251.
-, and Walsingham to name Killigrew's successor, 267.
-, Sherley's answers to, 274–7.
-, Norris does not complain of Willoughby to, 312.
-, cautionary town garrisons' creditors vainly petitioned, 314.
-, Burgh's petition to, 315.
-, Châteauneuf would confer with, 355.
-, to instruct Bodley, 356.
-, Willoughby would confer with, 373.
-, lodgings of, referred to, 88.

Centurian, merchantman, 21.

Cerpin. See Kerpen.

Cervi, Orsato da, Ragusan ambassador in Turkey, 200.

cessation of arms, 171, 340:
-, refused by Spaniards, 29.
-, Parma complains that English disregard, 32.
-, demanded in Queen's ultimatum, 51.
-, proceedings of conference on, 72–4.
-, peace treaty negotiations on, 95–6.

Ceuta [N. Africa], 395.

Chamber, Anthony, 409.

Chamberlan, John, 367.

Chambers, James, 353, 409.

Champagne, grand prior of. See Seurre, Michel de.

-, grand priory of, chevalier d'Aumâle asks reversion of, 108; secures it, 124; this untrue, 146.

Champaggny, Champagney, Champagny, Champaigny, Champigny. See Perrenot, Frederic Granvelle.

Champernon, Champernone, Champernoull, Champernown, Champernowne, Arthur, captain, 410:
-, money paid to, 129, 262; due to, 411.
-, company of, at Utrecht, 137, 263; men from, sent to England, 132.

Champion, —, 408.

chancellor, lord. See Hatton, Sir Christopher.

chancery, 386.

Channel, the English, 395.

chaouses, 335.

Charles V, the emperor, 71:
-, granted toleration in Germany, 97.
-, Queen should follow magnanimous example of, after Pavia, 196.
-, letter to, referred to, 197.

Charles IX, king of France, 310.

Charles, archduke of Austria, margrave, marquis, of Burgau, Bourgau, Bourgoing, Bourgou, Bourgow, Burgoo:
-, brings German regiment to Parma, 15, 17, 35.
-, Mansfeld promises to pay them, 234; they mutiny, 236, 253.
-, received 60,000 crowns, 298.
-, leaves Netherlands, 305; going to Spain, 349, 351.

Charles II, duke of Lorraine:
-, recalls troops from France, 13.
-, blockades Sedan and Jametz, 58; Jametz yielded to, 382.
-, claims part of Guise's challenge in Salic matters, 232.
-, sends to Parma for aid, 392.
-, secretary of. See Chastenay.

Charles, once Walsingham's page, 48.

Charles the Taylor, of Middelburg, 408.

Charles Emmanuel I, duke of Savoy, son-in-law of Philip II:
-, sends Don Carlo as Don Amadeo's tutor, 12.
-, rumour of agreement between Montmorency, Epernon, etc., and, 13.
-, Poigny sent to demand restitution of Saluzzo by, 266, 393; his seizure of it, mentioned, 310.
-, no talk of his coming to Low Countries, 298.
-, France will declare war on, 382; Henry III will not forgive, 394.
-, Spain would make king of France, 335.
-, Italians dislike, 395.
-, Berne seeks French aid against, 399.
-, reinforced by Spaniards, 401.
-, half-brother of. See Amadeo.

charters, referred to, 226.

Chartres [Eure et Loire, France]:
-, letters and papers dated at 109, 133.
-, king to meet Guise and Parisians at, 61, 62.
-, court at, 64.
-, nuncio to receive cardinal's hat at, 121.
-, king leaves, 152.

Chastenay, secretary of duke of Lorraine, sent to Parma, 392.

Chastre, Châtre, la. See de la Châtre.

Châteauneuf. See de l'Aubespine, Claude, baron de Châteauneuf.

Château-Thierry, -Tyrry [Aisne, France], 13.

Chatte, Aymar de, la, governor of Dieppe, 394.

-, provision of, for Ostend, 131; mutineers complain of quality of, 202; amounts sent, 226; amount required, 406.
-, English merchants will not pay Ostend duties on, 212.
-, price of best Suffolk, 169.
-, sent into Bergen, 210, 297.
-, money owed to Bart for, 243; to Passier for, 353.

Chefy. See Sheffield, lady.

Chenailles, Chenaylles. See Miron, Robert.

Chester, the late Edward, colonel, 285.

Chimay, Chimery, prince of. See Croy, Charles de.

Chinon [Indre et Loire, France], 154.

Chiverny. See Hurault, Philip.

Choart, Paul, seigneur de Buzanval, Busenval, Buzenval, Buzenvalle, agent of the king of Navarre in England:
-, letters from, 53, 63, 221, 394.
-, will seek to satisfy de Muy about attack on Châteauneuf's men, 24.
-, urges Queen to send to Germany for Navarre, 53–4.
-, Walsingham sent peace articles to: desires Queen's letter to Bernet, 63.
-, suggests informing Henry III of Armada's defeat, 221.
-, Queen gave 1000l. for Boulogne, 310.

Chrissenmas. See Christmas.

Christendom, 382.

Christian IV, king of Denmark, 310, 404:
-, letters from, 6, 10, 87, 157.
-, letters to, referred to, 75, 186.
-, Rogers' audience with, 75; and account of position of, 77–80.
-, talk of Maurice marrying sister of, 309.
-, captain of guard of. See Ranzau, Gerard.
-, master of palace of. See Rosenkrantz, George.
-, mother of. See Sophia, queenmother of Denmark.
-, governor of. See Rammell, Henry.

Christian I, elector, duke, of Saxony: gave Podelitz favourable answer, 80.
-, Walsingham wishes would aid States, 176.
-, Hohenlohe's negotiations with, 186.
-, child of, baptised, 186.
-, councillors of. See Ponnitz; Scoenberke.

Christmas, Chrissenmas, lieutenant, not given A. Sherley's company, 9, 30.

Chuirdians. See Kurds.

Chyverny. See Hurault, Philip.

Cigala, Cigal, Pasha, 172.

Cinque Ports, lord warden of. See Brooke, William.

Civille, François de, memorial from, 414.

Clar, —, Epernon sent to England, 221.

Clarke, Clerke, Dr. Bartholomew, late member of the Council of State, has set down objections to States' instructions for the Council, 324; entertainment of, 409.

Cleeff. See Cleves.

Cleerhagen, Clarehage, Clarehaggen, Clarhaghen, Cleerhaghen, Cleirehaigen, Clerhaeghen, Clerhaghen, Julian, captain:
-, letter to, referred to, 400.
-, wounded and imprisoned at Utrecht, 225, 253, 317; reported slain, 246.
-, Norris to deal for, 248; Queen requires release of, 268; Mörs' reply, 304.
-, importance of obtaining release of, 290.
-, Willoughby to deal for, 316.
-, Killigrew reconciled Mörs and, 348.
-, leave granted to, to go to England, 398.
-, company of: actions of, during Utrecht alteration, 225; ordered to Bergen, 253; conferred on Gistelles, 270.

Clerke, Clercke, Thomas, letter from, 318.

-, -, 408.

Clermont, —de, letter from, 351.

Clermont d'Amboise, Cleremont, Amboyse, Georges de, baron de Bussi, envoy of the king of Navarre to England and the United Provinces:
-, letter from, referred to, 394.
-, king of Navarre sends to England, 6.
-, States promises guns to, for la Rochelle, 216; have answered him, 267.

Cleves, Cleeff, Cleve, duchy of:
-, complains of raids by Doesborgh and Doetinchem, 44.
-, Mansfeld levies supplies from, 306.
-, Parma could get supplies from, for campaign in Gelderland, etc., 345.

-, duke of. See William.

-, town of [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], Menninck lived at, 331, 362.

Clifford, George, 3rd earl of Cumberland, 230.

-, Dophem's company paid in, 88; Burgau's regiment partly paid in, 234; Stanley's regiment partly paid in, 398.
-, importance of Spanish and Italian markets, 171.
-, good market for, at Middelburg, 253.

-, broad, Queen should present to Turks, 138, 139; Russel owes for, 412.

-, unwrought, Hanse might take, if agreement made with England, 38; also Schulz then to have 1000, 39.

Clowde, lord. See Hamilton, lord Claude.

Cluzeau, Cluzeaux, seigneur de. See Blanchard, François.

coal, sea-coal:
-, sent to Ostend, 141, 276; Ostend needs, 235; amount needed to make store there, 406.
-, Newcastle, remaining in store at Ostend, 226.

Cobham, lord. See Brooke, William.

-, Sir Henry, 415.

Cocke, Cockes. See Cox.

Coelen. See Cologne.

Coels, Coelles, Cornelis:
-, letters from, 93, 142.
-, sends translation of Ecclesiastes to Queen, 93; desires Walsingham to present it, 143.

coins and coinage:
-, relation to exchange rates, 385.
-, aspers (Turkish), depreciated, 201, 281.
-, See also exchange.

Coke. See Cox.

Colding. See Kolding.

Coligny, François de, seigneur d'Andelot, 251.

-, Louise de, princess of Orange:
-, letters from, 47, 151.
-, would exchange Teligny for Toraise, 47, 176; or for Armada prisoners, 151.
-, not going to France, 82.

Colin. See Cologne.

Collemphout. See Calmphout.

Collstone. See Colston.

Colman, Morgan, Willoughby's steward, 9, 374:
-, papers signed by, 376.
-, declaration on Willoughby-Russel dispute by, 31.
-, Willoughby sends to England, 182, 270.
-, requests of, to Council, 238–40, 293; reply of, to Council, 274; Council's answer to, 311.

-, —, a soldier of Ostend, brought mutineers' petition, 166, 167, 168, 189, 190; sent back with answer, 170.

Cologne, Coelen, Colin, Cullin [Rhenish Prussia, Germany], 223:
-, letters dated at, referred to, 155, 157.
-, merchants of, 60, 155.
-, Menninck at, 331.
-, colloquy of [1579], referred to, 97, 405.
-, archbishop and elector of. See Bavaria, Ernest of; Truchsess, Gebbard.

Colomby, —, letter from, referred to, 399.

Colston, Collstone, Colstan, William, merchant, of Bristol:
-, Warck would discuss reprisals of, with Council, 130; reprisals alienated many from English, 329.
-, agreement with, misliked by States, 244.
-, cause ended by mediation, 250.

Combault, Robert de, seigneur d'Arcissur-Aube, first maître d'hôtel of Henry III, 208; wife of, tire-woman to French queen, ibid.

Combes, Bertrand:
-, letter from, 59.
-, Killigrew has low opinion of, 20.

-, Conrart, fails to present Coels' book to Queen, 93, 142.

commissaries of musters, commissaries resident. See under musters.

commissioners. See under ambassadors; peace commissioners.

comptroller of the household, Mr. Comptroller. See Croft, Sir James.

Conaway. See Conway.

Condé, Condy, prince of. See Bourbon, Henry of.

-, princess of. See de la Tremouille, Charlotte.

Conrave, Cordene, 408.

Constable, Sir Robert, 306.

Constantinople [Turkey], 174:
-, letters dated at, referred to, 393.
-, G. Ranzau visited, 78.
-, passportless Christians found outside, forced to 'renege,' 165.
-, supplies short at, owing to debased currency, 199; Hassan goes to collect supplies for, 201; sultan seeks corn for, 281.
-, Harborne's journey from, 404.
-, arsenal at, completely out of order, 165.

consuls. See under ambassadors.

contract, the. See treaty of Aug., 1585, between Elizabeth and United Provinces.

Conway, Conaway, Conwaie, Conwaye, Conwey, Sir John, 'lord,' governor of Ostend, 152, 249, 410:
-, letters from, 202, 238, 279, 325, 340, 365, 376, 386.
-, -, referred to, 40, 202, 218, 273, 284, 380, 406.
-, letters to, 7, 50, 218, 380.
-, -, referred to, 180, 387.
-, memorial by [?], 192.
-, has news from Parma's court, 40.
-, and captains imprisoned by mutineers, 166, 188, 190; Queen sends E. Norris to urge release, 167, 168, 170; Privy Council urges release of, 191; imprisonment of, an evil example, 194.
-, his account of the mutiny, 202–3.
-, mutineers agree with, 205; but are to see all his letters, 206; promises them pay, 206; imprest made on advice of, 358.
-, warrant to, to pardon mutineors, 218.
-, to send men to Bergen, 180.
-, desires to serve with Norris, 273, 365.
-, desires recall, 304.
-, prevented a fresh mutiny, 284.
-, second mutiny, leaders executed, 322, 325, 326; refused to fight mutineers, 372.
-, collects news in Flanders; tortures a prior, 326.
-, desires Queen to send one to report on Ostend, 341.
-, urges offensive in Flanders, 377.
-, conditional instructions to, to evacuate Ostend, 380.
-, protests at drawing men from Ostend, 387.
-, pay of, 131.
-, money paid to, 261, 262, 277; due to, 409, 411; no lendings paid to, 276.
-, company of, at Ostend, 132, 137, 141, 175, 264; to go with Norris, 390.
-, nephew of. See Greville, Fulke.
-, servants of, 3, 42, 365.
-, wife of, has died, 304, 365.

Copenhagen, Coppenhaven [Denmark]:
-, letters dated at, 6, 10, 76, 80, 87, 113, 158.
-, D. Rogers at, 75, 76.
-, councillors of. See Albertson, Albert; Anderson, Soren; Moller, Dirick; Romnitz, Michael von; Schürmann, Bernard.

Cordova, Cordua, Don Juan, Jan, de, 116.

-, Don Felipe, Philip, de, 116.

corn, grain:
-, Scottish ship laden with, seized, 63.
-, large store of, comes from Brest to Amsterdam, 69.
-, shortage of, at Constantinople, 201; sultan buys for the city, 281.
-, good quality supplied to Ostend, 202.
-, sent from Dunkirk to Antwerp, 228.
-, ships carrying to Spain wrecked, 253.
-, requests for licence to transport, 290, 362, 378, 383, 395.
-, plenty in Wachtendonk, 321.
-, Parma got from Germany, 345.
-, Morgan would transport from England, 346, 347.
-, Danzig sends to Spain, 350; Hanse towns send to Spain, 404.
-, Bodley to get States not to send to Spain, 356.
-, scarce in Spain, 399.
-, amount needed for Ostend, 406.
-, See also oats; rye; wheat.

Cornelison, Huge, of Gravesand, 297.

Cornelis Petersen, taken by Flushingers, 399.

corsairs.. See pirates.

Corsicans, desert from Parma's army, 32.

corslets. See armour.

Corsz., Bernt, captain, 149.

Coruña, Corugna, the Crogne, the Groine, Groyn, Groyne [Galicia, Spain], 330:
-, Armada gone to, 4; driven back to, 15; seen by Breton at, 28; Mendoça says is still at, 62, 64; in difficulties ever since leaving, 92.
-, news from, 12.
-, Armada ships return to, 231.
-, ships from Lisbon going to, 232.
-, preparations for defence of, 395.

Cosby, Arnold, 410.

Cosin, Peter, 409.

Cosmo. See Massi, Cosmo.

Cossacks, Cassackes, 139:
-, Poland supports against Turks, 172.
-, raid into Bender, 281.
-, ravage Turkish dominions. 334.

Cotton, Mathys, Menninck's relations with, 331, 362.

Council, the privy, the lords of the council, 9, 114, 164, 199, 203, 206, 211, 213, 307, 357, 379:
-, letters from, 7, 50, 178, 189, 218, 220, 284, 311, 368, 380, 390, 391.
-, -, referred to, 26, 27, 28, 51, 81, 88, 90, 110, 130, 142, 159, 190, 193, 230, 280, 299, 364.
-, letters to, 10, 11, 12, 24, 26, 32, 54, 57, 81, 88, 106, 111, 113, 117, 130, 136, 142, 143, 150, 180, 191, 193, 194, 198, 204, 206, 219, 220, 228, 265, 270, 287, 299, 309, 348, 364, 378, 383.
-, -, referred to, 15, 66, 119, 346.
-, warrants of, referred to, 275, 277, 336.
-, orders arrest of ship, 7.
-, States send Warck to, 16; who deals about Colston's case, 130.
-, Willoughby has answered, on Morgan's complaints, 20.
-, Ortel would refer admiralty cases to, 21, 378.
-, Croft urges, to resolve on treaty, 26.
-, refers questions on Hamburg residence to Merchant Adventurers, 39.
-, orders from, about victualling Ostend, 50.
-, requests of de Muy's men to, sent to Villeroy, 86.
-, ordered that J. Digges be clerk of checks, 109, 119, 163.
-, States General ask, to carry out April 13th apostilles, 111; Ortel also requests it, 240–1; the apostilles, 241–2; Bodley to deal with States thereon, 249; Holland urges performance of the apostilles, 329; memorial for Bodley thereon, 333.
-, Mendoça brags of having intelligencers in, 121.
-, continued Parker's troop in service, 134.
-, Willoughby presses for instructions from, about Bergen, 143, 163; instructions sent, 179.
-, J. Digges' questions to, about musters, 160–2; his requests to, about commissaries and accounts, 272; refers his requests to Willoughby, 279– 80; Digges' "doubts about musters," to be resolved by, 293–5; his "humble requests" to, 295–6; resolution on his requests by, 298.
-, Ostend mutineers send note of Cox's exactions to, 166; to answer mutineers thereon, 170; instructions from, to Willoughby about Ostend, 189; answer of, to mutineers' petition, 190–1; instructions from, to Conway about mutineers' pardon, 218.
-, lothe to disburse money, 192.
-, instructions from, for R. Tomson, 214; Parma agrees to all but one of the articles, 396.
-, has been petitioned to renew gunners' charter, 226.
-, thinks Ostend's requests unreasonable, 235.
-, Ostend garrison petitions for pay, etc., 238.
-, answers of, to Willoughby's requests, 238–40; Willoughby sends Colman to, 270; Colman's reply to, 274; Willoughby's requests to, 293; Digges' requests to, for Willoughby, 298; thought Willoughby should be granted 1000l. yearly, 375; his petition to, for a grant, 376.
-, Flushing petitioned about garrison's debts, 243.
-, instruct Willoughby to punish Ostend mutineers, 284.
-, States' articles about Stewart sent to, 285–6.
-, Maurice would have referred disputes with Leicester to Queen and, 299.
-, lothe to contribute to Portugal voyage, 311.
-, J. Norris desires further instructions from, 312.
-, directions from, to Bodley about musters, 316.
-, articles exhibited by Ortel to, with answers, 337–9.
-, Morgan commends Bergen's requests to, 346.
-, bonds taken for appearance before, 348.
-, orders from about forces going with Norris, 389, 390, 391.
-, rates of pay appointed by, 403.
-, answers of, on horsemen's petition, 413.
-, members of. See Brooke, William; Carey, Henry; Cecil, William; Croft, Sir James; Dudley, Robert; Hatton, Sir Christopher; Heneage, Sir Thomas; Howard, Charles; Knollys, Sir Francis; Mildmay, Sir Walter; Paulet, Sir Amyas; Walsingham, Sir Francis; Wolley, Sir John.
-, clerks of. See Ashley, Anthony; Beale, Robert; Rogers, Daniel; Waad, William; Wilkes, Thomas.

Council of State. See under France; Spain; United Provinces.

council of war, 9, 30, 55, 150, 284, 330, 331.

courts martial, 256.

Cowster, Martin, 399.

Cox, Cocke, Cockes, Coke, Coxe, Henry, merchant, of London, victualler of Ostend, 327:
-, letter from, 131.
-, Council's orders for victualling of Ostend by, 50; he complains of difficulties, 131.
-, Ostend mutiny due to malpractices of, 166; Willoughby to examine, 167, 168, 170.
-, complaints against, with answers, 168–9; Conway complains of, 202.
-, needs to sue for pardon, 191.
-, Ostend soldiers throw man of, into harbour, 202, 341.
-, money paid to, 408.
-, deputy of. See Wayringe, John.

Cranford, —, 409.

Craye, —, 410.

credence, letters of, 1, 40, 98, 143, 166, 311, 318.

credit, letters of, referred to, 11, 49.

Cressia, George, captain, 234.

Crewss, —, 410.

Crillon, Grillian, Louis des Balbes de Berton de, 152.

Croenburghe. See Kronborg.

Croft, Croftes, Crofts, Sir James, comptroller of the household, Mr. Comptroller, privy councillor, peace commissioner, 117:
-, letters from, 26, 46, 71.
-, -, referred to, 46.
-, letter to, 151.
-, -, referred to, 47.
-, letter signed by, 142.
-, sends often and secretly to England, 3.
-, complains of colleagues, 26.
-, praises Spanish commissioners, 46.
-, sends notes on difficulties of treaty: believes king sincere, 71.
-, visit of, to Parma, mentioned, 95.
-, man of. See Morris, Edward.

-, John, 73.

Crogne, the. See Coruña.

Cromwell, Croomewell, Edward, captain, 410; money paid to, 261.

Cronenburche. See Kronborg.

Crown, no such inn in Southwark, 22.

Croy, Charles de, prince of Chimay, Chimery, Symaie, Syme:
-, besieges Bonn with weak forces, 43; two assaults repulsed, 155; Parma orders, to hasten capture, 157.
-, report of his imprisonment, 58.
-, troops of, ill-provided, 222, 223.
-, Mansfeld complains of, 234, 236.
-, betrayed Flanders, etc., 259.

Csik, Sechian [Rumania], 336.

Cugnac, François de, sieur de Dampierre, French councillor of state, 152.

cuissaux, cuissaulx. See under armour.

Culenberch, Culenborgh, Cullynberch, count of. See Pallandt, Floris.

Cullenar, —, Merchant Adventurer, at Antwerp, 350.

Cullin. See Cologne.

culverins. See guns.

Cumberland, earl of. See Clifford, George.

Cursini, Laurens, 295.

-, Philip, 295.

customs duties, 39:
-, pension on London, 259.
-, Flushing pays only English, not strangers', 362.

Custrick [W. Flanders, Belgium], 398.

Cuttes, William, notary public, paper certified by, 355.

Cyvyll. See Seville.