Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1588

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1588', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp404-415 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1588', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp404-415.

"Elizabeth: Miscellaneous, 1588". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp404-415.

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Miscellaneous, 1588

[1588 ?] Articles touching her Majesty's demands.
That those inhabitants of the Low Countries who become reconciled to the King may have their goods, etc., restored to them.
Her Majesty moved to make her demands upon grounds of commerce and neighbourliness alone.
Demands reimbursement of her expenses.
Undated. Endd. Italian. 1 p. [Flanders IV. f. 326.]
[1588 ?] Answer upon the removal of strange forces and the assurance of the duration of the peace.
Her Majesty, as she has often declared publicly and to the King's ministers (especially to M. de Champagney in 1576), has no meaning or desire to impatronise herself of any of his Majesty's lands. The security and interest of her own dominions compel her to insist upon the removal of the strangers: innovations in the Low Countries, connected by many ancient accords with England, concern her Majesty vitally. Her demand was always made during the negotiations with the Grand Commander Louis de Requesens, at the Cologne Colloquy, etc. Her Majesty in this treaty desires the world to see how equitably she proceeds.
Endd. Italian. 1 p. [Flanders IV. f. 330.]
[End of 1588?] "Les regrets et lamentations faictes par Madame de Guise sur le trespas de feu M. de Guise, son espoux."
Begins: "Toute personne qui considerera l'heur, le bien, la felicite, en somme, toutes les choses, qu'on scauroit honnestement desirer, lesquels je puis dire avoir heureusement habite en moy . . ."
Ends: "A vous doncq, Seigneur, derecheff et a tousjours j'adresse mes lamentations, qui cognoisses le coeur de tous en general. Je vous prie, par vostre juste jugement, faire cognoistre que a vous appertient toute justice et jugement; et qu'estes celuy qui venges le tort faict a la 'feue' at aux orphelins, et qui les entretenez tousjours par vostre providence, encores mesmes que tout le monde se banderoit a l'encontre d'eulx, comme l'autheur et gouverneur de tout, a qui apartient honneur et gloire. Amen."
"H elas, celuy qu'ay veu maistriser l'heretique,
E stant mande du roy, et duquel le courage
N egligeoit l'estranger tresardent au carnage,
R endant de sa vertu le renom autentique,
I celuy maintenant fault il que je gemisse.
D habits dolens et noir fault il que je m'habille,
E stat o peu constant, et vie tres fragile.
L a voix du roy, la voix, helas, plus que triastresso,
O res me cause un deuil, auquel n'est le semblable,
R ougir me fault ton acte, o foy tres desloyale,
R ougissant, je pallis, et d'une voix tremblante
A toy, mon Dieu, j'addresse ma priere dolente.
I ustice je requiers, de la vefue criante
N e permets se mocquer la couronne sanglante."
Endd. as above. French. 2¾ pp. [France XVIII. 185.]
[1588 ?] Instructions [by Walsingham] for a letter to the Duke d' Espernon.
"That her Majesty hath received his letters sent by the bearer, and heard at large that which he had in charge to deliver unto her."
"That she cannot but put him in mind of the danger he lately escaped."
"That she hopeth he will not be carried with fair words and empty speeches to trust those that desire nothing more than to entrap him."
"That, amongst other things, he shall do well to beware that he be not abused by the simplicity of those that, neglecting the good advice of their friends, are thrown in that hard and dishonourable state as they found not now how to repair the same."
In Walsingham's hand. Endd. as above. ½ p. [France XVIII. 187.]
[1588 ?] Copy of a long letter from the Duke of Epernon to Henry III, protesting his devotion to his Majesty and begging him to alter his decision that Epernon must retire from his presence. His Majesty raised him from the dust, fashioned him according to his will, and now will surely not leave his work unperfected. Would sacrifice all his possessions were he allowed to come to Court and be near his Majesty.
Undated. Endd. French. 3½ pp. [France XVIII. 188.]
[1588.] Rough notes by Burghley of the annual and monthly charge for the army in the Low Countries.
Not dated or endd. 1¼ p. [Holland XIX. f. 324.]
[1588 ?] Considerations touching Ostend.
Letters from the governor show that it is destitute of money and victual. It is subject in hard weather to surprise, and its loss would mean the loss of many brave Englishmen and would encourage the enemy. To remedy this her Majesty may please to consider whether she means to use it as a way to invade Flanders (in an offensive war), or as a port town and place of traffic. In either case, being a frontier, it must be furnished so well as to avoid danger or dishonour.
For the first use. Besides a strong garrison and great magazine, there must be also a mass of victual for the camp, as the winds are not always favourable "and the army marching have no other back or refuge." Also carriages, for there are few in the country around "and there is sufficient experience of the States' supply." Also engines for 'pioning.' Desiring her Majesty to compare this charge with that for the least number of men possible in the garrison for six months. An estimate of the magazine needed for 1200 men for six months: bread corn and beer corn, each 82 lasts; cheese 36,000 lbs.; cannon powder 1000 lbs.; fine powder 4000 lbs.; match 14,000 lbs.; balls 7000 lbs.; spades and shovels 1000; handbaskets 1000; seacoals 200 chaldrons; double furnishing of carriages, wheels, ladels, and rammers, for artillery.
For the second use. The former reasons of manning, furnishing, and fortifying, must be granted. New channels to be made, sluices, sea-banks, and water-fortifications repaired: cost, at least 3000l. Also timber must be kept ready for further repairs: the town revenues will not bear these charges now the contributions of Flanders are cut off.
If her Majesty means to keep it only defensively, would it not be better to let those countries defend it, as it is (without greater providence) not defensible against the waters, let alone the enemy? It is small advantage to her Majesty or disadvantage to the enemy.
Hereupon it may be said that if it were razed, it were of no importance. By breaking the sluices and cutting up the piles, the town and harbour would be so ruined that with a million it could not be recovered.
Her Majesty's forces there might be used to reinforce the cautionary towns upon all occasions, or to give an affront to or divert the enemy (though they are insufficient for this without the others to reinforce them). They would enable her to keep her Contract, whereas now the States complain that none can be spared from the garrisons to go to the wars. If well-led in the field they can be more easily victualled. It were better they were slain in battle than died of famine, "and lose a town to boot."
It may be objected that they are too few to do any good. Small forces have been nourished and grown rich in these parts, some leaders having found the fields more favourable than towns. They might be conveniently garrisoned until an opportunity of service occurred.
Some will urge their employment towards Phrise and Gelders: or in Brabant, to the utter ruin of the enemy's provision and carriages whereby most of his garrisons are maintained; or in Flanders, as the merchants desire, since they receive thence the most hurt. Sluys could be easily blocked up and that channel so fortified that they would possess the whole island of Cassand, a strong place tenable with no great numbers.
Whatever course shall seem best to others, those on this side will readily accept. Send this advertisement only because of their imminent danger. "Otherwise we war for the cause, and follow peace as the Catholics do reformed religion for the Prince's sake, yet wishing so as we may still hold the sword in our hands that our conditions be not too base for the greatness of the cause and the person that manageth it . . . . This extreme means of reason (namely, the violence of the sword) is not to be laid down until it be thoroughly compounded."
Endd. 3⅓ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 216.]
[1588 ?] Names of creditors of captains in the Low Countries who have entered their bills with the Treasurer at wars.
l. s. d.
Thomas Brune 2782 4
George Sceeley 460 2 2
Martin Vrollick 647 9 11
Robert Broomeley 2260 6 10
Samuel Hare 278 18 5
Rowland Haywarde 716 15 0
Thomas Cartewright, victualler of Vlishinge 325 5 6
Henry Artye 184 18 1
Thomas Maria Wingefeild 32 6
Charles the Taylor of Midleburgh 103 12 8
Thomas Jeames 10 0 0
Preisteman 94 10 5
Sir John Peyton 344 11 3
William Bolton 17 10 0
Luke Doddington 20 17 0
William Anthonyson 17 0 0
Henry Cox (already paid) 812 12 6
Michael Buddins 11 17 0
Alexander Wilson 4 14 0
Wevell 10 0 0
Leke 30 0 0
Garrett Frizon 15 2 0
Bastian Bell, of Delphe, draper 200 0 0
Mathias Atys 21 9 9
Cordene Conrave 95 8 0
Henrick van Wishen 46 10 0
Stephen van der Lyne 35 6 10
Clarice Hermensz 5 0 0
Garret Garetson 11 8 0
Thomas Bell 4 0 0
Davies 12 13 0
Capt. Acton 27 0 0
James Digges 7 0 0
Conrave Jacobson 64 12 0
William van der Kempe 15 0 0
Cornelius Butt 13 3 2
Nipton 11 6 0
Duckett and Champion 59 3 8
Simon Peckham 9 0 0
Anvyn Williamson 11 7 8
Perrinke Passier 223 8 11
William van Denwell 46 5 2
Robert Daniell, victualler of Berghen-op-Zome 168 6 4
Leolinus 24 14
Capt. Vavasour 15 0 0
John Bridgeman 10 0 0
Abraham Smythe 221 12 8
Thomas Clercke 10 0 0
Lieut. Henry Smythe 25 0 0
John Peterson 10 0 0
William Walker 104 18
Charles van Umback 7 14 6
Mr. Dannett 30 0 0
Jordeyne 22 13 10
Capt. Bucke 36 14 0
Alexander Godley 6 0 0
Newton 20 14 0
Whetstone 50 0 0
Heather, of Amsterdame 80 0 0
Derick van Muyden and Lewis de Frise 8 15
Edwin Babbington (paid: is part of debt due to Broomeley) 580 6 9
John Montegewe 3 0 0
Henrick van Sous 306 14 6
John Lewes 16 0 0
Thomas Johnson 17 0 2
Peter Peterson 23 6 0
Burgomaster of Viana 159 9 7
Armourer of Utrecht 39 0 0
Mewse 20 0 0
Sir Philip Butler 13 6 8
Russell 60 0 0
Richard Morgan 10 0 0
Richard Swynerton 9 9 2
Borne 56 8
Jan Cornelius Bild 1 16
John Florris 133 14 6
Leonard Stucklick 6 6 0
Thatcher 41 0 0
Henry Gryffyth 9 0 0
Gilliam of Vlishinge 56 0 0
Cranford 10 0 0
Sir John Conwaye 66 10 0
Richard Ifeild 44 4 0
Arnold Rothermaker 16 0 8
Errington 25 0 0
Henry Williamson 60 0 0
Cartewright antea
Matthias van Sitarte 24 0 10
Margaret Harmanes 5 4 0
William Carcale 22 17 6
Jaques Flamedeyne 23 15 0
Mr. Story 50 0 0
William Denham 100 0 0
Geldy Merrick 162 10 0
Robert Hooper 10 0 0
Francis Merrick 304 14 0
William Peacoke 12 18 6
Capt. Elliott 6 0 0
John Bolton 46 0 0
John Thurstone 8 2 0
William Fosse 9 10 11
Jean van der Hipp 12 9 9
John Wyn 130 0 0
Arnold de Wittie 24 0 0
George Mathewe 5 0 0
Duncome 95 6 0
Capt. Honninges 10 0 0
John Browne 54 15 5
Burgomaster of Narden 50 0 0
Christopher Kennell 333 0 0
John Mateus 121 14 4
James Chambers 43 6 0
Joseph James 25 2 8
John Brock 11 13 0
Peter Cosin 17 11 6
Anthony Chamber 42 12 2
Hugh Totty 54 0 0
Mr. Pope 233 0 0
Richard Barton 9 8 6
Jones of Utrecht 6 12 6
John Edwardes 10 19 0
Henry Babbington 13 16 2
Simon Peckham 9 0 0
William Burton 120 0 0
John Lockton 3 19 0
James Paddon 12 0 0
Peter Probie 500 0 0
Topp 200 0 0
Blande 100 0 0
John Humphrey 100 0 0
Total, 16,012l. 14s. 2¾d., besides 67l. due by the sergeant-major to Sir Richard Bingham. Divers other debts have been solicited, but not put in writing.
Undated. Endd. 6¼ pp. [Holland XXIX. f. 157.]
[1588.] Officers and Captains in the Low Countries.
Note taken out of Sir Thomas Sherley's account of the principal officers and captains serving in the Low Countries, with their entertainments.
l. s. d.
The Earl of Leicester, Lieut.-General; succeeded by Lord Willoughby: daily 10 14 0
Dr. Bartholomew Clarke, Henry Killygrewe, Robert Beale, Thomas Wilkes, assistants in Council; each 40 0
George Guylpyn, assistant in Council 20 0
Richard Huddleston, late Treasurer 26 8
Sir Thomas Shirley, now Treasurer 56 8
Thomas Digges, muster-master 20 0
Flushing. Sir William Russell, governor, daily 60 0
Nicholas Errington, marshal 13 4
William Borlas, gentleman porter 4 0
Richard Gwynne, provost-marshal 4 0
Edward Burneham, water-'bayly' 4 0
Griffith Maddox, clerk of the munition 2 0
Two cannoneers at 1s. each 2 0
The Bril. Sir Thomas Cecil, succeeded by Thomas, Lord Burgh, governors; Thomas Bamburgh, marshal; Thomas Westhrop, gentleman porter; Andrea Bassano, water-'bayly'; Giles Raynsford, provost-marshal; William Fosse, clerk of the munition; two cannoneers: rates as for Flushing.
Horsebands. Sir Christopher Blunt and Lord Willoughby. each 200 lances, 16s. daily.
Sir Philip Sidney, Sir Wm. Russell, Sir Wm. Pelham, Sir Nicholas Parker, the Earl of Essex, Arthur Bourchier, Matthew Morgan, Sir John Norris, Sir Robert Sidney, Lord North, Sir John Burgh, Anthony Sherley, each 100 lances, 8s. daily.
Sir Thomas Cecill, Sir Wm. Knollis, Sir Philip Butler, Michael Dormer, Sir Thomas Shirley, each 50 lances, 4s. daily.
Footbands. Leicester, succeeded by Willoughby, 200 men, 8s. daily.
Sir John Norris, 300 men, 12s. daily.
Richard Huddleston, Sir Thomas Shirley, Sir Thomas Morgan, Henry Isley, Morris Dennys, Thomas Vavasor, Sir John Scott, Thomas Maria Wingfeld, Sir John Burgh, Sir Thomas Knolles, Sir Roger Williams, Arthur Champernone, Francis Darcy, Edmund Bannaster, Richard Hart, Sir Thomas Baskervile, George Turvile, Sir Francis Veare, Nicholas Britten, David Powell, Sir Charles Blunt, Francis Carsey, Sir William Knolls, Sir John Conway, Sir Philip Sidney, Sir William Russell, Richard Wingfeld, Sir Edward Norris, Thomas Wilson. Nicholas Hoody, Edward Cromwell, Arthur Brett, Sir Jevan Lloyd, Sir Robert Sidney, William Browne, Anthony Shirley, Richard Fulford, Degory Hender, Edmund Huntley, Sir John Wingfeild, Sir Thomas Cecill, Thomas, Lord Burgh, John Hill, John Price, Sir Henry Norreis, Sir William Pelham, Lord Audley, Sir Walter Waller, William Helme, Ralph Salisbury, Anthony Wingfeld. Sir Edmund Vuydall, John Pryce, Sir William Read, Sir Edmund Cary, John Barker, Oliver Lambert, Avery Randolph, Nicholas Errington, Francis Littleton, William Suderman, each 150 men, 6s. daily.
The following added by Burghley: Anthony Shyrli, Swan, Francis Allen, Francis Barkley, Brook, Arnold Cosby, Sir Edward Stanly, Craye, Thomas Maria Wynfeld, Sir Thomas Scott, Hussy, Hill, Masterman, Wylcock, Sir Thomas Baskervile, Sir Edmund Uvedall, Edward Turner, Richard Dantsey, Thomas Sydney, Edward York, William Norryce, Thomas Rowss, Edmund York, Hern, Gilbert York, Raynsford, Dolfyn, Piper, Skydmore, Burton, Huntley, Gorges, Westrop, Hart, Jackson, Crewss, Petvyn, Sampson, Wilson, Goodwyn, Allen, Lews.
Endd. by Burghley, 1587, 1588. 3 pp. [Holland XXIX. f. 163].
A similar note, in the same hand, taken out of Mr. Hudleston's account for the Earl of Leicester's time: contains fewer names.
Not dated or endd. 2¾ pp. [Holland XXIX. f. 161.]
[1588.] Note that the yearly pay of six horsebands of 100 lances each, is 17,520l.: that of eight footbands, is 16,084l. 6s. 8d.; a difference of 1,435l. 13s. 4d. The weekly imprests are 180l. and 194l. 8s., respectively, a difference of 14l. 8s.; or for 52 weeks 748l. 16s. (fn. 1)
Endd. '88. ¾ p. [Holland XXIX. f. 165.]
[1588 ?] Declaration of remains upon warrants of full pays, 1587 and 1588, and left unpaid; by Sir Thomas Sherley, Treasurer-atwars in the Low Countries.
To Officers of musters: Thomas Digges, muster-master, and commissary of Flushing; James Digges, muster-master; Arthur Higham, commissary of Flushing after Thomas Digges; George Thuresby, commissary of Briell; Thomas Wyatt; John Rogers; John Sparrowehawke. Sums due, in 1587, 329l. 16s. 6d.: 1588, 261l. 13s. 4d; total, 591l. 9s. 10d.
To officers of Flushing: Sir William Russell, Capt. Morrice Dennys, Robert Manchester, Edward Jermin, and the cannoneers. Sums due, in 1587, 32l. 9s.; in 1588, 669l. 14s. 4d.; total, 702l. 3s. 4d.
To officers of Briell: Captains Price and Palmer, Richard Payne, and Andreas Bassaine. Sums due, in 1587, 48l. 16s.; in 1588, 470l. 6s.; total, 519l. 2s.
Horsebands: Earl of Essex (paid after account closed), Arthur Bourcher, Sir Nicholas Parker, Lord Willoughby, Sir William Russell, Sir John Burghe, Sir Robert Sydney. Sums due, in 1587, 1073l. 8s. 8d.; in 1588, 3735l. 5s. 6d.; total, 4808l. 14s. 2d.
Footbands: Sir Thomas Morgan, Morrice Dennys, John Scott, Thomas Maria Wingfeld, Sir John Burghe, Sir Thomas Knolles, Arthur Champernon, Francis Darcie, Edmund Bannester, Richard Harte, Sir Thomas Baskervile, Sir Francis Vere, David Powell, Sir Charles Blounte, Sir John Conwey, Sir William Russell, Richard Wingefeild, Sir Edward Norrys, Arthur Brett, Sir Robert Sydney, William Browne, Degory Hender, Sir John Wingfeild, John Hill, John Price, Sir Henry Norrys, Lord Audeley, Sir Walter Waller, Ralph Salisbury, Anthony Wingefeilde, Sir Edmund Uvedale, Sir Edmund Carey, Oliver Lambert, Avery Randolphe, Nicholas Errington, Francis Litleton, William Suderman. Sums due, in 1587, 6204l. 17s. 11¼d.; in 1588, 17,695l. 0s. 7d.; total, 23,899l. 18s. 6¼d.
Totals due: in 1587, 7689l. 8s. 1¼d.; in 1588, 22,831l. 19s. 9d.; in all, 35,521l. 7s. 10¼d.
Memorandum: when the rest of the remains are paid divers checks are to be defalked out of the same.
Undated. Endd. 4 pp. [Holland XXIX. f. 168.]
[1588 ?] Names of captains who have had full pays for 1587 and 1588 by special privy seal from her Majesty.
(1) Not included in the declaration of checks collected by Birchensha.
Horsebands: Earl of Essex, 654l. 4s.; Capt. Bowcheir, 300l.; Sir Nicholas Parker, 637l. 1s. 8d.
Footbands: Capt. Thomas Vavasor, 417l. 17s. 10d.; Sir Thomas Baskervile, 1301l. 2s. 3½d.; Sir Francis Vere, 656l. 8s. 1½d.; Lord Brughe, 1062l. 0s. 3d.
(2) Included in the declaration.
Horsebands: Sir William Russell, 1000l. in part etc.; Sir John Burghe, 300l.
Footbands: Capt. Erington, 596l. 7s. 7d.; Capt. Lytleton, 600l., viz., 100l. presently and 50l. yearly; Sir John Wingfeild, 800l., in part etc.
Remember: Capts. Powell and Randolph are both included in the declaration.
Endd. 1588. 2/3 p. [Holland XXIX. f. 171.]
[1588 ?] Copy of the Earl of Leicester's warrant of 10 Nov., 1586, to Mr. Huddilston for his lordship's entertainment, from 22 Oct., 1585, to 11 Oct., 1586, at 10l. 14s. a day; in all 3698l. 10s., from which imprests, etc., are to be defalked.
With a note that by the establishment which begins on 25 March, 1588, the Lord Governor receives but 6l. a day; so his lordship before that time was overpaid, in all, in both Huddilston's and Shirley's time, 3619l.
Undated. Endd. by Burghley. 1 p. [Holland XXIX. f. 173.]
[1588 ?] Sir William Russel's account of the employment made Of the money for which he is indebted.
1586 and 1588: 205l. from the Merchants Adventurers at Middleborough; whereof 100l. spent on victualling Ramykins, and 105l. for furnishing his foot company.
1586: 213l. 12s. 4d. from Henry Humblocke for cloth for his horse company at Bergen-up-Some, and foot at Vlisshinge.
1588: 30l. from Adrian Oste, burgher of Vlisshinge, for cuzetts for his horseband.
1587: 22l. 16s. 10d. from Edward Jorden, merchant of Middleborough, for hose, shoes, etc., for his footband.
1587: 134l. 8s. from John Browne, and 66l. 2s. from Abraham Smyth, merchants of Middleborough, for cassocks and gaskins of broadcloth for his footband.
1588: 60l. from John Wevell, for powder for the footband.
1587: 45l. from William Hore, armourer, of Middleborough, for muskets and calivers for the footband.
1588: 20l. from Daniel Duquecborne, burgher of Middleborough for cuzetts for the horseband.
Sum, 796l. 19s. 2d.
Undated. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXIX. f. 175.]
[1588 ?] The effect of the horsemen's petition.
Answers. Petition.
Her Majesty meant the merchants to deliver necessaries in spetie, as to the footmen. If the captains have agreed with them to take money or goods in gross instead, doubtless the merchants make their profit of it: wherein the captain is to blame, and may be suspected of appropriating the money to his own use, as some complain to the Council is done. An inquiry should be made. (1) Are to receive 1200l. in goods of the merchants: if any of this is paid in money, they lose 25l. in 100l.; if in goods, more, owing to the goods' evil condition and price, amounting to 300l.
There is no such officer, nor any such demand. The hundredth penny equally charged upon the soldier: it does not rise above ¾d. a man weekly, so the captain is not heavily charged. (2) The muster-master-general takes a dead pay from them, and the Treasurer his hundreth: in all, 68l. 7d.
This untrue. (3) The dead pays and hundredth pound also taken.
Her Majesty's entertainment sufficient to maintain the soldier if properly answered to him by the captain, who should thus have no reason to relieve them in this way. If the entertainment is inadequate, he should be helped out of the dead pays, which are allowed for such purposes. (4) The captain has to furnish his band upon his credit with apparel, arms, horse equipment: also to relieve sick and hurt men: which the soldier cannot answer from his enterment.
(5) The captains desire order for the making up of the warrants for full pay, and thereupon to be paid.
(6) That their numbers be made complete with all but 6 English, according to the late order, at her Majesty's charges. Many strangers now in the bands.
(7) In the Council's apostilles to Lord Willoughby's articles four months' pay without check was allowed to bands which lost horses at the siege of Berghen. Desire performance thereof.
Provision for man and horse to be delivered to them as to the footmen, so that the captains need not furnish their wants. Captains to be content with pay allowed for their own persons. (8) Dearth of hay, straw, and oats, makes prices high.
These are matters of benevolence wherein men may use their discretion. The preacher: weekly, 2s. 6d.; yearly, 6l. 10s.
The doctor: weekly, 2s.; yearly, 5l. 4s.
The farrier of the town: weekly 12d.; yearly, 52s.
Is one of the band: allowed 20d. daily by her Majesty. The surgeon: weekly 18d.; yearly, 3l. 18s.
Undated. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XXIX. f. 177.]
[1588.] Memorial from M. de Civille, for a letter from her Majesty to the States for salt.
Her Majesty granted licence to the late Duke of Buillon to transport 4000 large muyds of salt free of custom: his adherence to the common cause made it impossible to obtain it from France or the Low Countries. Her Majesty also wrote urging the States to grant the like passport. The Duke's death prevented the presentation of the letters. His sister and successor, the Duchess, now prays her Majesty to renew her passport and to write again to the States; also to get M. Ortel to write; and to instruct her ambassador in the United Provinces to recommend the matter.
Undated. Endd. French. 1 p. [Holland XXIX. f. 186.]
[1588, Nov. or Dec.] Lord Willoughby and Sir John Wingfield's answers to Sir John Norris' proposals.
As Geetrudenberghe continues disobedient, on pretence of an oath taken to her Majesty's late General, and despite the satisfaction of their demands by the States, Norris shall confer with Willoughbye and the States as to how the mutineers may be removed [as in the memorial for Norris, of Oct. 6, above, p. 248].
[Answer, in the margin.] Willoughby answered this to her Majesty's satisfaction by instructions delivered to Mr. Allen. Has conferred with the ambassador "and offered to mediate anything might be devised, saving what might concern her Majesty in honour in those points the States proponed against her."
Norris and Willoughby to cause some reasonable arrangement to be made regarding the composition for the countries around Gertrudenberghe, which the States complain Mr. John Wingfield usurps, following therein Count Hollock's bad example [as in the memorial for Norris, of Oct. 7, above p. 250].
[Answer, in the margin.] "Touching this, Sir John Wingfield hath made answer himself to the lord ambassador."
Endd. Undated. 1¼ pp. [Holland XXIX. f. 196.]
[1588 ?] "Postilles to the several points of the memorial delivered to Mr. Ortell by the Council of State."
1. Order shall be taken to satisfy both captains and soldiers.
2. Answered in apostilles to States General's memorial.
3. Good order to be taken.
4. Order shall be given accordingly.
5. Increasing dearth in those countries makes it expedient to allow the soldier some extraordinary favour upon his entertainment.
6. Answered in apostilles to States General's memorial.
7. Order shall be given.
8. Governors, etc., of cautionary towns shall be ordered not to set out any ships without the assent of the Admiralty there.
Undated. Endd. 1¼ p. [Holland XXIX. f. 198.]
[1588, last date.] Notes on the relations between England, Spain, and the Low Countries.
Diversity of laws in the Provinces: Philip II held them by varied titles. Dislike of his attempt to establish one law for all. Brabant in 1562 resisted plan for new bishoprics but the rebellion only broke out after Alva's tyranny.
Elizabeth gave no aid before 1576, but continually sought peace (by Beal, at the treaty of Bristo, by H. Cobham (1575), Wilkes, lord Cobham, and Walsingham in 1578). After Monsieur's death sent Davison (1584) to prevent them from yielding wholly to France. In 1585, had to aid them, yet refused the sovereignty and disavowed Leicester, thus showing "the property to remain to Spain." Peace treaty of 1587–8.
The King of Spain deserted the Queen at the Cambrai congress [1558–9] and so lost her Callice: he would not aid in the Scottish war: repeatedly refused to renew the league: ill used Man: arrested English ships, 1569: entertained fugitives and furthered practices of Westmoreland, the Duke [of Norfolk], Stukely, and Throgmorton.
Notes of Spanish taxes; and dignitaries, and their revenues [partly in Spanish].
Endd. 2 pp. [Spain III. f. 29.]
[1588.] List of ports and islands belonging to the King of Spain.
Endd. 1588. 1 p. [Spain III. f. 31.]


  • 1. A similar paper, dated July, calendared in Domestic Calendar, Addenda, 1580–1625, p. 252.