Elizabeth: November 1588, 26-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Elizabeth: November 1588, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp341-360 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1588, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp341-360.

"Elizabeth: November 1588, 26-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp341-360.

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November 1588, 26-30

Nov. 26. G. Gilpin to Walsingham.
Wrote last on Nov. 19. The States, having failed to induce Schenck to come hither or to get an agreement with the Amptman of Tiel, have resolved to adopt a more violent course. They have stopped all passage upwards, so cutting off part of the supplies for Thiel, and Schenck's forts, and places that way. Count Maurice, with two Councillors of State and some of them of Holland, went thither on Friday with some force of men to offer the soldiers in the new fort such entertainment as those in the service of Holland have, provided they yield the place to him and serve elsewhere as he shall direct. If they refuse, he will proceed by force. He arrived there on Sunday, and the soldiers desired four days' grace in which to consult Schenck. This was refused, and Count Maurice has sent for Count Philip, M. Famas, and Colonel Balfoord, to bring up forces to assault the place. This may lead Schenck and the Amptman (whose son commands in the fort) to abandon their places or even to bend to the enemy. No persuasions could move these men from their course, and they suspect all who try to persuade them that by such means things will inevitably "fall from one inconvenience to another."
Wachtendoncq is still strongly besieged, but the moist weather has forced the enemy to retire more than half a league, so that the relief of the town would be the easier were these controversies removed.
The horsemen of Locchum, Doesborgh, Arnham, and Deutecom, attacked an enemy convoy of 400 footmen, 2 companies of horse, 200 waggons of victuals, etc., between Meppel and Deventer. They captured 100 horses and brought 115 wagons into Locchum and some into Doesborgh. All the chief men were taken prisoners, among them Verdugo's lieutenant, two captains, ensigns, and cornets, two burgomasters of Deventer and other burghers. Verdugo's colours were taken into Arnham. As a result of this overthrow the garrison of Deventer disarmed the burghers there, and recalled Count Harman van den Berghe who had gone to Groeninghen, the towns being in some distress, as was Zutphen also. Those of Overysel seek by letters to take advantage of this distress to win over the soldiers.
Count Moeurs was here last week. He protests devotion to her Majesty but desires the removal of the English horsemen from his government, as they will not obey him. He has gone to assist Count Maurice. Rumour says that some work to win Uytrecht entirely to Holland.
Deventer and the other prisoners will probably not be dealt with until the States General meet, whose authority must be used in the proceedings against them. It is useless to speak for them.
The lord ambassador has received answer from the Council of State, and some of them have been conferring with him to prepare matters. "As yet none are come but they of Uytrecht and one of Friesland, the other being on the way. The States of South Holland have been assembled from the appointed day, but they of North Holland have not yet appeared, being in communication in their own quarter, and seem to keep their college apart, as if they were or would be a province on themselves, to the dislike of the others, but cannot remedy it . . . . The 19th article of the Treaty concerning the equality of government and counsels must be looked unto and maintained, or else new controversies and divisions will still fall out."
The Lord General was here last week. Presented a request to him and the Council, and with much difficulty got the Council to write on behalf of President Aysma, urging those of Freeselande to end the differences between them by good means, or else by justice—which Aysma seeks and cannot obtain. Aysma had been served with a writ ordering him to leave his house by Feb. 4, on pain of 50 gold 'ryals' fine.
One came from Oostende to solicit for necessaries for fortifications, etc. He obtained a cold answer, that their case would be remembered by the States General, and that meanwhile they "might help themselves with the contributions on the consumptions in the town."
Mr. Killegrew at his coming will confirm to his honour Gilpin's former advices that "another course of government must be established, or else this state will languish away, and diminish daily if the enemy do anything press it by forces he hath."—The Haghe, 26 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 2½ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 173.]
[Nov. 26.] Declaration by Sir Thomas Shurleie.
Money for weekly lendings to be delivered as follows:
l. s. d.
20 Nov., 1588. Lendings 3 Dec., 1588, to 27 Jan., 1589 12,525 18 8
"Whereof in receiving" 12,500 0 0
[Note by Burghley: add 2000l. for victuals: add 3000l. for imprests, 3000l. for victuals.]
Also every 56 days, 13 Jan., 10 March, 6 May, 1 July, 26 Aug., 1589, the sum of 12,525l. 18s. 8d.
20,000l. yearly for apparel to be delivered as follows:
l. s. d.
Presently for this winter 12,000 0 0
April 1, for next summer's provision 8,000 0 0
20 Aug., 1589, for next winter's provision 12,000 0 0
And so every year.
Full pay of ten companies of lances, besides 15,600l. paid in weekly lendings, yearly, viz. on 24 June, 1589, 6800l., and on 24 Dec., 1589, 6800l. 13,600 0 0
Her Majetsy's whole charge, ordinary and extraordinary, under the last establishment, was yearly 125,389 13 4
Besides, Mr. Guilpin's entertainment 365 0 0
Mr. James Digges' entertainment 365 0 0
Martyn Blavoet's annuity 54 15 0
The Treasurer's portage 1,250 0 0
To be paid in weekly lendings 81,418 11 4
To be delivered for apparel 20,000 0 0
To be paid yearly for full pay of the horsebands 13,600 0 0
So there is yearly saved 12,405 17 0
For the full pay of James Digges and the five commissaries 485 6 8
So there is saved 11,420 10 4
[Note by Burghley: "whereof to every captain of footmen once a year 50l. Total 2,100l.]
Endd. with date. 2¼ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 168.]
Nov. 26. Nicholas Erington to Burghley.
Was directed by the Earl of Leicester's letters of 2 Nov., '87, to take over from Sir Richard Bingham (who was going to Ireland) the charge of her Majesty's artillery, munition, etc., at Vlyshinge. Has had the custody thereof ever since without any allowance, although he has found a clerk to look after the artillery, at 2s. a day. 320l. sterling worth of powder issued to captains of Vlyshinge upon their bills for the year ending at October last. Desires instruction to deliver the bills to the Treasurer, that the sums may be defalked upon their pay to her Majesty's use.
By Leicester's warrant he also delivered 2000 weight of powder and some artillery to the Brill, where it must be answered. Has the Lord Borroughe's bill for it. For the rest desires to make a just and true account as soon as he may. Was first appointed master of the ordnance in the Low Countries, but is now but a clerk of that office and with no allowance.
Desires his lordship's favour. Was by Leicester's warrant charged with the government of Vlyshinge for four months between the death of Sir Philip Sidneye and the coming of Sir William Russell. Received no allowance for that. Wishes that her Majesty might be induced to allow him, without defalking it from his pay, the 130l. of imprest, over and above his weekly lendings, which he has received during the past two years.— Vlyshinge, 26 November, 1588.
Postscript. Thinks the money received for powder might be employed here to the same use: it is issued at 12d. the pound to this garrison.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 2 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 181.]
Copy of the above, enclosed in the following letter to Walsingham.
Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 179.]
Nov. 26. Nicholas Erington to Walsingham.
Encloses a copy of his letter to the Lord Treasurer and desires Walsingham also to favour him in the suits therein mentioned.
Is sorry to hear that there is an intention to appoint him to the government of this town during the absence of the governor.
His purse and body unequal to the burden. Also it might be a discredit to Mr. Borlace, a much more sufficient man than himself or any other.—Flushinge, 26 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1½ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 177.]
Nov. 26. William Thomas, master-gunner of Flushing, to [Walsingham ?].
Miserable estate of many poor soldiers discharged by their captains but unable to get to England because of contrary winds. They beg openly and many would have starved but for the collection handed over to the governor by the church here. Captains should be forbidden to discharge men or end their lendings until they can be shipped and sent home. "Also it is a miserable sight to see what a company of boys is here brought over by soldiers. And when they have them here, being not able to keep them, turneth them away, and here they run, some a-begging and some a-stealing." Nearly 50 are to be shipped home the next passage.—Vlasshen, 26 November, 1588.
Holograph. No add. Endd. Curious spelling. ¾ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 183.]
Nov. 26./Dec. 6. Further examination of Adrian Menninck.
Says that he understood from William van Ghendt and the engineer Piati that the enemy meant to attempt the 'schanse' of s'Gravenwaert (otherwise called the Nimmeensche Bril) by blockade, not by storm.
Being asked how the enemy hoped to victual their large army in the Veluwe, says that, having seen the great efforts made to victual the army before Sluys and that no expense was spared to convey corn from Germany, he thinks that supplies could be obtained from Cleeff, Julick, and Westphalen, sufficient to maintain the army. Thinks this could not be prevented, even were 10 or 12 hundred horse kept in the county of Sutphen and neighbouring places to intercept the convoys.
Says that the Prince of Parma had levied for the aforesaid undertaking 1000 horse and two regiments of German foot under the Emperor's brother, 1000 horse under the Duke of Lauwenberch, and another 1000 under Colonel Otto.
Says that the enemy intended a sudden attack in force on Amersfoort and expected to take it in a few days, the ground being high, sandy, and dry, the fortifications weak, and the town assailable on every side. That cavalry and infantry were to be sent to Eede and Scherpenzeel to close the land passages from Uuytrecht to Aernhem or Doesburch.
Says that the enemy meant to employ all his forces against the Vaert fort, which they thought might be possible in April or May when the waters were lower. They considered Amersfoort and the Vaert were their two principal objectives, and would spare nothing to take them.
The enemy think Vianen could be taken without a shot fired if attacked from across the Leche. Piati is alleged to have said that it should not be difficult if they had means to make a bridge below the town, for which purpose the ships they hoped to obtain by capturing the Vaert would be useful.
The general opinion among the enemy was that Werckendam fort was lightly esteemed on this side, and weakly defended. Some believed the contrary, and thought that they ought to keep a large force of cavalry and infantry in that neighbourhood to prevent sorties from Heusden and Gheertruydenberghe. The chief difficulty, however, was the lack of ships necessary for building a bridge over the Merwe.
Says that, unless Parma has changed his plans, the enemy may be expected to attempt the aforesaid enterprise in May or June. Meanwhile, Parma will seek by all means to get possession of the customs house, by the Duke's friendship, or by guile.
Headed, Examination taken at the Court of Holland by van Asperon, van Moesberghen and François Vranck, councillor and pensionary of Goude, in the presence of the attorney-general, and Nicolas Doublet, secretary; the 6 December, 1588, of Adrian Menninck, prisoner.
Endd. Dutch. 3½ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 184.]
Nov. 27. Sir Thomas Morgan to Burghley.
Refers him to his letter [not found] to the Privy Council for advertisement of the enemy's intention. Sir William Stanley's regiment is at Burgenholt where he equips it with apparel. The Prince is determined upon some great undertaking next spring.
Desires him to favour this poor town's requests to the Privy Council. Also desires the Council's warrant to the Treasurer for payment of the 40s. a day due to him as lieutenant to the Lord General.—Berges, 27 November, 1588.
Postscript. Desires licence to transport some corn for the use of his house here.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. ¾ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 187.]
Nov. 27. Sir Thomas Morgan to Walsingham.
Refers him to his letters to the Privy Council and to the relation of this bearer. In this town are only eleven English companies, with five horse companies, two of them 'Dutch.' There are six English companies in the forts. Hopes his agreement with the Lord General will be observed, but still has no great authority over the forts. Desires him to ask the many captains who are now in England what is the cause of their dislike. His servant will inform Walsingham of such reasons as he [Morgan] has been able to discover, and if he enquire further he will find that it arises only from a suspicion that he will not condescend to their abuses. They take no notice of his honour's letter to Captain Vere and others: Morgan told them that he was sorry his honour had vouchsafed to write so courteously to such persons.
Desires the Council's licence to bring over some artillery for this town: also desires some better relief of the soldiers here. Craves his honour's furtherance herein, as well as for the licence he wrote of in his last to bring over some provision for his house. Also asks his favour for Mr. Lovell, for it lies not in himself to place or displace any man, though he would be glad of his company. Also asks his favour for the payment of his entertainment of 40s. a day for his lieutenantship.—Berges, 27 November, 1588.
Postscript. Desires Walsingham "to remember his service to . . . the Lady Walsingham, your bedfellow, and the Lady Sidney": and to favour his servant's suit on behalf of this town.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 189.]
Probably enclosing the following paper:—
"Right honourable. The cause that the captains doth envy against me is for that I commanded the sergeant-major to view every company as they came to their watch and also to see into every 'courte' of guard how strong they were in the night."
2. Because he would not grant passport to soldiers they discharged, unless they had given them their count and reckoning. They will grant their passports only to those to whom her Majesty "is indebted unto, and them, three or four month. And to save that from the soldiers they would give them their passports; which I would not agree unto."
3. Because he forbade them to sell the 'billits' allowed to them for beer for their own drinking.
[Margin in a different hand: Letters to be written to the governor for the stay of the billetes.]
4. The captains would take whatever lodgings please them or else would strike the officers and burghers: also they would take their beds and anything else they could get or borrow.
5. Sir William Druery took five beds out of the town, "which was not it restored again."
6. Was also hated as concerning Don John de Castilian, in that he (Morgan) contented the soldiers, except one in Baskervile's company who was a stranger and was banished from the town by Morgan. Captains Vere, Udall, and Baskervile, hate him exceedingly for this.
7. The hard dealing of the captains towards the soldiers is against all conscience. Honest dealing men should be sent to protect the soldiers.
8. "To be written, the Lord Wyllowbye to cause the captains of Barghen to obey such orders as shall be set down by the States."
Not signed or add. Endd. "The causes why the captains like not of Sir Thomas Morgan." 1¾ pp. [Holland XIX. f. 253.]
Nov. 27. Colonel George Erasmus Schregel to Walsingham.
Asking his favour to obtain 6000 florins due to him by the late Prince of Orange and the States of Holland. All ordinary means, and the recommendation of the Duke his master, have failed, and the Earl of Leicester died before any satisfaction could be obtained from the States either by the diligence of the writer's procurator, Gilbert van Wijks, or otherwise. Encloses memoir of his cause.— Heydelberg, 27 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. French. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 191.]
Memoir by Schregel.
The late Prince of Orange owed him 1400 rix thalers; and an annual pension of 70 rix thalers, not paid since it was granted in 1579. Total, 2030 rix thalers, or 3000 florins.
The States of Holland owe him about 3000 florins for his services from 1572 to 1575, when he went into France with the Duke his master. They promised in 1580 to pay him.
The Duke his master has often urged Count Maurice to satisfy his claims, notably by his letters of 4 Aug., 1585. The Count in his reply, of 31 Oct., 1585, acknowledged the debt. The Duke wrote to the Earl of Leicester about it in 1586. If they could not pay in cash, desired the grant of a licence to the amount of 6000 florins on the transport of certain goods to the sieur de Bourman, merchant of the Palatinate.
Again, moved the States through the Bishop of Cologne.
Was recalled by his master, and left Gilbert van Wijks in Holland as his procurator.
All these efforts having failed, desires Walsingham to employ his credit for the satisfaction of these claims.
French. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 192.]
Nov. 28. Robert Pecok, deputy governor of the Merchants Adventurers at Staede, to the Privy Council.
According to their orders of Sept. 7 (received Nov. 6), has taken bonds in 2000 marks for the appearance before them of Edward Atwood, of the Company, late servant to Henry Allington, merchant of London, to answer Allington, on or before March 31 next. (fn. 1) Warned him to carry over his books, bills, and accounts, relating to the matter.—Staede, 28 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns III. 15.]
Nov. 29. H. Kyllygrew to Walsingham.
Has received his letter of Oct. 29. The staleness of his own letters due to the contrary winds ("and your honour is not ignorant of the old proverb, 'go,' quoth the king; 'tarry,' quoth the wind"). Also he is not always with the Lord General and able to send with his despatches, nor will he charge her Majesty with express messengers.
Has been kept indoors these seven weeks by his sickness. Must leave the report of all occurrents to Mr. Gilpin. As his honour promises that Mr. Bodleye will soon come to relieve him, hopes to perform by word of mouth that which in writing is omitted.
Received the original of the enclosed paper from Deventer, against whom so far they seem unable to bring any charge except that of writing pamphlets to the prejudice of Holland. Kyllygrew, when he was at Utrecht last August, reconciled Cleerhaghen and the Count Moeurs and began the reconciliation of Deventer with the Count, using M. van der Aa's mediation. Deventer suspects van der Aa of not dealing uprightly. Is sure of Deventer's innocence. The Utrecht tumult was "a made matter" to allow the Count to seize the persons of his opponents. Deventer trusted too much on her Majesty's letters and on the captains and burghers. Sees little they can now do to help him. Had he followed Kyllygrew's advice, he might have avoided this trouble, but he said nothing to Kyllygrew of all his doings nor of his dealings in England. His life seems to be in no danger.
As soon as he has given Mr. Bodleye the best information he can upon affairs here, he will return home.—The Haghe, 29 November, '88.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 2¼ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 194.]
[M. Deventer] to [Killigrew].
Is unable to reply to the lies which his enemies spread abroad concerning him. Wishes he might justify himself before Killigrew, Willoughby, Norris, Lord Burgh, and others of quality. His enemies fear that he might then reveal their true characters too plainly, and therefore they desire his death. Does not deserve to be neglected by the English. Treachery of M. van der A. His own innocence. Norris probably has his declaration. Hopes that he and Killigrew and the others will soon come hither to hear the proof of his innocence.—From his prison, 8 November, 1588.
Copy by Killigrew's clerk. French. 1½ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 195.]
Nov. 29./Dec. 9. John Gylles to Walsingham.
Wrote on Nov. 4 and 16, N.S., but the bearer was driven back by contrary winds, "having been twice half seas over." Has been in the 'floote' before Lullo, which is two leagues from Anwarp from whence he received goods and advices from his wife, children, and friends. Durst not go up himself, though he had good passport. The news at Anwarp on Dec. 4, N.S., was that the Bastard of Savoy, who was at Marten la Falle's house, had left for Italy and thence for Spain: Don Juan de Medici, who is at the English house, leaves this week for Spain: the rest of any name already gone, and the Marquis de Bourgow and the King's two bastard sons follow this month: the Prince himself said also to be going, to be admiral of the King's fleet which is now making ready. William Standly, who has sold all he had in Anwarpe as well as a bed and some sheets belonging to Gylles, certainly goes with his Irishmen to Spain, "and shall have charge by sea, for the King means to come for England with two navies, as the report goes." Lords Pagget and Westmorland leave Anwarp soon for Spain. Hears "that one of the Emperor's house which is brought up in the court of Spain, comes from thence and shall be governor in the Low Countries." The Spaniards are out of favour with the Prince who now makes most account of the Walloons, which is his best policy, keeping Hainault and Artois his friends. Report that Mansfelde shall govern until the other comes. They rose from Barges because "the ways were so deep that no provision could be brought to the camp, and every pound-weight cost 1d. for freight." The enemy's first sconce, Ordame, "a most filthy place," is within gunshot of where the 'floote' lay. One Tomson, an Englishman, has been there for three weeks, about the prisoners in England, it is said, and is continually put off by excuse that the Prince must be consulted.
"Also it may please your honour to understand that one Captain Barnarde, which was taken to Ostend with Captain Pygote, was at Anwarp, and hearing that Hugh Owen came thither, counterfeited that he fled and is gone to Calles. I doubt there is some ill matter in hand, for our English rebels are working some ill matter. And whatsoever Barnard hath promised, for his better relievement, yet is he not to be trusted." Wishes that some who are in Ostend were out of the place. Marten la Falle has sent for his two children to come home from London, by way of Calles.
Arrived here to-day and received Walsingham's of Nov. 4, together with the enclosed letter for Mr. John la Fall, which he has sent to him at Layden. Thanks his honour and hopes it will be the occasion of Gylles and la Fall coming over. "Also perceive by your honour's letter how mindful your honour is of my matter and will deal with Andrees de Loo to write Sir Marten la Fall. It is shame to see how our company, as one Mr. Cullenar, which is in Anwarpe, is dealt with by an English traitor, one Rafe Hogskens which dwells in Anwarpe; and in what good order Andres de Looe's countrymen are dealt with in London." Perceives that he must lose that small portion he himself has at Anwarp, "and only by the means of our English which cry out on me." May be leaving shortly for Holland. Mr. Stoockes knows where to send letters for him.—Mydelborow, 9 December, 1588, styll. novo.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 12/3 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 197.]
Nov. 29. Advertisements from Flushinge.
The Danskers have sent ships into Spain, laden with masts, munitions and corn, "which went a-seaboard of Ireland." Twenty more, similarily laden, are ready to go. They offered 40l. wages to an Englishman to go as pilot in one of them. This person is now here, and says the Daunskers buy daily from all ports about them the largest flyboats they can get, to send into Spain; "for they regard not their great hulks, as before time they did."
Letters from Stood say that at Hamburg there is a fleet laden with provisions for Spain, which they suppose will pass about Ireland. Also that a man-of-war of Holland being by foul weather forced into the river of Hamburg, found there riding a man-of-war of Dunkirk, with whom they fought in such sort that the Dunkirkers forsook their ship, and the Hollanders carried it away.
Both English and Dutchmen travel weekly between Midlborow and Andwerp with all kind of merchandise and victuals. They say that the Prince of Parma is preparing to go into Spain, the King having sent for him. The Marquis of Burgoo, cousin to the Emperor, a great commander in the Spanish army, is already gone towards Spain. Next week, "the King's two bastard sons, viz. the Prince de Auskala and the Duke de Pastrana, accompanied with Don John de Medicis and others, chief men, depart towards Spain by land." Four Spanish regiments, with all their officers, are also returning thither.
"Sir William Stanlie hath sold all his household stuff at Andwerp, [and] marched into Flanders with all his regiment of Irish and others. It was reported that he was likewise sent for into Spain, but it is now thought that he shall be presently employed from Dunkirk by sea into Ireland; or else about some attempt not far off."
The King of Spain is said to force those of Lixbona to maintain there 1500 soldiers at their own charges, whereby they think he fears some attempt will be made there.
"The steeple of Ostend, which was our best sea mark on the coast of Flanders, is blown down with gunpowder, by the negligence of certain soldiers, which brake a hole through a brick wall to steal powder, which lay in the church. It is not known how, but it took fire, and slew six of them."
Endd. by Walsingham's clerk. 1¼ pp. [Newsletters XLV. f. 18.]
Nov. 30./Dec. 10. M. de Clermont to Leython.
Hears that the Kings of France, Spain, and Scotland, with their allies and the League, mean to seize Guernsey, Jersey, etc., as bases for the invasion of England. This concerns all the reformed churches and also particularly her Majesty.—10 December, 1588.
Signed. Add. French. ¾ p. [France XVIII. 170.]
Nov. 30. Robert Pecok to Burghley and Walsingham.
Has received their letters of Oct. 21 for his repair to England "to answer, in the behalf of the merchants trading Russia, concerning the demands of the Emperor of those parts upon the said merchants for divers great sums of money, pretended to be owing by them unto him, his nobility, and trafficking people, as lent unto Anthony Marshe in respect of the said merchants" when he was there under Pecok's charge.
"Having here now the place of Deputy Governor of the Merchants Adventurers, and divers [of] my friends' business in my hands, I cannot be spared by the one, nor leave over to any the other (but upon mine own peril) without consent of the owners." So prays them not to take his non-repair home in evil part. "Concerning the Emperor's demand I know of no money lent either by his Highness, nobility, or other his subjects unto Marsh in respect of the Company." They have always had there their own agent, well known to all, from whose hands, or by his order, all men have in due time received satisfaction. The demands now made are the debts of A. Marsh, owing on his own and his confederates' accounts, mostly made before Pecok's coming into Russia, but long prolonged by the will of the Emperor's officers, etc., as creditors of the said Marsh, "but upon intolerable interest and gifts." And of late time forborne upon the vaunts of Marsh of commodities, worth 90,000 roubles, coming to him out of Dutchlande and England. This manner of dealing, never used by agents of the Company, will show that the Emperor's demands should be directed, not to the Company, but to Marsh and his associates.
It is true that Marsh "was known to deal of himself from the Company." He had letters from the Emperor's authorised people, made in the Emperor's name, licensing him and his fellows to trade "by the way of St. Nicholas into and forth of the Emperor's countries and by the way of Vopsco and the Narve into and from out of Dutchlande, and unto Astrican and into Ziberia." He had his particular house in the Mosco, inhabited by his factor Andreas White, a Dutchman, though he himself kept in the Company's house. Pecok set down his doings in a petition to the Emperor in 1586, "when as the merchants of that country (Marsh his creditors) sued upon me for that which Marsh 'owght' them; the copy of which supplication is, or should be, in the custody of the Company." This so stilled the suit of the Emperor's merchants that Pecok was never again called to account for that matter. Its present revival is probably the work of Hierome Horsaye, who last year suddenly fled his country and went into those parts, meaning no good (as was suspected) towards the Company. Further matter may be found in Pecok's letters from the Mosco. John Merryke, "my successor agent, who in my time was my mouth to speak and my hand to write . . . concerning the Company's business," is now in England and can say more of Marsh and his doings than Pecok can.
If he must answer in person, he desires that (as his coming would be for the service of the Company and as he would have to leave his place in the Society of Adventurers residing here) the Company may make him consideration accordingly, as also for his charges into England and back again.—Stoade, last of November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1½ pp. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns III. 16.]
Nov. 30. Sums of money due by captains serving her Majesty in the Low Countries to divers burghers of Flushinge, Briell, etc.
Name. By Bill of. Amount.
l. s. d.
Paul van Stene. Capt. Browne, 21 July, 1587 40 0 0
[67l. 15s. 9d.] (fn. 2) 16 Aug., 1587 42 8 6
10 Oct., 1587 9 18 7
Capt. Erington, 20 July, 1587 17 17 2
Capt. Banester, 4 July, 1587 10 12 0
Sir Robert Sidney, 2 Feb., 1588 (defalkable out of the first pay made, i.e. defalkable since 12 Oct., 1587) 76 1 0
Sir William Russell, 10 July, 1587 22 15 4
Capt. Scott, 7 Aug., 1587 5 0 0
Capt. Hender, 10 Sept., 1587 53 6 0
Lord Willoughby, 22 May, 1588, defalkable since the 12 Oct., 1587 10 0 0
Sum, 287l. 18s. 7d.
Joyce Andrison, of Vlissing, baker. [20l. 8s. 4d.] Sir Edward Norreys, signed by Prosser, 25 July, 1587 61 5 7
Ant. Barte of Vlissing, victualler. [13l. 2s. 4d.] Sir Edward Norreys, signed by Prosser, 27 July, 1587 39 7 0
Makyn, the widow of Gelyne Anthonyson of Vlissing. [10l.] Capt. Hender, 8 Dec., 1586 30 0 0
Charles van Umbach, of Midd[elburg]. [12l. 3s. 10d.] Capt. Darcy, signed by Hall, 18 Sept., 1587 7 14 6
Capt. Errington, 24 July, 1587 29 0 0
Sum, 36l. 14s. 6d.
John Floris. [44l. 18s. 1d.] Capt. Hender, 11 Oct., 1587 62 0 0
Col. Morgan 37 14 5
Capt. Knollys 35 0 0
Sum, 134l. 14s. 5d.
James Chambers. [64l. 18s.] Capt. Browne, 14 March, anno 29 56 0 0
Sir Edward Norreys, signed by Robert Prosser, 20 May, 1587 23 19 0
Capt. Erington, 8 June, 1587 52 11 1
Capt. Randolphe, 9 July, 1587 19 8 0
Capt. Banester, 11 June, 1587 (to have been paid 30 June, 1587) 4 0 0
Capt. Hender, 5 Sept., 1587 37 11 9
Sum, 193l. 9s. 10d.
Perinck Passier [74l. 9s. 8d.] Capt. Hender, 10 Dec., 1586 80 0 0
same day 139 14 11
in ready money 1 12 0
Beer, bread, and cheese delivered to the camp when they went to Axel 2 2 0
Sum, 223l. 8s. 11d.
Rowland Petite. Sir Robert Sidney, 5 Feb., 1588 (defalkable in 1588) 100 0 0
Charles Anders. [142l. 10s. 8d.] Sir William Russell, 10 Sept., 1587 64 0 0
Capt. Erington, 10 July, 1587, due 11 Oct., 1587 70 0 0
Sir Robert Sidney, 11 Jan., 1587 36 14 0
Capt. Vere, 10 Aug., 1587 16 4 0
Capt. Hender, 10 Sept., 1587 62 12 0
Capt. Scott, 4 Jan., 1587 5 18 10
Capt. Baskervill, 17 Feb., 1587 18 4 2
9 Oct., 1587 39 6 0
Capt. Maria Wingfeilde, 8 Aug., 1587 15 6 9
Sir. William Russell, signed by Ed. Russell, 17 July, 1588 (defalkable in 1588) 7 0 0
Sir Robert Sidney, 2 Feb., 1588 (defalkable from the first pay made) 9 10 0
Capt. Uvedall, 19 Sept., 1588 (defalkable in 1588) 3 8 0
Capt. Dennys, 7 Feb., 1588 (defalkable from the first pay made) 19 4 0
Capt. Bannester, 21 May, 1587 19 10 0
Capt. Vavasor 9 8 0
Capt. Dennys 7 0 0
Capt. Richard Wingfeilde 5 0 0
Capt. Litleton 12 10 0
Sir Walter Waller, 4 Dec., 1586 3 8 0
Capt. Richard Wingfeild, 31 July, 1588 (defalkable since 12 Oct., 1587) 7 16 0
15 July, 1586 33 0 0
Capt. Dennys, 26 April, 1588 (defalkable since 12 Oct., 1587) 5 0 0
Sum, 469l. 19s. 9d.
Hans Barnard. [20l.] Sir William Russell 60 0 0
Gabriell van Ecourt. [16l. 16s. 8d.] Capt. Dennys, 18 July, 1588 (defalkable in 1588) 8 6 0
Capt. Randolphe, 17 July 33 10 0
Capt. Richard Wingfeilde, 17 July, 1588 19 0 0
Sum, 60l. 16s.
William Hore, armourer. Capt. Browne, 23 May, 1587 20 0 0
Sir Robert Sidney, 25 Nov., 1587 57 6 0
Sir Edward Norreys, signed by Robert Prosser, 26 Oct., 1587 13 16 0
Sir William Russell 20 10 0
Capt. Hynder, 10 Sept., 1587 15 0 0
Sum, 126l. 12s.
The burghers of Briell. [96l. 2s. 6d.] Capt. Hill, 29 June, 1588 65 7 10
Lord Burghe, as appears by an account of Lord Willoughby, signed by his lordship 283 7 6
Capt. Anthony Sherley, as appears by his account signed by Lord Burghe 129 18 3
Sir Henry Norreys, as appears by his account signed by Lord Burgh and William Whitstock (to be defalked in 1588) 77 18 0
Sum, 556l. 11s. 7d.
John Harries of Vlissing. [32l.] For victual and money to the cannoneers, as appears by Capt. Erington's reckoning (this debt hath long been due) 95 8 2
The widow of Yoghan van Dyne. [7l. 5s.] Sir Edward Norreys, for which Mr. Cartwright, the English victualler, is condemned in the court of Vlishing 21 14 11
Henrick van Souse. Sir Walter Waller, 14 Dec., 1586 280 0 0
[100l.] Capt. Randolphe 18 6 3
Sum, 298l. 6s. 3d.
Robert Daniell, victualler of Bergen-op-Some. [37l.] Capt. Baskervill 16 16 0
Capt. Uvedall 13 10 8
Capt. Powell 71 7 0
Capt. Scott 9 10 0
Col. Morgan (defalkable in 1588) 11 0 0
Sum, 122l. 3s. 8d.
[In all, 763l. 11s. 10d.] Sum Total, 2,918l. 11s. 2d.
Certified by Thomas Sherley as a true note of the debts due.
Notarial certificate by William Cuttes, last of November, 1588.
Endd. Jan., 1588. 4 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 207.]
[Nov.] Chateauneuf to Burghley.
His man brought him his lordship's answer. Will wait, as her Majesty wishes it, as he told Mr. Herbert this morning. Must send a courier to the King: so, as he cannot speak with her Majesty, desires to speak in the morning with his lordship at his lodging, the Lord Admiral and Mr. Walsingham being present, and understand her meaning more clearly, that he may the better satisfy the King.—London.
Holograph. Add. Endd. No. 1588. French. ½ p. [France XVIII. 171.]
[Nov.] The Heads of Instructions for Mr. Bodeley.
To replace Mr. Kyl[ligrew]: Mr. Gylpyn to assist as interpreter.
To complete such business as Sir John Norryce shall have no time to deal in.
To be fully instructed by the Lord Treasurer and Secretary to answer the requests of the States presented by Ortell about a year ago, which the Lord Treasurer and Secretary answered but not to the States' satisfaction.
To deal with the States for redress of their instructions to the Council of State, which Lord Will[oughby] and Mr. Kyll[igrew] write are repugnant to the Contract.
To deal with them for restraint of carrying corn, cordage, and other munition into Spain.
Rough draft by Walsingham. Undated. Endd. with memoranda of additional articles. 2½ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 70.]
[Nov.] Memorial of points to be put in Bodeley's instructions.
To charge the States with their small regard of her Majesty's commendation of certain persons: to commend Deventer, Shinke, Colonel Backes, Leyden.
To urge them to continue in session or to enlarge the Council of State's authority.
To deal with the States General, or parties to be named to him, in regard to the information Ortell will give him. "That in case the overture made be by the States justified, then to send especial commissioners hither for the renewing of the Contract."
Rough draft by Walsingham. Endd. Undated. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 73.]
[Nov ?] "Especial Points to be speedily performed by Mr. Bodiley."
To peruse all acts procured by previous Assistants in Council and to deliver copies to the muster-master of all those touching musters, lists, or rates of pay for her Majesty's forces, for his better direction in conference with the States or their deputies about her Majesty's treasure disbursed during the Earl of Leicester's government.
As the States' deputies here disallow the rates set down by the Earl of Leicester (which allowed dead pays to be distributed as extra pay to corporals, gentlemen, and musketeers), whereby her Majesty would lose 40,000l. spent in their service, he shall discover and certify what the Assistants have done to secure the States' or Council's consent hereto. The muster-master that was in his lordship's time plainly avers that they agreed to those rates and that he often reminded the Assistants to have this consent placed on record.
Lord Willoughbie upon the signing of the last warrants, to 12 Oct., 1588, 'cessed' only the checks which the inferior commissaries of musters presented, postponing matters presented by the muster-master-general. As the muster-master's observations are likely to be beneficial to her Majesty, and as the States complain that the troops are weaker than strict musters have shown them, it is thought convenient that the muster-master, "in examination thereof, use the assistance of some other of her Majesty's chief officers there which have no bands themselves, in such matters as ex officio he cannot safely of himself determine, wherein we require you, upon request, to aid him."
As the States are, when these wars are over, to repay her Majesty's expenses for the maintenance of these her forces, it is desirable, for the avoidance of future dispute, "that indented records, lists, abbreviates, and other remembrances be carefully kept betwixt her Majesty's muster-master and some other like officer of theirs, to be appointed by the States as well for that purpose, as the diligent examination, conference, and controlment of the muster-rolls," etc., who shall be privy to all things, according to the Contract. The States are to blame if this has not been done before.
To assist the muster-master in discovering corrupt commissaries, and, with the consent of the Council of State, to alter or displace such as are found faulty, certifying the Privy Council of their actions herein.
He shall inform the Council of State that it is thought convenient that the muster-master have free access to them to discuss with them "these intricate affairs of musters."
Copy. Endd. Undated. 1½ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 94.]
[Nov.] Safe conduct from the Queen for Bodeley, her Majesty's ambassador to the States of the United Provinces.
Undated. Endd. French. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 100.]
[With papers of Nov.] Means to discover how her Majesty is dealt with in the respited accounts of the Low Countries, and to satisfy the captains, soldiers, and creditors.
Sir Thomas Sherley, the Treasurer at Wars for the Low Country forces, has made no perfect account since he entered into that office. There is no longer either auditor or muster-master in the army. His accounts are taken only by an auditor of the press, who accepts warrants without further examination to discover the secret conveyances of this intricate, confused, course of accounting, whereby Sherley may gain, and her Majesty, the soldiers, and creditors, lose 40,000l. a year. The Treasurer likely to oppugn this vehemently: he should be required to answer the following points and a commission should be granted to examine his doings. Her Majesty would thus recover 20,000l. at least.
1. Greatness of his entertainment for himself and his officers, many of whom never came near those countries, "his 200 pence, his figures of 30," his manifold gains from the respited accounts. He should be required to declare to what day her Highness hath made full pay.
2. Whether he has duly issued the treasure he has received, and upon what warrant? Has been partial in paying one before another, as it is complained.
3. "Whether her Majesty be not in his debt by means of his disbursements upon the warrants to Oct. 12, 1588?" Or what remainder he has, not issued?
4. What he has defalked from captains in her Majesty's pay, to the States' use? How much thereof paid to the States or creditors? How much remains, and how employed?
5. What sums were lent by burghers, etc., when the imprests were delayed? What thereof remains due?
6. Whether he has paid as much to the captains, soldiers, and creditors, as his accounts with the auditor of the press show? Or how many thousands remain unissued, despite the warrants?
7. What he has done to content the extraordinary cannoneers?
8. Whether the bills bought or compounded for by the victuallers, apparellers, paymasters, and others of his retinue, to the dishonour of her Majesty's pay, are allowed in full in his accounts with the said auditor? Especially as some offer to save her Majesty a third part, with the contentment of the soldiers.
9. What assurance he has that such soldiers' bills as are thus pawned or bought and sold, are due? He has not the muster-master's hand to any of them, who also might save her Majesty another third part in the check were orderly courses followed.
10. Whether he has not paid to some captains the full sum of their warrants, whereas the soldiers and creditors should be first satisfied?
11. Whether he knows not that apparellers and victuallers deliver money and wares to some captains for their private use at extreme loss, e.g. of 50%, and allows not thereof in his account? "Whereby the poor soldiers are defrauded and her Majesty's most honourable intention for their relief in that behalf made frustrate."
Upon his answer to these points, and an examination by commission of his doings, it will appear how her Majesty, the soldiers, and creditors, have been abused.
Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 136.]
[Nov.] Money extraordinarily disbursed, October and November, 1588.
Imprested at Ostend to pacify the companies by the governor's advice 360l.
"Paid to divers poor petitioners, which was due unto them upon their entertainment" 400l.
By Lord Willoughbie's warrant 800l.
To Sir John Burghe 446l.
Sum, 2,006l.
Endd. ½ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 205.]
Another copy of the above.
Endd. ½ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 210.]
[Nov.] Roll of the soldiers in M. Dophem's company, under the regiment of Monseigneur the Prince de Gaveres, Count of Egmont, upon which payment was made to the said soldiers. (fn. 3)
Endd. "Muster-books of the enemy found in their camp at their rising from the siege of Berghen, Nov., 1588." French. 11 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 198.]
[Nov.] Giovanni di Campo to Walsingham.
Has heard little news of England recently. Desires to know if the Catholics in England are really so ill treated as everyone says they are,—held as traitors merely for being Catholics, impeached, quartered, beheaded, their goods confiscated, on account of their faith alone: whether it is a capital offence to aid a Catholic on this side, and if priests are executed with unexampled cruelty merely for being priests. Would know the basis of this rigorous justice, and also would put forward reasons to show the great good which would result to England were the Catholics there treated more mildly.
His zeal for the Catholic church and the holy Roman faith, and for the peace and prosperity of England, which, next to his faith, he esteems before anything in the world. Many Catholics are of his mind: would communicate their names if his honour's reply satisfies their desires. Must keep their plan secret, lest bad Christians learn of it. Their position is such that it is considered the greatest infamy and treason to wish well to their prince or country. Restless and intriguing spirits take advantage of the persecution to pursue their own designs against England.
Could be assured of loyal service of Catholics' in return for liberty and free exercise of their faith. In this peace now [hogidi] being treated of between Spain and England, the English government should freely grant this boon, without letting any foreign prince intercede for it and so secure part of the Catholics' gratitude. This would give the lie to those who publish abroad that there will be no favour or liberty granted to Catholics in England until the realm is conquered by the sword. Were the Catholics won by this boon, they would supply certain intelligences from Rome, Spain, France, and in England. Would make list of all those in England who are, or are not, faithful. In a few months Walsingham would become patron of all the Catholics, and be well informed of all the practices in France, Flanders, Rome, and elsewhere.
Proceeds so warmly because, after the processes of Grateley, Gifford, and Tirell, his dealings with Walsingham may be found out, and the opportunity of doing this good work be lost. Desires him to mention the matter to no one until it is ripe, and to reply by the means used to send this, sending it to Sig. William Kellet, English merchant at Marseilles, who will deliver it.
Excipiantur from this business one of Walsingham's creatures, named Philipps, as not sufficiently secret and mistrusted by the ambassador. Cannot write all he would, nor in his own hand.
If Walsingham thinks any fruit may grow from this motion, desires him to reply by the bearer and give him a safe-conduct, in English, that he may come and kiss his honour's hands and discuss the matter safely with him.
Nothing so much displeased the King of Spain as the loyalty of the Catholics to their Queen during the late enterprise and the absence of any movement amongst them when the Armada was off the island. He had been given great hopes of support from malcontent Protestants, as Gray, Norris [Norigio], Wilkes, the Admiral, and many other schismatics.
Dangers and difficulties of the business, which will fall through should the writer himself fall under suspicion before the time is ripe to act.
Letter and signature in the same hand. Add. Endd. "Nov. 1588. From Gio. de Campo at Marseilles." Seal. Italian. 3¼ pp. [Spain III. f. 27.]
Dec. 1. Robert Pecok to Burghley.
Hears certainly that for a year and more great store of ordnance has been brought from England to this river Elbe and carried to Hamborge, where it is sold and sent into Spain. Encloses note [not found] of all he has been able to learn about this great evil.
Great store of munition sent daily from Hamborge, Lubecke, and other Eastland ports to Spain. The traffic will continue unless ships are sent to the northern isles of Scotland to seize the ships carrying such munition. Her Majesty's warning to those of the east parts not so to trade for Spain has not been regarded and will not be until it is made unprofitable.
Some gunpowder lately bought in Dutchland to be sent for England, has been sold at Hamborge and will be sent to Spain, since the merchants learned that the price had greatly fallen in England. It would be well to set some reasonable price upon this commodity, so that good store would be brought into England and the enemy shortened thereof. It is easier to keep a sword from the enemy's hands than to wring it from him when he already has it.—Staed, 1 December, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns III. 17.]
Dec. 2/12. George Gilpin to Walsingham.
Contrary winds delay all letters. Count Maurice returned last Saturday. The soldiers in the new fort made by Schenck and the Amptman of Tiel refused to resist the Count, so their officers had to yield it to him, "with condition that they might depart whither they would, but the soldiers are come away with the other, having ten days' respite to deliberate whether they will serve the States and take oath unto them; in which case they shall be put into other companies to fill the same, and be used no worse nor better than all others standing upon the repartition of Holland." None of the officers to be employed. It is said that their Colonel made them swear to keep the place for her Majesty: if this is an untrue report, "then is it thus spread to make the people think that disorders and mutinies come from us, and so to withdraw and diminish their affections from our nation." Some of the States General and Council of State have already met to confer of the ambassador's [Norris'] proposals, "and will set down some course about the men, shipping, and provisions." The ambassador, no doubt, writes fully of this matter, "as also of the conferences passed touching Geertrudeberg, the filling of the English companies, the lessening of the garrisons in the cautionary towns," etc. Mr. Killegrew wishes for Mr. Bodlieth's arrival, that he may return and confer with Walsingham upon these and other points, which cannot be so well put in writing. Gilpin would have gone over for this purpose, but for Killegrew's return and the need for his presence here.
An attempt is intended upon a sconce of the Amptman of Tiel on the river of Arnham, which greatly annoys the passages.
"Schenck is still at his great fort called Sgravenweert, and writeth for men and provisions to rescue Wachtendoncq, or else that it were good to send the soldiers word to make their best composition." Doubtful how he will take the attack on his last-made sconce.
M. Brakle was at his house. The soldiers there also came away with the Count and promised to go wherever he commanded. Brakle said that the levy of the men was Schenck's doing, and he promised that Schenck would come to the Count if given safe-conduct.
The Count's troops are to go to Arnham, which is to be a rendezvous for the forces preparing to relieve Wachtendoncq. The enemy there are hindered by the bad weather.
At Utrecht they seem to have altered the garrisons more to their liking. They make slow payments, and have informed the Council that they will hardly be able to contribute more than 10,000 guldrens monthly.
"The deputies of the General States for the four contributing provinces are come since Saturday last and begin to meet, though the other two provinces are not yet come. Those of Holland are still met, but, whatsoever is in the wind, the North Hollanders have not hitherto sent any deputies, but meet still in their college at Horne. It seemeth they will seek by all means to continue their traffic and navigation to all places. I heard that some did say that that quarter needed the presence of a good head or commander, alluding to Sonoy for his wisdom and experience, if there had not been other causes to dislike of him."
The Wael, Leck, and Rhine passages are still closed, but the Maes is open for all goods except victuals (though salt and herrings may pass).—The Haghe, 12 December, 1588, stylo novo.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1¾ pp. [Holland XXIX. f. 5.]


  • 1. He appeared on March 2, 1589, Acts of the Privy Council, xvii. 90.
  • 2. Figures given in square brackets in this column are in different ink in the document.
  • 3. See a similar paper at p. 88 above.