Elizabeth: November 1588, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Elizabeth: November 1588, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp314-326 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1588, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp314-326.

"Elizabeth: November 1588, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp314-326.

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November 1588, 11-20

Nov. 12/22 M. de Chateauneuf to Walsingham.
Has already written several times on behalf of a French merchant named Thomas le Doyen against one Adrian Gilbert, from whom he cannot procure justice, although he has been before his honour to have the difference heard and justice done. It then pleased his honour to command the said Gilbert to go to the Judge of the Admiralty, that he might examine the matter and make report. Yet Gilbert has never done this, nor has le Doyen ever seen him since. He believes that Gilbert has left this town, which will be greatly to le Doyen's prejudice, after his journeys and expenses in searching for him during the past year and more. Obtained no satisfaction from him save a bond, which, without his honour's authority, he cannot put in execution.
Prays that le Doyen may have a warrant against Gilbert, or, if the latter be still in this town, that his honour will call him before him, and order him to satisfy le Doyen.—London, 22 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. French. 1½ pp. [France XVIII. 167.]
Nov. 12. Sir William Russell to Burghley.
For payment of 100l. due to the English Merchants at Midelborough by Captain Errington and his company, for victuals supplied to the castle of Ramikines. Has written once or twice to Burghley, and also taken order with Sir Thomas Sherley, for the payment, but nothing has been done.—Vlisshing, 12 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. "That the Merchant Adventurers may be satisfied . . . for the victualling . . ., anno 1587." ½ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 57.]
[Nov. 12.] Lord Burghe's account for his Entertainment as governor of Breil, 12 Oct., 1587 to 11 Oct., 1588.
3l. the day, and 12 halberdiers at 8d. each the day, for 366 days 1244l. 8s.
Received in imprest 26 Feb., 1588 100l.
in weekly lendings of 20l. for 30 weeks from 16 March, 1588 600l.
Remains due 544l. 8s.
Endd. 12 Nov., 1588. 2/3 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 93.]
[Nov. 12.] Imprests and lendings paid to Lord Burgh, governor of the Breill, since 11 Oct., 1587.
By Thomas Scalthrope, 26 Feb., 1588 100l.
By Peter Swynlerst, clerk of his company, for 5 weeks lendings, from 16 March, 1588 100l.
By William Burd, clerk of Sir John Burghe's company, for 6 weeks' lendings, from 21 April, 1588 120l.
By George Thorisby, his lordship's secretary, for 2 weeks' lendings, from June 1 40l.
By the same, for 6 weeks' lendings, from June 15 120l.
By the same, for 5 weeks' lendings, from July 27 100l.
Delivered to himself, for 7 weeks' lendings, from Aug. 31 140l.
Total 720l.
Endd. with date. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 59.]
[Nov. 13.] Petition to Burghley on behalf of Lord Burgh.
That whereas there remains due to "my lord and master," the Lord Burgh, governor of Breill, upon his entertainment for the last year to 12 Oct., 1588 (all imprests and lendings deducted), 544l. 8s., as more plainly appears by his lordship's account: he beseeches that he may receive the same upon the next warrant for the issue of treasure for the Low Countries. Needs the money to redeem his plate, pawned to the Lombards there at the extreme rate of 30l. in the hundred in order to pay his household charges from the time of the Earl of Leicester's departure until March 25 following, during which time he had nothing but an imprest of 100l. Desires also an increase of his weekly lendings, now 20l., to the full amount of his entertainment which is 24l.
Endd. with date and note of contents. ½ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 61.]
Nov. 14. The Queen to Lord Willoughby.
Has recalled Henry Killegrew and sent Thomas Bodley to take his place in the Council of State. Has informed the States General, with whom his lordship is to deal for Bodley's admission. As divers matters are there treated in the Flemish tongue, George Guilpin, who understands that tongue, is "to be assistant as an interpreter to Bodley in the said Council." His lordship shall deal with the States General for his admission. He shall also give order for the payment to Bodley of such entertainment as Killegrew had, and to Guilpin of such allowance as was appointed in her Majesty's former letters.—Given under the Signet at Greenewich, 14 November, 1588.
Copy. Endd. ½ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 65.]
[Nov. 14 ?] The Queen to Lord Willoughby.
Instructing him to deal with the States General for the provisioning and defence of Arneham and Utrect, which Parma is likely to attack now that he has failed against Berghen-upZone. The factions which rule in Utrecte may open a gap to the enemy, a large part of the town being ill-affected in religion. Her Majesty would feel the loss of these towns as a great dishonour, especially after her successes at sea and at Berghen. He shall dispose the English footmen and horsemen in the way best calculated to make head against the enemy.
He shall protest against the States General's hard usage of Deventer, late burgomaster of Utrecte, whom her Majesty has recommended, apparently without effect, to them, to the Count Newnar, and the States of Utrecte: understands that he is persecuted owing to his devotion to herself. Willoughby shall require them to stay all violent proceedings against Deventer and others of that town.
He is to communicate this letter to Sir John Norris and get his assistance herein.
[Different ink.] He is also to deal especially and by name for Clerhaghen.
Copy. Endd. "November, 1588," with note of contents. 12/3 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 106.]
Draft of the above letter.
Corrected. Endd. "November, 1588," with note of contents, and as "sent by Mr. Bodley." 5 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 102.]
Nov. 14. Sir William Borlas to Walsingham.
"I understand by your honour's letter of the coming over of Sir William Russell, whom her Majesty doth licence to come over, and that I should come over with him. The speech doth run here that Sir Robert Sydne shall have the place. I beseech your honour that I may come away in such sort that it be not a discredit to me, as my whole trust is in your honour, upon whom I only do depend. For I fear me there hath been some ill dealings against me . . ."—Flussching, 14 November, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 63.]
Nov. 15. Remembrances for the present Assistant in Council, concerning musters.
To deal with the States to appoint commissaries resident in all garrisons, as was agreed between them and the late mustermaster-general.
That they should appoint an officer to join with the overseer of musters to make up the accounts, etc., and also to keep indented abbreviates for a certain record of her Majesty's charges.
That an Act in Council be made and some day assigned for the States to bring in all debts they can require to be defalked upon the pay of any of her Majesty's bands or officers; with provision that they can thereafter demand no debt not claimed by that day.
That the overseer of musters may have access to the Council of State.—15 November, 1588. "It is thought meet both by her Majesty and my lords, that Mr. Bodley should propound these matters to the States. Fra. Walsingham."
Copy. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 96.]
Nov. 15. Sir William Russell to Walsingham.
The messenger detained here by contrary winds. Could not let this bearer, Sir Francis Vere, go without a few lines to Walsingham: recommends Vere and his causes.
Has received this discourse of M. Deventer's. He is very hardly handled and in peril of his life. Executions and banishment of those well affected to her Majesty have recently been frequent. Desires that all may be done that can be for Deventer. —Vlisshing, 15 November, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 66.]
M. Deventer's Justification touching the accident of Utrecht.
Some at Utrecht urged him to continue in office as burgomaster for another year, and upon his refusal sent into England and obtained letters from her Majesty and the Earl of Leicester to the Count of Nieuwenaer and himself, urging his continuance in office. The Count's attack upon them and Deventer, whose position became difficult. Asked advice of her Majesty's ministers here. Then rumours of certain people plotting an alteration in ten or twelve days, i.e. the date when the magistrates were to be renewed. The captains and officers all swore to observe their oath to the Earl, the States, the provincial governor and the town magistrates, and then the captains asked the council to arrange the disposition, etc., of the watches. Upon this the Count was told that there was a plot to expel him and his from the town that night. Deventer did not imagine he would take this seriously, but asked the captain of the watch to reassure him, which he promised to do in the morning. The captains chose to send that night to tell the guards how to act in the event of an alarm or firing: they told neither Deventer nor the Count of this, but some others told the Count and said that it would be a signal for the attack upon him.
That night, was wakened about four in the morning (Sept. 25) to deal with an armed assembly near the town hall, of some burgher ex-captains. Failed to get message through to other magistrates. Colonel Clerhaegen came up to see what was the disturbance, and on his return, unarmed and alone, was attacked and wounded by musket shot, and taken prisoner. This shot brought all the town to arms, but fortunately no alarm was given, or there would have been a general massacre. Next morning all were very angry about the incident and turned their fury upon Deventer and the captain of the guard. Was imprisoned. Examined on Oct. 1 and Oct. 15.
Endd. Nov., 1588. French. 5¼ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 3.]
Nov. 16. The Queen to the States General.
Desiring them to accept Thomas Bodley in place of Killegrey as a member of the Council of State. Also that, as matters are often treated of there in the Flemish tongue, George Guilpin, being acquainted with that tongue, may also sit in the Council.—16 November, 1588.
Copy. Endd. French. ½ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 69.]
Nov. [16 ?] The Queen to the Council of State.
To the same effect as the above.
Draft, corrected. Endd. Nov., 1588. French. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 68.]
Nov. 16. Nicholas Erington to Burghley.
Is asked by the deputy and company of Merchants Adventurers here to urge the payment by the Treasurer of 120l., due upon Erington's bills, payable in 1587, which they advanced for the use of Captains Wynkfyld and Randall's companies, then in the States' pay but since taken into her Majesty's pay. It is to be defalked upon their pay as they have agreed. "They have borne their money lying without any profit, but rather paying interest as they allege."—Ramykyns, 16 November, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with note of contents. Seal of arms. 2/3 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 114.]
Nov. 14. Thomas Clerke to Windebank.
Thanks him for his favour to his nephew, Norton.—Mycheldever, 14 November, 1588.
On the same sheet:
[Nov. 16.] The Queen to [Count Maurice ?].
Some 30 ships are preparing at Hamburg to sail with munitions for Spain. Desires him to equip and send to sea eight or ten of his ships to join with hers in intercepting them.
Draft, corrected. Endd. "16 November, 1588," with note of contents. French. ½ p.
On the dorse thereof:
The Queen to [Henry III ?].
Would do nothing to M. de Châteauneuf's prejudice and understands that his private affairs urgently require his presence in France. Was at first perturbed by his departure at this moment, when close contact is so necessary between them, especially in view of the rumours that the King would withdraw his ambassadors from all princes of a different religion from his own. As, however. Châteauneuf is to be away only for a definite time, her Majesty is content to grant him safe-conduct for his journey and return.
Draft, corrected, French. ¾ p. [Holland. XXVIII. f. 112.]
Nov. 16. Jacques Spirnich to Captain Menninck.
Has now achieved no more than he had when he was in London, except that he has obtained from Baudemont Menninck's passport from Duke Julius. Sends it without any money, which is what Menninck most needs: but if money is mentioned here everyone stops their ears and refuses to listen. Has spoken to the ambassadors, who have promised a great deal, though all is but idle verbiage. Baudemont will not undertake to ask for any money, for he says that Menninck had promised to come well provided therewith, and that Duke Julius will not pay for any man to leave his country. Urged Menninck's misfortunes at Dover, where he lost all his money. It was in vain, and when he applies to the Doctor, he refers him to Baudemont. If Baudemont will do nothing, no one else will, for he is the president and agent of all these Netherlanders and they will not listen to any requests. Is reduced to extreme poverty, or would come to visit him in London. It would have been better had Menninck never seen the ambassadors. Desires 14 or 15 gulden to enable him to come over again: otherwise must perish here. His address will be at Jan de Meyer's in Hamborch.—Wolfenbuttel, 16 November, 1588.
Addressed to Mr. Claes de Voicht, landlord of the Golden Fleece at St. Cathrijn's: to be delivered to Captain Menninck.
Copy. Endd. Dutch. 1½ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 116.]
Nov. 16/26. [Antonio], 'King of Portugal,' to Walsingham.
The bearer has asked him to write to his honour on behalf of his brother, whom he counts as one of his subjects as he has married in Lisbon. Will esteem it a great favour if the poor man may be allowed to return to his wife at Lisbon, or elsewhere.
Holograph. Signed, Rey. Add. Endd. "26 November, 1588. From the King of Portugal, for the release of Roger Parker."
Seal: the arms of Portugal, surmounted by a crown. Italian. 1 p. [Portugal II. 28.]
Nov. 15/25. Lord Wyllughby to Sir John Wingfeld, and the garrison of Gheertrudenberghe. (fn. 1)
Rebuking them for disarming the burghers without his knowledge and consent, and for asserting that it was done in her Majesty's name. As he has often informed them by the secretary Gilpin, her Majesty earnestly desires concord between them and the burghers, whilst he himself cannot permit good patriots thus to be disgraced. The arms are to be returned at once.—Dordrecht, 25 November, 1588, st. noro.
On the same sheet:
Nov. 17. The Reply.
Deny that any mention of her Majesty's name was made. They disarmed the burghers because they heard that the States meant to make themselves masters of the town. They did not inform his lordship, as they understood that he had promised to give the States possession, and feared that he would prevent them from defending themselves by such measures. They will hold the town loyally, but will rather die than give back the arms to the burghers.—Geertrudenberg, 17 November, 1588, st. antiquo.
Original signed by, John Wyngfelde, Charles Honings, Floris Doeres, Lambeuson, William Thomson, Hendrick Kyeboom, Ghert Abrams, Hubrecht van Esch, Jan van Mastricht.
Copies. Endd., with notes of contents. Both letters in French. 3 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 118.]
Nov. 18. Sir Thomas Morgan to Sir Roger Williams, or, in his absence, the governor of Vlissinge.
"Here is a sergeant-major of the Baron de Leekes come over unto us, who advertiseth us that there are two regiments of Spaniards presently to be shipped for Ireland, and that there are six great ships sent for to convoy them thither. It is also thought, as he saith, that the Prince will pass alongst with them, and so make that his course for Spain, whither he is determined to go to make his excuse to the King." They are to embark at Dunkirke. He says they hear that there are some Spaniards in Ireland, very well treated.
Stanley has gone in haste from Wert into Flanders. Not known if his regiment follows.
Desires him to inform the States and the governor of Vlisshinge, and to send news at once into England.
Will send espials to Antwarpe, etc., to learn the certainty.— Berges, 18 November, 1588.
Postscript. Credits this the more as he has often had advertisement that the Prince has not renounced his design for England.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 120.]
Nov. 19. Richard Tomson to Walsingham.
Wrote last from Berghen, whence he came to Lillo, whose garrison would not send a drum to the Duke of Parma's camp before Berghen. Instead, by their advice, he obtained passport from M. la Burlote, governor of Ordam, a fort between Andwerpe and Lillo belonging to the Duke, to go thither, hoping for speedier access that way to the Duke. Has been in the fort 34 days: sent letters to the Duke three days after arriving there, but could get no answer until the last of October, when secretary Grenier's servant, Anthony Bassets, came with commission under the Duke's hand and seal. Tomson delivered his message, and Bassets returned to the Duke, at Brussels. Encloses Bassets' "somewhat dilatory" reply, received Nov. 18, English date. The governor will not let him return, pleading commandment from M. Mondragon to detain him a few days for further answer from the Duke. Has now stayed four days. If his honour does not hear from him in five or six days, he may assume he is "extraordinarily stayed": wishes his honour would then demand him by drum from Lillo, which upon letter to Sir William Russell may be done every tide from Vlusshinge. Desires him to excuse his unseemly writing, but he is so closely attended that has hardly an opportunity to put pen to paper.—The fort of Ordam, 19 November, 1588, stilo vetere.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. 1 p. [Flanders IV. f. 319.]
Anthony Bassets to Richard Tomson.
Arrived here last night, and presented Tomson's proposals of the 11th [n.s.] to his Highness, who was surprised that such large ransoms should be asked for the prisoners in England: one month's ordinary wages is the usual sum here, and his Highness would be willing to ransom all at that rate, paying promptly by exchange in London as her Majesty desires. He would probably not object to some small addition for the keeping of them, which her Majesty desires. He would know the names of the 25 or 30 whom her Majesty will retain. Desires speedy answer to these points. Cannot yet obtain his Highness' resolution upon Capt. John Gonzales de Solorzano. His Highness agrees that Tomson may retire to Lillo and send her Majesty's answer through Capt. la Burlote.—Brussels, 17 November, 1588.
Copy. Endd. French. 1 p. [Flanders IV. f. 320.]
Nov. 19. G. Gilpin to Walsingham.
"Though the small answer to my sundry letters be cause of some doubt that they are not acceptable, yet will I not cease as occasion serveth to continue writing until it may be my hap to understand your honourable pleasure, persuading myself the whilst that the manifold and important business are cause thereof."
"As yet the General States are not met, none being come but the deputies of Uytrecht; those of Zeeland looked for daily, they of Freeslande are on the way, and of Gelderland and Overysel the deputies shall follow, having by their letters requested that the others may begin to assemble and deal in matters as the occasions shall require."
"Sir John Norreys . . . hath delivered his letters to the Council of State and made some proposition to prepare matters. The said Council being very forward in show and speeches, whatsoever will follow; and are in deliberation to resolve upon the same so far [as] in them lieth. And is thought by some that whilst this matter is here a-handling, it would not be amiss that all the navigation and passage into Spain from these parts and higher countries eastward were stayed, so to bar all traffic with Spain and keep the ships and mariners from thence."
Schenck refuses to come hither, but has written desiring answer to certain articles he has sent to the States, requiring payment and provisioning of the men in Berck, etc., and 1200 footmen and 400 horse, besides his own, to enable him to relieve Wachtendoncq. Two horsemen recently got out of the town: they say that they have plenty of corn and other victuals, but need powder and arms: they mean to hold out as long as possible, hoping that "this moist, rainy, weather" will make the enemy's position untenable.
4000 of the enemy are at Tielbourgh, perhaps to blockade Geertrudenbergh and Heusden, or in hope of taking Bolducq, which is only two miles off. The rest lie about Bargues. Their misery and want.
Schenck, and the Amptman and town of Tiel, are distressed by the closing of the passage of the rivers and have written to ask that it may be reopened. The Council has informed those of Tiel that the Amptman is to blame for meddling in matters outside his office, and that his men would be no worse paid than the Holland garrisons. They may thus stir soldiers and townsmen against the Amptman, and perhaps use the same methods against Schenck, if he is obdurate. "The Council proceedeth in the sending of men to the frontiers towards Gelderlandt, but some refusal there is to accept them unless there be assurance of their payment and [they] be provided of all necessaries to attend and abide a siege. And this charge must chiefly be found by these of Holland, who have declared to have disbursed far more than their ordinary and extraordinary contributions will amount unto. The like is alleged by other provinces, which make exceptions to bring in and clear their reckonings till they of Holland have first performed on their parts."
No certain news of Deventer's case. The Count Moeurs seeks to establish the government of Uytrecht to his own liking.
Some new alteration at Geertrudenbergh, much disliked by Holland. Mr. Killegrew will inform his honour more fully thereof. —The Haeghe, 19 November, 1588.
Postscript. Desires answer to the points in his former letters concerning himself: Mr. Killegrew will show how far it is for her Majesty's service.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 2 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 122.]
Nov. 19. Capt. Thomas Willson to Walsingham.
Was appointed by the Lord General, on Nov. 4, to the garrison of Ostend, with four new companies of Sir John Norries' regiment. Contrary winds kept them twelve days at sea, but they reached Ostend on Saturday morning, Nov. 16, and marched in with no gainsaying from the mutineers, though some murmured seditiously. The governor that evening held a council of captains and officers which decided to arrest the chief mutineers of each company secretly in their lodgings and put them in prison. This was done. Next day, Willson "appointed the most part of the old companies in the town to guard the place of execution, and so impaled them round with the four new companies four several ways. Then was the prisoners brought forth, and one of every company was executed, being in number nine. And upon Tuesday next following there was executed four more, which were found to be notorious mutineers. The residue remaining in prison presently to be banished the town: and so now they are pacified perforce against their wills."—Ostend, 19 November, 1588.
Signed, T.W., the name being written below in the same hand as the letter. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 124.]
Nov. 19/29, last date. Extract of a letter from M. Valck to Caron, of Nov. 18 and 22 [n.s.].
Went over the enemy's camp before Bergen, after their raising of the siege on Saturday, a week ago to-day [sic]. The camp admirably designed, with forts; most of the huts arranged in the form of a town en places d'alarme. The huts suggest that there were some 30,000 men there and the fortifications show that they greatly feared the sallies from Bergen and Ter Tolen. Indeed the day before they rose, 300 horse and foot sallied out from Bergen right up to their trenches but could not draw them to fight. Willougby and Norits were present. It is said that the Duke of Parma puts his troops into garrison in Antwerp, Mechlin, Lier, and Artois and Hainault. Three regiments have gone towards Wachtendoncq in Gelderland, which Count Peter Ernest of Mansfelt has begun to besiege. Some remain in the villages of Brabant near Bergen, at Rosendael, Calmphout, etc. They left some 10,000 slain or dead of sickness before Bergen.
They hear that the King of Spain has commanded the Prince of Parma to send 6 or 7000 of his best troops to Portugal, to renew the enterprise of England next spring. The enemy say that the losses of the Spanish fleet were less than was reported. Hopes her Majesty's wise plans will forestall such attack: she should be well seconded from hence. It is already reported at Antwerp that Norits has come to raise 8000 sailors and a good number of ships for the said enterprise. The Prince of Parma has summoned the Estates, to get money and to obtain permission for his men to be received in Artois and Hainault for an attack on Cambray, where the truce will soon expire.
On the same sheet:
Extract of a letter from the Zeeland commissary of musters to Caron, of Nov. 29 [n.s.]. The greffier of Antwerp, Martiny, came here ten or twelve days ago. He says that the enemy lost 10,000 men before Bergen, where they were in unprecedented misery, a tun of beer selling for 24 florins. The Prince of Parma fell off his horse on the bridge of Walem, between Antwerp and Brussels, and was nearly drowned. Hopes this is a good omen. The Prince had ordered a château to be built near Bergen, but it has been burned with the rest.
Copies. Add. to Walsingham. Endd. "22 Nov., 1588. Extract of a letter written to M. Caron." French. 12/3 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 126.]
'About Nov. 19.' Memorandum of a warrant to the Exchequer to pay Sir Thomas Shurley, Treasurer of the forces in the Low Countries, for weekly lendings of the forces there until Dec. 3, 2000l.; and for the same from Dec. 4 to Jan. 28, 12,500l.; for establishing a magazine of victuals there, 3600l.; for necessaries for the horsebands, 3000l. —Dated at Somerset House. Procured by Mr. Windebanck.
Endd. ⅓ p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 128.]
[Nov. 20.] (fn. 2) Instructions for Mr. Bodley.
Elizabeth R.
1. He is appointed a councillor for her Majesty in the Council of State in Henry Killegrewe's place. George Gilpin is to assist him there, as an interpreter.
2. He is to inform himself of what matters Killegrewe has had direction to deal in, and to receive the States General and Council of State's answers to such points as they have not answered to Killegrewe.
3. He is to solicit them in such matters contained in Sir John Norris' instructions (whereof he has a copy) as Sir John has had no time to deal in.
4. He is to charge the States General with ingratitude in their unkind treatment of Colonel Schinck and others commended by her Majesty (as will appear in the particular information of their names and causes, which the Secretary will give him). He shall be earnest with them to content her Majesty the better hereafter, and shall not be satisfied with a merely general answer.
5. To advise the States General either to continue their own assemblies or to give larger authority to the Council of State, as otherwise great inconveniences are likely to fall out owing to the lack of speedy dispatch in matters that will abide no delay.
6. To deal with the States General for the reformation of their instructions to the Council of State, as they contain sundry points directly repugnant to the Contract, as has been plainly set down by Dr. Clerke and Robert Beale.
7. To deal with the States General to restrain licences for transportation of grain, cordage, etc., into Spain, as by this traffic the enemy's forces are maintained. Any ships carrying such goods to Spain will, if met with by the English, be seized and confiscated.
8. If he shall find in consultation with Lord Willoughby, that the States General do not acquaint his lordship with their proceedings both in matters of policy and martial affairs, as was agreed in the Contract, he shall urge them to do so and to hear his advice therein.
9. To urge the States General to make an allowance, as they did to the Earl of Leicester, to Lord Willoughby, for intelligences from the enemy's country, which are very necessary and have hitherto been paid for from his own purse. These in no way benefit her Majesty, so the States should pay for them. He is also to say, as of himself, that he thinks her Majesty would be well pleased were they to use some gratuity to Willoughby towards his great charges in the service.
10. Whereas Mr. Ortel, by direction of some of great influence in the States General, suggested that, as the bands are weak, her Majesty might grant a sum, far inferior to the present charges, in lieu of this assistance; he shall deal with such as Ortel shall name and see what they offer and whether with that sum they could put themselves in as sufficient strength as now they are in, having her Majesty's forces. He shall inform her Majesty of his proceedings herein, and further direction will be sent.—Fra. Valsyngham.
Copy. Undated. Signature of Elizabeth R. copied at head, and counter-signature of Fra. Valsyngham at foot. 5 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 75.]
Draft of the first seven articles of the above instructions, with corrections by Burghley. In article 1 Burghley has inserted that Bodley's appointment is to last "for the time of our said servant's [Killegrew's] absence." The threat, in the 7th article, to seize ships trading to Spain, is added by Burghley.
Endd. "November, 1588." 62/3 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 78.]
Copy of the first seven articles of the above instructions. In the first article the provision that Bodley is appointed for the time of Killegrew's absence is struck out.
Endd. "November, 1588." 2¼ pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 83.]
The sum of the first seven articles of the above instructions.
Endd. with note of contents, and "Mr. Bodlye's instructions at his first coming." 1 p. [Holland XXVIII. f. 98.]
Draft by Walsingham of the 4th and 5th articles of the above instructions.
No date or endt. 3 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 86.]
Nov. 20. Sir John Conway to the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, and Walsingham.
A second mutiny here, from Oct. 12 to Nov. 16, after Mr. Grevyle had left and her Majesty's pardon had come.
Has informed them how he "stayed a violent proceeding in the first." Since then he has been sorely tried. "Hell itself was not possessed with any worse disposed spirits and working humours than myself, this place, and all the good sort were endangered with." Had they been resolute in following out their plans, only a miracle could have saved the place.
Has had only Captain Anthony Wynckfild to assist him. Kept the men in alarm of an enemy attack, and occupied in watch and ward and in service abroad, so that, contrary to their original meaning, they allowed new companies to enter before they had received full contentment.
On Nov. 16, four of the new companies arrived from the Lord General. One boat entered the haven at night after the watch had been changed, the rest following next morning. The corps de garde on the bridge refused to admit the first boat. Conway, however, had put his own and Wynckfild's companies upon the guard of their 'port' of coming in and of the 'mount' which commands the haven, Newport port, and the whole town. So the new companies landed unopposed. That night, after secretly warning the best sort to be ready, Conway ordered the sergeantmajor with a strong guard to arrest on their watches or in their lodgings all the ringleaders, and put them in prison. Then caused all the chief officers to give notes to their own guards how justice should proceed, forbidding them to move from their guards.
At daybreak, "every street being quartered with sufficient squadrons to stop all passages," 14 of the ringleaders were executed, dying "very obstinately and without any feeling of God." The rest were glad the place was rid of them, and hoped some others would be similarly treated. The taste they have had of the dangers of mutiny will make them most loyal and obedient, and the shameful end of their leaders will discourage them from further discontent. "The poor soldiers had setters on; not only the chief burghers, but some of their own officers."
"The whole garrison are the most able and sufficient number of soldiers that her Majesty hath anywhere, and be in the best state of arms, health, and apparel. And for their sufficiency in service, by those which I sent to Bargen the rest may be judged. I would we were as safe against the sea as, I do assure myself, against the enemy and of quietness amongst ourselves."
"The sea hath purchased upon this place so much since my cousin Gryvelle's being here, as I do verily think her Majesty will be compelled to withdraw her garrison before Candlemas day. The States have so long delayed the repair, that now the ruin is not to be recovered without infinite labour and charge. I think it most necessary that someone of art, skill, and judgment were presently sent hither to resolve her Majesty what is best to be done for her honour and for the saving of her men and her further charge. If an extremity should fall out suddenly that the sea should purchase the place, we are not provided of any store of victuals, and but meanly of munition, to keep the field long. Within three or four spring tides more the uttermost danger will be seen, and accordingly I will advertise your lordships."
The Duke of Parma is billetting his troops upon the boors and villages of Flanders, with no intent of present service. Conway has had soldiers, boors, and burghers brought in to obtain intelligences; hears nothing from them but of the Duke's losses at Bargen and the King's meaning to attack England again next spring. They lack victuals, apparel, and money. Three or four prisoners lately report that the Duke has gone disguised into Holland: heard it first from a chief prior of a monastery in Bredges, who swore by the Pope's Holiness it was true. "I took occasion to pinch his fingers to have the truth of another matter and in his pain he sware it to be true."—Ostend, 20 November, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal. 3 pp. [Holland XXVIII. f. 130.]


  • 1. Other copies calendared in H.M.C., Ancaster MSS., p. 215. Dutch version in Bor, Nederlandtsche Oorloghen, xxv. f. 40.
  • 2. See Cotton MSS., Galba, D. iii. f. 276.