Elizabeth: October 1588, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1936.

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'Elizabeth: October 1588, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588, ed. Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp247-258 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1588, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Edited by Richard Bruce Wernham( London, 1936), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp247-258.

"Elizabeth: October 1588, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 22, July-December 1588. Ed. Richard Bruce Wernham(London, 1936), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol22/pp247-258.

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October 1588, 6-10

[Oct. 6.] Memorial for Sir John Norrys.
He shall thank the States on her Majesty's behalf for their readiness in setting forth shipping (although the same was somewhat belated) to join her fleet in resisting the Spanish navy. Her Majesty hopes that if such a need arises again they will again support her.
Her Majesty, hearing that the Duke of Parma with great forces had besieged Bergen-op-Zome and that the States, being also occupied in Gelderland, could hardly raise a force sufficient to relieve it, decided to send over 1500 men under 'experimented' captains chosen by Norrys. He shall get them to undertake to repay the cost of their levy, transportation, and arming, and such extraordinary charges as are incurred in relieving the town, which is "none of those places whereof we ought to have any particular charge, but now governed by one having their commission." If they refuse this, he shall tell them that her Majesty will withdraw the same number from the ordinary support set down in the Contract, and will not help them in any future necessity. If they fail to supply the town with such men, munitions, victuals, etc., as Willoughby and Norrys think requisite, and if they neglect it, as they neglected Sluce last year, Norris shall protest that her Majesty will withdraw her forces thence and leave them to their own defence. An act to be made of this protest and of their answer.
Whereas controversies have newly arisen between the States of Holland and the provinces of Gelderland, Frizeland, Overisell, and especially Utrecht over whom they claim a kind of superiority, and as these controversies prevent the due payment of the provinces' contributions and thus hinder the public service; her Majesty cannot but counsel them to unite and strengthen themselves, laying aside private quarrels. If they neglect advice given quite disinterestedly, she will be forced to leave them to themselves. Norrys shall do his best to bring about agreement and unity, especially with Utrecht.
He shall inform the States of the petition of the burgomaster, etc., of Ostend unto her Majesty: that the town is desolate and deserted of its inhabitants owing to the States' neglect of it, and has been saved from the enemy only by her means, for she has sent thither men, victuals, munitions, and money to make fortifications: that they request her Majesty "to permit them to grant licence and convoys to carry victuals from thence unto the enemy, as the only mean, by setting up traffic among them, to draw their burghers to return back thither again." They claim a right to do so, being "a particular estate of themselves and a member which is entered into contract with us for the County of Flanders; desiring only our allowance and good liking therein." Her Majesty felt it best to consult the United Provinces herein and desires the States' opinion. If they dislike the request they should at once provide for some sum of money to be employed yearly for the town's defence, for her Majesty is this instant advertised that unless immediate measures are taken "to defend the rage of the sea, from the palisade of the old town, specially at the bulwark where the old steeple doth now stand, the town will be in danger to be drowned before All Saints' next."
He shall again urge the restoration of certain inhabitants of Leyden to their estates and possessions. Her Majesty, whilst not taking upon her to judge those men's offences, yet thinks that a prince's mediation should receive greater attention.
Norrys shall require the States General, and anyone else he may think necessary, to seek out and punish the sowers of the malicious reports that the mutinies at Gertruidenberge and elsewhere were due to some secret encouragement from her Majesty or her ministers. He shall find out why Lord Willoughbie has not published (so Mr. Ortell says and the States complain) the open letters to those of Gertruidenberg, etc., which her Majesty sent, to show her mislike of these disorders. Norrys and Willoughbie to publish them, if they think fit. As the mutineers of Gertruidenberge, though all their demands have been satisfied by the States General, refuse to obey them, upon a pretence of an oath of obedience by them taken to her Majesty's late General in those countries, Norrys shall confer with Willoughbie and the States how the mutineers may be removed, lest they give ear to the enemy.
He shall urge the States to make stay immediately of all such licences to carry victuals to the enemy as those which have enabled the Duke of Parma, as it is said, to lay siege to Bergen-opZome. Such private gains will overthrow the common cause.
Her Majesty hears that Deventer, late burgomaster of Utrecht, Tryllo, Cleirehaigen, and others, who have always shown themselves devoted to her service, are not only deposed from their places of government in the town, but also placed under restraint. For their comfort and that of all those devoted to her Majesty, Norrys is to deal earnestly with the States of Utrecht and Count Newnar for their enlargement. He shall also inform them underhand of this his mediation and of her Majesty's belief in their devotion to herself.
He shall inform the States General of her Majesty's mislike of their hard treatment of Colonel Bax, young Metkerke (M. Grenevelt's lieutenant-colonel), and other martial men, chiefly for their good affection towards her. Her Majesty expects that in future those devoted to herself may be at least as well used as others are. If her mediation and request is neglected, she will be hereafter the less ready to incline to their requests.
Lord Willoughbie and Norrys to take steps to compound the differences which are reported to have arisen between Colonel Morgan, the new governor of Bergen-op-Zome, and some of the captains there, especially those serving in the two forts. Such quarrels are particularly dangerous now that so large an enemy force is before the town. Norrys, being experienced in martial affairs, is to assist Willoughbie in arranging the defence of the town, for if the enemy be repulsed there, he would "receive no less blemish . . . by land than he hath done by sea." Her Majesty desires Willoughbie to send to Ostend some of the 1500 men lately sent over and to draw thence some of the old bands, as the governor shall think meet. This should be done with speed, as a fresh disorder may occur there if the old bands are not soon withdrawn.
Norrys shall acquaint Lord Wyllowbye with these instructions, and require his advice and assistance.
Draft, corrected by Burghley and Walsingham. Endd. with date. 13 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 33.]
Oct. 6. Sir William Russell to Walsingham.
Hears that the enemy has made some approach upon Tertoll, where men are badly needed, as they are in Bergen. Both places likely to be lost unless her Majesty hastens over some supply.
"The States do daily increase their excise upon the poor people, and yet have, not long since, cashiered divers companies, so as I see no hope to be expected at their hands to do anything further for Bergen, which can hardly be defended without 4 or 5000 men. And our Englishmen have already so far engaged themselves for the defence thereof that the loss of the town will bring a general revolt, and be wholly laid to our charge." Already at Utricque they have begun to displace all who favoured her Majesty. They seek most cunningly to weaken this garrison and will " do what they may to dispossess her Majesty of this town."
Fears "a general change and alteration through the whole country" unless men are sent from England to save Bergen.— Vlisshing, 11 October, 1588.
Postscript. "The letter concerning Utricque, whereof I sent your honour a copy, came from a Papist, so as your honour may see how they rejoice thereat."
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of Arms. 1 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 74.]
[Oct. 7.] A Memorial for Sir John Norrys.
To inform him of her Majesty's answers to the grievances of the States General, lately presented by Mr. Ortell, their agent.
1. They complain that the promises made in the answers of April 13 have not been performed. This has been due to Sir Thomas Sherley, her Majesty's Treasurer of the Wars in those countries, being stayed in England to finish the accounts of his office. As he cannot yet be spared, Mr. John [sic] Bodley, who has been employed in divers embassies to foreign parts, is to go over shortly to take Mr. Kylligrewe's place, to whom her Majesty has granted leave of absence. Bodley is to have full power to supply Kylligrewe's place in the Council and also to deal in those causes to their satisfaction.
2. They complain of certain arrests, as, namely, the letters of reprisal lately granted to the merchant Collstone of Bristow, who had been unable to obtain justice from the officers and judges in Zeeland: "yet nothing therein done for Collstone but with the consent of the commissioners that were sent hither the last year from the said States to her Majesty, for that according to their promise the party could not receive satisfaction there. Yet now that the same matter is ended by mediation of friends by our direction, order shall be taken here that no letters of reprisal shall be granted but upon some public protestation and proofs to be first made of denial of justice there."
3. They complain that Mr. John Wingfield, now governor of Gertrudenberg, follows the evil example of Count Hollock, and converts to his own use the compositions made with the surrounding country. Norrys must learn the particulars hereof from the States General and Wingfeld, and then, with Lord Willoughby, he is to cause a reasonable arrangement to be made.
4. They complain that the horse bands in her Majesty's service are not complete. Norrys shall remind them that her Majesty offered to supply certain decayed bands of horsemen with double the number of foot, who would be more useful than horsemen in their present defensive war. They have not yet answered this, so they are to blame in this point.
5. They desire that governors of towns be ordered to draw no more men into the towns than the ordinary garrisons, as contained in the Contract. Order shall be taken herein, so that they will have no surcharge of which to complain.
Endd. with date. 1¾ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 43.]
Oct. 7. H. Kyllygrew to Walsingham.
Recommending to him Colonel Senoy, this bearer, who is going on a sudden to England. Kyllygrew's "estate of body is such as will neither suffer me to write myself nor almost to give any direction," and he has not attended the Council for a week owing to his ague. Commends Senoy as "singularly devoted" to her Majesty and the late Lord Steward, though since the alteration at Medenblick he must expect more evil than good of these men. They will hardly offer him violence or open wrong, but mean to carry out very dilatorily the agreement between the Lord General and Count Maurice. Senoy goes now into England to inform her Majesty and their lordships of certain matters and of his own particular.
Has now "under mine hand a dispatch for your honour and some other my lords, which attendeth the wind"; hopes it will arrive not long after Senoy.
Presses for his own revocation.—The Haeghe, 7 October, '88.
Postscript. Contrary winds these many weeks have delayed his former despatch by Captain Hitchcocks.
Signed somewhat shakily. Add. Endd. Seal. 1¾ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 41.]
Oct. 7. Instructions from [James Digges?] concerning musters.
To send perfect books for all bands of demands of pay, that warrants may be made for the 6 months 20 days, 26 March to 11 October, so that the accounts may be made up for the last year and certificate thereof made into England by the Lord General and an early payment for the last two years obtained. Two 'counterpaynes' of each company's muster-rolls, with observations and private advertisement, also to be sent, together with tables of the checks and a brief account of the books of warrants, so that the checks for the year may be worked out.—Vlisshing, 7 October, 1588.
Not signed, add., or endd. Rough draft. 2/3 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 45.]
Oct. 8. Lord Wyllughby to Burghley. (fn. 1)
Burghley desired to know the state of this town. Three weeks before his letter came, Wyllughby had sent thither 200 men from Ostend, 100 from the Briele, and 200 from Flushing, out "of those men, upon their return, that went for England." He also, of his own credit, drew another 100 from Gertruinberghe. Yet there were still too few "to watch and ward against so royal a camp as we have before us, consisting, I dare assure your lordship, of 24,000 footmen at the least. The circuit of the town is very near two English miles," and as weakly fortified as any town in the Low Countries. "The other grounds dangerous for us, together with the forts wherein very strong guard must be kept, are twice as much as the town." The 'plot' will show what has been done about the ground by the waterside, of which his lordship inquires. As for victuals, his credit and purse are "engaged very near 2000l. . . . . . I never left soliciting the States and the Count Maurice till I had engaged him first to affront the enemy in Tertoll and so hither." Wyllughby has so assured the haven, "as, if great want be not in the defenders of it, it can very hardly be lost, but held so open as we may carry in and out more than we shall haply get."
"Now, my lord, whether my presence were requisite to these, let the consequence allow or disprove. Whether it may be approved by example, I refer me to M. Lautrec that saved in such sort Bayonne from the Spanish enemy; to d'Andelot that defended Orleans; to the Duke Anjou that was in Gaunt; to my lord of Warwick and many other . . . . Yet I cannot but confess that it is a great happiness to me to be so respected by a gracious sovereign and cared for by an honourable friend as that I am commanded out of it. Nevertheless, good my lord, respect my poor reputation so much as that I may not altogether beat the bush and another have the birds; to be posted to sit in a Council of Estate here, where there is no authority and all contracts broken, from whom all the solicitors shall hardly obtain anything of good, and with whom all your cunningest civilians shall have enough ado to argue withal. But if it be so, I beseech your lordship I may be honourably revoked. For I know how gallant an humour that worthy gentleman Mr. Norris is of, and, as I am sure, would not be under my command, as a thing very unfitting so brave a man. So on the other side, as a matter ceremoniously held amongst all men of war, it will be very hard for me to be brought lower under another as mean as myself (holding the place I do). Yet as I am no way so insolent to take any conceit of commandment over his person, so can I not so much 'amoinder' the Queen's former letters patents as not to think but all the chiefs and soldiers should be under me: which, if it be so, I beseech your lordship I may in that behalf have confirmation of my absolute authority over them, or else liberty to live like a private man, for that body is monstruous that hath two heads."
For news refers him "to that advertisement which I have drawn out of my journal."—"From Berghes besieged," 8 October.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 2½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 48.]
Oct. 8. Sir William Russell to Walsingham.
Commending the bearer, Colonel Sonoy, "being one of great possessions and of no less commandment in the parts of North Holland," and "marvellously well affected unto her Majesty and our nation."—Vlisshing, 8 October, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of Arms. ½ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 50.]
Oct. 8. Sir William Russell to Walsingham.
Is to go presently to Berghen with some companies to reinforce the place and also to pacify "certain jars and controversies . . . between my Lord General and Colonel Morgan," of which he hears by letters thence. Fears the enemy may attempt something suddenly, before Sir John Norreyes and the forces he brings can succour the place: the enemy know of his coming. Urges him to hasten over the said forces. Encloses a letter from Colonel Morgan.—Vlisshing, 8 October, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of Arms. 2/3 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 52.]
[Oct. 8.] Advertisements from Mr. Killigrew.
"The ministers here in their sermons, after they have prayed for her Majesty, do join the Count Maurice next." This shows these men's "general purpose to advance him to the government of the whole." It may not be important, but thought good to advertise his honour.
Great uproar in Utrecht on September 25. Deventer and Cleerhagen and other captains were suspected of a plot to 'master' the Count of Moeurs and to keep themselves in power. The burghers were raised in arms, Cleerhagen dangerously wounded, Deventer, the 'Scoute' Trillo, and the captain who was lately in England, imprisoned. Cleerhagen's company was driven from the town and has since been given "a patent for Berghen" by the Council. "The end was that those which my Lord Steward had placed in the government are removed, and the old magistrates restored [which for the most part are Papists, crossed out]. Such of our English companies as were in the town held themselves neuter, which hath bred a good opinion of their uprightness."
"Those of Holland coming into the Council and understanding of the proportion appointed for Berghen of things necessary, which indeed was not so ample as could have been required, of their own accord increased the same and have given order for all things in very good measure."
Great storms and shipwrecks on this coast. Two ships bound for Spain with corn, and one from thence worth some 200,000 florins, wrecked.
All the 12,000 cloths brought to Midleburgh by the English merchants were bought up within twelve days, at 5l. a cloth dearer than heretofore.
Duke Casimir has sent obligations for 30,000 florins to pay the Prince Elector's debts and carry him home. Little hope of Holland lending so much.
Friseland has sent hither two Councillors, Arsma [Arensma (fn. 2) ] and Campedoglia [Kemp van Donia]; and Martines has come in for Holland, in place of President van der Mile. [Margin: "About the beginning of October."]
Intercepted letters from Count Mannsfelt to the Duke of Parma and others, from Venloo, (fn. 3) show that the enemy mean to assail the Provinces both at Barghen and in Guelderland, being sure the States can make no head elsewhere for want of men: that the Marquis of Bourgou's regiment of Allemans is in mutiny; and that they badly require money, etc., from the Duke. Other letters show that the enemy hoped to do some good at Utrecht by appearing in force in those parts. The extremity of these provinces if the enemy "set upon them in two places at once." They can hardly furnish Berghen and Tertoll, let alone the overquarter of Guelderland. They urge that were her Majesty's forces at full strength, a considerable gap would be filled.
Some horsemen of Berghen brought three enemy captains prisoners to Lillo.
Killigrew's servant did not bring over from England the money for the man of Antwerpe, as the Spanish navy was passing at the time. Has now received it this week by exchange from Amsterdam, and paid the man. Had not sufficient money of his own to pay him before: "neither had they any cause, which wrote unto your honour, to be so earnest."
Now that the enemy is before Berghen, the Council of Estate has made a restraint of traffic to Antwerpe, Sasse, Breda, Steeneberghen, Sevenberghen, and other places near to the enemy's camp. No restraint made to Bolduck, for they think any victuals sent from thence to the camp will fall into the hands of their garrisons at Huisden and Getruidenbergh. "But herein especially doth appear their weakness and insufficiency of means, that they are constrained, for the levy of money, by licences to permit traffic with the enemy, and so to victual him to their own prejudice, that in a manner the money levied cannot do them so much good as the furnishing of the enemy with things necessary doth them harm. Notwithstanding, their poverty is such as they are enforced to use these means for money. Those of Zeeland complain the Hollanders relieve the enemy at Bolduck, and the Hollanders again complain those of Zeeland do the like at Antwerpe, Zasse, etc., notwithstanding the restraint. But in general the people exclaim that the enemy should be victualled and strengthened from hence to cut their throats." Those of Getruidenbergh lately seized certain hoys of victuals on the river, bound for the enemy, and sent them to Berghen-op-Zoom. Those of Holland resent this, as it makes the commonalty hate them, without cause as they think, "for that, being all men of trade and merchandise, if they have not these means free, they shall have no money to maintain the war."
[Margin, 5 October.] The Council of Estate are now divided, some going to one province, some to another. Three go to Utrecht to appease that trouble, three are to assist Count Maurice for Tertoll and Berghen. So the rest, remaining here, are very few.
[Margin, 7 October.] A letter from Normandy states that two galleasses from the Spanish navy were driven into Newhaven on their way home, "greatly diminished of men."
[Margin, 7 October.] News from Zeeland that another enemy attack on the island of Tertoll was repulsed with the loss of 500 men.
Signed. Endd. as above, with date. 3½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 54.]
Oct. 8. Act published by the Count Nyenar, the bailiff, burgomasters, échevins, and council of Utrecht, with the advice of the Council of State of the United Provinces, for the restoration of Niclaes van Zuylen of Draeckenborch, sieur of Zevender, bailiff of this town, Floris Hermale, councillor of the court of Utrecht, John van Drunen, late burgomaster, Albert Foeck, late échevin and then councillor of the town, and Floris Thin, councillor and advocate of the country of Utrecht. (fn. 4) The foregoing were banished, in the Earl of Leicester's name, on July 21 and 23 and August 7, 1586.— Published by bell-ringing, 8 October, 1588.
Translation. Endd. French. 2 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 58.]
[Oct. 8.] Note of Thomas Digges' services.
"Brief notes of the services of Thomas Digges, esquire, during his being muster-master-general of her Majesty's forces in the Low Countries, whereby it may partly appear what enemies his sincere, honest, courses have procured him, and that his office only of all others hath not been burdenous but gainful to her Majesty."
First went into Zeeland with Sir Philip Sydney, a month before the Earl of Leicester. Was appointed muster-master and trenchmaster: took with him "skilful persons in fortification, with instruments geometrical," etc., and spent the month viewing the fortifications of Vlishing and Ostend.
Kept these men at his own charges a long time, but found no pay allowed for a trench-master or pioneers, so had to disburden himself of them. The office of musters was work enough for one man, "being so far out of frame."
"At his entry he found the bands extreme weak, dispersed into a multitude of garrisons, in many places not 70 in a band of 150, badly armed, and worse trained, for want of good orders in musters and due observation of the entry and discharge of soldiers, wherein before his time there were no ordinances in the world established. The said Digges immediately presented unto the Lord General such laws and orders for musters, as, being by his excellency ratified, enforced the captains in short time to reinforce all their decayed bands, and to maintain them so strong for service as ever afterward . . . three bands of her Majesty's in all services were ever found as strong as five of their base country bands, not only for men but also for good weapon and armour."
Had he winked at abuses and taken muster-books and quarterbooks upon oath without examining their frauds, he might have had double and treble pays from every company and won the love of all the captains. His sincere dealing made him many enemies, who were always watching for errors in his office or life, and he could get not a sixth of the pay he should have had. Libels published about him could substantiate no charges.
*The Colonel-General, Sir John Norrys, his great adversary, caused the Treasurer of his time to defalk two dead pays from every band to the use of two or three of his own servants: no precedent for this. Yet the muster-master only defalked the one dead pay due to his office [Margin, in Burghley's hand, One dead pay for the muster-master] if the captains allowed it willingly. Treasurer Huddleston, though not always his friend, will acknowledge this.*
The muster-master would not take a penny beyond his ordinary fee, and has been very firm in making his commissaries follow his example, even removing some from the garrison for no cause except their too great familiarity with the captains. So as to enable the commissaries to live in the garrisons without endless quarrels, they were instructed not to dispute the captains' statements but only to advertise in the muster-books the true state of things, leaving the office of musters-general to question the captains' statements and demand defalkations. This concentrated all the captains' hatred upon the muster-master, who nevertheless kept the bands much stronger than formerly and yet has saved her Majesty in checks (over and above his own and his commissaries' entertainments) more than 15,000l. sterling. Before his time not a penny was saved from the checks towards the officers' wages.
Had the general muster-master not importunately solicited the Lord General, on his first coming over, to establish lists of horseand foot-bands and reduce their number within that limited in the Contract before any warrants for full pay were issued, her Majesty would have lost at least 30,000l. sterling, for so many were importunate to be taken into her pay. The number of voluntary bands, drawn into her pay by Sir John Norrys, and upon this reduction forced to return into the States' pay, proves this point. This procured the muster-master more enemies.
The muster-master also denied himself the double and treble fees, and the goodwill of the captains, which he might have had by making allowances which they demanded (quoting Sir John Brenn and others as precedents) for their losses of horses, armour, etc. His practice was always to present to the Lord General the true checks together with the captain's requests for allowances, which were allowed if they were justified. The captains persuaded the Lord General that the muster-master did this to gain her Majesty's favour by his strictness and to throw the responsibility for all expenses on the Lord General, who was thus led to say little to her Majesty of the muster-master's services; this was the cause why so much of his due entertainment was detained from him so long after his discharge.
It would take too long to detail his services in those conferences with the States wherein his excellency employed him. He recovered 20,000l. sterling and did much "to avoid many cavils and evasions that hereafter they would pretend about the reimbursement of her Majesty's treasure."
Omits his services in pacifying mutinies, and those performed against the enemy, and touches only upon his service in saving her Majesty more than any other officer of the army.
Her Majesty should save treasure e.g., by her part in booty and prisoners, by fines imposed by 'martiall' courts, by checks for defaults and absence of soldiers in watch and ward certified by the sergeant-major and watch-master. "Yet except the checks certified by this officer [the muster-master] her Majesty hath not saved one penny by any other office in the army." His checks alone saved at least 15,000l. sterling during his time, after allowance made for his own and his subordinates' entertainments.
Thus, if other officers are not only fully paid but bountifully rewarded, her Majesty should deem the muster-master worthy of extraordinary favour, rather than permit any part of his due to be withheld.
Endd. with date. 3½ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 60.]
Another copy of the above, omitting the paragraph marked with asterisks.
4 pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 63.]
[Oct. 9.] The Queen to Lord Willoughby. (fn. 5)
Informing him that Sir John Norris is coming over as ambassador to deal with the States, both General and particular, of certain matters. Willoughby to assist him herein, and also to use his assistance at Berghen, where he (Willoughby) is not to expose himself unduly. Is to advise Norris also in the matters of Gertrudenberg and Utrecht.
Draft, with corrections. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XIX. f. 298.]
Oct. 9/19. Extract of a letter from the Deputies of the Council of State at Utrecht to the Council of State.
Wrote on the 16th of their arrival at Utrecht. Waited that day, being Sunday, upon the Count of Nyeunar. Handed him the intercepted letters, of which he thought good to send a copy to Guelderland. Since the deputies of the States of Holland arrived, have together visited the Count several times, and heard the course and issue of events here between the 4th and 6th instant. Since then he has spoken of the principal matters, especially that of religion, of which there had been no hint of any change being intended. It was decided that the States should meet and the Count announced that, to bring them to an accord, he, with the magistrates of this town, had planned an act of declaration annulling those published in the Earl of Leicester's name in July and August, 1586, together with an oath to be taken by those who had or should come in. The Count showed them various letters, etc., for their better information, for he and the magistrates thought it necessary to publish this act by bellringing before proceeding further. They agreed with him, after long consultation, upon the form of the act and of the oath and sent copies to the burgomaster and those outside. The burgomaster made no difficulty but wished to confer with the council, for better security, which was agreed to. Then the Sieurs Franck and Werensteyn were deputed to communicate the act and oath to M. Floris Thin, representing those outside, who yesterday accepted it with one correction, which was referred to the magistrates, who agreed to it. The act was thereupon published yesterday before dinner. Send copy of the act and the oath.
Yesterday the Count attended the council to appease the differences between the elected of the five colleges and the nobility.
Copy. Endd. French. 2¼ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 143.]
With the above:
Oath taken by those banished from Utrecht, and now restored, to be loyal to the Count of Neuwenar, governor and captain-general of the towns and country of Utrecht; also to forget all particular wrongs done to them by the former magistrates or others.
Copy. Endd. Undated. French. ¼ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 142.]
Oct. 9. Articles accorded by the Duke of Parma to William Grimston, for surrendering the fort commonly called the New Sconce "at the head of" Berghes up Zoon, 9 October, 1588. (fn. 6)
1. 7000 crowns of gold, at 3 florins the crown, to be paid within four days of yielding.
2. Grimston to have a patent as captain of the soldiers he brings; and to be kept in pay, and paid as are others of his nation in Sir William Stanley's regiment. Thomas Suige to have a patent for a company.
3. All the soldiers herein employed by Grimston to have four months' pay within four days of their yielding the fort.
4. Robert Readhead, the mediator in this matter, to have 1200 gold crowns; also 30 crowns a month.
5. As there are no gold chains here, nor time to get them from Andwerp, the Duke promises to Grimston five chains of gold of 200 crowns apiece to be by him distributed as rewards to those herein employed.
Signed, and the articles initialled. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXVII. f. 65.]
Copy in Spanish of the above articles, omitting No. 5.
Undated. Endd. ½ p. [Spain III. f. 33.]
Oct. 9. Copy of a constat by Sir Thomas Sherley that 800l. sterling remains due to Sir John Burgh, for his horse and foot bands until October 12 last.—9 October, 1588.
¼ p. [Holland XXVII. f. 67.]
Oct. 10. Thomas, lord Burgh, to Burghley.
The enemy begins to straiten his siege before Bergven and has planted artillery on a bank near the waterside, commanding the mouth of the haven. This will to a great extent cut them off from relief of men or victuals, though boats could land men upon the mud above the haven. No relief can now come from Tertoll, even could any be spared from that island which the enemy continually assaults. Danger that the enemy will master both Tertoll and Bergven. Since the loss of Bonn the forces employed there by the Duke have come to Venloe, an enemy town, and are expected to besiege Arnham, in Gueldres, whose capture would open the way to Utrecht. The States have scarcely the means to meet so many dangers, and little except the season of the year will hinder the enemy; "for he is mighty, and the States complain of many wants." In the elections at Utrecht those addicted to the Earl of Leicester have been rejected, and the principal ones imprisoned or banished. Many Papists have "entered into good authority" there and fears are felt for its security. Briell is quiet, but very ill provided, and needs men, victuals, artillery, and munitions, especially if the enemy come into these islands. The chief wants are powder, and bullets of iron and lead. Twenty lasts of powder would be a good store.—Brill, 10 October.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1¾ pp. [Holland XXVII. f. 72.]


  • 1. Printed in Bertie, Five Generations of a Loyal House, pp. 222–5.
  • 2. See Japikse, Resolutiën der Staten-Generaal, vi. 250.
  • 3. See above pp. 232, 234, 236.
  • 4. Dutch text in Bor, Nederlandtsche Oorlogen, xxv. f. 27d, where the name of Albert Foeck is omitted.
  • 5. This letter, with a postscript added in the Queen's hand, is printed in H.M.C., Ancaster MSS., pp. 197–8.
  • 6. Abstract in Bertie, Five Generations of a Loyal House, pp. 229–30.