Elizabeth: February 1588, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Elizabeth: February 1588, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp75-93 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1588, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp75-93.

"Elizabeth: February 1588, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp75-93.

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February 1588, 11–15

Feb. 11. Copy of the Memorial delivered to the Deputies on this date, in favour of the town and province of Utrecht, Snoy, Gronevelt and others. Signed by Mr. Secretary.
Endd. French.pp. [Ibid. f. 105.]
Feb. 11. Rough draft for the above, much corrected.
Endd. French. 3 pp. [Holland XXI. f. 107.]
Feb. 11. Sir John Conway to Burghley.
“I have received your letter and the proportion of beer; the leakage allowed, which fell great.”
The whole garrison render their dutiful thanks and beseech you they may be further supplied. It is not only a great relief to them, but a great mean to continue them in health. The common soldiers drink what is brewed here with salt water, which breeds great danger among sick men. “They do with extraordinary zeal pray to God long to prosper you, and to move you often to the like remembrance of them.”
Thanks for his good opinion and his indifferency in the causes of Mr. Bowrnes, and asks that he may have an absolute end by order.
“These wars here justly move me to desire peace at home, but since I have endured thus long, I am resolved to suffer the rest, through hope in some milder time I shall be withdrawn hence.”
I have written at large to the whole Privy Council, but I advertise you in particular of the intelligence I have from two captains of the enemy's side, “such as should be subjects of her Majesty, but having broken their obedience, God hath accordingly dealt with them, and delivered them into my hands prisoners, where they safely attend her Majesty's pleasure and your directions.
“The one is Captain Peckott, who surrendered Alost, the other Captain Barney, who went over from Bridges, with 500 men to the Prince. Of these faults they now seem very penitent, and desire pardon under condition of such service as they shall hereafter be able to do.
“What I have drawn them to discover of the Duke of Parma's purposes, his forces and preparations, are these enclosed. Much more shall appear to your lordship by my former letters, sent with Sir William Stanley's man, and in my general letter to you and all of the Council.
“I am credibly advertised … that the Prince intends presently to come upon this place by surprise, wherein if he fail, his forces comes with the cannon to sit down. We are unfurnished of some few companies sufficient to defend the place, the circuit being so large and weak. Some other wants we have also, wherein I most humbly beseech your lordship's furtherance for speedy supply.
“I have received answer from my Lord Willoughby that the States of Holland will do nothing in relief of this place. From Sir William Russell I have like answer; and advertisement from him and Sir Robert Sidney that the Prince his forces come presently upon this place. I doubt it be too true. It is the easiest action he can undertake … if we be not assisted in due time. I hope you shall hear we will do all that so few men may do, and I trust, the cause being his, God will strengthen us.
I beseech you return this messenger, Captain Brackenbury so soon as is possible. The man is very sufficient, and the service may ill spare him …” Ostend 11 February, 1587.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XXI. f. 109.]
Enclosures. (fn. 1)
William Pigot's confession, addressed to the Privy Council.
The Prince has now ready far more of all kinds of munition than ever the King has had in these Low Countries; also great quantity of victuals, and infinite store of spades, pickaxes etc., together with great sums of money and more looked for, with new supplies of Spaniards, Italians and Almaynes, “which your honour may conjecture are to some great end.”
They look also to hear of the armado in short time, which is their only stay. It is here reported of all nations that it is for England. They have sent divers to the King of Scots about some practice, as Stewarde and many others, Cardinal Allen and Sir William Sta[nley] meaneth to play their parts; and as for Sir William, I think there was never no man so evil bent to his country as he, for he despiseth his country [men] and affirmeth that they are but the scum of the world … He is altogether in company with Jesuits and led only by priests and Hewe Owen, and maketh the Prince believe that the Cardinal and he are able to make great parties in England.
“He hath had two come out of England of late, one Englishman and one Frenchman, who have had conference with divers of his friends there. There is also in England at this present one Francis Rowlston, which was a follower of the Queen of Scots; and George Stoker, which was a follower of the Earl of Northumberland. If you could cause any of them to be apprehended, you should know many of their well-willers. “As for their shipping … those at Antwerp cannot be gotten out, and for those at Dunkirk, Newport and Sluyse, [they] are not to be accounted of. Colonel Stanley hath order for a pinnace and a barque of forty or fifty tons, and thinketh to do great service. The Italians, Spaniards and Walloons dieth daily, and I am assured here is not of all men in their quarters 15,000 foot and 1500 horse in Brabant; with the Casteline Olliver's eight companies [of] horse and two thousand foot to defend the country. The Prince of ‘Symaye’ is sent to Rome [rectius Bonn] that Skincke took, with seven companies of horse and three regiments of foot, to annoy those parts.
List of the Infantry
Spaniards, 5 regiments 4500
Almaynes, 5 “ 5500
Italians, 4 “ 2500
Walloons, 5 “ 3200
Burgonians, 2 “ 1200
Stanley's regiment 600
Polacks, 3 companies 300
Scots, 2 ,, 150
Horse, 42 companies of all nations 17,950
Lances and Carbines. 2000
Signed, William Pekott. Endd. [Newsletters I. f. 148.]
Another signed copy, with slight differences.
Endd. by Burghley. 1 p. [Flanders I. f. 235.]
“Articles set down by Captain Pigott.”
At entering the King of Spain's service, he agreed to serve against all nations except her Majesty and his country.
At Beaver, so soon as he knew her Majesty was entering into the cause, he broke the regiment.
Procured the Earl of Westmorland to be banished the King's countries. Sent intelligence to the Earl of Leicester.
Sent Butler with intelligences touching one Savage, who fled from Axel, and was held prisoner in Antwerp Castle. Had intelligence of part of his intents “by an Irish priest which confessed him.”
Sent away John Hussey and others, to his great charges.
Being ready to come away, was by his own countrymen accused to Montdragon; chiefly by James Lankerke's wife, newly come out of Holland, who said he was looked for there.
Was apprehended at Gaunt, and kept six months in the castle there. Within a month of his release, obtained licence to finish his affairs at St. Omers and Calais; where he met Harrie West, Lord Cobham's man, by whom he sent a goshawk to the Earl of Leicester, desiring that he might return home; who willed him to return for France, or stay until he heard from him further. Was never examined by the Commissioners or Governor.
Signed, William Pekott. 1¼ pp. [Holland XXI. f. 111.]
Further articles by the same, as touching Captain Josias Barney's speeches against her Majesty and Council.
In the English house, the said Barney used very indecent speeches against her Majesty and the Earl of Leicester; also at another time, “falling out with John Gyles”; and to divers soldiers at Beaver.
Was a spy upon deponent, to Hugh Owen, who informed the secretary of him from time to time.
“Was one of the counsel with Owen Lygins and other her Majesty's enemies, and employed to harken for letters” and deliver them.
His doings since coming into prison, “more than the soliciting our releasements,” deponent knows not.
At the first bringing in of Lord Governor Conway demanded deponent's opinion of Barnarde; who answered that being taken with him, he was loth to accuse him, but the world would declare his doings.
Has not been examined by the commissioners or Governor, to deponent's knowledge.
Uttered such vile speeches of her Majesty as deponent is ashamed to set down, and the like against the lord of Leicester. Signed, William Pekott.
Endd. “Piggott's Examination.” 1 p. [Holland XXI. f. 112.]
Feb. Thomas de Barney's Confession.
The king's army I take to be near 20,000 foot and 5000 horse mostly lodged in Flanders and Artois so that they can join their whole force in three days.
An infinite provision of all kinds of munitions of war; which provision the prince sends daily towards Dunkirk and Sluys.
A number of carpenters taken up everywhere and hired in Bridges and in the king's pay.
They have in Antwerp 11 new ships in making, but 3 of them finished; also 4 tall ships and 6 or 7 other ships of war, with other boats which they are to bring up to Ghent and so to Sluys, with a number of other small boats at both towns.
To bring the great ships from Ghent to Sluys the engineers have found a device for stopping the sluices, thinking by the high swelling of the water to make the boats pass.
I have heard it reckoned that the king is able to make in these countries about 60 boats of war and some 160 for carriages. The common and general voice is to be for England.
Sir Wm. Stanley the greatest man and most forward in this action. He is continually sending over into England.
La Motte, Stanley, Owen and a Spaniard, a tall black man, are often in great counsell together having with them the card of England, Holland and Zeeland, Sir Wm. discoursing which were the best ports with what ships her M. is able to make, what artillery they bear, what mariners and ‘amonitions’ they require.
This Spaniard is one whose father hath been prisoner in the Tower [Margin: Seburo]. Owen hath sent a month past, or somewhat more into England one Anthony Rowlston and George Stogner a Yorkshireman. This Owen the greatest counsellor which Sir Wm. hath, and never asunder. No one Englishman fled with him, but two priests and one Anthony Chambers, a minstrel.
About 2 months ago I overheard Secretary Moriensarde discourse with Grenier, another secretary of the prince's, about Count Hollock. One had a letter in his hand which I judge to be from the Count. The words spoken were in French: il y a bonne espoir et grande apparence de luy, et sans doute se moustrera homme de bien en acquittant ce qu'il a promis a son Altesse.
There is also secret speech of the rendition of the isle of Walker, and I have heard that all the preparations which the prince sendeth towards Sluys and Dunkirk, with all the boats from Antwerp and Ghent are with intention to put over in one night to the said isle, according to the correspondence the prince hath with Count Hollock.
To confirm this opinion I heard an officer of the court say that he hoped shortly to see a gap opened which the enemy little think of, and that not many hours sailing from Dunkirk, and a good many ships rendered which would soon have the king's colours in their tops; and that Barges and Axel should not long triumph although we went a contrary way to them, we being then in Bridges.
About a year or somewhat more one Ancient Nevill, an Irishman who had been at Brussels before but discontinued, came thither again and was very often with the Secretary and Owen. I saw his memorial to the effect that he had passed into England at peril of his life and from thence to Ostend and had there corrupted a captain of the garrison, which would have rendered the town had not things changed. Yet he had done his part for which he demanded a pension. I never saw him since but have heard he is looked for shortly at the prince's court with good news for them.
There is a talk that one George Poly, who hath been long in the king's service, should be sent into England presently, from Owen.
Besides this great provision for wars there are as great for triumph, as costly apparel, jewels and chains for ladies, new ‘cassackes’ for the chivalry. Great matters expected for in Scotland and Simple sent presently after his arrival hither into France, which it is said was about matters of his country.
About 3 weeks past there came out of England to Sir Wm. Stanley one Halforde with intelligence. I overheard Hugh Owen talking with one Salbery, his very familiar, about him, that he had brought very good news, and if he brought the like at his return he should win the spurs. So I judge he was forthwith to be sent into England again.
About 10 days past I heard a captain of M. Afresius' regiment say that the regiments which lay about Liege and Brabant were commanded to march hitherward in all haste and that the vendor told him passing through Brussels, that he should see the soldiers, to be well armed, for they should shortly have occasion to use them, and as he hath heard, it is for the besieging of Ostend.
This Halforde was brought to M. La Motte and I think he gave him money, but I am very well assured that Sir Wm. and Owen both did.
Those who pass into England from Sir Wm. and Owen take the most part shipping at Hambroughe and Emden. [Margin: to look to ships of Hamburg: Emden.]
Signed. Endd. with date. 3 pp. [Flanders II. f. 168.]
Two other signed copies of the same. [Ibid. ff. 171, 173.]
Memorial from Thomas Barney.
1. That his honour will state the principal points he desires to be informed of.
2. That he will arrange for the safe carriage (by means of his ambassador in France or otherwise) of his letters.
3. That he will use the “characters” given below—
4. That he will take order to provide applicant with money for the officers with whom he must deal, and will send him a letter of credit in French, to assure them of means to live, “if they be driven to flee. The one is a principal officer under Cosmo, the other under [le] Vasseur; so that no matter of never so great importance but passeth their hands.”
Lastly. That his honour will procure him a pardon general from her Majesty, to be ready, with a passport at Calais when he shall need them.
Note. “That so long as the Prince lieth in these quarters my lord governor of this town will appoint a trusty person of his own to lie in Calais, to whom I will send over my ‘advertences,’ but when the Prince shall return towards Brussels, then my fittest opportunity is for our Rouen,” unless his honour knows any better commodity.
Twenty six cipher symbols for the Queen etc.
Endd. “Barney's cipher.” 1 p. [Flanders I. f. 236.]
“The Confession of Ithel Ap Parre, taken before the Council of War in Ostend.”
Confesseth that being at in Bruges, Sir William Stanley sent for him to Torhoult, and asked him as followeth:—
I hear (said he) that you will no longer serve me. If so, do me one favour and service, for which you shall be so well rewarded “as all the days of your life you shall be the better for it.” And that is, you shall go to Ostend, and there “find out one Lieut. Pew, to whom you shall carry a letter from me and from Captain Salysburie, Peter Wyn and the rest, importing service to be done for this side by the said lieutenant; with whom, according to such instructions as we shall give you, you shall further deal.”
The instructions were these:—
That Lieut. Pew, on sight of the letter, should gather together some sixteen or twenty men “with whom, if he could not make sure to have a Court of Guard prepared, ready to give entrance into their forces; that then … he should hold the part of the wall from the porte towards Bridges … unto the bulwark towards the north, next to the sea.
“He saith also that for the better executing of this pretence, and animating of Lieut. Pew to the action, he had in commission from Sir William and the rest to promise the said Pewe 40,000 guilders in ready coin and a hundred crowns pension by the month”; and the like to all others, his comforters and adherents, according to their qualities.
At the first he made denial of it by reason that it was dangerous for him to pass through the country, not knowing the way. Whereupon Sir William said that he should have Captain Gwin and Captain Salisbury for guides; with whom next morning he went to Bridges.
There he was brought to Mr. Owen's lodging, to whom the Captains said: “this is the fellow that should go into Ostend.” Whereupon Mr. Owen talked to him in Welch, “promising him the like preferment as Sir William Stanley did, if he did accomplish the enterprise; and told him that he himself in person and M. le Motte would accompany him to Brankenborow Sconce, which they did accordingly; and brought him a bowshot and more from the said sconce towards Ostend; showing him the way to the town….”
Mr. Owen gave him in charge to tell Lieut. Pew that if he could not bring his purpose to effect, he should take a boat out of the haven, and with sixteen or twenty of the best men he could get, make his way to Newport; “where he would receive them, and give the lieutenant place and entertainment to his contentment.
“Moreover … Sir William Stanley told him that he should find some in the town that had served him, by whom, if he could procure them to come over, he should certify them of his proceedings, but if not, should go to a ‘causey’ [causeway] where he should find a stone [position described] under which he should put his letter and there find the answer.
At such time as the town was to be entered, he should stand upon the “rampier,” and say that “ther was a word between him and Capt. Salisbury and Gwin (viz. Tedder Trever) whereby they might know him and that they two might be well assured to enter.”
Also that Sir William told him there was one port in the town that had but one lock, and told him to practise the opening of it.
In case he did not find Lieut. Pew in the town, he was to deal with a cousin of his, one John Edwards, but not to show him the letter.
[Said to be signed by his mark.] Endd. in Sir John Conway's hand “The confession of Ithell ap Parr, and the letter which he brought from Sir Wm. Stanly and others to Lieutenant Pewe now in England, and late Capt. Tanner's lieutenant”; and by Burghley “Feb. 1587 Ithell Parryes confession.” 1¾ pp. [Holland XXIII. f. 50.]
Feb. 11/21. Maurice “geboren” Prince of Orange and Count of Nassau to Captain Meyrick.
The Drossart and other magistrates etc. of Yselstein having given him to understand that the state of the town is such that the people cannot accommodate the said captain's troop of forty horse; and that they complain moreover of the great extortions and exactions daily made upon them by the soldiers; he desires him to remove his company to some other place where they may be more conveniently quartered.—The Hague, 21 February, 1587.
Signed. Add. Endd. “Count Maurice to Mr. Merick giveth himself the title of Prince of Orange.” Flemish. ¾ p. [Holland XXI. f. 115.]
Feb. 11. Document containing copies of the following:—
1. Passport for the Commissioners, from the Queen.
Latin. ½ p. [Flanders II. f. 60.]
2. Safeconduct from the same for the Commissioners of the Duke of Parma: viz.: the Comte d'Arenbergh; the Baron de Renaix, Sieur de Champagny, governor of Antwerp, etc.; Dr. John Richardet, president of Artois, Johan Meas and Flaminneo Granier, Parma's secretary.
Latin, 1½ pp. [Flanders II. f. 61.]
3. “Commission directed from her Majesty for the Treaty in the Low Countries to her Commissioners.
Latin.pp. Endorsed with above date. [Ibid. f. 62.]
Same date. Draft of the 1st part of the Commission.
2 pp. [Ibid. f. 68.]
Feb. 12. Sir William Russell to Burghley.
“Whereas those of Camphere and Armewe have freely manifested their great affections and good dispositions towards her Majesty, by refusing to follow any course or order the Estates and Count Maurice commanded them, [I] do greatly suspect and likewise fear their evil meanings towards them…. Wherefore, seeing that these two places are of such importance that the security of this place standeth thereon, and being assured unto her Majesty (which they most earnestly desire) the whole island would be in safety also”: these are therefore to beseech your lordship to persuade her Majesty to send some small sum of money to content the captains and soldiers there, who have persuaded the burgers to take this course, and swear to hold it for her Majesty, and who desire to be entered into her Majesty's pay. I pray you not to let slip this occasion in this dangerous time, “lest Count Maurice and the Estates use means to surprise them, which would be all their overthrows, and withal, a means hereafter to endanger this place.”—Flushing, 12 February, 1587.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXI. f. 119.]
Feb. 12. The Queen to the States General. (fn. 2)
Concerning their persecution of those who have shown themselves well affectioned towards her, taxing them with ingratitude, with a threat that if they do not give order for satisfying her honour, and fulfilling the requests which will be made to them on her part she will desist altogether from her favours and support and leave them entirely to themselves, as they will be more particularly informed by the Lord Willoughby, or Mr. Killigrew.
Draft. Endd. with date. Fr. ¾ p. [Holland XXI. f. 121.]
An earlier draft, much corrected, of the above letter.
Endd. French. 1 p. [Holland XXI. f. 265.]
Feb. 12. Sir William Russell to Walsingham.
Since writing his last, has received two letters from Camphere, one for the Earl of Leicester, which he now sends, the other to himself, earnestly desiring him to solicit their cause. Both they and the burgers of Armewe have taken oath to hold those places for her Majesty, but greatly fear “the evil pretences of the Estates and Count Maurice to go about by force to surprise them, which would be to all their utter undoing and overthrow.” [On the importance of Camphere and Armuyden, and the need for her Majesty to send some money to the soldiers there (as to Burghley).]—Flushing, 12 February, 1587.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXI. f. 122.]
Feb. 12/22. The Council of State to Count Maurice. (fn. 3)
Understand that he has sent for troops to be employed against Medemblicq. Warn him of the danger of such a course, from the enemy taking advantage of these divisions and from the effect on other discontented garrisons. The Queen and His Excellency might also be displeased at an attack on those well effected to them.—The Hague, 22 February, 1588.
Copy. Endd. French.pp. [Ibid. f. 124.]
Feb. 12. Abstract of principal points of the Instructions given to the Commissioners appointed to treat upon the peace with certain commissioners deputed from the King of Spain.
Endd. with date.pp. [Flanders II. f. 69.]
Another copy of the same. The paragraphs in slightly different order.
Endd.pp. [Ibid. f. 73.]
Another copy of the same, with a note of the principal points on the dorso.
pp. [Ibid. f. 77.]
Feb. 13. The Queen to Lord Willoughby.
Understanding of the great extremity that hath of late been used as well against the town and province of Utrecht as also against the persons of Snoy, ‘Groineville’ and other like persons known to be devoted unto her, in regard of her liberality and succours given to those countries, she has let the Commissioners of the States lately sent hither understand how greatly she thinks her honour touched thereby and how unthankful she finds them towards her … and therefore to the end this matter for the relief of the parties persecuted may be more effectually followed towards the States, she has thought it convenient he should also charge them therewith.
First, he shall put them in mind of all her benefits extended to them, sparing neither men, munition nor treasure, and embarking “in a most dangerous and chargeable war against the most mighty monarch of Europe … who hath put in readiness a most mighty and puissant army by sea, not only in Spain but also in the Low Countries,” with intent to invade her realm, thereby forcing her to be at still greater charges in setting forth her navy with armies by sea.
He shall also remind them how greatly her subjects are prejudiced by interruption of traffic, which would have been removed by a peace with Spain, for which an overture was made to her nearly a year and a half past, but which she forbore to accept in respect of her care to have them comprehended therein. The consideration of all which things should make them use with all favour such as show themselves devoted to her, seeing that their love grows only from her care for their freedom of conscience and religion and the maintenance of their liberty and privileges.
They are also to be reminded that their persecution of such provinces and persons as have shown themselves constantly affected towards the common cause “lays open a most dangerous gap to the enemy, through the disunion that reigneth presently amongst them, which cannot but in the end work their own ruin … considering the potency of the enemy … being most manifest by the loss of so many provinces and towns as they have already endured, they shall not be able … without God's special assistance to make head any long time against him.” And unless they shall forbear this prosecution of the said provinces and persons, and use them with all favour, and shall also “take some way of counsel for the removing of the present disunion that reigneth amongst themselves,” she is determined to withdraw her assistance and leave them to their own defence; “whereas contrariwise, in case the present treaty with the King of Spain shall not be accompanied with such conditions as shall carry appearance to breed a full surety,” to those countries as well as to herself, she will not fail to continue her favour in as ample sort as she has done from the beginning.
Amongst other things he is to charge them with their cruelty to certain patriots of Leyden, accused, as she is informed, only of having practised to deliver the town into the hands of the Earl of Leicester, their Governor, “as though the delivery of any town (if any such thing had been intended) into the hands of their own governor … should be held for a capital crime; a matter very strange and absurd,” considering the offer they had made to deliver into her hands any town in any of the provinces that she should require. Yet in truth, there was never any intention in her said Lieutenant to have either Leyden or any other put into his personal charge.
[For Utrecht, demands settlement of the quarrel as in the memorial for the Deputies (see p. 75 above).]
He is to make known to the town and province of Utrecht, to Colonels Snoy and Groinvelt and to the rest of those well-affected countries how carefully she has dealt with the Deputies on their behalf, and is also to do anything that may tend to the stay of the severe proceedings against them, desiring “their best advice how the same may be performed to their best advantage, as also, to be particularly informed what matters they stand specially charged withal, and how the same may be best answered for their purgation and defence.”
She is also informed that divers of the bands of horsemen in her pay are greatly decayed, and some of them placed in towns where for lack of allowances they cannot maintain themselves as heretofore. He is therefore to deal with the States for converting 300 of the said bands of horse into foot, “yielding a supply of 200 footmen for every band (fn. 4) (a matter heretofore desired by the said States), requiring “an Act public … for the discharge of the covenant within the contract” on her part, for the said number of horse; which being obtained, he shall advertise her thereof, that she may take order for the supply of the said foot.
And whereas in her late instructions, she restrained him “from the executing of the authority yielded by the States by virtue of their contract” to the Governor of her forces, she is now pleased that he shall exercise the same, so far forth as is contained in the said contract, so that he accept no further authority from them than is there contained without her privity and assent. The restriction whereof was rather to show her offence towards them as men unworthy to be dealt withal than to diminish his own credit.
If he be absent from the Hague at his receipt of these letters, and cannot conveniently repair thither (which otherwise, she would be glad he should do) he is to send the letters to Mr. Killigrew, that he may communicate to the States General so much of the contents as is to be imparted to them, returning them to his lordship for his warrant, as “in some part requisite” to be kept by himself.
Copy. Add. Endd. with date and note of contents. 5 pp. [Holland XXI. f. 126.]
Feb. 13. The Queen to Count Maurice.
Having often received testimony by his letters of his constant devotion, of which he has further assured her by the mouth of Mr. Herbert, she finds it very strange that he has (as she is advertised) opposed her in regard to those who have shown themselves well-affectioned to her, as Coloney Sonnoy and some others, although the ground of their said affection has been only zeal and desire for the welfare of their country, of which, as they see, she has so warmly undertaken the defence and preservation. Must tell him frankly that she is very ill-satisfied that the remembrance of so many benefits, whereby she has laid under obligation not only those countries in general, but the late Prince his father in particular, has not served to render him more well-disposed than he has proved in this matter, wherein if he does, not, in the future use greater moderation, he may well imagine that she is not a princess of so little spirit that she will not be able to find means to lend a hand to those who are oppressed without cause, as in honour bound. Hoping however from his wisdom and discretion, that he will not give her occasion to proceed further; as, for her own part, she would be very sorry that anything should occur to give her distaste of his actions and carriage, or estrange him from the ancient good affection which existed between herself and the late Prince, and has continued towards himself.
Copy. Endd. with date. French. 2 pp. [Ibid. f. 130.]
Feb. 13. The Queen to Count Hohenlo.
Has been much pleased by what Mr. Herbert has said of his zeal and devotion towards her; prays him to employ his credit and authority with the States, to prevent any wrong or unworthy treatment being shown to Sonoy and others well affected to her.
And having been informed that he has some intention of coming to visit her, she assures him that she will give him the most gracious and honourable reception possible.
Copy. Endd. with date. French.pp. [Holland XXI. f. 132.]
Feb. 13. Thomas Digges to Burghley.
His bad health preventing his waiting on his lordship, he sends enclosed his humble suit for the residue of his entertainment, for want of which he cannot satisfy his kinsmen and others whom he drew over to serve as commissaries of musters under himself, for their great charges, nor pay such sums as he received for some captains, his kinsmen and friends. In the mean time, he has written to all his officers to make ready their muster-books and accounts since 11 October 1587, where the last warrants ended, and so soon as he is able, will wait on his lordship with such abbreviates of musters taken in October last as his brother and the other Commissaries have sent him; with their advertisement “of such abuses as unless they be speedily reformed by authority from hence, her Majesty shall be extremely robbed, the soldiers starved, the forces enfeebled, and the service of the nation more and more dishonoured and condemned.” Which being far above his power to remedy, he thinks himself most happy to be discharged.—London, 13 February, 1587.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXI. f. 134.]
The above mentioned petition, praying that his discharge may be on the 23rd of this February, according to the time limited by his passport; by which time he hopes he shall have copies of his books etc. ready to show, and will have caused his officers to make out perfect copies of their books and billets, without which true accounts cannot be made nor warrants passed hereafter without abuse to her Majesty and injury to the soldiers.
He also prays to receive the four or five hundred pounds due to him upon his Excellency's last warrants, ending 11 October, and such further imprest as is thought meet towards payment of his debts owed to his officers and to Captains Brittain and Isley.
½ p. [Ibid. f. 135.]
Feb. 13. Notes of letters:—
9 February. Henry Killigrew. “News, but uncertain that the composition was made at Medenblick; viz.: Sonoye to depart, the soldiers to remain and to be paid by the States. Lord Willoughby gone to Utrecht, to keep them in heart. Sir William Reede sueing for provision for Berghes is gone with fair words.
23 February, stilo novo. Geo. Gilpin.
“That Leoninus and Valcke, returning from Utrecht report that they find the proceedings of those of Utrecht justifiable and commendable, whereof these three are the special points, viz.:—
“Touching the complaints of the gentility: the banished men: the controversy between that province and Holland.”
“That Sonoy and his soldiers are agreed.
“That deputies sent from Count Maurice into Medenblick are returned without effecting anything.
“That Count Maurice hath sent for certain horse and footmen to besiege Medenblick, which manner of proceeding the Council of Estate have signified by their letters that they mislike.
“The Council of Estate require of the Estates a speedy resolution touching the form of government. Themselves mean not to serve upon other conditions than they did at the first.
“Those of Utrecht and Gueldres misliking with the proceedings of Holland, will sever themselves from them.
Endd. “For my lord Treasurer. Extracts of letters of advice out of the Low Countries.” ½ p. [Holland XXI. f. 137.]
Feb. 13/23. Tuesday, 23 Feb., 1588.
The Sieur Bardesen has reported that he and Mr. Killigrew, according to the charge given him, had the day before exhibited to the States General an act on the part of this Council [of State], praying them to give a speedy reply, with Acte de Recipisse. Also that they had shown them how that they heard that Count Maurice had sent some companies, to North Holland, as intending to use force against those holding out in Medenblicq which was thought most strange, and a thing very dangerous in this conjuncture, and whereof they had written at large to the said Count; thinking it well also to declare the same to the States, that the evil might be provided for. And in case any ill result should ensue, the Council declares that it can by no means be imputed to themselves.
Whereupon, as to the first point, the States promised to make reply to the said Act, and to resolve as should be found convenient, ordering, meanwhile, the greffier Aerssens to give such Act de Recipisse as is required. And as to the second point, they say they know nothing thereof, it not having been communicated to them, nor their advice asked for by anyone.
Margin. [Probably the members of the Council concerned] Brederode, Killigrew, Bardezius, Dorrius, de Bie, Leoninus, Teelinck, Valcke.
Endd. French. ¾ p. [Ibid. f. 233.]
[Feb. 14.] The Queen to the Captains of Camphere. (fn. 5)
Commends them for their letter to Sir William Russell, and thanks them for their duty and devotion. Claims her disinterestedness.
Minute. French. ¾ p. [Ibid. f. 139.]
Feb. 14. Rough draft for the above letter.
Endd. with date and the names of the captains, viz.: Pierre de Coster, Ambroise le Due, R. van den Eynde, Carsillis Pallant. French. ¾ p. [Holland XXI. f. 138.]
Feb. 14. — to Lord Willoughby.
Sends him, together with her Majesty's letter, copies of the contract passed between her and the States, and of what she is now writing to them, in relation to that which his lordship is to communicate to them in her name.
Also the substance of what the deputies have delivered to her and her answers, only by word of mouth, though she means to give them a more ample reply in writing; of which also he will not fail to send a copy.—Court at Greenwich, 14 February, 1587.
Her Majesty thought meet to write unto the two Counts for the staty of the rigorous proceeding against Snoy and the rest of the well affected to her service in those countries, and wishes his lordship to have copies of the same, that he may be the better able to prosecute the matter “as may best work for the relief of the parties now grieved. Only Sonoy is mentioned, but his lordship is to name to them any other that is prosecuted by Count Morris or the States, in respect of their devotion to her.
Endd. with date. ¾ p. [Ibid. f. 140.]
Feb. 14. The Queen to Sir William Russell.
We have been made acquainted with your letters to our cousin the Earl of Leicester and to our principal Secretary; and likewise with letters written to you from the Captains of Camphire; signifying their devotion towards us, and their desire to follow our direction in the present confused state of those countries: “whereof having well, considered, and resting very well satisfied with your discreet manner of proceeding … we have thought good to signify unto you that we have given order for the relief of the present necessity of the said captains and soldiers [for] the sum of 600l., to be distributed amongst them by such directions as you shall receive under the hands of six of our Privy Council. In the mean time, our intention is to have the States General earnestly dealt withal to continue the said captains and garrison in their pay; the town being a principal place, most necessary to be kept against the common enemy; and have given the charge herein to our servant Killigrew so to deal with the Estates. But in deed, if by no good persuasion the States will continue them in pay, rather than for lack thereof, the captains and the garrison should be brought to any necessity, and the town in danger of the enemy, we will not abandon them, and so we require you to assure them. And for the more encouragement of the captains … we have given order that there shall be sent over to each of them a chain of fifty pounds value as a present.”
And as, by occasion of the intended treaty with Spain there have been spread slanderous bruits that we meant to possess ourselves of certain towns, of purpose to deliver them into the said King's hands, you are to seek by all good means to remove that conceit out of such of the people's heads as you shall find possessed of it. And so to carry yourself with those of Camphire that no occasion may be given to confirm any opinion of our sinister intention to take that town or any other to our own use; but to assure them, as so directed by us, “that neither our meaning is to go through with the said treaty of peace, but upon such conditions as shall carry as great surety for them as for us; nor our purpose in accepting the devotion of the said captains and townsmen of Camphere, but only for defence against the common enemy, to the universal good of those countries.”—14 February, 1587.
Draft. Endd.pp. [Holland XXI. f. 149.]
Feb. 14. The Queen to H. Killigrew.
The burgesses and captains of Camphere, having refused to receive such companies as the States would have placed there, doubt not only the performance of their pay, but also some further hard usage for their refusal. And forasmuch as some ill-affected persons there may take occasion to give out malicious reports, as though we sought to gain the town into our own hands for some evil intent; you are to let the States understand that—considering the importance of keeping the town against the enemy—we have willed you to deal earnestly with them, to see those captains and garrison better satisfied than heretofore; but to say that though we thus deal for them, it is to no other intent than that the said town “should not be brought to any terms of discontent (as in divers of their frontier towns hath lately fallen out), whereby might follow danger of their practising with the enemy or yielding to him,” and that, had we had any intention of taking the town into our own hands, we would not have needed thus to deal in their behalf.
And you shall send the States' answer to us forthwith, and also impart it to Sir William Russell.
And whereas, by Sir William's letter of the 6th to the earl of Leicester we see that he having sent for his company of horse, to impeach any attempt of the enemy, the States showed great unwillingness to have them stay, and in spite of their promise that it should be the first company to come thither, have appointed two Dutch companies of horse to the same place, “Sir William Russell's company being left out, with a further intention to place three or four hundred musqueteers in that island:—you shall declare unto them that we cannot but find this their manner of dealing marvellous strange, by their refusing to admit our own men, appointed by the governor of Bergen to be lodged in those places that appertain to his government … and placing strangers there, as though we were to be holden in mistrust of some evil intention … which their strange proceeding if they do not presently reform, you shall plainly and roundly say unto them That it will be high time for us to take other order and to withdraw our support and assistance from them, as from those who use very great indignity to us, without any respect of our princely and faithful meaning towards them and the universal good of those countries. You shall not need to mention to them the abovesaid letter of Sir William Russell.” Our manor of Greenwich, 14 February, 1587.
Copy. Endd.pp. [Holland XXI. f. 151.]
Feb. 14. Lists of documents enclosed in her Majesty's letters to Lord Willoughby, Sir William Russell and Mr. Killigrew, on this date.
Endd. “15 February, 1587. Docquet of the dispatch sent by Mr. Colman” [to the above]. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 153.]
Feb. 15. Killigrew to Burghley.
“… Although I suppose these men have framed a form of government which they mean to establish, yet until they may hear from their commissioners in England, they will hold all in suspense, and therefore maintain the Council of Estate for a time in show rather and name than with authority or means to discharge the service. And whereas, according to the contract, all matters of importance ought to be ordered by the said Council, yet so little regard hath been had thereof since my lord of Leicester's departure, as neither the Count Maurice hath once acquainted them with his proceedings in North Holland against Colonel Sonoie, nor the Count Hohenlo touching the mutinies at Huesden and thereabouts. And particularly touching Sonoie, the Count Maurice, with some others of Holland … are gone so far that having sent commissioners unto him to deal for yielding up the town, whom he hath answered, if he may receive discharge of his oath to her Majesty and his Excellency, he shall most willingly depart … otherwise not; threatening them also, if he can get no pay at their hands, he will find means to pay himself:—Now at the last they have sent for some forces both of horse and foot, and are purposed, as I hear, to block him in, both by sea with men of war … and by land to raise two forts upon the dyke, that he break not forth and set their mills on fire, as he threatened; nor levy any contributions upon the boors; hoping within short time for want his soldiers will be constrained to rise up and mutiny against him.” The Council have written to Count Maurice “how dangerous a consequence it may breed, as well in respect of the mutinies at Heusden and otherwhere, when they perceive so hard a course taken against him that hath served the cause so long, and also for the discontentment her Majesty may conceive that he should be the more sharply dealt withal, as she may conjecture, in that respect that he is known to be affectionate towards her service.
“Moreover, because the Council perceive they are employed only for fashion sake … now being desirous to learn either off or on [sic] touching the government, myself and another of our college were sent unto the States, to declare unto them, in case they purpose any other form than is already by the contract established, to wit of their government and their Council of Estate, they would attend no longer in the service; which protestation, if any inconvenience arise, it may not be justly imputed unto them. To this our declaration, the States made answer they could not resolve thereon because their College was not strong enough; for … those of Guelders and Overissel had departed long ago, and those of Utrecht … are now followed after, protesting against any Act that shall be made in the name of the States General, three of the provinces being absent. So now the other three, Holland, Zeeland and Frizeland, are left alone, and (as 1 fear) having shaken off the other provinces, will either seek their own peace, or else those few which govern and rule among them … and who (as it may be suspected) are not void of intelligence with the enemy, will lead the poor people into those extremities which they shall not be able to avoid, and afterwards find a starting-hole for themselves in some other country.
“In this so tickle an estate … if her Majesty purpose to continue her assistance here, and maintain these countries against the Spaniard, it were expedient some one of authority were sent over, as well to unite the provinces among themselves … as also to bind them unto her Majesty, either according to the treaty now in force or some newer, as shall be thought most meet; or otherwise, if it be resolved to proceed in the matter of peace, then to bridle those of Holland and Zeeland, that seek to disjoin themselves from the rest; which may be done by giving heart and encouragement to those which remain at her Majesty's devotion, as Utrecht, Narden, Sonoie and as I understand of late from Sir William Russell, Camphere.” [Gives list of documents which he has sent or is sending to the Earl of Leicester and Walsingham.]—The Hague, 15 February, 1587.
Signed. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holland XXI. f. 155.]
Feb. 15. Sir Jamys Croft to Burghley.
Concerning a message from the Queen delivered to his son, James Croft by Mistress Scudamore upon which he has written to the Queen to learn her mind, so that he may be able to resolve what success may be expected of this whole colloquy; “and for the rest, I refer your lordship to the letters and credit which shall come to her Highness by Mr. Henry Broke from the Lords, and Commissioners remaining here for full resolution before we embark ourselves.”…—Dover, 15 February, 1587.
Postscript. “I am not answered about assurrances to Andreas de Loo that his pains in this action shall graciously be considered. It has been agreed to send Mr. Doctor Rogers to the court.” I send my servant express, who also carries my letters to her Majesty.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Flanders II. f. 79.]
Feb. 15. Sir James Croft to the Queen.
Asks if the message delivered by his daughter Scudamore is truly expressed. I am in great hope and almost persuaded that this colloquy shall bring forth a most honourable and firm peace. I hear of a marvellous spoil and deceit committed by Sir Fras. Drake and his complices, “of a great mass of treasure, … mounting to a very great value; and as it should seem, these deceits have been practised by the sellers thereof, who have found of our English nation to buy the same; so as a thing worth 100l. hath been sold for 40s., as shall be proved … a thing so manifest as that Sir Francis himself can hardly avoid. The party approvant had now been sent to the Court but that your Majesty's pleasure was not thereon known …” He has already told a part to my lord Derby, and it will be well to stay him from going to sea until it be discovered what is likely to ensue of this treaty; for I know that his instructions are to do what he thinks in his discretion is most meet; “which declareth a lack of judgment in him, to take upon him so absolute authority by instructions, without limitation or counsel taken of others. But I verily presure that he is animated to maintain a war, and the like, I assure myself, hath been practised in Holland and Zeeland; whereof I mean to make manifest proof hereafter; a thing practised in England and delivered to that people, with full assertion that your Majesty mindeth not to make any peace at this treaty; but, in discharge of your Highness' promise, to give a meeting and to conclude no peace; which undoubtedly hath been blown into the ears of the now deputies for the States in England, and shall be plainly proved (if it so please your Majesty) although the same be far from my imagination; being a witness of your Majesty's wonderful and princely constancy in that behalf.—Dover, 15 February, 1587.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Flanders II. f. 81.]
Enclosing: the paper above alluded to:—
“I received by the mouth of Mrs. Scudamore, from her Majesty, commendations unto Mr. Controller; her Highness being desirous to hear from him with as much speed as might be; and that she reposed her greatest trust in him for the business now in hand…”
Signed, James Croft. [Ibid. f. 83.]


  • 1. This and the following papers down to Parr's confession appear to have been forwarded with the preceding letter, especially as the folds and cuts seem to correspond.
  • 2. The Dutch text in Bor: Nederl. Oorlogen, Bk. xxiv., f. 7d. Handed in by Willoughby on 11 March n.s. Japikse: Resolutien der Staten Generaal vi., p. 62.
  • 3. The Dutch text in Bor: Nedl. Oorlogen, Bk. xxiv., f. 36.
  • 4. Of a hundred horse.
  • 5. The Dutch text in Bor: Ned. Orloghen, Bk. xxiv., f. 63.