Index: W

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Index: W', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: W', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: W". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Waad, William, clerk of the Privy Council:
-, letter to, referred to, 197.
-, mission to Spain, 151, 279, 346.

Wachtendonk, Wachtendone, Wastendonck [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], not in queen's command to keep cessation, 293; garrison paid by Schenck, 526.

Waes, Vays, Pays de [Prov. E. Flanders, Belgium], Bayliff of, good government of, 191.

Waesland, Wast [Prov, E. Flanders, Belgium], boors of, made to dig, at Yzendijk, 15.

Wageningen, Waggener [Prov. Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, English troop at, 3, 343, 440.
-, States arrange garrison for, 443.

Walchere, Walcherne, Walker, Walkeren, Walkerlande, island of, Zeeland, Netherlands:
-, Parma's designs on, 9, 50, 205, 222, 288–9; abandoned, 68; preparations against, 79.
-, captains of Camphire praised for defending, 21; Dutch reinforcing garrison, 22; Villiers' cornet sent to, 51.
-, Zeeland objects to Russel bringing horse to, 51, 160, 187; Russel opposes introduction of Dutch troops into, 61–2; talk of troops to be billeted in, 65.
-, question of States introducing troops into, 63; Maurice and Hohenlohe sent troops who robbed and plundered in, 65; Hohenlohe bringing troops to, 68.
-, with Camphire secured will be subject to queen, 66, 68; Camphire needed to secure, 95.
-, people of very tractable, 66; very well affected to queen, 69, 141; queen mistress of, 202.
-, promise that no horse shall enter before Russel's, 100; Maurice's difference with Russel about lodging companies in, 139–40, 160.
-, suggestion to concentrate English forces in, 102; Camphire captains wish Russel to be colonel of, 160, 180, 268–9, 412.
-, Maurice points out danger to, 139; Maurice unwilling to trust, 164.
-, enemy thought able to command, 173; Russel treats for sailors from, 290.
-, queen asked to use means and impositions of to pay garrisons of Camphire and Arnemuiden, 190; Camphire captains' memorial for defence of, 269.
-, relief of Medemblik would have made easy to retain, 222; proposal to compass, for queen's assurance, 337; useless to hold more towns in, 338.
-, Blavoet sent to consult with Walsingham about, 227; Camphire captains ask for warships at, 269.
-, Russel expects Parma to attack, 231, 252; States indifferent about, 252; States mean to send great forces into, 334.
-, queen's neglect of lamented, 290; she should have all, in protection, 394.
-, Maurice's entertainment in bettered, he brings troops to, 352; Maurice had best soldiers from, 389.
-, endangered by dissensions, 381; great confusion feared in, 382.
-, queen needs Camphire and another place to make sure of, 395; eager to be at queen's devotion, 397, 437; queen's danger of losing, 399, 408, 425.
-, Willoughby and Killigrew come to deal in controversies of, 397; Killigrew recalled to, 436.
-, Maurice brings troops to, to resist enemy attack, 398; States' forces lie very strongly in, 459.
-, report of Willoughby and others on best way to deal with discontents in, 400–1; Flushing without friends in, 438.
-, Geertruidenberg and Berghen could bring, 433; opportunity to retain should not be missed, 451.

Wales, 129. Walgrave, Captain, has information about Yorke, 9, 22.

Walker, —, merchant, to solicit Brune's causes in England, 54.

Walker, Walkeren, Walkerlande. See Walcheren.

Waller, Sir Walter:
-, company at Ostend, 3, 343, 440.
-, Conway asked to show cause why confiscated barque of, 420; Conway's report upon boat, 488.

-, Lady, 420, 488.

-, troops, about Ypres and along Lys, 29; great mortality among, 77.
-, numbers in army, 77; troops in Spanish service in Flanders, 213, 276, 293, 537–8.
-, proposal to put English troops under captains of, 102.
-, Croft's article touching inclusion in treaty, 339.
-, a few raid from Ostend, 491.

Walltin. See Wattin.

Walsingham, Sir Francis, secretary of state, A.M.:
-, letters from, 170, 188, 224, 232,273, 276–8, 312–3, 332, 345, 352, 409, 412, 421, 491, 548.
-, -, referred to, 94, 183, 200, 265, 290, 303, 308, 317–8, 327, 335, 468, 477, 499.
-, letters to, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15–8, 22–3, 25, 27–30, 33–4, 36–9, 41, 50–5, 57, 61, 63, 65–6, 71–2, 83, 94–6, 99, 100, 103, 105, 113, 120, 126, 130, 135–7, 139, 141, 144, 171–2, 179, 180, 183, 190, 196–8, 200, 204, 207, 221, 227–8, 231, 234–5, 246, 251–2, 256, 265, 270, 282–3, 285, 287–8, 290–1, 294, 298–9, 303–4, 308, 315–20, 328–30, 335, 337, 344, 346–7, 352, 358, 360–2, 367, 370, 375–6, 379, 380, 383, 387, 389, 392, 395–9, 402–4, 408, 414, 417, 419, 421–2, 424, 428, 433–4, 436–7, 444, 446, 449, 451, 455–6, 459, 461, 468–70, 474–7, 480–4, 490, 492, 496, 498, 502–3, 507–8, 510–1, 515, 517, 519, 521, 523, 525, 531, 534.
-, -, referred to, 89, 128, 319.
-, letter signed by, 320.
-, Valcke recommends Dutch commissioners to, 8; Valcke appeals to for country, 39; promised interview to Dutch deputies, 72.
-, tells Hotman Leicester still incensed against Wilkes, 12; sickness of, 23; well enough to attend court, 179.
-, Drury appeals to, for help, 19; Killigrew asks to promote discharge, 31, 94.
-, asked for memorial on claims of Mörs, 28; list of documents sent to, 92.
-, spoken of as one of peace commissioners, 30.
-, Fulford commended to, 38; Asschers asks aid for post, 100.
-, postilles to memorials delivered to Ortel by Council of State, 46–7; memorial in hand of, for the queen, 48.
-, appeal to for restoration of Dutch ships, 72.
-, wrote to Killigrew about Horsie, 94; told Coleman of money for intelligences, 182.
-, Maurice appeals to, to remedy danger to Walcheren, 139–40; urged to act quickly to save outlying provinces, 202.
-, to confer with Sherley about money for troops, 148–9.
-, Russel asks for cipher, 221; promised allowance for intelligences but nothing done, 266.
-, private advice to Derby and Cobham about special commission, 225; Blunt asks for guidance by, 229; Cobham asks direction from, 316.
-, Blavoet sent to confer with about Camphire and Walcheren, 227; Russels asks to procure queen's letters for Camphire, 231; memorandum of Blavoet to, 269; unwilling to deal with captains, 273.
-, queen thinks negligent about sending Leicester's resignation, 232; writes that Maurice failed in duty to Sluys, 308.
-, Russel asks to see that friendly towns are well treated by States, 270; moves queen to give answer to Camphire captains, 273; laments neglect of friendly towns and that regard of charges overthrows all good actions, 276.
-, reconsiders proposal to move queen to accept Antwerp for treaty, and wishes first meeting to be near Ostend, 273; Cobham insists on need of their hearing often from, 321.
-, Udal sends plan to and asks favour for brother, 298; should write to Deventer in favour of reconcilement, 317–8.
-, Neuwenar asks for papers, 304; informed Maurice of charges against him, 307.
-, thinks King of Spain too old and sickly to fall to conquer kingdoms 312; considered nourisher of quarrel with Spain but professes desire for peace, 346.
-, Willoughby thinks advice should be followed, 319; Willoughby asks to thank Villiers, 320.
-, thanked for favours to Lord Strange, 330; Sonoy thanks, 367; thanked for news of France and favours to Cobham's son, 387.
-, persuades queen to pay Flushing garrison, 332.
-, memorial of Killigrew for, on Low Countries, 344—5.
-, informed of Evertssen's treason, 383; Bornstra has secrets to tell to, 384; Janssen has matters to reveal to, 409, 419.
-, commissioners pleased with directness of instructions, 403; Dale asks help about treaty, 428.
-, Drury asks to move queen to let him keep Berghen, 423.
-, Villiers recommends ministers to, 446; Derby asks for intervention about son's debts, 507.
-, sends Council's reply to States to Ortel, 451.
-, Croft thanks for mediation, 499; on commission to mediate between Willoughby and Russel, 548.
-, Gilpin recommends physician to cure disease, 525.

Wanstead, co. Essex, 22.

Waranbon, marquis de. See Rye, Marc de.

Ward, Mr., examination taken by, 54.

Warde, Luke, letters sent by, 531.

Warick. See Wervicq.

Warmenhuizen, Warmeose [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands], Maurice's intention to lie at, 107.

Warmondt, sieur de. See Duvenvoord, Jehan de.

Waronbec. See Rye, Marc de, marquis de Varembon.

Wart, Captain, commander of the Tremontan, takes money of Gelee and hands to Admiral, 40.

Warwick, countess of. See Russel, Anne.

-, earl of. See Dudley, Ambrose.

Wast. See Waesland.

Wastendonck. See Wachtendonk.

Wattin, Walltin, Waten [Nord, France], Parma's horse gathered at, 524; flat bottomed boats assembled at, 549.

Watts, John, merchant, letter to, 530.

Weast. See West.

weather, hinders Parms's operations, 1.

Webbes, Thomas, letter from, 492.

Weesp, Wesop [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands], 66; queen asks restoration of Bacx to governorship of, 407, 431–2.

Welckes. See Wilkes.

Wellobe. See Bertie, Peregrine, lord Willoughby de Eresby.

Welshmen, Champernowne's troops chiefly, 247.

Wercke, John van, Advocate of Zeeland, to take up Colston affair, 515.

Wervershoof, Verwaertshove near Medemblik [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands], letter dated at, 111.

Wervicq, Warick [Prov. W. Flanders, Belgium], German troops at, 29.

Wesel [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], complaints of raids on, 435.

Wesop. See Weesp.

West, Weast, Harrie, Cobham's man, takes goshawk to Leicester, 78; letters sent by, 519.

West Friesland, West Frise, W. Frizeland, Netherlands:
-, troops in quarters of, 41.
-, well affected to queen, 56; good success in overcast, 61.
-, Maurice governor of, 107; Sonoy's commission said to infringe rights, 203.

West Indies:
-, question of treaty arctioris amicitiae extends to, 32.
-, Philip's weakness in exposed, 118.

West Subburch, Wester Sonbourg in Walcheren [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], letter dated at, 18.

Westergoo, in Friesland, States of, letter of, 514.

Westmorland, earl of. See Neville, Charles.

Westphalia, Westfalia [German Empire], Schenck makes raid into, 63, 69.

wheat, estimate of, for Flushing garrison, 5.

Wheatstone, Capt. George, fatal duel with Uvedale referred to, 497.

Whitgift, John, archbishop of Canterbury:

accused by Colonna, 354.

letter signed by, 450.

Whitt, John, pensioner of Stanley, 524.

Wierius. See Wyer.

Wight, isle of, co. Hants, suggested rendezvous for contingent of Dutch ships, 254.

Wijk, Wyck [Prov. Utrecht, Netherlands], one of few places for English garrison, 443.

Wilford, Wilfort. See Wilsford.

Wilkes, Welckes, Thomas, clerk of the Council:
-, letter to, 12.
-, Leicester still incensed against, 12; to depart to his house in the country, 13.
-, ordered English garrisons not to receive Dutch companies without order from England, 497–8.

Willebye, Willibe, Willowbie. See Bertie Peregrine, lord Willougby de Eresby.

Willemstad, William State, Wilemstatt, [Prov. N. Brabant, Netherlands], 270.
-, in Hohenlohe's government, danger of falling to enemy, 72; Maurice makes most abode at, 164.
-, Willoughby aware of treason meditated at, 249; sergeant at arrested, 289, 315; Suquet meant to betray to La Motte, 391.
-, Colonna sent prisoner to, 354.

William, duke of Cleves, promotes agreement between rival archbishops of Coln, 197.

Williams, Sir Roger, knows of Asselier's good service, 100; sums due to 149, 158.

-, —, Cobham's servant, sent on his private affairs, 216.

Wilsford, Wilford, Wilfort, Willford, Wylford, Wylsford, Thomas, sergeant major:
-, letters from, 102, 209, 395, 400.
-, daily pay of, 2; capable of commanding double band, 94.
-, sent to Prounincq by Willoughby, 38.
-, suggestion for dealing with recalcitrant provinces, 102.
-, Willoughby to consult about distribution of treasure, 168; result of consultation, 209.
-, goes to Medemblik with Maurice 251; only one left to help Willoughby in martial matters, 326.
-, sent to Geertruidenberg, 357; Willoughby recommended as captain, 380, 458; he suggests as lieut.-colonel, succeeding Reade, 417.
-, will not accept place at Utrecht, 492; lieutenancy promised to, 493.

Wilson, Wyllsone, Captain, letters taken by, 1, 12; sums due to, 149, 158–9.

Winchelsea, Winchelsei, co. Sussex, Stanley talks of a landing near, 522.

Windebank, Winebant, Thomas, secretary, letter to, 22.

Wingfield, Winckefielde, Winfield, Wingegelde, Wyngfyeld, Anthony, Captain:
-, company at Berghen, 3, 343, 440.
-, company ordered to Ostend, 482, 502; arrived there, 484, 489.

-, Sir John:
-, company at Berghen, 3, 343, 440; imprest for, 485.
-, sent to Geertruidenberg and left there, 357; meets Willoughby at Geertruidenberg, 361;
-, Willoughby gives assurances to, for garrison, 365.
-, Schenck thinks Willoughby means to put into Geertruidenberg, 493.

-, -, wife of. See Bertie, Mary.

-, Richard, Capt.:
-, company at Flushing, 3, 343, 440, 490; company to leave Flushing, 25.
-, debts to burgesses of Flushing, 148; money due to, 219.

-, Thomas Maria, Captain, company at Flushing, 3, 343, 440, 490.

-, -, money due to, 219.

Winoxberghen. See Bergues.

Winter, John, water bailiff of Brill, sums due to, 158.

Wiseman, Essex gentleman, served Spain, asks leave to come home, 234.

Wolffwinckel, Wolfinkel, Wolfenwincle, Captain, letters to Campire, 111; treason to be punished, 129; plot for mutiny with Sonoy, 133; to leave Medemblik, 248, 309.

Wolley, John, queen's Latin secretary, Croft suggests to take place of Herbert, in absence, 173; letter signed by, 320.

Wood, William, pensioner of Stanley, 524.

Woodhouse, Captain, Dudley asks for testimony of, 55.

Woodward, priest with Stanley, 524.

Worcum. See Woudrichem.

Worlonton, priest with Stanley, 524.

Worthington, Wordyngtoon, Thomas:
-, letter of, intercepted, 131, 134, 137, 139, 475; text of letter, 134–5.
-, Derby would like to have sent to England, 475.

-, of Blaynscowe, 137, 139.

Wotton, Edward baron, deprecated conjecture, 371.

-, Henry, a coming diplomat, 314.

-, Capt. John, account of overcharged, 52; not yet perfected, 53.

Woudrichem, Worcum [Prov. N. Brabant, Netherlands]:
-, garrison in revolt, only acknowledge queen and Leicester, 38; demands of, 55, 58.
-, danger of understanding with enemy, 62, 72; mutiny in unappeased, 131.
-, will not let any enter bearing arms, 65; looks to Heusden for lead, 94; satisfied, 115.
-, men of appertain to Philip of Nassau, 70; in Hohenlohe's government, 72.

-, governor of. See Nassau, Count Philip of.

Wouw, Wou, Vau [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], attempt to surprise from Berghen, 519; Spaniards much offended at, 521.

Wraye, Lieut, Matthew, message delivered to, 70.

Wright, Thomas, master gunner,Conway asks for return with three pieces, 270, 446, 490, 510.

Wurtemberg, duke of. See Louis the Pious.

Wyck. See Wijk.

Wyer, Wierius, Jan, physician to Duke of Cleves, great opinion of doctor recommended by Gilpin, 525.

Wylford, Wylsford. See Wilsford.

Wylloby, Wyllughby. See Bertie, Peregrine, lord Willoughby de Eresby.

Wyllsone. See Wilson.

Wyn, Peter, plot for betrayal of Ostend, 81.

Wyngfyeld. See Wingfield.

Wynock Berghen. See Bergues.