Index: M

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: M". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Maassluis, Maesland Sluse, Maslandsluce [Prov. S. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, Maurices ends for company from, 96, 103.
-, Killigrew reminds Leicester to send company to, 96; suggestion to send company to, 103; queen should secure to curb Hollanders, 202; R. Cecil goes to, 225.

Maastricht, Mascricke [Prov. Limburg, Netherlands], distribution of forces about, 524.

Maches, M. de:
-, gone towards army, 137.
-, house of, at Madrid, 139.

Machlyn, Mackline. See Malines.

Madox, —, steward of Sir William Russel, repaid Marten part loan, referred him to States for rest, 52.

Madrid, Spain, letters addressed to, 137, 139, 504.

Maelson, Francis, Dr. Francis, pensioner of Enkhuisen, goes to Medemblik with money to appease soldiers, 72; remaining at Hoorn, 107; sent to offer terms to Medemblik, 222.

Maes, Maiüs, Meas, Meze, Johan, councillor to the chancery of Brabant, commissioner for peace negotiations, 240.
-, letter from, 264.
-, safe conduct for, 83; Parma's commission to, 126; leaving for Ostend, 234; promised to go to Ostend, 244; only to discuss place of meeting, 256; conference with English at Ostend, 261–4; agrees to meeting near Ostend for preliminaries, 264–6; asked to postpone date, 278.
-, present at first conference near Ostend, 282, 285; asked to show commission, 314, 322; offered to show it, 326.
-, project of cessation delivered by, 369–70, 384.
-, turns commissioners' answers into Latin, 455; a good patriot, 508.

Maesland Sluse. See Maassluis.

Malines, Machlyn, Mackline, Mechlin [Prov. Antwerp, Belgium] 476.
-, pacification of Ghent revoked at, 149.
-, Don John made new pact at, to renew war, 479.

Malingbeke. See Maylenbek.

malt, cheaper in England, 35.

Malta, Stanley to have incomiendo of, 185.

-, knight of. See Orsino, Camillo.

Manchester, Robert, gunner at Flushing, money due to, 219.

Manmaker, —, treasurer at Camphire, soldiers imprison, released by captains, 480.

Manriques, Manrique, Manrique de Lara, Don Juan, commands Germans in Parma's army, 213, 275–6, 537; present at first colloquy, 282.

Mansfeld, Mansfeildt, Mansuelt, Manxfeld, Count Charles:
-, to succeed Parma in Netherlands, 36; commands Germans and horse in Parma's army, 213, 276, 293, 536; general of artillery, 275.
-, Rogers commended to by Parma, 241.
-, to be marshal in Parma's absence, 476.

-, Count Peter Ernest, governor of Luxemburg, 36n, 275; reported will be viceroy of Sicily, 275; made governor of Low Countries, 476, 478; command in Parma's army, 536.

-, Count Ottavio, commands Walloons in Parma's army, 213, 276, 293, 537; present at first colloquy, 282.

Mantua, Italy, duke of. See Gonzaga, Vincenzio I.

Manwood, Sir Roger, lord chief baron [of the exchequer], wants circuit of Kent, probably out of malice, 462.

Margaret of Austria, duchess of Parma, 240.
-, left Netherlands in flourishing state, 242.

Margate, Marigat, co. Kent, 40.

mariners. See sailors.

Marnix, Philippe, sieur de Ste. Aldegonde:
-, letters from, 17, 303.
-, -, alluded to, 304.
-, letter to, alluded to, 303.
-, recommends Dutch commissioners, 17–8; as prisoner sent to Prince of Orange, 137.
-, enemies make impossible to return home, 303; has re-married, 303–4.
-, Killigrew deals with about libel published at Antwerp, 461; mismanages enquiry for the book, 533.

-, -, wife of, 533.

Marten, John, of Flushing, lent money to Sidney, 51.

Martenes, Martines, Juan de. See Recalde.

Martin, Robert Cecil crossed in, 130.

Mary, Queen of England, Parma at Greenwich in time of, 171; prophecy of time of, 393.

Mary, queen of Scots:
-, Rowlston follower of, 77; Paulet gaoler of the martyress, 135.
-, funerals celebrated by Guises, 345.
-, Spanish use of, 473; Philip's ill will shown by support of, 486.

Mascricke. See Maastricht.

Maslandsluce. See Maassluis.

Massi, Cosmo, Parma's secretary, Sig. Cosmo, present at Dale's interview with Parma, 184; knows of no commission, 190.

master of the ordnance, Russel asks for office of, 28, 136.

-, See Bingham, Sir Richard.

Master of Requests. See Dale, Dr. Valentine; Herbert, John.

match, Conway writes for supplies of 489, 490, 510.

Matthias, Archduke of Austria, acceptance of negotiations demanded, 41; rule of referred to, 60.

Mauleon, Girault de, seigneur de Gourdain, Gordayn, Gourdan, governor of Calais:
-, Croft asks leave to pass by Gravelines, 129; money sent to by king detained, 419; sends picked men to Boulogne, 515.
-, believes Armada intended for Scotland, 421; long conference with La Motte, 522.

Mauris. See Morris, Edward; Nassau, Count Maurice of.

Maxel, Charles, command in Parma's army, 293.

Maximilian II, Emperor, mortgaged towns in Silesia to elector of Saxony, 306.

Maximilian, Archduke of Austria:
-, taken prisoner and carried into Poland, 96, 103, 197; things not going well for, in Poland, 113; probable trouble in Germany about, 172; Poles send mission to Germany to prevent help for, 306.
-, troops levied for at Innsbruck, diverted to Flanders, 442.

Maxwell, —, lands with Bishop at Lillo, 534.

Maylenbek, Malingbeke [Prov. W. Flanders, Belgium], meeting of commissioners in fields of, 317, 330.

Meas. See Maes.

-, estimate of, for Flushing garrison, 5.
-, salt beef cheaper in England, 35.

Mechlin. See Malines.

Medekerke. See Meetkerke.

Medemblik, Medemblick, Medenblick, Medenbligh, Medenblicq, Memlique, Meydenblick, [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands], 252, 356, 361, 381.
-, letters dated at, 300, 307–8, 310, 359, 367, 392.
-, probable mutiny of troops at, 27, 30; mutiny plotted at fails, 38; mutiny at appeased, 70–1.
-, forces prepared against, 38; Sonoy disarms townsmen, 57; Sonoy in danger of losing, 72.
-, States try to get Sonoy out of, 64; commissaries from Holland expected at 66; take money to appease soldiers, 72.
-, request to escort Jan le Michiel
-, to, 65; soldiers demand payment of arrears, 111.
-, Maurice leaves for, 72; Council warns Maurice of danger of attacking, 84, 88; Maurice's deputies effect nothing at, 88.
-, reported composition at, 87; Bardesen sent to, 110–1.
-, Famars hoped to succeed Sonoy at, 96; preparations to besiege, 103, 107, 120.
-, Sonoy's measures at, 107; message from Kampen to encourage, 111.
-, Maurice's wounded from sent to Hoorn, 109; closed on all sides 111; Maurice persists in attack on, 112, 131; besieged, 128, 136, 141; ships to blockade, 131,166.
-, confession concerning mutiny at, 112; Sonoy prevented governor of Holland entering, 133.
-, Council of State appeals to Leicester about, 115; they represent to queen Sonoy's action at, 115; State's account of Sonoy's action at, 133.
-, stands very constantly for queen, 131; measures to carry suddenly, 142; queen should write to stop attack on, 158.
-, Hohenlohe advised against siege of, 142; Camphire captains deplore siege of, 160; they refer to examples of, 268.
-, Sonoy has excessive garrison at, 63, 167–8; Willoughby's conference with States of Holland about, 176.
-, better conclusions for than hoped, 166; Howard asks that siege be raised, 170, 390.
-, States and Counts delay reply, to get their will of, 173; Willoughby can get no answer about, 175; he asks permission to raise siege, 176; cannot hold out longer, 190.
-, proceedings against show rage of contrary party, 178; Camphire advised of siege, 180.
-, queen might turn discontent at, to advantage, 181; Russel urges relief for, 207; Russel laments failure to relieve, 222.
-, Willoughby asks for forces to be withdrawn from, 199; Hollanders still besieging, 202.
-, Willoughby suggests conference at, 203; accord between Willoughby and Maurice about, 247–8.
-, queen suggests Sonoy shall agree to reduce garrison, 204; queen asks States to withdraw forces from, 254.
-, States pursue violent course against, 205; queen's representations unavailing for, 207.
-, Maurice's assurances to Howard about, 222; Maurice goes to with Killigrew and others, 251; Killigrew sick at, 300, 302, 306, 308.
-, representations of Zeeland to Holland against attack on, 222; matter of composed, 302, 304, 306–9, 315, 317–9.
-, States refer to disorders at, 249; Sonoy's submission at, 408.
-, question of continuing Sonoy at waived, 255; Sonoy remains at, paid by States, 348.
-, innocence of Maurice over vindicated, 307; Willoughby relates settlement at, 309; Willoughby praised for, 335; settlement referred to, 358, 374–5, 382, 390, 392, 407, 410.
-, Geertruidenberg not to be promised more than, 350; Lesieur privy to all proceedings about, 361.
-, behaviour of soldiers at when paid, 391; Sonoy hardly dealt with by papists at, 408.

Medici Catherine de', queen mother of France, Philip ratified treaty with, 286, 296.

-, Ferdinand I de', Grand Duke of Tuscany, Duke of Florence:
-, Ferrara proposes league to against Philip, will not receive Spaniards into garrisons, 123.
-, alleged offer to poison Elizabeth, 354; queen deplores outrage on subject of, 388.

-, Don Giovanni de', duke of Florence's bastard son:
-, occupies English house at Antwerp, 68, 239; serving with Parma's army, 275, 537.
-, present at first colloquy, 282, 285.

Medina, Capt. Juan Gomez de, arrives at Santhona, 517.

Medina Sidonia, duke of. See Perez de Guzman, Alonso.

Meetkerke, Medekerke, Meetekirke, Adolf van, President of Flanders:
-, letter from, 498.
-, memorial from, 64; Deventer sends greetings to, 129; letter to, in London, 200.
-, asked to set down knowledge of harsh proceedings of States, 188; suggests form of letter from queen to States, 254.
-, Janssen stopping at house of, 419; father-in-law of Knibbe, 480; recommends him to Walsingham, 498.

-, Wolf de, letter of, 383.

-, —, young, sends greeting to father, 202.

Memlique. See Medemblik.

Mendoza, Bernardino de, Spanish ambassador in France:
-, promises English exiles speedy return to country, 375; spread report that Armada off Brittany, 403.
-, employed Evertssen to make exploit upon Brielle, 383; dealings with, 396; commissioners draw attention to dealings with rebels, 426.

Menin, Mening, Menyn, Dr. Joos van, Pensionary of Dordrecht, urges Willoughby to hasten to Geertruidenbergh, 356; authorised to deal with garrison, 357; proceeds thither, 357, 361.

Merchants Adventurers, 34.
-, proposal to remove to Flushing, 50–1; question before Council, 64.
-, reply about provision of money required at Middelburg, 478.
-, Knibbe wishes for employment by, at Stade, 480.
-, Errington asks that may be paid advance, 485.

Merchant Royal, merchantman, Dutch ships taken by, 72.

-, supply credits to pay troops, 34; to provide clothes for troops, 168.
-, supply necessaries for Spanish Spanish forces, 34
-, peace negotiations to deal with affairs of, 97, 117.
-, Crofts wants sent over for peace negotiations, 117, 122; reports of peace keep in suspense, 480.
-, Antwerp abandoned by, 191.
-, Gilpin may have to return to serve, 318.
-, commissioned to buy guns for Zeeland, 363, 516.
-, at Flushing ask satisfaction for victuals supplied to Rammekins, 469.
-, Schenck accuses of detaining his money, 527–8.

-, Dutch, ask for restitution of ships and goods taken, 72.

-, English:
-, unable to help Russel at Flushing, 9; Russel gets advances from, 16.
-, but can do no more, 16.
-, advise Russel that prest moneys nearly exhausted, 37; causes likely to come up at peace negotiations, 259.

-, Italian, news brought by, 209.

-, Spanish, and caraval from Indies, 162.

-, Spanish and Flemish, ships of, seized at Southampton, 289.

-, names of: Bird, John; Busshe, Hendricke van; Cockes, Henry; Colston, William; Faille, Martin de la; Lanfranchi, Carlo; Lecester, George; Loo, Andrea de; Scorsa, Jerome; Scott, Jacques; Walker; Watts, John.

Meredith, —, vice-treasurer, Sherley's deputy, 199, 271; only brought over 14,000l., 464.

Merode, Bernard de, sieur de Rumen, governor of Friesland, baron of Merode and Rummen, dealings of Aysma with, 60.

Meryk, —, soldier imprisoned at Dover, bad character, 145.

Meures, Meurs. See Solms, Adolf von, count of Mörs.

Meuse, Mose, River, queen should secure mouth of, 202; Brill useful for, 337; Schenck claims revenues of, 526.

Meydenblick. See Medemblik.

Meyrick, Captain:
-, letter to, 82.
-, Maurice desires to remove company from Ysselstein, 82.

Meze. See Maes.

Michiel, Sieur Jan le, the minister Michel:
-, proposed escort to Medemblik, 65.
-, letter of, appealing for Sonoy, 360; tells of Walsingham's good offices, 367.

Middelburg, Middelborch, Middelbororow, Middelbourg, Mydelbroughe, Myddelbroughe, Mydelboro [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], 14, 337, 481.
-, letters dated at, 36, 51–2, 54, 128, 140–1, 156, 160, 246, 291, 304, 359, 375, 378, 381, 383, 389, 393, 396, 401, 417, 421, 436, 446, 458, 464, 476, 478, 481–3, 516.
-, news from, 371.
-, Hohenlohe has force at threatening Flushing, 1; gone from, as enterprise discovered, 12.
-, Mondragon recalls siege of, 15.
-, proposal for store of food at, 35; proposal to consolidate position at, 102.
-, proposal to bring merchants from, to Flushing, 50–1; removal of Admiralty to, injured Flushing, 398.
-, garrison of Rammekens forays as far as, 51; troops of Maurice and Hohenlohe land at and plunder island, 65.
-, order taken for Horsie at, 95.
-, two magistrates of, at Hoorn, 107; Maurice at, 136; Willoughby and Killigrew going to for settlement, 432.
-, stirred by action of Arnemuiden, 160; men of, Spanish at heart, 438.
-, burghers clamour for money owed by garrison, 252; no charge spared for fortifying, 434.
-, will not receive 2 companies of horse, 399; companies cassed at, 532.
-, Merchants Adventurers provide money at, 478; States at, 533.
-, Heed, 102.
-, merchants of, Russel borrows money of, to pay troops, 16; advise Russel money nearly exhausted, 37; proposal to remove to Flushing, 50–1.

Milan [Prov. Milano, Italy]:
-, Capt. Priamo sent to, 19; Spanish government of, 473.
-, arquebuses from, for Flanders, 442.

-, governor of. See Aragon, Carlos de, duke of Terra Nova.

Milez, —, about to accompany Lord Cobham, 282.

Millingen [Prov. Gelderland, Netherlands], money promised to Schenck on behalf of fort of, 526.

Mockerheide. See Mook heide.

Mocket, Mockett, Sir Philip, an Englishman, 245.
-, Stanley conversing with, at Ghent, 185.

Modet, Herman, minister, States represent violent proceedings at Utrecht, 133.

Moerbec. See Morbecque.

Moerkercke, Moerkerk, Jacob Corneliszoon, burgomaster of Delft, remains at Hoorn, 107.

Moeurs. See Mörs.

-, count of. See Solms, Adolf von, count of Mörs.

Mombech, Godefroy de, letter of, 355.

Mompell Gatton. See Montbeliard.

Mondragon, Montdragon, Don Ambrosio, 294; commands Italian horse in Parma's army, 214, 538.

-, Cristobal de, governor of Antwerp:
-, recalls siege of Middelburg, 15; Pekott accused to, 78.
-, Parma has grudge against for libelling him, 192.
-, commands Spaniards in Parma's army, 213, 275, 537.
-, learns of book (Allen's) and imprisons owner, 533.

-, proposal to enhance value of English, in Holland, 151.
-, description of:
-,-, angelots, angels, 37, 40–1, 51, 491.
-,-, crowns, 163–4, 192, 539, 550.
-,-, dollars, dalre, 114, 326.
-,-, ducats, 289.
-,-, florins, 154, 201, 209, 348, 416, 419, 431, 443, 526–7.
-,-, gilders, gildrens, guilders, gulden, 72, 81, 94, 105, 107, 148, 327, 353, 523.
-,-, marks, 24, 126, 498.
-,-, pounds, flemish, 51.
-,-, stivers, 151.

Monsieur. See Francis of Valois.

Monster. See Munster.

Mont, Jehan de, captain of the guides, going to start soldiers on the march, 479.

Montbeliard, Mompell Gatton, [Doubs, France], 197; Guises besiege, 239.

Monte, Monto, Camillo del, commands lances in Parma's army, 537–8.

-, Francisco del, in Parma's army, 294.

Montigyn, Montigni, M. de, Parma's troops shipped to attend, 511.

Mook heide, Mockerheide [Prov. Gelderland, Netherlands], defeat of Louis of Nassau at, 364.

Moon, pinnace, royal navy, sent to Ostend, 283.

Moravia, arming in, 197.

Morbecque, Morbecke, Moerbec, M. de, commands horse in Parma's army, 214, 537.

Moree, Commendatore, in Parma's army, 294.

Mores. See Morris.

Moresini, Moresino, Morison, Captain, at Bruges after skirmish with English, 479; leaves Dunkirk to go and find Armada, 504; Richardot deceived English about, 522.

Morgan, Matthew, 440.

-, Sir Thomas, Colonel, camp master:
-, letters from, 481, 523.
-, letter to, 71.
-, daily pay of, 2; made governor of Berghen, 71; to replace Drury, 388; recommended to States, 407.
-, company of, at Utrecht, 3; company cannot be moved without endangering district, 266; company at Veere, 343.
-, sent to reinforce Vreeswijk, 55; should be made much of, 245.
-, asked to be mindful of Lovel, 71; knows of Asselier's good service, 100.
-, to be directed to observe cessation, if arranged, 316; delivers queen's letters to States, 523.
-, needed in Netherlands, if any active service, 326; wants Drury removed from Berghen, 481.
-, Colonna sent back to Maurice with, 407.
-, Vere reconciled with by Walsingham, 483; reasons for unkindness with captains, 496–8; captains promise obedience to, 497–8.
-, Willoughby begins to use well and willing to put into Berghen, 492–3.
-, asks that may not be disgraced, 523.

Morianzar, Moriensarde, Secretary to Council of State, discusses Hohenlohe with Garnier, 79.

Morison. See Moresini.

Morrese. See Nassau, Maurice of.

Morris, Mauris, Mores, Morrys, Edward, Croft's man, 258, 536.
-, letter of, 351.
-, long delay of in Flanders, 24; Croft sends to Calais, but goes to Dunkirk, 129; letters sent by, 275, 298, 329, 403, 439, 539; letters received by, 329.
-, to go to Ostend, 129; Croft sends to Ostend about 130; expected with answer about cessation, 314, 317, 322.
-, brought letters for Parma about decision to send commissioners, 146; memorial to Cobham about mission to de Loo, 244–6; brought Garnier's answer about commission, 320, 326.
-, sent to learn queen's pleasure touching a voyage, 260.
-, sent back for answer, empowered to name Burburgh, 320, 323; to sound about security for commissioners, 321; king's letter shown to, 331.
-, brings back answer, 321; report of, on return from Bruges, 324–5; Croft writes to queen about, 328.
-, to make known some things to Burghley, 328; report referred to 333, 340, 453.
-, message brought by, 348; sent to Croft at Bruges, 351, 355; asked for commission, 368.
-, Croft's proceedings delivered to, 385; bears witness to Richardot's promise of cessation, 465.

Morris, Mr. pensioner of Stanley, 524.

-, See also Nassau, Maurice of.

Mörs, Moeurs [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], money paid to garrison by Schenck, 526.

-, count of. See Solms, Adolf von.

Morys. See Nassau, Maurice of.

Mose. See Meuse.

Mostaert, Mustard, Mustart, —, Sonoy's agent, gone for England, 96; report of, 255, 367.

Motte, seigneur de la. See Pardieu, Valentine.

Mownts, order of, La Motte's sister belongs to, 184.

Mowris. See Nassau, Maurice of.

Muiden, Muyden [Prov. N. Holland, Netherlands], queen asks restoration of Bacx to governorship of, 417, 431–2.

Mulhausen [Alsace, France], not altogether quieted, 197.

Munster, Monster [Westphalia, German Empire], complaint of raids on, 435.
-, sticht of, Brunswick will make war in, 113.

Muscovy, Muscovia, man bound for, steps to arrest, 28.

muskets, Conway asks, for Ostend, 446.

Mustard, Mustart. See Mostaert.

muster master. See Digges, Thomas.

-, Digges preparing books to show to Burghley, 87; memorial of Jas. Digges for dealing with States about, 236.
-, note on lack of good order in, 449.
-, Willoughby will not make alteration of commissaries of without further order, 492.

Muyden. See Muiden.

Myddelbroughe, Mydellboro. See Middelburg.