Index: B

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: B', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: B". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Bacq, Back, Bacx, Bax, Marcel, 443.

-, Paul, Colonel:
-, letter from, 459.
-, Deventer shelves many of his duties to, 396.
-, queen appeals to States on behalf of, 417, 420, 431–2; she recommends to Utrecht, 420.
-, not included in States' état de guerre, 443; asks for advance from Brabant, on what due, 460.

Bagnall, Lieutenant, takes letters, Willoughby recommends, 358; report sent by, 500.

Bailleul, Bailleu [Nord, France], Spanish troops at, 29.

Bailleul, M. de, command in Parma's army, 294.

Baillon, Baillen, Bayllen, M. de, command in Parma's army, 214, 294, 537.

Balancon, Ballanson, sieur de. See Rye, Philibert de.

Ballytch. See Billy.

Bannister, Bannaster, Edmund, captain:
-, letters from, 17, 36, 283.
-, company at Berghen, 3, 343, 440.
-, asks that company may be recalled to England, 283.

Barchon, Barson, Bersons, Captain Guillaume de, company of horse sent to Hague, 103; Maurice puts company of, in Walcheren, 399.

Bardesen, Bardese, Bardoze, Bardezius, Berdesen, Willom, member of Council of State, 88.
-, letter of, 109–111.
-, present at gathering at Hague, 27; reports presentation of act of Council to States, 88.
-, mission to States General for decision concerning government, 94; confession taken before, 112.
-, mission to Alkmaar, 96; mission to Medemblik, 110; effects nothing, 111; glories in attack on Medenblik, 129; sent to offer good terms to, 222.

Bargan op Zoom, Barges. See Berghen op Zoom.

Barker, Colonel, letter taken by, 270.

Barlaimont, Barlamont. See Berlaymont.

barley, cheaper in England, 35.

Barn Elms, Bernhelmes, co. Surrey, 397: Cobham wishes he was at, 515.

Barne, Sir George, Lord Mayor of London, account of Armada sent to, 531.

Bamefild, Barneveld, Barnifeilde. See Oldenbarnevelt, Jan van.

Barney, Barny, Edward de, renegade captain:
-, letter from, 538.
-, confession sent to Council, 76; confession of, 79–80; memorial from, 80–1.
-, charges of Pekott against, 78–9; cipher of, 81.
-, report of conference with Garnier's secretary, 212–3; description of Spanish forces in Low Countries by, 213–4, 536–8; note of what he heard about journey intended for England, 214–5.
-, Cobham commends to Burghley, 260; Conway accused of giving too much liberty to, 281; made much of, 502.
-, Cobham presses for discharge of, 509, 522; Willoughby thinks should be sent to England, 511; ransom ready for, 519.
-, promises intelligences to buy queen's favour, 538.

-, -, wife of, greatly honoured at Ostend, 502; has continual access to husband from Bruges, 511.

-, Jhosias, enlargement upon ransom recommended, 376.

Barre. See La Barre.

Barry, M., letters brought by, 121.

Barson. See Barchon.

Barte, Anthony, of Flushing, victualler, debt owing to, 41.

Bartel Entes. See Entens, Berthold.

Baskerville, Baskarvold, Captain Thomas:
-, letter from, 498.
-, company at Berghen, 3, 343, 440.
-, accompanies R. Cecil to Berghen, 207; certificate signed by, 498; promises to obey Morgan, 498–9.

Bassana, Andrea, master gunner, money due to, 219.

Basta, Basto, George, commands “argoletters” in Parma's army, 214, 294, 538.

-, Niccolo, Count Nicolas:
-, present at Dale's interview with Parma, 184.
-, commands Albanian horse in Parma's army, 214, 294, 538.

Baudemont, Francis, clerk to the Council of State, 60.

Bavaria [German Empire], troops levied by emperor go off towards, 306, 442.

Bavaria, Ernest of, archbishop elector of Cologne, Colon:
-, holding of Bonn will annoy, 1; all treasures and munitions of war taken at Bruhl, 17; Schenck takes town of, 63.
-, honourable agreement made with Schenck, 178; talk of agreement with Truchses, 197.

Bax. See Bacq.

Bayllen, M. de. See Baillon.

Bayonne, Bayona [Basses Pyrenees, France], horses go from to help French king, 531.

Bazan, Alvaro de, Marquis of Santa Cruz, Ste. Croix, reported death, 198; Parma's comment on news of death, 208.

Beale, Robert, clerk to the Privy Council, 344, 437.
-, letter to, referred to, 6, 424.
-, sums due to, 158; paper signed by, 354.
-, Ortel wants outrage of Lusson referred to, 449.

Beasley, —, soldier imprisoned at Dover, a bad character, 145.

Beaver. See Beveren.

Bedford, earl of. See Russel, Francis.

beer, 50.
-, estimate of, for Flushing garrison, 5; allowance for Ostend, 76.
-, Dunkirkers capture quantity of, 129; licence for asked, 251.

Begbie, Thomas, pensioner of Stanley, 524.

Beke, Jan van den, Pensionary of Flushing, ready to discuss Sandwich merchant's case, 347.

Belford, co. Northumberland, talk of landing at and fortifying, 509.

Belgium, Spanish Netherlands:
-, Philip's hold of, 149; not suitable for queen to meddle with, 506; Philip knows nothing of money advanced by queen to, 507.
-, queen given choice of place in, for conference, 454; cessation would leave Spaniards free to invade England from, 454, 467, 496; project of cessation for, 495.
-, toleration granted in, 507.

Bellievre, Believre, Pomponne de, sent by King to Nancy, 197.

Berch, Johan van den, document signed by, 317.

Berck. See Rheinberg.

Berdesen. See Bardesen.

Berg, Count Herman van den, Count Herman, attempt to kill, at Deventer, 178.

Berges. See Bergues.

Berghen op Zoom, Bargan op Zoom, Barges, Bergen, Berghen, Berghes, Bergues, Burgen op Zone [Prov. N. Brabant, Netherlands], 251, 283, 441.
-, letters dated at, 36, 283, 288, 298, 423, 470, 498–9.
-, news from, 111.
-, governor and officers of, pay of, 2; weekly lendings issued to, 37; delay in payment, 39; troops sent by governor of, 90.
-, companies in garrison at, 3, 343, 440; States complain about garrisoning of, 3–4; store of victuals at, 35.
-, not in great danger, 9; in danger from lack of supplies, 10, 17; Brune supplies on own credit, 36; his provision for, 54.
-, enemy's plans to bring ships up to, 15; States should be included in truce for sake of, 44.
-, raid from on Vilvorde, 17; raid on Neuhoven, 36; Thoraise captured by men of, 500.
-, English commissioners expected at, 25; way open for conference at, 59.
-, Antwerp convenient for, 25; Spaniards count on getting, 80.
-, queen to hold as security for treaty, 42; will be lost if order not taken to pay magazine, 61 65.
-, garrison consumes magazine for want of pay, 47; Zeeland asks payment because of this, 48.
-, question of including in cessation, 55, 368, 370; question of peace conference at, 98, 101, 146, 194, 258, 262, 264, 267, 329.
-, Dutch receiver at, 61; Morgan to be governor of, 71; Drury placed at, 326.
-, Killigrew unable to do anything for, 69; Reade asks provision for, 87; Brune and victualling of, 126–7.
-, Salisbury's intelligence with enemy to deliver up, 96; enemy concentration against, 103.
-, suggested handing to States to garrison, 102; suggested Dutch garrison for, 113.
-, raiders from defeat horse from Breda, 111–2; Veluti mishandled by men of, 388.
-, captains at turned suddenly over to States' pay, 126; soldiers ready to mutiny if wants not relieved, 176.
-, Privy Council letters sent to, 165.
-, treasurer to supply with money out of hand, 169; grievances against treasurer, 208; distribution of money sent over to, for debts and lendings, 210.
-, advantages of handing over defence to States, 181, 265; Willoughby to solicit States for provision of, 230.
-, Robert Cecil returning via, 185, 192, 208; R. Cecil at, 207–8.
-, R. Cecil admires garrison, 207; troops of capture boat from Antwerp with treasure, 209; surrounding country much harassed by garrison, 337.
-, colloquy should begin near, 220; commissioners in doubt about, may replace by another town, 226; Richardot denies safe conduct affects, 264.
-, likely to be attacked on failure of peace treaty, 233; Antwerp aware how unprovided it is, 238; if not victualled will be lost, 302.
-, note of council for victualling of, 247; States desire enquiry into consumption of victuals at, 249; States urged to furnish with victuals and munition, with threat, 336.
-, siege of expected, 250; Willoughby unwilling to take men from, for Flushing, 265.
-, Willoughby states requirements of, 250; States asked to provide for defence, 254, 344.
-, queen wishes included in cessation, 274, 311, 316; Spaniards daily molested from, 286; question of cessation touching, 429.
-, Udal sends plan of 'seg' at to Walsingham, 298; raid from repulsed. 355. 369.
-, Burghley's suggestion for holding, 325; indifference of States about, 399, 400; States' allocation of garrison for, 443.
-, Willoughby censured for replacing Read by Drury at, 336, 348, 388; his reply about, 379; Morgan wants Drury removed from, 481.
-, proposal to exchange for place in Walcheren, 401; could help to get Walcheren, 433.
-, weekly lendings nearly exhausted, 406; Bruin busy over victualling of, 481.
-, danger of, if enemy attempts, 441, 460; can be relieved by sea, 457; enemy likely to attempt, 492.
-, Rancy's company at, 443; States trying to draw out English from, 447.
-, troops sent to Ostend from, 448, 456, 459, 475, 489, 502; care to be taken to furnish, 485.
-, States urged to supply wants of, 471, 510; Dutch sent companies to and tried to put English out, 497.
-, Willoughby willing to admit Morgan to, 492.
-, English at subject to great disgraces, 502; attempt to surprise Wouw from, 519.
-, governor of. See Drury, Sir William; Morgan, Sir Thomas; Reade, Sir William.

Bergirot, M., governor of Oudenbourg, gives soldiers to protect Spencer, 145.

Bergues, Berges St. Winnok, Berghen Wynox, Wynock Berghen, Winoxberghen [Nord, France]:
-, suggested as place for conference, 186, 194, 220, 262, 329, 369, 464; spoiled by the French, 257, 264.
-, Parma offers choice of, 371; Parma sends farriers to view, 384.
-, Spaniards would prefer for conference, 403; commissioners pass by, consider unhealthy, 418.

-, See also Berghen.

Berk. See Rheinberg.

Berlaymont, Barlaimont, Barlamont, Florent, count of, commands Germans in Parma's army, 213, 276, 537; command of horse, 214, 293, 537.

Berne, Switzerland, ambassadors from go to Mulhausen, 198.

Bernhelmes. See Barn Elms.

Berny. See Burley.

Bersons. See Barchon.

Bertie, Mary, Willoughby's sister, married to Sir John Wingfield, 365n.

-, Peregrine, lord Willoughby de Eresby Wellobe, Willebye, Willibe, Willowbie, Wylloby, Wyllughby, the lord general, 10, 59, 252, 345, 409, 423.
-, daily pay as colonel general, 2; company at Berghen, 3; companies at Utrecht and Berghen, 343, 440.
-, commander of English forces in the Netherlands, oath to States and acceptance as lieutenant general, 2, 6–10; question of date of oath, 303.
-, money sent to, for troops, 7; dealings with money sent, 36–7; appeals for money to pay troops, 56.
-, would some other had his place, 7–9; sorry to remain, 13; appeals to Leicester unanswered, 16.
-, asks States for supplies, 8; offers them his bonds, 17.
-, warns queen of danger of ruin of army, 8; asks for relief for troops, 22.
-, recommends Walgrave to Walsingham, 9; Wilford sent to Prounincq by, 38.
-, appeals for Ostend, 15; not to intermeddle with government, 102.
-, efforts for Lafaille's ransom, 17; Coleman steward to, 182n.
-, protests unfitness, asks leave to return, 21–2; acknowledges receipt of commission, dissatisfaction, 26–7; to act with Council of State, 33.
-, Drury writes in support of, 28–9; asks to be superseded, 56–7.
-, Council curtails powers, even over English, 38; to deliver queen's remonstrance to States, 75, 83–6, 89.
-, Brune acts by commission of, 54; reports Holland will do nothing for Ostend, 76.
-, to be consulted about cessation, 55.
-, prompt action saves Vaart, 55; goes to Utrecht, 71; to keep them in heart, 87.
-, let blood, 57; unable to leave room, 58; out of health, 165; vehemently troubled by sickness, 380.
-, not to listen to Friesland exiles, 60; friends of English remonstrate with, cajoles them, 106.
-, Russel's company goes to Flushing by patent of, 61; list of papers sent to, 91.
-, to deal with States to convert horsebands into foot, 86; Deventer suggests giving command of 15 English companies, 114.
-, to exercise authority as governor of the forces, but no further without queen's assent, 86.
-, cannot get credit to pay troops, further in than able to endure, 93; note of moneys due to, 147–8.
-, informed of plan to deliver up Berghen, 96; complains of Hohenlohe's attack on Brakel, 115; Hohenlohe replies to upon, 116.
-, account of present state of Netherlands, 105–9; objections to instruction not to moddle with States General, 151–3.
-, goes to Naerden, finds alienated from English, efforts to set things right, 108.
-, clause limiting authority cancelled, 125; States asked that be ordered to employ succours in service of country, 133.
-, Brune bought cheese by order of, 127; sends Colman to Hohenlohe, 140.
-, arrived at Hague from Utrecht, 135; to confer with Killigrew about executing the queen's designs, 136; delayed by inaction of Council and absence of States, 140.
-, strains credit to relieve companies in Utrecht, 140; asks for money to relieve the soldiers, 141, 165; to review the bands, 156.
-, promises report of what takes place with States, 140–1; shows damage done by limitations of powers, 157–8.
-, commissioners consult about cessation, 144, 174; to confer with Russel and Burgh about cessation, objections, 165; backward about cessation, 229.
-, Maurice asks to work for union and concord, 160.
-, sends Privy Council letters to Flushing and Berghen, with opinion against cessation, 165.
-, Norris sent to assist, would rather resign, 166; and allowances due to Norris, 183.
-, wishes to render periodical account of doings, 166; acquits himself very honourably of his charge, 179.
-, to deal with States for stay of their violent proceedings, 166, 306; to advise provinces and towns to move States to remove division and establish order, 167; to urge union, 168.
-, to make protest to provincial Council of Holland, 167; offices with States referred to, 170; Hollanders pay little heed to, 202.
-, to ask States to refer charges against Sonoy to queen, 168; efforts for Sonoy vain, 200, 202.
-, direction for employment of treasure sent over, 168–9; assured that no just cause for mislike of Sherley, 169; arrangement for distribution of treasure, 209.
-, can get no answer from States of Holland, 175; report of conference with them, 176–7.
-, asks leave to raise siege of Medemblik, 176; confers with Maurice about Medemblik and Sonoy, 199; articles exhibited by, 203.
-, suggested handing over Berghen and Ostend to States to defend, 181; suggests leaving Berghen for Dutch to defend, 250.
-, plight Coleman found in, 182; to thank friendly captains and garrisons but not to encourage them to depend on queen, 204.
-, charged to compound disunion in Provinces, 187–9; at Dort wins affection of people and thwarts Hohenlohe, 199.
-, to confer with Killigrew to impugn reasons laid down by States and Council, 188; ordered to attend States, 254.
-, to induce States to join in peace treaty, 188, 306; has occasion to see Truchses, 225.
-, commissioners waiting to hear from about cessation, 196; answer of sent to Privy Council, 198; says cessation will make all to branle, 258.
-, secures friendliness of Rotterdam, 199, 200, 208; Grœnvelt informs of desire of Geertruydenberg that he shall take government, 200; cannot act without queen's order, 200; Russel urges order to, 207.
-, represents inadequacy of money sent and need of pay, 199.
-, to inform Sonoy of Leicester's resignation, 204; to examine charges against Sonoy and hear his defence, 206.
-, Robert Cecil to tell of grievances of Berghen, 208; desired to visit Ostend and establish discipline, 211.
-, confers with Maurice at Hague, 208; cannot fulfil charge in absence of Council of State, 217.
-, objections to order about Sherley's company, 209; instructions to for defence of Ostend and Berghen, 230.
-, keeps Burghley advised of state of country, 210; ordered to send reinforcements to Ostend, 221.
-, sends Le Sieur to Geldres, Utrecht and Overyssel to urge unity, 217–8; returning to Hague, 225.
-, reply of States for propositions of, 218–9; States find tractable and want to work through, 229.
-, suffering from bad cold, 227; troubled with ague, 250; ill, 300.
-, fair weather made to by Count Maurice, 229; accord with Maurice about Sonoy, 247–8, 307; efforts for Sonoy, 251.
-, Russel to obey direction about 600 men sent to Flushing, 231; to give Price captaincy, 236; Price asks for reminder to, 287; not to blame over, 380.
-, to discourage Dordrecht's revolt to queen, 232; to endeavour to compound controversies in provinces, 233, 246; Norris to confer with about reforming factions, 237; objects to serve with another, 266.
-, to advise what chance of States paying garrisons of Camphire and Arnemuiden, 233.
-, entertainment of, as colonel and general, 235; share of in common defence, 247.
-, saw traitorous designs of Naerden and Willemstad, 249; Norris asked leave to go with Croft to Bruges, 335.
-, states requirements of Berghen, 250–1; suggests leaving defence of Berghen and Ostend to Dutch, 265.
-, recommends Gilpin, 250–1; asks licence for Capt. Corsie, 251; Burghley dearest friend of, 271.
-, asks States to provide ships to defend against armada, 254; in treaty for, 265.
-, not to press continuance of Sonoy at Medemblik, 255; has brought States to good conformity, 271; accord about Medemblik, 306, 309, 319.
-, represents difficulty of finding men for Flushing, 265–6; officers of Camphire wish to be under command of, 265; direction to about Camphire, 343.
-, Walsingham fears mediation will be fruitless, 276; Drury commends care of Berghen, 288.
-, to deal with States of Holland and Zeeland to get sailors to man English ships, 277; deals with them, 319.
-, Friesland desires mediation to compose differences, 281; unremitting efforts to promote unity, 300, 302, 304.
-, should be ordered to stop free-booting, 297; to see that what is agreed about cessation is performed, 311, 316.
-, Gilpin most useful to, 302, 327; Gilpin applauds success of efforts at appeasement, 318.
-, dealing with affair of Geertruidenberg, 304, 317; Russel should write to tell Geertruidenberg to hearken to, 318.
-, very friendly with Maurice, 306, 327; will inform Privy Council about Medemblik, 307.
-, thinks Walsingham's advice should be followed, 319; recommends Gilpin to Council, 331.
-, only Wilsford to help him in martial matters, 326; opposes reduction of companies, asks that absent captains be sent back, 331.
-, gave Colonna to Reade to bring to England, 328; referred to Walsingham for direction about Colonna, 337.
-, commended for success at Medemblik and in settling dissensions and mutinies, 335; settlement referred to, 374.
-, to urge States to supply Ostend and Berghen, 336; collection of directions to, 344.
-, censured for appointing Drury at Berghen, 336–7, 348, 388; aggrieved about, 379.
-, States employ to settle with Geertruidenberg, 350, 356, 364–5, 390; at Dordrecht about it, 353; ready to follow advice of Council about, 356; advocates securing it, 358.
-, account of proceedings about Geertruidenberg, 356–7; still busy about, 360, 361, 365; proceeds very slowly, 447.
-, Maurice refers to efforts for concord, 358; and action at Geertruidenberg, 359; reports dealings to States, 364.
-, States awaiting return for establishing Council, 360; business at Hague, 362, 394; dealings with about Council, 365; will not agree to provisional meeting, 394.
-, Le Sieur employed by, 361; States send an Act to, 362; will not release Lafaille, 421.
-, instructed to deal with Camphire etc., 361; suggested reference to about, 377.
-, expected in Zeeland, 361, 364; expected to compound differences, 378, 381, 390, 402; Zeeland petitions for mediation by, 381; cannot act without express order, 383.
-, articles arranged with Geertruidenberg, 366–7, 448; Council of State approves proceedings, 394; reports action to States, 404; instructions on, 410–1.
-, resents comparison with Norris, 379–80.
-, detained in Holland by urgent affairs, 382; at Flushing to settle controversies of island, 397.
-, to make reparation to Veluti and avoid such barbarity in future, 388; reported high words with Hohenlohe, 398.
-, to join Maurice in Zeeland to concert measures against enemy, 390; can remain in Zeeland while Russel away, 400.
-, good beginning of agreement with Maurice, 392; queen sends powers to, to settle differences, 406, 414.
-, thinks Flushing untenable if Camphire and Arnemuiden not friendly, 399.
-, insists on decision from States about ships for England, and horsemen, 404; reply of States to upon, 415–6.
-, Council wishes to confer with about instructions from States, 404; gave States points Council wished propounded, 517.
-, commended for care in compounding disputes, 410; queen disliked refusal to deal therein, 413.
-, to compound differences between States of Zeeland and Russel, 411; hopeful of settlement, 432.
-, advised to draw Maurice to queen's devotion, 413; Russel thinks too bent to yield to States, 425.
-, sends gentleman to commissioners about peace rumour, but gets no reply, 417; sends to them about Ostend, 442.
-, recommends Wilsford and Vere for appointments, 417; Russel objects to giving commission to Savage, 424–5, 438.
-, to present memorial to States for Schenck, 421–2, 431–2, 434, and for Bacx, 432; instructions to, for Schenck, 434–6, 447–8.
-, asks that authority may be maintained with reputation, 432; Schenck hastens to, 446.
-, Coleman will report on doings of, 433; States' demands about powers of, 442–3; Hollanders will not recognise as governor, 445.
-, gets no answer to proposals from States, 436; to urge States to supply Ostend and Berghen, 471.
-, Russel will not be commanded by, 438; protest about absentee captains, 458.
-, why engaged himself at Ostend, 440–1, 460, 463; to take steps to secure Ostend, 441, 448, 450; Conway asked for men, went to Ostend, 445.
-, States give bad impression of Deventer to, 444; urgent with Killigrew about Schenck, 501.
-, unwilling to furnish other places, 446, 469; too busy to represent wants of soldiers, 452; represents need of pay for troops, 464.
-, States' demands about powers of, 450–1; Morgan took letters to States by advice of, 523.
-, measures for securing Ostend, 455–6; Russel sends troops to, there, 459; orders troops to Ostend, 482, 484.
-, summoned from Ostend about affairs of Geertruidenberg and Camphire, 455; going to try and restrain from desperate course, 478.
-, concerning differences with Russel, 476; Killigrew thinks present no difficulty, 477.
-, Russel complains that seeks to impeach credit, 477; Walsingham writes to, explaining position and deprecating quarrel, 548.
-, urging Maurice to send ships to join queen's fleet, 478; urges Dutch to defend Zeeland, 532.
-, intervenes about captains of, Camphire, 480; to get deputies of Friesland to submit grievances, to him and to represent danger of dissensions, 513.
-, Morgan expects ill usage from, 481; willing to put Morgan into Berghen, 492.
-, Conway writes to, to supply wants, 489; urges States to furnish Ostend and Berghen, 510.
-, will not alter musters without further order, 492.
-, gone to see what can be done about Geertruidenberg, 492; Schenck discontented with over Geertruidenberg, 493, 503; arranged terms with garrison, 500, 531; points out undesirable to appoint Schenck, 501.
-, represents dangerous position of queen's forces, 501–2.
-, examined Piggot at Ostend, 511; Burghley's bereavement unfortunate for, 533.
-, would like to return with troops recalled, 512; offers to bring troop of 300 horse, id.
-, reasons why wishes to be removed from his authority, 524–5; authority reduced by instructions to Council, 538–9.
-, minute to, for allowance to Gilpin, 534; answer of States of Holland to, referred to, 540.
-, letters from, 7–9, 13, 15, 21, 26, 36, 55, 61, 93, 105, 110, 140–1, 164–5, 172, 175, 199, 200, 209, 227, 250–1, 265, 308, 319, 331, 356, 358, 379, 400–1, 417, 432–3, 442, 455, 458, 462, 465, 475–6, 482, 500–2, 510–1, 517.
-, -, referred to, 160, 202, 326.
-, letters to, 7, 55, 84, 89, 110, 116, 156, 160, 166, 168, 188, 204, 221, 230, 232, 255, 276, 316, 335, 388, 410, 412, 415–6, 421, 432, 438, 447–8, 482, 512, 526, 548.
-, -, referred to, 178, 469.

Berwick on Tweed, reported capture by Scots, 113.

Bess. See Elizabeth, queen.

Beveren, Beaver [Prov. E. Flanders, Belgium], 78.

Bie. See Bye.

Bierslot, Cornells, paper signed by, 367.

Biervliet, Bierefleet, Bliemliet [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands]:
-, Hohenlohe's fleet at, 9.
-, soldiers of almost without provision, 58.
-, Spaniards daily molested from, 286; not in queen's command to keep cessation, 293.

Billy, Ballytch, baron de: commands Germans in Parma's army, 213, 276, 537.

-, count of. See Robles, Gaspar de.

Bingham, Sir Richard, master of the ordnance, daily pay of, 2; appointed in place of Pelham, 152.

Bird, John, merchant, letter to, 530.

Bishop, —, landed at Lillo, 534.

Blainscough, Blaynscowe, Blanschowe [in Standish, co. Lancaster], Worthington family of, 137, 139.

Blankenberghe, Blanckenborough, Brankenborow [Prov. W. Flanders, Belgium], fort or sconce of, 82.
-, letters dated off, 433.
-, governors of, alarum given by, to Ostend, 445.

Blavoet, Blavat, Blavelt, Blauvet, Blavott, Blawet, Blowett, Martin, 397.
-, letter from, 408, 419.
-, recommended to Walsingham, 50; annuity granted to, 328.
-, memorial of, for Camphire and Arnemuiden, 190; sent to consult with Walsingham about Camphire and Walcheren, 227; Russel sends to Leicester, 230.
-, instructions from captains of Camphire to, 268; memorial presented by, 269; likely to return with very cold answer, 273.

Blaynscowe. See Blainscough.

Bliemliet. See Biervliet.

Blois [Loir et Cher, France], assembly of States to be held at, 461.

Blois, Bloys, Guillaume de, called Treslong, Terlone, Trelone:
-, letters of, 288, 433.
-, Russel to deal with for 1000 sailors, 277, 287, 290; can easily provide but needs money, 288.
-, out of favour with Holland and Zeeland but hopes to enter queen's service, 288, 433; writes to Leicester for ships for the sailors, 290.
-, may go to serve Navarre, as alternative, 434.

Blomendal, —, nephew of Bornstra, secures Evertssen, 383.

Blount. See Blunt.

Blowett. See Blavoet.

Bluaren, 15.

Blunt, Blount, Blund, Arthur:
-, letter of, 228.
-, at Hague, taking letter to Russel, 228; asks Walsingham's guidance, 229.

-, Sir Charles, company at Ostend, 3, 343, 440.
-, troop at Utrecht, 343; troop of kept there, 444.
-, Leicester thanks Willoughby for favour to, 482.

-, Captain Sir Christopher:
-, letters from, 304, 451.
-, ordered to garrison at Rheinberg, 452.

Blyenbeck, Blyenbeeck [Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, not in queen's command to keep cessation, 293; garrison paid by Schenck, 526.

Bobadilla, Bovadilia, Bovadillia, Don Francesco de, count of Puñonrostro, commands Spaniards in Parma's army, 213, 537.

Bodenham, Bodnam, William, Parma upset over treatment of, 145.

Bohemia, arming in, 197.

Bolleine. See Boulogne.

Bolweiler. See Polviller.

Bomene, Bomeny, Bommeneede in Schouwen [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], 225.
-, queen should hold to bridle Hollanders, 202; likely to be attacked, very prenable, 233.

Bommel [Prov. Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, discontented, dispute with Holland, 58; in Hohenlohe's government, in danger of falling to enemy, 72.
-, not in queen's command to keep cessation, 293.

Bommelwaart, Bommelweert, house of Brakel in, 115.

Bommeneode. See Bomene.

Boncke, John, captain at Berghen, certificate signed by, 498.

Bonn, Bon, Bone, Boume, Bun, Rome [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], 448.
-, Schenck means to hold, 1; capture of, 17; Truchses asks help for, 39.
-, enemy's forces go against, 31; Schenck builds fort opposite, and makes Spaniards retire, 63; Schenck active at, 69, 71, 197.
-, Prince of Cimay sent against, 77, 96, 131, 197, 224; Parma's cavalry gone against, 172; forces of enemy and Schenck at, 202, 208; Schenck going to raise siege, 492; he asks troops for relief of, 523.
-, Taxis slain near, 326; Spanish troops about, 524.
-, payment of Schenck's soldiers at, 435.

-, published by States justifying action at Leyden, 219.
-, “Admonition to the Nobility.” See under Allen.
-, See also Ecclesiastes; Synonyms.

Boothe, Mr., of Dunham, 475.

Borborow, Borbrough. See Bourbourg.

Borchgrave. See Burchgrave.

Borlas, Burlacy, Sir William, serjeant major at Flushing:
-, letters from, 1, 12, 51, 252, 397, 456.
-, letter delivered to, 120; announces marriage, 252; on his wife, 397.
-, asks may not be superseded, 252.

Bornam. See Burnham.

Bornstra, George Wybrants, Captain: discloses treason of Evertssen, 383; has secrets to impart to Walsingham, 384; dealings of Evertssen with, 396.

Borough, Borroghes. See Burgh.

Borthick, Capt., quoted prophecy of Mary's time, 393.

Bossu, Bossute, Comte de. See Hennin, Maximilien.

Bostock, Capt., 134.
-, letter of Worthington to intercepted, 131, 134; effort to draw away from Stanley, 475; one of Stanley's captains, 524.

Bouchier, Bourcher, Bourchier, Bowcer, Captain Arthur:
-, troop at Wageningen and Rhenen, 3, 343, 440.
-, weekly imprests for, 210; note of monies due to, 535.

Boulogne, Bolleine, Bullen, Bulleyn [Pas de Calais, France]:
-, Guises take lower town, 345; ulterior object of siege, 350; siege reported raised, 491.
-, Spanish fleet reported at, 474; Gourdain sends picked men to, 515.
-, victuallers from, at Dunkirk, 483.

Boume. See Bonn.

Bourbon, Henry de, prince of Condé, reported death by poison, 188, 235.

Bourbourg, Borbrough, Borborow, Bourbouroughe, Burburgh, Burborow [Nord, France], 414.
-, letters dated at, 418–9, 421, 423, 424, 427–30, 440, 453, 455–6, 458, 462, 465-6, 468–9, 474–5, 494–6, 499, 500, 505–9, 511, 515, 519, 521–3, 529, 530, 534.
-, Parma would accept for conference, 25; mentioned in safe conduct, 59.
-, commissioners ask if may agree to, 144; they may suggest it, 186.
-, suggested for conference, 194, 220, 257, 262, 297, 329, 369; not considered sufficient, 264; Arenberg opposed, 324; Champagny objects to, 325.
-, commissioners prefer of places along coast, 293; Morris empowered to name, 320, 323–4.
-, must be the place as Bruges denied, 321.
-, Spaniards content to accept, 324; Parma offers choice of, 371; Derby prefers for treaty, 376.
-, Parma sends farriers to view, 384; Spanish objections to, 403.
-, queen accepts for treaty, 386–7; English insist on, 403; English commissioners arrive at, 418; and are pleased with, 418–9.
-, negotiations of, for English commissioners, to show abuse offered by King. 540.

-, captain of. See Ingelbert, D.

Bourcher, Bourchier, Capt. See Bouchier.

Bourghley, lady. See Cecil, Mildred.

Bourne, Bourne, Anthony, Conway asks that cause of may be ended, 76.

-, Mrs., Conway asks Burghley's favour in answer to, 488.

Bouster, Rowland Yorke's lieutenant, slain, 131.

Bovadilia, Bovadillia. See Bobadilla.

Bowcer. See Bourchier.

Brabant, Province, Netherlands, 391.
-, note of troops in towns of, 41; estimate of Parma's forces in, 77.
-, claim for freedom of worship in, 42; holding of towns in cause of quarrel with England, 549.
-, troops about marched towards Ostend, 80; States complain English garrisons wasted on frontier of, 114.
-, queen can raise pay for Dutch troops from, 113; Deventer unable to draw a penny from, 129; expected contributions from, 443.
-, places in, not in queen's command to keep cessation, 293; harried from Berghon and Ostend, 316.
-, when Alva expected Orange in, 364; domains in mortgaged to Schenck, 526.
-, Geertruidenberg mutiny hinders contributions from, 404; queen asks States to apply contributions of, to garrisons under Schenck, 422, 434; appropriation of, 435.
-, Bax deprived of assignments made to him upon, 432; he asks for order upon, 460.
-, enemy has great forces dispersed in, 443.

-, chancellor of. See Damant, M.

Brackenbury, Captain, takes Conway's letters to England, 77.

Braemsloot, W. van den, papers signed by, 379.

Brakel, house of in Bommel waard, Bommelweert [Prov. Gelderland, Netherlands]:
-, attempts of Hohenlohe upon, 110, 115; Hohenlohe justifies action at, 116.
-, taken, 129.

-, heer tot. See Aeswijn, Reinhard van.

Brandenburg [German Empire]:

general muster in, 305.

margrave, elector of. See John George,

brandschat, queen's ordinary pay can be eased by, 201.

Brankenborow. See Blankenberghe.

Brasser, Govert, burgomaster of Delft, appointed to new Council of State, 23.

Brazil, Brasilia, S. America, 40.
-, Dutch ships from seized, 72.
-, Philip's weakness in exposed, 118.

Breda [Prov. N. Brabant, Netherlands], 46.
-, horse from defeated by raiders from Berghen, governor's son taken, 111–2.
-, Requesens offered withdrawal of Spaniards at conference of, 137; great prejudice to king, 138; reference to grant made at, 520.

Brederode, Floris de, Sieur de, member of Council of State, 88.
-, present at gathering at Hague, 27; stays on at Hague but will not act as councillor, 179.
-, envoy to Denmark and German princes, instructions for, 484.

Breges. See Bruges.

Brell. See Bruhl.

Bremen [Gorman Empire], Brunswick will make war in, 113.

Brest [Finistere, France], Armada refreshing at, 490.

Bretons, report of, on Spanish fleet, 490.

Brett, Captain:
-, company at Brielle, 3, 74, 343, 440, 490.
-, money due to, 219.

Bridges, Briges. See Bruges.

Brielle, Brill [Prov. S. Holland, Netherlands]:
-, letters dated at, 210, 224, 287, 338.
-, English companies at, 3, 343, 440, 490; States complain of cost of garrison, 4; money due to burghers of, 41; money due to officers of, 158.
-, reported designs on, 10; need for care, against friends and enemies both, 63, 70.
-, queen to keep as security for treaty, 42; question of including in cessation, 55, 368, 370, 429.
-, Killigrew to provide with necessaries, but unable, 69; Killigrew anxious about safety, 70; troops at Maasluis would safeguard, 103.
-, view of present state of, 73–4; suggested toll on shipping at, 102.
-, too few soldiers in, more should be sent to, 103; note of entertainment of officers at, 147.
-, States complain money provided for war used for garrison of, 133; States fortifying, 225.
-, charge of, by new establishment, 157; weekly issue for lendings at, 210; sums due to garrison, 219, 236.
-, R. Cecil visiting, 208–9, 225, 233; Ostend more valuable than, 303.
-, submits to queen's direction, 224; allowed a provost marshal, 525.
-, Champernowne complains of neglect of garrison, 247; Burgh protests against idea of giving up, 337–8.
-, States ask repayment of money disbursed for, 249; payment promised, 442–450.
-, burgomasters and council beg queen for payment of arrears, 348; letters from, Ortel asks for consideration, 485.
-, Mendoza employs Evertssen to betray, 383.
-, question of restoring to States, 472; considerations upon, 473.
-, governor of. See Burgh, Thomas lord.

Brimeu, Marie de, princess de Chimay, letter of, 434.

Brissells. See Brussels.

Brissaulx, revolted to States, 178.

Bristol, co. Gloucester, Spanish ship rights ship and pinnace of, 549.

Britanny, Briteyne, Brytanie, France:
-, Armada reported off, 400, 403; victuallers from, at Dunkirk, 483.
-, great interest of League in, 421.

Brits, Captain, Mary Porter robbed by men of company of, 419.

Brittain, Captain, debts due to, 87.

Broke, Henry, taking letters to queen from Commissioners, 92.

Broncorst. See Sackville, Thomas, lord Buckhurst.

Brooke, Elizabeth, lady Cobham, suit of referred to Burghley, 216.

-, Henry, Walsingham thanked for favours to, 387, 519.

-, William, lord Cobham, Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports, peace commissioner, 43.
-, letters from, 101, 121, 130, 134, 144, 153, 161, 180, 183, 198, 216, 219, 235, 256–7, 259, 266, 272, 282, 296, 316, 320, 329–30, 347, 351, 370, 376, 387, 418, 429, 455, 461–2, 474, 508, 514–5, 519, 521–2, 534, 539.
-, letters to, 223, 225, 278, 299, 313, 321.
-, -, referred to, 321.
-, West, man of, 78; sent Williams on private matters, 256.
-, Croft wants letter to, for support, 99; promises reports to Burghley, 153; proposes cipher with Burghley, 540.
-, travels to Dover, 102; embarks at Dover, 121; escort of taken into Dunkirk, but released, 161.
-, alleged to have come to sue for peace, 131, 135; safe conduct for, 536.
-, asks money and apparel for garrison of Ostend, 130, 134, 145, 161; disbursed money to satisfy soldiers, 184; soldiers try to rob, 197.
-, entertained Garnier, 162; asks provision of horses, 219.
-, represents tickle state of Ostend, 198; countenanced Barney's conference with Garnier's secretary, 212.
-, promised de Loo copies of letters, 216; de Loo to bring Burghley's letter and discourse for, 258.
-, remembrance presented to, by Morris, 244–6; R. Cecil frequents table, 261; enquires after him, 297.
-, La Motte presents hawks to, 261; certifies Dale's expenses, 377.
-, Thibaut and Milez to accompany, 282; Rogers has Burghley's letters from, 284.
-, asks Burghley that they may not stay long, 282; asks to be recalled if any one of them is to deal underhand, 297; to censure Croft for behaviour, 299; uneasy about Croft's doings, 316.
-, commended for discreet proceeding, warned of subtlety of Spaniards and Italians, 313.
-, to waive demand for hostages, 321; would not willingly put himself in enemy's hands, 330. convinced actions vain, desires recall, 330; alleged readiness to overthrow peace, 387, 430.
-, recommends enlargement of Barney, 376; thanks Walsingham for favour to son, 387, 519; presses for discharge of Barney, 509, 519.
-, prevents Champagny visiting him, 423; reason for not receiving, 461–2; shows more goodwill for accord than at first, 509.
-, sends cipher to Walsingham, 455, 462; declared queen ready for attack and defence, but had sent deputies for peace, 467.
-, thinks policy of league renders negotiations futile, 508; asked de Loo for translation of Spanish reply, 545.

Browne, Thomas, Roper's man, 245; at Lambeth, 258.

-, Captain William:
-, company at Flushing, 3, 343, 440, 490.
-, money due to, 219; presses for advance, may be forced home, 470.
-, letter from, 470.
-, company at Rammekins, 490.

-, William, servant of Walsingham, asks approval of marriage, 37; letters brought by, 392.

Bruges, Breges, Bridges, Briges, Brughes, Brugys, Brydges [Pro. W. Flanders, Belgium], 80, 81, 98, 135, 183, 257, 259, 298, 339, 355, 403, 503, 509, 524.
-, letters dated at, 134, 180, 212, 216, 235, 253, 265, 276, 302, 308, 348–9, 351, 400, 403, 503–4.
-, news from, 479.
-, shipping preparing at, 14; number of carpenters hired at, 79.
-, guns from for Yzendijk, 15.
-, considered for peace conference, 40, 45, 104, 292, 297, 329, 372; Spanish deputies at, 101.
-, Barney deserted from with 500 men, 76; Stanley sends to Ithel ap Parre at, 81; Stanley going to, 135; Spencer at, 145, 171.
-, Parma going to, from Brussels, 112; Parma expected at, 212; Parma at, 234, 514, 550.
-, queen honoured by missions to, 132; de Loo at, about peace, 146; Parma sends Spanish commissioners to, 147; not yet at, 175.
-, many freebooters between, and Ostend, 145; Dale's journey to, 180, 184; Dale returns to, 195.
-, La Motte at, 145, 172; Parma's objections to, for meeting, 173.
-, Burghley's name in lodging at, 184; Parma sent for furnishings to, 194.
-, delay in sending commissioners to resented, 186, 199; conference might be near, 216.
-, enemy forces quartered about, 208, 238.
-, de Loo at, awaiting Parma, 217; Rogers goes to, 219; Rogers accompanies Parma towards, 243.
-, Champagny carried in litter to, 234.
-, country desolate on way to, 239; commissioners send oysters to, 261.
-, Morris sees La Motte at, 244; Morris' visit to, 258, 323–4; La Motte goes from, 321.
-, no commodity of victuals at, 267; queen would accept for conference, on conditions, 295, 312, 321, 323–4, 363, 376.
-, cessation mentioned in council at, 291, 311.
-, commissioners ready to go to, 313; Parma refuses to have conference at, 321, 333; objections to, 324–5; Croft will labour to have treaty at, 335.
-, impossible to inhibit English exiles from, 324; queen surprised at refusal of, 340, 352.
-, Croft goes to see Parma at, 334; Norris asks leave to go with Croft to, 325; Norris will report boasts heard at, 347; Croft at, 424, 464, 499, 529.
-, Dale to go to about commission, 341; Dale sees Parma at, 368–9; and Champagney and Richardot, 368.
-, Croft reports negotiations at, 348; Morris finds Croft at Champagney's house at, 351; Morris sent to Croft at, 355.
-, project of cessation delivered to Dale at, 370, 429–30, 467; Dale undone if conference at, 371; Deane went with Dale to, 474.
-, objections to, for conference, 370; Burghley expects meeting at, 373; refused, 387.
-, Richardot gone to, 462, 468, 495; Gaetano arrives at, 488; Cardinal Allen and Austrian archduke expected at, 489.
-, Parma's camp near, 488; English refugees come to, 489.
-, quantity of sandbags brought to, 489.
-, Barney's wife has access to him from, 511; note of bonds from, for queen's loans, 540.

Bruhl, Brell [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], captured by Schenck, 17.

Brune, Bruin, Bruyn, Thomas, victualler:
-, letters from, 35, 52, 54, 126, 291.
-, confers with Russel about store at Middelburg, 35; supplies garrisons on own credit, 36; Russel asks for payment to, for gunpowder, 470–1.
-, States indebted to, 36; difficulties in getting paid, 52, 54.
-, Huddilstone's answer to, 52–3; fears losing favour, defence of action, 126–7.
-, Sherley stirred against, 127; bonds for arbitration upon, 291.
-, Killigrew deals with about libel published at Antwerp, 461.
-, Killigrew asks that be relieved by imprest, 481.

Brunswick, duke of. See Julius.

Brussels, Brissells [Prov. Brabant, Belgium], 17, 80.
-, news from, 112–3, 516.
-, letters and papers dated at, 126, 504, 512.
-, demands made at, 46; reference to grants made at, 520; note of bonds for payment of loans by, 540.
-, Parma at, 59, 130, Barney to wait till Parma returns to, 81; Parma leaving for Bruges, 112.
-, Spanish Infanta to pass through, 113; Spencer leaving for, 132; sent to Parma at, 137, 139, 145.
-, de Loo at, 146; troops near, 524.
-, men of Berghen capture boat from Antwerp near, 209; raids made as far as, 286.
-, Philip esteemed Groningen more than, 364.
-, assembly of Estates at, 128.
-, -, note of moneys lent to queen by, 540.
-, Union of, 128.

Bruyn. See Brune.

Bruyninck, Nicolas, councillor of Count Maurice, confession taken by, 112.

Brydges. See Bruges.

Brytanie. See Britanny.

Buck, Captain, Willoughby refers to report of, 173; letters taken by, 200, 265.

Buckhurst, lord. See Sackville, Thomas.

Bullen, Bulleyn. See Boulogne.

Bun. See Bonn.

Burborow, Burburgh. See Bourbourg.

Burchgrave, Borchgrave, Burgrave, Daniel de, Maitre de Requestes:
-, letter of, 22.
-, letter to, 128.
-, charged with urgent matters by Leicester, 22; asked to set down knowledge of harsh proceedings of States, 188.
-, appeal to, for Sonoy, 361.

Buren, county [Prov. Gelderland, Netherlands], Dutch object that not restored, 128.

-, count of. See Nassau, Philip William of.

Burgau [Bavaria, German Empire], 19.

-, margrave of. See Charles, Archduke of Austria.

Burgen op Zone. See Berghen op Zoom.

Burgh, Buroghes, Burrough, Sir John, troop of horse at Amersfoort, 3, 343, 440; company at Brill, 3, 343, 440, 496; weekly imprest for, 210; money due to, 219.

Burgh, Borough, Borroughes, Thomas lord, governor of Brill:
-, letters from, 224, 337.
-, company at Brill, 3, 74, 343, 440, 490.
-, Killigrew warns of danger to town, 63; asks order about provisioning of place, 74.
-, money for, for weekly imprests, 168; money due to, 219.
-, entertains R. Cecil, 225.
-, hurt at being left out of commission, 225; protests against idea of giving up Brill, 337–8.
-, States wish instructed to discountenance disorders, 249.
-, to see that cessation observed, 311.
-, servant of, in Stanley's regiment, 524.

Burghley, lord. See Cecil, William.

Burgrave. See Burchgrave.

Burgundians, Burgonians, Burguynions, troops in Parma's army, numbers, 77; with officers, 214, 293, 537.
-, Garnier claims to be, 162; Parma favours as councillors, 192.

-, restitution to apply to, 42; to approve of treaty of peace, 43.
-, ancient treaties with, 193, 242–3, 258, 267, 284, 339, 547.
-, always amity with house of, 286.
-, red cross of, Burgonian cross, 15.
-, -, Comté, threat to send English prisoners to, 500.

Burlacy. See Borlas.

Burley or Berny, accused by Colonna, 354.

Burnham, Bornam, Burneham, Burnam, Edward, at Flushing, money due to, 219.

-, Mr., gentleman of Walsingham, 72.
-, letter brought by, 335.
-, took note of requirements of Ostend, 340.

Burrough. See Burgh.

Buse. See Buys.

Bushell, James, corporal, daily pay, 2.

Bussche, Hendricke van, of Middelburg, ship arrested by Colston and released, 14.

Butler, —, sent with intelligence about Savage, 78.

-, Sir Philip, sums due to, 158.

butter, estimate of for Flushing garrison, 5; cheaper in Netherlands, 35, 50.

Buys, Buse, Paul, of Leyden, 110.
-, Capt. Rancy goes to parley with, 66; mischief made by, 105.
-, alienates Naarden from English, 108; Rancy cashiered by, 109.
-, remains at Hoorn, 107; seducer of the two Counts, 108.
-, says Maurice will declare war on English, 108; tries to draw Naarden to the States, 178.
-, soldiers prefer Leicester to, 108.

Buzenval, seigneur de. See Choart, Paul.

Bye, Bie, George de, treasurer general, 88:
-, recommends cause of captains to States, 23.