Elizabeth: June 1588, 26-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Elizabeth: June 1588, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp517-535 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1588, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp517-535.

"Elizabeth: June 1588, 26-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp517-535.

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June 1588, 26–30

June 26. Lord Wyllughby to the Lords of the Council.
Yesterday, as the States requested him, he delivered them in writing those points which their lordships by their last letter commanded him to propound, “who have promised to present the same in open Assembly unto the States General and procure a present answer.”
In his former letters he has been bold to touch upon sundry matters concerning the general action and her Majesty's particular service; wherein he prays that some full resolution may be sent him, “that the proceedings may have the more easier passage.” —The Hague, 26 June, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Holland XXIV. f. 180.]
June 26. George Gilpin to Walsingham.
I know that Lord Willoughbie and Mr. Killigrew write of all things concerning these countries; but my own cause touches me so nearly, that I cannot but re-iterate my old suit.
“The General States are still here assembled, but do very little, having been busy this good while about the matters to establish the Council of State, and to redress the state of the wars,—wherein they will diminish their forces and cut off charges so much as they can; finding that the charge, notwithstanding they have brought it so near as they could, exceedeth the contribution of 20,000l. by 3000l. a month, which they dispute how to raise. Besides this, is another difiiculy: that Gueldres, Utrecht and Overyssell contribute little or nothing, and are rather chargeable than helpful unto others; only in respect that they serve as frontiers; and Friezland and Zealand employ their own contributions in their provinces and country. And Holland will go near to take the same course … till their own charges by land and water be fully answered. By this your honour may see how necessary it were that the Council of State should be established with such authority as appertaineth thereunto by the treaty; which by some is here interpreted to their own purpose; and is very needful that the articles of Instructions of the said Council, with my Lord Willoughby's exceptions thereupon, were duly considered upon, and returned hither with the opinion and advice of her Majesty's Council, joined to her Highness' pleasure; for the authority of the said Council is so slender that there is no respect borne unto any government here; and for his lordship to yield to any course that may be thought to contrary anyways the points of the treaty is neither lawful nor expedient. And to govern these countries by piece-meals, without some chief and supreme authority over all is unlikely and less possible; so that … if these things be not in time otherwise provided for, there will fall out further confusion, and after the division, to be feared the ruin and overthrow of this cause and countries….
“How the matters of Camphere and Armewe are ended I doubt not but you know. “The worst is that the captains having submitted themselves to the States and Count Maurice, and accordingly taken a new oath, their soldiers refused to serve any longer, and so departed from their ensigns with passport; not being left in any of the companies above ten or twelve men; the which the Count Maurice, desirous to relieve and further did grant new charge, with a place to renforce their said companies, and some little money towards the charges; but is feared it will not serve their turn.
“This thus ended, we came to Dordrecht, where, after a resolution taken how to deal with those [of] Geertruydenbergh, his lordship and the said Count took shipping, and went near the town; whither certain deputies were sent to us from the garrison; but had no other charge than to persist by their first demand of 31 months' pay; so after long consultation had on ship-board with certain deputed from the States, it was at length resolved to make an offer of 20 months; which at the first was refused, though afterwards, upon further deliberation amongst the soldiers, they accepted thereof.
“Now the difficulty is where the money shall be found; divers deputies, both from the States and the said Count, being sent to all towns to intreat for some particular contribution, as an extra-ordinary benevolence. The mean while, commissaries should be sent thither to make up the accounts and prepare the order for the payment to be made.
“They mean not, notwithstanding this great payment, to be removed from their garrison; neither to have other governor than such as they shall like of; whereof they themselves will make choice; and as they say, will have none other than an Englishman; so as how Sir Martin Schencke shall speed is uncertain; being as unlikely that they will accept him, whom they think very hardly of, as it is certain they cannot abide to hear of the Count Hohenlo; who is on his departure towards Denmark … with four commissioners that go to condole the late king's decease and confirm the league and amity between his kingdom and these countries. And so shall from thence to divers princes protestants of Germany….” The said Count has got a good sum from the States and some think he will stay to see the issue of the composition at Geertruydenberg, which “is a great ‘corasyve’ unto his mind.” Count Maurice is still here, in great credit. The States are also here, but meet seldom; “those of Holland appearing slowly, though they be present; and they of Utrecht go and come, the controversy between them and Holland not being yet ended. The Council of State do also meet daily, though their authority be small and less respected; having no means yielded them to pay or content any, and less to perform any piece of service.”
In Friseland their meeting has endured since the beginning of May, “by reason they are in great division and cannot agree among themselves; certain deputies being thence expected here daily. The Count William commandeth there, and hath of late buried his lady.”
Colonel Sonoy is here “and hath begun his suit before the Council of State; they of Holland having promised in effect to perform the agreement made with him, either to have the commission he desired or an honourable discharge….”—The Hague, 26 June, 1588, stilo Anglia.
Signed. Add. Endd.
pp. [Holland XXIV. f. 182.]
June 26. Lord Cobham to Walsingham.
The duke's answer came this morning, we meet this afternoon. What this delay will breed I know not. They say this morning that those of Berghen have attempted to surprise the castle of Wow; what hope can they have of our true dealing. At our meeting I am sure it will be thundered out. Truly such attempts might well be forborne as long as we are here. They do tacitly forbear any hostility upon the land, and some reason they should be so dealt withal….
I have sundry times written for your letter for the discharge of Barney; I am daily pressed by some here and his ransom is ready to be paid; I pray you let me know what answer to make. I have promised to do my best to the Marquis of Renti who doth look for it.
In my letter by Weast I desired answer to a few lines where I made a cross, but you forgot to answer. It will do good but no hurt.
[Thanks for favour to son Harry. Returns Lord Scrope's letter with thanks.]—Burborow, 26 June, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. The words in italics deciphered. 1 p. [Flanders IV. f. 151.]
June 26. Notes of the insufficiency of the King's Commissioners' answers to her Majesty's Commissioners' reply in the principal.
1. This part seemeth reasonable, saving that it will require a very long examination which points of the old treaty are to be left out as prejudicial to either party, whereby there may be much alteration.
2. The first part is the same as before whereby they would exclude the Q. Majesty from all dealing for the ratification of the privileges of the Low Countries, answered by many reasons whereof none are answered.
3. The last point beginning interim non est cur dubitet is not time for the reply plainly states that her Maj.'s subjects cannot enjoy their privileges unless they of the Low Countries may enjoy their own.
3. The toleration for two years is meant to last two years and afterwards such as the States General shall agree upon, and not such as is given to the other towns by the Duke, i.e. to remain only in the towns without inquisition for their conscience, so that they live peaceably, in the mean time to resolve whether they will live in the exercise of the Roman religion or else avoid the country, which is far from the toleration demanded by her Majesty.
4. The answer is the same as before and answers no part of the reasons touching the dangers arising from the abode of the strangers in the Low Countries, or the like grants made before at Breda, Colon, Brussels and to them of Hennalt.
5. The words of H.M.'s commissioners were no interpretation of their former demands, but a round reprehension of the answer of the K.'s Comrs. that did both grossly understand and untruly report the words of H.M.'s Comrs. in that point.
6. This is no direct answer to the Queen's demand, which they were required to make disertis verbis.
7. This answereth the reply touching their sharp words, wherein they repeat the same, or worse.
Endd. as above; the date in Burghley's hand.pp. [Treaty Papers V. f. 98.]
Another copy.
Endd. D. Dale's censure upon the D. Commiss. answer made the 26 June, 1588. 2¼ pp. [Ibid. f. 100.]
June 27. Gebhart [Truchsess, deprived] Elector and Archbishop of Cologne, to Mr. Killigrew.
By the bearers hereof, the Sieur de Dort, Secretary Carben and the Licentiate Ladingeus, he makes request to his honour concerning certain important matters which greatly affect the public welfare, and especially these countries, as will understand from them. Prays him to give them his assistance in the said affairs.—Honslerdyck, 27 June, '88, stylo veteri.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. French.
½ p. [Holland XXIV. f. 184.]
June 27. Sir James Croft to Burghley.
The K.'s commissioners seem unwilling to come as yet to any particularities touching the treaty, which strange course hath somewhat disquieted us and we thought it convenient to know her Majesty's pleasure therein. Yet de Loo came this morning, moved it seems by the K.'s commissioners, to know the differences for which they misliked and he maketh no doubt but that they will descend to particular points, so it may first appear by mutual conference upon what points the whole treaty shall consist, and they seem desirous, as he saith, to understand the king's express liking thereof; so although the cause hath had many hindrances, I hope a work of so great piety will have the special protection of God.—Bourbroughe, 27 June, 1588, stilo veteri.
Two things of late have greatly offended them, the attempt upon Vau castle, and some sharp speeches of Rogers, more than was requisite, in the presence of us all.
Signed. Add. Endd. 2/3 p. [Flanders IV. f. 155.]
June 27. Dr. Dale to Walsingham.
Although my lords think it best to make no gloss upon this last answer, I have of myself … made them answer by way of a “postill,” with some note of the impertinency of the same. I judge that the D. findeth ‘hote’ (? hope) of the K. of Spain's navy, for he maketh all the haste possible for his own preparations, and seemeth to resolve to come by his towns and by Holland and Zeeland by another way, which I trust will be his next way about, but specially if there be great care that his ships steal not hence; and by God's grace they may come halting home.—Bourborgh, 27 June, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Ibid. f. 157.]
June 27. The Same to Burghley.
They have sent the answer of the commissioners to the Council. He has sent some notes of his own. Asks for help “for we are utterly at a stay. Before the coming of their messenger from the duke they made fair weather unto us.” The duke's preparations. —Bourborough, 27 June, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 161.]
June 27. Lord Cobham to Walsingham.
The commissioners delivered their answer so far from reason and without answering the points whereon we desired their resolute answer, so either they are resolute to take some other course or unskilful of treaties. They may hope for two things, the coming of the Armado or to make her Majesty suspect with the United Provinces, the sooner to draw them to the D. Now H.M. knows the answer our hope is it will be considered how we shall retire home, for we have but a bare safe conduct. But as the treaty may be renewed hereafter it were good to send some one of quality to the D. to let him know that she expected the answer to be otherwise; but as they express a readiness to confirm the treaties between Charles V and Henry VIII, these treaties would be examined at further leisure. And as they will not refuse the toleration for two years, and the treaties will ask long consideration, she has thought good to revoke her commissioners until an opportunity may arise of finishing this treaty, assuring herself of finding the D. as well disposed as he hath always been.
This my poor opinion is to yourself, leaving to my lords to direct what is meet for us to do.
The 26th inst. the meeting of La Motte and Gourdon was confirmed unto me, where they had long speeches no good for me for it was told me for that purpose. There is a ship come the 25th of this month out of Scotland with six gentlemen. They were no sooner landed but presently they took horses to repair to the duke.
I wrote to you of one Morison that was to go into Spain. His ship fell into leak but now repaired. The 26 at night she departed to hasten the army though Richardot told us the contrary. I pray you forget not Barny; there will be good done if I be not deceived —Burborow, 27 June, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. The words in italics deciphered. 1p. [Flanders IV. f. 158.]
Decipher of the passages in cipher, except the word ‘leak.’ ½ p. [Ibid. f. 159.]
June 27. Lord Cobham to Burghley.
In this despatch your lp. shall see their answer … I did look for a more round and plain dealing … we see not the road any further until her Majesty's good pleasure is known. We told Andrea de Loo we did much marvel, having propounded such reasonable conditions, that men of such gravity, who had made show of their great desire for peace would deny that, which had many times been granted, to her Majesty, who had in respect of the commerce between her and the K.'s subjects some kind of interest. He was asked, if they did not like of ours why did not they propound. He answered, they might not. Then he was required to tell us what were the things that were misliked. He said they would not hear of the Pacification of Gaynt, nor that the strangers should not depart but upon the assembly of the States and by their order. And so the deliverance of the towns which they call Principale Negotium: No uses of religion for 2 years, but a forbearance that they shall not be molested.
I fear this holy league doth much hinder our action, and so I am informed, for without the clergy consent hardly a peace will be made. It would be thought how the treaty might at some other time be revived, though we be revoked; some other time and persons may be more fitter for it.—Burborow, 27 June, '88.
Postscript. In these doubtful times it were necessary that the towns of Sandwych and Rie were voided of strangers. Stanley had some speech with one touching the descent about Rie and Winchelsei. It were good that the places were looked unto and fortified with horse that they may not be taken upon the sudden.
Holograph. Add. Endd. the words in italics deciphered. 1 p. [Flanders IV. f. 163.]
June 27. The Commissioners to the Privy Council.
The king's commissioners gave there answer on the 26th wherein it seemeth to us they have neither satisfied the matter not yet made any answer at all to the points propounded, nor answered the reasons for the maintenance of our demands, neither do they make any overture on their side. And forasmuch as we have already pressed them for a direct answer, that her Majesty may know what to resolve, having ourselves gone as far as H.M.'s instructions, we thought it our duty to send the answer to your lps. to compare with our reply and to know H.M.'s pleasure what we have further to do with all convenient speed, for that the K.'s commissioners will not fail to call earnestly upon us, although the delays have been hitherto on their side.—Bourborough, 27 June, 1588.
Signed by all five. Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Flanders IV. f. 165.]
June 28. Sir Thos Morgan to Walsingham.
By advice of Lord Willughbie I repaired to the States-General at the Hague, and delivered her Majesty's letters, but in twelve days they have given me no resolute answer, saving “that I shall have what her Majesty hath written for.” Great means are made to delay me, and some of the States have reported “that I shall not be answered until my Lord Willughby have received answer of his letters out of England … Grave Hollock is this day gone by the appointment of the States, lieutenant-general of Holland and Zeeland into Denmark.” He has received for his journey 25,000 guildens and must receive so much more.
“Skincke is greatly discontented, and saith there is none account made of her Majesty's letters…. Bonne is besieged with 4000 horse and foot. Skincke demandeth but 1000 horse for the relief of it; but as yet they will not resolve him….
“I trust your honour will have in remembrance my last letter and not suffer me in this sort to be disgraced. My only countenance resteth on my Lord Steward and your honour….”—Haige, 28 June, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXIV. f. 186.]
June 28. A note of the serviceable ships in Dunkirk, taken and seen by my servant Richard Hodgson walking upon the quay, where they rid the space of 1½ hours, the 28 June, before the gates were opened.
Topmen, 12 flyboats of about 100 tons burthen, said to be the kings, with 5 minions and 2 sakers a side; without top, 10 flyboats of about 90 tons with 4 or 5 minions a side; 10 flyboats of about 70 tons, as yet un-rigged, without ordnance … 32
12 French ships without men, stayed to serve the K. of Spain, from 60 to 100 tons, which came as merchantmen; all their men gone home save 2 or 3 to keep the ships … 12
All the rest of their ships may be about 30 sail some prizes and some French ships, and some of their own, all unrigged and broken, not serviceable without new building … 30
Total 74
Endd. 1 p. [Flanders IV. f. 169.]
June 28. Advertisements out of Flanders.
Coming from Boume to Mascricke all the garrisons is drawn between Mascrike and Briges and likewise all the land over there is lying before the town of Boume 7 cornets of horsemen of the king and 10 of the bands of ordinances and ancients of Lorraine, 12 ancients of Italians and 3 of Duches there is by Brissells 200 footmen, by Dicksmewe 28,000, by Newport, 6000 Italians footmen, by St. Thomas at a place called Walltin between 8 or 10,000 horsemen. This is the king's poor; looking every day to come for England as the wind is good.
Further to give you information of the Englishmen of Standley's regiment.
Captains: Edward Stanley, Owen Salsberrie, Ulster Eustes, Peter Gwine, Thomas Grene, Bostocke. Pensioners: Edward Cripes, Thomas Begbie, Thomas Capstocke, Richard Pollard, Mr. Sowche, Mr. Morris, Christopher Peskode, Thomas Reynoldes, John Whitt, William Wood and Mr. Petty, Creake that came away with my L. Audley's man and his brother, servant to my L. Borroughes, Wm. Heynes, Anthony Griffino.
These be the traitors against God and the Queen of England.
The priests with Sir Wm. Standley: Mr. Worlonton, Father Fene, Mr. Grene, Mr. Wood word and two more.
Also he saith about 12 days ago or more they of Bomue defeated 300 horse of the Duke of Parma's.
Endd. as above. 1 p. [Flanders IV. f. 167.]
June 29. “Reasons why the Lord Wyllughby desireth to be deported from his authority, already being made void.”
1. That he may not appoint his own Lieutenant Colonel. One is now nominated quite unknown to him, and appointed governor of a town; “wherein he being engaged cannot follow the other services, and withall unfurnished of language,” whereby Lord Willughby is disabled of the help he should have, and yet double pay given to him. It is also contrary to all authority given to Generals, and especially to his own commission and letters patents.
2. “The nomination of captains taken in a sort from him, and he left … to be but as a clerk from whence the writs and warrants in law courts are to be fetched….”
3. “The use of the treasure taken from him, save only warrants for lendings,” so that captains who have men and arms lost, their horses killed and soldiers prisoners cannot be relieved; “unless of the General's purse; a charge he is not able to support.
4. Has no certain allowances for intelligence, carriages, voyages etc., with many extraordinary charges.
5. Likewise the commissaries of musters in service before his time, but continued by him and never found faulty in anything, are all displaced whereby—the first being acquainted with the service, and these [new ones] not agreeable to the States and unknown, there will not only be great confusion in the accounts but “difficulty made consequently for the remboursing the treasure.” And as these have no weekly lendings, “they are left to be paid of the checks; and in the meanwhile are fain to spend themselves to the bones.”
6. Believes there was never a General who had not a Provost Martial, yet he is to have no allowance for one though Flushing and the Brill are to have them. Whereby it seem to be thought fit “he should neither punish traitor, runaway, robber nor offender whatsoever.” Cannot conceive (under correction) why it should be denied.
7. “Lastly it may be considered how he may be termed a General that hath forced upon him new reconciled and unacquainted persons”; who is not able so much as to nominate a captain, or reward any man; who has power neither to hold in office nor to give office, but is made contemptible to all men. Therefore he will not, by bad precedents, overthrow the ancient reputation wherewith all the honourable princes of the world have privileged this place” but “he will serve under any her Majesty shall command as a private soldier or adventurer, as obedient as any, … rather than for a glorious title only to do disservice to her Majesty and shame to the nation….”
Three copies, one of them signed by Wyllughby and endorsed “29 June, 1588. Reasons moving the Lord Willoughby to desire to be discharged of his government” by Walsingham's clerk.
pp. [Holland XXIV. ff. 188, 190, 192.]
June 29. Sir Edward Norreys to Walsingham.
“We have daily assured news of the enemy's great haste in his preparations for England, [and] that the revier is yet too little for certain boats of war which shall come from Gaunt and Antwerp; but next spring tide he hopes to get them to pass. Also that all the havens of France are at the King of Spain's devotion.
What trouble we have had with the traitorous practices of bad fellows I am sure the Governor hath written at large… Many other things also we do hear; all to the same end … so that, if these things prove true, I ask for some place wherein I may venture my life with the rest for my country, in her Majesty's so great occasion of service …—Ostend, 29 June, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 194.]
June 29. George Gilpin to Walsingham.
Expresses gratitude for favours received. Recommends to him a very learned doctor of physic, whom he has recently met, with whom he spoke about Walsingham's disease, which he would not promise, but hoped to cure, and is ready to set down his opinion and say whether he will take it in hand or no and the hope he hath thereof. The old Wierius and other learned doctors have a great opinion of him and he has done very great cures, among them Lipsius, suffering from a very suffering and dangerous disease. If Walsingham desires to deal further with this man, asks him to send over the questions upon which an opinion be asked.—29 June, stylo Angliae.
Signed. Add, Endd.
1 p. [Ibid. f. 197.]
June 29./July 9. Colonel Martin Skenck's demands; addressed to Lord Willughby and Mr. Killigrew.
The Sieur Martin Skenck of Niddeggen demands satisfaction in the following matters:
1st. For the sum of 4000 florins, in accordance with the contract made with him by the Comte de Nieuwenar and Jehan Horenkens in the name of the Elector of Cologne and the said States, on May 10, 1585, besides his right to the revenues of the Meuse, granted to him by the King of Spain; and promised by the said States.
For the arrears due to him by the said king, together with 12,000 florins promised him in behalf of the fort of Millingen, besides repayment for 12 pieces of artillery and other things contained in the said contract, which has since been confirmed by an arrangement made between the Elector of Cologne the Conte de Nieuwenar and again confirmed by the Earl of Leicester and approved by the States, under promise to effectuate it by an entertainment of 10,000 florins a month for the term of eight months. On whose behalf, there was put into the hands of the remonstrant as mortgage the domains of the King of Spain in the countries of Limburg, Gronnigen, the lowlands of Brabant, the country of Gelder or Cuyck, and some other of the general means of these countries, for payment of the said moneys, which were paid by the petitioner to the garrisons of Nuys, Berck, Alphen, Moeurs, Cracken, the house of Tarsen,Venlo, Gelder, St. Gravelen, Hague Wastendonck, Blyenbeeck, and St. Gravenweert; for which he will exhibit the documents and accounts, among which garrisons he has raised separate companies of men of war, by virtue of the acts granted him by the Earl of Leicester, both for accepting and dismissing the said men of war as the service of the country should require; which companies he has equipped at his own expense, having to this end burdened himself with very great debts.
For payment of 13,000 florins due to him and promised on the day of muster for the month's pay disbursed by him to the said garrisons in 1586, amounting to 40,000 florins, whereupon have been delivered to remonstrant 200 lasts of oats, which he at once distributed to the soldiers.
The value of five ships of war on the Rhine, three of which he has equipped at his own expense, since they have been lost in the ice, in the service of the country; and payment of the entertainment of the soldiers, from the time when they were put to the charge of the Estates.
Seeing also that he warned them betimes the suspicion he had of the treason which ensued in the towns of Venlo and Gelder, whereby he has fallen into serious losses, he requires recompense therefor.
For repayment of the great charges incurred by him in divers journeys for the distribution of victuals and ammunition of war to the horse and foot employed by him in the service of the country by commission and command and this with ready money having also maintained with money and victuals his reiters and footmen as well as those sent him by his Excellency and the States.
He has also raised and disbursed, at the requisition of the Counsellor Dorrius and others, moneys for the carters to the amount of 200 florins, having moreover entertained them with money and provisions, as they had no other means. For which he was granted order upon Philippe Asseliers, master of the carts, which has never been paid by reason that the said Asseliers has not been able to make use of the authority therefor.
And as his Excellency, the Council of State at the time and the Estates, on December 6, '86, have made another and closer contract with petitioner, by which he was permitted for the assistance of the payment of the said garrisons 20,000 florins a month; with the receipt of the licences and contributions contained in the said contract, which has never been made good to him (save for three months) in money, with about 4000 florins more, and three months in provisions, which cost him heavy charges before they were transported to head-quarters petitioner demanding that the said contract should be carried out, seeing that he finds himself ruined, having raised large sums to avoid all disturbances in the garrisons, which he has maintained from his own purse, beyond his means; it not being possible to continue this, as indeed he has no intention of doing. All this was in the hope that this contract would be followed by a good effect; since it was also signed and sealed by the States of Holland; and the rather that the collectors of or the convoys of merchants resident in these countries still detain from him some of the money.
Moreover, he requires satisfaction and payment of such other entertainments as he laid out on the companies of horse and foot under him; which he has levied at great expense, together with the moneys which he has disbursed for secret intelligences; for which, by a special act, he has been promised repayment; as also of such moneys as he has bestowed for the fortification of St. Gravenwert, over and above what was appointed for it.
Of all which articles, petitioner will make more ample overture by his deputies, requiring very earnestly that the States of Holland (as bound by their contract) will, before all others, pay the debts contracted by him for the service of the country, amounting to about 16,000 florins; and also pay him ready money for what his debts amount to in the land of Cleve, for entertainment of the said garrisons.
Requiring, moreover, that after the final reckoning for himself and his troops, horse and foot, he may receive a declaration that they have so paid in regard of their faithful services, and their loss of blood and substance. And to the end that he may be satisfied in his demands with the greatest profit to the country, he demands to be a commissioner under the government of Count Maurice of Nassau, in conformity with her Majesty's letters, with the superintendance of the place named in her letters.
And since certain of those serving under him, having had the administration of moneys, ammunitions of war and victuals are gone away without having first given account of the said administration, and now conceal themselves in these provinces, he demands that he may be permitted to constrain the said persons, according to justice, to make up their said accounts; together with all other collectors of convoys or merchants, witholding from petitioner his money and his rights.—The Hague, 9 July, 1588.
Signed. Endd. “Colonel Skencke's demands.” French.pp. [Holland XXIV. ff. 196, 199.]
June 29. The Queen to the Commissioners.
[Recital of the things that might lead her to believe that she was not being dealt with sincerely yet the desire for the restoration of peace moved her to leave nothing undone that might appertain to a Christian prince, and to continue to treat so long as there was any hope that it might be effectual.] But now having discovered that this treaty is entertained only to abuse us, and understanding that the preparations in Spain and the Low Countries are against us, and for the furtherance of these points there is a vile book of Dr. Allen and a bull of the Pope, to stir up our subjects against us, the Duke of Parma being expressly named to be the executioner of these enterprises, we cannot think it honourable to continue longer the treaty with them. Therefore we have thought meet that one of your number should repair to the D. (we think Dr. Dale very meet for that purpose) … and give him to understand that the principal cause that moved us to enter into this treaty, against the advice of very many very wise men, from the opinion of his sincerity despite divers admonitions that in the end we should be abused, for that the great forces prepared so long time were certainly to be employed only against this our realm, yet we would not give credit to such advices.
Now, you shall say, we find our opinion grounded upon error for we are assured of certain vile books printed in Antwerp by his command, and a bull of Pope Sixtus V, by which the D. by name is charged to be the chief executioner of the famous war against us and our realm with pretence to make conquest thereof. You shall require him to hear this from us as a matter not alleged upon vain surmises and require him as a prince of honour to let us plainly understand what we may think hereof and whether he know of any such books and bull. If he do admit it you shall say that we do change our opinion and do require of him, according to the safe conduct, to permit our commissioners freely to return to us, concluding in good and grave manner, that we have willed you to say that we do not doubt, notwithstanding all their preparations, but through the goodness of God, who hath hitherto protected us and the people … we shall be able to withstand both him and all others that shall attempt anything against us or our realm, and we shall be glad that the whole world shall see we have offered to come to peace even when most cruel war hath been prepared against us.
If he shall say he is not acquainted with this book and bull nor assented to be executioner of the bull, you shall require him in our name that the printers of the book and bull may be taken and punished according to the quality of their offence and the books burned, and that the D. will in his own name cause some matter to be published to notify unto the world how much he doth mislike of the making and printing of any such books and bulls and how free he is for the liking or privity of any such. If he shall refuse, you shall say that we cannot be in honour satisfied, and therefore you shall conclude as before touching your return. After your return you, Dr. Dale, shall with speed advertise us of his answer and thereupon put yourselves in readiness to return, for which purpose you shall have the conduct of some of our ships of war to bring you into England.
Copy with date and brief abstract of contents.pp. [Flanders IV. f. 171]
Draft for the above with Burghley's corrections.
Endd. with date and short abstract of contents.pp. [Ibid. f. 177.]
June 29. Andrea de Loo to the Queen.
She knows the devotion and toil with which he has endeavoured to bring to an end the differences between her and the King of Spain and it would be worse than death to him, after so many difficulties overcome if her deputies do not win the glory. He labours day and night to attain this end. Believes that a clear demand of what she wishes will remove suspicion and that they will soon arrive at a definitive conclusion. Refers her to what he is writing to the Lord Treasurer.—Borbourgh, 29 June, 1588, stilo vechio.
Signed. Add. Endd. Italian.
pp. [Ibid. f. 173.]
June 29. Andrea de Loo to Burghley.
His lordship has been informed of the step taken by Mr. Controller at Bruges, welcomed by his Altesse and the Court; nothing lacking to settle everything but assistance from this side, although no answer was given to Mr. Controller at the first, awaiting greater clearness on the principal point, viz., the security of her Majesty and a speedy conclusion might have been reached; but his proposals being suppressed and spurned by his colleagues the matter drags on with a suspicion on both sides that it is not an agreement that is wanted but to gain time. Some of the Duke's deputies say that the queen's deal ambiguously on this account and those who began to support Mr. Controller are grown quite cold, finding he is not supported. His Lordship will have seen what M. Champagney has written on this very point, and seen the negotiations on both sides after the conference of the deputies. The king's wish everything in writing, and say things are reported captiously to the queen to turn her away and sometimes what has been said is denied, which cannot be done when things are written. Some thought that answer could be made to the last from the queen's deputies with more advantage to her and for a more speedy and sound conclusion in the manner enclosed, together with Mr. Controller's articles and the reply prepared to the most urgent article, to enable the queen to take a more convenient resolution. Is confident of his Altesse's good will to peace, for which M. de Champagney, with whom de Loo is most intimate, renders every assistance. But with all this, until they see more steadfast propriety, it will behove them here to stand to arms as strongly as possible, complaining bitterly of the time already lost in the hope of this accord, turning them away from the cessation of arms, the tardiness being greatly blamed in Spain. Asks him to consider this, as once the thread of the negotiations is broken it will be difficult to mend it, all depending on the fortunes of war. It is considered absolutely certain that here they will not answer much to the point before they see all the articles which are to be proposed and the demands made already, so that they can answer soundly and arrive at an end. The President told him that day and M. de Champagney also that they agree to renew the treaties between Charles V and Henry VIII and also the liberties of the Provinces, although they answered with some uncertainty. The questions of the money advanced, the soldiers, and appointments for natives can be dealt with in 10 days with the meeting of the Estates, so Champagney says, who thinks it the true way to obtain what is asked.
For the rest it seems that the queen's deputies have only a vague charge to mention the pardon and restitution referred to in the 8th article, though it is a matter of great consequence which will lay the people of the Low Countries under a great obligation to her Majesty, nor will it be difficult to obtain.—Borbourgh, 29 June, 1588, stilo antico.
Begs him to believe that by taking this way they will obtain immediately, without fail, an absolute answer, he hopes to the satisfaction of her Majesty. Asks pardon for his presumption due to his zeal for the cause.
Signed. Add. Endd. Italian. 3 pp. [Flanders IV. f. 175.]
June 29./July 9. Juan Everye to John Bird and John Watts, merchants.
Another letter of this date is going in this bark concerning your business. This serves only to give you news of the Spanish army.
“The 27th of May, they departed from Lisbon with 130 sail, great and small, and went directly to the Groine, and there stayed seventeen days and took in their provision of wine and water and cyder; and from thence departed, keeping their course directly for England; but by the way met with foul weather, which drove them back again the most part. Some of them put in for the Groine, some for ‘St. Tanderas’ and some for Laredo, and two ships and a galley put for the coast of Portugal. Some came in without masts and some so leaky that with much travail [they] recovered the land; and two or three ships, 2 galliasses and one galley, as here it is reported, be lost. God send them all the like good fortune. And as yet there be wanting 22 ships and pinnaces, and Juan Martenes, their general. The rest do make the most haste possible they may, to gather their shipping together again and to follow their former charge. Their army do meet at the Groine, where is the Duke of Medina, their General of the whole fleet.
“Although it be here reported they go for England, it is thought for certain they go for Scotland, and that the King of Scots hath promised them entry and help in his country, which is most like of the two; for with so small a fleet, I hope they can do small harm in England. Herein you shall receive the principal [of] that is contained in the relation of the said army. The original goeth to my Lord Mayor, sent by his servant. It were very good the Council did know of it, for the better to ‘let’ their pretence.
“News of this country here is none, but that the King of France keeps himself in ‘Roane’ and the Duke of Guise in Paris. Every day here goeth from Bayona horses unto him for his aid, for that he is in doubt to be put from his crown by the Duke of Guise; but here, God be thanked, all is quiet.”
Dated at the top. “Jesus! In St. John de Luce, the 9 day of July, 1588.”
Endd. by Walsingham's clerk. “A letter written to Mr. Bird and Mr. Watts from a servant of theirs….” 1 p. [France XVIII. 257.]
June 30. Sir Edward Norreys to Walsingham.
“The bruits of the enemy's invading of England grows now so assured that I leave to think of his coming hither; and take care only what I may think of myself, if in this common fortune of our country, I shall not venture my life with the rest for the defence of it. So that albeit these be many circumstances of news which might be written, yet I have thought fit to refer it to the governor, and myself only solicit that the Spaniard and French having so fully resolved to be in England very shortly, I may there in that high service of her Majesty either be partaker of your triumph or reckoned in the list of those that died in the defence of their country; and this my suit have I not thought fit to be mingled with any other matter, as a thing which suffereth no equal desire. So that most humbly beseeching your honour's favour and remembrance of me in this suit of mine, I will pray to God to send you all increase of happiness.”—Ostend, last of June, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XXIV. f. 204.]
June 30. H. Killigrew to Burghley.
Since my hasty letters by Luke Warde, enclosing Allen's book, “the towns of Champhere and Armeuden were reconciled to them of Zeeland. My Lord afterward took his journey with Count Maurice to Gertrudenbergh to mediate the like there, which also is well compassed, if the States keep promise in payment,” but of these matters I am sure he has advertised your lordship. “Only this I add, … that I will second my lord lieutenant with all good offices … being sorry I cannot be always with him as I would, for attending on the Council of State.” Your lordship's other points I shall thankfully observe as time and occasion shall be offered.
“Now resteth to compound some controversies concerning them of Utrecht, whereof there is great hope, and that being done, these provinces may be the better able to defend themselves and friend others in time, but surely some mistakings on both sides have been occasion of great inconveniences … and if the Duke of Parma had bent his forces this way, I think he should have greatly prevailed. But now I think your lordship is assured of the Catholic malice towards her Majesty and her dominions, which here is confirmed daily more and more … my lord Lieutenant having taken the enemy's letters which do affirm no less.
“The place of descent for the Spanish army should seem by most advices to be in some part of Scotland; others say in the west of Ireland; and the Duke of Parma, some say at Sandwich, others fear Romney Marsh, where the landing is easy, the ground full of cattle and horse, and with small labour made guardable for a time. They say the King's forces be 30,000 foot and 2000 horses; his ships of war 150; whereof seventeen gallies, four great galleons and the rest royal ships.
“The Duke's forces about 3500 footmen and 1000 horse, all ready to embark at Newport and Dunkirk; and to transport a great number of flat bottoms with 35 ships of war to guard them. It is feared also that the Duke of Guise's party will be in this enterprise, for there is advertisements come hither this day that the ships of Rosco in Brittany do arm for war. When all is done, God is above, who hath the sceptre in his own hand; against whom they strive in vain. To intreat him to favour us, they have proclaimed in all these provinces a public fast. They have sent to my lord Henry ‘Seymer’ twenty sail of ships, abiding more, and my Lord Wyllughby doth what he may to persuade that their forces may draw towards Zeland, the rather to pass over if need require…. I do what I may to persuade that her Majesty may find some measure of aid, in respect of the great helps she hath afforded to divers nations besides these United Provinces; and sure this I find: that they believe if her Majesty should quail they were all undone…. But God knoweth, their ability is nothing answerable to the opinion had of them. I am sorry I can say no better, but it is too, too true. For money they might spare some good soldiers, because, to square their numbers to their purse, they do cass many bands, besides those which of late have cassed themselves; as three companies of late in Zeland, some before at Mydelburgh, divers by the States' order for the cause before alleged.
“Col. Sonoy [is] now here to have his passport, and Sir Martyn Shenk for his count and reckoning; so as, for money, good captains and soldiers might be had. I pray God you need them not….
“The Count Maurice is now towards Amsterdam, to bring the Count of Hohenlo on his journey towards Denmark, where, among other things, he is to deal for a wife for Count Mauryce. Yet some be of mind that all his show of going hath been to see if they of Gertruydenberg were reconciled and satisfied, that he might possess his profit there as before.
“The King of Navarre's ambassador hath attended for him in Amsterdam these ten days and more, who hath written to your lordship, and sends you a discourse of the present state of France; but the packet is directed to Monsieur Buzenvall, from whom your lordship is to have the same; which is but to move her Majesty to the sending of 10,000l. for the levy of the Reiters, as they here have promised to do; and sure I think the money well-bestowed … if her present state could bear the same; for it would make them in France to look to their own at home. I am sorry I cannot promise more assured comfort from hence; but I shall pray God to supply all your wants.”
For the search I promised to make to recover some more of the books I sent in my last, “the sequel hath been that St. Aldegonde's wife being at Antwerp, and from her husband, making inquiry, did not use the matter so well but that Mondragon had knowledge the book was abroad … learned who had the first, and put him in prison. The rest he keepeth, but they were printed by order of the Duke of Parma … Though the poor fellow had an ill turn, yet the books by this means will not be so common, I trust.”
I send this by my man, whom your lordship may return again if you have anything to command me.—The Hague, last of June, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [Holland XXIV. f. 206.]
June 30. Morgan Colman to Burghley.
The cause of your lordship's sorrow has been very grievous to me, and has also fallen out unfortunately for my lord and his business, as I could not see you before my departure. I send the enclosed notes [not now with the letter], which, to prevent further danger I beseech you to consider. “I find what my Lord [Willughby] resolveth, and therefore have discharged my duty in declaring humbly how I find it.”—The Hague, 30 June, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Holland XXIV. f. 210.]
June 30. William Thomas, master gunner of Flushing, to Burghley.
Has been bold to write to his lordship “of the carelessness that the States of this country have of this town of Flushing,” and by his honour's means a view was made of all munitions, ordnance and store belonging to it, and the truth thereof was found. After this some show was made that all things decayed should be speedily strengthened and repaired; and for how much better the show thereof, there was appointed carts out of the country every day, to bring ‘heythe’ into the town, but within short time,—when the work was to be seen, what great strength it would have been to that part of the town if that had been done which was pretended; for that part of the town is the most weakest and the dangerous of all the town; which is the westermost part; beside the guest-house; presently it was given out by the States in Middelboro that there should be no allowance made for any charge of fortifying or repairing of anything that was to be done, in the town of Flushing; but if the Queen's Majesty or the inhabitants would pay the charge, they said they would be content; and so the work ceased and nothing finished worth speaking [of]. But if any man will behold their diligence even now at Middelborough, where there is amaking of a great sluce; sparing there no charges or devices that may be for making of mounts, and fortifying of the ramparts, with all the strength that the situation of the ground will suffer to be devised I will leave off to speak; being persuaded that it cannot be unknown to your honour that all the forces here in Flanders with the Spanish army and other forces of [our] ancient enemies is only to invade the realm of England. Wherefore I most humbly crave and beseech your honour to be the only means for me that I might have licence to come over, hoping that the talent which the Lord hath given me shall not be without some good success against the enemy, wheresoever it shall please God I shall be appointed to serve.—“Vlasshen” the last of June, 1588.
Add. Endd. 1 p. Very eccentric spelling. [Holland XXIV. f. 212.]
June 30. Lord Cobham to Walsingham.
I hope ere this by Papot you have received their answer by which their good meaning to a peace may easily appear. If you read Richardot's answer to Mr. Controller's propositions you shall find that they differ not much, so that there was causes to move them to send to the D. to have his opinion. Sir Wm. Stanley doth dismiss as many of his soldiers as demand passport. Within these 14 days he hath dismissed 100 to go into France to serve there; but it is said they go into England. The passages would be ‘belayde’ either to stay them or straight to examine them.
There is a new bruit raised that the King of Spain should be dead; two flyboats and one pinnace go for Spain. Two more go for Scotland. I have heard that it was Bishop that landed at Lillo that was companion to Maxwel. I have sent a messenger to give knowledge to the Lord E. Semer. Thus hoping to hear from you what her Majesty will resolve upon Papot's coming unto you.—Burbirow, 30 June, '88.
Holograph. Add. Endd. The words in italics deciphered, ½ p. [Flanders IV. f. 183.]
June. Minutes to Lord Willoughby and Sir Thos. Shirley, [from the Queen].
Having thought well to employ George Gilpin as assistant to Henry Killigrew in the Council of State, she desires him to give order to Sir Thos Shirley to allow him [blank] sterling by the day lor his entertainment during the time that he shall be so employed.
Like minute of warrant to Sir Thos. Shirley
Endd. “June 1588.” Draft 1 p. [Holland XXV. f. 65.]
June. — to the Earl of Derby.
I hope after the matter of the cessation shall be agreed upon there will be found no difficulty, considering H.M. has yielded to as much as the Commissioners themselves desire, saving in the limitation of time, wherein they have no reason to stand seeing they have sundry occasions to employ their forces against the United Provinces without attempting anything against H.M.'s 4 towns. H.M. would be most glad that you would win an assent that nothing shall be attempted by the D.'s forces in the Low Countries either against her dominions or Scotland, whereunto they might with reason yield seeing they know that H.M. is so well provided to withstand them that she need not fear them. Their drift in standing in this matter tendeth but to draw us for fear of their forces to yield to conditions more profitable for them than for us, if the cessation cannot be gotten general, I mean from any attempt to be committed by the D.'s forces. Her M. rather than the treaty should be longer delayed is content you should yield to them therein, so as now there resteth only the difficulty for the time where her meaning is you should stand very stiffly. —From the Coll. prac.
Endd. June 1588. M. to the E. of Derby. 2 pp. [Flanders IV. f. 191.]
June. Account of monies due to Arthur Bouchier, captain of 100 lances in the Low Countries; with amounts paid and what remains due, June, 1588.
Paid: 2296l. 3s. 11d. Still due to him and his company, 688l. 16s. 1d. Signed, Thomas Shirley.
Endd. by Burghley “In the Low Countries, hereof he had 200l. in Aug., 1592.” 1 p. [Holland XXIV. f. 202.]