Elizabeth: May 1588, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Elizabeth: May 1588, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp408-419 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1588, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp408-419.

"Elizabeth: May 1588, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 4, January-June 1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no4/pp408-419.

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May 1588, 21–25

May 21. Sir William Russell to Walsingham.
Begs once more that some good order may be taken for Camphere, which remains well-affected to her Majesty, refusing to take any other oath. If their suits may be granted, they will continue in their devotion; “else (by reason of the importance of the place) neither this town nor any part of this island may be kept or defended.”
Hears “that M. Sonoy is now very hardly dealt with and greatly injured by the Papists in Medenblicke,” the effect whereof he refers to the report of Sonoy's messenger, now sent over. Prays his honour's assistance “to procure her Majesty to write that those injuries may be reformed….” Unless she takes some rounder order for Camphere, and bears a hand with the States “in the behalf of them which be religious and well affected towards her,” they will fall from her daily and those that be there “may repose no trust unto any, but are rather like to be put besides this town and all other places in this country.”
[Once again] prays his honour to procure leave for him to come over “about some weighty causes which concern her Majesty” and some business of his own.—Vlisshing, 2 May, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Fine impressed seal of arms. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 314.]
May 21/31. Martin Blavoet to Walsingham.
Following my memorial, received from your honour, after having imparted it to M. de Russel, I went by his orders to the captains and serjeant-major of Camphere, and have laboured with them regarding the said memorial; exhorting them as much as was possible, and as also M. de Russell has since done by closed letters; but they were much perplexed, understanding that they must submit as the Sr. Senoy did at Medenblicq; who, as your honour will understand by the letters carried by the bearer of this, has not received too much satisfaction. The said captains are in great fear of falling into some evil predicament from the continual threats made against them, insomuch that they are awaiting for their full discharge letters from her Majesty to whom they are as much devoted as ever, relying upon the fact that they are under the command of the Earl of Leicester as governor and captain-general; and especially [on] the letter from her Majesty to them, of the 14th of last February, to be still held to the same oath without changing either it or their garrison; to keep all good correspondence with those of the country, and to resist the enemy etc.; as your honour will more fully understand by Mr. Russell's letter, hereto annexed. Also that for the service of her Majesty and the public welfare, by charge of the said Earl, they have entered willingly into this action. Your honour will also understand by Mr. Russell's letter how the matter stands; the said captains expecting hourly to be besieged; wherefore it is very needful that they should at once receive some further comfort from her Majesty; or it is to be feared that the event to them will be hard and little profitable, if her Majesty does not provide therefor; especially to such faithful servants of hers. For my part, I shall ever remain most loyal and ready to die at her feet; praying your honour to intercede with her that I may ever remain under her protection. I humbly thank your honour for the favour I have received at your hands, for which I shall ever be bound to your service.—Flyssingues, last day of May, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal. French. ¾ p. [Holland XXIII. f. 316.]
[Pasted inside the cover, but in a different hand.]
First slip:
If the opportunity of Camphere be lost, and they are not upheld, it is to be feared that Flissinges will be in agitation and danger; so that it is very needful that these towns, especially Camphere and Flissingues should remain united and without any change of oath or garrison; which can now easily be managed; but if this opportunity be lost, it can never be recovered. Wherefore, Monseigneur, consider of what moment it is, and what security for her Majesty and the country, if these honest men remain under her protection.
The States of Zeeland have written to them, desiring to know their intention. The said captains still remain constant, and excuse themselves on the ground of the letters which they are expecting every day from her Majesty. Of this, I believe the Baron de Willugby will more fully advise her Majesty and your honour.
[Ibid. f. 317.]
Second slip.
I cannot omit to advertise you that some matters of importance have come to light, whereof the most important (inasmuch as they concern her Majesty's service) will be put before you by the Sieur Gerard Janssen, an honest man and well-affectioned to the cause. He is starting for England, and will be at M. de Meetkerke's house. [Asks Walsingham to send for him and learn the discourses he held with Mr. Russell last Sunday and Monday, which are of weight, and concern the state of the kingdom.]
Each ¼ p. [Ibid. f. 318.]
May 21. Walsingham to Count Maurice.
Since you have chosen me to report to her Majesty what you have written about Vlissinghes, knowing that I was well informed of the advertisement given to her Majesty, I have thought it proper to recapitulate this much: It is true that the governor of Flushing wrote thereof some months ago to her Majesty not stating it as certain knowledge but upon information given him by some persons; and as the circumstances of this time offered him occasion to take alarm thereby in view of the jealousies and evil intentions which were arisen between you and the Earl of Leicester and that when you and Count Hohenlo drew near to the town of Camphire with troops, and proposed (as they said) to reinforce the garrisons of that town and of Armuyden; the said governor was bound of his duty to advertise her Majesty of a thing which touched her so nearly; and I do not remember that this affair was there spoken of in any other way, either by the governor or any other; being assured that there could be found nothing proceeding from malice towards yourself; but solely from the care and jealousy which it behoved him to have for the charge committed to him. And if it will please you to recall the affection which the late Earl of Bedford, father of the said governor, and all his house had both for the common cause and for the late Prince of Orange, you cannot doubt that as this gentleman has inherited the same good affection for the said common cause, he will be of the same mind towards your own affairs. Wherefore I pray your Excellency that as the affairs of Medemblick and others in Holland have been submitted to mediation by the lords deputed for this purpose by her Majesty, it will please you to follow the same course in these incidents of Zeeland, showing the promptitude and good will, of which your letters offer good hope. I feel sure that you will find the governor and her Majesty's other ministers ready to meet you in a like spirit and that your Excellency will receive satisfaction, and public affairs will benefit, as is needful.
Draft. Endd. M[emo.] to the Count Maurice, 21 May, 1588. French. 2 pp. [Holland XXIII. f. 320.]
May 21. The Queen to Lord Willoughby.
“Having been made acquainted with your letters to our council, of the 7th inst., we do greatly like and allow of your careful and discreet maimer of proceeding in appeasing the differences between the States and the garrisons in certain towns wherein we do acknowledge that all things have fallen out … far better than we did hope for, considering the strange and dangerous jealousies which reigned in those countries when you first entered into your charge.
“And touching the requests of the garrison of St. Gertrudenbergh … we do think meet for the first, concerning the safety of their lives, that both the states and the Count Maurice should give them assurance that there shall be no proceeding against them, either directly or indirectly, for their late doings; adding some clause to the effect that in case they shall fail in the performance thereof … we will repute the wrong as done to ourself; and that we may both in honour and justice be revenged thereof.
“Touching their other request, concerning our protection, and to be used as our soldiers, for that we doubt that the same may serve for an introduction to cast the burden of the charge on us in the end, we cannot in any sort assent thereunto; but can like well that in the said assurance … for the safety of their lives … there should be also some clause added … that the States shall duly fulfil and observe such articles as shall be accorded … for their pay … And for … assurance of the due performance of that which shall be accorded … you shall give assurance to them … that in case the Count and States shall fail in the performance thereof, then we will repute the wrong as done to ourself, and for reformation thereof, take such revenge as appertaineth. Lastly, we require you to do your best endeavour to persuade the said garrison to accept in good part this our answer made to their requests; showing unto them that it were not convenient that we should be pressed to give assurance under our own hand for the performance of that which resteth in the will and disposition of others, who we hope, as well in respect of the favours they have received from us, as also in regard of the revenge we are fully resolved to take of them in case they shall falsify their faith to the prejudice of those who have showed themselves so devoted to our service as they have done, will not fail to have an especial care and regard to the due performance of the same.
[So far the text is evidently a corrected copy, with the trefoil showing that it had been put before the Queen. The following portion of the letter is a draft with many corrections by Walsingham.]
“And whereas we do find by late letters from the Count Maurice, as also from the States of Zeeland, that there should be some mislike grown between them and Sir William Russell, our governor of Flushing, in respect that the garrisons and burghers within the towns of Camphire and Armoy, as they conceived, through his practice should stand upon terms with them, refusing to take the general oath that the rest of the garrisons have made since our cousin the Earl of Leicester's resignation as also to obey in some other points their commanders, and doubting the example thereof may be drawn into some dangerous consequence: have therefore moved you and our servant Killigrewe to employ the authority given you by us for appeasing and compounding the said differences …” which you have refused to do without particular direction from us. We, therefore, seeing the danger that may ensue from the said disagreements, especially when the enemy has drawn down most part of his forces towards the islands think it very meet for you to use your best endeavours to compound all the matters in difference, taking especial regard that nothing be done in prejudice of the credit of Sir William Russell, “who, we know, hath done nothing but for the advancement of our service, being moved thereunto through the Count's strange carriage of himself towards us, by persuading those that are known to stand affected towards us; which … gave just cause unto our said governor to put on a jealous conceit of him.” And that the Count may see that the cause arose from himself, we would have you collect all such matters as moved the said Sir William Russel to be in doubt of him and charge him therewith; moved by no hatred or malice, but only from zeal to our service.
(fn. 1) Also the said States “shall be let understand that their cold manner of proceeding in the relief of the town of Sluse, as also in divers other things … hath given just cause to such of our subjects as do serve there, to conceive but hardly of their devotion towards us, and therefore to carry a jealous eye over them.” (fn. 1)
And whereas the captains and burghers of the said towns have requested our said governor that, as heretofore, the governors of Flushing may still be colonel of them and of the whole island; that we would continue our favour and assistance to them; and that, having taken oath to do us service, they may continue the same course: “for the first, as it hath been a thing that we have always thought requisite … having for that purpose given direction heretofore to the Lord Buckhurst to deal effectually therein; so could we wish that the same might be brought to pass; only we doubt (that in respect of the present dislike and jealousy the said Count and States have of our said governor) [they] will hardly be brought to yield thereunto for the present; and yet if, after the compounding of the differences, you shall see the time apt to move the same, … then would we have you deal effectually therein. But … if it be true … that the Count of Solms hath given forth that he hath more desire to serve against the English nation our subjects than the Spaniards, we think it very convenient that you should insist … to have the said Count of Solms removed from that charge.
“Now touching the other point, concerning their oath, and to be altogether at our direction; as we do not see that we can with our honour maintain and uphold any such course, especially [they] being paid by the States; and considering also that our own subjects serving there in our pay, are, by virtue of the contract, bound to take the oath unto the States, so would we have you seek by all the best persuasions you may use towards the said captains and burghers, to lead them to see how inconveniently we may, either in honour or reason, stand upon any such point. And yet, for their satisfaction, in respect of any peril that may befal unto them for their devotion borne towards us, you may offer them to procure some like promise from the said Count and States unto them, touching the well-using of them in time to come; and not to call them in question for anything that is past; as you are directed to require for them of St. Gertrudenberghen; with promise also that in case the same shall not be observed on the said Count and States' behalf, we will then repute it as a wrong done to ourself, and take such a course for redress as may stand with our honour.”
Endd. “21 May, 1588. M. of her Majesty's letter to the L. Willowbie. Draft. 10¾ pp. [Holland XXIII. f. 327.]
May 21. [Walsingham?] to Lord Willoughby.
Her Majesty commanded me to send this packet to you with all speed, as the garrison in Gertredvanbergen, according to your lordship's advertisement, is looking to receive an answer to their requests to your lordship, and also she holds it very requisite that there should be expedition used in compounding the late jars between Sir William Russell and the count; as also between the garrisons of Camphire and Armue and the said count and States of Zeeland. By the direction you will receive, you may perceive that her Majesty continues her disposition to run a peaceable course; and I doubt not but you will frame your proceedings accordingly.
Those of best judgment here could have liked her to take Geertruydenberg into her possession seeing that both the count and States of Holland seem greatly to desire it; “but the fear of increase of charges (which, to say the truth, doth now grow very great by reason of the sea preparations) will not suffer her Majesty to yield thereunto.” There has also been earnest persuasions for the assuring of Camphire and Armue, “considering how dangerous neighbours they may prove unto the town of Flushing, if they should come into the hands of these that stand evil affected to this crown,” but the same reason that stays her from accepting Geertruydenbergh prevails here also. This being so, I think your lordship's advice, “to draw Count Maurice to be at her devotion”; will be the only and best way to assure the said towns. She meaneth out of hand to write both to the Count Maurice and the States of Zeeland, to signify unto them that she hath given direction unto your lordship and Mr. Killigrew to use all offices of mediation for the compounding of the differences within that province. She misliked somewhat with your refusing to deal therein,—alleging that you had no particular direction in that behalf,—seeing that she gave you commandment in generality to seek by all the means you could to accord the partialities reigning in those [places?] and Utrecht … and to reduce them to good accord,” wherein she would have you lose no time, lest that heat of contention may “ingender so dangerous a faction as may put those countries in some peril, considering how watchful the enemy is to make his profit of any such occasion.
“Our treaty of peace is no further forwards than it was the first day after the Commissioners arrived, saving that they have viewed each other's commission, for nothing hath been done in the body of the matter. They yield to a cessation of arms for all such towns as are in her Majesty's hands with condition that the garrisons … shall attempt nothing to the prejudice and annoyance of the forces and country possessed by the king….”
Endd. with date. Draft, much corrected by Walsingham. 4 pp. [Holland XXIII. f. 324.]
May 21. The Queen to the Commissioners.
With respect to the Comptroller's articles and Richardot's answers, finds it strange that the Comptroller should take it upon himself without direction from her or the privity of his colleagues to enter into such particular dealing, and he is forthwith to return and answer why he presumed to do so. For the rest they may go forward according to their instructions, and that no advantage be taken upon the propounding of these articles they are to protest that being without warrant they are of no validity, as varying in the chief material points from the instructions given to them. They are nevertheless to let the king's commissioners understand that the comptroller's error proceeded from excess of zeal, his choice as a commissioner being due to his having shown himself most forward to advance the peace, as otherwise he had been more trained in martial affairs than acquainted with treaties. Although her letters of the 10th directed the Master of Requests to go to the duke for the enlargement of the cessation of arms, she now thinks it convenient that he shall not go, but that at Borborough they shall press the commissioners for such enlargement, which she considers necessary for many respects, for that it is to be thought, in case the same shall be denied, it is meant that somewhat shall be attempted against her dominions or Scotland, which cannot but be a most evident argument that this treaty of peace was set abroad only in the end to breed in her a careless security, whereby they might with better effect have put in execution their intended designs. And so they shall let the commissioners understand, if they will not yield to the enlargement of the cessation.
Copy. Endd. with date.pp. [Flanders III. f. 360.]
Draft for the same, corrected by Burghley.
4 pp. [Ibid. f. 364.]
May 22. The Queen to Count Maurice. (fn. 2)
“Mon cousin, Comme la premiere partie de vos lettres du 17me de ce May nous a donné grand contentement, en ce que vous nous y faictes scavoir combien vous estes prest et avancé a faire teste a l'enemy par mer: Aussy avons nous esté bien fort marries de voir en la seconde partie de vos dites lettres qu'il soit entrevenu chose a faire retarder ou empescher si bon train d'acheminement. Ce qui semble estre a l'occasion de quelques divisions et differents survenus la in icelle isle de Zelande. Toutefois d'aultant que vous monstrez de contynuer vostre resolution d'empescher par mer et par terre les entreprises de l'ennemy commun, cela nous donne ferme esperance qu'il se fera ung bon et prompt accord. Et a ceste fin, nous avons presentement donné commandement expres aux Sieurs de Willoughby et Killegrey a ce que sans differer ilz ayent a s'employer a redresser touts mescontentements, et a faire appointer tout discords et mal entendus, ne faisant doubte qu'ils n'en viennent bien tost a bout; moyennant aultant de conformité de vostre part, comme nous nous asseurons (et ainsy l'avons commandé) que les nostres se conformeront de leur costé, pour puis apres par continuelle bonne correspondence, il soit unanimenent [sic] faict teste aux desseings et efforts de l'enemy.
Draft. Endd. with date. ¾ p. [Holland XXIII. f. 322.]
May 22. H. Killigrew to Walsingham.
On Friday, the 17th, and the day of my departure towards Holland, I had audience of the States of Zeeland, and recommended to them the cause of Camphere and Armu; and the remembrance before delivered to them touching Flushing and the Rammekens; desiring them so to proceed “as neither the soldier might have any cause to complain, nor her Majesty to think they conceived any diffidence or mistrust of her. Whereunto they made answer [that] notwithstanding the trouble at Camphere and Armue, yet they had dealt so patiently hitherto as the soldier himself could not say he had been hardly entreated; and therefore they hoped her Majesty would not be displeased if, according to the necessity of their service, they did place or displace out of the said garrisons which themselves did pay.” With this answer I took my leave, and being in the ship, ready to depart, they sent their secretary to say that I need not look for an answer in writing, as they referred themselves to former letters to her Majesty.
Therefore any further directions may be addressed to Lord Willughbie “who is present there with the Count Maurice and the States of Zeland, to prosecute that order which shall be set down, myself … not being able to deal therein, neither the States General (who assemble here) to be solicited in those matters, but those of Zeeland only …” The Haghe, 22 May, '88.
The Council are resolved very shortly to write unto her Majesty of all proceedings here.
Postscript in his own hand. “I arrived here the 20; and the 21 went to council being somewhat better of mine ague; which day the States General sent an act to the Council in conformity of the remonstrance the Council had made unto them; whereof I sent your honour a copy in my despatch by Mr. Stevens. Those of Frysland, Utrecht and Overissel have not yet sent their councillors.
“The States General are now earnestly in hand for the sending of their ships and for the reducing of the horse into footbands, but to my proposition touching the peace I have no hope of answer.”
Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XXIII. f. 334.]
May 22./June 1. The States General to Lord Willoughby. (fn. 3)
Having well and maturely considered the proposition made to them by Lord Willughby on behalf of her Majesty concerning ships of war (in conformity with the treaty made with her); and the reduction of certain of her companies of horse into footmen; they declare that notwithstanding the present divisions and disorders and the hindrance of free navigation, the diversion of traffic and loss of ships and towns, since the said treaty was made, and that they will be burdened by sending the ships out of the country especially as the common enemy has made himself much stronger at sea than he was wont to be, so that it is necessary to employ more ships of war at the entrances to the seas and the mouths of the rivers, and before the harbours which the enemy has occupied, both to prevent him from joining his ships of war, and to defend the provinces: yet in fulfilment of the treaty, they will take order that in addition to the ships of war now in service, six others of the largest size shall without delay be made ready for war, both in Holland and Zeeland; and with these and all the others now in service, they will put as many ships to sea as is possible to them to be taken under good escort to the coasts of England. The deputies of the States of Zeeland declare their approval of the resolution, subject to the good pleasures of their masters, and that letters shall be written to those of the Admiralties and North Holland and Zeeland, commanding them at once to proceed with the equipment and preparation of the said six vessels, at the general charge.
With regard to the reduction of the horse companies into foot, at her Majesty's charges, the said Estates declare, to their great regret that excepting one or two, the said companies have not more than half their men or less; a thing which it has long been desired to remedy; to which end they have made many motions and requisitions; but seeing that the present deputies in the States General have no mandate to agree to the proposed reduction [into foot]; and that the horse are very necessary to these countries, both for the defence and communications between the provinces etc., they pray that her Majesty will give order that the 1000 horse may be made complete, and entertained in future according to the treaty made with her; and desire his lordship to lend a helping hand therein. But if this shall be found impracticable; that her Majesty will be pleased to take (at her charge) some companies of horse now in the pay of these provinces, and with them to reinforce her succours; putting them upon her rolls and under her obedience.
They also desire to thank her Majesty for her good endeavours to settle the disorders and mutinies amongst the soldiers, and especially at Gheertruydenberghe; praying her to continue to consult with his Excellency as to the means required both in regard to his government, as also for his private affairs; to which end they are likewise writing to his Excellency.—June 1, 1588.
Add. Endd. French.pp. [Holland XXIII. f. 336.]
May 23. The Queen to Lord Willoughby.
Sir Martin Schenck, during his abode here, made known certain griefs against the States for not giving him the entertainment promised him, or the 4000 florins in respect of the loss of his own patrimony, by putting himself in their service, as also that in three years spent therein, he had received scarce three months' pay for the garrison serving under him. And further, that having been minded—for such an unkind manner of usage—to have left their service long since, about the time that the Earl of Leicester went first into those countries, he was persuaded to stay by the said Earl; hoping that through his solicitation and her own recommendation, the States would give him satisfaction according to their own contract made with him. But that hope failing and he being further weakened in his own estate, he has, in a sort, charged her with the loss he has sustained. “In consideration whereof, and of the great services he hath heretofore done to the said States, and the present want they have of leaders of his valour and sufficiency” and also of the danger of his being driven to return to the enemy, she has written earnestly to them “to have that due consideration of him as both his good services past do deserve and their present lack of martial men doth require.” And further, she has propounded to them a way whereby they may satisfy him with ease and yet to his contentment, viz: by making him governor of Geertruydenbergh, “a place which will offer him opportunity to do them great services by continual annoyance of the enemy”; and has undertaken for him that he shall persist in their service with all fidelity and love.” And that they may not conceive that her letters are written merely pro forma, to satisfy the gent, she has said that she has given his lordship special charge to solicit them by word of mouth in his behalf as earnestly as he can. Which she requires him to do; as a matter that she would have him to hold as earnestly recommended to him as any she has given him in charge since his entrance into his government.
And whereas she has been requested by Col. Bacx, one who has served the States with good credit for two yeaTs, to be a means to them for the payment of the entertainment due to him as lieutenant-general of the light horse during the time of the Earl of Leicester's government; and also that he may be restored to the government of Muyden, Narden and Weesp; she has written earnestly on his behalf, and desires his lordship to do the same; “putting them in mind that the time requireth that they ought to have regard not to alienate from them by evil usages such men of service as they have had so long proof of; both for their sufficiency and fidelity.”
Endd. with date. Draft.pp. [Holland XXIII. f. 338.]
May 23. Lobd Willoughby to Walsingham.
“A rumour of peace is so common here, and so dangerously propounded, as I know not how to suppress it, being altogether ignorant what course hath been followed. I appointed a gentleman to attend the lords at Ostend, and to advertise me what proceeded … but nothing as yet hath been sent me, and I understand the lords are removed thence.
“Sir William Reade's purpose not to return hither seemeth certain; whose place of Lieut.-Colonel of the infantry if her Majesty and their lordships would please to appoint to Mr. Wilford; and likewise … to favour my cousin, Captain Vere with the Sergeant-Majorship; I doubt not but as her Majesty should find all humble thankfulness and ability in the one; so should there be found in the other (although but young) experience, art, discretion and valour sufficient to exercise the same. Besides, I have (which I trust their lordships will like of) appointed a Provost-Martial of the English; because both in field and town the soldiers cannot be ruled without him. For whose entertainment … I pray that some order may be sent me….”—Middelburgh, 23 May, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. ¾ p. [Ibid. f. 340.]
May 24. The Commissioners to the Privy Council.
We left Ostend on Tuesday 21st. We meant to have stayed the night at Newport and to have passed by Dunkirk, but the duke's officers who had charge of our convoy would not permit it. Their excuse is, which in part we think to be true, that Newport is not of sufficient receipt for our train, a garrison of Spaniards being there, and Dunkirk is full of Spaniards. So we went the first night to Vurne, … where M. Gryson governor of Odenburg, came by the duke's appointment for our better convoy. The next day we arrived at Wynox Berghen, a town of good largeness but not wholesomely sited … There was great means made to us to stay there and much discommendation of this town, but we insisted upon our former place and arrived here yesternight; which we find to be far better sited than Wynox Berghen, but a lesser town, hardly able to lodge our train. M. Grison, at Vurne, made a motion unto us that order might be given to forbear sallies out of Ostend, during this treaty, offering that the like should be done on his side; which we readily accepted, for in truth we devised how we might have made that motion ourselves … and so we wrote to the governor of Ostend to that end. None of the king's commissioners have arrived although we signified that we expected that they should be at the place of meeting before us. Our provision and carriages were permitted to be landed at Dunkirk, but with some curiosity, for doubt of discovering of the preparations of that town which indeed our men that passed that way do not find so great as reported, for there are scant 37 sail of ships there for service in war, and they not of any account, but such as are commonly to be found in her Majesty's dominions. We understand that the king's commissioners will press us earnestly in the principal points. It may please your lps. to move her Majesty to give us resolute direction therein.—Bourborough, 24 May, 1588.
Signed by Derby, Cobham, Dale and Rogers. Add. Endd.pp. [Flanders III. f. 367.]
Draft for the same.
4 pp. [Ibid. f. 362.]
May 24. Leicester to M. de Champagney.
Regrets that his good treatment of M. de Thouraise has not been better appreciated or his readiness to exchange him. Cannot believe that Champagney, with his influence, has not dared to propose this exchange. Has at least discharged his obligations in the matter, being bound by his promise to M. de la Noue and others who are pressing for the release of M. de Theligny, to send his nephew to Flushing of which he desires to advise Champagney.—Court at Greenwich, 24 May, 1588, sty. Angl.
Copy. ¾ p. Fr. [Holland XXIV. f. 145.]
May 24. Cobham to Burghley.
Journey from Ostend to Burborow, 'which we do find a sweet little town well watered,' two market days every week, courteous people desirous of peace; but 60 soldiers; the captain Mr. D. Ingelbert. Reported that 40,000 florins sent by the French king to Mr. Gordayn was followed so fast by those of the league that they were forced to enter the town of Ayres where it is stayed until the D's pleasure be known. Thought necessary to send to inform the queen of their arrival and ask for instructions. The D's commissioners will not arrive before to-morrow. It is said they bring their ladies with them. Asks him for direction what to do.—Burborow, 24 May, 1588.
Holograph. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Flanders III. f. 369.]
May 24. Dr. Dale to Burghley.
We are instructed sufficiently to maintain talk. But we shall be pressed with the principal points. God grant that we may have resolutions to the best. Now come we right to the verse of Virgil hereinclosed which I beseech you to present to her Majesty for me. It hath two notable points, one for her and one for us. I have heretofore rehearsed it to her in speech, but now it is to be put in practise, for it is not only labor but laboriosum et laboriossimum explorare quid sit optandum in this case. Deus solus expediet.—Bourborough, 24 May, 1588.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. f. 372.]
May 25./June 4. Martin Blavoet to Walsingham.
The bearer of this is the good gentleman of whom I advised you in my last. You will be pleased to examine him, and will learn things which I hope will give you great satisfaction. He is an honest man, well-affectioned to the cause, and who desires to disclose matters of weight which will be of great service to her Majesty. He has told something thereof to me and to the governor of Flushing but the chief part he reserves to put before her Majesty and you….—Flissingues, 4 July, stilo novo.
Postscript. Asks for help in the matter contained in his last letter, and what the bearer will state, that these good opportunities may not be lost; for all those who smile are not friends and he smiles who desires to bite.
Add. Endd. French. ½ p. [Holland XXIII. f. 342.]
May 25. Mary Porter to the Commissioners.
Petition for redress, having been robbed by some English soldiers of the company of Captain Brits. The men were imprisoned on the demand of the sergeant-major of the town and to obtain their liberty restored most of the stolen property to Captain Brits who delivered them to the Lord Governor Conway to be given back to her, which he has not done, except a small portion.
Endd. Wdm. Trad. mihi. 25 May, 1588. French.pp. [Flanders IV. f. 76.]


  • 1. —*This paragraph is added in the margin by Walsingham.
  • 2. No doubt the letter mentioned by Meteren: Hist. des Pays Bas, f. 298d.
  • 3. The Dutch text in Japikse: Resolutien der Staten Generaal, Vol. vi., p. 71.