Elizabeth: May 1587, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1929.

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'Elizabeth: May 1587, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp61-71 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1587, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp61-71.

"Elizabeth: May 1587, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1929), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp61-71.

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May 1587, 11-20

Though he has had no answer to his last, he is convinced that his honour loves him. They are writing once more to her Majesty, to pray that they may speedily see his Excellency back again and no other, knowing what practices there are to disappoint them. Begs that the letter may be favourably read and understood ; the rulers of the city sending it in reliance upon his Honour. Assures himself it will not be without effect, and that the bearer will share the favour shown to them. Has given Mr. Wilkes certain points to put before his Excellency and his Honour. Utrecht, 12 May, 1587. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holland XIV. f. 218.]
Has received by the bearer, James Johanson, a hundred footmen, lacking four or five who escaped on the way. The man has well discharged his trust, but the Lord Mayor has not been so careful in his choice as the conductor has been to bring them safely, for they are very "unsufficient" and, as he judges, such as the Lord Mayor was weary of in the city.Ostend, 12 May, stilo antiquo, 1587. Signed. Add. Endd. p. [Ibid. XIV. f. 220.]
Before leaving England, I told your honour that, in the hope given me by the Earl of Leicester of being employed by her Majesty at sea, I had, at my own expense, armed and equipped certain ships upon commission from the King of Navarre, in order always to have ready a good number of sailors and seamen, whom for long I have entertained. Certain of these having made prize of three French ships and one Hollander from the Eastland laden with corn, and going toward France, have been by storm and contrary winds forced to take shelter in Rye in England with their said prizes, which they hoped to sell there, or at any rate, with the first wind to continue their journey to Zeeland, in order to appear before the Admiralty of the King of Navarre, then being held at Camphire. But it was expressly declared to them that her Majesty would by no means consent that French ships brought to England should be sold or carried as prize, by reason of a certain convention between herself and the King of France. Wherefore the said ships were released saving one, of which the corn was sold at Rye and the money deposited in the hands of Lord Cobham, (fn. 1) to the sum of 3000 florins according to the agreement and redemption made by the maronier (fn. 2) at sea with those who had captured him. Of which 3000 florins in regard to the great expenses I have had, I pray that it will please her Majesty to grant me the replevin, the whole matter being more amply set forth in certain remonstrances and presented by me to the Council of her Majesty, and delivered into the hands of Secretary Windebank (Winnebancq) to have the order dispatched for me ; which however, on divers excuses, was delayed until the time of my departure, when the said Windebanck promised it to me as soon as ever he received a line of confirmation from his Excellency, then absent from court. Since my departure, nothing has happened, in spite of all my efforts, and I understand that it is excused on the ground of Secretary Davidson's imprisonment, which seems to me very strange, seeing that the dispatch thereof was committed to Mr. Windebanck. Wherefore I have made bold to apply to your honour, that I may enjoy the effect of the replevin of the said moneys, most of which I owe to Mr. Dracque, who has helped me in my necessities.The Hague, 22 May, 1587, stilo novo. Signed. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 pp. [Holland XIV. f. 222.]
May 12/22. G.H. to ANTHONY ROLSTON, at Brussels.
You are like unto a slow horse, that must have sharp spurs, and so you shall, for I will not give you over until I hear some good news how you speed with the liberate, and what good comfort you find touching gelt. I gave you to understand what opinion is held of the man you entertained at my departing ; the same I say again. . . . I have seen with my old eyes . . . such things as is able to break the patience of Job, and daily expect the original. The Earl and the Baron (fn. 3) have been dealt withal by means, to go to the young K. ; yet neither makes haste to accept the offer. Old plodder and his fellow are laying a new foundation and now begin to renew the league with the Earl, who followeth his accustomed humour, never venturous to do anything himself, yet scorning others' good fortune ; saying that if the keeping of any fort had been committed to his trust he would never have deserved the name of a traitor in yielding the same, as Y[orke] hath done, to the d., and as for the regiment of Deventer, they are poor knaves, saith he, and will be found shortly dead in a ditch, for want of meat and money (fn. 4) ; a spirit more envious than Catholic, for the very same words were and are given out by the L. J. men of England, in my hearing, which I answered to their small liking. I understand that the glorious captain [name effaced] doth determine to take charge in Sir William's regiment. It is thought good by such as doth love and honour Sir William, that the designment were broken ; you may therefore deal with Mr. Derbisher (fn. 5) (with whom I know you have credit) to deal in the matter, for as he is no friend to the chief of that monstrous faction, so must he think it unfit that any member thereof should hold any credit with such as are valorous . . . for the malice of the one will seek so much to advance the ambition of the other, as, unless it were the highest place of commandment, some piques may be cast among the company as pride may make a breach in peace, turn love to hate and obedience to disorder. Look for no better example than the last English regiment that was assembled there, whose colonel liveth now more like a 'lowne' than a lord. Use discretion herein with secrecy, and so do bid you farewell.Paris, 22 May, 1587. Signed Y.G.H. Impression of a signet 4GH Add. Endd. 1 p. extremely small neat writing. [Flanders I. f. 281.]
In my letter sent by Mr. Webbe, I prayed your honour to favour the suit which he has promised to solicit for me to my lord General and the States, "who yet make small account to give me any contentment of that I demand, being a great deal too much to myself for me to forbear." It may very well be asked of the States as money belonging to her Highness and not to myself, for in repaying what I had received upon imprest, I have many here unpaid, to the dishonour of my country and utter undoing of myself. I beg your honour's help for my relief. I hear that Mr. Basshe, (fn. 6) victualler for the Navy is dead, and that Mr. Quarles, clerk of the kitchen to her Highness is sole victualler, "both which offices are hardly discharged by the chief man." If I might be joined with him, I doubt not but to give him contentment, and that many things might be amended, for the better usage of the sailor, without further charge to her Majesty. I thoroughly informed myself of this service when I was in England and know what is and may be done therein for her Highness' benefit. For want of my deputy Foxall, I have asked Mr. Stokes to give you this letter "and to solicit my causes in England, as well concerning the difference between Mr. Browne and me, which I trust is ordered by your honour upon the report of Mr. Dudlye and Thomson, who have had the opinion of the lawyers on my side and wholly against Mr. Browne ; who keepeth still my goods for the value of 702l. 12s. sterling, to my great hindrance." Mydelbrough, 13 May, 1587. Add. Endd. [Holland XIV. f. 224.]
There is a bruit here to-day that your lordship is landed in Zeeland, and the news is so pleasing to this town as it could not be more so. "Very certainly, this town especially and all the commons generally do most notably affect your lordship and desire your coming hither more than they do desire the coming of Christ. The people have of late taken a great dislike of Count Hollock. About thirty-six ships at Bommell and eight at Gorcum, all laden with corn, salt, cheese and butter [said] to have passed to the enemy, wholly countenanced by that Count, and warranted by the States, as it is said, and set forward by all that Colonel Beaford [Balfour] could do, who commandeth at Bommell. But the ships are stayed and unladen by the people of those towns, spite of them that appointed or licensed them, and the Count held in great ignominy. Your lordship shall hear of worse effects shortly, if I be not deceived, except your coming presently do prevent it." I protest I do not see how otherwise the common cause can stand. You have such a party here as none else has, and cannot come at a better time "than when the people that love you do take such a conceit against them that love you not," and coming backed by her Majesty's countenance, will put down these last even at the first sight of you, for it is certain that they stand in great awe of you, and know well the good disposition of the people towards you ; therefore they are most unwilling that your lordship should return ; knowing that in that case none shall ever hereafter occupy so great a place, and desiring any government rather than under one absolute commander.Utrecht, 13 May, 1587. Holograph. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holland XIV. f. 226.]
May 15. WILKES to WALSINGHAM. (fn. 7)
Beneficial effects of Lord Buckhurst's mission. Proceedings of Count Hohenlohe and Maurice. The delay in the performance of what Buckhurst has promised is doing mischief. Two things withdraw the States and leading men from their devotion to the Queen, one the negotiations with Parma, the other the return of Leicester, who is deadly hated among them. They try to avoid the events of both by assuring their limits by land and increasing their strength by sea. Contributions of the Provinces. Captains had to take the new oath and those who refused discharged, but some of the towns have taken part with those refusing, causing a dangerous division. Great strength at sea ; squadrons off Dunkirk and Calais, at the Ems and in the Schelde. They seem to have set up their rest upon the defence of the three Provinces in which they mean to bridle Themistocles if he returns. If he returns and his authority is confined to Utrecht. Overyssel and Gueldres, which contribute nothing, the measure of authority he will exercise may be judged. A limitation of authority in the States' letters to the Queen was omitted at the request of Lord Buckhurst. If the queen would appoint some other governor and perform what is promised, the best consequences might be anticipated. Petitions again for recall.The Hague, the 15th May, 1587. Copy. 4 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XCI., p. 93.]
May 17/27. Letter of credence to the King of Denmark for certain deputies sent to him to treat concerning complaints made by merchants of the Provinces. Signed by Count Maurice and Thos. Wilkes. The Hague, 27 May, 1587. Copy. Latin. 1 p. [S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 217.] Another copy, inscribed "Letter of his Excellency to the King of Denmark, dated 27 May, 1587, stilo reformato, and with the signature of Leoninus attached. Latin. 1 pp. [Holland XIV. f. 235.]
In support of the mission from the United Provinces. From the Hague. Inscribed Litterae ejus Excellentiae ad Regem Daniae. (fn. 8) Copy. Latin. 1 p. without signature or date. [Ibid. XIV. f. 237.]
Her Majesty having written earnestly to the States to bestow the regiment of Zeeland on Sir William Russell, and to you to solicit the same, takes it very ill that they had not due regard to gratifying her therein, "and that almost all her requests are very slenderly weighed by them, considering how far she hath embarked herself in their defence and fortune," and lays some blame on you for not urging them more effectually. For whereas you say you forbore to press them because of their promise that all things should continue unaltered until my lord of Leicester's return ; we are advertised "that because those of Zeeland would not admit the Count of Solms to the charge there have been means found to bestow the same upon Count Maurice, who hath made Solms his lieutenant ; greatly to the hindrance of her Majesty's service" ; for if Sir William Russell had had command of the regiment, he would have been better able to resist any attempt upon the place of his charge. And as regards the States' request for her Majesty's mediation with the King of Denmark, for mitigating his exactions upon their ships ; she is shortly to dispatch Mr. Daniel Rogers to that King and will give him charge to solicit the States' request in her name, and to recommend all their causes very earnestly to the said King. Her Majesty looked for an answer touching her last directions to you, but finding that her letters would be long, by reason of contrary winds, in coming into your hands, and that meanwhile the harvest season draws fast on, she has thought it convenient to take some resolution for the speedy sending over of my lord of Leicester ; and the Council having met, have dealt earnestly with her, since she will not yield to the 50,000l. yet to grant 30,000l. whereby my lord may be sent over with such strength and countenance as is fit and necessary. But she stands peremptorily upon the 15,000l. which she before set down, which we believe proceeds from some secret information that such a sum will suffice. My lord of Leicester as yet refuses to accept this, alleging that it will not serve the turn, and so the matter of his going seems yet at some stay, but whether he go or no, her Majesty hath "some disposition" (fn. 9) that 3000 footmen be put in readiness to be sent over, and order is already given that Ostend shall have 600 more men, on Sir William Russell's advertisements that the enemy approaches to besiege them, which men she has appointed to be taken out of Bergen-op-Zoom "for that they are trained men," to be replaced by the like number from hence, with all convenient speed. The conducting of the Bergen men is given to Sir Roger Williams "who departeth presently from hence, being appointed to assist Sir John Conway during the time of the siege. "Her Majesty taketh it ill that the States have so little care of the defence of the holds in Flanders, "wherein if they show themselves more forward" you are to let them know "that it will be a mean to make her also give over the action, for she hath as great a care of the defence and preservation of that which is yet held in that province as she hath of the rest . . ." There is some fault found with your lordship's letters to the States of Holland, as you seem to justify their proceedings since the loss of Deventer, as if that accident had given them just cause to offer indignities to her Majesty ; when you should rather have insisted upon due reparation thereof. Draft, corrected by Walsingham. Endd. with date. 4 pp. [Holland XIV. f. 231.]
Is informed that certain persons, taking the opportunity of his absence, go about to impugn a grant for making white salt in the ports of Hull, Lynn and Boston, which her Majesty gave him in reward of his poor service, to maintain him and his family, and without which his estate is very weak. Wherein he prays their lordships' favourable consideration. Is also informed that some of the commission appointed by their lordships to examine the clamorous complaints of his opponents are unwilling to receive the proofs offered by his deputies, whereby he has reason to fear that his cause may receive prejudice. Might challenge the benefit of the law not to be sued during his service out of the realm, yet if upon view of the proofs, their lordships should find that the commonwealth receives detriment by his patent, he willingly submits himself to their order, if regard may be had to himself and his deputies, who have been at great charge in erecting of salt houses and other preparations, which would turn to great loss if the execution of the patent were interrupted. Prays that nothing may be decreed against him until he may come home to defend his cause, as his deputies are either not sufficiently instructed in the matters, or being unknown to their lordships, may want countenance and friends to further the same ; wherein his adversaries boast that they will prevail against him. But because he is, "by many years of experience sufficiently acquainted with the honour and justice of the Council Board," he feels sure they will not wrong him.17 May, 1587. Copy. 1 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XCI., p. 97.]
[Congratulates him on his being made Lord Chancellor. Thanks him for the honourable office towards her Majesty in defence of his poor credit on some sinister information given her by his capital enemy.] Your honour will judge how men will dare to serve her Majesty faithfully, when they are in danger of ruin in recompense of their fidelity. But as I will never merit her anger, so I will not be "feared" by threats, even of the greatest to forbear to serve her truly, even to the end. I am advertised how violently my poor grant for making of salt, obtained by your goodness, is impugned under favour of my lord of Leicester and (as I hear) with some allowance of my lord Treasurer. "It were a very good course to deprive a man of his living whilst he is employed in her Majesty's service, and I take it to be directly against the laws of the realm that a man in my case should be condemned and not heard." I entreat you therefore earnestly to move her Majesty to cause a surcease of proceedings against my patent until I may come home. And if it be thought fit to have inquiry made of any misbehaviour of my deputies, that they may be heard without prejudice to me or to her grant. I have no accident to write of. There is only an "insatiable expection" of her Majesty's extraordinary succours to be given for this year's wars, the delay whereof doth amaze us all.17 May. Copy. 1 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XCI., 99.]
After writing my letter of the 15th. I received yours of the 2nd ; "whereby your honour signifieth the mislike conceived of a facile acceptance of the slender satisfaction for so great indignities done unto her Majesty here, as also of the greatness of the sum desired to be sent for the better defence of this cause. To the first (under correction) I may answer, that if the matter should have been referred to me . . . I would not have received so easy payment for so apparent injuries ; but as things are now handled at home, I do change my opinion, and think it was the wisest course to wrap up all in that sort, considering especially that the motive provocations of those injuries and indignities grew from ourselves, as I have often certified. "It is to be feared that your length in resolving . . . will put us to new plunges here before it be long. We begin already to think that my Lord dealing here to examine our state, he is but a stale, having some other intent than is yet expressed. Whether it be true or not . . . I know not. For mine own part, I do believe no more than I see, and do trust that whatsoever is or may be otherwise meant or intended shall be for the best." I once more pray you to procure my revocation before the return of Themistocles, for "I am not only plagued in my reputation in court, but in danger to be dispoiled of such poor means as God hath given me to feed myself and family at home." [Fears for his patent for salt, through the furtherance of Leicester and some underhand dealing of Burghley, and asks the good offices of Walsingham and the Lord Chancellor to protect him from injury.] I am likewise advertised that the executors of my late brother in law dealt so hardly with me that I am in hazard to lose the residue of my wife's portion, amounting to 1500l. which I can only prevent by my presence at home. "I think you will be of opinion that I shall not gain 1500l. in this service, where I am forced to spend largely beyond the Queen's allowance ; and for that respect, it were no wisdom for me to abandon mine own at home and consume myself here. "Touching Themistocles' offence of new conceived against me upon the information of Atye, I do protest . . . that I am most injuriously wronged by the informer, who doth not rightly understand the matter. First, God is my witness, I never was privy to the writing of the letter, but coming by chance into the Assembly of the States with the rest of the Council about the beginning of February last, Barnevelt, the Advocate of Holland, caused the letter to be brought forth and read in the presence of us all, and demanding our advice thereof, I then signified in few words that the letter was very sharp, whereunto answer was made by Barnevelt, the author of the letter, that there was nothing therein but the truth ; and so brake off into other matters. . . . I fearing that the sending of the letter would not only work great alteration in England towards these countries, but also give suspicion of myself, considering how my lord was incensed against me, repaired the next day to the Count Maurice, to the President Vandermill and to M. de Villiers the minister, and did severally entreat them to deal with the States to stay the sending of the letter . . . but whether they dealt therein or not, or how they dealt, I know not ; yet neither of them promised to do their best. In the end . . . this letter was sent. I not knowing thereof but hoping always that the same had been stayed until, about fifteen days after it was sent away, I learned it was gone by some speech had with the Greffier of the States, of whom then I demanded a copy." I hear that the informer has declared that if I had signified any mislike of the letter, it had not been sent ; and that I said I knew not of it until fifteen days after it was sent. I confess I said I knew not it was sent, but never that I had no knowledge of the writing of it. I pray you to impart this much to my lord in my defence. "If his chiefest offence be conceived in respect of my love and goodwill towards Sir John Norreys, I do not grieve thereat, assuring myself that he is as worthy thereof . . . as any man living, and the more I know him, the more I have cause to affect and admire him. . . He is a rare gentleman and exceedingly worthy to be honoured and advanced, and I doubt not but God will move her Majesty (in despite of the devil) to respect him as he deserveth.The Hague, 17 May. Copy. 3 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XCI., p. 100.]
Thanking them for their letters, and favourable consideration for things requisite for assurance of the town. (fn. 10) The burgers are somewhat backward in their expence for its better fortifying, but he has now prevailed with them to bestow some cost in strengthening weak places, and therefore means to hold back the money received from their lordships, "both to continue their good beginnings and also to prevent any expectation hereafter to charge her Majesty with such expence . . . and will be brought to demand no contribution from any but themselves for repairing of her towns in these countries."Vlisching, 17 May, 1587. Signed. Add. Endd. p. [Holland XIV. f. 233.]
Has at last procured the coming of Dom Juan de Castilla to this town, and has him in custody, attending his honour's pleasure ; having delivered to Col. Morgan the 200l. sent for distribution to the soldiers who took him, for which he encloses receipt. Has promised that the residue of the ransom shall be shortly "satisfied."Vlisching, 18 May, 1587. Signed. Add. Endd. p. [Ibid. XIV. f. 240.]
The above-mentioned receipt, signed by Col. Thomas Morgan, May 16, 1587. Endd. p. [Ibid XIV. f. 241.]
Ask for the restoration to the widow and guardians of the orphans of the late Jehan Cooman, burgher of Middelburg of the ship of Rosco, called the Jeannette laden at Malaga with grapes, capers, almonds etc., which was taken by her Majesty's ships of war into "Pleyemouth."Middelburg, 28 May, 1587. Signed, P. Rychert, president ; Chrs. Roels, greffier. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 pp. [Ibid. XIV. f. 243.]
May 18. "Instructions for the Commissaries of the Musters appointed on the English part by the Mustermaster General according to his Excellency's order . . . to join with the Dutch Commissaries for the better and more speedy dispatch of the musters, anno 1586. Endd. 18 May, 1587. Copy of her Majesty's ordinance for musters." 2 pp. [Ibid. XIV. f. 245.]
I pray you, good Mr. Secretary, help me to know her Majesty's full resolution for my going over, for I have many things to take order for, which cannot be provided on the sudden, "and being provided, except I go, will be to my great loss." And if I must go, I beseech you remember my former petitions, especially for the loan of 10,000l. Also, if I go, it is more than time to send some over for my own particulars, "and also touching the greatest matter, which is for the revocation of Sir Jo. Norrice, and some one to be there to receive the charge, which must be, in my opinion, Sir William Pelham, who, till I had been discharged, doth remain Marshal still, and therefore the aptest man to take the charge till I come." I would wish my Lord Willoughby to be sent also, to take charge of the horsemen, so that they may, knowing her Majesty's pleasure, set many things in order against my coming. "It is time her Majesty's pleasure were known, for many great errors, I am lately informed, falleth out there daily, to the decay and discouragement as well of captains as soldiers." If these two are sent before, it will greatly advance her service, and in the mean time, I will use all diligence to prepare myself. "I have all things for my household to be sent, for I left a great charge behind me the last time, which I must now needs foresee, meaning indeed to employ my whole expences for her Majesty's honour and service there, and to quit me of all here. I have all my livery to provide, both for my horse and foot bands, which will cost seven or eight hundred pounds at least ; also armour and weapons to prepare new, the old being as I hear almost all worn out, which will cost me at least four hundred pounds ; so that I must know of her Majesty's resolution, "and her help of aprest of the 10,000l. of two or three thousand presently, which shall never rest till it be paid out again for these charges. "For the greatest matter of all. I have no doubt but her Majesty will deal according to her wisdom and to the greatness of the cause, which is to be pleased to spend her money in that measure which may do good to the cause, or else all is but in vain that shall be spent, and better to break off with those countries than not to give them the help which may stand them in stead. For mine own part, I will be bound to give her my service and to hazard my life for her. I can do no more. It must wholly rest in her Majesty's goodness to deal freely in so weighty a cause, which concerns herself and her whole state." I send Dr. James to the Court to bring me what certainty hereof there may be.From my bed at Wansted, this of May. Postscript. If I am to go, Mr. Norrice must be sent for out of hand and either Sir William Pelham of Lord Willoughby sent to receive the charge till I come. "And with the less warning it be done, the better." Holograph. Endd. with date. 2 pp. [Holland XIV. f. 247.] Note of the four requests in the above letter ; viz : Of her Majesty's resolution ; the loan of 10,000l. ; the recall of Sir Jo. Norrys ; and the sending of Willoughby and Pelham. Endd. p. [Ibid XIV. f. 249.]
In my report last sent, I certified the payment of 540l. to Sir John Norris for his entertainment as Col. general of the infantry, and also his lieutenant, issued by the warrant of Mr. Wilkes, Mr. Digges and myself, as required by Lord Buckhurst and others under their hands. But now Lord Buckhurst takes it so offensively against Mr. Digges and me (as if he had not informed him how her Majesty was to be charged) that he has written to Mr. Treasurer to stay our entertainments until her Majesty's pleasure be known. His lordship knows that we refused to make this warrant, and, by procurement of Sir John Norris, were called before him to give reasons for our refusal, which we did, telling him privately that we believed Sir John to be in her Majesty's debt, not having yet satisfied her the 5000l. he had out of the Exchequer. But it pleased his lordship and the rest to give us order to make the warrant, the copy of which order I now send. It seems that his lordship means to write to her Majesty on the matter. It is not my part to oppose so honourable a personage, but if, "in this precise course we take, we incur the displeasure of some as not forward enough in yielding to their demands, and in the self same action, blamed for forwardness, either our discretion is very bad, or our case very hard." But we shall take order for this money to be defalked on Sir John's entertainment unless we have command to the contrary. It is a year since you enjoined me "to receive Sir John Norris' answer and reckoning for the reimbursement of 5000l. His answer then was that he had paid to Mr. Hudleston 3000l. by defalcations from such captains and companies as he had furnished with armour ; the rest, 2000l. he said he would make his petition to be allowed him for the erecting of his cornet of a hundred horse." Mr. Hudleston's deputies now say that 500l. of the 3000l. is still undefalked, and part of it owing by captains and companies in the States' pay, now cassed and gone ; yet a year ago Mr. Hudleston "confessed" that it was well nigh all defalked. I have received no instructions as to Mr. Hudleston's account but understand by my Lord Buckhurst that her Majesty expecteth it to be perused here, so I have, by his advice begun to examine it so far as I can "with the want of most of the warrants and many acquittances" especially for money paid to those in the States' charge. Lord Buckhurst has written to all the captains to bring in their demands and clear their accounts with Mr. Hudleston before the end of the month "but because not they but the soldier hath been pinched and borne the burden . . . I do not think any great matter will ensue."Utrecht, 20 May, 1587. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XIV. f. 251.]


  • 1. Lord Warden of the Cinque ports.
  • 2. Old form of marinier ; sometimes used for the pilot, but here apparently means the ship's master.
  • 3. The earl and baron, Charles Neville, earl of Westmorland and Thomas lord Paget ; the young K., James VI. of Scotland.
  • 4. Margin "but keep this to yourself."
  • 5. Probably Thomas Darbyshire, chief of the Jesuits at Paris. Cal. S.P. Dom. 1581-90, p. 472.
  • 6. Edward Baeshe, who died 2 May, Chauncy : Hist. Antiq. of Herts. Vol, I., p. 380.
  • 7. Printed in Cabala Vol. II., p. 32.65
  • 8. See Japikse : Resolutien der Staten Generaal, Vol. V., p. 585.66
  • 9. Over "appointed" erased.
  • 10. Written on April 26. See Acts of the Privy Council, N.S. Vol. XV. p. 57.