Elizabeth: November 1587, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1929.

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'Elizabeth: November 1587, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp414-427 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1587, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp414-427.

"Elizabeth: November 1587, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1929), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp414-427.

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November 1587, 11-20

Nov. 11. Notes of charges in the Low Countries, the last date mentioned being Nov. 11, 1587. The greater part in Burghley's hand. 2 pp. [Ibid. XIX. f. 72.]
Nov. 11. BURGHLEY to DE LOO.
Your last letters of the 4th came upon the 8th, with a letter from the Duke of Parma to her Majesty, dated Nov. 9. The messenger reported that you were gone from Calais and so to Brussels before he could overtake you, he being driven by contrary seas to Boulogne ; but, coming back to Ghent he there delivered to you the letters which we wrote, wishing they had come to your hands before you left Calais, for so we might have had a full and perfect answer from the Duke to the necessary points contained in our said letters...Now we must attend the answer both to the former matters and to one other new accident, not to be misliked, for which purpose her Majesty hath willed us to let you know what you shall say to the Duke, which is in this sort following : Her Majesty doth accept the Duke's letter in very good and kind part, expressing his mind therein very princely and christianly, and specially being written to directly in the cause before you had opportunity to make his Highness acquainted with her Majesty's former requests, contained in our former letters ; and if the great preparations which the Duke hath, both for the sea and land were not well known to her Majesty, her commissioners should not stay one day from their journey, though there should come no other answer from his Highness by you. But considering these his preparations pretend a contrary course to peace, and that we have not the answer to our former doubts, her Majesty resteth doubtful what to do ; whether to aventure the sending of her Commissioners upon the consideration of his letter...or to stay them only a few days, to be resolved of her former doubts, which might avoid all kind of scruple ; for, on the other side, when she considereth either of his whole letter or of some parts, she is moved to aventure, namely upon these words following and such others :m'e parso de scriver encor questi poci versi, tanto per non perder l'occasione di basciar humilmente le mani a vostra Majesta quanto per ascicurarla che non restara per me che la resolutione presa non passa avanti, (fn. 1) and so forth, expressing a Christian desire that he hath, as when he saith havuto fatto quello che l'obligo Christiano et di persona desiderosa del bene et riposo publico. On the other side, harkening to the daily reports of his hostile preparations, her former doubts being not answered, do present themselves as a stay to her desire, which had been cleared, in our opinion, if our letters had come before your going from Calais to Brussels, or that you had speedily now returned from Ghent with our letters, and not answered as you did, with these words E si tosto che mi sara significato lor arrivo in esso loco (et che mi chiamino) li andaro a trovare, con portar meco da darli satisfacsione di tutte quelle cose di che le tre diverse lettere di V. S. Illustrisimo, de 13 et 15 (spedite di la alli 17 del passato) fanno mensione ; stando il Duca sul partirsi d'ogni hora. By which your writing, being a course contrary to that we ought to have looked for, you would have that our commissioners should go first to the place before they should receive your answer to our former doubts, not knowing what the same should be ; a course very strange in a case of such importance ; and if you had not in this sort declared your purpose to have forborne the answers, we would have expected your answers to these former doubts as soon as we might have made an account of the time of your journey from Ghent backward to Brussels, and of a man's journey from Brussels hither afterwards ; which if it had been effected, the matter had been clear from all doubt or delay. And now time only must amend this, which is the cause that we send this bearer with all speed unto you to clear this matter and to waste no more time. For this we do assure you, and so you shall do well to avow it to the Duke upon our honours, (fn. 2) that her Majesty saith she thinketh both their minds to accord upon a good and Christian meaning, though their ministers may percase sound upon a discord ; but yet she is fully resolved (fn. 2) to send away her commissioners with all speed upon satisfaction made to her by the Duke for the doubts afore expressed, and namely for the present doubt of these his intended hostile actions. Therefore as you have long laboured in this matter, and found many occasions of delays, though not originally from her Majesty but accidentally from others, so now the hour is come to clear all obstacles on this part for the sending of her Commissioners, if you will speedily procure a good answer from the Duke to these our letters, and to the former doubts. And because her Majesty mindeth to avoid one obstacle of some importance newly arisen for the safe and speedy passage of her commissioners, she findeth it both good for her part and not inconvenient for the Duke to send her commissioners to Ostend, near which place the treaty may be...for that the passage is shortest from hence thither by sea, and less perilous for our commissioners, of whom some of them, being sickly, are very desirous to have their journey by this means...[understanding] that they must pass a long course by sea and so through Zeeland in divers places before they can come to Berghes ; in which parts both the vulgar people and soldiers are so untoward to hear of peace or to allow of any that shall come to treat of peace...as our commissioners have a very great and just cause of misliking to venture their journey to these parts. And this change of the place can argue no lack of disposition either in her Majesty or the Commissioners ; but rather offereth more expedition...and likewise be more convenient to the commissioners on the other side, considering these parts of Flanders to be nearest to the Duke, and void of all encumbrances towards them. And when you shall open this latter matter to the Duke, we require you to assure him that this change of place is meant for all purposes to the best, and the other place cannot be but much the worst. And as soon as the Duke shall declare himself to allow hereof, and that his answers being sent to the former doubts shall satisfy her Majesty, there shall not be one day omitted for the passage of the commissioners to the foresaid town of Ostend. And thus you see we have been driven to write at great length...because we would have no more doubts arrive ; and therefore also we require you to procure the Duke's answers to be so clear as the same bring us into no further doubt. Draft, corrected by Burghley. Endd. "XI November, 1587... Signed by my Lord, Lord Cobham, Mr. Controller, Mr. Secretary." 4 pp. [Flanders I. f. 371.]
Our last was sent by Dr. Hotman from Delft, and the same day [we] came hither, when Count Hohenlo "had that morning been with the Council conferring about the preparations made by the enemy...whereagainst was to be provided by all possible means, to which end, the Count Maurice and he did what in them lay." And as they could not levy out of the garrisons so many as were required, desired letters to be sent to the Count of Moeurs and Schenck to send towards Tertoele land all that they could spare ; and that Schenk's "rutters devalysed (fn. 3)," lying waiting to be mounted might be sent into certain houses for garrison and the soldiers drawn thence for Zeeland. In the afternoon your Excellency's letter was brought and read, "the contents whereof, in respect of that point of Bergues, was somewhat unpleasant." What their resolution was, you will see by their answer. Bardesius and Teelinck have imparted the said letter to the Counts Maurice and Hohenlo and the States of Holland, and report that your Excellency's advertisement touching the enemy was well liked, and all endeavours used to prepare against his attempts, "and hoped in few days to be ready for him, with three score sails and at least 200 hoys and other boats for the rivers." Each town is rated for so many mariners, and for soldiers have set down three thousand, putting their burgers in garrisons "the whilst, to keep the places" ; besides having good store of ammunition, etc. Half their army is to attend those of Dunkirk, and the other, those of Antwerp. Counts Maurice and Hohenlo have gone each day to Delft, and both will be in person at this service, for which purpose Hohenlo departed this evening and the other Count will follow shortly. Ortel arrived at Delft yesterday and tomorrow will be here with the Council. "The apprehending of the President in Friesland was greatly disliked by the people ; being much moved against the States. Enghelstede, who was made prisoner, is likewise released." We hear that the States of Holland have made a resolution not to agree to any peace or to send deputies ; but to send certain to her Majesty to show their reasons of refusal and beg her to accept thereof, hoping to be seconded by your Excellency. There was much disputing about this resolution, and the gentlemen who commonly give their first suffrage, would not begin, but seeing that the towns agreed, did so also. Yesterday, Mr. Hynde brought your letter to Hotman, who being departed it was thought good to open it. That to the Princess was delivered, and we now send her answer, "in hope that your Excellency's desire for the house will be satisfied."The Haeghe, 12 November, 1587. Postscript. As yet, none are appointed by those of Holland to communicate with the Council, and they may defer it till the General States' meeting. The letter from Sonoy, Mr. Hynde left here. The cassed English captains are all here, soliciting further satisfaction, but the Council say they can do nothing till the General States' meeting ; being also offended by certain of their requests, "containing undecent words," threatening to be revenged of the injuries offered them. Signed by both. Add. Endd. by Burghley. 1 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 74.]
I humbly beseech you to perform the favour you have proffered me. "In lieu of advancement to the place you write of, I am like to gain hard disgrace. To venture my life and all for her service I would think happily employed ; but rather than to frustrate her gracious opinion, I would endure anything. I need not count unto you the broken state of this country, and strength of the enemy, nor reckon up my own wants. You can best judge how a war standing on these terms may be carried by such a one as I. For her Majesty's better service and to preserve your friend from manifest disgrace, if it be possible, let this cup pass me ; which if you shall procure, I shall hold myself most bounden unto you while I live. If not contented with my sort, I will endeavour my best ; the more encouraged that my honest actions may be interpreted and seconded by so honourable a friend at home..." Myddleburgh, 14 November. Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. p. [Holland XIX. f. 76.]
Thanking his honour for his favour, and wishing that he could requite it. Their proceedings have borne such barren fruit that he has deferred writing, hoping for some amendment. They had expected the siege of their town, but now think that the Prince, finding it this winter not possible, may rather bend his way to 'Tregoos land' and other of the islands. "It is judged that he may bring all his shipping to Gaunt and from thence to the Sasse, and so out by Bierfleet and over the flats to the islands, where our fleet shall little or not at all annoy him. The late shipping of his provision and artillery to Gaunt may prognosticate the same, as also the 3,000 saddles and bridles thither sent ; which may serve to mount carabines upon mares or other horse beasts, whereof there is great numbers in these isles." "Bergus up Zom," 14 November. Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XIX. f. 78.]
Mr. Harbert arrived here on Monday, the 6th or 7th of this month, and I took a day to confer with him and Mr. Ortell, who came with him, and had been partaker of her Majesty's dispatch. I thought it good that he should go first to the States, and send word when Mr. Harbert might soonest come to them (for they were not yet come together), and that meanwhile Mr. Harbert should remain here, whereby I might the better confer with him, as well of mine own proceedings with these men, as to inform him of all things for the furtherance of his service here. I have seen his instructions and find myself greatly bound to her Majesty for her respect of my poor credit and reputation, "a matter hardly to be upholden by any such as I am, being crossed and thwarted as I have been, in a strange place, without the shadow and countenance of her Majesty...for whose cause I have had those impeachments here, and not for any particular of mine own ; for there liveth not one of them can say that I have offered him the least injury or done him displeasure. And touching the matter of the treaty, I trust Mr. Harbert can report that I have not been careless in seeking according to my duty to satisfy her Majesty." And although some of the chiefest are most against joining with her to make a peace, I think they shall be forced to yield thereto by those who bear her love and reverence especially the gentlemen and better sortand thankfully accept of her gracious meaning towards them. "Yet did Mr. Killigrew write of late to me that the Count Maurice had made many earnest propositions unto the States of Holland...in dissuading them from giving ear to the peace ; which propositions are so secretly kept as at that time he could not get the note of them" ; but when the States meet together, I think they cannot but yield to her Majesty's request and motion. Not having heard from Ortell, I send Mr. Herbert away tomorrow, who hath lost no time hitherto, for besides being instructed by me, he has had conference with some of Zeeland who, as they confess, have been led and abused by those of Holland. "And I am credibly informed that upon my first arrival at Flushing, where divers of them came to visit me,...they dispatched three deputies to those of Holland to persuade them to take heed, and to harken better to her Majesty's advice ; for they find the people here to begin to speak largely and boldly, that her Majesty must be pleased, and to commit trust unto her. Thus much was told me at my last being at Middelburgh, where I had full conference again with them, and where Mr. Harbert used himself very wisely and substantially. To whom some of them afterward did seem to acknowledge their oversight ; but these popular rulers no man can bind upon them neither, to have their resolutions and answers when we will. But I trust her Majesty shall hear shortly thereof, and myself to be the messenger..." 15 November, 1587. Signed. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 80.]
Informing them of his summons to England, and of what he has communicated to the States General concerning the order to be taken in his absence, [see the following letter] especially as to the powers of their Council. Prays them to conform themselves thereto, whereby they will please and serve her Majesty, and promises, immediately on reaching England, to advertise them of her Majesty's will and intention. She has put Lord Willoughby in command of the English forces, whom he has desired to hold all good correspondence with themselves. Is grieved that he has not been able to do to the state and cause of these provinces such service as he desired and intended when he came thither, but since they can bear witness that he has done his duty, and that the fault has not been with him, he will make no further excuses, it being sufficient comfort to him that he leaves with a good and clear conscience. Other matters will be declared to them more at large by the Sieur Herbert, a gentleman of honour and quality, councillor of her Majesty and very well affected to this cause, to whom he prays them to give a good reception and treatment, according to their custom with those who come on her Majesty's behalf. Flushing, 26 November [new style], 1587. Copy. French. 1 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 82.]
Is sorry that her Majesty has so much reason to be ill-satisfied with their comportment towards her. She has recalled him to England. Regrets that he has not been able to do what he intended but he will depart with a clear conscience, having done more than his duty, and the responsibility rests on those who openly promote the ruin of the churches of God, and of so many miserable people, in order to uphold their own private aims. But not wishing to impute to all what is done by some, and in view of the queen's advantageous offers for the preservation of these countries, he will willingly employ himself during his absence to advance the welfare of the provinces ; provided he sees that they value the conservation of her friendship, and will hold to the terms of the contract made with her ; upon which point he desires their reply as soon as possible. In accordance with the treaty he has found it good that during his absence, authority shall remain with the Council of State, in which the queen's ambassador shall be present, until other provision shall be made by her Majesty, wherewith they shall be made acquainted within a few days after his return. And for the government of the English forces, her Majesty has constituted Lord Willoughby, to whom he has written to hold good correspondence with themselves, the Council of State and the other commanders. Finds that the queen is ill-satisfied with what has passed at Leyden, and considers the wrongs done to him to proceed from the small respect they bear to herself. By withdrawing the soldiers from Delfshaven, Maeslandtsluys and other places, he deprived himself of troops which he might have kept if he had desired to attempt anything against the State of these countries. Thus he would be well pleased that those who have been the cause of these hasty proceedings should give satisfaction to her Majesty, that she may not deem them to be led by private revenges and affections. The rest will be said to them by the Sieur Herbert. Prays them to give him good reception and treatment, as they have done to all the others of like quality.Flissinges, 26 November [new style], 1587. (fn. 4) Noted as received on December 2. Copy. French. 2 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 84.]
On Nov. 8, after the English account, my lord of Leicester, having dispatched his answers to the letters I brought, called Mr. Ortell and me to him, and perceiving that her Majesty had imparted the material points of my negotiation to Mr. Ortell, and given him letters to the States, resolved to send him out of hand to the States of Holland and the States General, for them to appoint a time and place for me to impart to them my message. He took his journey on the 9th, promising with all speed to advertise his Excellency of his success, and to do what he might that at my coming I should have a resolute answer, and to her Majesty's contentation. On the 10th, his Excellency perused my instructions and gave me further directions for the better performance of my charge. He took no small pleasure in examining each article, "as well for that he perceived by them his honour and credit to be respected by her Majesty in every point, and his actions thereby to be confirmed the which he had communicated to the States afore my coming, touching the entry into a treaty of peace." He has given me particular directions on all points, and such as in reason should content any. But in a multitude, some will always be obstinate, either transported by passion or led by private commodity. For my better information, his lordship willed one Mr. Burgrave, who attends on him, to impart to me the proposition touching peace which his Excellency delivered to the States, "and containeth from point to point my whole message" ; also all pamphlets written by the said States or the particular governments in defence of their proceedings ; with his answers thereto. Whereby I am well furnished "either to mitigate or exasperate any accident that hath happened" as may best serve the furtherance of my commission. While I perused these many, long and tedious writings, his Excellency went to Camphire, "a town by purchase, of the inheritance of Count Morice," and so to Middelburgh. He sent for me on the 12th, and on his conference with the States of Zeeland on the 13th, "the time spent in viewing of those papers served me to very good purpose. For after his Excellency had, with wise, grave and pithy speech declared unto them with what care and zeal her Majesty had embraced their actions, set down particularly their ingratitudes, made manifest the perils and dangers they were run into in not respecting her Majesty with duty and loyalty as did appertain, upon replies made by some of them...it pleased his Excellency to suffer me and other to use both public speech with them all in general and private speech with some particular persons. Wherein, for mine own, I had been little able to have satisfied any, had I not carefully persued those pamphlets and been well instructed by Mr. Bourgrave." That day, his Excellency seemed so far to have prevailed that they made a show of willingness to help to redress anything that was amiss, but while he was labouring to reclaim them from their errors and make them acknowledge their dependence on her Majesty, "Sir Thomas Gorge cometh to Middelburgh, and the report of the revocation of his Excellency so appalleth them who respecteth the advancement of religion and are wholly addicted to her Majesty, as truly it pitieth many to consider their case." If he might have made some small abode, much good might have been done ; whereas now there is such confusion that many men of judgment expect but utter ruin of this state. His lordship, being returned to Flushing, has to-day desired me without waiting for an answer from Mr. Ortell, to prepare to take ship for Holland, which I mean to do tomorrow. His lordship is so careful to give you particulars of all proceedings here that I need write of nothing save what touches my own charge. Flushing, 16 November, 1587. Holograph. Add. Endd. by Burghley as received on the 25th. 3 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 85.]
I perceived at my "parture" that your honour would withdraw yourself for a time from affairs of State in respect of your health ; which all who know you must approve, while lamenting that God has laid his hand on you at so unseasonable a time, when the service of her Majesty and the safety of England seemed never more to want your furtherance and good advice. This poor state is so torn, for want of those who would amend it, and so confused, by means of those that would have the government of it to their liking, that it needs rare and wise men, of experience and authority ; respect of the public and zeal for religion, to consider and redress its defects. "Three sorts of people I find here, each attempting to reduce the form of government to that he judgeth most convenient. One sort, that hath lived under a princely authority and hardly can brook any kind of proceeding, either in matter of war or civil government but such as where one only commandeth. Another sort, that in respect of their own deserts...would participate of the government without controlment and so reduce it to the hands of a few. The third sort is of those who contribute to the maintenance of the action, who judge, as the charge, hazard and peril is theirs, so the commodity, rule and sovereignty must proceed from them ; and be it one or more that they shall call to take the action in hand, his or their authority must be derived from them, limited and enlarged by them, and all things expounded and interpreted by their laws and customs...He that shall accord these three discords had need to have a divine spirit."Yet I believe, if my lord of Leicester had remained here some small time and continued his present wise course, he would in short time have daunted some of the turbulent spirits, much to the good of the cause and the service of her Majesty. "But such is the hard fortune of this country, to have his Excellency revoked when it most needed his assistance." I have heard nothing from Mr. Ortell or the States, but am to start for Holland tomorrow without waiting for their sending. Flushing, 16 November, 1587. Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 87.]
Mine of the 15th could not be sent away, here hath been such terrible tempests and contrary winds. Mr. Harry Killigrew writes that it is like those who are most bent against the peace will prevail and that the States of Holland have given their voices that way, and are taking order to withstand the enemy by water, of all which they have not advertised me ; by which is manifest their diffidence in her Majesty and intention to go forward with the form of government I told you of long since, for notwithstanding all their dissimulations otherwise, they have always followed that course. But when the States General assemble, which I think will be by this day, and Mr. Herbert has given her Majesty's message to them all, I think there will fall out some difference and that three provinces will join with her Majesty, and many in Holland and Zeeland do the like. These of Holland that be the ringleaders must be made known...Either they be traitors and conspired the yielding the country into the King of Spain's hands ; which well may be done by this way they take ; or else they are the most blindest asses that ever had such a charge as they have, for they run now headlong on to their ruin. For it seems that Holland will take up then the whole defence against the King of Spain, without any other assistance, for beside her Majesty they have none, and if they made any great account of her aid, they would not use her and her people as they do. And how far unable they will be found, 'or' three months past, to defend themselves alone, the world will see, except the enemy be some other way employed or impeached than we see yet. But they have one persuasion which doth much bolden them toward her Majesty, for I know it, it hath been oft spoken by some of the busiest of themthat they use her Majesty as she doth use them ; she helps them not for love, but for her own necessity ; so unthankful minds have some of them, as I assure you, my lord, these speeches have been lately and largely uttered. But as, in troth, it were pity for the common cause of religion but that her Majesty should extend her goodness for the relief thereof ; so, knowing that I do now among them, the case standeth otherwise with them ; for I see and they will find without her Majesty they are lost, and yet with her Majesty, as the matter now is used, they will be lost and her own state hindered withal ; and therefore her Majesty must look to her own case, and specially to strengthen herself at home by all the means and ways she can, and that forthwith, chiefly by her navy, and to stay all the mariners you can there. And one other thing, whereof I have written both to her Majesty and your lordship heretofore ; to make Scotland as sure as she can, which, if I be not deceived, she may with no great charge do. And that being done, she may presume as much upon her own kingdom against all enemies as any prince in Europe may, and ease herself of many foreign charges. I the rather speak of Scotland for that I know it credibly more ways than one that the King of Spain, for all his show of treaty, is dealing with the King of Scots to set him on to seek his right against her Majesty, and doth offer him men and money ; and what danger six or seven thousand men to join in that country may do, all men may imagine, and no way but that. "One other matter is also to hold duly and assuredly the King of Denmark and that must be by often and kind accomplimentos, for he is naturally given to affect her Majesty, and all that nation do look to be kindly handled and with ceremonies. The like, if I could wish it, would I advise, that it would please her Majesty to look once again into Germany, among the princes there. It is possible, for that I hear it, if her Majesty did deal with some few of the best of them, which may be done by the King of Denmark and the Duke 'Casimere,' there were hope to have a strong alliance for her that way. It is but proof and a small charge ; no more is that of Scotland ; it is but to spend hundreds to save thousands that must else be spent." I pray you, for easing my hand and eyes, to impart this to my Lord Chancellor, which I write rather to show my concurrency with what your lordships have thought than to advise you. I think I must stay my Lord Willoughby's patent until I come to her Majesty, for great and special causes ; besides, Sir William Pelham is not able to remain here to supply the place her Majesty expects ; "for he is wonderfully decayed within this three weeks ; since I sent him to Berges to confer with the Lord Willoughby touching that place. Since he came hither to me, he hath for the most part kept his bed, and these three days, hath had a fever, and by no means can yield to tarry, but doth mind to come over if he be able. I pray God he may come alive. He hath one of his legs fallen into a dangerous case and I fear will not let him continue long ; which will be a great pity, for he is a sufficient [sic] and a man of long experience. He doth beside languish in mind greatly and hath done so this two or three months." I will not fail to leave all things here as will be most agreeable to a quiet government till her Majesty's further pleasure shall be known, and so hope to satisfy her at my coming. In the meantime, his lordship shall have the absolute charge of her forces, "albeit, but for her Majesty's express commandment, he is the most unwilling man in the world to continue here." I hope in five or six days to dispatch all there is for me to do, and after that time, her Majesty shall not be charged with any allowance to me. 16 November. Holograph. Add. Endd. by Burghley. 3 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 89.]
Though I wrote to you yesterday, I cannot refuse the request of my friend and kinsman, Captain Morgan, to accompany his return with a few lines. He has many good parts.... I doubt not but you will give him such countenance as he deserves. I perceive by his Excellency's speech to me this day that he has very deeply considered the actions of this miserable country, and means to "make abode" here until he hears from me what course they of Holland mean to run with her Majesty touching the peace and with himself touching the government of these provinces, until her Majesty and the States by mutual consent, determine of it absolutely. "For in most mens' judgment here, the course laid down will not be accepted by those that impugn his Excellency's authority, and what confusion will [ensue] thereof, every man here seemeth greatly to doubt. This honourable consideration of his Excellency is here greatly commended, and the more for that the lewd and perverse dealings of sundry seem to have deserved [rather] displeasure than favour. But respect of her Majesty's service, of the good of our land, of the public security of such as profess true Christian religion, hath caused his Excellency to forget a number of indignities and to embrace their cause and action if they list so to accept it. But such is the wilfulness of some one faction, as many fear they will rather hazard all than seem to relent any whit. God may perhaps speedily confound them in their own imaginations." Such are the storms and tempests on this coast that we cannot hear out of Holland from Mr. Ortell nor can I have passage thither, for none dare venture these four days to put out to sea.Flushing, 17 November, 1587. Holograph. Add. Endd. as brought "by Mr. Morgan Wolf." 2 pp. [Ibid. XIX. f. 91.]
Nov. 19. "A brief account of the 30000l. received by Sir Thomas Sherley knight, treasurer at wars in the Low Countries, by virtue of a privy seal dated 17 August, 1587."
His Excellency, .. .. 1520l.
The Lord Marshal, .. .. 100l.
The Lord Willoughby, Colonel general, 100l.
Sir Richard Bingham, Master of the Ordnance, .. .. 113l. 8s. 4d.
Sir Thomas Sherley, treasurer, .. [blank.]
Sir William Reade, Lieut. Colonel General, .. .. .. 38l.
Mr. Dr. Sutcliffe, Judge Martial .. 40l.
Mr. Henry Killigrew, .. .. 233l.
Mr. Hunt, Auditor, .. .. 100l.
Mr. Digges, Muster-Master, .. 200l.
Arthur Campernowne, Quarter master, 45l.
John Oliver, corporal, .. .. 10l.
Nicholas Dethick, Windsor herald, .. 10l.
Total 2645l. 8s. 4d.
Officers of Flushing.
Sir William Russell, governor, .. 200l.
Mr. Borlas, Marshal, .. .. 113l.
Mr. Astel, gentleman porter, .. 15l. 15s.
Robert Manchester, provost marshal, 15l. 15s.
Edward Burnham, water-bailiff, .. 60l.
Edward Germyn, clerk of the munition, 67s. 6d.
The cannoneers, .. .. .. 110s.
Total 413l. 7s. 6d.
Officers of Brill.
The Lord Burgh, governor, .. 100l.
Capt. Bamborough, late marshal, .. 66l.
Mr. Knyvett, now marshal, .. 100l.
Mr. Westroppe, late gentleman porter, 26l. 8s.
Mr. Raynsford, now gent. porter, .. 10l.
Richard Payne, provost marshal, .. nil.
Andrea Bassana, water-bailiff, .. nil.
William Fosse, clerk of the munition, nil.
The cannoneers, .. .. .. 18l.
Total 320l. 8s.
43 companies [captains named] Total 10,283l. 18s. 11d.
His Excellency, .. .. .. 555l. 3s. 4d.
Lord Willoughby, .. .. .. 323l. 6s. 8d.
Lord North (fully paid), .. .. 1758l. 12s. 8d.
Sir John Burgh (now has it), .. 104l.
Sir William Pelham (fully paid), .. 1993l. 7s. 6d.
Capt. Parker (now has it), .. .. 180l.
Sir William Russell, .. .. 274l.
Sir Robert Sydney, .. .. 728l. 15s.
Sir Philip Butler, .. .. .. 65l.
Capt. Thos. Sherley, .. .. 445l. 4s.
Capt. Knollys, .. .. .. 40s.
Capt. Dormer, .. .. .. 45s.
Capt. Bowcer, .. .. .. 432l. 6s. 10d.
Total 6864l. 0s. 12d.
Cannoneers at Bergen op Zoom and Ostend 81l. 10s.
Payments for the new companies.
In ready money to the 31 companies who came over this summer and are now cashiered, .. .. ..
6812l. 7s. 1d.
To two Burghers of Utrecht for armour 336l. 14s.
To Lamberto Lamberty for armour .. 142l. 1s. 6d.
Total 7291l. 2s. 7d.
Extraordinary payments by his Excellency's warrants .. .. 644l. 5s.
Sum of all the payments aforesaid .. 28408l. 1s. 4d.
And so remaineth of the said 30000l. : 1591l. 18s. 8d. thereof paid to my Lord Burgh after the making up of this account by order from his Excellency, 100l.
And so remaineth .. .. ..
1491l. 18s. 8d.
Endd. by Burghley. 5 pp. [Holland XIX. f. 93.]


  • 1. It will be seen that Burghley's clerk has not always copied the Italian spelling correctly.
  • 2. The passage between the two stars is inserted by Burghley, instead of "that we do know certainly her Majesty's mind" erased.
  • 3. Devalises : robbed or stripped.
  • 4. The Dutch text in Bor. Ned. Oorloge, Bk. XXIII, f. 90.