Elizabeth: August 1587, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1929.

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'Elizabeth: August 1587, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp218-230 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1587, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp218-230.

"Elizabeth: August 1587, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1929), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp218-230.

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August 1587, 1-10

It is manifest to all how much our honour is touched by the loss of the town of l'Escluse, and we cannot reflect on it without regret and displeasure, seeing that the disaster has happened by fault of the Estates, who not only neglected to make the necessary provisions for defence of the town, but have acted in a manner so strange, that we cannot but suspect (as all the world may judge at a glance) that they rather desired its loss than its defence. We cannot but feel very strongly that the said States, by their negligence, and also in respect of some personal dissatisfaction with our governor (who is so willingly venturing his life and fortune for their defence) should have thus left our honour as a prey to the enemy ; to the great danger of their own estate. We desire you to say to them openly on our behalf that we are determined to show the country that they and we have just cause to accuse them of an act so treacherous and disloyal as to have been cause of the loss of the town and the means of betraying the liberty of the country and injuring our honour and reputation, dearer to us than life itself ; assuring them that if they do not find means both to repair our honour (which we fear will be very difficult) and to furnish all that our governor shall demand for their own defence and preservation, we are resolved to abandon utterly and forsake them, which will inevitably bring about their ruin, for which we shall be extremely sorry from our affection to the generality mostly good patriots, whose defence and preservation has been no less esteemed by us than that of our own subjects. In order more effectually to convict them of the loss of Escluse it will be well for you to collect that which may aid us to prove their negligence or rather disloyalty. And as the Admiral and Vice-Admiral have likewise been very negligent in hastening to succour of the said town, we wish you to admonish them of their fault on our behalf very sharply in presence of the States General or the Council of State, as our cousin of Leicester shall advise, that they may openly bear the blame. Copy. French. 2 pp. [Holland XVII. f. 1.]
Since coming hither, I have been so busied about the relief of Sluise, that I have had no time to deal with other things whereof you may look for an answer, but have partly remitted them to Mr. Killigrew and Mr. Beale, and partly deferred them until we know what would become of the said town. Now that it is lost, "through the default of their officers of the Admiralty," I send Sir Roger Williams to make relation to her Majesty and your lordships of what passed there, to which I will only add that "both he and the rest of the captains and soldiers which were with them behaved themselves most valiantly, and that (as I am credibly informed) it is so reported of them by the very enemies, who, after the composition, seeing the estate of the town, the breaches and the little means which were left of resistance, were sorry to have granted so good conditions." I beseech you to return him as soon as may be, for there will be need of such men of service and valour. I purpose speedily to deal with the Estates touching the redressing of disorders here, and re-establishment of a good government. I know not what hope to give you until I know their resolution, which I look for within two days. I have given the Lord Admiral certain letters intercepted from the Jesuits, whereby you may see "what hope they have of the Scottish King : or if he will not serve their turn, how their intention is to ground some practice upon the Duke of Parma's son, born of a mother of Portugal, and so descended out of the house of Lancaster, whereof I beseech your lordships to have some regard that her Majesty may be moved . . . to assure that King, considering what inconveniences may happen to the cause of religion and her Majestys' safety," if her enemies shall prevail with him. The Duke of Parma has had agents at Hamburg, to disturb the re-establishment of the Merchants Adventurers there, who afterwards went to the King of Denmark, and from him to Dantzick. As the enemy spares no means to deal to her Majesty's prejudice, it were meet for her to have some here to hinder their practices, before it is too late, whereof I doubt not but your lordships will have such consideration as is requisite.Middelburg, 1 August, 1587. Signed. Add. Endd. 1 pp. [Holland XVII. f. 3.]
Aug. 1. LEICESTER to certain of THE LORDS.
Thanking them for sending copies of the articles exhibited to Lord Buckhurst, Sir Jo. Norrise and Mr. Wilkes, with their particular answers. Has not yet had time to make an answer to them, but will send it shortly ; when he doubts not but their lordships will perceive how they have been abused. Will set down nothing but truth, "howsoever it have pleased them to deal otherwise." Middlebourgh, 1 August, 1587. Add. to the Lord Chancellor, L. Treasurer, L. Admiral, L. Chamberlain, and L. Cobham. Endd. p. [Ibid. XVII. f. 5.]
Aug. 1. "Remembrances made at Ostend" on this date.
1-3. To take a true note of ordnance, munition, victuals etc. ; to know what there is and of what kinds.
4, 5. To take a roll of the bands, burghers and other persons there are in the town, and what brewers and bakers "to serve the turn."
6, 7. To learn what buoys and other ships remain there ; and what storehouses there are for provisions.
8, 9. To see what kine, horses and mares there are ; what waggons and who has charge of them, and to appoint that all mills be set awork for the grinding of corn.
10. To learn for how long the soldiers are paid and who is unpaid ; and to have an estimate what will serve for their pay weekly.
11. To have a note from the lieutenant of the Ordnance what gunners and other artificers he has.
17. To see the companies divided into quarters of the old and new town, and take the view of each by poll.
13. "To appoint the burghers of the best sort to attend the quarters within the town, for fear of sudden burning thereof, and for the defence of the munition.
14. "To view the meetest place for defence of the haven and to defend the approach, and the same to be set on work with speed."
Endd. p. [Holland XVII. f. 7.]
From some speech of your lordship the other day, it seems to have been advertised hither that the States and Count Hohenlo utterly refused to give any aid in the late service for relieving Sluce. Having by chance seen letters from those partswherein is contained that the Count, excusing himself from coming in person, offered to send so many of his forces with munition and anything else needed to advance that service ; signifying the same many days before the rendering of the town, when there was time to have drawn those forces thitherI thought it my duty to write so much to your lordship ; but pray you to get better information from others, that you may understand the certain truth. Finding myself greatly troubled and perplexed by my hard estate, remaining still in her Majesty's disgrace, without any cause of which my conscience can assure me, "I humbly beseech your mediation, that her Majesty may be pleased graciously to consider of me" and to signify how she will dispose of my services.London, 3 August, 1587. Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XVII. f. 10.]
Aug. 3. Paper endorsed 3 Aug. 1587. An extract of James Digges 3 letters and Miners' certificate. Letters of Digges to his brother Thomas of 2, 8 and 11 July. Certificate of Miners concerning his cornet (fn. 1). 2 pp. [Ibid. XVII. f. 12.]
I will begin with what most touches us all here ; the want of money. I had money to maintain certain companies, but since the week after my arrival, I have been driven to supply the weekly payments of all the rest of her Majesty's army here, as well horse as foot, and the money drawing fast away, you may consider how dangerous it will be to have so many men unpaid ; the States (as they say) being able to help little or nothing. I beseech you to move her Majesty for the speedy sending of money. If she will continue her assistance for any long time, you may send the less now, but if she be discouraged to proceed, "you must advise her, both in honour and conscience, to send her pay to the last day. . . . "Matters be wonderfully changed here and the States in their opinion more secure than ever they were, and I think they were never nearer to destruction than now. They feed still more upon the plot they laid at my lord of Buckhurst's being here than upon any help of her Majesty or any prince." We know not yet what they can do, or at what time, but I have given them a day to answer me, one way or another. (fn. 2) They depend much upon their reyters and Almains coming in, whereof, as I do much doubt, so do I see a great cause to be glad of them ; for it is only the practice and humour of Counts Hollock and Murs and certain of the States, with the good allowance and furtherance [of] your wise ministers here, of whom I will say no more, but . . . I would not for a thousand pounds but my lords had sent me their answers and declarations ; if you ever saw more manifest falsehoods and untruths set down than you shall find in every of them, but specially in Sir John Norryce, do you believe me the worse." Here is another matter to be considered. There are certain companies at Brill, and Mr. Knevett is to be used there, I conceive as an officer. He should have a band, but there is none but one of the new levy, and not to continue. If Sir Henry Norryce go to Ireland with his brother, his band should be given to Mr. Knevett. Pray consider of it, and also what I wrote of the two brothers, both young and heady, being where they were. "I find myself happy for my two colleagues. . . There is not a more sufficient man in England than Mr. Beale is, nor quicker nor of better dispatch. He was drowned in England. . . . Would God I had been so matched before. . . . Surely there was never a falser, craftier, seditious wretch than Wylkes is . . . a villain and devil, without faith or religion. He hath even his very like here, Mr. Villiers, a condemned man not only among all honest and godly men, but also with all the churches through all the provinces, in so much as he doth not deal with any of them." The other man of whom you and I had good liking and whom I have used here since my coming, I have cause to fear to be unsound, and that he deals in secret with Par[ma]. He is lately married ; all condemn him, and his best friends dissuaded him from it," but in vain. "And now is she to return again, . . . being known to be greatly favoured on the other side, and can enjoy no penny but by that favour." He takes no course to please the church, and though there is no great credit between him and Villiers, the young Count is directed by both, "albeit the one, St. Alla. [Aldegonde] doth make less show than the other. O God what a world it is, to see how far these hot men heretofore are become less than lukewarm now, wholly giving themselves to policy. . . . Here will be the ruin of as many faithful, good and godly people as be in England, and I think more." I find all things here desperate, and swear in my conscience none have done more hurt than the ministers that were here employed from her Majesty. "I pray you for the friendship between us . . . let Mr. Doyly the knave physician, be laid by the heels. I think there hath no man but Mr. Wylkes been such an enemy to me, and yet he was my servant ; . . . and as for Sir John Norryce, if I do [not] prove all he hath set down to my lords most false . . . let the blame light upon me. . . . I trust you have remembered my earnest request to you . . . to examine both him and his brother Edward for their report to Hollock that I was privy to his letter and cartel."Mydelborow, 4 August. Postscript. I go within a day to Bergen. I thank you for Sir Richard Bingham. I have as yet had little business for him, but find him willing and diligent. "I dare scarce write of the dangerous plots I find laid here, and all for the utter overthrow of themselves and country." If her Majesty will go forward she may do all she will, but I see no ability in these to go through with the cause. Holograph. Add. Endd. 4 pp. [Holland XVII. f. 16.]
Thanks his lordship heartily for sending the answers of Lord Buckhurst etc. Has now perused them all and will shortly send his apostiles, whence the lords will plainly see how they have been abused with untruths. What prejudice their practices have brought here, all that go hence can tell. Dr. Doyley "greatly abuseth his tongue" in London and elsewhere and should be looked unto. Will shortly send proofs that he is unfit to be abroad, to make the reports he doth.Middlebourghe, 4 August, 1587. Postscript, in his own hand. The disability "of these countries appears more and more. There must be great care used in dealing of the peace. "I think both her Majesty and these countries must be driven to it, and God grant that they may join together." By my next, you shall know the state of these parts. But for her Majesty's forces, all Brabant, Flanders and their frontiers were gone. Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XVII. f. 19.]
Aug. 4/14. Proclamation by Leicester (fn. 3) forbidding any one by speech or writing to put an evil interpretation upon the acts of her Majesty, himself, the Council of State or any of the officials of the country, with exemplary punishment for those found guilty ; also forbidding any meeting or assemblies beyond the legitimate one, with orders to his governors and estates of Geldres, the county of Zutphen, Holland and Zeeland, Utrecht, Frise and Overyssel, to publish the same.Middlebourg, 14 August, 1587. Endd. with figures relating apparently to the troops and their cost. 4 pp. Fr. [Ibid. XVII. f. 21.]
Since the Lord Admiral's departure, we have conferred with the States touching the matters in controversy between them and his Excellency, and have so answered the points of their letter of Feb. 4 and their last explanation, that they see the same were frivolous, and not so justifiable as they pretended. They seem very desirous that there might be an end and oblivion of all things past ; will write to her Majesty, and will beseech his Excellency to forgive and forget all unkindnesses ; giving him as much authority as was heretofore granted to him, with revocation of all done to the contrary since his going into England. This is not yet set down in writing and we think it good to let them bethink themselves awhile. In the mean time we are conferring with them touching the erecting of an army for two months of 40,000 foot, 5000 horse and 1000 pioneers. The greatest difficulty is money, whereof we think his Excellency has not yet received more than a thousand pounds, but all charges of the English bands have been answered from her Majesty's treasure, for none of their money is yet ready, though they have made divers provisions for Sluce, and afterwards for Ostend, Axell and Bergen. Their camp cannot be put in the field without better provision of ready money than we have yet heard of. God send us a good end, for we have found a very confused beginning.Middleburge, 4 August, 1587. Signed by both. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XVII. f. 24.]
Aug. 4. "Remembrances concerning Sir Jo. Norrys, Capt. Pryce and Capt. Wilson." Added by Burghley, "by Mr. Hunt the Auditor." 1. Schedule of Sir John Norrys' reckonings, with memoranda. 2. Other remembrances touching Sir John Norris. 3. A remembrance touching Captains Price and Wilson. Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. XVII. f. 26.] [Dated as above, but endorsed Aug. 6.]
Aug. 4. "An estimate for the defraying of an army of 5000 horse and 12,000 footmen and 1000 pioneers for two months, besides her Majesty's ordinary succours" ; stated in the endorsement to be delivered by the States to the Earl of Leicester. Sum total, 698,000 gulden, or 69,800l. With deductions and notes of where the money was to be paid. Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. XVII. f. 28.]
[? Aug. 4.] LEICESTER to the KING OF FRANCE.
On my return to this country I found several French boats laden with corn, arrested here because the enemy had laid siege to Sluys, among them six claimed to belong to your Majesty's munitioner of Calais and Ardres. It has not been possible to release these because of the great scarcity in the country, and because our enemies may receive succour under this colour, the passports of the munitioner being very vague and doubtful and of such old date that it is probable that provision has been made by many other boats at Calais, and by the testimony of honest men the munitioner often causes a much greater quantity to pass than is necessary for the said provision, a very dangerous matter whereby the enemy is newly assisted with munitions, to the intolerable prejudice of our affairs ; so it would seem reasonable to stay such passports, especially as the great quantity of corn laden on these boats seems greatly to exceed the ordinary provision of Calais and Ardres. Yet out of respect for your Majesty I have had three of these boats released the others being detained for the needs of the country, wherewith I hope your Majesty will be content ; but if you desire a greater quantity and state by letters that all six boats are destined for the said provision, the other three will be released.Middelbourg, August, 1587. Copy. French. 2 pp. [Holland XVII. f. 8.]
Aug. 5. Copy of the Remonstrance made by the States unto his Excellency. (fn. 4)
The Estates, are accustomed everywhere, and especially in the Low Countries, to put before their princes and governors any faults or abuses in government. Thus the States General last year put before his Excellency what they thought contravened the rights and customs of the country. Wherein if they have exceeded the limits of due respect, they hope it will be attributed to the nature of the countries, and their just grief for the irrecoverable loss of Deventer and the fort before Zutphen ; desiring his Excellency to waive what is past and bury all misunderstandings. They have never wished to do prejudice to his honour or diminish his authority ; not doubting but that he will preserve their rights and authority ; and they pray him to direct affairs with mutual correspondence, not with ten or twelve persons, as some say, but with the chivalry, nobles and councillors of the towns ; uniting with the States General in the service of her Majesty and the State.Middelburg, 15 August, 1587. Copy in French. 2 pp. [Ibid. XVII. f. 30.]
One come to me from Deventer says that Stanley is there with five of his companies, and York with commission to raise a cornet of horse. It is thought they have some intention against the frontier garrisons. "Culenbourg is not without suspect of revolt, for the Count thereof doth of late apparently affect them of the contrary religion, and suffereth daily them of Neumegen to traffic there. The place hath no garrison at all therein, which, if it were enemy, might greatly annoy these places, especially the passage of the Rhine. . . . I cannot write of anything, "for that idleness is my greatest grief," but I willingly await when and where it shall please his Excellency to send me.Utrecht, 5 August, 1587. Add. Endd. 1 p. Seal of Arms. [Ibid. XVII. f. 32.]
When his Excellency returned, we put before him certain griefs by reason of certain letters written to him ; and considering his singular virtues, and the great good received by his happy return, we have been very sorry for the said griefs, and have done all possible to redress them. His Excellency is satisfied, with firm assurance that these matters shall be altogether assigned to oblivion, and that henceforward there shall be good correspondence between himself and the Estates and members of these provinces. We pray your Majesty to accept this reconciliation and to continue your favour, forgetting all bitterness having regard to the wars and troubles of these countries, and the difficulties consequent on his Highness' absence and the loss of Deventer, with other accidents. So that you will be pleased to take this as excuse for the heat of the said letters ; we being very sorry that they have given you and his Excellency cause of such great discontent, and hoping that in future all things will tend to the maintenance of true religion, the repulse of the enemy and the maintenance of the common cause. Endd. "Copy of the draft of a letter to be written to her Majesty from the Estates. Made by Dr. Leoninus." (fn. 5) Fr. 2 pp. [Holland XVII. f. 33.]
On the 4th instant, we were met by the burgomaster and senate of Stoade, and propounded to them 3 points :1. "Whether they would entertain the residence of the Company with the same privileges and conditions which they enjoyed at Hamburg. 2. Whether they would contract without consent of the rest of the Hanses, especially Bremen. 3. Whether they would free the Company of the toll claimed by the Hamburgers "for beacon and buoy guilt" [gelt], as they call it on such vessels as go into the Elbe. To the 1st they answered that the Senate had already determined to give the company all former privileges. 2. That they would settle this contract without asking advice or consent of any other Hanses. 3. That all merchants who came to them should have free passage in and out of the river, but they could not answer for Hamburg. We urged this point upon them but without effect and so departed for that time. We think it would be convenient to send some more cloth for this river, as we hope in the mean time to make full dispatch with the Hamburgers. If we grow to a friendly conclusion, the cloth to be vented there ; if otherwise, at Stoade, which would thereby be the rather induced to friendly dealing with us. The Hamburgers are variable and subtle, and the more shifting because much perplexed by the King of Denmark, yet now give us great hopes of a settlement. But they have deceived so often that "we deal with them as men use to do with them they trust not."5 August, 1587. Postscript. We fear the tolls will not be driven down lower than they are now, viz : seven stivers a cloth "except Mr. Rawley's imposition be released, which they urge very much, . . . wherein also we require your plain resolution." Copy. Endd. with note of subject. 2 pp. [Holland XVII. f. 35.]
Aug. 5. Paper in Burghley's hand, and endorsed by him : "A collection of the number of horsemen and footmen in the Low Countries," with notes concerning their payment. 1 p. [Ibid. XVII. f. 37.]
Aug. 6. Paper headed "Petitions on behalf of Richard Huddilston, esquire, late treasurer at wars." In parallel columns, "Mr. Huddilston's answer." Also, "reply of the Auditor." Endd. "The Auditor's answer to matters collected out of the Earl's reply to Mr. Wilkes." 4 pp. [Ibid. XVII. f. 39.]
I have written so often to her Majesty, my lords and yourself that I think it needless to do so further, unless there were special cause or I had heard from you there, which I long to do. Upon apparent doubts conceived here that the enemy might attempt something against this town or Heusdenhe having gathered some forces near, and both places being weakI thought it necessary to draw to a head as many companies as I could make, and am now come myself hither, that if anything be meant against either, I might be the better able to relieve them. And if we can find any advantage against the enemy, you may be sure we will take it. On my coming away from Middelburg, the States General had written a letter to her Majesty, of which they sent me a copy, (fn. 6) but I had to leave it with Mr. Killigrew and Mr. Beale. They humbly confess that their relief must come from her Majesty, if they are to be saved from the tyranny of Spain ; and will dutifully embrace the courses she will direct them. These compliments seem to me but a weak assurance of their good-meaning, in respect of the small satisfaction hitherto given "for the dishonourable parts done by Count Maurice," and their slight furtherance in the relief of Sluce. So I have let them understand that I can repose no great confidence in their bare words, but must measure them by their deeds. I shall spend Thursday with the States at Dort, and mean so to sift them that I shall be able in my next to say what may be expected at their hands.Bergues-upon-Zome, 8 August 1587. Postscript in his own hand. I pray you, peruse and consider the writing touching Dr. Doyley, and my replication to the lord Buckhurst, Norryce and Wylkes, and let her Majesty be acquainted therewith. Signed. Add. Endd. 1 pp. [Ibid. XVII. f. 43.]
We have received yours of the 1st and are right sorry to hear of the loss of Sluce, "as well by the evil behaviour and froward dealing of the Estates . . . as by the cowardice of the officers of the Admiralty there, or rather some treachery in divers of them," who, if they had carried themselves with the obedience and diligence they ought, we are persuaded that the place might have been relieved by your good care and travail. We have also received the report of Mr. Killigrew and Mr. Beale touching their proceedings with the Estates, and imparted it to her Majesty ; but the resolution of the Estates being delayed, "we did require her Majesty to forbear from any certain resolution" until we hear more certainly. Concerning your wise advice "that the King of Scots might be wrought to be assured of her Majesty" we concur in your opinion and from time to time have delivered our opinions to her ; "perceiving very well, as your lordship noteth, the practices used abroad to withdraw that king from her Majesty's amity." We also received another letter whereby you desire ordnance for the better defence of Brill, but spare to deal with her Majesty therein until her dislike for the loss of Sluce is somewhat qualified. For the sending of more treasure, we have proceeded so far as to given some offence by our importunity, but cannot prevail as we desire, for that her Majesty desires first to see the Muster-master's books of the checks. [Details of her Majesty's objections and their explanations.] We will not omit to move her to send it over speedily, "importing her Majesty's service so greatly as it doth." This loss [of Sluce] has induced her to hearken again to the offer of peace, as you will understand by her own letter, "which we have cause for sundry reasons to desire." When we hear from you of the States resolutions, we will deal with her Majesty accordingly. Draft, corrected by Burghley. Endd. "8 August. A minute of a letter to the Earl of Leicester," etc. 3 pp. [Holland XVII. f. 45.]
Finding that the Duke of Parma continues his disposition to proceed in the treaty of peace, and hath sent a safe-conduct for our commissioners, "we have thought good, considering the broken state of things there . . . to yield to the said treaty, and for that by the contract between us and the States of those countries it is agreed that we shall not treat of anything with the King of Spain that may concern them without their privity, we think very meet you should acquaint the States General with this our disposition and the urgent reasons leading us thereto, letting them understand . . . that although the Duke of Parma hath above six months past made an overture unto us of peace . . . yet did we not think it meet to enter over suddenly into a matter of so great weight. . . But now, entering, on the one side, into consideration of the hard successes that these wars are accompanied withal . . . and considering, on the other side, the great forces that Spain is now preparing both in Spain, Italy and Germany, the great provision he hath also made of treasure for the prosecuting of the wars in those countries, as also the great preparation he hath made by sea, being a thing likely that having so convenient a port as the town of Sluce is he will draw his navy down thither, with intent to assail them both by land and sea : we cannot but advise them to concur with us in taking profit of this overture . . . for that otherwise we do not see how they shall be able to hold out, but shall by the neglecting of the same obstinately persevere in a course that will work their own ruin, whereof, though through their unthankfulness and sundry indignities offered unto us . . . we have no great reason to be so careful as we have been and yet are ; yet considering the ancient intelligences that hath been between our countries and those there, and the great good-will we understand the people generally do bear towards us, we would be loth to leave anything undone that might tend to their good and conservation even as though they were our own. And whereas we are given to understand that certain ill-disposed persons of those countries, hearing of the overtures of peace that had been made to us by the said Duke, have borne the people in hand that we had a meaning to make our peace apart, and to have delivered such towns of theirs as were in our possession into the King of Spain's hands, you shall let them know that besides the regard of our own honour, . . . we are not ignorant that any peace made with disadvantageable conditions, to their peril and danger, cannot be with our safety. And therefore you shall conclude, in case they shall not be content to take profit of our advice in this behalf, but shall show themselves enemies or adverse to all treaties of peace, we cannot but impute it to proceed of the ambition of some few of those that now have rule, that seek still to continue the government in their own hands without care of the conservation of the generality . . . which ought to lead usseeing how greatly our honour both hath and shall be interessed (besides the consumption of our treasure and the lives of our subjects) by taking part with persons obstinately bent to overthrow themselves and those countriesto take some such way of counsel as shall be for our honour and safety. And for that it is to be doubted that Counts Maurice and Hollock for their particulars will seek by all means and practices they can, to impeach and hinder the said treaty, we think it very meet that you should, by some such instruments as you shall think fit, cause them to let understand that notwithstanding their strange manner of usage towards us, yet a special care shall be had in the said treaty to provide both for their benefit and safety, as we shall understand from them to be expedient and reasonable. It shall be also meet for you that you do make choice of some fit persons to dispose the minds both of the States General and of the Council of State to embrace the said treaty when the overture shall be made ; and in case you find them inclinable to concur with us in the said overture, then shall you require them with all speed to make choice of certain deputies or commissioners of theirs to concur with ours" ; letting them also understand that the said Duke has offered to yield to a cessation of arms (as we have signified by our other letters to you), and has given us hope that the forces preparing in Italy and elsewhere may be stayed. And for the treating of the cessation of arms, you shall send our servant, H. Killegrew or some other whom you think meet, with some one whom the States shall appoint in that behalf. Draft, corrected by both Burghley and Walsingham. Endd. "August." 6 pp. [Holland XVII. f. 49.]
"Her Majesty, afore the closing up of her letter, commanded us to signify unto your lordship that upon better consideration of that point . . . that concerneth the sending of Mr. Killigrew or some other that you should think fit to the Duke of Parma, she conceiveth that she should do him too great honour to send one of that quality . . . expressly unto him, and therefore doth hold it a better course that your lordship should only by your letters notify unto the said Duke that her Majesty having knowledge from him that if there were any authorized from her to treat with him for a cessation of arms he would assent to treat thereof," hath given you authority so to do ; and if it shall please him to send some fit person to a fort near Bergen up Zoom, you will send one of like quality and sufficient authority to treat with him, at such time and place as shall be agreed on. Draft by Walsingham, corrected by Burghley. Endd. with date. 1 p. [Ibid. XVII. f. 47.]
I think it long since I heard from England, especially touching money. I trust you remember "that ever since the second week of my arrival, all our men here are upon the pay of the money I brought, save those of the States." Our freebooters have this day brought in a great booty. They took it eight days ago, but could not forsake the caves where they were till we sent some out yesterday to scour the country, by which means our men returned safe. They were only twentyeight, and brought seventeen prisoners, "whereof Martin de la Falia is one, with a nephew of Champanyes ; a great rich man ; a secretary of the Prince's with others of good sort also. They killed and drowned eight more in the fight, whereof the Prince's chief master d'htel (dottell) was one, a Count and one or two principal men besides. . . I have seen them all and talked with some of them. I perceive the Prince hath a great increase of men come to him into Luxembourg, but I fear more our wants here than his supplies. Hollocke and those confederate States deals still lewdly and will hazard all." I go to-morrow to Dordrecht, to meet the States. Her Majesty shall hear presently what is like to be our resolution. "Young Count Moryce is very stark, lewdly, and most unthankfully naught. You shall hear all when I send to her Majesty next. All the States have made a reconciliation with me, . . . but till I have been at Dort, I can make no building of it. Postscript. "The Prince had laid the countries with 2000 men, foot and horse to rescue those prisoners, but we made the country quiet, though it was not known wherefore we marched, but rather to Holstrate, where the enemy doth lie with horse and foot." Holograph. Add. Endd. with date. 1 p. Seal with bear and ragged staff in garter. [Holland XVII. f. 53.]


  • 1. See at pp. 142, 143, 154, 155 above.
  • 2. Leicester gave the States the 9th August, N.S., for a conference, and on that day he asked that their answer should be given him in writing. The Act of satisfaction was given him on the 15th August, N.S. Japikse : Resolutien der Staten Generaal, Vol. V., pp. 726-728. Bor : Ned. Oorloge, bk. xxiii., f. 17.
  • 3. Printed by Bor : Ned. Oorloge, bk. xxi., f. 18.
  • 4. The Dutch text in Bor : Ned. Oorloge, bk. xxi., f. 17.
  • 5. If this was intended as a draft for the letter written from Middelburg on the 5/15 Aug., it was not used as such.
  • 6. See Japikse : Resolutien V., p. 728. The text of the letter to the Queen of 15 Aug., N.S., is given by Bor : Ned. Oorloge, bk. xxiii., f. 17d.
  • 7. Acts of the Privy Council, N.S., Vol. XV., p. 191. A minute of the letter is said to remain in the Council chest.