Elizabeth: April 1587, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1929.

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'Elizabeth: April 1587, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp1-14 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1587, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1929), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp1-14.

"Elizabeth: April 1587, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 3, April-December 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1929), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no3/pp1-14.

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April 1587, 1-10

Thanking him for his letter and news, and praying him to continue the sending of the same.Flushing, 1 April, 1587. Holograph. Add. 1 p. [Holland XIV. f. 1.]
April 1. THOMAS BENNETT, Deputy of the Merchant Adventurers at Middelburg, to WALSINGHAM.
According to his request, they have assisted his servant Edward Burnham in taking up 300 French crowns, and taken "per exchange 150li. Flemish at double usance, after the rate of 31s. 5d. the pound, which is sterling 95l. 9s. 10d.," having sent their first bill of exchange to their brethren in London for his Honour's acceptation.Middleborowe, 1 April, 1587. Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XIV. f. 3.]
I have received your letter by M. de Buye, and wish my virtues were such as it pleases you to write. Those of Bergen having lately taken a prisoner of some importance, (fn. 1) I wrote to Col. Morgan to make stay of him for M. de 'Tillyne' who has as yet kept him, although Count Maurice has written for him. The other day he wrote that the soldiers who took him desire 4000 florins for him, which he promised to pay, but I have desired him not to ransom him till I hear from your honour. "It seemeth that he is of good account and very well beloved." "My lord of Bouchurst hath been well received and honourably entertained by them of Dorte and Roderdam, so as there is good hope that things shall be well accommodated." This morning I have received advertisement from Antwerp which I send to show the great misery the enemy is in. If we could but put 4000 foot and 800 horse into Flanders we could do great service. I am to pray you that some order may be taken for Captain Thomas Maria Wingfield's and Banister's company, "as well for their service money as the 20l. a week as the other companies have," or I fear there will be disorder.Flushing, 2 April. Holograph. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. XIV. f. 5.]
The bearer will tell you what he has seen and heard here, and the great regret I feel for many things which are happening. I have told him some details which I beg you to believe. An opportunity has arisen which may serve for the deliverance of M. de 'Thellygny.' I know how great a friend you are of M. de la Noue, his father, and that there is no need to commend to you anything which affects him, but my friendship for them both leads me to beg you to follow the advice of the governor of this town which he thinks may be the means of assuring this prisoner for M. de Thelligny. God has so brought me low that I must beg you for what I myself might do if my means equalled my will ; but I shall not fail to send a dispatch to M. de la Noue to give order that some one here may have power to pay what may be needed.Flushing, 12 April. Holograph. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holland XIV. f. 7.]
By Francis Tasse, the post, I sent letters from St. Aldegonde to the lord of Leicester and your honour. According to your letter by M. de Buy, I have given him 300 French crowns, taking his bill for it. Yesterday he left Middelborow with the Count of Zolme and went to meet Count Hollocq at Gettingberg, but now we hear that Hollocq is gone towards Holland to meet Lord Buckhurst. Buy hopes to do some good with him, and the rather as he has found Zolme very tractable. For the common welfare, I wish he could bring Count Hollocq to the like pass ; but "very lately he hath let slip choleric speeches, alleging that if my lord did come again he would never serve under his commandment." He presses the States for what is due to him, and then means to retire into Germany. I heard "he hath tried those of Gettinberge and Husden, to see if they would follow him in this his desperate course ; who have made answer that they would continue constant to her Majesty and her lieutenant-general. He finding this 'inaspected' answer, hath thought best to re-advise himself, and as it is likely, is gone to my lord of Buckhurst, with, as I fear, an intent to use a few of feigned dissembling words of submission . . . The speedier my lord cometh, the sooner will these alterations be past. Here, the community doth greatly desire it." I have sent your letter to Sir John Conway to Ostend ; those to Colonel Morgan to Bergen and that to Mr. Vere have delivered, as he came from thence yesterday. By him I understand "that Mondragon maketh small account of Don Gian de Castillie, who is there prisoner, yet have they offered 4000 gilders for his ransom. But for M. de Telligni . . . there is small hope, for that they refuse to deliver Steven [le Sieur], Sir Philip Sidney's man for him [Don Gian]. . . . The enemy doth always esteem little any that is taken of their side, and find our nation more tractable than they of themselves are. This Gian de Castillie is old and grown sick. The soldiers that have taken him fear that 'a' will die in their hands, and therefore would have money, and to this effect Col. Morgan hath written here to my lord governor." If you would have him kept it were good to send some order of credit to the merchants for 200l. ; to content these soldiers. "Here groweth great difficulties between the muster-master and the captains... I fear me that Sir Thomas Sherley shall have something to do with the muster-master and the auditor, for they run a violent course ; I think no more than their instructions do guide them, but it might be done with more moderation. It is a great authority to the muster-master that the treasure cannot be disbursed without his warrant. He was pontifical enough before ; this maketh him more." I am staying to see Sir Philip Sidney's company of foot paid and shall then return home, unless you command to the contrary. For my office here, as there is no profit belonging to it, if it may not be supplied by a deputy I am willing to resign it.Flushing, 2 April, 1587. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holland XIV. f. 8.]
A verbose epistle, expressing gratitude for her aid in the struggle against Spain, and especially for the auxiliary forces brought by the Earl of Leicester ; and craving continuance of her protection.Middleburg, 12 April, N.S., 1587. Signed on behalf of all the churches of Walcheren, by Johan Sere, and Johan Hizenbach, ministers, Daniel Dedieu, minister of the church of Flushing, Jacob Kimedoncius, and Michael Pannelius. Add. Endd. Latin. 5 pp. [Ibid. XIV. f. 10.]
April 2. Inventory of the artillery and munition for the Ordnance at Ostend, taken on April 2, 1587, with marginal notes. Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. XIV. f. 13.]
I have nothing to advertise you of but what I have written to my lord. I am yet at Middelberg, "where the occurents be dainty, for I think we have them here after they have been in England, having heard nothing from Holland and those parts since my coming hither."Myddellburgh, 2 April, 1587. Holograph. Add. Endd. p. [Ibid. XIV. f. 15.]
April 2.
Last date.
Report of Jean Michielsen, coming on behalf of the Sieur de Sonoy, lieut. governor of North Holland.
After his Excellency's departure, the States of Holland sent for the said governor to the Hague, where certain of them were deputed to require him to exhibit his commissions from his Excellency, both for the said government and for the town and castle of Medenblycq. This he refused to do, but declared that he would give them to Count Maurice, as governor of Holland and Zeeland, upon promise that they should be returned to him. Count Maurice took them to the States of Holland where they were seen and read, after which Sonoy was summoned to the assembly and informed that they should keep the said commissions as being against their privileges. Sonoy claimed them for several reasons and especially upon Count Maurice's promise ; and as just then the news arrived of the surrender of Deventer, they were given back to him, with orders to return at once to his government. Being arrived there, they sent him orders to go to Campen and Zwol to secure and fortify them, as also Gheelmuyen in Overyssel, near a fort called Zwartesluys ; sending him at the same time a new commission for his government under the hand of Count Maurice, together with a new oath. As he was hastening on his voyage to Overyssel, he kept the commission, informing Count Maurice that he could not change his oath to the earl of Leicester so lightly. During his absence in Overyssel the company of Capt. Duvenverde was sent by Count Maurice and the States of Holland to Medenblycq with orders for his company to leave the place, which his lieutenant refused. On learning this Sonoy at once went there. Then a commissioner was sent there by the Count and States to renew the oath of the troops. This also was refused. Thereupon Counts Maurice and Hohenlo with deputies from the States went to Medemblycq in person with the intention of seizing Sonoy and deposing him. He shut the gates against them and so they were obliged to return. Count Maurice then sent the Burgomaster d'Hory and others to him with excuses and letters to which Sonoy replied saying that he could not change his oath without informing H.E. and receiving his discharge. The States have since threatened not to pay his regiment, hoping to turn his troops against him. At Flushing Jean Michielson saw letters of Hory whereby Count Maurice was shown to have tried to cause two of his companies to enter and had been refused after the citizens had been three days under arms. The same thing happened at Enchuysen. Extract from letters of M. de Caron of 28 March 1587. He was about to cross and bring a public act from Holland which would have given satisfaction to H.E., as well as letters of the Count of Hohenloe on the same subject. The despatches were delayed by the arrival of the deputies of the Estates of England. In spite of the changes since H.E.'s departure her Majesty's state and honour are safeguarded as well as the obedience due to H.E. as governor.
Of the 12th April new style.
After the arrival of the deputies he was ready to start but for the arrival of Lord Baccurst, with whom he was to treat the next day. Many things that had passed were due to strong feeling caused by a misunderstanding and a suspicion the States had that her Majesty was treating for peace with Spain and they did not know if they would be abandoned by all princes and potentates. Letter of Councillor Valcke of the 10th April, 1587. Says also that the past things have gone beyond the bounds of order and moderation, with misunderstanding on one side and righteous grief on the other both because of Deventer and the intercepted letters from Denmark indicating some treaty of peace. H.E. would pardon this in consideration of the generality. Every one desired and awaited his return. H.E. would not credit the number of his servants there. Endd. 3 pp. Fr. [Holland XIV. f. 19.]
[April 2.] Memorial for M. Sonoy, governor of North Holland.
That her Majesty get Lord Baccurst to write to the States of Holland not to molest M. Sonoy until his Excellency returns and to pay his captains and men as well as himself. For Capt. Zuyderman, a commission from H.M. and some provision or his company will be ruined. If the churches maintain more than one company, that he may have charge, or at least have a company of 300. For Capt. Borenstroe, that 5000 florins are little to reward his services, as he had to raise 400 florins, besides what he spent before while staying on the other side. Reminder of his request for permission to sell Rhine wine in London, if only for 2 or 3 years. In the same hand as the preceding paper, no date. Fr. 1 p. [Holland XIV. f. 21.]
April 3. THE QUEEN to the STATES GENERAL. (fn. 2)
Recommending Don Emanuel, sent by his father the king Don Antonio to make certain requests. Praying them, to assist him. Lord Buckhurst will tell them more at large.Manor of Greenwich, [3] April, 1587. Copy, sent to Buckhurst on April 10. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XIV. f. 49.]
April 4. CAPT. WILLIAM SUDERMAN, "dit Suavius" to WALSINGHAM, at "Grunewitz."
Gratitude for courtesy and favour shown him, and especially in giving him audience on the previous day and telling him the means he had thought of for his benefit and the pay of his company. London, 4 April, 1587. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XIV. f. 17.]
April 4/14. GOVERT VAN EYK, Receiver of Brabant, to WILKES.
Complains of calumnies and threats ; the poor support of those who ought to uphold him. Had made up his mind to resign his charge but encouraged by his honour's letters to determine to continue his service in all fidelity and obedience for the public good, so long as it pleases her Majesty and his Excellency to approve of them. On this footing he will await in great devotion the happy return of his Excellency ; but as for the orders of those of this nation who have been his masters since the loss of Antwerp, he is so weary of them that no recompense, however great will induce him to serve them another year, if the sovereign command remains in their hands. [Dilates further upon his wrongs, services and loyalty, especially at the time of the treaty of Antwerp, when both the enemy and his own kinsfolk tried to persuade him to accept the benefit thereof.] For all which he is rewarded by calumnies and insults because he is a Brabanon and affected to his Excellency. Will take care that M. Fremin shall feel the effect of his honour's recommendations, and will not fail, as soon as possible to send his lady another quarter of wild boar.Bergen-op-Zoom, 14 April, 1587. Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [Holland XIV. f. 22.]
April. Articles presented by the Council of State to Lord Buckhurst, "For the great musters and other things necessary for the reforming of the present disorders of the State, April, 1587. 1 pp. Fr. [Ibid. XIV. f. 31.]
[April 4/14.] Certain injuries supposed to be done to Her Majesty's subjects and the Earl of Leicester, presented by one of that country. (fn. 3) Some tried to occupy Brill by surprise and have established a garrison at Mazelantsluys, an unusual place and quite unnecessary. It came to her Majesty's ears that there were certain machinations against Flushing, a suspicion deepened by the fact that a courier from Flushing, in fear of being taken by English soldiers, threw some letters into the sea. That some have attempted to put a Dutch garrison into Utrecht and to expel the English. The Dutch shut out seven cornets of English horse from all their towns when they were turned out of other garrisons by the Count of Nassau, (fn. 4) telling them to live by despoiling the poor country people, so that the English name might become odious, although money was not lacking for the troops, and decency and policy required that some place should be found for them. A rumour was spread in Leyden, Utrecht, Gorcum and other towns that her Majesty refused to accept the sovereignty unless it was offered without reserve of privileges and liberties, so that she might become odious to the people. When her Majesty asked for corn to supply the want of London it was openly stated that she had required so much that famine would waste the Provinces. Her Majesty is injuriously accused of going to make peace with the Spaniard contrary to the treaty whereas she has had no negotiations whatever with him, but has only listened to the proposals of the King of Denmark, from which it would have been unchristian to turn aside. Some have said openly it was probable her Majesty was not unaware of Stanley's treason, as he stood high in her esteem and had such rich possessions in England. When it seemed necessary to declare her innocence against this wicked imputation by public edict, and the Council of State took it in hand, the States General stopped publication unless it was done in their name. Although the English councillor pressed for its publication, it was never done and her Majesty is thus left exposed to idle rumours. While the deputies of the States were negotiating with her Majesty concerning a subsidy, they undoubtedly received letters from the States forbidding them to treat further with her, and so they decided to transact nothing further with her.
Calumnies against the whole English nation.
Some have called them cowards, useless for war, and that the States want English money, not men. Some members of the States have declared that the English government was more intolerable than the French, and they had never been so circumvented by the French as they were by the English. Some said publicly that with the English rule the Provinces passed from tyranny to tyranny, and as they had not endured that of Spain or France, there was no reason why they should the English. Letters to his Excellency declared injuriously that there was the same suspicion of treason at Bergen op Zoom, Ostend and other places, as at Deventer.
Acts prejudicial to His Excellency's authority.
The grant of a new commission to the Count of Nassau (fn. 5) by the States of Holland, Zeeland and Friesland, unknown to the Earl and Council of State. By the act of 31 Jan., 1586, the control of the Admiralty was granted to the Admiral. The appointments of Count Solms, the baron of Hohensaxen, Count Philip. The enlistment of new companies in Holland, and the new oath to Counts Maurice and Hohenlo. The care that there shall be no English garrisons except in the cautionary towns, without the consent of the States. The States of Holland forbad the Council of State to dispose or change garrisons, so that they might consult with the new governor how to defend the frontiers by themselves. The States forbad the export of any grain even if licenced by H.E. or the Council. Notwithstanding the act of 24 Nov., 1586, the States General issued an edict forbidding troops to pass through the Provinces without licence of Count Maurice or his lieutenant.
Acts contrary to His Excellency's honour.
Some of the States say he wants to meddle in the government of the Provinces, and they will be glad when his year expires. Some of the Council said it would be all over with the United Provinces if he returned for another half year. Some of the States said he caused disunion in the Provinces, because he appointed two burgomasters in Friesland and Brabant who were unfit for the office. He disposed of the funds so badly that in 9 months of his rule none of the garrisons was paid. He carried off a great sum of money from the Provinces to England. That Stanley and Yorck were appointed to their places in order to betray them. The States wrote him an injurious letter and sent a copy to her Majesty before receiving his reply. Immediately after they made known directions given to the magistrates of certain towns, during his governance, alleged to be prejudicial to the common cause. The letters state that he was not content with a moderate authority. That he preferred ambitious, greedy and pernicious men to those who were better and more loyal. The machinations of these men had great weight with him despite the advice, petitions and complaints of the States. Then followed the case of the rose noble, of which an explanation is asked. The influence of these ill effected men induced the Earl to issue the placard, so injurious to trade, against the wishes of the States. That through this edict they lost enough to pay 3000 horse and 3000 foot, attributing to H.E. also the lack of the horse, whereas this was not due to the edict because the horse were not there, but to the States themselves, who did not have the money ready. That none of the horse or foot are in good case, but the fault is rather that of the commissioners than of H.E. That your troops were worse paid under that rule than at any other time ; but the fault recoils on you as you did not prepare adequate means for paying them. That her Majesty's troops were badly paid ; but the chief cause was the States themselves, as the Earl was compelled to draw various sums from her Majesty's treasury to provide for the extreme necessity of the troops. That many hypocrites and Hispanophiles obtained the chief dignities, contrary to the public authority which was taken from those to whom it pertained, unworthy persons being put in their places. That the act for preserving the Provinces during the absence of H.E. was to the prejudice of the republic leading to rivalry among the governors before his departure, e.g. Marchant was set set over Wouwe castle and Fremin removed. That at the very moment when your deputies were urging H.E. to return, you wrote to him a letter full of insults, sending a copy to her Majesty. Endd. as above. Latin. 7 pp. [Holland XIV. f. 27.]
Another copy of the same.
Latin. 4 pp. Endd. "Proposition delivered to the States General by Lord Buckhurst," with date. [Holland XIV. f. 24.]
Here is one Dethick come to me with letters out of the Low Countries one from Mr. Deventer, chief burgomaster of Utrecht, "a very grave wise gentleman," another from M. Treloe, a principal officer in Utrecht ; the third from M. Clarhage, governor of Gorcom, a most honest, sufficient man and a good soldier. These be three very able men and of good understanding. As for their desire, you know there is no fault in me ; my body and my good will is most ready to serve her Majesty, yea and to give my life for it and the cause. The fourth letter is from Sir John Norrys, but I know not what to make of it. It is like he will open more of his mind to my lords of the Council when he writes. In good faith I never received clear advertisement from him since I came thence. You have been acquainted with all his letters, which have not been many ; only I think he saith true for the wants before the treasurer came. For the charge of Ostend out of England is and must be as her Majesty will handle and have the rest of those countries, for if she leave her hold of them, then both Ostend, Flushing, Brill and all must trust upon England.... I was angry the messenger came hither without speaking with you, but I send you all he brought me. . . . "For the Bath, it hath done well already to my brother, but me yet no good at all."At Bath, 5 April. Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XIV. f, 33.]
April 6. Requests made on behalf of Ostend. Articles giving the needs of the town and garrison. Add. Endd. with date. Fr. 1 pp. [Ibid. XIV. f. 35.]
I thank you heartily for your news, better truly than I dared to hope. Our deputies inform us that care is being taken as regards the camp and the garrisons. I pray you to consider whether it would not be better that her Majesty's lieut.-general should alone have the management of the war, after due stipulation as to what the country could furnish towards it. As from Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht and Frise, 200,000 pounds per month, with certain extraordinaries ; and the contributions of Brabant, Gueldres, Zutphen, Flanders, Overyssel and Ommelands put into the said lieut. general's hands, her Majesty bearing the surplus of the charge. In this way the lieut.-general would have much greater authority ; the dispositions and orders would proceed from one chief ; and the war would be a royal one, and being carried on with less expense and much more reputation (the enemy being brought very low for want of provisions) her Majesty would soon arrive at a good end. Acting otherwise, both authority and reputation will be his, confusions will increase, the war will never be a royal one, will be much longer and its issue uncertain ; the people growing tired and losing heart and courage, especially when they see themselves obliged to furnish their enemies with their own food, in order thereby to gain money for their defence. [Margin. Without adding that the succour ought to be of a sovereign power, for a reason which must not be committed to paper.] Those who believe the country could do more deceive themselves. It is certain that they would have had to furnish much more if his Excellency had received in a year from forty to fifty thousand pounds sterling : but I assure you that in this province they have paid only the ordinary contributions, and at the most 500,000 of extraordinaries. We may suppose the same of Zeeland and Frise. If then those of Holland have been able to raise their quota to 150,000 per month (which would be necessary to make true the said receipt) they are disloyally abusing their confederation, and the ordinary repartition, but I can assure you they have not done so. For they have always been too jealous of doing anything extraordinary as regards their neighbours and the general cause. As regards this province, I assure you that in order to furnish the pay of 2000 reiters they will have to sell life rents, and as to ordinaries the country being spoiled, eaten up and its credit ruined, I see no chance of paying more than half what has hitherto been given. I pray you to impart this to Messieurs Buckhurst and Wilkes.Utrecht, 8 April, 1587, stylo veteri. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holland XIV. f. 37.]
Since his arrival, Lord Buckhurst has not only satisfied the minds of this people, but has given contentment to all with whom he has had to treat. The States deny having ever had any purpose to offend or show ingratitude to her Majesty ; alleging that all alterations during my lord of Leicester's absence were but provisional for defence of the country after the accident of Deventer, purposing always to restore him to his authority on his return. So, the first thing to be done is to hasten him away to give order for present defence of his charge, the enemy making great preparations to assail us in Gueldres, Brabant and Flanders all at once ; and if we speed not forces into the field, the countries may lose many places of importance, in respect of the slender regard had to the authority either of States or Council. Lord Buckhurst has compounded the quarrels between Count Hohenlo and Sir John Norreys and his brother ; the report whereof I leave to himself ; assuring you that in all the realms, her Majesty could not have made choice of a man of so good judgment and discretion, besides his zeal for the cause and his extreme diligence. A minister of this place has given me the advertisement enclosed. The party therein mentioned "to be laid for at the ports" is said to be of these countries, of mean stature, a red beard, aged about forty years, and known to the mender of tapestry at the court.The Hague, 8 April, 1587. Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1 pp. [Holland XIV. f. 39.] Copy of the above letter in Wilkes' letter book. [S.P. For. Archives XCI., p. 81.]
This day, April 14, I have heard that a week ago there passed from Dort to Geertruydenberg and thence to Antwerp a certain Geerardt Siven, surnamed, if I remember rightly, Vanderlinden ; who was for some years in England where he gained his living by repairing the tapestry at court and in private mansions. (fn. 6) By this means he came into the service of a Frenchman in whose house he was working. Now he has come into Zeeland and Holland and has gone direct to Antwerp. It should be known that the said Geerardt committed two murders at Antwerp some years ago for which he was condemned to death, but when on the scaffold miraculously escaped by a sudden cry from all the spectators that he had his pardon, was forcibly taken out of the hands of justice and hidden by some townspeople. The same day, by sound of trumpet, a reward was offered to whoever should take him and a heavy penalty put on all who should hide him. But he found means to withdraw into England where he has lived as aforesaid, and seeing that he has gone to Antwerp, where he has deserved death, and they cannot but have a very bad opinion of him and probably having promised to do some ill deed, as to kill her Majesty, he desired by this means to seek a reconciliation. Also he is a froward man and of ill life, and known for such to many in England. Unsigned and undated. Fr. p. [Holland XIV. f. 75.]
They have heard by Mr. Darrel of his honour's good remembrance of their suits, but fearing that matters may be delayed by his sickness, pray to know how to present their requests to her Majesty ; which they persuade themselves she will take in good part, as they have not given her, nor are any way minded to give her, any occasion of offence.Fotheringay, 9 April, 1587. In Melville's hand. Signed by both. Add. Endd. p. [Ibid. XIV. f. 41.]
April 10/20. Letter of the States General to his Excellency concerning the mission of Lord Buckhurst. Ask him to recommend the affairs of the country to her Majesty and to hasten his return, promising him faithful assistance and support according to the act of the government.The Hague, 20 April, 1587. Fr. 1 p. [S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 200.]
April 10/20. Letter from the States General to her Majesty. Ask for continuance of support in spite of mischief done by false reports. She may rest assured that they are far from wishing to do anything prejudicial to her honour or to the reputation of the English nation. The measures taken after the loss of Deventer were not intended to prejudice the authority of Leicester. Protest devotion of which the Ambassador will assure her. Contributions supplied by them. Confidence that she will provide 100,000l. sterling extraordinary for the year. Ask for speedy assurance of this.The Hague, 20 April, 1587. (fn. 8) Fr. 2 pp. [Ibid. XC., p. 209.]
April 10. [R. BEALE] to LEICESTER.
The lords of the Council having received sundry letters from such as have charge in her Majesty's service in the Low Countries desiring their resolution on divers points ; and not thinking it meet, so long as the government is in his lordship's hands to take any such resolution without his privity, have directed him to collect the said points and send them to his lordship, to be answered by way of apostile or otherwise as he shall think meet. Endd. with date. p. [Holland XIV. f. 42.]
To use his best persuasions to move the States to put their helping hand to the relief of Don Antonio ; or devise some other good course which may seem best to him. Copy. Endd. with date. 1 p. [Ibid. XIV. f. 43.]
Herewith you will receive copies of two letters from us to the States, one about the disposing of the regiment of Zeeland to the Count of Solms, an Almain, rather than to one of our subjects, among which we think none more fit than our governor of Flushing, Sir William Russell ; and the other in behalf of Colonel Sonoy, governor of North Holland, on learning the hard usage had of him only for refusing to take any new oath until he had been discharged of that given to our cousin of Leicester as governor of the United Provinces. Our pleasure is that you shall deal effectually with the States, using all the arguments and persuasions you can to move them to yield us satisfaction by well using of the gentleman and duly paying the bands under his charge ; letting them understand "how just cause we have to take in very ill part their strange manner of proceeding towards us, and the slender care they have to show themselves thankful for so many and so great benefits as they have received and do daily receive from us," which, if they do not regard better hereafter we shall be constrained to withdraw from them our assistance and favour. Copy. Endd. with date. p. [Holland XIV. f. 45.]
April 10. Rough draft for the above.
Endd. with date. 1 pp. [Ibid. XIV. f. 47.]
April 10. Note of money disbursed by the Merchants Adventurers for the queen's service in Zeeland, between 12 Nov., 1586, and 2 April, 1587, to the garrisons of the cautionary towns ; total yet unpaid, 2420l. 17s. 6d. Notes on the cover : (1) Message Drake (2) Order Merchants (3) Whether ships ports (4) Inhibit ballads Scot. Q. (1) Conditions reasonable (2) What written by the L. Treas. (3) Whether communicate States by the L. of Buckhurst (4) What those speeches were that passed from the L. of Buckhurst. 1 p. Endd. with date. [Ibid. XIV. f. 51.]
Asks for fresh letters from the Council to the Mayor of Norwich and Bailiff of Colchester, who have promised, on receipt thereof, to furnish all required therein for suppliant's satisfaction ; viz. 35l. from the church at Colchester ; 50l. from the Flemish church at Norwich and 25l. from the Walloon one there, to meet charges incurred by him under a patent from the Earl of Leicester. Endd. with date. Fr. p. [Ibid. XIV. f. 53.]
Apologising for not having taken leave of his honour, having been sent off suddenly by his Excellency. Finds affairs now settling themselves very well. Knows not what unhappiness led to such disorders, and to suspicion of a Princess to whom, after God, they owe their salvation and of his Excellency, who came in their extreme need to assist them with his own person and kinsmen, of whom alas, he has left there his most dear nephew, the late M. de Sidney, his honour's son-in-law as a pledge. At his return, was marvellously sad to see people so changed, but, thank God, this cloud has now vanished and all are ready to render due honour to her Majesty and respect to his Excellency. They all excuse themselves upon the sorry turn of Stanley and Yorck and H.E.'s withdrawal. Prays his honour to lend a helping hand to H.E.'s speedy return ; for it is impossible to say how necessary it is for them.The Hague, 20 April, 1587, stilo novo. Signed. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XIV. f. 55.]
April 11/21. VALCKE to WALSINGHAM.
Praises God for inspiring her Majesty to send Lord Buckhurst and Mr. Clerck to learn the true state of their affairs. Finds no one concerned therein who does not know that their conservation depends upon her Majesty although false rumours have given an impression to the contrary. The truth being now known to his lordship, hopes that her Majesty and her Council will reject the reports prejudicial to their sincerity, and give ear to their just remonstrances. Is confident that his honour will not have lessened his interest in their affairs, for their cause is just, although men have committed errors, which will be pardonable when it appears that they did not proceed from evil intentions. Also assures himself that their governor will continue his good-will to them and hasten his return, on which so much depends.The Hague, 21 April 1587, new style. Signed. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 pp. [Holland XIV. f 57.]


  • 1. Juan de Castilla, taken on the 8th March. See Pt. ii. of this vol., p. 414.
  • 2. A Dutch translation of this letter in Bor, Book xxii., f. 92b., dated April [3-] 13.
  • 3. These Articles were presented to the States on the 14th April, by Lord Buckhurst. They are printed by Japikse : Resolutien, Vol. V., p. 541.
  • 4. Moeurs in the other copy ; here corrected.
  • 5. Moeurs in the other copy ; here corrected.
  • 6. From this reference it is probable that the paper is the one referred to by Wilkes in the preceding letter, the date (April 14) would thus be new style. The folds and marginal cuts correspond with those of Wilkes' letter.
  • 7. Steward and physician to the Queen of Scots.
  • 8. Printed in Dutch, Bor, Bk. xxii., ff 82b, 83.