Elizabeth: February 1587, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Elizabeth: February 1587, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1927), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp371-384 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1587, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp371-384.

"Elizabeth: February 1587, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp371-384.

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February 1587, 21-31

Feb. 21. WILKES to M. [PROUNINCK DE] DEVENTER, burgomaster of Utrecht.
Is very glad to learn by his letter of the 15th that the affairs of Utrecht begin to take a good course. Hears strange talk of what has happened at la Wart, fearing that it may hinder the designs of which he wrote. Sees that at the Hague, they take advantage of every accident to turn it to his [Deventer's] disadvantage, but is glad to see that he is so wise as to look so well to his affairs, and believes that his Excellency and all honest men will be well pleased therewith. As to the matter of the Sieur de Riswick, has been able to do nothing because of his illness, which has prevented his going to the Council. The speedy arrival of H.E. will remedy not only this particular evil, but also the matter of the Sieur de Clerhagen. Has written to pray him to allow, meanwhile, no change in his government before his Excellency's return, who will give his faithful servants the reward they have deserved by their loyalty to him in his absence. Paul Buys, although continued in his place, does not attend the meetings of the Council ; but that is his own doing ; and shows him to be wiser than those who wished him to be so continued. The mere presence of H.E. will disperse the clouds caused by his absence, and the evildoers will change their skin on his arrival.The Hague, 21 February, 1587. Copy. French. 1 p. [S.P.F., Archives XCI., p. 64.]
Copy of the same by Wilkes. Fr. 1 p. Endd. [Holland XIII. 42.]
Whereas for the relief of present necessities of the forces under your charge about Utrecht and other places thereabouts in Holland "not garrisoned but living upon the country there, greatly to their grief and offence, as we are informed," we have given order to Sir Thomas Sherley, treasurer of her Majesty's forces there, to send from hence 5000l. ; whereof 3000 is to be conveyed to you, and the other 2000 to be given to the garrisons at Ostend and 'Berghen up Somme' :We require you, with the advice and privity of Thomas Wilkes, one of the Council there, to cause such distribution to be made of the said sum that those may be most relieved that stand in most need ; assuring them all that the Treasurer is, within six or eight days, to depart thither with more treasure, for their further relief and pay ; whereby we hope they shall remain well satisfied. Reminding you "that such regard be had that there grow no discontentment or conceipt of partiality used by this distribution thus appointed to be made, as we doubt not of your good discretion hereof." Further, it is her Majesty's pleasure that such of the bands about Utrecht as are not in garrisons shall be bestowed in Utrecht, Ostend and Berges, or according to such other directions "as you shall receive from me, the Earl of Leicester."Court at Greenwich, 21 February, 1586. Signed, Burghley, Leicester, Howard, Buckhurst and Walsingham. Copy. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XIII. 43.]
Feb. 21. Another copy of the same. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XIII. 43a.]
Being in great extremity, he sends the bearer to tell his Excellency of all that passes at Utrecht. If he can give any help, implores him to do so, and meanwhile he himself will do all that is possible.Utrecht, 3 March, 1587. Endd. by Wilkes, "3 March, 1586. Jul. Clarhagen, in some extremity of fear for the cassing of his company." p. [Ibid. XIII. 44.]
Stating that for the present relief of the companies at Ostend, they are sending him 600l. to be delivered by Capt. Erington, which they pray him so to distribute among the captains and soldiers that they who have most need may be most relieved. And assuring them that the Treasurer, Sir Thomas Shirley is to depart within six or eight days, with a further mass of money to be employed for their pay and relief. They doubt not but that he will use such discretion as to avoid any discontent or suspicion of partiality in the distribution of the money.Greenwich, 21 February, 1586. Signed by Burghley, Leicester, Howard, Buckhurst and Walsingham. Add. Endd. by Conway, "Touching the equal distribution of six hundred pounds sent by Capt. Erington, 1586. Privy Council Seal. p. [Holland XIII. 45.]
Feb. 22./March 4. Act of the States General for the continuation of the Councillors of the Council of State at least for two months, and they shall not be bound by any acts of the Earl of Leicester touching the government of the country. (fn. 1) 4 March, 1587. Fr. p. [S.P.F. Archives XC., p. 177.]
Having written to Sir John Norreis touching the 300l. now sent over, that it is to be specially used for the relief of those soldiers who lie scattered abroad, out of garrison, that they may not live on the spoil of the country ; he thinks good to inform Wilkes thereof, that they may together take care to see the same bestowed accordingly as the lords have written, and to draw them as near as they can into Utrecht or Bergen op Zoom. Sir Thomas Shirley will bring the rest of the treasure in a few days.The Court at Greenwich, 22 February, 1586. Signed. Add. Endd. p. Seal of arms. [Holland XIII. 46.]
Feb. 22./March 4. L. CALVART to WALSINGHAM.
I shall omit no opportunity of writing to you, although as I receive no reply, I cannot tell whether it is pleasing to you. Having worked from the beginning in this cause, I should be greatly grieved to see it fall into ruin, as it assuredly will, unless saved by her Majesty and her Council, in spite of those who by imprudence (to say nothing worse) imperil it. Peril in undertaking what the late wise Prince of Orange never judged to be practicable, when the country was, as it were, in its bloom. Your honour will understand what I mean, and may be assured that if her Majesty do not embrace our affairs very earnestly, she will have lost all that she has hitherto put or will put into them, and will hasten their ruin. Only the return of his Excellency supported by her authority and accompanied by troops to fill up the number of the men granted to us by her can save us ; so much do all things tend to confusion and manifest disjunction. I will only add that it seems to me very necessary, that some good expedient should be found in your parts, to appease Count Hohenlo in his quarrel with Sir Edward Norris ; of which I am writing more particularly to M. de Killegre.Delft, 4 March, 1587. Add. Endd. 5 March, 1586. Fr. 1 pp. [Holland XIII. 47.]
Feb. 22./March 4. L. CALVART to HENRY KILLEGREW.
I wrote to you the day before yesterday in a packet carried by M. de Buy under cover of Secretary Junius. It contains some things which should only be known by those who are concerned in, and may remedy them. Since then nothing fresh has happened, save that our divisions increase so much that they will be irremediable unless her Majesty speedily sends back his Excellency. Those of Utrecht have recalled their deputies from the assembly of the States General, and others are about to do the same. The Council of State, besides having no authority, is not to go on for more than a month, and we shall then fall into utter anarchy and ruin which will at one blow lose us the whole quarter above, where Schenck (Scenck) commands and labours as an honest man. It would be very well for him to have a letter from her Majesty and H.E. to encourage him, for he has little comfort and advice elsewhere. This dissension amongst them, although it may be of use in some ways, will be pernicious if it do not stop in time, and this can only be by H.E.'s return, when many will strike sail who now talk very loudly. I pray you to lend your aid in this matter, being assured that you will find the body of the state very well disposed to serve and obey you.Delft, 4 March, 1587. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 pp. [Ibid. XIII. 48.]
Feb. 22. "Report of the comparison made between the English and the Low Countries' troy weights." "The mark weight at the Goldsmiths' Hall of former time, and according to the 'sizing' of the last jury, is heavier than the mark weight of the Low Countries in the gilt box received from your lordship by a penny-weight and 16 grains. [Margin, by Burghley. "Which is 5s. better at the mark weight, and 7s. 6d. at the pound weight."] "The mark weight of Scotland, brought from thence by Mr. Davison doth justly agree with the said mark weight of the Low Countries. "The weight 'sized' by the first jury and now remaining in the Exchequer at the mark weight is heavier than the said mark weight of the Low Countries by two grains, (fn. 2) agreeing with the weights remaining in the Receipt. [Margin, by Burghley. "That is 3d. at the mark weight and 4d. ob. at the pound weight.] "The weight 'sized' by the second jury remaining in the Receipt is heavier than the Flemish mark weight by a pennyweight and 8 grains ; tried both, I being present per Robertum Petre. (fn. 2) [Margin, by Burghley. "That, 5s. 0d. better at the mark, and 7s. 10d. ob. at the pound weight.] "The pound weight troy used in the Mint for trying and sizing the coined moneys there is heavier than the mark weight and an half troy of the Low Countries by two pennyweight. "And so a mark weight of the Mint here is heavier [than] the said mark weight of the Low Countries, 1 pennyweight, 8 grains." Endd. as above ; and by Burghley. "22 February, 1586. Comparison for weights inter Angl. et Holland." p. [Holland XIII. 49.]
"This day a company of the Grave 'Everston' [came] with a patent signed by you and the Count Morrys. I had thought good to take them in, and to put out the Admiral's company, which courtesy the captain would in no wise yield unto it, shewing unto them that if they would follow my direction, I would muster three hundred horsemen, and to be furnished with their horses when it should please me, if they played the knaves. There is great practices amongst them, and especially among la Sall's men ... I write divers letters unto the Merchant Venturers for means to release us, which means Sir William Russell is bound for it, and the victualler should have been [here] four days past, and yet (it) he is not come. Those men that are in her Majesty's pay hath been this eight days in great want, and I have persuaded them from day to day, and yet they had almost been in a mutiny to-day.... The magistrates of the town hath helped ever since I come, for the which I pray you to give them thanks ; for when that provision doth come from Middelborow it will not last them above ten days, therefore I pray you to take some other order for means for these men, and I would pray you to write plainly to his Excellency that Browne is not able to answer this with his neck ; for assure yourself that if they do mutiny, I will drown all Browne's men. I pray you Sir, if you sign anything unto this town, that you would send me word by writing. Further I am to request you to remember those notes for provision that I have written to the Council .... The town is safe from the enemy and we keep a strong guard, yet have I much ado to bring the officers from their beds ; but truly if I should remain here, I would take another kind of order ... I have sent the Grave Everston's horsemen into the land of Tertolde, the which they be well contented with it. I hear nothing of the enemy ... but that there be some troops marched up to Venlow. I pray you once again to have some care of this town, for I am so troubled that I cannot have time to eat or sleep." Bargen-op-Zom, 22 February, 1586, stilo antiquo. Postscript. I pray you give Mr. Dubler (?) thanks. He is a commissary for the States and hath done much for us. I send you a copy of a letter "which the captains did sign. Captain Salisbury brought by word of mouth, that they should let no man in though that your hand were at it. Yet I would not fear four or five hundred men ; I would be loth to give any breach. I would to God that the rest of the troops were as sure as us, so that then we had means to live. Mr. 'Fremyng' is our great friend, and I pray you to be a means that he might be in the pay of her Majesty. Also both the Backes (i.e. Bacx) is our great friends, therefore I pray you to send them thanks and to write your letter unto them." Holograph. Add. Endd. by Wilkes. 2 pp. Seal. [Holland XIII. 50.]
Copy of letter from the Captains
[at Bergen-op-Zoom].
Having received letters from the Colonel-General and Mr. Wilkes with command to receive no garrison of this country men, unless by special 'potent' out of England, we the undersigned declare that we "therefore withstand such potents as hath since that time come for the better assuring of the place for her Majesty [and] do take upon us by virtue of those letters the doing of the same." Signed by Tho. Baskervile, Francis Vere, Edmonde Uvedale, Ri. Harte, David Powell, J. Bucke. p. [Ibid.]
Informing him of the intended sending over of Sir Thos. Sherley and the present dispatch of his deputy with 5000l. ; the troops for whom this is intended, and the manner In which it is to be distributed (as he has written to Sir J. Norryce). Prays him to be careful that it be so disposed and no otherwise. Her Majesty, he sees, wills him to go over, though the ingratitude of the States be "too much." But his hope of the numbers of well disposed patriots will move him to adventure for God and his prince what he would not for any earthly good. Is much beholding to M. Brodrode and will acknowledge it. The strange dealing of Counts Morryce and Hollock has made her Majesty "very backward and yet doth ; if it be not for the chosen sake whom she doth see are well devoted." Hears that Wilkes has behaved himself earnestly among them, which her Majesty takes well, and Sir Roger Williams has also given a good report of him. "This new way of theirs is the very way to their overthrow." Utrecht must be well looked to, and Mr. Norryce be careful to preserve it."My house," 23 February. Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 2 pp. [Ibid. XIII. 51.]
Our messengers, after fourteen days' stay at Dieppe with the ambassador's letters, arrived here yesterday. Mr. Wade has been well intreated, and whereas it was bruited that war was proclaimed, there appears to be no such intent. The cause of the stay of the English merchants' goods, was the suit of private men, by reason of spoils committed on them by our nation at sea, which in truth have been very disorderly and great. We are now taking order for reformation of the same. Their jealousy of us has been through the report of our making peace with Spain, which made them consider "whether it were not fit that they should begin the same first .... Touching our treaty with Spain, there is small hope of profit to grow thereby, for that ... it is found rather to be a means to increase danger and hurt than a way to yield security and commodity to us. Out of Spain we are advertised that the preparations there are very great and puissant." We learn from Scotland that the execution of the King's mother "is not so grievously taken as before it was doubted it would be."The Court at Greenwich, 23 February, 1586. Signed. Add. Endd. p. [Holland XIII. 52.]
"The mistastes beginneth now to calm towards you. Captain Williams hath done good offices between you. The dislike between him (i.e. Leicester) and C. [Norreys] groweth irreconcileable, who shall find O [the Queen] stand but weakly to him. For the worthiness of the gentleman, I could wish he had taken another course. I will employ my best skill in removing the dislike between them. A man of his value, would not be shaken off, our necessity and use of such men being so great and the number so few. This advice given to O [the Queen] not to increase the contribution (though it were a pleasing counsel) is like to overthrow the cause and put her Majesty and state in peril. The deputies, in respect of the denial of their requests, which groweth out of his advice, depart hence ill-satisfied, which cannot but increase the discontentment there. For other matters, I refer you to my public letter."The Court, 23 February, 1586. Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XIII. 53.]
The shortness of my time here affords me not so good intelligence of the state of these parts as I shall be able to give you when I have been here longer. The people are not so well affected to us, nor do things fall out so well as they may by good proceedings do hereafter ; for Standley and Yorck's treachery, and the evil usage sustained by the soldiers for want of their pay has brought great misery upon them ; and as yet I see small amendment. "And seeing that they are almost out of hope that her Majesty will yield them any more assistance, I hear that those of Utrecht and Dort levy power and forces in the name of my lord of Leicester, and those of Holland and Zeeland in the behalf of the States." What is the meaning or will be the event hereof I cannot tell, but I earnestly beg you to consider of it and hasten over some good governor ; and, withal to have especial regard of this place and the Ramykins, that they may be kept well supplied with munitions and victuals, which the Ramykins especially greatly needs.Vlishing, 23 February, 1586. Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. Seal of arms. [Holland XIII. 54.]
To the same effect, and almost in the same words as his letter to Burghley above, adding "unless her Majesty take the cause wholly upon her it will cause the people every day to be worse affected towards us." Signed. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. [Ibid. XIII. 55.]
Feb. 23. The SAME to DAVISON.
To the same effect as to Burghley above. Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XIII. 55a.]
Feb. 24./March 6. Placcard of the States of Holland, under the name of Prince Maurice and Count Hohenlohe, for the regulation of the soldiers of the said country, placing them under the orders of the said Prince and Count, with directions for the punishment of those, of whatever nation they may be, who commit outrages on the country people.The Hague, 6 March, 1587. Fr. 2 pp. [S.P.F. Archives XC., p. 178.]
Feb. 24. LEICESTER to his "cousin" COUNT HOHENLOHE.
Acknowledges his very courteous letters received by Sir Roger Williams and Captain Cheston ; extremely sorry that his friendship does not appear to be so complete as had hoped ; the more astonished that in his absence the Count has been induced to believe the report of untruthful men, without giving credit to Mr. Caron and other gentlemen of quality. Nevertheless, if there be anything which makes the Count distrust him, begs him to let him know it, feeling sure there will be no difficulty in clearing himself and giving satisfaction. And until he has heard the explanations, prays him to give no credit to the false reports of malevolent persons.The Court at Greenwich, 24 February, 1587. Copy. Fr. 1 p. [Holland XIII. 56.]
Feb. 24. [On the next sheet in a different hand.] (fn. 3) Rumours of peace are without foundation and originate with your Papists there. I regret sorry state of your affairs which I will remedy to the extent of my powers. My lord desires nothing better than to support and sustain in every possible way and does not spare his efforts or favour with her Majesty. But I must tell you plainly that this good will of his is not well returned. He finds no hisses here of those whom he refused to injure, vigorous as he was, whether yours or ours or both. They did him no harm with her Majesty and never was he in greater favour with her, nor did they cause the smallest delay in her attention to your affairs. But of this and of everything touching their affairs you will no doubt be fully informed by your deputies. p. Latin. [Holland XIII. 56.]
Thanks him for his goodness to Ambrose Smith's children. "I perceive we are like to be overmatched by our adversary, who holdeth at his devotion a great one in court ; and yet I trust God and her Majesty will afford us justice. I had not need be fleeced at home, considering my charge here." Asks his assistance when required. Reminds him of appeal for Mr. Gilpin, "a man worthy of a very good place, and by his service here like to be brought to beggary." If her Majesty continue her succours, he cannot be spared from these services.The Hague, 26 February, 1586. Postscript. Asks help in a cause between himself and one Snelgar, a neighbour at Downtonreferred to the justices of Assize. Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XIII. 57.]
Praying him to let pass "this boy, a Spaniard," taken by a freebooter of their town, and not able to pay anything, whom they are sending to Dunkirk. Trusts that their lack of victuals [at Ostend] will be remedied by Mr. Browne's coming, which is looked for daily. Offers his services, and begs to be commended to his [Borlas's] son and daughter Littelltone. Bergen is in as great want as Ostend.Flushing, 26 February, 1586. Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XIII. 58.]
Feb. 26./March 8. ANDREA DE Loo to BURGHLEY. (fn. 4)
Asks for something to show to the Duke for his justification, to certify that his declaration to the Duke was in effect the same which Burghley had made to him.My lodging at Greenwich, 8 March, 1586. Add. Endd. by Burghley, "8 March, 1586-1585 [sic]. And. de Loo. Afore his going to Antwerp." Italian. 1 p. [Flanders I. 110.]
He has come over with the lord Governor of Flushing ; awaiting the good pleasure of the Lords of the Council to employ him. If her Majesty gives further aid to these countries, he humbly prays for advancement to such charge as he may be thought worthy of.Vlisching, 27 February, 1586. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XIII. 59.]
Feb. 27. Patent to Sir Thomas Sherley as Treasurer of her Majesty's army and all others serving in the Low Countries under her pay. Westminster, 27 February, anno 29. Copy. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XIII. 60.]
Feb. 28. "Checks" in bands mustered at Utrecht, 28 February, 1586, i.e. in 14 bands. With notes of other companies. p. [Ibid. XIII. 61.]
Feb. 28./March 10. COL. MEL. DE SCHENNA to WALSINGHAM.
Repeats request for employment ; if granted he would demand no other recompense until he had made proof of himself. If his services are not required asks for a passport, that he may retire again beyond the sea, and there seek adventures, with his servants and the small means remaining to him. [Undated.] Add. Endd. by Walsingham's clerk. "10 March, 1586. Colonel Schenna." [Ibid. XIII. 62.]
Hopes to return early on the morrow, and meanwhile prays him to consult with the Earl of Leicester as to what it will be expedient for him to say to her Majesty. The said Earl is greatly offended by the cursed letter which those fools of Estates have written ; but though he has reason for it, one must have patience with ignoramuses. His honour having so much wisdom and good judgment will doubtless be able to patch up the matter, and put the Earl in a good humour. Holograph. Add. Endd. with date. Fr. p. [Ibid. XIII. 63.]
Thanks for letters received from Burnham (Bournan). Found M. Russel arrived. Regard for him. Since then, the Count of Nassau returning from the court, and discoursing of what he saw there, prefers the said gentleman to all whom he had seen there, after M. de Sidnei. For this cause, communicating, by advice of the Admiral of Nassau, and M. de Ste. Aldegonde with others of the Council of Zeeland, on certain points which it seemed to us they ought to be informed of, upon the change which had happened by the death of M. de Sidnei, they asked my advice, whom they should recommend as the most fitting to succeed him. I named Mr. Russell, whom they did not know at all, nor even had heard spoken of. They then asked the advice of the aforesaid Sieurs de Nassau and Ste. Aldegonde. What happened afterwards is known to you. Assurances of friendship to Walsingham ; enquiries after his health. Particulars of his own health and philosophy.The Hague, the last of February, 1587. Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [Holland XIII. 64.]
Feb. Paper endorsed "February, 1587 ; copy of a memorial given to Sir Roger Williams." "Names of such as are maliciously affected to his Excellency and our nation : "Barnwelt ; D. Fra. Malson ; Carlo Roorda ; Brassart of Delphe ; Bardesius ; Aerssens (Arcens), Greffier to the States General ; Rechtere, Greffier to the States of Holland. These men do hurt notably by their practices and lewd speeches everywhere." Count Maurice has taken the title of Prince of Orange, by advice of the States General and his own Council, after long consultation by the best lawyers, assembled at the Hague within these ten days. Ste. Aldegonde and Villiers said to be principal instruments in the matter. It is meant thereby to establish him in the governments of Holland, Zeeland and Utrecht, "in respect that there can no man come out of England of quality superior to him to command him." There is a plot by Hohenlo and Moeurs to reduce the province of Utrecht under the government of Holland, as proposed by those States to his Excellency before his departure ; it being said "that Moeurs is compounded withal for a certain sum of money to deliver it into the hands of the Count Hohenlo" ; who is appointed lieut-general under Count Maurice of those three provinces. The regiments and men of war of the country people and strangers have taken oath to the Counts Maurice and Hohenlo ; and it is bruited that Col. Sonoy and other governors etc. have taken new commissions from Count Maurice. His Excellency's authority is used but in inditing letters to towns in need of victuals and munitions, with fair promises not performed. The Council of State and Finances have not had the management of one denier, all being kept in the hands of the States General, and by them distributed. The States General and of Holland require Count Hohenlo to receive all directions for the troops, except the English. The garrisons at his devotions are well paid ; the rest, either English of others "depending upon his Excellency's authority" kept in extreme misery. All men known to be devoted to the English are dealt with to disgrace the nation, and scarcely a town in Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht, Overyssel or Frise will admit English companies, pretending two reasons, viz. the treason of Stanley and their lack of pay ; whereby "the English are constrained to eat upon the country, to the great offence of these people." Moreover, upon the loss of Deventer, the States' deputies in England were ordered to make stay of treating with her Majesty (as is credibly informed) until they received further orders. W[ilkes ?] has been dealt with to advise how they might have her Majesty's succours only in money, without further help of men ; showing that they would be rid of her government, and assisted only by her purse. The States have countermanded divers commissions and dispatches under his Excellency's name, "saying that the sovereignty was theirs, and he only their minister." "There is here omitted many lewd and saucy speeches uttered by some of the States, as well publicly as privately, in disgrace of his Excellency and his government." The States, contrary to their oath to his Excellency, have sounded the drum in divers towns in Holland for levying men without the privity of the Council ; to be employed to surprise Utrecht. The English nation is so hated that cassed soldiers going for England may not pass through their towns, but must circuit them by by-ways. And an English merchant lately coming to Delft was refused at all the inns and lodgings in the town, "for his money." It is a general maxim of the principal men of this country that it can defend itself without her Majesty's assistance. Count Philip is made governor of Woerden by commission from Court Maurice, "being placed there three companies, whereof it was promised by the Count Hollock as lieutenant that one should be removed." Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XIII. 65.]
Answer to points in his Instructions from her Majesty. Touching the magistrates and inhabitants of Flushing, I find that they have lived in good liking with the English garrison, without any controversy of importance, and being always willing to join with them in any service for the safe keeping of the town. Also I find them most willing to continue to depend upon her Highness as their chief defence ; thinking themselves humbly beholding to her for her care in sending to them such honourable assistance. The companies here have been weak for want of pay, but now her Majesty has well provided for their weekly relief, and they are in hope to be well paid hereafter. I doubt but that they will be both strong and well-furnished. I have not yet had time to view or muster the companies, but shall do it very shortly. Touching munition and weapons, there is small store or none at all, except about two lasts of powder, provided by the late governor, as Maddocks, his steward can best testify, to whom the money for it ought to be paid. They need 1000 pikes and 500 bills (for none is to be had here) with some store of munition for the Ramykins, which is altogether unfurnished. Also some store of grain should be laid in there, as when it was in the States' possession. [These demands are noted by Burghley in the margin.] "I shall also set down such order for the keeping of this garrison in due obedience as pertaineth to martial discipline, and and so as the good amity between the townsmen and us shall be continued. Touching the good watch and ward, these shall want nothing ... so far forth as the number will extend ; wishing it were greater." Touching Captains Wingfield's and Randolph's companies, our greatest difficulty is the satisfying of the townspeople for victuals received before October last ; which the States refuse to pay, unless procured thereto by her Majesty or your lordships. All other matters I will advertise hereafter, as things fall out. Endd. by Walsingham's clerk, and dated by him "February, 1586." 1 pp. [Holland XIII. 66.]
Feb. Note of the distribution of troops at Utrecht, Bergen op Zoom, Ostend, Escluse, Muyden and Flushing. Endd. by Burghley's clerk "Feb. 1586, for the distribution of the 5000 foot and 1000 horse." And by Burghley himself "By my lord of Leicester, at the sending away of Meredith, Mr. Shyrley's deputy, with treasure, 5m." p. [Ibid. XIII. 67.]
Feb. "The allowances and entertainment of the Governor and officers of her Majesty's two garrisons of Vlisshing and Brielle." [The two lists are exactly alike.] The Governor, 3l. per day, and 12 halbardiers to attend on him at 8d. per day each. The Marshal 13s. 4d. per day, and 10 men at 8d. per day each. The provost-marshal, gentleman-porter and water-bailie, 4s. per day. The clerk of the munitions, 2s., and two master-gunners 12d. each. Tipstaves, servants, etc. (18 in all), 8d. per day each. Total, 5l. 16s. per diem. Underwritten, order to Mr. Digges to make out and sign warrants according to these rates, "after due examination and controlments by musters," to be afterwards signed by himself and directed to the Treasurer at wars for payment. Endd. by Burghley's clerk and dated "Feb. 1586." 1 p. [Ibid. XIII. 68.]
Feb. (1) List of companies in garrison in her Majesty's pay at Bergen op Zoom, Ostend, Flushing, Brill and Ramekins, 38 companies ; in some few the numbers of men being given, ranging from 35 to 259. Of those at Bergen-op-Zoom and Ostend, it is stated that they have not been mustered, but those who have seen them report that "they are scarce one hundred apiece, one with another." (2) "List of the horsemen as they were imprested out of the 3000l. ; but if they were to be drawn to any service, they would not be by a great deal found so many." Utrecht. His Excellency, 100 ; Sir John Norrys. 100 ; Sir Tho. Sherley, 30. Berghes. Sir William Russell, 30 ; Sir William Pelham, 60. Lochem. Sir Wm. Knowles, 30 ; Sir Ph. Butler, 30. Tergoo. Capt. Dormer, 30. Upon the country. Lord Essex, 50 ; Lord North, 60 ; Sir Robert Sydney, 30. "Of all these there is never a captain in the country." Endd. and dated "Feb., 1586," by Burghley's clerk. 2 pp. [Holland XIII. 69.]
Feb. The heads of a letter to be written by D. Hector to D. Antonio di Castiglio. To let him to understand that he findeth her Majesty to continue her former good disposition to have the interruption of the amity and the unkindness between his and the Catholic king compounded in some honourable sort for the common benefit of both their subjects and the general good of Christendom. That the greatest difficulty will consist in matter of caution and surety forasmuch as the doubt and jealousy of the king's good meaning towards H.M. is greatly increased upon the discovery of the late devilish practise, it appearing by examination of the prisoners that the king's minister in France was privy thereto. That it is thought that those of the United Provinces will stand greatly upon the point of religion. It may seem a very hard matter for the king to yield unto it, yet men of best judgment, even Catholics are of opinion, in respect of the incredible state of those countries, that he may go as far as the pacification of Ghent, which may be so handled that, without loss of honour or conscience, he may remit the point of religion to the General States of the whole Provinces, to assent or dissent according as they shall be directed by their own consciences, upon whose souls his Majesty may lay the burden thereof. The wisest of the Catholics here do fear greatly that if those countries should not be reconciled to the king before his death, they will then not only revolt from the obedience of Spain but also in religion, the most part of the meaner sort of that country being enemies of the Catholic religion. And therefore they hold it to be a better course that a toleration be granted to a few than that the Catholic religion should be thrust out of the whole countries. Endd, as above, Feb., 1586. 1 p. [Flanders I. 111.]


  • 1. Dutch text in Japikse : Resolutien der Staaten Generaal, Vol. V., p. 718
  • 2. These sentences are in a different hand-writing. Robert Petre was a Teller of the Exchequer.
  • 3. There is nothing to indibate the author of this supplementary letter, who was apparently writing from England.
  • 4. Must have been written before Burghley's letter of March 6.