Elizabeth: January 1587, 26-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Elizabeth: January 1587, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1927), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp336-352 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1587, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp336-352.

"Elizabeth: January 1587, 26-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp336-352.

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January 1587, 26-31

Jan. 26. Names of the Commissioners of the Estates. Flanders, M. Caron ; Holland, Mm. Nievelt, Menyn, D. Sille ; Zeeland, Valck ; Frise, M. Caminga. Endd. with date. p. [Ibid. XII. 46.]
It is generally reported that Sir Wm. Stanley, Rowlande Yorke with their companies are gone to the enemy and delivered over Deventer, Taxis entering the town with 1500 foot and 3 cornets of horse. How true it is I know not, but it hath been given out that he heard mass secretly in his chamber, which made the country jealous of him. Our burgesses of Flushing mislike much of it and the common people say that it is as lawful for them to deliver over towns as our nation. Our forces here are not such as we can command more than with courtesies and fair speeches ; want of munition, and some of our companies stand upon hasard, I knowing not how to get any victual to sustain them.The 26 January, 1586. Those of Utrick give not trust to our nation and I hear have turned them out of the town. Signed. Add. Endd. p. [Holland XII. 47.]
Jan. 26./Feb. 5. SIR JOHN NORRIS to the COUNCIL of STATE.
Understands from letters delivered to him by the Count of Moeurs the concern of the States and people at the loss of Deventer but feels sure that they will not draw conclusions therefrom derogatory to the help from her Majesty or to the English, who are their sole support against the tyranny of the Spaniards, or excite suspicion among the people causing them to despair. To mistrust the English will be a sorry consolation when they remember that most of the nobles of the country have betrayed their compatriots, that several governors have surrendered their charge to the enemy and a countless number of colonels and soldiers of the country have done the same. To prevent further mishaps it would be better to encourage a good union between the soldiers and citizens rather than to foster mistrust. He finds the people have shown good sense, in view of the enormity of the event, and they incline to blame the traitors and not the nation, and are more upset at the proposal to give them a Flemish garrison, fearing that it may make a bad impression on her Majesty. For the rest, there is no English company which is not ready to come out of garrison although he by no means approves of the mingling of the nations. Fears that while they are amusing themselves over these matters the chief is forgotten, namely revictualling Lochum and the surrounding places, as also the disposition of troops to confront the enemy. Utrecht, 5th February, 1587. Copy. 1 pp. Fr. [S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 146.]
Jan. 26./Feb. 5. Letter from the Council of State to his Excellency (fn. 1) concerning their desire to be released from their charge, and their objections to Meetkercke and Brakel. Have agreed to the publication of enclosed placard, on which the States General insisted. Enclose also copy of agreement with the reiters. Serious shortage of artillery through the loss of Deventer, and ask for some field pieces from her Majesty of which they understand she has a sufficiency through the victories of M. Drake, and which shall be returned later. Hearing that many soldiers, Irish and others, who were at the disaster of Deventer, are proceeding to Eupen and elsewhere in great numbers, have written to General Norris to be on the alert and to punish in an exemplary manner those found guilty of this treason.The Hague, 5 February, 1587. Fr. 1 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 151.]
Jan. 27./Feb. 6. The STATES GENERAL to the QUEEN.
The loss of Deventer and the fort before Zutphen, traitorously given up by the governors appointed by his Excellency is such that she may consider the state to which they are reduced. The loss of Antwerp was very great for the whole country ; that of Deventer for the towns round it, which can only be supplied by force. This is not said in despair but from their deep regret at having lost, at one stroke, what gain they counted to have made on the enemy last year, after all their sacrifice and effort. They will never weaken in their resolution to hold out against the King of Spain for the preservation of the faith and their liberties, or in the fulfilment of their part of the treaty with her Majesty, with the firm hope that she will be more liberal and confirm them in their good will. To this end they enclose a copy of their letter to his Excellency from which she will understand the ill from which they are suffering, whence it comes and the proper remedy. Before the disaster they had advised some provisional measures with respect to the troops, etc., and await her Majesty's good pleasure with respect to what is put before her by the deputies. But with the designs of the enemy intensified they beg her to assist them in their great need so that they may not only redeem this misfortune and past faults but be supported in their most just quarrels.The Hague, 6 February, 1587. W. Roelsius, President. By order : Aerssens. Signed. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 pp. [Holland XII., 48 ; also S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 163.]
Abstract in English of the above. Endd. with date. p. [Ibid. XII. 49.]
Acknowledges receipt of letter of the 24th of December, "whereof I was right heartily glad (because I had not heard from your lordship in two months before), until I beheld and had read the contents thereof, full of bitterness and reproach, much contrary to my expectation, hoping to have deserved thanks for my diligence in advertising you of those things which I conceived to concern your lordship's honour ... wherein if I have dealt undutifully or ungratefully towards you, I am heartily sorry. "But I trust if the letters and matters be weighed without passion, no construction can be made of them but good, loving and dutiful ; unless they proceeded from my own invention, of which I can satisfy you at all times. What I answered was needless to be reported, for "though I had not loved you, yet because the same was uttered in reproach of our nation and government among them, I would not have been so forgetful of my duty as to have forborne to answer thereunto in defence as became me." I do desire with all my heart that you would write to your Council, to be informed of my zeal and love in discharge of my duty in all matters wherein your actions or government have been impugned. And I "report me" to those whom you have most countenanced here, whether, in their suits and causes, I have not always done to their satisfaction, as much as in me lay, as by their many letters of thanks I can make appear, "contrary to the reports made in England that I should here discountenance all such as your lordship liked. I would to God your lordship had been no worse deceived in others that you have trusted than in me." Touching the report of my late negotiation here made to her Majesty, it will not be found that I have said anything but the truth, and if there be any defect in the computation, the fault will soon be remedied. I have added nothing to what I received from the States and Council here, and my innocency has (I hope) appeared by the papers I lately sent over. "To the like effect of the first letters, wherewith your lordship is so offended, I have sithence written many, to acquaint you with the humours and purposes here of such as do not love you, which I fear will be by your lordship ascribed unto me in like sort as so many several offences ... and yet I have written nothing but the truth...to give you knowledge of them as they were said, done or delivered by the persons in my letters mentioned. I have written almost no letters to any in Court, except two to her Majesty, wherein I made no mention of the things of which I wrote to you. "There will be nothing found in them that may any way blemish the least of your lordship's actions, though I have not flatteringly said anything in your lordship's praise, which I know to have no way needed any commendation" ; but the letter from the States in your commendation was in effect my invention, having first given the instructions for it to some of the States who came to ask my advice therein, and afterwards bettered the draft thereof. [Further protestations against the Earl's reproaches.] It has been a matter of infinite travail to me to be all day in Council, not daring to be absent from one sitting ; to be perpetually vexed with importunate suitors of soldiers ; to keep journals, reports and registers, alone and without assistance ; this government being without a head and full of confusions ; and if withal I "leese" your lordship, for whose sake and service especially I came into these countries, I shall think myself unhappy and wretched, but God I trust will be my good lord in heaven, whatsoever become of me in earth.The Hague, 27 January, 1586. Copy. 2 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XCI., p. 50.]
Jan. 28./Feb. 7. The States General of the United Provinces have resolved, in conformity with their deliberation of yesterday that a placard shall be made whereby William Stanley and Rowland York are prescribed as traitors and enemies of the said States with a reward of 1000 pounds of 40 kronen each to whoever shall deliver them alive or dead. Also that no one shall venture to speak slanderously of her Majesty or the English nation, to whom, under God, these lands owe their preservation, under severe penalties. The Hague, 7 February, 1587. Maelson, President. By order, Aerssens. (fn. 2) Copy. Dutch. 1 pp. [Holland XII. 50.]
Joined in the war of free will knowing its pains and perils. Service with the artillery at Doesborrow. Made four breaches, whereat the town surrendered with little bloodshed. Before Zutphen planted the cannon within pistol shot of the town and made a breach in a few hours. Recovered a strong castle between Arnheim and Nimuegen. Has been at all services except at Grave and Axel. Has spent money out of pocket and he and his company have received no pay these 13 months. For the future asks Walsingham to be the means either of his withdrawal or that he may be able to live by his entertainment. Accepted the charge of Ostend, which many refused, upon my lord's promise to have the town furnished with men in her Majesty's pay, and was also promised the office of master of the ordnance. Desires this office as is loath to be penned in a town while there is service in the field. Would find a sufficient deputy to take charge of the town in his absence. Unable to continue the service of Ostend without a company in her Majesty's pay to help the States' allowance and give him credit. They have no care at all of the town. Wonders how it has held out. The companies there discontented and the enemy strong at hand. Lack of powder and weapons. Asks for the Dutch companies to be removed and the whole garrison to be in the queen's pay, to avoid mutinies. Had a letter from Mrs. Bourne in which she intended a complaint against him touching the marriage of her youngest daughter. Always meant to do right with her and she cannot charge him otherwise. Asks Walsingham's favour, if the complaint be moved against him, that he be not wronged. Betrayal of Deventer and Zutphen sconce. Vawe castle is in the same case, and Arnam missed it nearly [torn] practice of Sir Robert Sidney's cornet ; it was offered with pretence. "So was it the week before discovered that Sir Wm. Stanley would betray the town a request made by the burgesses that he might be removed and another placed there. The States, it was thought, were not capable of it...so the fault here is now wholly laid upon the Earl of Leicester for placing one whom he knew to be a papist and the other he knew to be a traitor before and not worthy of trust.... These States are both in love with money and desire the continuance of war and to be rid of Englishmen." The people are well affected and desire her Majesty to take the absolute government, but the States are afraid of being called to account and to lose their authority, and therefore they will do and suffer anything to serve their own purposes. "I am fully resolved that they are bent to do what they can to suffer Ostend to [torn] of any peace or relief from England."Middelborrow, the 28th January, 1586. Signed. Add. Much damaged. 5 pp. [Holland XII. 51.]
Asks his favour in the matter of Mr. Bourne and his wife. Sorry state of affairs no better. Need of Burghley's foresight to prevent further harms. Treason of Stanley and Yorcke. In the night Stanley is said to have held all the burgesses in their courts of gard as prisoners ; at the same time he repaired to the burgomaster's house and took the keys by force, opening the gates to Taxis between 3 and 4 of the clock, with a thousand Duches and 16 horsemen, who divided themselves presently into squadrantes and dispersed to all parts of the town. "Taxis made a stand in the market place, sounded a drum and made proclamation that all burghers should thither repair and in the state house surrender all their arms. Sir Wm. Stanley did fetch some of the townsmen to come and welcome Taxis. With weeping, tears and sad countenances they gave him reverence, seeing themselves so betrayed." When Sir Wm. Stanley saw the pitiful state of the burghers, his conscience accused him and he wept with the burghers for company, protesting with vehement words and oaths that he had not done it out of covetousness but only for the discharge of his conscience. It is now said he shall have 13,000l.... It is to be thought that Yorcke, the old traitor, was sent as a worthy instrument to return to do this. It is said that he gave over the skonce two days before Deventer and engaged his body in the town of Zutphen until Deventer should be surrendered. When the news first came I was at the Hague attending the Council of State, and had been six weeks before, getting supplies for Ostend, with scant success. I am going back to Ostend with all speed to do my best to prevent all dangers. At Rotterdam on my way to Middelborrow I heard that one Hewe Overyng or Overend, sometime a haberdasher dwelling near Ludgate in London, was taken with a great wallet of letters from Sir Wm. Stanley, and was sent to the Hague to the Council of State. I infer by his host at Rotterdam, one Joysse, an Englishman, he had some foreknowledge ; and he shall be paid. If he has conveyed letters of importance I think the man should be surrendered to your lp. This, Stanley's only agent, should know more of his secret counsels than any man. When Stanley went to Ireland a few years past Mr. Antony Bourn went with him. This Overing was then employed by Stanley in a matter between Mr. B. and me whereby I know the man hath wit enough to be honest or dishonest. There is another young fellow of Rowland Yorck with a very little red beard, come over now in ragged clothes, which made great haste into England. This Choisse, whom I take not a very honest man, told me this man of Yorck was at his house and he suspected him, yet did not stay him or tell me ; only he said he was a very young man, well favoured, having a few red hairs on his face. Both these men were with their masters within two days of the treason, and therefore of purpose sent by them. Arnam should have been delivered by a cornet of Sir Robert Sidney, but thank God it was safely discovered and the town preserved. Vawe castle by Bergen op Zon was surrendered by Marchal the governor before this in the same manner. It is said he had 4200l. "This stood upon sale as who would give most, long enough to have been saved by the States if they would have disbursed the money." Deventer advertised the Council of State a week before that they feared Stanley did practise with the enemy and desired his removal. I leave you to judge where the fault lay, but saved it might have been. Asks his lp. to see to the supply of things required for defence of Ostend. The place is greatly distressed and small help to be got here. Wants no more than for defence of the place, that they be not obliged to live from hand to mouth, and for the relief of the soldiers and to take from them all occasion of mutinies. "Good your lp. think upon the poor men their great distress." I protest...I go thither upon this present with no more hope of return than if I were to go to a most dangerous assault, I do hear and am credibly advised from thence the place is so distressed and the men discontented.Middleborrow, 28 January, 1586. Signed. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holland XII. 52.]
Has asked the gentleman, bearer of these presents, to report what is taking place in these countries. Lesclues (?), 28 January, 1587. Add. Endd. 28 Jan., 1586. p. French. [Ibid. XII. 53.]
On behalf of Jhon Benean, who served as lieutenant in the regiment of Sir Wm. Stanley at Deventer, (fn. 3) that his pension in Ireland may be continued, which he received for service there, and which he fears may be withdrawn from suspicion that he was concerned in the treachery, whereof Norreys conceives him to be in no wise guilty. He means to return to his former employment in Ireland. Is sent to impart some circumstances of the surrender of the town and what speeches have passed from Stanley touching Ireland, "whither he thinketh one day to be sent to work her Majesty some trouble and annoy, if he shall be able." Utrecht, 29 January, 1586. Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XII. 54.]
Jan. 29./Feb. 8. Letter from the States General to her Majesty [as below]. The Hague, 8 February, 1587. Fr. 8 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 165.]
Jan. 29./Feb. 8. "The substance of a letter from the States of the Provinces United to her Majesty. 8 February, (fn. 4) 1586." "Some of the garrison of Berghen-op-Zome, being abroad in forage, happened to defeat a cornet of horse of the enemy's ; of whom some number being taken prisoners, there was found among them a young gentleman of Denmark, of the house of Ranzau." The soldiers, rifling him, found letters from the King of Denmark to the Prince of Parma, and from the Prince to the King, which they sent, with the gentleman, to the States at the Hague. The said States, finding that he was a messenger sent by the King his master, excused the insolency of the soldiers the best they could and gave him passport to return into Denmark ; advertising that King by a letter of what had happened. And as the letter contained matter concerning her Majesty's own affairs, they thought it their duty to acquaint her withal. The effect was this :that as the King of Denmark in May last sent a gentleman into Spain, to persuade the King to a reasonable accord with his subjects of the Low Countries, who returned with answer that the King remitted the matter to the Prince of Parma ; that thereupon this Ransou was sent to the said Prince "to acquaint him with this overture, and to understand how he would be disposed towards the accord ; upon knowledge whereof the King of Denmark would send to her Majesty to the same effect, and to pray her to appoint a time and place of meeting, to proceed in the treaty." The effect of the articles propounded were these : "That the King of Spain should yield to liberty of religion ; should restore the ancient privileges ; and should give assurance to her Majesty to attempt nothing against her. "Whereunto the King of Spain had answered that to the first he could not consent. To the other two, he would be content to leave it to the commissioners to agree upon. "They excuse themselves that this negotiation is not begun by their means nor good liking. "That the terror of the war is not so fearful to them as the name of peace with Spain. "That though the Earl of Leicester moved a speech of peace unto them at his departure, yet they never looked the matter should come to treaty. "That they are not learn (sic) to treat with Spain, knowing that it is but either a shift for their present necessity or a trap to overthrow them whom by force hitherto they have not been able, nor are not like with ease, to subdue. "That they see by the example of other countries what conditions the King of Spain affordeth those whom he may overmatch. "That the Countries United never received so great detriment as by treaties. "That they remember it was Escovedos' counsel to abuse them with pretence of accord. "That by the treaty of Cologne they received greater dommage' than by all the war. "That they see by the present miserable state of Brabant and Flanders (to whom fair conditions were propounded of liberty of religion and freedom from war) what their state should be after an accord. "That besides all other mischiefs, the speech of a treaty would engender two great evils ; the one, to make a great many of them negligent of their defence, the other, that it would make the people unwilling to perform their contributions. "That they are not so simple but they know peace were the best thing could happen to them if they might be assured of a sound peace. "That for the point of religion, the King sticketh not to refuse it flatly. "That if he should accord it, they would not trust him. "That he is the same King that hath twice yielded to it already, and both times broken. "That this Pope is as frank of his dispensations as the other his predecessor was. "That in case the King should accord unto the liberty of the religion reformed, he would likewise condition that they should permit the liberty of the Catholic religion, which were nothing else but to breed them so many enemies within their walls. "That for their privileges, the King can yield to no more than heretofore he hath done, and sworn the observation of them more than once ; which notwithstanding, he did violate ; which was the cause that moved them to renounce their obedience to him, and to unite themselves for common defence, wherein they hope to persist longer than he shall live. "That touching the third point propounded, for the surety of her Majesty, they leave [it] to his lordship's own consideration ; adding only this, that the King of Spain, having by the pretext of a treaty divided some part of the country from the general union (which is the only mark they suppose he shooteth at) he shall thereby have lessened her Majesty of so many well-willers and servants. "That for these considerations, they beseech her Majesty to be a means to the King of Denmark to give over further dealing in this treaty." Endd. with date. 3 pp. [Holland XII. 55.]
Jan. 29./Feb. 8. Letter from the Council of State to the Count of Neuwenaar and Moeurs on the change and increase of garrisons in Utrecht, Gueldres and Overyssel. Ask him to secure the frontiers, consulting General Nuritz where the English are concerned, except for Vyanen for which Count Maurice has made provision. Reply to his complaints. Payment of troops.The Hague, 8 February, 1587. Fr. 2 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 153.]
To recommend the bearer. (fn. 5) "Fears that in recompense for his loyal and faithful endeavours he will be in danger to receive not only reproach and discredit, but loss of life. Threatened at home and endangered abroad," but trusts not to receive harm from either if she protects him with her gracious favour.The Hague, 30 January, 1586. Copy. p. [Ibid. XCI., p. 53.]
This gentleman, Mr. Treasurer, has delivered to the States General a view of her Majesty's charges since she accepted their defence, wherein they are not directly satisfied, as shall appear by their apostiles set down. He has attended ever since my lord's departure, but could dispatch no sooner in respect of the length of the work and that the States have wanted leisure, by reason of their other occasions, to follow it with the requisite diligence, in which time I have been a witness of his care and endeavours. He is well instructed in the state of things here, therefore I pray you to bestow some time to hear him. Asks Burghley not to give credit to anything against him without a hearing.The Hague, 30 January, 1586. Signed. Add. Endd. by Burghley's clerk : "Mr. Wilkes by Mr. Huddilston..." p. [Holland XII. 56.]
Copy of the above in Wilkes' Letter Book. [Archives XCI., p. 53.]
Jan. 30./Feb. 9. An edict of proscription (fn. 6) against William Stanley and Rowland Yorke with an inhibition against the slanderers of the English nation.The Hague, the 9th February, 1587. Signed, Bardesius, President. By order : Chr. Huygens. Copy. 2 pp. [Holland XII. 57 ; a printed copy at Delft by Albrecht Hendrickson, Dutch. 4 pp. Ibid. 57a ; in French. 2 pp. in S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 173.]
Jan. 30. Changes in the garrisons to be made in the provinces of Gueldres, Utrecht and Overyssel to secure the towns and forts against all attacks of the enemy. Names of towns with the captains of horse and foot at each also 4 or 5 companies of Scots, ready to march for Holland. 3 or 4 companies of English, of whom most have deserted, and also unfit for service.
Capt. Helms, who should be removed from Swol.
Capt. Clarke, who should be removed from Lochum.
Capts. Digby and Reins, disabled by sickness.
Capt. Inge.
Capts. Carey and Ward, the soldiers all disbanded.
Without Garrison.
Note by Norris : I pray you, Sir, if the Council do not sit let one of your folks solicit in my name for these unappointed companies to the States General. Endd. with date. Fr. 3 pp. [Holland XII. 58.]
[Jan. 30./Feb. 9.] "The Apostiles of the States General upon all the three parts of the Accounts exhibited unto them by Richard Huddilston esquire, late treasurer at wars, turned into English. 18 pp. [Ibid. XII. 59.]
Jan. 30./Feb. 9. Act of the States General on the reduction of the English companies who were in the pay of the States into that of her Majesty as they are informed that there are no more than 3000 foot and 500 horse of English troops in the United Provinces ; the accounts show many abuses and malversation ; that all the English foot companies at the charge of the States do not exceed 1500.The Hague, 9 February, 1587. By order, Aerssens. (fn. 7) Copy. Dutch. 1 pp. [Ibid. XII. 60.]
Another copy. Note that this Act was exhibited to the Council of State on the 16th March, 1587, new style. Fr. 1 p. [S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 176.]
Jan. 30./Feb. 9. Extract from a Resolution of the States General. M. Barneveldt having communicated to them a letter from Mr. Wilkes, touching the transport of 300 muids of corn into England. Resolved :That the States are greatly surprized thereby since their consent for the transport of grain towards the North-East coast of England being required by the Council of State, it was unanimously thought good to refuse it, both for the welfare of these countries and especially to prevent the induction of the grant of private passports and licences, which have always been held to be very prejudicial. They have the more reason to complain in that, in spite of their refused consent, the passport has been granted, which is very harmful to their authority, in whose name and by whose charge his Excellency and the Council of State exert their authority. Thus, by right, he who has been at some charges by the said passport, can pretend no action against the States. But as they desire nothing more than to please Mr. Wilkes and all others to whom her Majesty has given any charge in these countries, so far as the state thereof can afford it, they are willing that (order being taken to prevent frauds) according to Mr. Wilkes' request three or four hundred muids of corn be transported to the North coast of England ; saving that the said transport will be permitted to all who will transport up to the said amount and [especially ?] to him who will pay most, to the profit of the commune. And that to that end, eight days previously, information shall be given to the Burgomasters and rulers of Delft, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Horne, Enkhuysen and other towns, and to the masters of the convoys of their consent on the above footing, and that the said masters shall make enquiry who will pay the most. Endd. Feb., 1586. "An Act of the States General derogating from the authority of his Excellency. Jo. Smythe." (fn. 8) Fr. 1 p. [Holland XII. 57b.]
Another copy of the same from Leicester's Entry Book. Fr. 1 p. [S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 59.]
I have written to the Council, and therewith send some letters which I have received from L'Espine and Col. Dorp, by which it may appear that the enemy has some enterprise in hand ; probably to build up again the sconce called the Berkeshooft, and to erect another against it at Gueldersweart, whereby the river of Rhine being shut up, the other towns behind are clean cut off from us, a matter of great importance and not to be neglected. Peter Crispe writes the like from Schink's sconce, and that the enemy is removed from about Wesel, with purpose to assemble at Nimegen, where Taxis is to come to them, to conduct them in this service. My opinion has been and is that we should make some head against the enemy in the field, "and rather that way to break off his enterprises and to settle the towns in some better assurance than by placing any garrisons, which will be hardly received at this time in any place ; and therefore do fear that the Count of Moeurs doth but lose his labour in riding to Hardwick, Elderbourg, and the other towns in these quarters, who, seeing the short payments are made to the soldiers, will at no hand receive any garrisons but such as shall be sent them out of North Holland, and they to stand bound to see their garrisons duly paid. I demand but eight or ten companies more to be sent me, and some pay to content the companies in these quarters, to make head against the enemy, which, if they cannot afford, they must be in very hard state, and for my own part, foreseeing the danger like to follow, shall be forced to retire and leave the countries to such course as the Count of Moeurs is entered into, which I fear in the end will bring confusion and greatly dismay the people." I pray you, urge the Council's resolution herein, and upon your answer, "I will prepare myself either to take the journey in hand or forthwith to repair unto you, or to leave these quarters to such success as it shall please God to send."Utrecht, 31 January, 1586. Postscript. "Touching the wars with the boors, whereof you wrote unto me, the same being amongst the Scots and not the English, I have taken order with Col. Patten to redress those disorders." I marvel I hear nothing how the Council likes my letter, of which I sent you a copy. Signed. Add. Endd. by Wilkes. 1 pp. [Holland XII. 61.]
Jan. 31./Feb. 10. Letter of the magistrates of Hamburg to his Excellency and Count Maurice. Acknowledge their letters of the 18th Dec. about the recall of the fleet from the Elbe. Not in their power to concede the presence of this fleet in their river. It prevents traffic in wheat and has caused want in their city and neighbourhood. Therefore ask for withdrawal of fleet, promising every other satisfaction.Hamburg, 10 February, 1587. Copy. Latin. 2 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 205.]
Jan. Instructions for Sir William Russell, sent over as governor of Flushing and the Rammekins, in January, 1586. To receive the charge of the town from Nicolas Errington, who has had it as deputy-governor since Sir Philip Sydney's death ; to deliver her Majesty's letters to the burgomasters and magistrates, declaring her grief at the death of the said Sir Philip ; and that to show her care for them she now sends Sir William to satisfy their own requests in that behalf ; hoping that they will concur with him in all things for service of the common cause ; letting them know that she has ordered him to inform himself how her people have hitherto behaved, and to see that they live henceforth in peaceable sort with the citizens ; failing which he is to see them severely punished. Is to have all orders and ordinances which already have been or shall be set down for the pacific government of the garrison duly observed. As soon as possible after his arrival, is to have an exact muster taken of her companies there, to examine how they have been hitherto governed and paid and what is still due to them ; and to certify her thereof ; with the names and qualities of the commanders and principal officers and his opinion which should be retained and which removed ; also what munition he finds there, and what he will need. Puts him in remembrance (albeit she hopes it is not necessary) to have a care of his watches and wards, and to see that his officers faithfully perform their duty. Lastly, he is to have a copy of the Articles between herself and the States in relation to the said town and fortress. Endd. 1 pp. [Holland XII. 62.]
By yours of Jan. 11 I perceive your great care of Mr. Steven le Sieur, who, at my last being at Dunkirk, certified the like, "praying me to procure credit that he might depart for the getting of Pedro de Subiaur (Seubeir), the Prince having given him to the governor to ransom at his pleasure, or else to procure Subiaur for him. The governor demanded either very good sureties for 3000 gilders or the delivery of Subiaur within a month or two. Mr. Stevens (i.e. le Sieur) certified that he could not put in sureties for 1000 gilders, as "his master was dead and his old friends had shaken him off," but he wrote to Capt. Littleton at Ostend, who told him there was a friar there who was to pay 1000 gilders ransom, and if he could pleasure him, he would send him. The governor is content therewith for 1000 gilders, and Mr. le Sieur is "instant" to have to put in surety only for 1000 more, which I hope he shall obtain in giving 100 gilders to the governor's wife. I left order with him, if he could bring it to pass, to write to me or to Mr. Perry of Bergen, an Englishman, and it should be accomplished. Finding here your letters, "with so large advice to that effect," I have sent a messenger to Mr. Perry with that for Mr. Le Sieur, willing him to do it, and to discharge Mr. Le Sieur at once. He will go by Ostend and so to Dort to the Scout (fn. 9) who has Subiaur in keeping "to persuade him to let him have him, for in truth he will do him no good, for Count Mansfield hath his son in his house prisoner, and will not let him depart without ransom ; and without the governor of Dunkirk do redeem him, there is none that will do it." But if the keeping of Subiaur be of more importance than 200l. sterling (the amount of Le Sieur's ransom) we may clear Mr. Le Sieur for 100l. put in sureties and the friar that is to pay 100l. to the soldiers of Ostend. The 200l. being so paid, Subiaur may be dealt with as thought good. I am sure Perry will do it, for I have put him in surety for a greater sum than he shall need. Since my residence here, I have been bold to trouble you with sundry matters of my own, and I have found you always willing to further my desire, wherefore, though you could not accomplish it, I have thought no good will in you wanting. Sir my eighteen months in these parts, having had little or nothing to do, to save part of my charges, I loaded from this town of Calais the worth of 110l. sterling in nails for England in a French bottom, which was taken into Flushing, but there the goods surrendered to the owners on their coming for them. As I could not go myself, I sent certificates, but these would not suffice, and they sold my goods for 27l. Flemish to the Admiralty, who sold them again for above 130l. sterling. Further, I have spent in travelling, gifts and other ways to maintain my credit 150l. sterling, besides having lately lost above 100l. sterling in the hoy of salt that those of Flushing stole out of Dover harbour. Poor Brydges now follows the suit against one Captain 'Crubbloow' of Flushing. He is in prison in the Marshalsea for it, but, as I hear, my lord of Leicester stands his friend. I humbly desire that you will so stand my friend that Brydges may have his rights against the said captain. These hindrances have brought my estate very low. Besides, three months ago, asking for a passport to Dunkirk, it was denied me, they plainly telling me that I remained in their country and brought nothing in, and they should give me no more unless I put in bond of 50l. sterling, "to procure corn into their land." Not wishing to trouble you in the matter, or have you seen in it, and finding a friend of mine here, one Robert Turk with a fine small boat of fifteen or sixteen tons, and he very wise and hardy in venturing, I made bold to persuade him to lade his boat with some corn and seed, and to come either to Dunkirk or Newport. He followed my advice, and fourteen days ago came into Newport with rape-seed, mustard-seed and barley, "and this is all of my credit." I humbly pray that if he come in question, you will bear him out in it, to save him from harm ; and if you should write for Flushing, [to desire] that if he be taken, his person be not touched ; and for his ship and goods he will never make any suit, but will content himself with the loss. And I doubt not "but for every bushel that we bring in the land, shall be the occasion to hold out twenty... This year they make great account with their ships of war to bring in corn enough to serve their land good cheap, what with Esterlands that they mean to lade ; with their own shipping, and their part with Frenchmen to come for Calais, so to have the half out, as also [those] they mean to bring in perforce, taken upon the seas ; which, without it be foreseen in time to prevent all this, good faith, I fear this spring all will be marred. Besides, a number of Esterlings, Hollanders and others will seek to 'lowrdreye' (fn. 10) and to lie on the seas, where they would be willingly taken." Thus, craving pardon for my boldness, I desire always to remain your faithful servant. [Calais.] Undated. Endd. by Walsingham's clerk "January, 1586, from George Aldersay." 2 pp. [Holland XII. 63.]
[Jan. ?] The officers of Sir William Stanley's regiment. Captains :Jacques, lieut.-colonel ; Bostocke ; Stanley ; Willis ; Fullaine ; Fingleis. Lieutenants :Petitte ; Morgan ; Griffyn ; Gleige ; Inge. Ancients :Garrette ; Morgan ; Smythe ; Hunings ; Sclenger. Sergeants :Burne ; Brenen ; Tate ; Laurence Malone ; Anderson ; Meryman ; Famyne. Gunner :Macknowede. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XII. 64.]
Jan. "The particular charge of levying 2000 reiters, January, 1586," amounting to 39,702 gulders. Endd. Dutch. 2 pp. [Ibid. XII. 65.]
[Jan.] A brief of such sums as have been paid for the States by Richard Huddilston, treasurer at wars in the Low Countries to divers companies in their pay, which sums they are to reimburse, with notes of the States' answers. Total, 20804l. 9s. 6d. In Laurence Tomson's handwriting. Endd. 4 pp. [Ibid. XII. 66.]
[Jan.?] "A brief estimate of the account of Mr. Richard Huddilston ...as hereafter followeth.
Charge and receipts.
By several Privy Seals out of her Majesty's Receipt. Money received : 146000l.
By defalcations of armour made by the said Treasurer, within the time of this account ; with 2684l. 8s. 8d. at the hands of General Norreys 4184l. 8s. 8d.
Total, 150184l. 8s. 8d.
Payments and allowances.
By warrant of the Lords of the Council :
Victualling and transporting of 1083 pioneers
891l. 6s. 5d.
Coat, conduct and transportation, 3875l. 16s. 2d.
Total, 4767l. 2s. 7d.
By warrant of Sir John Norreys :
Entertainment of the Colonel-General and other officers
1399l. 19s. 9d.
Wages of the infantry for 4 months, ended 11 Dec., 1585 25089l. 3s. 7d.
Wages of thirty horse hargalatiers 200l.
Charges extraordinary 50l.
Payments not contained in her Majesty's lists 2286l. 9s.
Total, 29025l. 12s. 4d.
By warrant of the Earl of Leicester :
Entertainment of the Lord General and other officers
17674l. 8s. 0d.
Wages of the Infantry for 4 months, ended 12 April, 1586 27541l. 11s. 8d.
Imprests to same, after April 12 34977l. 1s. 10d.
Imprests and payments to the lances 23215l. 11s. 8d.
Extraordinary payments, not in the lists, with 1360l. for portage money 14836l. 9s. 4d.
Payments extraordinary without warrant 1592l. 4s. 4d.
Total, 119837l. 6s. 9d.
Sum total of payments, 153630l. 1s. 8d.
1 Sheet. [Holland XII. 67.]


  • 1. Printed in Bijdragen en Mededeelungen van het Historisch Genootschap, (Utrecht) Pt. xxxiv., pp. 155-8.
  • 2. Printed by Japikae : Resolution, Vol. V., p. 508.
  • 3. Possibly the Lieut. John Benyon who occurs in Col. S.P. Ireland, 1586-8, p. 512. Motley misreads the name as Reenan, United Netherlands, II, 164 note.
  • 4. Meteren states that it was written on Feb. 7, N.S. See Book xiv. f. 291.
  • 5. Apparently Huddlestone, from the next entry.
  • 6. The Dutch text, of which this is a translation, printed by Bor. lib. xxii., fol. 21.
  • 7. The text in Japikse : Resolutien, Vol. V., pp. 604-5.
  • 8. The resolution is printed in the original Dutch by Japikse : Resolutien der Staaten Generaal, Vol. V., pp. 758-9, and its date is February 9, new style. The Dutch text gives rogge (rye) where the French reads bled (corn).
  • 9. Jacob Muys van Holy Escoutette of Dordrecht. For his son's capture and imprisonment, see Hist, MSS. Report on the MSS. of the Earl of Ancaster, p. 22.
  • 10. i.e. "lorrendraijen" ; to carry goods by stealth to the enemy (generally by trans-shipping them at sea).