Elizabeth: January 1587, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Elizabeth: January 1587, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1927), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp313-326 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1587, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp313-326.

"Elizabeth: January 1587, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp313-326.

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January 1587, 11-20

Asks for the payment of 1800l. due to him by the English captains and also help him to obtain payment from the States, the sums amounting together to 3600l.London, the 11th January, 1586. Add. Endd. p. [Holland XII. 15.]
I am given to understand that there is no small offence taken by my lord of Leicester of my late report to her Majesty of the state of these countries, and of the greatness of the charge sustained by them sithence the government of his Lordship here. I trust you will testify that my report was altogether founded upon the accounts and papers delivered unto me by the Council of State here, wherein if there be errors (as I suppose there is not) the fault is to be ascribed to them. I understand also that I am blamed in that my lord had not seen and considered of the pieces here, after I had received them. I took them to him at Elten in Cleveland, where he lay with his camp and desired him to consider of them but from want either of leisure or will he told me to report to her Majesty what I had received, making no great account of the matter, though I declared to him summarily "the greatness of the charge passed and the anticipations of so many months," as I mentioned to her Majesty and your lordship. To put you out of doubt, I send an abridgement of the whole receipts, issues and arrearages since my lord accepted the government, whereby it will appear that I have reported nothing but the truth. [Gives details concerning receipts, debts, etc.] The account is now sent to her Majesty by the States General and Council of State, with a letter avowing it to be just and true. [Further details concerning the account, and of the sufferings of the army for want of pay.] I cannot but recommend to your remembrance the payment of the soldier for the time to come to be made by the poll, according to your instructions never yet executed, for the captains keep the soldier from his due, and convert most part of their pay to their own use. I assure you "that the like poverty and want hath hardly been ever seen in any army of so great a monarch as her Majesty is, to no little dishonour of our nation." The deputies are to entreat her Majesty for a better administration of the treasure here, to whose report I refer you, hoping that before she resolves on that point, she will hear the poor opinions of those who serve her here, and see and know the disorders. All these things are written to you "as under Benedicite," praying you to use the knowledge of them to the furtherance of her Majesty's services, and likewise "that the uttering of them be no occasion of my hurt or undoing ; being (as I am credibly informed) dangerously threatened at home for my plain dealing in my former voyage." But I trust God will defend me in the execution of my duty and her Majesty's favour not forsake me. The Hague, 12 January, 1586. Signed. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XII. 16.]
Copy of the above, in Wilkes' Letter Book. [Archives XCI., p. 31.]
Sending him a copy of an abstract of the whole years receipt and charge of the provinces, from the beginning of his government until the 10th inst., new style ; and explaining certain differences between it and the original, sent by the deputies of the States to her Majesty. If her Majesty does not let him return speedily, or send some other, the countries are likely to go to confusion.The Hague, 12 January, 1586. Copy. 1 p. [S.P. For. Archives XCI., p. 34.] [Printed in full in Cabala, pl. II., p. 4.]
In my answer to yours of December 3, I promised to show that my former report of the charges of the wars here for that time of my lord's government was true. I trust you will see by the enclosed that I have done my lord no wrong, but have received wrong to be suspected. "It will appear that the charge of this one year's war, comprising her Majesty's succours, hath cost in ready money and debt above 560,000l. sterling. I fear it will greatly terrify her Majesty to behold it ; and yet the States and Council here for the defence of their own credits and reputations can do no less, seeing they have been charged to her Majesty with falsehood and indirect proceeding, than to deal plainly therein." They have written, assuring her that this charge is true, and shall be proved when it pleases her to command them ; and now I hope I shall be found to have reported no more than is true. I should be glad to be favoured with your opinion of my answer to his lordship, and how he is satisfied therewith, "for if he shall proceed with her Majesty to hurt me," I must provide for my own defence at home. And if in return for my faithful service, I be overthrown, I must ascribe it to those who laid the service upon me. I have sent a servant of my own to receive your honour's letters, and pray you to send back speedily and to give him some allowance for his voyage. You shall do a most laudable deed to persuade her Majesty to send over some money for her army, which is in very miserable case, having neither apparel nor meat, dying for hunger and cold and being in worse plight than those of our nation in the States' pay, who, though they have served long without money have now received a month's pay, while most of the companies in her Majesty's pay, except the garrisons in the two towns, have received nothing since the beginning of September, "whereby they are constrained to commit many insolencies, to the great offence of this people, and where they remain in garrison, they can be no more trusted, they are so far behind with the towns. (fn. 1) "There must be better order taken hereafter in the distribution of her Majesty's treasure ... as your honour shall best understand by the plaints that will be made at home very shortly."The Hague, 12 January, 1586. Copy. 1 pp. [Ibid. XCI., p. 35.]
As, by the non-arrival of her Majesty's treasure for the pay of her armies, the soldiers are in danger to starve, unless speedily relieved with some small imprests, we have advised our very good friend Richard Huddleston, her Majesty's treasurer at wars here, to engage his credit with you for borrowing a convenient sum of money, and earnestly pray you to furnish him, upon such security as he can give you, with so much as he shall think will suffice to relieve the want of the poor soldiers ; to be repaid on the landing of the first treasure sent over. And in so doing, besides the service done to her Majesty "you shall further save the lives of many a poor man whose prayers to God may avail you hereafter." The Hague, 22 January, 1586. Copy. p. [S.P. For. Archives XCI., p. 37.] [The date of the month has been added in different ink, and is probably new style, as the marginal endorsement has "12th January."]
Jan. 13. Requirements touching the ordnance at Flushing, by William Thomas, master gunner of Flushing. Endd. 13 Jan., 1586. William Thomas, master gunner of Flushing, demands touching the government of Flushing. p. [Holland XII. 17.]
Jan. 13/23. The second part of the account [ut supra, p. 311] exhibited on Jan. 23, new style, before the same deputies, with the addition of Johan Pauli for Holland. Apostiles by the States in the margin. The names are for the most part the same as in the previous account, but the following are additional :Richard Hart ; George Turvill (in succession to Edw. Yorke) ; John Britton (in succession to Lucar) ; David Pawel ; William Twidder (in succession to Sibthorp) ; Sir Philip Sydney ; Sir Thomas Cecil ; Henry Islye (in succession to Wotton) ; William Thomas ; John Lloyd ; William Reade and William Knowles.
(1) Payments made from Dec. 11, 1585, to Oct. 11, 1586.
(2) Other payments made from April 12, 1586, to Oct. 12 following.
(3) Other payments made for the English cavalry, whose service began Nov. 12, 1585, according to Commissary Digges, viz : to his Excellency ; the Earl of Essex, general of the horse ; Col. Norreys ; and Captains William Russell ; Robert Sydney ; Roger Williams ; Michael Dormer ; Thomas Sherley ; Philip Butler ; Capt. Ferfax ; Sir William Pelham, marshal ; Lord North, Sir Philip Sydney and Sir Thos. Cecil.
(4) Other payments to his Excellency ; the chief officers of the camp ; governors of cautionary towns, etc., viz : to his Excellency, John, Baron Norreys, Colonel-general of the foot ; Henry Norreys, lieut.-Colonel ; Sir Philip Sydney, governor of Flushing ; Nicholas Erington, marshal of Flushing ; Sir Thos. Cecil, governor of La Briele ; Bamborg, marshal of the Brill ; Sir Edward Norreys, and Sir Henry Norreys.
(5) Other payment to Councillors of State and the Commissary of Musters, viz :Bartholomew Clarke ; Henry Killigrew, and Thos. Digges.
(6) Other payments, for gifts, gratuities, entertainment, etc., viz : William Herle, employed in her Majesty's service ; the Sieur Godrige ; Dr. James ; Col. Martin Schenck ; the company of Capt. Sydney at Rammekins and of Capt. Huntley at Flushing ; Capt. William Twedde at Bergen-op-Zoom ; and Capt. Lucar.
(7) Payments extraordinary for transportation of his Excellency and his suite from England ; the transport of 4000 soldiers under Sir P. Sidney and Sir T. Cecil ; the cost of the carriage of her Majesty's money and the loss on exchange ; to Edmund Hunte and John Comyer auditors of accounts, and Humfrey Scott, goldsmith.
(8) Payment for entertainment of the Treasurer and his officers, and hire of houses at Middelburg and the Hague. Certified as examined and apostiled in the Assembly of the States General at the Hague, 9 February, 1587. Signed by Wynberghen, president, and Aerssens. Note that the cost of the levy of the thousand horse at her Majesty's pay is not included, it not being yet settled. Fr. 70 pp. [Holland XII. 18.]
Jan. 14. Letter from the magistrates of Utrecht to the Council of State, setting forth their grievances.Utrecht, 14 January, 1587, stilo veteri [as regards the day of the month]. (fn. 2) Copy. Fr. 7 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 61.]
Jan. 14/24. Resolution of the States of Holland touching the preservation of the flat country ; appointing his Excellency of Nassau captain general of Holland, Zeeland and Friesland, the Count of Hohenloo as lieutenant of the States of Holland, with authority to use the troops for the defence of the flat country. All officers to take oath to defend the country, All fortifications on the frontiers to be put in repair. Financial provisions. The principal captains and officers must be natives of the country, and the burgomasters of the towns shall select suitable persons for approval by H.E. of Nassau. Resolved at the assembly of the States of Holland at the Hague, the 24th January, 1587, by order, G. Rechtere. Copy. 9 pp. Dutch. [Holland XII. 19.]
[Jan. 14/24 ?] WILKES to COUNT HOHENLO.
I humbly thank your lordship for letting me hear from you. Touching the castle of Wouwe, it seems that on the 22 of this month you were not yet advertised that on the morning of the 17th [i.e. 7-17 January] instant, it was surrendered to the enemy, Captain Marchant receiving for his treason the sum of 45,000 florins in ready money, and departing with flag flying and drums beating. By which all here were astonished. And as example is dangerous, seeing the present confusions in this state and the great dearth of money, by reason whereof the soldiers throughout the country receive very scant satisfaction, we hope that you will lend so good a hand, that in the quarters where you now are the towns will be held to their duty and obedience, by your providing that the guard thereof be committed to honest and loyal men. For, the town of Bergen, upon the loss of Wouwe, they arranged that the disorders should cease and the town be furnished with all things necessary for its defence and safety, so you will have nothing to fear from thence. Your lordship may be assured that I am your very affectionate servant and will not fail to hold good correspondence with you, knowing the affection felt for you by the Queen my mistress ; and I pray that any displeasure you may have conceived with respect to any of our nation may not be directed against her Majesty, or those who desire the welfare of these poor countries.The Hague, 14 January, 1587. stilo noro. Copy. Fr. 1 p. [S.P. For. Archives XCI., p. 38.] [But the letter cannot have been written so early as Jan. 4-14. Probably a copyist's mistake for 24.]
Request that Sir John Conway, appointed by Leicester to succeed Sir William Knolles as governor of Ostend, may have a company of footmen in the queen's pay, the place being threatened with a siege and because his common entertainment from the States does not nearly suffice to cover his charges there.The Hague, the 15th January, 1586. Sig. Add. Endd. p. [Holland XII. 20.]
Jan. 15. The SAME to BURGHLEY.
The like request. Sig. Add. Endd. 25 Jan., 1586. [Ibid. XII. 21.]
Jan. 16. Letter from the magistrates of Utrecht to the States General on release of Buys.Utrecht. 16 January, 1587, stilo veteri. Fr. 1 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 76.]
Jan. 18/28. Letter from the Council of State to his Excellency. Further reports of Stanley, showing the dangerous condition of Deventer. He speaks very disrespectfully of the Council, of Norris and Wilkes, and told their agent "Io recibo cartas como cartas pero hare como soldado," treating him with contempt and extorting money from him. If good order is not promptly taken, some great disaster is to be feared.The Hague, 28 January, 1587. Fr. 2 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 130.] [Printed in Bijdragen etc. van het Hist. Genootschap, Utrecht Pt. xxxiv., p. 136.]
Jan. 18/28. Difficulties propounded by the Council of State in regard to the placcard concerning the transport of victuals, etc.The Hague, 28 January, 1587. Fr. 1 pp. [Ibid. XC., p. 137.]
Jan. 18/28. The third part of the Account [ut supra, p. 311] exhibited on Jan. 28, new style, being payments in pounds sterling (at the rate of 10l. artois) to divers companies and officers at the charge of the States, and which are to be repaid by them. With apostiles, on behalf of the States General, in the margin. The payments are to Sir John Norreys ; Baron Willoughby, governor of Bergen-op-Zoom ; Baron Audley ; Captains Barrow, Roger Tanner (44l. of this being for his ransom, when a prisoner in Antwerp) ; Barneye ; Ladanne ; Cheston ; Peyton ; Shawe ; Inge ; Gainsfort ; James Wotton ; Pettye ; Benett ; Powle ; Greme ; Littleton ; Randolphe ; Richard Winckfield ; Hunning ; Hill ; Lambert ; Crispe. Payments made to certain officers Sir William Pelham, marshal of the camp ; Sir William Reade, sergeant-major ; Sir William Russel, lieutenant of the horse ; Lord North, for the erection of his cornet of lances ; Nicolas Errington, master of the Artillery and afterwards governor of Ostend ; Sir John Conway, Errington's successor as master of the Artillery ; James Spencer, provost marshal ; Thomas Wilford, sergeant-major of Ostend ; Samuel Thomas, master cannoneer ; Henry Swanne, corporal of the camp ; Gavin Smythe, master of the transports ; Edmund Yorke, quarter-master ; Dr. William Clerck, judge-marshal ; the cannoneers of Ostend ; Mr. Swynerton, master of the musters. Payments made in England for the raising and transport of certain companies, viz. : to Captains Carewe, Digbye, Hercott, William Standleye, Rhennes. Payments made to Sir Philip Sidney, for the surprise of Axel and the service of Gravelines ; to Thomas Brune, general of provisions, and Richard Browne, for victuals ; Thomas Arden and Jehan Shutte for entertainment of archers. For the Pioneers, to Captains Bradstock, captain, and Thomas Bedwel, colonel of the Pioneers. Divers other payments For six Flemish companies in garrison at Ostend ; divers munitions and provisions of war brought from England ; a thousand halbardiers brought from England ; William Cooke for oats and transport of horses ; and "Baron Norrits" for arms delivered to English companies in the pay of the States. Certified by Wynberge and Aerssens as having been seen, heard, examined and apostiled in the Assembly of the States General at the Hague on Feb. 9, 1587. Endd. "28 Jan., 1587, Pour Messieurs les Estats." Fr. 28 pp. [Holland XII. 22.]
Jan. 18/28. Another copy of the preceding "third account." Endd. Fr. 28 pp. [Ibid. XII. 23.]
Request that Captain Udall, now in garrison at Bergen may be under Sir William Russel at Flushing, a favour that many seek. The man is very honest and has one of the best companies in these lands.Flushing, 18th January, 1586. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XII. 24.]
There has of late been taken near Brussels by the horsemen of Bergen garrison, a gentleman sent from the King of Denmark to the Duke of Parma, son to one Ranzovius [Ranzow] a principal man about the King, who having received his dispatch was returning home attended only by one man, and "not manifesting what he was," was the more rudely entreated and the letters from the Duke, were opened and read ; and after sent hither to the Council. Amongst which was one from the Duke to the King containing a purpose between them to treat of a peace, as will appear by the copy I send your Majesty. The States and Council are not well pleased with the King, the matter being taken in hand without their privity and finding by experience (as they allege) "that the only bruit of a peace here will open a gap to the worst affected, who are many in number, untimely to practise among the common people, to draw their affections thereunto before it might be assured that the King [of Spain] would yield to the point of religion, without which there is no hope of peace, and therefore the only overture of a pacification is likely to be of dangerous consequence to these countries. They say further ... that albeit the King should assent to the allowance of their privileges as in the time of Charles the Fifth, yet there is no hope of the performance thereof because in the rest of the provinces, now under the government of the Spanish King, the contracts and promises of privileges are in no sort observed. A third point is ... how your Majesty's estate may be secured if these countries shall come to be under the rule and disposition of Spain." Which things, being of so great moment, I refer to your Majesty's grave consideration. "In the mean time, the Council of State are advising how to excuse the accident of the taking of the King's ambassador, which they hope to do to his good satisfaction, and withal, to pray his Majesty not to proceed in treating with the Prince of Parma without their privity and assent ; laying before him the dangers and difficulties like to ensue thereof in case, before he begin, the King shall not accord them the point of Religion, which they believe he will never do."The Hague, 19 January, 1586. Copy. 1 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XCI., p. 39.]
"The States General, by their pretended absolute authority above yours, have set at liberty the person of Paulus Bus, causing him to give caution of 25,000 florins to be forthcoming to answer at all times to such matter as shall be brought against him." Your lordship was no sooner departed but the Count Hohenlo became an earnest suitor for his enlargement, requiring the Council to set him free upon the said conditions, a copy of which I send herewith, as also of the letter from the States to the deputy of the Escoutettes of Utrecht for his enlargement. "He departed out of the town without the privity of the magistrate, whereat they are not a little moved, and by their letters to this Council they require aid to have him returned to his prison until your lordship's pleasure be known. The matter hath been debated whether the authority of the States were such as they might enlarge him, he being in the town of Utrecht, which, with the rest of the members of that province (as they say) had conferred on your lordship a kind of sovereignty of government beyond that which the other provinces had done ... The opinions were divers, and no conclusion had of the matter ; but well I perceive it will breed a dangerous quarrel between the States and Utrecht, which in this time of their other great confusions, will fall out to be of no small consequence, and therefore I beseech your lordship to have some care thereof. "Sir John Norreys is departed towards the field with some 3000 foot and 500 horse, to assure the town of Wesel if it may be, which seemeth contented to accept of garrisons. There are some other enterprises in hand of greater importance which I dare not commit to paper for lack of a cipher." The States General still temporise as to their contributions but have advanced 300,000 florins by provision for another month's pay of the soldiers, until they may know what her Majesty will resolve upon the office of the sovereignty. Some of young Bax's company of horse at Bergen-op-Some lately took, even at the gates of Brussels, a gentleman sent by the King of Denmark to the Duke of Parma, to deal for a peace between the King of Spain and these countries. The soldiers "did not acknowledge him for an ambassador because he resisted and made defence, so as he himself was well beaten and some of his men hurt and slain." They brake open his letters, one of which was from the Duke to the King of Denmark "by the which it appeareth how far they have proceeded," but as her Majesty might take it ill that I have told anyone but herself, according to her command in things of greatest importance, I pray you not to seem to have knowledge thereof until she imparts it to you.The Hague, 19 January, 1586. Copy. 1 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XCI., p. 40.]
I have in my letters to Themistocles [Leicester], given him to understand the dangerous disorders increased here since his departure, but as I fear he does not feel their importance, I give your honour some notice of them, that it may please you to help hasten some speedy redress. First, the absence of a governor has bred many perilous dissensions, with no hope of reformation by reason of the contempt had of my lord's authority left with this Council, "who are little or nothing regarded of the towns, people or soldiers, and so great is the lack of discipline among the garrisons, especially of our nation, that I am ashamed to hear the continual complaints which come to this Council board against them." Sir John Norreys and I have written often to the captains and governors to reform the insolencies and disorders of their soldiers, but no amendment follows at all, "so as we begin to grow as hateful to the people as the Spaniard himself, who governeth his towns of conquest with a milder hand than we do our friends and allies." One cause is lack of pay, without which it is impossible to maintain discipline. "The other is lack of government in the captains and officers, who for the most part are such as either never served before and have no judgment, no, not to rule themselves, and such as make their profit of the poor soldier so extremely as they are hateful to the companies, wherein, if there be no redress the next pay by delivering to the soldier his money by the poll, it were better that her Majesty did revoke all ; for as the case of the common soldier now standeth, the States receive little or no service of them but spoil and ruin of their towns and countries." (fn. 3) "And herein I must remember to your honour some particular disorders of our English governors of towns ; and first of Stanley whom I always took to be a gentleman of good judgment. He having committed to him the guard of Tremulus [Deventer], a place of great importance, hath been at such dissension with the inhabitants there, and so taken upon him beyond his commission, being but superintendant over the forces within the town, and nothing to do with their policy," that after many complaints made by the magistrates and sundry friendly letters written to him, the Council has been constrained to write to my lord to remove him, sending an express messenger who, if his lordship do not give speedy order to that end, is to entreat her Majesty to command a reformation. The magistrate of the town doth charge him, besides his intermeddling with their privileges, which offendeth them most, to be evil in religion, to accompany only with those that are notorious and dangerous papists within the same. He is not contented with the entertainment of 40l. sterling a month, allowed him by the States as governor of the place, but hath taken perforce from the commissaries sent lately thither to deliver a month's pay, an allowance of 10l. sterling a month over and besides for every company of his regiment, being as he saith ten companies, amounting by the month to 1400 gulderns, besides a pay for his own company, which is more than is allowed to Sir John Norreys by 300 gulderns a month, and as much as is given for entertainment to the Count Hohenlo, or to any Earl that serveth in these countries. He is charged further to take within the country near abouts from the poor villagers weekly for the provision of his table, one whole ox, three sheep and a hog, or in lieu of the hog 20s. sterling, and Rowland Yorke? forceth them likewise to furnish him weekly for his table one quarter of an ox, one sheep and half a hog ; and in case it be not brought unto them every week...they send the soldiers to take it by force. "By these and many other insolencies said to be committed by the soldiers in that place, the magistrate and burgesses of the men and people of the country are grown to hate our government, and it is to be feared, unless speedily looked into, will hazard the loss of the town, while the bruit thereof will make every town refuse to receive our people into garrison. "I know your honour will find this information very strange, considering the opinion you have conceived of the wisdom and discretion of Stanley, and for mine own part I do as unwillingly advertise the same, if my duty, and the danger of the sufferance thereof, did not command me the contrary. "There are likewise complaints daily delivered of the lack of discipline among our soldiers in the towns of Bergues op Zome and Ostend ; and that the deputy governor of Agathocles [? Flushing] doth take upon him to pass away out of the country merchandizes and victuals as of his own authority, without licence of 40 [Council of State] contrary to the placcards and contract with her Majesty. Whereby this state is much defrauded.... It were too long for me to write particularly of all the disorders, and what advantage is taken of them by such as are factioned against us here, to bring our nation in hatred and to wring us out of the country. The return of Themistocles is greatly feared by the States and if he return again it will but increase our convulsions their fear of tyranny to be used towards them hereafter hath made them seek all the devices they may to keep Fremhens (fn. 4) whereof I trust Philadelphus will take some special care for the good he wisheth to these countries. The States General have of their own authority enlarged Paulus Bus, who is here at the Hague, whereat the town of Utrecht is greatly offended, and demands to have him returned to prison. It is like to breed a dangerous quarrel between them (who were no good friends before), and that town being subject to mutiny, it will behove her Majesty either to send hither a governor speedily, or some person of credit to hear and compound their controversies. I marvel that Mr. Dr. Clarke is not returned hither. Your honour will best consider how unable I am, being a stranger to the state of these countries, to serve here alone, and I beseech you to be speedily relieved either by him or some other that is honest and sufficient. The town of Utrecht dissents from the other provinces in the manner of their offer of the sovereignty to her Majesty, meaning "to yield her the same as Charles the 5th did hold it, reserving only their principal privileges and religion, which the rest do not intend to do (as I can learn) who do mean to charge the same with many strange conditions. I would be glad to know your honour's opinion of her Majesty's purpose therein. (fn. 5) [Relates the taking of the ambassador of Denmark, the surrender of the castle of "Wawe" to the enemy and the departure of Sir John Norreys into the field as in his letters above.] We hear that the enemy prepares to return to the siege of Berk. "There is two other notable enterprises in hand, if God send them to succeed as it is hoped ; the one upon Crates [? Ostend] and the other you shall know shortly." My cipher lacks the names of many towns here which I pray you may be supplied. I forgot to mention another cause of the lack of discipline amongst our soldiers, which is that most of our captains of footmen are in England, and not one captain of the horsemen here. I could wish that those who cannot yield themselves to the wants and miseries here, incident to soldiers, would resign their companies to others, who can better endure "the poverty and lacks that follow the wars." It is to be feared that Paulus Bus, being ambitious and "vindicative" and his case seconded by Count Hohenlo, the States General and all who are grieved with my lord's government and mislike the present disorders of our nation, may prepare some practice of revenge, even although to their own prejudice. If you thought meet for something to be done therein to prevent the worst, by writing to him and to Count Hohenlo, to give them some satisfaction, it might do much good.The Hague, 19 January, 1586. Copy. 4 pp. [S.P. For. Archives XCI., p. 41.]
Jan. 19/29. The STATES GENERAL to the KING of DENMARK.
Regret to learn that Caius Ransonius, aulic councillor of his Majesty, returning from the Prince of Parma has been taken and robbed in enemy's country by troops of whom some were in the pay of the Provinces and some volunteers, serving without pay and fighting the common enemy for booty only. Regret that Ransonius gave them no information about his journey, either in going or returning, for in that case they would have provided an escort to protect him whether he travelled by land or sea. The circumstances of the case diminish the heinousness of the offence, for the ignorant soldiers consider all whom they meet in enemy country to be enemies. But to satisfy his Majesty, whose friendship they recognise and cherish, they have had this nobleman sent to them and released, ordering his papers and other things to be collected and restored, punishing those found guilty according to the quality of the offence, although the nobleman himself excuses them for the reasons given. Ask his Majesty to ascribe the event to accident rather than to criminal intent, and to regard the Provinces with his customary friendliness. And because they hear by letters and common report that his Majesty contemplates acting as mediator for peace, they ask that caution may be used lest the will of the people should be relaxed by hope and expectation and succumb to the insidious machinations of the enemy, and that the Queen of England with his Excellency and those who preside over the government of the Provinces may be advised beforehand of everything, from whom his Majesty may be fully informed of the state of the Provinces and their requirements, to guide his proceedings so that nothing may be done which does not tend to their security and advantage. The Hague, 29 January, 1587. Copy. Latin. 2 pp. [Holland XII. 25 ; also S.P. For. Archives XC., p. 148.]
I learn on good authority that the council of Tergrave, at the instance of the States of Holland, has decided on a secret levy of 2,000 foot in order to re-establish the hereditary magistrate at Utrecht and defend him against the authority of his Excellency, and if he insisted, to stop paying the garrisons and even surrender to the Spaniard. I beg you to give order to the garrisons of Flushing, Rammekens and La Brielle, treating Colonel Sonoy very well, especially as I hear that North Holland is not yet of this league. I also ask you to advise her Majesty and H.E. and beg them not to abandon us. The immediate return of H.E. and Lord Grey with means to pay the troops, so that the refusal of this league may not cause us to lose the garrisons, will cut short all these practices. If Lord Grey set up his quarters here, with Marshal Pelham at Bergies and H.E. conducted the government of the whole country from this town, Holland would soon have to come to terms.Utrecht the 19th January, 1587, stylo veteri. Signed, G. de Prounincq lord of Deventer. Add. with en ses propres mains. Endd. 19 Jan., 1586. 1 pp. Fr. [Holland XII. 26.]
Jan. 20. Warrants certified by the muster master for all the lances in the queen's pay from 11 January, 1585, to 12 October, 1586. Total, 101,451l. 14s. 4d. Endd. by Burghley, deliv. 20 Jan., 1586. 1 pp. [Ibid. XII. 27.]
Jan. 20. The like for the foot in the queen's pay from 12 December, 1585, to 12 October, 1586. Total, 72,896l. 12s. Endd. by Burghley, 20 Jan., 1586, Mr. Diggs' book of musters. 4 pp. [Holland XII. 28.]
Here is come even now news from Amersford, in the report of certain soldiers, that Sir William Stanley hath delivered Deventer to the enemy. If it be so I must account that all Overyssel is lost and the county in great danger and our journey quite defeated. Utrecht, 20 January, 1586. Sig. Add. Endd. At Hague the 12th at non. p. [Ibid. XII. 29.]


  • 1. i.e. they are so much in debt to the townspeople, that they can get nothing on trust.
  • 2. Printed in Dutch by Bor, Ned. Oorlogen, book xxii., fol. 11-3, where the date is given 19 Jan., O.S.
  • 3. The text to this point printed by Motley, United Netherlands, II, 174.
  • 4. The key of the cypher here used seems to have been lost. The symbols are all formed of the square [], using 2, 3 or 4 sides, sometimes with a dot or dots to differentiate. The meaning of the proper names used can only be gathered from the context or from other letters printed in Cabala.
  • 5. This paragraph is quoted (incorrectly) by Motley, United Netherlands, ii, 134.