Elizabeth: November 1586, 21-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Elizabeth: November 1586, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1927), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp239-251 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1586, 21-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp239-251.

"Elizabeth: November 1586, 21-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp239-251.

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November 1586, 21-30

As it has pleased your Excellency to send to me touching a letter which I wrote to the Count of Hollock, I beg you to understand that learning that the said Count had given up his office of Lieutenant-General, and that he was now almost recovered : Although her Majesty had sent for me to return, and I intended to wait upon your Excellency in this voyage, yet as your departure was delayed, and I should go away much touched in my honour ; and conceiving myself to be of quality to demand of the said Count the fulfilment of his promise to give me satisfaction in the field, sword in hand, for the notable insult he had offered me, as has been testified by Mr. Sydney, my lord baron and Count Philip, I determined to demand from him reparation of my honour, being assured that your Excellency, who has always known my nature in the service of her Majesty and my determination ever to maintain my honour, will think that I have proceeded very modestly, and will assist me to repair that honour, which has always been dearer to me than life. Also not fearing that the said Count, who is valiant and honourable, will fail in what concerns his own honour as much as mine, protesting that if he should so do, I would complain against him through all the world, and never desist until I lost my reason or my life. The Hague, 21 November, 1586. Underwritten by Leicester. "This is Mr. Ed. Norryce copy of his letter to the Earl of Leicester upon his former letter to the Count Hollock, for which he found fault with him upon the complaint made to the said Earl." Endd. by Burghley. "21 November, 1586. Copy of Sir Edw. Norrey's letter to the Count Hohenlo" and in another hand, in French. "Copy or minutes of the letters which Captain Edward Norreys has written with his own hand to Count Hohenloe." Rough draft. 1 pp. [Holland XI. 35.]
Copies of Sir Edward Norrey's challenge to Count Hohenlohe and of the Count's reply, promising to give him satisfaction as soon as his health permits. Undated. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XI. 36.] [Printed in Appendix to Bruce's Leicester Correspondence, (p. 474) from other contemporary copies among the Cotton MSS. In Hohenlohe's letter, the P.R.O. copy has amoindri where the Cotton copy has a moindre the former being evidently correct.]
Copy, in Sir Edw. Norreys' own hand, of his second letter to Count Hohenlohe. Would have written to him before but for the Queen's express command to return to England. Thanks him for his promise and hopes he will shortly be entirely restored to health. With note by Leicester. "This is Mr. Ed. Norrice answer to a letter which the Count Hollock did write to him upon a former letter to the said Count [of which] the copy is sent also. Endd. (on what has apparently been the covering sheet of all the copies) by Leicester. "The copies, with some originals [sic] of Sir Edw. Norrice letters to the Count Hollock, with one to the Earl of Leicester" ; and by Burghley "October, November, 1586." Fr. p. [Holland XI. 37.] [Printed in Leicester Correspondence ut supra, with a few copyist's errors ; the only one of importance being in line 1, p. 475, where "vostre offre" is transformed into "vostre ohrc."]
Notwithstanding that his Excellency, as you know, lately wrote to all the captains in garrison that they were to comport themselves amicably towards the burghers and to demand nothing from them beyond the ordinary service ; yet the day before yesterday, Governor Stanley required us to lend him 1200 florins for the soldiers ; which we were obliged to refuse him because of the poverty of our town. Having deputed some of ourselves to speak with him on certain matters, he incontinently began to reproach them for having refused him the money, and since has demanded to be furnished with ale for the soldiers, for he would not endure that they should drink water ; and rejecting all reasons to the contrary, said he had nothing to do with the Estates or any others, but only with this town, who must supply it. Afterwards he demanded the keys of our town, and especially of the Norenberger gate, together with the ammunitions and cannoneers, to be at his commandment ; hearing which we were greatly astonished. Having spoken with the commissary of the victuals, he has found some brewers who will brew beer for several days upon our credit. But we have felt ourselves much aggrieved to have to give up to him the keys, for in virtue of our oath we have to guard the town and the property therein, as also, in consideration that the Elector Truchsess, the Marshal of the camp, the Count Maurice and those present from the Council of State on behalf of his Excellency, gave it into our hands, and commanded us to keep it. The artillery is for the defence of this town, and the cannoneers are esteemed to be servants of the town, and will be ready in its service. Not content with all this, his honour in the evening reinforced the watch with four ensigns, two being placed on the balanche, one in the Santport [qy. sally-port], and the fourth in Norenbergertour. He has brought most of the Irish from the fort on the other side of the Isule [Yssel] into the town, and placed them in the houses from which he had drawn the soldiers to reinforce the watch. The Irish have committed every excess, forced the burghers to let them eat with them, as have the soldiers in other quarters, and this by consent of their officers. Also it happened that same evening that a burger having shared somewhat with his soldier, the latter threw under his feet what had been given him, and tried to beat the woman of the house, being with child, and taking his sword, was going to strike his host. The host defending himself, it happened that the soldier was wounded, whereupon the governor had him imprisoned, usurping our jurisdiction, against the agreement, by which we retained all our privileges and customs. Yesterday morning he called before his lodging an Irish company, all armed, and we being assembled, sent for Dr. Scherff, from whom he again demanded the keys of the Noremberger gate, and refusing to hear any reasons, ended by declaring that he would have them bon gr malgr. On our making this known to our captains of the burgers, who would not agree to it, the Irish seized the new rampart, and remained there in arms for two hours ; and when prayed not to go on with the business until we had sent to the Council of State, his honour declared that he acknowledged none to be over him save her Majesty and his Excellency, from whom he held his commission ; wherefore against our will we have abandoned to him the Noremberger gate. He is going on to dispose of all merchandise and other traffic leaving the town, tears up the passports which we give, and seems to direct all things to the end of forcing all good burghers to fly from the place, when it will fall into the hands of the enemy (which God forbid !). Truly in our extreme misery and desolation, worse even than that of Bergen-op-Zoom, we had not expected that we should have secret enemies who would plot for us such calamity. This morning the Irish have burnt a great part of the fort on the other side of the Yssel, and the governor has brought about sixty from thence into the town, who are to be billeted this evening. God knows where we shall put them. Seventeen reiters have also come in, and amongst them several who insist on being lodged as captains, although they are cassed. The governor has sent for the drossart and deputies of Campen and Swol, with intent to demand the contributions and accounts of the province and thus to insinuate his commission upon them. And he says that he has a still more ample one, which he has not yet published. Yesterday we presented certain points to him in writing, but have as yet received no answer. We send herewith an extract of the musters, by which you will see the number of reiters and soldiers here. Besides which it must be noted that the captains state that they have invalids in other places, who could not be mustered, for whom they must be given tickets. We write you this at length that you may be the better able to show forth our miserable state and solicit our relief. Also that money may be sent for the soldiers without which we see nothing before us but the utmost disorder ; and that the soldiers everywhere will oppress the burghers, by taking their property and living at their expence, which is unbearable. Copy. Endd. Fr. 3 pp. [Holland XI. 38.]
Nov. 22./Dec. 2. [last date.] Resolutions of the States General touching the making provision for the town of Berck and our quarter there, on the recommendation of his Excellency made through Messieurs Loosen and Valck, 14 November, 1586. With extracts of further resolutions, concerning the date of contributions, dated Nov. 2, and Dec. 2, 1586. Copies. 5 pp. Dutch. [Holland XI. 39.]
[The first few lines torn off.] Offering sympathy to Walsingham and regretting on his own account the death of one of his best lords and friends, [evidently Sir Philip Sydney]. Recommending the bearer, his son, whom he has given into the service of the Earl of Leicester. Holograph. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XI. 40.]
Since my last, of the 3rd instant, I have attended here the coming of the Lord General, in hope to receive his warrants for payments due to the garrisons in these parts ; having sent money into Holland and Gelderland to discharge our companies there ; "but as yet there have few come to my hands save for such only as have been their own solicitors." His lordship's small stay here (not above a day and a half) has left things in some disorder, "besides what general discontentment I may not speak." The 5000l. brought me in account, I will not charge myself with, for he hath left me neither warrant to do it nor acquittances from the captains to whom it is paid, but only the copy of a bare book under his auditor's hand, and commanded me to defalk it." I suspect that many things may be imputed to me and pray you to keep one ear for me till I can purge myself. His lordship has commanded me to return into Holland, and confer with the States about accounts, which being done, I shall not delay my return. My lord has drawn more money for himself than I expected, and I have paid some of the Holland captains going over with him, so that the money left here is too little, and I must send Sir William Reade to your lordship for the 300l. due to him, and the like to Sir Roger Williams. I pray you on receipt of my bills to order them to be paid and charged upon my account. Middelburg, 24 November, 1586. Postscript. I think good to advertise you of payments made to his lordship for his own entertainment, and the cornets under him. Add. Endd. 1 pp. Seal of arms. [Ibid. XI. 41.]
The above mentioned list of "payments to the Lord General since his first arrival in the Low Countries." For his entertainment and that of his officers.9051l. 1s. 1d. ob. [The payments are usually made to Mr. Cholmley, Mr. Selbie or Mr. Atye, and in one instance to Mr. Joanes.] For his cornet [i.e. horsemen].6746l. 7s. 4d. [The payments mostly made to Sir Thos. Parrot but one here and there to either William Selbie, Anthony Nott, Mr. Chomley, Mr. Harvie or Mr. Joanes.]Sum total 15,797l. 8s. 5d. ob. Memo : that 5000l. received from the merchants by Mr. Chomley in May last "as yet remaineth charged upon the Lord General." Endd. 2 pp. [Holland XI. 41a.]
Mr. Bodenham yesterday showed me letters sent to him from one of the Prince of Parma's secretaries, advertising him that many of Pedro Cibiur's friends about his Highness "have employed themselves to obtain the liberty of the Scout [i.e. escoutette] of Dordrecht's son, jointly with mine, in exchange of the said Cibiur" ; but that his Altesse has refused, first for that long since the change of Cibiur and me was concluded upon, and secondly because the said Scout's son is the old Count of Mansfelt's prisoner, who claims a thousand pistolets for his ransom, and keeps him in the castle of 'Lutzembourgh' till it is paid. So that unless my lord of Leicester and your honour can make an end of the matter concerning Cibiur and me, "I do not see that any of us three is like to obtain his liberty," as you may see by Mr. Bodenham's letters sent by this bearer.Dunkirk prisons, 24 November, 1586, stylo Anglo. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Flanders I. 104.]
Nov. 25./Dec. 5. Resolution of the States General (fn. 1) on the anticipation of the contributions of Jan. 10 next to come, and on the reduction of the forces on Dec. 5, 1586 : Having heard the proposal made on behalf of his Excellency and the Council of State by Messrs Bardesen and Joos Teelinck, counsellors of State, and George de Bye, treasurer General, in regard to the great arrears into which the State has fallen for the entertainment of the war, and that the number of the forces is so great that the sums necessary cannot be furnished, the proposed reduction be effected or the troops put into good order without speedy provision of more money :they can propose no better plan than that the provinces of Holland, Zeeland, Utrecht and Frise should in a fortnight, or three weeks at the outside, furnish each their quota of the 200,000l. which falls due on the 10th of January next, which with the remain of that due on the 10th of this month will pay one month of wages for the troops ; it being understood that his Excellency and the Council will at once use this sum to pay the troops, both horse and foot, and then promptly so far reduce them that henceforth they may receive at least every forty-eight days a month's pay ; and that the frontier towns and forts may be furnished with troops, and the forces withdrawn from the other towns, not designed for garrisons, and from the flat country. And also that during the next three months (unless his Excellency should return) the garrisons of Holland, Zeeland and Frise shall not be changed save by the advice and consent of the governors of the respective provinces and the Estates of the same. [Further points concerning the contributions of these provinces and the imposts on salt, soap, beer and malt ; also as to the contributions of the other provinces, and the giving of licences and passports].The Hague, 5 December, 1586. Signed by W. Roelsius, president, and by Aerssens. Copy. Dutch. 4 pp. [Holland XI. 42.]
Copy of the above, in French, in Leicester's Letter Book. [S.P.F. Archives XC., p. 49.]
My lord himself will best inform you of "his sudden altering his determination for leaving Sir William Pelham to command in these parts....as also in what terms his lordship hath left the government." These shall only pray you to continue a favourer of this cause, that, for want of provision the service be not hindered and we disgraced. "The soldier by the continuance of this summer's wars is very poor, the companies weak and the captains half discouraged ; and if her Majesty's treasure should be shortened, no doubt but all will come to ruin. There shall want neither care nor diligence ....by me ; but I will carry myself so as the most malicious shall be ashamed to find fault with it." I pray for your direction and advice what course shall best please her Majesty.Rotterdam, 26 November, 1586. Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland XI. 43.]
Announcing the arrival of two of the deputies of the States, M. Nievelt and M. Valck, and praying to know when they may wait upon his honour.London, 27 November, 1586. Postscript. M. Treslong is also arrived and lies at Raphael, the Dutch postmaster's house ; who would gladly salute his honour and thank him for all the favours shown to him in his extremities. Add. Endd. p. [Ibid. XI. 44.]
Nov. 27./Dec. 7. Contract of the Council of State with "le Sieur Martin Schenk de Nydecken, chevalier, Sieur de Afferden et Blienbeeck."The Hague, 7 Dec., 1586. Fr. 3 pp. [S.P.F. Archives XC., p. 51.]
Since their arrival they have been very desirous to salute him, especially because of the favour, affection and travail which he has always shown to their general affairs ; but for lack of commission, which is to be brought by the other deputies, they have put off doing so, being come in advance in order to accompany his Excellency. Believe their comrades are only detained by the ice, which has closed the passage in their country ; and meanwhile pray him to continue his affection towards them and aid in bringing to a happy end the good work which he has so well set on foot.London, 28 November, 1586, stilo antiquo. Signed, Jacques Valcke ; W. van Zuylen van Nyevelt. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holland XI. 45.]
I cannot let this messenger pass without these few lines to your honour, beseeching you that "if her Majesty enter not wholly into the wars of these countries, I may be employed where it shall best seem good to her Highness," for I have no maintenance but by service, and for the service here unless her Majesty so enter in, the country will not be able to endure it. Wherever employed, I would gladly have my whole companies with me, for I should hardly in long time get so sufficient a number as now and I can hardly keep them in this service, they are so discontented. I would be glad to serve in England or Ireland ; or "be preferred by her Highness to the King of Navarre," or wherever you shall advise me.Deventer, 29 November, 1586. Signed. Add. Endd. p. [Ibid. XI. 46.]
Nov. 30./Dec. 10. ROWLAND YORKE to the [COUNCIL OF STATE.]
I have with all reverence received a letter of the 5th of this present, new style [sub-signed Wilkes and Gilpin] in respect of your authorisation, being much astonished by the contents ; but seeing that it is pleased his Excellency to appoint me as chief (to my great labout and charges) I doubt not to render him as good account thereof as any others so deputed by him. And that your honours will do their duty in furnishing the place and the soldiers according to your promises to his Excellency, in which, hitherto you have been greatly wanting ; firstly as to the two months of victuals, of which we have received none at all, and secondly as to the musters (made to all the rest of the troops) and some means to clothe the poor miserable subjects of her Majesty who are in your service, and now are dying of cold ; yea more than two hundred since my coming ; of which I am forced to inform you, that order may be taken therein. By my prayers and example I have persuaded the captains and soldiers to have patience in this most miserable time. Moreover, you have without a word of letter or warning, called away some of the troops from hence, which makes me suspect some evil spirit, seeking only to bring in jealousies and suspicions, the foster-mothers of disorders. As to what you have been told of my Lieutenant, an honourable gentleman and only adopted son of the Baron Zouch (Souche), I am assured that your honours do not avow such reports without having their author, whom I declare (be he whom he may) to be a poltroon and a false liar ; as my lieutenant, myself or any of the captains in this fort are ready to maintain. But these evil spirits have slandered me also in like manner. At the surrender of Alost, M. de Norris can testify that he was only a private gentleman by himself, engaged like many other innocent soldiers in the affair. If he had had power, he would have opposed it, and presently afterwards he retired into England. Wherefore I pray you, make the slanderers answer for their calumnies, or else have the goodness to proceed a little more certainly and prudently ; for these are points in which no gentleman's honour should be touched without sure proofs. As to my own procedure, I refer myself to my chiefs and my soldiers and all others who frequent me, assuring you that this is not the way to encourage anybody. For me, I encourage myself to do my duty for the service of her Majesty and his Excellency, who put me therein, but by these pitiful doings, you prevent us from doing it as we desire. As to our enemies, if they make ill war against me and mine, I will make worse against them ; if they make good war, I will make better ; for neither by force not by courtesy shall they vanquish me.The fort of the Velue, before Zutphen, 10 December, 1586. Signed by Rowland Yorke, Jasper van Poelgeest, Peeter van Gent, Adam van Diemen, lieutenant vander Eynde, Francois le Febure, lieut. de Grenn Rothock, Thomas Smyth, A. Harbert, Jerome Benne, Alexander Lerman. Endd. "Copy of R. Yorke's letter sent to the States, 10 December, stilo novo." Fr. 3 pp. [Holland XI. 47.] [Stated to be to the States General ; but see allusion in Norreys' letter of Dec. 12. p. 266 below. Also in this case, the letter to which it is an answer would not have been signed by Wilkes and Gilpin.]
Nov. 30. DR. CLARKE'S OPINION concerning the Queen's proceedings in the Low Countries.
Being commanded to say what course seems to him best to take in the affairs of the Low Countries, now her Majesty is so far embarked, he has put down the opinions of those that commonly discourse of that action which may be reduced to three sorts of proceedings :"The first, infinitely chargeable and unlikely to compass ; the second chargeable and difficult but more likely ; the third least chargeable but most likely."
1. Some think it fit for her Majesty to take on the sovereignty of Holland, Zeeland, Frise and Utrecht ; to conquer from Spain Brabant, Gueldres, Artois, Hainault, Flanders &c. and to join them to the crown of England. This he thinks fitter for Henry VIII, Henry V or Edward III, if they were alive than for a mild and gracious lady, rather born to breed a sweet peace than to make a great war and be conqueror of other nations. For this it is to be feared her whole revenues would not suffice, nor has it ever been known but that things gotten beyond seas were, in one or two ages, as chargeably lost as they were chargeably gained. And for what would be the charge thereof : This year there hath been spent, of her Majesty's and of the States, at least 400,000l., and yet therewith "we have hardly saved the main chance, nor kept the army in field but little above two months ; nor the army ever been above 10,000 men and a great part of them drawn out of garrison." What then would it be to have an army in the field all the year ; all the necessary garrisons full ; "to keep all that is gotten and to assault all that is ungotten. Adding thereto, that by reason of the intolerable charges of armour, horses, transportation and other things, these hundred years and more never any king of this land was able to continue wars beyond sea above one year."
2. Some think her Majesty and the States should for two or three years make a sharp war, whereby the enemy should be driven to seek peace and accept such conditions as would be for the security of England and the United Provinces. If this be done, her Majesty must increase her charges at least a third part and the Provinces at least a half ; "the General must be well countenanced, well backed and with sufficient authority ; but the levying of money must still be left to the States, for the charge being far above their ordinary means, will be hateful to the people, make the English name hated by them, and put them in danger to revolt. Whereas if assessed by themselves they would submit to what they would never bear from strangers. Therefore all things of grace must be referred to ourselves ; all things odious to their own people ; we assuring them of all their liberty and privileges ; "otherwise their stomachs being yet so full of the old religion, the Spaniard shall ever have the greater faction." And the General must prosecute the wars with all violence, giving the enemy no rest, day or night, winter or summer, as they may be driven to pray for a peace ; for if we offer it, we shall never have it to our advantage and safety. "I must confess that it is very uncertain whether ever it will come to this pass or not, for the end of all war is uncertain, and neither our wants nor the strength of the enemy perfectly understood.... The Romans, finding their own ability and discipline perfect, by the space of five hundred years and more, sive victores, sive victi never desired peace ; and though the discipline of the Spaniards be neither so perfect nor so sincere as the Romans, yet is his stomach as great and his pride nothing inferior to theirs" ; so that it must be granted that this course is chargeable and uncertain though of less cost than the first.
3. Divers are of opinion that it will be least chargeable and surest for our estate to defend the four provinces, as the only bulwarks between us and the enemy, and "to enter no further.... than to defend that which already standeth with us." Albeit it were most charitable to defend the whole afflicted countries, yet if the manifold charges of her Majesty, together with the troubles and treasons daily discovered resolve her not to be at any further charge ; then either the Council of State or some Governor of their own must administer the policy and finances, for they could not bear the charge of a foreign governor of quality. And for commander in the wars, they must have some active and vigilant general, well acquainted with the nature and wants of their State, and who knows "how to keep the enemy in breath with a slight fleeing camp ; cutting off his cannon and carriage as soon as he stirreth....defeating his convoys and surprising his victuals at every occasion ; presenting himself with pike and caliver when he wanteth horsemen and skirmishing with horsemen when he wanteth powder, and contenting his soldiers with victuals when he wanteth money ; and many times, for his own wages, must be content to take some licence or other gratuity till money come in. This hath been done heretofore, before her Majesty's most gracious succours, and this....must be done again, for....their countries and contributions being diminished, and their traffic and customs greatly decayed, their wants will be many still, and yet they must fight even with necessity itself to prolong the wars during king Philip's life." This is the only way, if her Majesty be resolute to be at no further charge : Provided always that if by any mishap, the enemy become master of any haven, isle or maritime town of Holland, Zeeland or Frise, by intelligence with the Earl of Embden or other helps, "we must forthwith set up our best to help that mischief," from the great danger, not only to those countries but to our realm (as appears by experience of the small haven of Dunkirk alone) ; and meanwhile Ostend and Sluys must be better provided for, "lest their revolt or surprise trouble us more than they can do Holland or Zeeland." "And if any man of greater judgment or experience shall be of other opinion, I humbly submit myself to his better reason."
Endd. by Burghley with date "Ult. November, 1586. D. Cl." 3 pp. [Holland XI. 48.]
1586. [? Nov.] ADDITION to MR. WILKES' INSTRUCTIONS. (fn. 2)
Refers to paper printed at Milan entitled Nuoso Aviso describing the taking of Antwerp and praising Parma, whom we think "for all qualities pertaining to a general governor ... to be more worthy of the place than ever any whom the King of Spain appointed during the troubles to government in those countries" ; but impossible to pass over a slanderous report therein that with our intelligence the life of the Prince was to be taken away ; for which two persons were put to death. The report contains other untruths, namely that "we have recompensed the King of Spain many ways with unkindness for that when he was married to our sister he saved us from death being by sentence justly adjudged thereto, although our sister, his wife, did repugn the same very much." We refer these to the conscience and honour of the parties concerned, to the Prince of Parma, whom we never hated or spoke ill of, (fn. 3) and to the King of Spain, "of whose friendship we confess we had good proof in our sister's time" and from our coming to our kingdom and for many years after we desired a perfect friendship with him before any prince in the world, yet we always found contrary operations to proceed from him against us. As regards the horrible untruth concerning the Prince we never had such meaning and never could have allowed the like to have been intended by others, judging it no less than a kind of murder to have been privy to such a purpose. The report does not give the names or countrys of the persons executed or other particulars or anything to show that we should have had intelligence thereof. If the two were really taken for suspicion of such intent, we ought, considering our high degree, to have been informed thereof from a person of the rank of the Prince. We must conclude that the slander must needs proceed from the devil himself. To show the improbability of this invention "we leave it to the world to consider how long time we have been free from such an inclination to take the life away of any person, considering the state of a person of account that is in our own power and that hath provoked us divers times with danger to our life, our crown and royal dignity, to have spared no extremity against the same, but yet we have been so far from any such purpose as we have denied to the three estates of our realm assembled in parliament to have the same person brought but in danger of judgment. (fn. 4) For the other matter of our unkindness to this King after he had saved our life, when justly sentenced to death in our sister's time, we never committed crime against our sister worthy of death, nor were we accused or ever was there any process in law made against us, so there is no colour to this lie. "Indeed we had some enemies that envied the great love that was borne us by a great part of the subjects of the realm that liked not of our sister's marriage with Spain nor of the war begun by occasion of that marriage" and specially for the loss of Calais. We confess it to be true that the King of Spain, seeing our innocence, did, like a prince of honour, show his favour to us, and as we think surely, purposed always if cause had required, to withstand our enemies' malice. In return, at the beginning of our reign, we did by sundry ambassadors offer our amity and require his, until we saw no hope of good success, which we impute not so much to the king as to the pride of his evil ministers. We wish he would rather follow the example of his father and other progenitors who did always keep peace and amity with our progenitors, though they were many times at war with their neighbours. We have therefore thought it convenient to add this answer to the foul slanders above recited. 8 pp. Draft, with corrections and insertions in Burghley's hand. Endd : In addition to Mr. Wilkes' Instructions, and across Thomas Ws. [Holland XI. 48a.]
Nov. List of the principal officers in the Low Countries with their attendants and servants (not named) and their allowances. Endd. by Burghley's secretary, "November, 1586." 3 pp. [Ibid. XI. 49.]


  • 1. Japikse : Resolutien der Staaten Generaal, Vol. V., p. 384.
  • 2. This paper must be subsequent to the petition of parliament referred to in the text, and to the queen's reply thereto, the one of the 12th and the other of the 14th November. D'Ewes : Journal, pp. 400-2.
  • 3. Insertion : though we know that he doth pension many of our rebels, as we think many (divers) of them are thither diverted from Spain to do some service for their pensions and to further their turbulent practice against us and their country, yet we never could understand that this noble man the prince did ever (rest torn) attempt any villainy against our person or to stir up rebellion in our realm, as his predecessor did.
  • 4. Insertion : For a further proof we know that there are a number of fugitives, rebels and friars on the other side the sea that have not only attempted to stir up rebellion in our realm, with help of foreign force to deprive us of our crown, but also to take our life, as not long ago a subject of ours was sent to Italy to commit the treasonable act against our life (rest torn).