Elizabeth: October 1586, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Elizabeth: October 1586, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1927), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp205-214 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1586, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp205-214.

"Elizabeth: October 1586, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 2, June 1586-March 1587. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas, Allen B Hinds(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no2/pp205-214.

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October 1586, 21-31

Desiring him to repay the English merchants at Middelburg the sum advanced by them for payment of her Majesty's garrisons, for which he will make allowance upon Wilkes' arrival at Utrecht. 21 October, 1586. Postscript in his own hand. Further directions concerning the above matter. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland X. 76.]
Being in doubt whether Secretary Walsingham be returned from 'Fothringaie,' and "this present matter" requiring speedy direction, he writes to Davison only, desiring him to impart it to Walsingham if he be returned. (fn. 1) Having no certainty save what is written to him, he sends the letter itself. He has long used the writer in intelligences, and has often found his advertisements true. He abides usually at Wesel.Utrecht, Oct. 22, 1586. Postscript in his own hand. "I think both you and Mr. Secretary Walsingham know this Combes who writeth to me ; and the Italian doctor, whom I take to be a physician is either Dr. Niphus or Dr. Michel ; the first and last are here greatly suspected." Add. Endd. p. [Ibid. X. 77.]
I have received your lordships' letters in behalf of William Gittens, William Colston and other merchants of Bristow, concerning a ship of theirs laden with corn, lately taken by the Flushingers ; wherein I have already dealt as earnestly as I could, and not only for them, but for others in like case. How little my intercession in such causes may prevail with these men, your lordships may yourselves judge by the "light account even now of late they made of mine authority," but there shall want no goodwill and readiness in me to relieve and pleasure any of my poor countrymen, so far as lieth in me.Utrecht, 22 October, 1586. Signed. Add. Endd. p. [Holland X. 78.]
In my letter of yesterday to her Majesty I left the date blank, for you to fill in as you thought best ; it containing the true substance of what I have negotiated with his Highness. You will do me a great favour if she may see it as soon as possible ; that, moved by compassion for the common misery, she may apply herself to so holy and more than necessary a reconciliation ; all here being ruined by these discords. The lamentations on every side are so many and so bitter that it is grievous to hear them, and it is hoped on all hands that, by her Majesty's favour, a speedy end may be put to all these miseries. If my long stay abroad be marvelled at, your lordship may be assured that there was great cause for it, and that the five months is not much which I have spent in putting right the business (completely ruined by others) and bringing it to a better state than ever before, by getting his Highness to stand no longer upon the point of credit (reputation), quite contrary to the opinion of the President and Signor Cosimo, who thought I should return as I had come without achieving any result. But his Highness (showing himself, like all good princes, much more gracious than any of his ministers) being so good as to treat with me privately, yielded in the end to his good nature, granting to me more than I had hoped, and agreed to send me to treat of an accord if he might be assured that her Majesty would be willing to give ear to it, and that the person would be welcome to her ; whereas, at my second arrival at the camp, they would not for many days give me audience. So there now remains only to bring her Majesty to do what good offices are possible, and that speedily, and she may be assured that by means of the Prince, she will obtain all that she can reasonably desire. If she would be pleased to speak with me, I would give her particulars of many things, having had opportunity, during my long stay at the Camp, to discourse with one and another (persons of account), from whom I skilfully gathered what I could ; it being generally desired that some negotiation should be entered into before the great fire, which is extending on all hands, should blaze up too far ; striking the iron while it is hot, without any mistrust of the Prince (as if he did not mean to act honestly with her Majesty), there being shown in all his actions a noble mind, and such sincerity that her Majesty may be assured that by his means, matters will so go on that she cannot but have real satisfaction ; for the Prince finding the nobles of the Low Countries ready to lay down arms, it will be possible to come to a blessed peace. Thus, leaving it to your wisdom to deal with her Majesty as you shall deem fitting, I will only say this one thing more for my discharge : that I have above all been careful to do nothing in prejudice of your lordship, and much less of her Majesty ; and have been able to keep secret what others have disclosed, the way negotiations are usually spoiled by too many taking part in them. And as to the rivalry which yesterday evening you told me you thought there was between Graffigna and me, there is no occasion for such a thing, as I never have been or shall be moved by ambition or reward to labour in this business, but only for the service I owe to God, her Majesty and the common cause.London, 22 October, 1586. Add. Endd. by Burghley. Italian. 1 pp. [Flanders I. 98.]
Whereas her Majesty has committed to his charge 20,000l. to be conveyed into these countries for the payment of her garrisons of Vlissingen and Brill and the rest of her forces ; which money he was to give into the hands of the Deputy of the Merchants Adventurers at Middelburg, until (by direction from himself) it was consigned to the hands of Sir Thos. Sherley, in the absence of Richard Huddilston, supposed to be departed towards England :yet forasmuch as Sir Thos. Sherley has gone into England and the Treasurer is still here ; this is to will and require Wilkes to deliver the treasure forthwith into Huddilston's hands ; taking from him an acquittance to be returned into her Majesty's receipt of the Exchequer at Westminster. And this present warrant, together with Huddilston's receipt, shall be his sufficient discharge.Utrecht, 23 October, 1586. Signed. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland X. 79.]
Has received 20l. for his honour's use from Capt. Wayman who says it is to be "bestowed on two mares." Begs to know how it is to be bestowed or transported. "Captain Wayman is gone with his company to lie in the scance before 'Suttfen' all this winter ; it will be a hard garrison for him." Would write more often the news of the country, but that his hand "is very rude ('rewd') both in writing and inditing." Begs his honour to use him in anything he has to do in these countries, wherein he will be ready to travail for him both night and day ; and thanks him humbly for procuring for him the office of a commissioner of the musters. Has but ten pounds Flemish (fn. 2) a month, and the 'other' have ten pounds sterling, but if his honour would write to Mr. Killigrew, is sure he would procure him as much as the other, having shown him great favour and kindness for his honour's sake."Ewttrytt," 23 October, 1586. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. X. 80.]
"I am very lothe to renew into your honour's memory the inestimable grief you rightly suffer for the sudden loss of so rare a son, so entirely and worthily loved of you. Yet can I not restrain myself from giving your honour to understand in what terms we stood before he received his hurt. As there was no man on this side the seas that I desired to have better satisfied of all my actions, so did I never leave till I had throughly informed him of all my proceedings ; insomuch as he promised to have largely advertised your honour his opinion what wrong I had received, and had assured me to have employed himself to the uttermost to procure me my Lord his good opinion. And hereupon he had given and received from me a full assurance of our continual love and friendship, by which means I find myself as deeply interested in the loss of him as any other his dearest friend. But since these mishaps are irrecoverable, I will speak the less of them, and continue to beseech your honour to hold my case in indifferent balance till I may make it thoroughly known unto you."Utrecht, 25 October, 1586. Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland X. 81.]
".... I received your letter by my man, and therein perceived your honour's care and good opinion of me ; which I pray God I may be able to deserve. And yet, not without some grief, I found therein a silent condemning of me, to be a nourisher of faction and disagreement amongst the captains, which also I understand had been written unto her Majesty. I will invent no excuses, nor desire your honour to believe other than the course of my life heretofore and hereafter to follow shall warrant, and yet I will complain that I am drawn in suspicion of my honesty, and driven to speak for myself ; but the worst is not much, and untrue. If there had been anything, malice would have found it out ; only this, I have not what I sought for, and yet am I not ashamed. I perceive I must shortly return for some time ; where of all I hope better to satisfy your honour."Utrecht, 25 October. Add. Endd. 1 p. Seal of arms. [Ibid. X. 82.]
Finding that your servant, Peter Povey, newly arrived "upon the decease of that worthy gentleman Sir Philip Sydney" was as suddenly dispatched by my lord of Leicester, I had as little time to write to you of the state of things here as I have had leisure to inform myself thereof. I see that my lord means to return with all expedition into England, and for the better settling of the government in his absence, now travails with all earnestness in Council (whereunto I am now admitted, by her Majesty's direction) and will, in a few days go to the Hague to deal with the States General for the establishing of a governor in his absence, "or rather two, one for the policy and another for the wars. I find him affected chiefly to the Lord Marshal to take the charge of the wars, and as I suppose will refer the chief of a politic to the States. "My arrival is not so grateful here as was expected, albeit for mine own part I am not deceived therein, foreknowing these men." Nevertheless I beseech your honour to defend my poor credit in my absence, which I am sure "will be oppugned with all violence at the return of his Excellency to the Court." Utrecht, 26 October, 1586. Add. Endd. 1 pp. [Holland X. 83.]
Oct. 28. Acquittance from Richard Huddilston to Thomas Wilkes Esq. for 20,000l. of her Majesty's treasure, for pay of her forces and garrisons. Signed and sealed in presence of Benedict Grove and Symon Wyllis, on Oct. 28, in the 28th year of her Majesty's reign. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. X. 84.]
I had long since dispatched a man to your Lordship with such instructions as I thought needful, both for the answer of your letter requiring an estimate, as also to solicit you for money to pay our companies going into garrisons ; but hearing that Mr. Wilkes was coming with money to be delivered to Sir Thos. Shirley, I stayed my servant, supposing I should myself satisfy you time enough, and that the speedy sending of the estimate would be needless when the treasure was already on its way. When I found the money was to be delivered to myself I was sorry I had altered my purpose fearing you might condemn me as negligent in my duty. The money imprested by my Lord in the camp to those in the States' pay, being about 3300l. is repaid, and disbursed again to those in her Majesty's pay. The 5000l. received in May from the Merchants Adventurers by my Lord's servant, Mr. Cholmley, and charged on my receipt as parcel of the 45,000l. is now at last brought over in account. That paid out of the Exchequer to Sir William Stanley, Lord Awdley and others, charged on the same is not yet repaid, but I have defalked the 100l. delivered to Capt. Banister. Of the money due by the States for the time of Sir John Norreys only 300l. is repaid, "not without great charge to myself in attendance for the same," so that if the rest is as chargeable to come by, the Treasurer will be driven "to an extraordinary course of petition for support of that charge." The money disbursed to the lances hitherto "standeth only as imprested." Sir Thos. Cecil's cornet of fifty lances is fully paid until April 12. I have given the Lord General by Mr. Atie a note of all moneys to be reimboursed by the States, both for Sir John Norreys' time and his own. How much he means to charge upon them is uncertain, "for he told me he meant not to ask allowance of them for many things turned over by the Auditor upon my last declaration," as the overplus in his own entertainment, increase of pay and sums imprested to captains and other officers &c., "but meant himself to deal with her Majesty for the allowance thereof upon his coming home." I am to go to Middelburg within three days, to pay the garrisons thereabouts and bring away the treasure yet remaining there, "upon the issuing whereof I mean to make my speedy return into England, hoping then to satisfy you that I have dealt as becometh an honest servant to her Majesty.... ; if not so profitably, I wish it may be considered whence the want hath risen, and so accordingly imputed."Utrecht, 29 October, 1586. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holland X. 85.]
Oct. 29. [AL. DE LA TORRE to .]
I have received yours of Sept. 27 safely. The place appointed of 'Boleyne' contents me for the meeting, but I find myself in great perplexity that I have not yet received the packet from R. I have advice that they were safely delivered at Lyons to a sure friend, but have doubt of their delivery here, "because our folks here take them up so fast as they can ; which are wholly instructed of our contrary party to my great grief," and the more so as I have seen in the hand of one in this house a packet coming that way. I must wait in patience, and in the mean season intend to communicate to his honour some part, though not so fully as I would by speech, as the time draws forward, and the weight of the affairs requires it ; and partly because the service which is to be done is on this side most, and my absence might be harmful, "because the contrary party hath continual waiting about me to learn and to inquire whither and with whom I trade ; how many times I am seen in the court, so that I have special charge not to absent me without order.... I trust this circumspection will be well taken of his honour." This is the principal point which I desire to trade with his honour, and seeing no other ready way, I desire his direction, trusting that this way of writing will be sure, as all that deal in this delivering of letters are well-informed for sure deliverance in mine own hands, especially if you on that side, charge them that they may be delivered into my mother's hands. "The point is this ; that his honour may make this foundation for sure : that the Prince of Parma for certain is not Spanish, but hath a secret pretension in great colour for Portugal. Somewhat I have felt him ; the words which were spoken between us would greatly satisfy him, but time does not permit. About the offer which your honour did present him in the name of her Majesty touching Holland and Zeeland for him, I find him marvellous well disposed, and I have the best way to have it uttered by way of confirmation all I receive so and otherwise not." Other principal affairs I refer to further opportunity. Endd. "29 October, 1586. From B. deciphered." 1 pp. [Flanders I. 99.] (The passages in italics have been in cipher.)
Although I see that the enclosed from M. Lipsius, late Rector of the University of Leyden is of very old date, "by contrary wind and weather landed at Lyestat [qy. Lowestoft] I thought good to send it you, humbly praying you to consider it as the cause requires, as also the enclosed "translate" written by Counsellor Vande Niewstat, son-in-law to Mr. Paulus Buys in the name of himself and of Mr. Buys wife, children and friends. As all these matters seem to be practised by some ill-willers upon sinister reports and misintelligences, as in part the States and other persons of credit write to me, I am the bolder to pray you to lend your helping hand, that it may please her Majesty, according to their humble request, to write her gracious letter in his behalf, and so bind him and his ever more to her service. Furthermore, I am, in the Countries' behalf to pray you to consider the few articles which I delivered to you at Windsor. I should have come to you myself if sickness and a knowledge of the weighty affairs with which you are charged had not hindered me ; but will not fail to give attendance whenever it shall please you.London, last of October, 1586. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland X. 86.]
Enclosure. DR. JUSTUS LIPSIUS to BURGHLEY. (fn. 3)
Knowing his lordship to be the refuge of those oppressed by wrong or calamity, he writes on behalf of Paul Buys, formerly one of the deputies sent into England by the States and the Council of State with their governor, the Earl of Leicester ; who about two months ago was committed into close custody by certain leaders or captains of the commons of Utrecht, as his lordship may fully learn from the bearer of these letters. He is still detained in prison, but neither is the cause of his arrest declared or the way of justice opened to him ; a thing truly neither allowed by their custom or used in any commonwealth indifferently governed by good laws. Whether or how Buys may have erred, he does not and cannot discuss ; but this he knows and affirms :That he has hitherto been an important man in their commonwealth ; often useful in Council, certainly averse from the French treaty and an ardent supporter of the English one. Has often had discourse with him ; and always (after God) he has held the main strength and support of their safety to lie in England's very flourishing country and most wise Queen. Nor does he now deem him to have changed his mind or his affections ; but fears that he is pursued with false accusations by those who endeavour rather their own than the public good. How much his lordship's authority may do in these matters is known by experience of the rest of their people and if he would graciously give his aid, either with her Majesty or with their Governor, in helping one he would bind many to him, and would hold up the drooping hand of justice. Much is permissible in war but not every thing, least of all to those who wish their government to be strong. Thus he has written to his lordship, trusting in his benignity and humanity, especially to those who have any reputation for learning or letters, amongst whom he professes his own name to be but at the lowest end, while first among the most learned is that of the great Burghley, by whose counsels they acknowledge that great and happy kingdom to have been hitherto sustained. Amsterdam, on his way into Germany. ix. Cal. Octobris, [Sept. 23] 1586. Add. Endd. by Burghley. Latin. 1 pp. [Holland X. 86a.]
To the same effect as the letter to Burghley, above.London, last of October, 1586. Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. X. 87.]
Your friendly promise and the earnest letters written me from the States in behalf of Mr. Paulus Buys, emboldened me to send you the enclosed "translate" of a letter written to me by Counsellor Vande Niewstat, son-in-law of the said M. Buys, in the name of himself and his [Buys] wife and children. As you know what practices and false reports may do in such causes, I only desire you most humbly (as I have done to my Lord Treasurer and Mr. Secretary Walsingham) to move her Majesty to write in his behalf ; the more that it is not unknown to you "what good services he hath done and doubtless will continue to do, if he were but once released from this misery." [Apologies as to Walsingham].London, last of October, 1586. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. X. 88.]
The above mentioned translation.
We pray you very affectionately to recommend our father's affairs particularly to the Lord Treasurer M. de Walsingham and others, that it may please her Majesty to write to those at Utrecht to set him free, or if there are some who oppose this, to accuse him lawfully, before competant judges. It seems that even his Excellency is changed, by sinister persuasion and report and has conceived an ill opinion of him, wherefore we much desire that our father should be restored into his good graces, by means of some on this side expressly charged by her Majesty ; as M. de Sidney, the governor of the Brill, M. Bellam [? Pelham], M. Clerck or others, so that our said father may be heard in his defence, and know the reasons of his Excellency's annoyance. Or if it pleased her to appoint someone from thence to learn the truth, hear our father and decide the difference, we should be for ever bound to her humble service, and to that of the lords who should lend a helping hand therein. For we are assured that he has never attempted or even imagined the least thing which might tend to her Majesty's dis-service, but on the contrary, has always sought to advance her greatness, honour and service, as the chief of those in these countries could bear witness, who find themselves extremely aggrieved that certain malignants should so far forget themselves as to prevent her Majesty from having entire knowledge and redress of these outrages. Wherefore we once more pray you to exert yourself effectually with these lords and others whom you may think fitting, that we may escape from this miserable labyrinth, and our father be restored to his former estate. Fr. 1 pp. [Holland X. 88a.]
I know your honour has the occurrences of these countries "from the highest that commands" ; yet I wrote divers letters to you which were delayed by contrary winds and are now cancelled "by reason of our most lamentable loss, for whom both the nations may bewail, and will be such a loss and hindrance to this service as will hardly be repaired. But God will not be hindered to have his own when he pleaseth to call. His honourable life and virtuous end doth deserve everlasting fame." I have a letter from his Excellency to continue this charge until her Majesty appoints some others, which I pray may be with expedition. "I find the people brute and malicious towards our nation, loving better their own profit than the furtherance of this service. "The want of due pays causeth great disorders amongst the soldiers in this town. The creditors exclaim for their victuals being now four months behind ; the bands groweth weak by reason of sickness and want of clothes. The people murmureth, having been paid heretofore monthly when....their own nation did lie here in garrison. Your honour's good furtherance herein may avoid dangers that may happen to this place, being to her Majesty dear and of great importance..... I wish that whoseoever shall have this charge may imitate him that is with God. I never doubted the obedience of the people here so long as he lived, though he were never so long absent ; the love and zeal of all men had him in such reverence." I crave your honour's accustomed goodness towards me, "now he is gone that I followed and honoured, and in respect thereof did yield the office of the Ordnance in June last into His Excellency's hands, who bestowed the same upon Sir John Conway ; so that I would crave my discharge....in consideration of my old years." I have no stay or living in England, but I have not many years to live.Flushing, last of October, 1586. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland X. 89.]
October. Memorandum of Knights created.
The Earl of Essex
Lord Audley
Lord North's second son [Henry]
Mr. G. Digby
Mr. [Edward] Stanley
Roger Williams
Mr. William Hatton
Mr. Henry Unton
Mr. Henry Goodier
Mr. [George] Farmer
Mr. [Thomas] Dennys
Mr. John Burrowe
Mr. Robert Sidney
Mr. William Knollis
Mr. [Philip] Butler
Mr. [William] Reade
Mr. H. Norris
Mr. [John] Wingfield
2 Scots [Bartholomew Bampford and Alex. Steward]
The Marquis of Guasto, General of the horse. Nicholas Basty, the eldest captain, lieutenant-General of the horse.
Orapine, a Count of Rome.
Sir Francisco del Monte.
Sir Marinus Monte Nempte.
Sir Hannibal Gonzago, a count.
Sir George Cressiere.
There were 17 companies.
Colonel Verdugo, 3000 foot.
1000 Spaniards.
80 carriages.
The Prince marched with all the rest of the army. [In the handwriting of Burghley's secretary, and endorsed by him "October, 1586. Knights created by the Earl of Leicester." Before "October, Burghley has inserted "September." The skirmish was on Sept. 22 but the list cannot have been drawn up before October, as several of those mentioned were not knighted until Oct. 7 or later.English style.] 1 p. [Ibid. X. 90.]


  • 1. The "matter" is no doubt the letter signed J. Lordon at page 200 above.
  • 2. The pound Flemish seems to have been worth about 12 shillings English.
  • 3. The text is printed by Everdingen : Het Leven Van Mr. Paulus Buys, pp. 184-5.