Index: U, Z

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Index: U, Z', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: U, Z', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: U, Z". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Ugheria. See Huguerie.

Ulm [Bavaria, German Empire], contribution to French Huguenots, 62.

Ulric, Prince of Denmark, suggested as Governor of Netherlands, 304; suggested as King of Romans, 326.

Ulzen [Hanover, German Empire], 339.

United Provinces. See Low Countries.

Unterwalden, canton, Switzerland:
-, alliance with Spain, 275, 324.
-, letter to, 260.

Urbigny, M. de l', a chief man of Navarre's party, 517.

Urbino, Italy, Dukedom of, 501.
-, Duke of. See Rovere, Francesco Maria I. and II. della.
-, Duchess of. See Este, Lucrezia d'.

Uri, canton, Switzerland: to send ambassador to Governor of Lombardy, 122; agreement with Spain, 324.
-, letter to, 260.

Ursin, Seigneur Jordan, party to treaty of Cateau Cambresis, 627.

Ursini, Camillo and Paolo and Paul Jordan, parties to treaty of Cateau Cambresis, 627.

Uscocchi, Emperor orders release of ship stayed by, 424.

Ushant, Youessant, island, 94.

Utrecht [Prov. Utrecht, Netherlands], 657.
-, Parma means to move against, 10, 263.
-, accord of, 401, 456, 457, 459.


Vabres de Senegats [Tarn, France], Seneschal of Toulouse invades diocese, 5.

Vadstena, Wadstena [Ostergotland, Sweden], letters from, 281, 296.

Vaillac, Sieur de, wishes to see Mayenne, 4.

Valaquie. See Wallachia.

Valence [Drôme, France], Swiss in citadel of, 359; Guise objects to removal of captain of, 595.

Valentinois, Duchess of. See Diane de Poictiers.

Valette, Seigneur de la. See Nogaret, Bernard de.

Valiero, Sig., 424.

-, Augustin, cardinal bishop of Verona, Pope makes nephew private chamberlain, 437.

Valois, house of, Princes of Germany friendly to, 579.

Valtendonek. See Wachtendonck.

Vanderlind, Lyndano, bishop of Ruremonde, translated to Ghent, 512.

Vanteak, the Comte de, Governor of Soissons, 543.

Varro, Terentius, 391.

Varsovia. See Warsaw.

Vartendonc. See Wachtendonck.

Vasto, Marquis del. See Avalos, Caesar d'.

Vatteville [Seine Inf., France], 318.

Vaus, Peare de, a Portuguese, 231, 232.

Vaux, William third Baron, Langdale resorts to, 35.

Veere. See Ter Veere.

Vega, Antonio de, appeal for, 627.

-, Juan de, Governor of Cadiz, measures of defence against Drake's attack, 658.

Velay [Haute Loire, France], move of Joyeuse against, 36.

Veldenz [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire]: letters from, 429, 436.
-, Prince Palatine of. See George Gustave.

Veles Malaga [Prov. Malaga, Spain], 414.

Velluno, Veluno. See Wielun.

Velmonte, Francesco Prieto de, letter to, 402.

Vendôme, cardinal of. See Bourbon, Charles de.

-, Duke and Duchess of. See Bourbon, Charles de and Françoise his wife.

Venice [Prov. Venezia, Italy], 11, 452.
-, news from, 411, 412, 417, 420, 423, 438, 442, 446, 462, 476, 502–5, 507, 513, 570, 571, 649.
-, letters sent via, 25, 112.
-, letters dated at, 410, 447, 463, 477, 507, 514, 529, 573, 594.
-, posts from, 532, 534.
-, letters of exchange on, 146.
-, Prior Shelley remains at, 161; Florentine ambassador leaves, 418; return embassy to Florence, 419.
-, proposed removal of currant duty, 409; decree against foreign silk, 420.
-, change of nuncio at, 426, 446; foreigners expelled from, 476.
-, sale of verses on Queen Mary at, 455; Pope invites to join against England, 532; denied, 534.
-, may want to fish in troubled waters, 501; Maximilian unlikely to enlist subjects of, as will not offend Turk, 506; quarrels picked by Turks with, 648.
-, proposed loan to France, refused to Emperor, 540; Duke of Aerschot at, 594.
-, courier of, 657.
-, doge of See Cicogna, Pasquale.
-, merchants of, 472.
-, patriarchate of, 426.
-, patriarch of. See Trevisano, Giovanni.
-, church of S. Georgio Maggiore, 442.
-, - S. Marco, 442.
-, Misericordia, 296.
-, Rialto, 439, 440, 442, 443.

Venloo [Prov. Limburg, Netherlands], Parma takes, 10.

Vento, Christopher, French consul at Alexandria, apprehends Paul Mariani, 648.

Verac, Sieur de. See Nesmond, Jean de.

Vercelino, S. V., —, 122.
-, letters sent to Walsingham by, 160, 191.

Verdale, Hugh de, Grand Master of Malta, arrives at Pozzuolo, 425; candidate for red hat, 436; promoted cardinal, 443.
-, lands at Gaeta, 444; received at Rome, 445; may resign mastership, 446.
-, Nau goes to, 461; leaves Rome, 503.

Verden [Hanover, German Empire], contribution to French Huguenots, 62.

Verdugo, Francisco, captain of Groningen: Count of Mörs treats with, 444.
-, letter to, 402.
-, -, referred to, 458.

Vergy, Masion de, party to treaty of Cateau Cambresis, 626.

Verne. See Wehren.

Verona [Prov. Verona, Italy], 572.
-, Duke of Mantua at, 179.
-, bandits of, 424.
-, bishop of. See Valier, Augustin.

Verriere, Seigneur de la. See Seguier, Jean.

Very, Alexander, factor of Jehan Belin, 632.

Vianna, Viana, Portugal, 556.

Vice-Chamberlain. See Hatton, Sir Christopher.

Vicques, M. Matignon's lieutenant, Navarre captures, 359.

Videcoque, —, 592.

-, Guillaume, captain of the Anne of Havre, 632.

Vieheuser, Sigmund, vice-chancellor of Empire, countersigns letter, 686.

Vienna, Austria, 121, 135, 511.
-, news from, 337, 417, 418, 420, 423, 461.
-, church of Augustine friars, 337.
-, the King in. See Rudolf II., the emperor.
-, letter from, 296.

Vienne, Claude Antoine de, Seigneur de Clervant, 163, 380, 430, 441, 685.
-, letters from, 89, 179, 238, 396, 397.

-, referred to, 243, 244, 340, 463, 464.
-, letter to, 440.
-, mission to John Casimir, 113, 140; urges prosecution of war, 102.
-, signs articles of capitulation with Casimir, 186; zeal of, 202; irresolution, 219.
-, going to Switzerland, 187; hopes for good fortune, 188; at Frankenthal, 243.
-, incites French King about treatment of Chateauneuf, 289; suggests Petite Pierre going in place of Casimir, 318; to command Swiss foot in Casimir's expedition, 328; and command of German army, 432.
-, disappears with reiters, 448, 492; death, 448n, 487; debts of, 491.

Vignes, John de, messenger, 95, 250, 256, 273, 276.

Villa Real, Pedro de, ingratitude of, 56.

Villeneuve, M. de. See Cormont, —, de.

Villequier, George de, Seigneur de La Guerche, proposals to League, 541.

-, Rene de, Baron of Clairvaux, Governor of Paris, goes to King of Navarre, 159; sent to tell Parlement of Condé's death, 531.

Villernou, M. de, a chief man of Navarre's party, 517.

Villeroi, Seigneur de. See Neufville, Nicolas de.

Villesaison, M. de, Secretary of Prince of Condé, 137.

Villiers, M. de, asks for Champigny's nephew, 511; delivery of John de Castilia for, 670.

Vilna [Lithuania], bishop of. See Radziwil, George.

Vimory, Vimori [Loiret, France], 450.

Vincennes, near Paris, Vinsayne, King at, 4, 192, 311, 350, 352, 489, 490, 601.
-, Guise puts garrison in, 612.

Vincent, Nicolas, master of the Marguerite, 312, 318, 331.
-, satisfaction asked for, 361.

Vinnitosa, Vintis [Podolia, Russia], Cossacks take refuge in, 650.

Vins, Hubert Baron de, Montmorency summoned to oppose, 37; expected to bring to obedience, 49; defeat of, 154.

Vinsayne. See Vincennes.

Vinshemius, Dr. Vitus, asks leave to export butter, 28.

Vintis. See Vinnitosa.

Vistula, River, 442, 447, 476.

Vitelli, Chiapini, private chamberlain to the Pope, 461.

Vivans, Geoffrey de, Governor of Caumont, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Vivarais, Vivarestz, France, 492.

Viveux, —, 33.

Vivonne, Jean de, Seigneur de St. Gouard, St. Goard, Marquis of Pisani, French ambassador at Rome : urges release of Morgan, 352; Pope's treatment of, 364; goes to Ostia with Cardinal Joyeuse, 425; meets Grand Master of Malta, 444.
-, letter from, referred to, 364.

Volhynia, Palatine of. See Ostrog.

Vorme. See Worms.

Vratislavia. See Breslau.

Vray, M. de, Devray, Montpensier sends to Navarre, 22, 36; expected at Paris, 36; sent to Sedan, 273.


Waad, Wade, William, clerk of the Council, 138, 192, 227, 231, 265, 271, 275, 310, 353, 422.
-, instructions to, 189; cipher of, 290.
-, letters from, 203, 214, 238, 243, 248, 267, 287, 289, 299, 301.
-, -, alluded to, 264.
-, letters to, 278, 355.
-, -, alluded to, 122.
-, to inform French King about des Trappes, 190; negotiations of, 203–13, 217, 218, 267–70.
-, memorial on goods seized, 213; book brought by, 315.
-, greatly hated, in danger, 257; Pinard against dispatch of, 259; design to way lay, 272.
-, question of audience, 277, 279, 287, 309.
-, report that means to steal away from France, 278, 279, 287; return of, 315, 319, 322.
-, wants to keep Lilley, 288; will reconcile him to Leicester's favour, 289; intercession for him, 336, 337.
-, secret information to convey, 299; negotiations about depredations, 323; mission to Spain, 466, 471.

Wachel. See Wechel.

Wachendorff, Adam, Secretary, 146.

Wachtendonck, Valtendonck, Vartendonc [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], raids from, 411; offer to surrender, 444.

Wadstena. See Vadstena.

Walcheren in Zeeland [Netherlands], 426.

Wales, reported landing of Spaniards in, 241.

Wallachia, Valaquie, Prince of: charge to Sieur de St. Bonnet, 673–5.
-, rulers and succession of, 674, 675.
-, Prince of. See Petraschko; Tschertschel, Peter.
-, Vayvode of. See Bonvi, Raoul; Michne.

Walloon, captain, 655.

Walloons, pressure on Huguenots at Canterbury, 166, 167; levy of, against Turk, 296.

Wallop, Thomas, mariner of Heye, 474.

Walsingham, Sir Francis, Secretary of State, 103, 121, 229, 370, 378, 463, 484, 497, 514, 643.
-, Arnault spy for, 34; Stafford ill affected to, 35; in favour of peace, 83.
-, information kept from, 86; agents at Paris, 131, 182.
-, papers signed by, 105; memorial for, 197.
-, Stafford complains of hostility, 125, 126, 128, 130, 131, 133; Stafford reconciled with, 266, 267, 271.
-, and Casimir negotiations, 148, 149, 187; matters concealed from, 159; neglects Palavicino, 199, 496.
-, and depredations, 164; on commission about depredations, 242.
-, French intrigues with, 267; conference with Chateauneuf, 276; memorial of Chateauneuf to, about depredations, 285; complaint about depredations sent to, 483.
-, gave passport to des Trappes, 294; and Gifford, 671.
-, mission to Low Countries, 466, 471; sick, 491.
-, relations with Stafford, 483–5, 568; Fitzherbert and, 671.
-, Chateauneuf confers with about depredations, 556.
-, letters from, 285, 286, 291, 306, 318.
-, letters to passim.

-, Thomas, 229.

Walton, 664.

Walton, Tonston, 352.

Warner, L., Merchant Adventurer, letter to, 315.

-, Nicholas, letter from, 315; negotiations with Stade, 315.

Warsaw, Varsovia, Poland, 419.
-, news from, 442.
-, Sigismund goes to, 440; Sigismund at, 443, 447.

Warwick, Countess of. See Dudley, Anne.

-, Earl of. See Dudley, Ambrose.

Watkins, Hermann, burgomaster of Hamburg, treats with Merchants Adventurers, 314, 315.

Watts, John, 413.

Wechel, Wachel, heirs of, printers of new edition of Bible, 27, 91.

Weekes, George, merchant of Dartmouth, solicitor for owners of plundered ships, 63.

Wehren, Verne, Frederic von, colonel in Casimir's force, 293, 327.

-, -, brother of, 327.

Weingarten, Wynegarten [Baden, German Empire], 338.

Wells, John, 478, 509, 510.

Wendon, Dr. Nicholas, Wendooe, letter from, alluded to, 303; Mendoza promises repatriation to, 597.

Werden, Joust van, rittmaster, joins French expedition, 305.

Werne, Olaf, 280.

Wesel [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], Parma's troops quartered at, 173; garrison to defend, 326.

Weser, River, 349.

Westchester, plundered goods sold at, 494.

West Indies, 394.
-, Drake to stop passage from, to Spain, 277, 279; note of goods from, 471.

Westiezer, port of, 358.

Westminster, the George, Hanse obliged to buy at, 314.

Westmorland, Earl of. See Neville, Charles.

Westphalia, Westfalia, Germany, 327:
-, forces against Turk, 296.
-, Estates discuss help for Cleve and defence of, 326; nobles ask for religion, 450.

-, circle of, English soldiers threaten to overrun, 686.

Wetterau, Wettrow [German Empire], contribution to French Huguenots, 62.

Weyer, Oberamptmann, 332–42.

Weymouth, Oeuemut, co. Dorset, ship carried into, 361; corn loaded at, 540.

-, dear in Spain, 12; contraband for Spain, 90; cost at Antwerp, 173.
-, shipped from Scotland to Dunkirk, 18.
-, sold in Cornwall (by pirates), 33.
-, shipped at Hamburg for Calais, 106.
-, provision for France and Flanders, 300.
-, shipped at Calais for Spain, 577.
-, for Rochelle, 592.

White, Dr., the preacher, 462.

-, William, merchant of the West, 654.

Wichman, Joachim, citizen of Hamburg, 611.

Wielun, Velluno, Veluno [Kalisz, Poland], Maximilian advised to go to, 504; Maximilian entrenches, at 506; he leaves, 513.

Wight, isle of, 115.
-, French ships seized at, 331; French ship carried to, 361; spies going to, 666.
-, depredations near, 371; wreck off, 529.

Wiglosh, ? Siclos in Hungary, news from, 337.

Wigmore, Bartholomew, master of the Nightingale of Ipswich, 62.

Wikes, —, depredations by, 494.

Wilford, —, 292.

Wilhelmsen, Jacob, a Dane, complaint of piracy, 357.

Wilkes, Wylkes, Mr., Beuterich treats with, 108.

-, Sir Thomas, mission to Spain, 466, 471.

William V., Duke of Bavaria, sends members of Council to Pope, 324; sends Minucci to Rome, 437; sending troops to Archduke Maximilian, 506.

-, Duke of Brunswick Luneburg, 305; letter from, 339.

William, Duke of Cleves, Cleve, proposed aid for, in defence of his country, 326; demand of, for a general tax, postponed, 444.

William IV., the Wise, Landgrave of Hesse Cassel, 140.
-, influence in Germany, 17; the right person to manage intervention in France, 40; contribution of, 684.
-, contribution to French Huguenots, 61, 427; subsidy to be paid by advice of, 111, 148, 159.
-, John Casimir expects ambassador from, 94, 113; good offices desired with Saxony and Brandenburg, 264.
-, Palavicino to treat with, 149; Princes will do well to follow advice, 159; asks Palavicino for news, 170.
-, opinion on Polish election, 202; renews league at Dresden, 326; visit to Saxony, 685.
-, Palavicino visits, 281; confers with, 282; suggested Dohna to command reiters, 619.
-, means to raise more reiters, 305; orders subjects to look to arms, 312.
-, sends troops to expel French from Montbeliard, 507; sees danger but can do no more than talking, 638.
-, letters from, 108, 109, 135.
-, -, alluded to, 117.
-, letters to, 116.
-, -, alluded to, 107, 120.

William, of Yarmouth, English ship, plundered by French, 62.

Williams, Wyllyams, Walter, servant of Walsingham, 140.
-, at Genoa, 107, 108; Stafford's dealings with, 130; a very knave, 133; used to discredit Palavicino, 133; Navarre asks for, 591.

-, the Chevalier, excuses to Navarre, 631.

Wilsdon, M. See Philips, Thomas.

Wilson, Dr. Thomas, mission to Portugal, 466, 471.

Windsor, co. Berks: letters dated at, 108.
-, Council at to judge Queen of Scots, 119; suspects visiting, 655; court at, 687.

Windsor, Edward, Navarre making search for, 167.

-, plundered, 50, 63, 65, 331, 468, 476.
-, cargoes of, 88.
-, of Le Pape, 124.
-, permit to transport asked, 145.
-, John Casimir sends to Walsingham, 145.
-, of Xeres, 493.

Winzingen, Winsingen [Bavarian Palatinate, German Empire], 308.

Wirtemberge. See Wurzburg.

Wirtenberg. See Wurtemberg.

Wit, Robert, master of the William of Yarmouth, 62.

Witgenstein, Henry, Count of, Pope's sentence against, 324.

Wittemberg [Saxony, German Empire], agreement made at, 223.

woad, cargo of, 312; for La Rochelle, 80, 319.

Wolf Chomberg. See Schomberg, Hans Woolfe von.

Wolfgang, Duke of Deux Ponts (Zweibrucken), 432.
-, journey to France, 46, 434; and George John of Petite Pierre, 433.

Wolley, John, Latin Secretary, 250.
-, sent to Chateauneuf, 240.

Wood, Wodde, —, depredations by, 494.

Wootton, Houton, Wotton, Edward, envoy to France, 120.
-, instructions, 96–8; papers to take to France, 105.
-, mission a sign of friendship, 119; says Burleigh advised Mary's death, 137.
-, cannot delay longer, 150; departure, 153; Italian trick on Stafford, 159.
-, Queen expected better service from, 190; mission to Portugal, 466, 471.
-, man of, 151.
-, letter from, 124.
-, servant of, 123.

Worms, Vorme [Hesse Darmstadt, German Empire], 238.
-, diet at, 282; accusers of England fare ill, 72.

Wouters, Stephen, 472.

Wroth, J.; letters from, 409, 501, 539.
-, -, referred to, 649.
-, removed to Padua, 476, 477, 539.

Wurtemberg, Wirtenberg [German Empire], bishop of (sic). See Echter, Julius, von Mespelbronn.

-, Duke of. See Christopher; Louis the Pious.

Wurttemberg, Frederic de, Count of Montbeliard, Mombeliard, Montpelligardo, German ambassador to France: Anhalt ready to join in embassy, 683; at Paris, King avoids, 60; departs without seeing King, 72.
-, levying men against League, 527; army of League sacks land of, 619.

Wurzburg, Wirtemberge bishop of. See Echter, Julius.

Wykes, George, commissioner for piracies, 33.

Wylkes. See Wilkes.

Wyllyams. See Williams.

Wynegarten. See Weingarten.

Wyrden, —, 664.

Wyse, John, merchant at Rouen, 92.


Xaintonge, Saintonge, France, no money to be expected from, 47; chief men of Navarre's party in, 516.

Xeres, Jerez, Sheres, Sheares, Andalusia, Spain: wine of, 493.
-, provisions for fleet preparing at, 233.

Ximenes, Nicolao, Portuguese, passport for, 178.


Yarmouth, Germue (co. Norfolk): ship of, 62; French seizure of ships of, 329.
-, bailiff of, 632.

Yeo, Nicholas, merchant at Rouen, 92.

Yeomel, Robert, master of the Neptune, 468.

Yetsweirt, Charles, Secretary of the French tongue, 178.

yew staves, law of Edward IV. concerning importation, 173.

Youessant. See Ushant.

Young, Yoncs, 33, 65.

Ypres, Yper [West Flanders, Belgium], scarcity at, 173.


Zabern, Alsace, Otto of Lunenburg moving on, 338.

Zaffo, Conte dal. See Contarini, Tomaso.

Zamoiski, Zamoskie, John Sarius, chancellor of Poland: tries to secure election of a Bathori to crown, 202; election deferred for agreement, 337; proposed reconciliation with Sboroschi, 461.
-, changes magistracy of Cracow, 412; besieged in Cracow, 424, 438, 442, 443, 447, 450.
-, discovers plot to betray Cracow, 463; receives Sigismund at Cracow, 476.
-, Pope's mediation offered to, 503; goes to besiege Petschino, 513.
-, sends force to ravage Silesia, 504; Maximilian expects attack, 506; reported defeat, 507.
-, defeats Maximilian, 511; treatment of prisoner, 572, 514; and Maximilian, 569, 571, 572, 599.
-, dismisses troops, keeps guard on Silesia, 569.

-, John, Polish ambassador at the Porte, 649.

Zamora [Leon, Spain], 144.

Zane, Matteo, entertains Florentine ambassador, 418.

Zayas, Gabriel de, Spanish Secretary, attempt to corrupt Hawkins, 177.

Zeeland and Zeelanders, 627.
-, depredations on French, 29, 309; compensation demanded for, 30, 106.
-, demand for English evacuation of, 40; a snaffle for Queen to check Spain, 57; Queen aids rebels in, 680.
-, Danish mediation for with Spain, 55, 101; Armada sailing towards, 425, 439, 462, 567.
-, Spain needs money to recover, 58; exodus from Antwerp into, 174; English troops from invade empire, 668.
-, Leicester in, 78; Leicester's protest to, 411; Leicester on bad terms with, 422; Leicester leaves, 444.
-, Denmark suggested as protector, 304; quarrels with Hollanders, 412, 438, 444.
-, reported negotiations with Parma, 411; ultimatum to about negotiations, 421.
-, ships of, go to Lillo, 426; measures against Parma, 427, 438.
-, offered to Queen, 466; Queen's control of, 621; proposed to give up, 679.
-, English intrigues with, 687.
-, Admiralty of, 29.
-, letters sent via, 43, 202.

Zolcker, Solcker, Zolcher, George, 122, 153, 421, 422.
-, sent to John Casimir, 41; John Casimir sending over, 142, 152.
-, allowed to export beer, 144; wants to transport wine, 145.
-, letter sent by, 155; at Frankfort, 263.
-, memorial by, 197, 198.

Zorzi, Giorgio, Luigi, 440.

Zouch, Edward Lord, at Frankfort as Mr. Welby, 264.

Zug, canton, Switzerland, alliance with Spain, 275.

Zuniga y Avellaneda, Meria de, Conde de Miranda, Spanish Viceroy of Naples, on way out, at Savona, 90; dismisses officials, 426.

Zurich, Surch, Switzerland: news from, 449.
-, agreement with Spain, 324; deputies of at conference, 422; punished captains of army in France, 618.

Zutphen [Guelders, Netherlands], good news of English near, 108; on point of surrender, 657.

Zweibrucken, Deux. Ponts, Zweburch [Bavaria, German Empire], 502.

-, Duke of. See Wolfgang.